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Published by: The East European Democratic Center Association (Warsaw) and "Internews" (Kyiv) within the project "Support of the independent Ukrainian media by the provision of technical assistance"

ISBN:978-83-944099-1-3 Author: Serhiy Sukhoboychenko Translation: Oksana Denysiuk, Yuliya Gonchar Editor: Yuliya Gonchar Corrector: Andriy Kozachenko

The publication expresses exclusively the views of the author and cannot be associated with the ofďŹ cial position of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland

The publication is funded by the program "Support of Democracy" funded by the Polish Development Cooperation Program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland

CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ....................................................................... 5 1.FROM TAKEOVER TO SEPARATIST REFERENDUM: HISTORY OF ANNEXATION OF CRIMEA BY RUSSIA................................ 7 1.1UNLAWFUL ORGANIZATION OF REFERENDUM............................ 8 1.2. THE INTERNATIONAL RESPONSE TO THE CRIMEAN REFERENDUM......................................................................................... 11 2. LEGAL SYSTEM OF THE CRIMEA AFTER THE 16.03.2014 REFERENDUM ......................................................................... 13 2.1 STAFFING CHANGES IN THE LEGAL SYSTEM OF THE REPUBLIC AFTER THE REFERENDUM .................................................................. 15 3. SITUATION OF THE CRIMEAN MEDIA AFTER THE OCCUPATION........................................................................... 16 MARCH 2014 ........................................................................................... 16 APRIL 2014 ..............................................................................................20 MAY 2014 ................................................................................................. 21 JUNE 2014 ............................................................................................... 23 JULY 2014 ................................................................................................ 25 AUGUST 2014 .......................................................................................... 25 SEPTEMBER 2014 ................................................................................... 26 OCTOBER 2014 .......................................................................................28 NOVEMBER 2014 .................................................................................... 29 DECEMBER 2014 ....................................................................................30 JANUARY 2015 ........................................................................................ 31 FEBRUARY 2015 ..................................................................................... 32 MARCH 2015 ........................................................................................... 34 APRIL 2015 .............................................................................................. 36 MAY 2015 ................................................................................................. 39 JUNE 2015 .............................................................................................. 40 JULY 2015 ................................................................................................ 41


AUGUST 2015 .......................................................................................... 41 SEPTEMBER 2015 ................................................................................... 41 OCTOBER 2015 ....................................................................................... 43 4.THE CRIMEAN EDITORIAL OFFICES AFFECTED BY THE ANNEXATION OF THE CRIMEA ............................................. 45 RESOURCES ........................................................................... 46 ANALYSIS ............................................................................................... 46 ARTICLES ABOUT THE CRIMEAN JOURNALISTS ........................... 46


INTRODUCTION In February 2014 we saw the military occupation of Autonomous Republic of Crimea (ARC) by Russia. In March 2014, a referendum was held on the status of Crimea, which was recognized as illegitimate by both Ukraine and the international democratic community (EU countries, USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, the UN General Assembly, OSCE, UNESCO and the Venice Commission). As a result, almost all countries did not recognize the territorial division of Ukraine. During international disputes about the actions of Russia in Ukraine, the sides had repeatedly mentioned the "Memorandum on Security Assurances in connection with Ukraine's accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons", signed on 05.12.1994 by the leaders of Ukraine, USA, Russia and the UK. Memorandum signatories have committed themselves to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, but security guarantees have been violated. On 04.03.2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin said: "If you take into account the fact that in Ukraine, there was a revolution, it is necessary to consider that a new state emerged on its territory, and with accordance to that new state, Russia did not sign any binding document." Later, US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey R. Pyatt also said that "Budapest Memorandum" was not a contract to provide security guarantees for Ukraine. Two days later, on 03.17.2014, after the so-called "referendum", a de facto annexation of Crimea was held by Russia - between the self-proclaimed Republic of Crimea and the Russian Federation (RF) an agreement was signed on joining the peninsula to Russia. Although legally, Crimea was and still is Ukrainian territory, residents were forcibly imposed by the Russian legislation, which de facto came into force. Local authorities necessarily makes the Crimeans obtain Russian passports. Those who refuse to do so, have to obtain a residence permit. Ukrainian authorities on the peninsula stopped working. It has become impossible to conduct business activities in the Crimea under Ukrainian law. The banking system of Ukraine ceased functioning on the peninsula, instead of it, Russian banks emerged. Bank cards of the Crimean residents, including those that were used for social payments, were blocked. With the introduction of the Russian ruble in the Crimea as the base currency and the termination of the import of products from mainland Ukraine, food crisis began on the peninsula and prices increased. The Ukrainian institutions and law enforcement agencies, and institutions providing legal and consulting services in real estate and business activities 5

