Sky elegance

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elegance abutment

SKY elegance

Unsurpassed esthetics and reliability with BioHPP

The solution in implant prosthetics thanks to „White Shade“ and „Off-Peak“

Dark shadows in the gingival border can affect the result of implant restorations just like the trauma that is caused by frequent change of the various prosthetic parts until the restoration is integrated. The SKY elegance abutments offer innovative, esthetic and new prosthetic options for the procedure here. The SKY elegance abutments are a new type of abutments with regard to the material combination, which consists of a titanium core and a sleeve made of the high-performance polymer BioHPP. Due to their biocompatibility and mechanical properties, high-performance polymers have proven their clinical reliability in hip and spinal surgery for many years. BioHPP is an advanced product to meet special prosthetic requirements.

elegance abutment


The SKY elegance abutments with BioHPP are available as two different types: • As individual abutment, which is fabricated on the SKY elegance titanium base using the for 2 press system and the traditional modelling technique. • As a prefabricated abutment in the designs/shapes of the SKY esthetic line. To fabricate the individual abutments and achieve a natural design, the original tooth shape is remodelled on the SKY elegance titanium base and subsequently pressed over under vacuum in the for 2 press system. Vacuum pressing or industrial production of prefabricated abutments result in homogeneous bonding of titanium and BioHPP, which is completely free of gaps and offers excellent mechanical properties.



Tel. (+49) 0 73 09 / 8 72-4 40 | Fax (+49) 0 73 09 / 8 72-4 44 | | e-mail


Material properties of BioHPP


„White Shade“ Thanks to the special shade of BioHPP high-performance polymer, superior esthetics is achieved and dark shadows in the gingival border are avoided.

Possibility of individualization Using the modelling technique or milling, both the individual SKY elegance abutments and the prefabricated ones can be individualized and adapted to the natural tooth shape.

Ceramic Titanium abutments

F [N]


„Off-Peak“ Maximized shock aborption is achieved through “Off-Peak”, the cushioning property of BioHPP high-performance polymer. Stress peaks and chipping can almost be eliminated thanks to the elasticity that is similar to that of natural bone. Forces applied to the bone are reduced and the bone is exposed to limited stress only.

t [S]

High plaque resistance Thanks to the high density of BioHPP, extremely smooth surfaces are achieved and plaque accumulation can be minimized.

Lasting shade stability The lasting shade stability of BioHPP is obtained with ceramic pigments (colorants).

Bond strength according to DIN EN ISO 10477/Jena Uni Bond strength in MPa

Superior bond strength and repairability By veneering with the visio.lign system that has proven its reliability for more than 6 years, highly esthetic and durable restorations can be fabricated. However, if problems should occur, for example due to dysfunction, the restoration can be easily repaired.


40.10 38.55

40 30


*1 Source: K. Eichner. H.F. Kappert: Dental materials and how these are processed. 326-372, 1996.


1 day 37°C Mean values (after 25,000 LW) 40

38.30 38.30 27.60


30 24.10


20.90 21.60

20.20 14.30


0 Framework material


Mech. retentions without retentions

for 2 press BioHPP for 2 press BioHPP for 2 press BioHPP


Retention beads

Retention splitters

without retentions


GC Composite Primer Signum Connector

Opaquer none

combo.lign Opaquer combo.lign Opaquer Gradia Opaquer

Signum Opaque F



Veneer composite combo.lign



without retentions

CoCr alloy

Metal-ceramic system *1

without retentions




Sinfony Opaquer



Ceramic veneer


SKY elegance – individual abutments with BioHPP ic, Tsimiski

s Dental Clin

Dr. Manolaki

iki 546 22

95, Thessalon

ic s Dental Clin Dr. Manolaki Tsimiski 95 22 546 Thessaloniki 026 5359 Tel. +30 231 et manolakis.n ic Clin tal Den

Dr. Alexandros Manolakis, Thessaloniki (Greece)

own onolithic cr y use the m ate tl ic en br u fa eq fr to e will visio.lign d an In future w PP H io made of B tice. in our prac abutments storations re h ot to e singl nding hieve outsta allow to ac omic ts on en ec tm of u These ab possibility e th r ide our fe ov of pr d abled to en esthetics an e ar e w e current so that ations in th fabrication ality restor u -q h e. ig h ec h it Gre patients w ronment in onomic envi difficult ec ble ing and relia to have last to the ct pe ex e w ks Moreover, tients than s for our pa p. ga e restoration iv es h of the ad elimination

The monolithic crown abutment is fabricated individually based on the natural tooth shape. The basic shape of the abutment is modelled on the SKY elegance titanium base and BioHPP is used for pressing in the for 2 press system. The vacuum pressing process creates a mechanical bond between BioHPP and titanium, which is free from gaps, ensures permanent reliable restorations and avoids the risk of bonding in the sulcus area. Then this abutment is veneered with the novo.lign veneers, adhesive and combo.lign composite (components of the visio.lign veneering system). In this context, adhesive ensures chemical/mechanical bonding between BioHPP and combo.lign. As a result, favorably-priced and esthetic restorations are obtained. Individualization, which includes the use of crea. lign and/or visio.paint, allows to fabricate highly esthetic restorations. The fabrication, however, depends on the requests and possibilities of the individual patient.



