eDynamic Learning Course Title: Forensic Science 1 & 2

State: AL
State Course Title: State Course Code: Forensic Science and Crime Scene Investigation
State Standards: Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security
Date of Standards: 2020
Percentage of Course Aligned: 100%
Introduction to Forensic Science
1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to describe the role of forensic science and evidence collection from historical cases in the criminal justice system.
2. Apprise the different types of forensic science laboratories and professional organizations.
3. Apply concepts of the scientific method to forensic science and to crime scene investigations.
Physical Evidence
4. Classify physical evidence based on how it is produced.
5. Plan and carry out an investigation to determine the value of physical and trace evidence.
6. Use models for the evaluation of handwriting and document evidence.
7. Construct explanations from collections of evidence, using various pathological and anthropological techniques.
8. Develop and use mathematical models to estimate height from bone length.
9. Distinguish between admissible and inadmissible scientific and technical evidence supplied by expert witnesses in criminal cases.
Forensic Science 1 Unit 1: Introduction to Forensic Science Lesson 3 Students explore the history of forensics Critical Thinking 2
Forensic Science 2 Unit 4: Paint, Soil and Trace Evidence Lessons 1-5 Discuss the process followed from collecting evidence to recording and testing to solve a case. Critical Thinking 1-5, Lab, Activity
Standard is also met consistently throughout the course as it is integrated into course pedagogy. Fully Met
Forensic Science 1 Unit 5: Firearms and Tool Marks Lesson 3 Students learn how concepts of Physics and the scientific method shape forensic evidence Critical Thinking 2 Fully
Forensic Science 1 Unit 2: The Crime Scene Lesson 5 Students demonstrate how to collect and preserve evidence Lab
Forensic Science 2 Unit 1: Drug Evidence Lesson 3
Describe the steps taken to safely and accurately collect evidence, such as using gloves, plastic bags for evidence.
Critical Thinking 1-5, Lab
Forensic Science 1 Unit 2: The Crime Scene Lesson 5 Students learn the importance of forensic documents Activity
Forensic Science 1 Unit 6: Human Remains Lesson 3 Students learn how skeletal remains contribute to forensics
Forensic Science 2 Unit 6: Forensic Anthropology Unit 6: Lesson 1; Unit 7: Lesson 1
Critical Thinking 4
Discuss how skeletal remains can determine a person's identity and reconstruct a crime. Activity
Forensic Science 1 Unit 4: Physical Evidence, Hair, Blood and Fingerprints Lesson 3 Students examine presumptive and confirmatory evidence
This standard is covered throughout the course. Fully Met
Fully Met
Fully Met
Fully Met
Fully Met
Critical Thinking 5
This standard is covered several places in the course.
Fully Met
Crime Scene Procedures, Techniques, and Analysis
10. Explain the differences between processing and analyzing evidence.
Forensic Science 1 Unit 2: The Crime Scene Lesson 5 Students demonstrate how to collect and preserve evidence Lab This standard is covered throughout the course.
11. Analyze and interpret data from different types of crime scene evidence to determine which forensic crime lab unit would have responsibility. Example: soil, blood spatter, shoe print, hair, computer, glass, pills, fibers
12. Construct an explanation of how scientific forensic techniques used in collecting and submitting evidence for admissibility in court have evolved over time.
13. Plan and carry out investigations using the scientific protocols for analyzing a crime scene. Example: Set perimeter, search, isolate, collect evidence, photograph, sketch, and record.
14. Construct an argument from evidence explaining the relevance of possible evidence at a site of an investigation.
15. Develop models to analyze and communicate information obtained from the crime scene. Example: Properly document and sketch a crime scene.
Forensic Science 2 Unit 6: Forensic Anthropology Lesson 3
Define the term forensic "odontology" as dentistry and how identification of dental remains can help solve cases involving fire and explosions.
Fully Met
Review 2
Fully Met
Forensic Science 1
Unit 1: Introduction to Forensic Science Lesson 3 Students explore the history and evolution of forensics Critical Thinking 2
Forensic Science 2 Unit 6: Forensic Anthropology Lessons 2-5
Describe the step by step investigation procedure that a forensic anthropologist followed to identify skeletal remains at a crime scene.