all were completely destroyed. A number of political organizations are under pressure from the FSB of Russia, and some of them have been declared terrorist and extremist organizations. Activists are harassed - for example, the leaders of the Crimean Tatar people Mustafa Dzhemilev and chairman of Mejlis Refat Chubarov, who were declared "extremist" and banned from entering the territory of the peninsula. Creative director Oleg Syentsov and another three activists of Euromaidan Olexiy Czyrny, Alexander Kolchenko and Gennady Afanasyev were abducted from the occupied territory and the Crimea by Russian security services and are under investigation in Russia as "terrorists." Activists who have been persecuted or are fear of such actions, as well as the usual patriotic citizens of Ukraine who do not want to live in Russia, were forced to leave the peninsula by whole families, also leaving their property and housing. There were lots of family tragedies when people were forced to part with their family and friends for different reasons and seek asylum. A part of the Crimean people that left the Peninsula, moved to mainland Ukraine. They were immigrants and displaced, and some asked for refugee status in other countries. Despite the promises of Ukrainian government and local authorities, the internally displaced persons have not obtained adequate conditions for living in mainland Ukraine. The particularly critical issues for such persons are permanent housing instead of the estate lost in the Crimea; questions of employment and social benefits. A part of the Crimean people who moved -were Crimean Tatars who face the question how to preserve their ethnic and cultural identity. A part of soldiers who remained loyal to the Ukrainian oath (about half of the military in Crimea have pledged allegiance to Russia) have been forced to leave the peninsula as well. They were transferred to military units in mainland Ukraine, but not all of them obtained comfortable living conditions.Thus, the annexation of the Crimea has led to a number of legal, economic and social problems to solve, that require urgent action by the Ukrainian authorities, as well as assistance and support of the world community.



The events that took place in Crimea, since the first armed men on the peninsula who seized the building of the Verkhovna Rada and the Cabinet of Ministers of Crimea on 27.02.2014, is a well-planned operation of occupation of Ukrainian territory. As seen from its further developments, the annexation of the Crimea was planned by Russia and carried out with the use of Russian armed forces and the support of the pro-Russian politicians in Crimea, such as Sergei Aksenov, leader of the "Russian Unity", and Vladimir Konstantinov, head of the Crimean republican organization of the Party of Regions. Forces of the so-called "green educated men" (soldiers of the Armed Forces) and the pro-Russian citizens were blocking and seizing the military units and strategic facilities (airports, border crossings, etc.), and have blocked entrance to the peninsula. Many media claimed that "green men" were "local militias". But these people were in unmarked uniforms and were much better equipped and armed than the regular Ukrainian army. Most military were in contact with the public and did not hide that they were Russian soldiers and they have been ordered to withdraw all military uniforms with markings that identified them with Russia. Only on 17.04.2014 did President Vladimir Putin declare on the air , that "green men" on the Crimean peninsula - were Russian military, although he denied this information before, referring to the fact that the Russian uniform can be easily purchased in the stores, and said that "green men" - were "local self-defense forces."