The micrograph shows that there are no gaps between titanium and BioHPP.


A laser scan confirms the absence of any gaps.

Tel. (+49) 0 73 09 / 8 72-4 40 | Fax (+49) 0 73 09 / 8 72-4 44 | | e-mail

elegance abutment

Dr. Alexandros Manolakis, Thessaloniki (Greece)



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BioHPP as a substructure material

t oldschmid

K. & R. G, zerifiziert nach BDIZ und DGZI) Zahnärzte ntologie rpunkt Impla




ße 24, idt, Burgstra

us Goldschm

Zahnarzt Kla


Mechanical properties according to ... DIN EN ISO 10477 E-modulus

— 4,000 MPa

Flexural strength (no material failure)

— >150 MPa

Water absorption

— 6.5 µg/mm3

Water solubility

— < 0.3 µg/mm3

idt us Goldschm Zahnarzt Kla 24 Burgstraße gen Lin D 49808 -0 1 - 91655 Telefon: 059 91655 - 33 Telefax: 059 hmidt@ewe narzt-goldsc zah ail E-M rzt-goldschm http://zahna

l physiologica ave received visio.lign so far tell h o h w ts The patien ioHPP and d that s made of B very high an restoration co g mfort is thetic outcome. in ew ch e us that th out the es thusiastic ab they are en of BioHPP, ral elasticity e u at n e th due to y reliabl Moreover, permanentl ly to achieve ct paired easi re pe ex be e w h can also ic h w s n io restorat necessary. should it be e and more n type mor io at or st ck and re this tive feedba We will use on the posi d se ba re in the futu ics. characterist

Klaus Goldschmidt, Lingen (Germany)

Material-specific properties of


D 49808 Lin

Compared to all other substructure materials used in dental techniques, BioHPP is a physiological material which features elasticity similar to that of bone material and hence can also compensate load transfers to the local bone. Materials, such as gold, titanium, non-pecious metals and ceramic have a hardness that is ten times higher than the one of bone so that the passive fit needs to be achieved and checked using complex procedures, especially for large-size restorations. Thanks to the bond strength of BioHPP and the materials from the visio. lign veneering system, reliable and durable restorations can be fabricated to offer patients high chewing comfort. If restorations are damaged by parafunctions or overloading, they can be repaired easily and quickly.

Thermocycling 10,000 cycles 5°C / 55°C in accordance with DIN EN ISO 10477 E-modulus

— 4,000 MPa

Flexural strength

— >150 MPa (no material failure)

Comparison of elasticity of bone - substructure materials Logarithm depiction 1.000.000 NPM Gold



log (E-modulus)




10,000 Spongiosa








Full arch restorations, in particular, benefit from the bone-like flexibility of BioHPP.


Tel. (+49) 0 73 09 / 8 72-4 40 | Fax (+49) 0 73 09 / 8 72-4 44 | | e-mail

elegance abutment

Goldschmidt, Lingen (Germany)

novo.lign veneers are used to fabricate the substructure on the model using the traditional dental laboratory procedure. Fit and design are checked in the patient‘s mouth so that any necessary adjustments can be discussed with the patients already during this early stage of treatment. Then a matrix is prepared and the substructure is modelled and pressed subsequently in the for 2 press system. Afterwards the substructure is finished with cross-cut burs, the prosthetic caps are attached and then it is veneered with the materials of the visio.lign veneering system. Thanks to transversal screw retention, screw holes in the occlusal surface are avoided and complex sealing steps are not required. Since the transversal screw remains in the denture, the denture can be easily and quickly inserted in the mouth. The bridge is held in a permanently stable position with just a few turns (three-point fixation).