Critical Thinking 1-5, Activity
Standard is also met consistently throughout the course as it is integrated into course pedagogy.
Forensic Science 1 Unit 1: Introduction to Forensic Science Lesson 4 Students explore basic concepts of investigation. Critical Thinking 4 This standard is covered throughout the course.
Forensic Science 2 Unit 3: Forgeries and Document Examination Lessons 2-6
Describe how document examiners compare handwriting for alterations, forgeries and counterfeiting.
Fully Met
Fully Met
Fully Met
16. Plan and carry out an investigation to use antigens and antibodies to determine blood type and to identify crime suspect(s) based on the results.
17. Gather and share information about forensic identification of body fluids.
18. Summarize important considerations in forensic investigation of sexual assault.
19. Analyze and interpret DNA evidence to match a suspect to biological samples, identifying conditions and/or situations where errors commonly occur, and cite reasons for possible errors.
20. Collect and preserve biological evidence for DNA analysis.
21. Differentiate among blood-borne pathogens and describe their effects on the human body.
Forensic Science 1
Forensic Science 2
Forensic Science 2
Unit 4: Physical Evidence, Hair, Blood and Fingerprints
Review 1-5, Critical Thinking 1-5, Lab, Activity, Discussion 2
Lesson 3 Students analyze the role of blood splatter Activity
Unit 2: Forensic Toxicology Lesson 3 Working with blood evidence
Unit 8: Computers and the Future of Forensic Science Lessons 3-6
Discuss the use of DNA as evidence in solving a crime, define the term 'phenotyping'
Fully Met
Fully Met
Forensic Science 2
Forensic Science 2
Unit 8: Computers and the Future of Forensic Science Lessons 3-6
Unit 8: Computers and the Future of Forensic Science Lessons 3-6
Discuss the use of DNA as evidence in solving a crime, define the term 'phenotyping'
Discuss the use of DNA as evidence in solving a crime, define the term 'phenotyping'
Critical Thinking 2
Critical Thinking 5, Activity, Discussion 1
Critical Thinking 5, Activity, Discussion 1
Critical Thinking 5, Activity, Discussion 1
Forensic Science 2 Unit 2: Forensic Toxicology Lesson 3 Working with blood evidence Critical Thinking 2
Fully Met
Fully Met
Fully Met
Fully Met
Fully Met
Arson and Explosives Investigations
35. Compare types of combustion reactions and give examples. Forensic Science 1 Unit 8: Arson and Explosion Evidence Lesson 5 IMS testing for explosions, types of combustion reactions Lab
36. Analyze burn patterns in the investigation of fire scenes.
37. Gather, evaluate, and share information on methods for recovery and analysis of residues of ignitable liquids.
38. Classify explosives and explosions based on their characteristics.
Forensic Science 1 Unit 8: Arson of Explosion Evidence Lesson 3 Analyzing arson evidence Critical Thinking 1, 2
Forensic Science 1 Unit 8: Arson and Explosion Evidence Lesson 3 Ignitable liquids analysis Critical Thinking 1, 2
Forensic Science 1 Unit 8: Arson and Explosion Evidence Lesson 4 Classifying explosives
39. Assess cybersecurity tools, techniques, and technologies. Forensic Science 2 Unit 7: Digital Evidence Lessons 2-5 Cybersecurity methods and uses Lab
40. Analyze basic computer evidence recovery techniques. Forensic Science 2 Unit 7: Digital Evidence Lesson 2 Procedures for collecting data evidence from computers, databases, the cloud and more
41. Demonstrate strategies for starting and managing a network intrusion investigation.
42. Assess methods of mobile device seizure and evidence recovery.
43. Create incident reports and forensic laboratory analysis reports.
44. Cite evidence and provide oral testimony in actual or simulated situations.
Forensic Science 2 Unit 7: Digital Evidence Activity
Create presentation detailing basics of conducting a digital forensic investigation
Forensic Science 2 Unit 7: Digital Evidence Lesson 3
Review 5; Critical Thinking 4, 5
Forensic Science 2 Unit 4: Paint, Soil, and Trace Evidence Activity
Forensic Science 2 Unit 8: Computers and the Future of Forensic Science Activity
Activity Fully Met
Activity Fully Met