1.1UNLAWFUL ORGANIZATION OF REFERENDUM 02/27/2014 in the city of Simferopol, leader of the "Russian Unity" Sergei Aksenov, was appointed head of government Autonomy at a meeting of the Crimean parliament, although his appointment was unlawful for several reasons: ● Only 35-37 of 100 MPs attended the session of parliament came therefore, there was no quorum for re-election procedure of the Crimean government. The meeting was held in secrecy. The lack of quorum became known from the Claim of the Crimean parliament deputy Nikolai Sumulidi that was announced in the media. ● According to the Constitution of Ukraine, the Crimean Prime Minister is appointed by the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea in agreement with the President of Ukraine. To explain their misconduct, Sergey Aksenov and chairman of the Supreme Council of Crimea Vladimir Konstantinov said that they still believed that Viktor Yanukovych, who left the country, was the legitimate president of Ukraine. During the meeting on 27.02.2014 in Simferopol, deputies of the Supreme Council of Crimea stated that they "take full responsibility for the fate of Crimea" and an all-Crimean referendum "on improving the status and powers" of the region was scheduled for 25.05.2014. The decision to hold a referendum is illegitimate as well, because in accordance with Ukrainian legislation, the referendum on the changes to the territory of Ukraine may only be held at a scale of the whole country. In this newly emerged legal conflict Sergei Aksenov said on 01.03.2014 that he puts under his jurisdiction all the power forces of the republic and officially appealed to Russian President Vladimir Putin with a request "to assist in ensuring peace and order in the territory of Crimea." On the same day, Vladimir Putin submitted the request to the Council of Russian Federation for use of the Armed Forces of Russia in Ukraine "to normalize socio-political situation in this country." Russia’s Council gives its consent to the invasion in Ukraine. On the same day the upper house of the Russian Federation Council also received a petition from the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych who was recognized illegitimate and who left the country, (now he is hiding in Russia), that emphasized that he supported the self-proclaimed Crimean government’s appeal.


On 01.03.2014, Crimean authorities transferred the date of the referendum from 25.05. 2014 - to an earlier date of 30.03.2014. On 04.03.2014, Vladimir Putin said that Russia did not consider the version of joining the Crimea to Russia. Later, 04.10.2014, Russian President admitted that in early March "secret polls” were held in the Crimea to determine the attitudes of the population, “in which it was found that the majority of residents was in favor of joining Russia." After receiving the results of the "secret" polls, Putin adopted a "final" decision of the Crimea. On 03.06.2014, Verkhovna Rada of Crimea adopted a resolution on joining the Crimea to Russia as a subject of the Russian Federation. It also adopted a resolution on the transfer of a referendum on an even earlier date – 16.03.2014. In a referendum two questions were put: "Are you for the reunification of the Crimea with Russia on the rights of the subject of Russian Federation?" And "You are for the restoration of the Constitution of the Republic of Crimea as of 1992 and for the status of Crimea as part of Ukraine?". The answer to the first question meant "consent to the accession of the Crimea into the Russian Federation"; answer to the second - meant "consent to return to the Constitution of Crimea in 1992, which greatly expanded the autonomous rights of the Crimea." There was no feature allowing an answer "no" to both questions. Thus, even before the referendum, Supreme Council of Crimea has decided to join the Autonomous republic to the Russian Federation, and the referendum had not imposed a question of maintaining the existing status quo of the Crimea. On 11.03.2014, Verkhovna Rada of the AR Crimea and the Sevastopol City Council adopted the "Declaration of Independence of Crimea and Sevastopol." On 11.03.2014, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation announced the adoption of the "Declaration of Independence of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol." On 14.03.2014, Ukraine's Constitutional Court ruled that the referendum was unconstitutional. On the same day, the resolutions of Verkhovna Rada of Crimea and the Sevastopol city council to hold an all-Crimean referendum have become invalid according to Ukrainian legislation. On 16.03.2014, a referendum on the status of Crimea was held.


