State: AL
State Course Title: International Business Concepts State Course Code:
eDynamic Learning Course Title: International Business State Standards: Business Management and Administration
Date of Standards: 2021
Percentage of Course Aligned: 100%
Foundational Standards
1. Incorporate safety procedures in handling, operating, and maintaining tools and machinery; handling materials; utilizing personal protective equipment; maintaining a safe work area; and handling hazardous materials and forces.
2. Demonstrate effective workplace and employability skills, including communication, awareness of diversity, positive work ethic, problem-solving, time management, and teamwork.
3. Explore the range of careers available in the field and investigate their educational requirements, and demonstrate jobseeking skills including resume-writing and interviewing.
4. Advocate and practice safe, legal, responsible, and ethical use of information and technology tools specific to the industry pathway.

5. Participate in a Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) to increase knowledge and skills and to enhance leadership and teamwork.
the 21st Century
International Business: Global Commerce in the 21st Century
International Business: Global Commerce in the 21st Century
International Business: Global Commerce in the 21st Century
Cultural Influences
4 Students recognize the importance of effective communication
1: Introduction to Global Commerce Lesson 3
Students learn how to prepare for a career in business
Unit 5: International Legal Agreements Lesson 5
Unit 1: Introduction to Global Commerce Lesson 3
Students analyze the legal and ethical standards that govern international business
Students learn essential tools, organizations and education for careers in global business
6. Discuss and demonstrate ways to value diversity.
International Business: Global Commerce in the 21st Century
Unit 6: Cultural Influences Lesson 5
Students recognize the need to embrace diversity
This standard is covered throughout the course
1. Describe the relationship between globalization and international business. a. Explain why companies engage in international business and the factors that encourage its growth.
b. Gather and share information on the expansion of technology and its effects on the global economy.
Global Economics
2. Compare and contrast economic measurements and statistics, including gross domestic product (GDP), gross national income, human development index, and inflation rates, in various countries around the globe.
3. Gather and share information on how countries rate according to the Index of Economic Freedom. a. Describe the factors used in ranking countries on the Index of Economic Freedom.
International Business: Global Commerce in the 21st Century Unit 3: Regional Trade Lesson 3
Students identify challenges and factors in global business Critical Thinking 4 This standard is covered several places in the course.
International Business: Global Commerce in the 21st Century Unit 4: Trade Relations Lesson 3
Students examine and weigh factors that shape the economics of global trade Lab
Unit 2: International Finance Lesson 2 Students example factors that influence economics Review 2
4. Compare and contrast types of marketing orientation, including production, sales, and customer orientations. a. Differentiate between strategic and societal marketing.
International Business: Global Commerce in the 21st Century Unit 4: Trade Relations Lesson 2
5. Gather and share information on how multinational companies increase profitability, citing specific examples. a. Describe how the economic environment of a country affects its attractiveness to foreign investors.
6. Gather, evaluate, and share information on foreign direct investment. a. Describe factors that make investing in a foreign company attractive to investors. b. Describe positive and negative consequences experienced by a host country as a result of foreign direct investment.
International Business: Global Commerce in the 21st Century
Unit 2: International Finance Lesson 3
Students examine different economic systems Lab Fully Met
Global Supply Chain
8. Assess how product quality affects the global supply chain. a. Explain how political factors influence the global supply chain.
International Business: Global Commerce in the 21st Century Unit 2: International Finance Lesson 2
Students example factors that influence economics, such as investments Review 2
Fully Met
International Business: Global Commerce in the 21st Century
Unit 6: Cultural Influences Lesson 5
Students explain how to use technology to facilitate international travel and business Critical Thinking 1-5 Fully Met
9. Explain the role of inventory management in the global supply chain.
International Business: Global Commerce in the 21st Century Unit 4: Trade Relations Lesson 2
International Business: Global Commerce in the 21st Century
Students consider various elements of production, such as quality assurance protocols. Students examine the implications of politics on trade
Fully Met
Unit 2: International Finance Lesson 5
Students examine import and export procedures Discussion 1 Fully Met
10. Gather, evaluate, and share information on international business ethics and global corporate ethical behaviors. a. Evaluate the behaviors of selected multinational enterprises in foreign countries to determine whether those behaviors are ethical. b. Explain how the Corruption Perceptions Index is created and utilized. c. Discuss international companies’ code of conduct policies.
11. Describe the growth of direct marketing, including Internet or ecommerce marketing.
12. Explain the different types of trade barriers and their economic effects.
13. Explain the functions of the foreign exchange market.
14. Identify the major determinants of exchange rates. a. Describe how exchange-rate movements influence business decisions. b. Explain how companies show foreign-currency transactions on financial statements.
15. Interpret accounting standards required by United States stock market regulators. a. Explain major reporting issues for financial statements. Examples: language, currency, financial statement format, accounting principles
16. Describe how cross-border trade and movement of resources impact national economies.