Career: Computer Numeric Control (CNC) Operators/Machinists set up and operate a variety of CNC and mechanically controlled machine tools to produce precision metal, plastic, and other materials to make parts, instruments, and tools
Lesson: This lesson plan includes ways to introduce students to the career of a Computer Numeric Control (CNC) Operator/Machinist through understanding what CNC and mechanically controlled machines are and what they make.
Grade Level: High School
Learning Objectives:
〉 Students will explore the career of a CNC Operator and how they program machines to create a part or tool.
〉 Students will learn about Computer Numeric Control (CNC) machines through researching what they are and what they do.
〉 Students will design and create an image to understand how parts and products are designed and created through 3D design.
〉 Students will gain an insight into the CNC Operator/Machinist career, including common job tasks, salary, career pathway, and credentials required to perform the job.

Materials Needed:
Activity #1: What is CNC Machining?
〉 Student Worksheet: What is Computer Numeric Control (CNC) Machining?
〉 Computer for research
Activity #2: Designing and Creating a 3D Image
〉 Student Worksheet: Designing and Creating a 3D Image
〉 Computer with a 3D modeling software or a free 3D modeling website (ex: Autodesk® Tinkercad™) (Tinkercad™ does not require account setup and you may use links in Student Worksheet to access)

Lesson Instructions: This lesson plan will help you demonstrate to students common skills and procedures used in the unit about Computer Numeric Control (CNC) Operator/ Machinist profession. Begin each lesson by reading the Class Message below to your students, then have them watch the recommended Video Introduction. Afterwards, facilitate discussion with the Class Questions listed.
After the discussion, students will work on the included activities. Each activity has a printable worksheet with student instructions and areas to record their work. Have students read their worksheets before beginning each activity.
You should also familiarize yourself with the student worksheets to help demonstrate any procedures and help facilitate the ending activity discussion.

Class Message: Today we are going to explore some of the responsibilities and duties of a Computer Numeric Control (CNC) Operator/Machinist, which is a career within Industrial Manufacturing. CNC Operators generally set up and operate a variety of CNC and mechanically controlled machine tools to cut, grind, or drill into metal, plastic, or other materials to make parts, tools, or products.
In this lesson, we will discuss some common CNC Operator tasks, such as understanding what CNC and mechanically controlled machines are and what they do. You will also get the opportunity to design and create an image using Autodesk® Tinkercad™ to understand how parts and products are designed and created through 3D design
Watch this brief video to better understand the career of a CNC Operator/Machinist in industrial Manufacturing.

Class Discussion Questions:
〉 How many of you are already familiar with CNC and mechanically controlled machines? - Do any of you have experience with CAD/CAM (Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing? Allow students to share their previous knowledge and experience with CNC technology.
〉 What types of job responsibilities do you think a CNC Operator/Machinist performs?Response Suggestions – design parts or products using computer design software, program CNC and mechanically controlled machine, or oversee production process of cutting, grinding, or drilling of material to create product.
〉 Which industries do you think hire CNC Operator/Machinist to produce products?Response Suggestions – automobile, building trades, military, oil and gas, clothing, etc.
〉 What are some of the products you think these industries produce? - Response Suggestions: Automobile - any metal, steel or plastic car parts, Building Trades - tools such as steel hammer head, bolts, screws, blades, Military –weapons, aircraft, vehicles, Oil and Gas – oil pump tools and parts, Clothing – textiles.
Activities Overview: This lesson plan includes two student activities. In Activity #1, students will research and learn what CNC and mechanically controlled machines are and what they do. In Activity #2, Students will get the opportunity to design and create an image to understand how parts and products are designed and created through 3D design.
Read and familiarize yourself with the student worksheet for each activity.

