AL Alignment: Middle School Coding 1a/1b

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Title: Introduction to Programming

1. Incorporate safety procedures in handling, operating, and maintaining tools and machinery; handling materials; utilizing personal protective equipment; maintaining a safe work area; and handling hazardous materials and forces.

2. Demonstrate effective workplace and employability skills, including communication, awareness of diversity, positive work ethic, problem-solving, time management, and teamwork.

3. Explore the range of careers available in the field and investigate their educational requirements, and demonstrate jobseeking skills including resume-writing and interviewing.

4. Advocate and practice safe, legal, responsible, and ethical use of information and technology tools specific to the industry pathway.

1b: U6L4: Exploring careers in the technology field, including investigating job requirements and practicing job-seeking skills

1a: U1L5: Understanding safety, ethics, legality and personal responsibility when using digital tools

1b: Unit 6: Critical Thinking #1

1a: Unit 1:

5. Participate in a Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) to increase knowledge and skills and to enhance leadership and teamwork.

6. Discuss and demonstrate ways to value diversity

Standards Course Title. (a or b), if applicable, e.g. Game Design 1a Unit Name(s) Lesson(s) Numbers How Standard is Taught How Standard is Assessed Comments Standard Rating (Fully Met / Partially Met / Not Met)
Middle School Coding 1a: Introduction 1a: Unit 1: Crack the Code! 1a: Unit 1: Lesson 5 1a: U1L5: Understanding safety and responsibility when using digital tools 1a: Unit 1: Critical Thinking #1, 2 Fully Met
Middle School Coding 1a: Introduction 1a: Unit 1: Crack the Code! 1a: Unit 1: Lesson 5 1a: U1L5:
1a: Unit 1: Discussion 1, Discussion 2 This
Fully Met
Recognizing employability and workplace skills, including communication and diversity awareness
standard is also addressed throughout the course as it is integrated into course pedagogy
Middle School Coding 1b: Learning Python and JavaScript 1b: Unit 6: Become a Master Exterminator! 1b:
Lesson 4
Fully Met
Introduction 1a: Unit 1:
Code! 1a: Unit 1: Lesson 5
School Coding 1a:
Crack the
Critical Thinking #1, 2 Middle School Coding 1b: Learning Python and JavaScript 1b: Unit 5: Buttons and Gadgets 1b: Unit 5: Lesson 4 1b: U5L4: Understanding netiquette and digital safety 1b: Unit 5: Discussion 1, Discussion 2 Fully Met
Middle School Coding 1a: Introduction 1a: Unit 5: Snake Charmer 1a: Unit 5: Lesson 4 1a: U5L4: Exploring leadership qualities and teamwork 1a: Unit 5: Critical Thinking #4, Activity 3 CTSO participation not specifically required within course structure Partially Met
Middle School Coding 1a: Introduction 1a: Unit 1: Crack the Code! 1a: Unit 1: Lesson 5 1a: U1L5: Understanding the value of diversity in relationship to technology and tech careers 1a: Unit 1: Discussion 1 Fully Met
of Standards: 2021
of Course Aligned:
Course Code:
School Coding 1a
Business Management and Administration Date
AL State
eDynamic Learning Course Title: Middle

Programming and Development

1. Research differences and similarities among various programming languages.

2. Construct digital projects using a variety of object-based or language-based programming tools.

3. Gather information about opportunities and roles on software development teams.

4. List classifications of computerized entertainment and give examples of each type.

5. Gather and share information on end user and creative perspective of software development.

6. Demonstrate problem-solving and analytical skills while using the design process and correcting programming mistakes.

Web Design

7. Demonstrate how websites and web browsers interact with one another on the Internet.

8. Create a business web page.

Activity 2: Creating a program including a variable to keep score of a student-generated quiz game, using functions to allow more than one correct

addressed throughout


as it is integrated into course pedagogy

Middle School Coding 1a: Introduction 1a: Unit 4: It’s All Greek to Me! 1a: Unit 4: Lesson 2 1a: U4L2: Comparing programming languages 1a: Unit 4: Critical Thinking #1, 2 Fully Met
Middle School Coding 1a: Introduction 1a: Unit 6: Flexing Our Python Muscles! 1a: Unit 6: Activity 2 1a: Unit 6:
answer 1a: Unit 6: Activity
Fully Met
2 This standard is fully
Middle School Coding
Middle School Coding 1a: Introduction 1a: Unit 5: Snake Charmer 1a: Unit 5: Lesson 4 1a: U5L4: Exploring
development teams and setting goals for teams 1a: Unit 5: Critical Thinking #4, Activity 3 Fully Met
Middle School Coding 1b: Learning Python and JavaScript 1b: Unit 2: Plan the Code, Code the Plan 1b: Unit 2: Lesson 2 1b: U2L2:
1b: Unit 2: Critical Thinking #3, 5 Fully Met
Understanding gaming and how to plan a computerized adventure game
Middle School Coding 1a: Introduction 1a: Unit 4: It’s All Greek to Me! 1a: Unit 4: Lesson 3, Activity 2 1a: LessonU4 Activity 2: Developing software with a top-down and bottom-up approach 1a: Unit 4: Activity 2 Fully Met
Middle School Coding 1a: Introduction 1a: Unit 3: Let’s Play! 1a: Unit 3: Activity 3 1a: U3: Activity 3: Debugging a program 1a: Unit 3: Activity 3 Middle School Coding 1b: Learning Python and JavaScript 1b: Unit 6: Become a Master Exterminator! 1b: Unit 6: Activity 1 1b: U6 Activity 1: Utilizing techniques to be both proactive and reactive to bugs 1b: Unit 6: Activity 1 Fully Met
Middle School Coding 1b: Learning Python and JavaScript 1b: Unit 3: Build a Web Page 1b: Unit 3: Lesson 1 1b: U3L1: Explaining the difference between the internet and the World Wide Web, understanding how websites are transferred from servers to computers 1b: Unit 3: Critical Thinking #2, 3, 4 Fully Met
Middle School Coding 1b: Learning Python and JavaScript 1b: Unit 3: Build a Web Page 1b: Unit 3: Activity 2 1b: Unit 3: Activity 2: Creating a web page 1b: Unit 3: Activity 2 Fully Met

