Passion to Purpose with eDynamic Learning
The eDynamic Learning curriculum was impactful in helping me sharpen my skills in all areas of understanding the tech industry. The curriculum had tools and resources that also provided guidance on various skills and character development, to ensure that my chosen career path was asuccess.
The eDynamic Learning curriculum taught me how to develop soft-skills that would be needed for a professionaljob in the tech-related industry, and how to find these jobs. One main section of the curriculum that helped were instructions on how to draft and assemble a digital portfolio of my best work product. In addition, to be self-critical and analyze myown work objectively, and knowing how to present them in a constructive format. The program alsohad sections that provided guidance on how to present myself on a website, and make my skills both marketable and visible topotential employers.
My career plans are to become a Forensic Pathologist, which utilizes new advancement in technology. The eDynamic Learning curriculum helped me identify and get clarity on what skills are needed in the field of forensic science. The eDynamic Learning program helped immenselyin learning how to write and analyze code, also an overview of the different types of programming languages; and knowing how to apply them uniquely. This demonstrated that learning new concepts and skills in technology requires my ability to adapt and evolve with the latest tech developments inforensic science. This allowed me to improve my own portfolio, and get clarityon how to fulfill my goal in obtaining a job inforensic science.
The eDynamic Learning courses were helpfulin identifying the soft skills that I needed in my chosen career. The first, being the ability to continue to learn. Science is always evolving and making huge leaps in our understanding of the world, which has been compounded through technology. In order to keep up in forensic science, I would need to always keep learning new