According to the official data, the referendum turnout in Crimea (excluding Sevastopol, which held a separate referendum) amounted to 83.1% of voters, and 96.77% of them were in favor of the joining of Crimea to Russia. In Sevastopol, according to official figures, turnout was 89%. "For" joining to Russia, 95.6% voted in favor. On 21.04.2014, the website of "The Presidential Council on Civil Society and Human Rights" posted on the official paper that only 30% of Crimean residents actually voted, of which only a half voted for joining Russia. Later, the information on the website has been edited, but this time was enough for most media to disseminate this resonant news. In fact, the fate of Crimea was decided by the pro-Russian minority. Such information was announced by the leader of the Crimean Tatar people Mustafa Dzhemilev in the Ukrainian radio broadcast on 25.03.2014 and the UN Security Council in New York on 30.03.2014. According to him, not 82% of Crimean residents participated in the referendum, as it was according to Russian authorities, but only 32.4% actually voted. After the relevant statements of the leader of the Crimean Tatars Dzhemilev, Russian authorities banned his entry into the peninsula by 2019. Thus the officially announced results of the "referendum", which President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly publicly reiterated were grossly rigged. In turn, the decision of the Federation Council, State Duma and the Russian President - about Ukraine joining Crimea to Russia – have been based not only on gross violation of the Constitution of Ukraine and international law, but are also contrary to the publicly expressed will of the majority of inhabitants of Crimea. It should be noted that the responsibility for the situation around the Crimea, also lies on the Ukrainian authorities that have made a number of mistakes that contributed to the process of occupation and led to the increased anti-Ukrainian sentiment in the Crimea and in the South East of Ukraine, because they were not effective in the first place because of the actions of the military command. Since the beginning of the armed seizure of the buildings in the Crimea, the Ukrainian authorities have taken the position to prevent the escalation of the conflict, therefore martial law was not introduced on the peninsula and the Ukrainian military were not allowed to use firearms. This led to both repression against the personnel of military units, and to the almost complete loss of the Navy, vehicles and weapons.



On 21.03.2014, the Venice Commission recognized the illegitimate referendum in the Crimea, explaining that the possibility of such a referendum was not provided neither by Ukrainian nor by the Crimean Constitution, and that its conditions did not meet any democratic standards. The Venice Commission emphasized that the right to self-determination should be understood primarily as internal self-determination within the existing borders, not as external self-determination by territorial separation.. In addition, any referendum on the status of the territory requires serious preliminary talks with all interested parties, and these negotiations were not conducted. On 27.03.2014, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution supporting the territorial integrity of Ukraine and announced that the All-Crimean referendum had no legal force. On 04.09.2014, the Parliamentary Assembly adopted a resolution which stated that the results of the referendum had no legal force and were not recognized by the Council of Europe. The document states that the Assembly recognized the legitimacy of a completely new government in Kiev and the legitimacy of their decisions. "The Assembly believes that the desire for separation (of Crimea) and accession to Russia was initiated and provoked by Russian authorities under the guise of military intervention," - the document says. In April 2014, NATO assessed the situation in its Bulletin and stated that the Crimean referendum was illegal, because it was contrary to the Constitution of Ukraine and was organized in several weeks by the self-proclaimed leadership of Crimea, which was established by the Russian military in arms after the seizure of government buildings. On 10.04.2014, the Executive Board of UNESCO adopted, by a majority of votes, a resolution proposed by Ukraine "on the part of UNESCO Monitoring of the situation in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (Ukraine)." The document expresses concern over growing Russian military presence on the peninsula, threatening the educational process, freedom of speech for the 11