SKY elegance – prefabricated direct abutments with BioHPP


Obadan Dr. Florian Parter, rii, Bloc i 4, Strada Duna , , Alexandria 25 00 14 CP Romania Teleorman, 7.402 + 40.247.31


c i 4, Par Dunarii, Blo dan, Strada Florian Oba Romania TopDent Dr. , Teleorman, , Alexandria CP 140025

offer us new e of BioHPP ions for patients. ad m ts en The abutm te restorat for immedia possibilities same d since the s are reduce r the temporary st co t en th fo Treatm n be used bo so expect abutment ca ive restoration. We al etics. it n white esth fi dde re e and th ent of the em ov pr im noticeable ties tive proper use the posi tments, such so al ill w we abu Of course, Y elegance abricated SK -Peak“ for immediate of the pref ff ade“ and „O as „White Sh ions in the future. at or st re implant

Dr. Florian Obadan, TopDent, Alexandria (Romania)

The traditional protocol in implant dentisty including implant insertion with submerged healing, incision and insertion of the gingival former, impression and integration of the definitive abutment result in traumatization of the gingiva during each step since the gingiva that is adapted to the component is damaged. In such cases, immediate insertion of the titanium abutment is contraindicated since direct force transmission that is not reduced may jeopardize osseointegration.

0° and 15° angled abutments in the diameters S, M and L are available, which can be easily individualized in the mouth. Additionally, the XL abutment for individual tooth-shaped abutments is available, which can be quickly shaped to obtain the desired design using cross-cut tungsten carbide burs.

Currently, the prefabricated SKY elegance abutments are prefabricated individually in the laboratory. Prefabricated industrial SKY elegance abutments will be available from January 2014.


The „Off-Peak“ cushioning property of BioHPP on the SKY elegance abutments offers the opportunity to attach the definitive restorations immediately to the implants since - due to the reduction of forces applied to the implant - stress peaks are minimized and the local bone is exposed to lower stress. The prefabricated SKY elegance abutments can be integrated immediately after surgery. Permanent stability of the screw retention of the abutment in the implant is ensured by the screw seating in the titanium base. First a composite material is used to fabricate the temporary restoration which should be left in the mouth at least 2 or 3 months. Then the definitive restoration is fabricated. The temporary is removed for this purpose. Now the gingival line can be checked and, if required, the emergence profile of the SKY elegance abutment can be adapted. Afterwards the impression is taken with the abutment in place just like for a natural prepared tooth. The familiar materials, such as ceramics, metal ceramics or the visio.lign system can be used for the fabrication of the definitive crown.

Tel. (+49) 0 73 09 / 8 72-4 40 | Fax (+49) 0 73 09 / 8 72-4 44 | | e-mail

elegance abutment

The rest of the tooth is carefully extracted in a way to make sure that the vestibular bone lamella is preserved.

Then the implant is placed in the esthetic region.

The suitable prefabricated SKY elegance abutment can be selected and inserted.

Then the gingiva is sutured back up.

Fabrication of the temporary restoration.

The patient leaves the clinic and the esthetic appearance is almost unimpaired.

Dr. Florian Obadan, TopDent, Alexandria (Romania)



BioHPP for telescopic restorations




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WEISS DR. MICHAEL ISS DR. MARGIT WE TERBUSCH DR. ELLEN RIT ER AXEL SCHRÖD UND PARTNER am Rathaus t • Zahnärzte tal concep nau OPUS•DC den • D-89073 Ulm/Do 74 Neue Straße

• Ulm

for tly suitable s are perfec their n n io at ea cl or st to re e not able Telescopic ar o h w ts patien numerous s properly. restoration

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t ntal concep OPUS•DC de Rathaus • Ulm am Zahnärzte 74 e Neue Straß /Donau D-89073 Ulm14016-23 1 Tel. +49 73 96871-29 1 Fax +49 73 marketing@ www.opus-d

Dr. Michael Weiss, Ulm (Germany)

Telescopic restorations represent a proven method to enable the fabrication of removable restorations that are easy to care and still firmly anchored. The high resistance to abrasion of BioHPP ensures lasting and reliable retention of the prosthetic restoration. The primary telescopes can be modelled individually without major effort independent of the fact whether the basis is formed by natural teeth or implant abutments. Afterwards the pressed primary telescopes can be easily and quickly parallelized with crosscut tungsten carbide burs. Highly esthetic veneering of the secondary parts can be achieved in combination with the visio.lign veneering system. Moreover, the flexibility of the material allows safe and durable connection of implants and natural teeth. The soft bite ensures high chewing comfort.


