eDynamic Learning Course Title: Veterinary Science

State: AL
State Course Title: Introduction to Veterinary Science
State Course Code:
State Standards: Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Date of Standards: 2021
Percentage of Course Aligned: 100%
1. Identify safety precautions, procedures, and equipment used by veterinary personnel for handling animals.
Veterinary Science Unit 1: Introduction to Veterinary Science Lesson 3
Laboratory research into viruses and bacteria affecting animals and humans, safety protocols Review 2, 3
2. Discuss the health risks of zoonotic diseases to humans and the historical significance of each disease.
Veterinary Science Unit 3: Large Animal Medicine Lesson 5
3. Define types of hazards common in the veterinary hospital. Veterinary Science Unit 1: Introduction to Veterinary Science Lesson 3
4. Determine the appropriate safety precautions for a given scenario and how to locate important safety information. Examples: material safety data sheets, personal protective equipment
Animal Welfare
5. Describe responsible animal ownership and management.
Veterinary Science Unit 1: Introduction to Veterinary Science Lesson 3
Describe how vaccinations can be administered to prevent infection and the spread of disease
Laboratory research into viruses and bacteria affecting animals and humans, safety protocols
Laboratory research into viruses and bacteria affecting animals and humans, safety protocols
Critical Thinking 4, Lab Fully
Review 2, 3
Veterinary Science Unit 3: Large Animal Medicine Lessons 1-5
Review 2, 3
6. Discuss the relationship between animal rights and animal welfare.
Veterinary Science Unit 1: Introduction to Veterinary Science Lessons 4, 5
Discuss the general care and needs of various types of farm animals, horses, pigs, cows
Discuss the education and training of a veterinarian and the obligation to communicate effectively with customers and adhere to the Veterinary Oath.
Critical Thinking 1-5, Lab Fully Met
Veterinary Calculations
7. Apply mathematical skills in the field of veterinary science, including drug dosages, feed rations, conversions, dilutions, and calculations that would commonly be used in a veterinary hospital, and in procedures used in managing the veterinary office, including invoices, cost calculations, and payroll.
Veterinary Science Unit 1: Introduction to Veterinary Science Lesson 4
Describing veterinary career specialties including financial management, and different labor markets, such as the federal government, private practice, research labs, etc.
Critical Thinking 1, 2, Discussion 1
Fully Met
Critical Thinking 3, 4
Fully Met
Animal Breed Identification
8. Differentiate among major animal breeds and the specific temperament and behavioral characteristics of each breed.
Anatomy and Physiology
9. Describe the body systems of vertebrate animals and the function of each system.
10. Define directional anatomical terms.
Animal Health
11.Identify disease-prevention procedures that ensure animal health. Examples: immunizations, biosecurity, herd-health plans, trimming hooves a. Describe normal and abnormal parameters of animal health. Examples: heart rate, body temperature, body condition scores, respiratory rate, FAMACHA scores
12. Demonstrate clinical procedures for administering vaccinations and medications.
Laws and Regulations
13. Summarize federal, state, and local laws that regulate policies and procedures in veterinary medicine pertaining to animal rights and welfare, professional licensing, and veterinary liability, including applicable regulations issued by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Environmental Protection Agency, and Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
Veterinary Science Unit 3: Large Animal Medicine Lessons 1-5
Discuss the care of and breeding methods of various types of farm animals, horses, pigs, cows
Veterinary Science Unit 2 - Small Animal Medicine Lesson 6 Describe the process of digestion in small animals, the digestive system Review 2, 4,
Veterinary Science: The Care of Animals Unit 2: Small Animal Medicine Lesson 5: Endocrine Diseases
Veterinary Science Unit 1: Introduction to Veterinary Science Unit
7: Zoonotic Diseases
Unit 1 - Lessons 3, 5 Unit 7Lessons 1-5
Veterinary Science Unit 3: Large Animal Medicine Lesson 5
Veterinary Science Unit 1: Introduction to Veterinary Science Lesson 4
Understanding diseases of the endocrine system, such as diabetes and hyperthyroidism Review question 5, Critical
Unit 1 - Explore the latest trends in technology such as biosecurity and genetic engineering; Unit 7Describe how virus' work and the research that exists to study avian flu.
Describe how vaccinations can be administered to prevent infection and the spread of disease
questions 2, 5
Describing veterinary career specialties including financial management, and different labor markets, such as the federal government, private practice, research labs, etc.