inhabitants of the Crimea and the cultural heritage objects located in this territory. On 16. 04.2014, the European Court of Human Rights received, for the first time, submitted a documentary claim on violations of human rights in the Crimea within the dispute between Ukraine and Russia. On 27.06.2014, in his interview to CNN, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko described the situation of ethnic Ukrainian and Crimean Tatars in the annexed Crimea as humanitarian catastrophe. "The Crimea is a humanitarian catastrophe on a national basis, as ethnic Ukrainian and Crimean Tatars have problems with employment, problems with property, security problems, problems with education in their native language. I am fully convinced that we will use every opportunity to turn back the Crimea ", - said the president of Ukraine. Ukraine Government Commissioner for European Integration Valery Pyatnitsky said that Ukraine, challenging the annexation of Crimea by Russia, was considering to use the tools of the World Trade Organization. There are rules in the WTO that can effectively use this situation with Crimea. At the same time, the referendum was recognized by satellites and allies of on Customs Union (Belarus, Kazakhstan) and the terrorist organization Hamas. On 27.03.2014, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that recognized that the referendum on the secession of Crimea from Ukraine and joining the peninsula to Russia was illegal. The resolution was supported by delegates from 100 countries, and 58 countries abstained. Russia was supported by 11 countries, including Armenia, Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, North Korea, Nicaragua, Sudan, Syria, Venezuela, Zimbabwe and Russia itself. On 17.07.2014, Tthe European Parliament adopted a resolution on the situation in Ukraine, which noted that the Russian occupation and annexation of the Crimea violated international law and Russia's international obligations arising from the UN Charter, the Helsinki Final Act, the Charter of the Council of Europe and the Budapest Memorandum of 1994 on security guarantees and bilateral obligations under the bilateral Agreement on Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership of 1997. 12

2. LEGAL SYSTEM OF THE CRIMEA AFTER THE 16.03.2014 REFERENDUM On 17.03.2014, Verkhovna Rada of Crimea adopted a resolution "On independence of the Crimea" and declared Crimea "an independent sovereign state" - the Republic of Crimea, with a special status of Sevastopol. In accordance with the resolution adopted, "the territory of the Republic of Crimea defined borders of Crimea and Sevastopol, which existed on the day of the proclamation of the Republic as an independent sovereign state." At the time of the decision, the Supreme Council of Crimea has already been illegal: a few days earlier, on 15.03.2014, the Ukrainian Parliament terminated its powers. The Illegitimate Crimean parliament obtained the name "The State Council" and received the status of "the highest authority of the Republic" and decided to keep the existing parliament by September 2015. By its resolution, it "approved" the derogation of legislation of Ukraine and "transferred" assets and cash of the Ukrainian government, state ownership of Ukraine in the disposal of the Republic. On 17.03.2014, immediately the day after pseudo-referendum, Vladimir Putin signed a decree on recognition of the State of the Republic of Crimea as "sovereign and independent". Russian President appealed to the Federal Assembly of Russia on the accession of Crimea to Russia and on 18.03 2014, a Treaty of admission of the Crimea to Russia and the formation of a new constituent entities was signed. The self-proclaimed Republic of Crimea has become two subjects of Russia: the Republic of Crimea and the Sevastopol city of federal significance. On 21.03.2014 started the process of adapting the legislation of the Crimea to Russian legislature with the symbolic name "transitional period" scheduled up to 01.01.2015.In urgency, adaptation of legislative package began, aimed at the annexation of the Crimea: � On 20.03.2014, the Federal Law "On Ratification of the Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Crimea on the adoption of the Russian Federation Republic and the formation of Federation new subjects� was passed by the State Duma and approved on 21.03.2014.