Tel. (+49) 0 73 09 / 8 72-4 40 | Fax (+49) 0 73 09 / 8 72-4 44 | | e-mail

elegance abutment

Dr. Michael Weiss, Ulm (Germany)


BioHPP for bar restorations tr. 196 und-Weber-S | praxis.gruessel@t-o narzt | Edm tschland Grüßel Zah estfalen, Deu Praxis Ingo n-W hei rdr | No 44651 Herne

narzt Grüßel Zah Praxis Ingo eber-Str. 196 Edmund-W 44651 Herne falen est Nordrhein-W Deutschland el@t-onlin praxis.gruess

h bar t cases wit rious patien e va Th ed y. or da st up until to We have re ing of BioHPP e ew ad ch m e s th re dentu sed about al and easy e very plea n and remov patients ar io at gr te in mple comfort, si . the denture cleaning of

Ingo Grüßel (dentist), Herne (Germany)

Primary splinted bar restorations on a limited number of implants, such as those fabricated with the SKY fast & fixed therapeutic concept, represent an option that has been successfully tested over many years to provide older patients with durable, fixed and stable prosthetic restorations, in particular in the atrophied jaw. Moreover they ensure perfect support of lips and cheeks. The milled bar avoids tilting of the denture when it is exposed to loading. Since there are no sufficient data about the suitability of BioHPP as a bar material yet, we currently recommend the exclusive use as a substructure material for the fabrication of the secondary structure. The abrasion resistance of BioHPP in combination with all bar materials is highly impressive, regardless whether non-precious or precious metal alloys are used.

The translucency that is achieved by the special shade of BioHPP enhances the esthetic appearance of the restoration.


Tel. (+49) 0 73 09 / 8 72-4 40 | Fax (+49) 0 73 09 / 8 72-4 44 | | e-mail

elegance abutment

Ingo GrĂźĂ&#x;el (dentist), Herne (Germany) Martin Heinrichs (MDT), Bochum (Germany)


Bestellinformation Ordering information - bredent for 2 press and BioHPP


Contents 1 x for 2 press pneumatic vacuum press device 1 x for 2 press mould (mould system, consisting of mould plate size 3/16 mm and silicone ring) 35 x 210 g Brevest for 2 press investment material incl. 1000 ml Bresol for 2 press liquid 25 x for 2 press filler (disposable press plunger size 16 mm for pressing the material into the mould) 20 g BioHPP, thermoplastic high-performance resin

REF 540 F2PB 2 BioHPP (granulate) 20 g

REF 540 F2PB 4 BioHPP (pellet) 75 g, 5 pieces

REF 540 F2PB 3 BioHPP (granulate) 100 g

REF 540 F2PB 5 BioHPP (pellet) 150 g, 10 pieces

REF 570 F2PV 1 Brevest for 2 press carton with approx. 7.35 kg incl. 1000 ml Bresol for 2 press

REF 520 F2PL 1

Bresol for 2 press liquid 1000 ml liquid for brevest for 2 press investment material

Tel. (+49) 0 73 09 / 8 72-4 40 | Fax (+49) 0 73 09 / 8 72-4 44 | | e-mail

Fig. not to scale. Subject to errors and changes.

REF 140 0060 1 for 2 press Basic Set This set contains basic equipment for immediate work. Based on the size of the model, the for 2 press Basic Set is sufficient for 5–7 press processes and contains all of the necessary materials.


Ordering information - bredent medical


SKY elegance individual abutments REF SKYETB00

5.8 5,8 mm

3.0 mm 3,0

SKY elegance titanium base incl. screw 2.2

3.5 3,5 mm

SKY elegance prefabricated abutments

SKY elegance S 0° abutment incl. screw 2.2

5.5 mm


SKY elegance M 0° abutment incl. screw 2.2


SKY elegance M 15° abutment incl. screw 2.2


SKY elegance L 0° abutment incl. screw 2.2

9.4 mm


9.4 mm

4.5 mm

m ble fro Availa 2014 y Januar


3.5 mm

3.5 mm

SKY elegance S 15° abutment incl. screw 2.2

5.5 mm 9.4 mm


3.5 mm

SKY elegance XL 0° abutment incl. screw 2.2

7 mm 9.4 mm


3.5 mm


SKY elegance Abutments for ultimate esthetics

Other offers that may be of interest to you SYSTEM

SKY fast & ďŹ xed

- The new class of materials in prosthetics

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15:55 Uhr

Seite 1

For clear shapes and absolute stability.

Extraction - Implantation - Immediate fixed bridge

Physiological, aesthetical, durable

REF 000 200 GB

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bredent medical GmbH & Co.KG Weissenhorner Str. 2 | 89250 Senden | Germany Tel. (+49) 0 73 09 / 8 72-4 40 Fax (+49) 0 73 09 / 8 72-4 44 e-mail Subject to errors and changes 000769GB-20130917

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