Activity #1: What is CNC Machining?
In this activity, students will research and learn about CNC machines to determine what they are and what they do. Students will identify materials used in CNC production and will identify products that are made using CNC technology. Students will then create a presentation to present their findings to the class
Activity Instructions:
〉 Hand out the activity worksheet.
〉 These activities may be done in groups or individually.
〉 Facilitate introduction of activity
〉 Students need access to a computer
〉 After completion, facilitate discussion questions for this activity
Note: Teacher may want to assign each group a different final presentation to prevent each group from selecting the same presentation.
Create a presentation for one of the following:

〉 Create a presentation of how CNC machines work to include a demonstration of the process with illustrations.
〉 Highlight 5 materials used to produce products by CNC machines to include images for the materials and samples of the materials if possible.
〉 Create a presentation highlighting some of the employers in the area that produce products using CNC technology to include images of the products or if possible, some of the actual products.

Activity Discussion:
〉 From your research, what interests you the most about a CNC Operator? - Allow students to share what they like most about a CNC Operator. Feedback might include the ability to design and create products or programming the machine to produce a product.
〉 Which employers in the area that hire CNC Operators and Machinist interested you the most and why? - Allow students to provide feedback.
〉 What are some everyday products or parts at home that might have been produced using CNC technology? - Responses may include any items that are made from hard plastics, metal, steel, etc. Possible examples may include – plastic containers, metal garbage can, hand tools, etc.

Activity #2: Designing and Creating a 3D Image
In this activity, students will get the opportunity to design and create a Key Ring using Autodesk® Tinkercad™ to understand how parts and products are designed and created through 3D design.
Activity Instructions:
〉 Hand out student worksheet
〉 Facilitate introduction of the activity.
〉 Computer with a 3D modeling software or a free 3D modeling website (ex: Autodesk® Tinkercad™)
〉 (Tinkercad™ does not require account setup and you may use links in Student Worksheet to access)
〉 Facilitate discussion question for this activity.
Activity Results: Students completed the assigned lessons in Tinkercad™, and then designed and created a Key Ring to understand how parts and products are designed and created using 3D technology.
Activity Discussion:

〉 From what you learned from your research in Activity #1, how did this activity demonstrate some of the skills needed to be a CNC Operator? - Responses may include: CNC Operators need to know how to design and program the CNC machine to properly cut, grind, or drill into metal, plastic, or other materials to make parts, tools, or products.
〉 What did you like the most and least about 3D design? - Allow students to provide feedback.
〉 Besides knowledge and experience in 3D design, what are some other skills a CNC Operator needs to be successful in this career? - Reponses may includemonitoring machinery, inspecting finished products, performing test runs, troubleshooting issues with coding, operation of CNC machine, and translating engineering drawings and requirements into dimensions for production.

Career Highlight: This lesson plan highlights some of the basic skills a CNC Operator/ Machinist uses on a daily basis to create parts and products. See Employers in My Area section to contact businesses and organizations in your area about classroom demonstrations, on-site visits, or other additional career exposure opportunities
Featured Career:
CNC Operator/Machinist
Career Descriptions: Computer Numeric Control (CNC) Operators/Machinists set up and operate a variety of CNC and mechanically controlled machine tools to produce precision metal, plastic, and other materials to make parts, instruments, and tools.

CNC Operators/Machinists typically do the following:
〉 Read blueprints, sketches, or computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) files
〉 Set up, operate, and disassemble manual, automatic, and computer numerically controlled (CNC) machine tools
〉 Align, secure, and adjust cutting tools and workpieces
〉 Monitor the feed and speed of machines
〉 Turn, mill, drill, shape, and grind machine parts to specifications
〉 Measure, examine, and test completed products for defects
〉 Smooth the surfaces of parts or products
〉 Present finished workpieces to customers and make modifications if needed.
Other Names for this Career: CNC Tool Operator, Metal and Plastic, Brake Press Operator, Machinist, Machine Operator, CNC Lathe Operator, CNC Mill Operator, CNC Set-Up and Operator, CNC Machinist, CNC Machine Operator

ITEM Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Research CNC
Operator Career Student did not gather sufficient information to properly answer all the required questions. Lacked details and specificity.
Presentation Student presentation did not cover all 3 required elements with sufficient detail and/or there was a lack of clear evidence of planning and preparation for the presentation.
Team Work Struggled to participate and share responsibility in the group work environment
Student adequately researched the questions presented and collected sufficient information to prepare for their presentation
Student presentation covered the 3 required elements with sufficient detail. Clear evidence of planning and preparation of the presentation.
Worked well in a team environment
Student adequately researched the questions presented and collected abundant information to prepare for their presentation
Student presentation covered the 3 required elements with abundant and specific detail. Clear evidence of planning and preparation of the presentation.
Worked will in a team environment and exhibited group leadership skills