Digital Culture

17. Identify methods that businesses and their employees can use to secure data on line.

18. Evaluate the different modes of social engineering and determine how they affect society. Examples: phishing, hoaxes, spoofing, baiting

19. Promote positive, safe, legal, and ethical behavior online. Example: Create a brochure to advocate good digital citizenship.

20. Describe the impact of data permanence on personal and professional digital identity.

21. Analyze current events, and compare and contrast the scope, emphases, and biases of information available from digital sources across the globe.

22. Examine the role of censorship and bias in society and global culture.

23. Explain the importance of using assistive technologies to produce a product.

24. Contrast the positive and negative impacts of artificial intelligence in industry.

Unit 6: Activity 2: Conducting research from various digital sources and using a simulation to analyze and present how various actions and industries affect the earth’s

Understanding the role of bias in information sharing and how to discern purpose

Middle School Coding 1b: Learning Python and JavaScript 1b: Unit 5: Buttons and Gadgets 1b: Unit 5: Lesson 3 1b: U5L3: Identifying importance and methods of securing data online 1b: Unit 5: Critical Thinking #3 Fully Met
Middle School Coding 1a: Introduction 1a: Unit 1: Crack the Code! 1a: Unit 1: Lesson 5 1a: U1L5: Recognizing and comparing computer manipulation crimes 1a: Unit 1: Critical Thinking #1, 2 Fully Met
Middle School Coding 1a: Introduction 1a: Unit 2: There’s Nothing “Soft” about Software! 1a: Unit 2: Activity 2 1a: U2 Activity 2: Researching and presenting information relating to potential problems of digital culture 1a: Unit 2: Activity 2 Middle School Coding 1b: Learning Python and JavaScript 1b: Unit 5: Buttons and Gadgets 1b: Unit 5: Lesson 4 1b: U5L4: Understanding ethical and safe behavior online 1b: Unit 5: Discussion 2 Fully Met
Middle School Coding 1a: Introduction 1a: Unit 2:
Software! 1a: Unit 2: Activity 1 1a: U2
and the
of big data 1a: Unit 2: Activity 1 Fully Met
There’s Nothing
Activity 1:
collected about individuals
Middle School Coding 1b: Learning Python
1b: Unit 6:
Exterminator! 1b: Unit 6: Activity 2 1b:
1b: Unit 6: Activity 2 Fully Met
and JavaScript
Become a Master
Middle School Coding 1b: Learning Python and JavaScript 1b: Unit 2: Plan the Code, Code the Plan 1b: Unit 2: Lesson 4 1b: U2L4:
motives 1b: Unit 2: Activity 1 Fully Met
Middle School Coding 1b: Learning Python and JavaScript 1b: Unit 5: Buttons and Gadgets 1b: Unit 5: Lesson 4 1b: U5L4: Understanding accessibility and assistive technologies 1b: Unit 5: Critical Thinking #1 Fully Met
Middle School Coding 1a: Introduction 1a: Unit 2: There’s Nothing “Soft” about Software! 1a: Unit 2: Lesson 1 1a: U2L1: Recognizing current and future industry trends 1a: Unit 2: Discussion 2 Fully Met

Systems and Modeling

25. Explain networks and specific set-ups needed for a business environment.

26. Determine effective cyber security methods for protecting a company. Examples: password requirements, encryption, building security

27. Diagram a model that represents a system inside a company. Examples: supply and demand, a new business model, company organizational chart

Middle School Coding 1a: Introduction 1a: Unit 2: There’s Nothing “Soft” about Software! 1a: Unit 2: Activity 3 1a: U2 Activity 3: Analyzing set-ups for different businesses and making professional recommendations 1a: Unit 2: Activity 3 Fully Met
Middle School Coding 1b: Learning Python and JavaScript 1b: Unit 5: Buttons and Gadgets 1b: Unit 5: Lesson 3 1b: U5L3: Identifying importance of security including password protection and layers of verification 1b: Unit 5: Critical Thinking #3 Fully Met
Middle School Coding 1a: Introduction 1a: Unit 4: It’s All Greek to Me! 1a: Unit 4: Activity 1 1a: Unit 4: Activity 1: Visualizing using flowcharts 1a: Unit 4: Activity 1 Fully Met 28. Create a simulation to test a model Middle School Coding 1b: Learning Python and JavaScript 1b: Unit 6: Become a Master Exterminator! 1b: Unit 6: Lesson 3 1b: U6L3: Describing how models and simulations help us analyze and solve problems 1b: Unit 6: Activity 2 Fully Met

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