● On 21.03.2014, the Federal Constitutional Law was adopted "On adoption of The Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and the formation of new subjects of Federation – the Republic of Crimea and the Sevastopol ". ● On 21.03.2014, the Presidential Decree was issued, "On establishment of the Crimean Federal District." ● On 21.03.2014 , the Presidential Decree was issued, "On the Plenipotentiary Representative of Russian Federation President in the Crimean Federal District." ● 31.03.2014, the Presidential Decree was issued, "On the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Crimea" and approved by Russian Federation Government Decree as of 10.05.2014, the "Regulations of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Crimea" from May 10, 2014 №427 in Moscow. ● On 02.04.2014 adopted the Federal Law was adopted, "On peculiarities of the financial system of Crimea and the Sevastopol city of federal significance in the transitional period." ● On 1.04.2014, the Crimean State Council approved the Constitution of the Republic of Crimea. Its main provisions bore likeliness to the articles of the Constitution of Russian Federation. Under the new Constitution, the selfproclaimed Republic of Crimea is the "state of rule of law in the Russian Federation and an equal subject of the Russian Federation." ● On 15.04 2014, the Acting President of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov signed the law "On the rights and freedoms of citizens and legal regime in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine." The law stipulated that the Crimea was a temporarily occupied territory, and Russia was recognized as an invader and was responsible for violating the rights and freedoms of Ukrainian citizens on the peninsula. In view of the statements of Russia that those Ukrainians who have not declared the refusal of the Russian citizenship, will become citizens of Russia, the law was amended, according to which Ukraine did not recognize any forced entry into the Russian citizenship. As a result, during the three months of occupation on the Crimean peninsula, legal uncertainty prevailed. As a result, residents of the Crimea found it difficult to comply with Ukrainian legislation, while the legislation of the Russian Federation only had to start working on the peninsula. All this led to deterioration in the human rights situation in Crimea. 14

2.1 STAFFING CHANGES IN THE LEGAL SYSTEM OF THE REPUBLIC AFTER THE REFERENDUM 25.03.2015 - after the signing of the Treaty of the annexation of Crimea, Russian President Vladimir Putin appoints vice-admiral of the Russian navy, Oleg Belaventsev, its official representative in the newly created Crimean Federal District. 16.04.2015 - new prosecutor for the port city of Feodosiya is a former Prosecutor of Krasnoyarsk region of Russia. 22.04.2015 - 150 employees from different regions of Russia appointed to the investigative authorities of the Crimea and Sevastopol. 25.04.2015 - prosecutor from the city of Orsk, Orenburg region of Russia, was appointed Prosecutor of the Crimean city of Alushta. 16.05.2015 – the new head of the Crimean gas production company "Chornomornaftogas", which belongs to state company "Naftogaz Ukraine", is a native of Krasnodar region. 18.05.2015 – The prosecutor of the city of Yevpatoria in the west of Crimea is a native Russian from Sverdlovsk. 31.05.2015 - Crimean and Sevastopol state car inspection now headed by the leadership from the Russian Federation. 28.07.2015 - in three regions of Crimea, prosecutors from the Russian Federation appointed. 25.08.2015 - 73 employees from 13 regional branches of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation came to Crimea to take up duties. Kremlin forces the inhabitants of the peninsula to take Russian citizenship, thus providing a reliable rear in the general population, and on the other hand, forcing dissidents to leave the peninsula. Those citizens, who renounce Russian citizenship, lose their jobs, property and the right to live in Crimea



Only during the first 3 weeks of occupation, 90 journalists were injured, as reported by representatives of the Institute of Mass Information and representatives of "Reporters without borders". The owner of the Crimean Tatar TV company "APR" Lenur Islyamov was subjected to pressure. The forums of the Crimean cities host messages from people from different social networks with information on the names and surnames of Ukrainian activists living in Crimea, their residential addresses or addresses of residence of their relatives. Calls are placed to use violence against Ukrainian activists. Most public figures and activists escape to mainland Ukraine from the Crimea, and those who stay - are exposed to pressure.

MARCH 2014 In March, rights of journalists in the Crimea have been massively violated. ● On 01.03.2014, unknown people seized a studio leased by Savik Shuster. ● On 01.03.2014 a military journalist Timur Barotov left Sevastopol. He served in the broadcasting company "Breeze" of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine in Sevastopol. His last post there was Editor of the office of radio TRK MO "Breeze". ● On 02.03.2014, during direct inclusion in vill. Perevalne (Simferopol) man attacked the TSN ("1 + 1") crew with fittings after he heard that correspondent Ruslan Yarmolyuk spoke Ukrainian. ● On 03.03.2014, Chief editor of the website "Grazhdanskaya oborona" Tatyana Rikhtun was hit on the head and unknown people took her camera, in Sebastopol near the headquarters of the Naval Forces of Ukraine, which was blocked by the "unknown armed men",