Introduction: In this activity, you will research and learn about Computer Numeric Control (CNC) machines to determine what they are and what they do. You will identify materials used in CNC production and what end products are made using CNC technology. You will then create a presentation to present your findings to the class.
Activity Description: You are interested in pursuing a career as a CNC Operator, but need to research the career further to fully understand the job tasks a CNC Operator performs, opportunities in your area, and the process of operating a CNC machine
Activity Procedure: Research a CNC Operator and CNC machines to learn and document the following:

〉 What is a CNC machine and how does it work?
〉 What materials do CNC machines use?
〉 What products can a CNC machine produce?
〉 What companies in the area employ CNC Operators?
Next, create a presentation to present to the class to include either a demonstration of a procedure, create a poster display, a PowerPoint presentation, or other form of presentation
Separate into groups and use the internet to research the following:
〉 What is a CNC machine?
〉 How does a CNC machine work?
〉 What functions does a CNC Operator perform to run the CNC machine?
Assign a team member to take notes below:

Identify some of the materials and products produced by CNC technology.
Assign a team member to take notes below:
Identify companies in the area that employ CNC Operators and list what products they manufacture.
Assign a team member to take notes below:

Create a presentation to include either a demonstration of a procedure, create a poster display, a PowerPoint presentation, or other form of presentation.
Create a presentation for one of the following:
〉 Create a presentation of how CNC machines work to include a demonstration of the process with illustrations.
〉 Highlight 5 materials used to produce products by CNC machines to include images for the materials and samples of the materials if possible.
〉 Create a presentation highlighting some of the employers in the area that produce products using CNC technology to include images of the products or if possible, some of the actual products.
Assign a team member to take notes below:

Activity Discussion:
〉 From your research, what interests you the most about a CNC Operator?
〉 Which employers in the area that hire CNC Operators and Machinist interested you the most and why?
〉 What are some everyday products or parts that might have been produced using CNC technology?

Introduction: To better understand how parts and products are designed and created through 3D technology, students will learn some basic design components in Autodesk® Tinkercad™, and then get the opportunity to design a product.
Activity Description: In this activity, students will complete some basic Tinkercad™ lessons, and then create a personalized key ring
Activity Procedure:
Step 1: Click the links below to learn some basic design components in Tinkercad™.
To see an introduction on how to use Tinkercad™, go to:

OR go to ( and the click on “See All Lessons”
Here are some lessons to look at under “Show all 3D Lesson”:
〉 Learning the Moves
〉 Camera Controls
〉 Creating Holes
〉 Scale, Copy & Paste
〉 Key Ring, Letters!
Step 2: Create a personalized key ring using the Desktop for the “Key Ring, Letters!” lesson. Put your name or initials on the key ring and also add one shape of your choosing to the end of your name.
〉 Click to select the letters ‘Katie’ and delete the letters ONLY from the key ring.
〉 On the right side, Tinkercad™ – Basic Shapes – click the drop-down list and select Text and Numbers
〉 Scroll to locate each letter of your name or initials and place them individually on the key ring.
〉 To customize your key ring, click the Tinkercad™ drop-down list again and select a shape or character to add to your key ring.
〉 Select each object on your key ring and change the colors.
〉 When you have completed your Key Ring, notify your teacher to verify your work.
Activity Results: Students completed the assigned lessons in Tinkercad™, and then designed and created a Key Ring to understand how parts and products are designed and created using 3D technology.

Activity Discussion:
〉 What did you like about designing your key ring with Tinkercad™?
〉 Was there anything you didn’t like about using Tinkercad™ to design the key ring?
〉 How is designing a key ring in 3D related to CNC machine operation?
〉 Would you be interested in a career designing products using computer-aided design software? Why or why not?