Career Exploration Post Student Survey Thank you for participating in the Career Exploration activity! We hope you enjoyed learning, exploring, and connecting skills with possible future careers! Please fill out the survey so we can learn more about the career pathways you are considering for your future.
1. Your Name ___________________________________ Teacher’s Name __________________________________ 2. Please explain how the activity was helpful in narrowing your career focus. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Do you feel like you have a better idea of which career you might like to pursue? Circle Yes
4. Is the career field you were considering before the same now or are you considering something else? Circle
The same
Something else
5. Which three (3) career areas are you most excited about? Please circle three below: Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Business Management & Administration Finance Health Sciences Human Services Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security Marketing, Sales, and Services
Arts, A/V Technology & Communications Education & Training Government & Public Administration Hospitality & Tourism Information Technology Manufacturing Science, Technology, Engineering & Math
6. Which opportunities are you interested in learning more about at your school? Please circle below: Earning an industry certification Advanced Placement (AP) Courses
CTE Pathways available to me Support from a counselor
7. What is your goal after graduating from high school? Please circle below: 2 Year College Enter the workforce
4 Year College or University Stay home to help with family
Trade School
8. Would you like more opportunities to explore career options? Please explain what type of activities you think would help you choose a career.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________
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