Johanna Thompson
Life is a game of chess, or rather a series of games. The moves are numbered, but the possibilities are virtually endless. The point is that everything matters. Even the tiniest decision you make will have an effect on future developments. And your game can be tactically brilliant, yet you can still lose because your strategy was weak. But then again, tactics can also prove very effective. The sheer number of decisions one is forced to make in life can be paralyzing. M A R I A , L I T T L E G R E E N B E E - E AT E R
My children have not called in a long time and I do not understand why. Where did I go wrong? They must have forgotten all I have done for them. When they were young I was there for them all the time. BRIONY, WREN
Of course I think that I’m smarter than others. Does that make me arrogant or simply realistic? People who read Chomsky and are proud of it make me sick. Of course I don’t say anything to that extent, I just refrain from getting involved in what they consider intellectual discourse. They probably assume I’m too simpleminded, but honestly, I couldn’t care less. Z D E N KO , R AV E N
Really, I would write something, but I’m really busy. Just this much: Darwinism is dead. C L AU D I A , G R E AT C R E S T E D G R E B E
Birds Johanna Thompson Art and Text: Johanna Thompson Design & e-book production: Janine Sack Font: Libre Baskerville © the author, EECLECTIC, Berlin 2018 ISBN 978-3-947295-15-9 (epub) ISBN 978-3-947295-20-3 (fixed epub) ISBN 978-3-947295-17-3 (pdf) Thanks: Adam Sinykin and Ron Meyers