Occupy Wall Street Movement Presented by: http://www.essayhelpwriters.com/
Introduction Occupy Wall Street Movement began as a result
of social unrest amongst the masses. Protest that seeks to bring a radical change in the society Movement was established on 17th September, 2011 at Zuccotti in New York city.
Reasons for the movement: Economic inequalities Social inequalities Corruption Greed in USA
Moral implications at Occupy Wall Street Movement. Moral implications is that the protestors have
been reported to engage in many unethical practices during the Occupy Wall Street rallies. Moral implications are diverse. They are based on utilitarian, Kantian and virtue ethics.
Utilitarian focuses on the consequences or the
greatest good for the larger number. Kantian looks at the idea of moral duty. Asserts that an act is only better if carried out on line of duty, rather than out of a desire. Virtue ethics emphasizes the role of one’s character Virtues one’s character embodies for determining or evaluating ethical behavior. http://www.essayhelpwriters.com/
Fairness Fairness simply means proportionality. Occupy Wall Street is now watchful for signs that anybody is taking out more than whatever he or she is putting in. Care Care is one of the universal morals in Occupy Wall Street Movement. provide what is essential for something or individual’s protection and maintenance; welfare. Occupy Wall Street movement takes an interest in the citizen’s welfare. http://www.essayhelpwriters.com/
Liberty Freedom to live your life the way you want it, without interference from other people or authorities. From Kantian’s point of view, an action is always good when performed out of duty, rather than out of desires. Occupy Wall Street is a rally to convince the authorities into increasing its regulations. Loyalty An act or quality of staying firm and supporting someone
or something in the society. Occupy Wall Street Movement prove their patriotism to the weak http://www.essayhelpwriters.com/
Authority Power to make decisions and be confident that the laws are obeyed. Occupy Wall Street movement obeys each and every law to the letter. Sanctity Moral stand of sanctity based on the psychology of aversion and spirituality. http://www.essayhelpwriters.com/
Economic implication at Occupy Wall Street. Occupy Wall Street’s significant economic
implication which is economic equality. USA is a country with the largest divergence in income Rally is fighting against exploiters in the society Movement finds the foundation to base their accusations and suggest the ‘one percent’ should start paying back what they owe. http://www.essayhelpwriters.com/
Causes of inequalities in incomes. Largest divergence in income amongst the USA
citizen has been an issue since time immemorial. Causes behind this: Changes in labor’s share of income, Labor mobility, Skill-biased technical change Geographical. Differences in price indices and life expectation between the poor and the rich http://www.essayhelpwriters.com/
Conclusion Ethical fundamentals of Occupy Wall Street movement
are dependable with the following moral foundations: care, liberty, loyalty and holiness. If protesters carry on a focal point on the gross disparity of outcome in America, they get nowhere. Fairness means proportionality Americans in general think that the wealthy get rich through hard work Or by offering goods and services in a free marketplace Will not maintain redistributionist policy. http://www.essayhelpwriters.com/
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