Crimean War
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Introduction It is commonly known as the Charge of the Light
It is the time which Britain made a wrong attack. The war was fought between Britain and France. They were the allied nations against Russia. The war did not have massive significance in
Europe as minimal changes took place.
Cause of the War This war erupted because of religious conflict
of people in the holy land.
The war occurred also because large European
powers wanted to keep each other in check.
It was the first modern war. It offered first war photography. This also portrayed acts of heroism to the rest
of the world.
What led to the Crimean War? In early 19th century, Russia experienced massive
military empowerment.
This made it become a major military power. By 1850, Russia was determined to spread its
military influence to the south.
This became concern to British. At the time, Napoleon III had coerced Ottoman
Empire to acknowledge France as a sovereign state in the Holy Land.
Russia rejected this and initiated its own
diplomatic links.
It claimed to protect the interest and freedom of
Christians in the Holy Land.
This led to hostilities, causing France and Britain to
declare war against Russia.
This was in March 1854. Russia appeared ready to avoid the war, but could
not meet the conditions, which France and Britain put forward.
This meant that the simmering war was inevitable.
The First Strike In September 1854, the two allies struck Crimea, a section
of today’s Ukraine.
They targeted Sevastopol, which was home to Russia’s
naval base.
At Calamita Bay, the allied army of about 60,000 men
marched southwards.
They encountered Russian troops at River Alma. The battle ensured thereafter. The allied side managed to drive away their common
Effects Russians regrouped at Sevastopol as British
attacked Balaclava.
Attack on the town was because it could be used
by Russians as a supply zone.
The allied forces attacked Sevastopol on October
17, 1854.
They attacked the weak points of the allied
military before they were turned back by Scottish Highlanders.
During this fighting, another Russian unit took advantage of
British loopholes.
They got British guns, which were abandoned. Lord Raglan ordered his troops to stop these actions, but the
information was not well interpreted.
This led to the launch of the “Charge of the Light Brigade.” This was on wrong Russian position. The first few minutes of the battle left about 100 men dead. The encounter ended with a great loss on British side though
the standoff was still in place.
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