I Opened My Eyes: A Change from Law
EDynamics has helped me in multiple ways. It has helped me understand law, law practices and the detailed information in how law works. EDynamics has given me a clear understanding of how the criminal justice system works as well as may not work in one’s favor. Although I think the criminal justice system is very superior and has bought a new perspective amongst the world and how we deal with our daily lives, my heart is leading me towards the medical field because I’ve always loved helping people in whatever way I can. No matter if I’m sticking up for myself against a bully, or calling a nurse to help a kid who fell off of a jungle gym.
I am a teenager myself, and EDynamics really helped to give me the insight of what to do and not what to do as a teenager and how to stay out of trouble. Although I’ve always been a person of character, it is important to know the legal system. I do plan to continue my studies in the medical field and knowing about the juvenile criminal justice system will help me understand that population because statistically, this is a population that is underserved and many youth suffer not only medically, but from mental illness such as bi-polar disorder, depression and schizophrenia.
I’ve always wanted to have a good background and perspective of the justice system and EDynamics gave me exactly that. It guided me through the processes of a mock trial, the roles and responsibilities that each player has to perform which are key to an actual trial. Unit 5, Activity 2 allowed me to incorporate my own thoughts of a case using the pre-trial, trial and post-trial to assimilate a real court experience. This was fascinating to me and it opened my brain and my eyes more to the field of law.
I’ve always liked the idea of being an attorney due to the ability to defend the underserved, whether that be the poor, defenseless children and/or the elderly. Although I enjoy learning about the law and all of the facts, I have realized that this course is not exactly the field I want to pursue. It has brought me great knowledge that I can now apply to my future and assert it into my medical endeavors.
I am so grateful and delighted to have engaged in this course, to have had the opportunity to consume new knowledge, be educated about the principals of law and to now be able to impart knowledge onto my peers and into my profession.
Thiswillnodoubtbeanexperiencethatwillneverbeforgottenandtherewillnot beanyregrets.