● On 04.03.2014, correspondent of the program "Details" of the "Inter" channel Mikhail Kolesnik and operator Andrew Kostiuk were hindered by the unknown people during the video shooting near Coastal Defence Staff in Simferopol on Karl Marx Street, 62. The protesters tried to deprive journalists of video equipment. ● On 04.03.2014, two television crews of journalists of "Al-Jazeera" and "1 + 1" were blocked by the military unit near Evpatoria. The crowd surrounded the car and demanded to show the footage. When the video was shown, these people continued to hinder the work of journalists. They were released only after several hours. ● On 04.03.2014, in the center of Simferopol, in the square before the Council of Ministers of Crimea, the so-called "local self-defense" attacked the photojournalist Andrew Kanischev. ● On 05.03.2014, someone slashed car tires of Anton Goloborodko, Yalta correspondent of "Newspapers in Ukrainian". This happened after he and his colleagues decided to catch up with the Russian military, who moved from the previously blocked Ukrainian territory in the village Novoozerne. ● On 05.03.2014, when attempting to assault a military unit in Yevpatoriya, special correspondent of TSN Alexei Bobrovnikov was attacked. ● On 05.03.2014, in Simferopol at the Headquarters of Coastal Defense Naval Forces, representatives of the "Crimean self-defense" attacked Stanislav Yurchenko, a journalist of newspaper "Arguments of the week - Crimea". ● On 06.03.2014 in Simferopol, the British crew of «Associated Press Television News» was attacked by "Kazaks", who took away the camera and phone and all the equipment. ● On 06.03.2014, in Simferopol, a group of young people has attacked two journalists of the German newspaper "Bild" shouting "Occupants - get out of the Crimea!." The journalists managed to rescue their computer from the hands of the assailant and they ran away by car. ● On 07.03.2014, two crews of the program "Details" of TV channel "Inter" and other journalists carrying out their professional duties in Sevastopol were robbed. Unidentified armed men captured and brutally beat the journalists 17

and operators, seized equipment and documents, and addressed blatant threats to journalists and their families. ● OnN 08.03.2014, in Sevastopol, journalists of the channel "Inter" Helen Mechanic, Andrew Tsaplienko and two operators, as well as a journalist online newspaper "Russian Planet" Pavel Nikulin were severely beaten. The mass media covered the assault on the military unit Nr. 2355 by the military of Russian Federation. ● On 08.03.2014, in Crimea, Estonian TV reporters of «TV3» Allan Muuka and operator Wijk Varese were attacked by the unknown who took away their equipment. ● On 09.03.2014, at the entrance to the Crimea from the Kherson region, unknown in military uniforms arrested two groups of Ukrainian journalists of "Glavkom", a photographer Oles Kromples, a journalist of "Week" Elena Maksimenko and their driver Evgeny Rakhno. With them, gone were also two activists of Automaidan Catherina Butko and Alexandra Ryazantseva, who carried letters for the military, food, and Ukrainian symbols. Activists of "Automaidan" and the journalist Yelena Maksimenko were released only at night of 11.03. 2014. ● On 11.03.2014, armed people and security forces in the form of "Berkut" robbed the crew of the Italian "TC SKY TG 24," that attempted to video film checkpoints at the entrance to the Crimea. ● On 11.03.2014, unknown masked people took away the equipment from a crew of the Norwegian television and radio corporation «NRK» on the border between Ukraine and the Crimea ● On 11.03.2014 in the morning in Yevpatoria, inside the building of the newspaper "Evpatoryyskaya resorts" came a group of strongly minded citizens headed by the leader of the local organization of the party "Russian Unity". They came to "liberate" editor Dmitry Onischuk whom they did not like. ● On 12.03.2014, according to the chairman of the Human Rights Center "Progress" Konstantin Ryeutskiy, at checkpoint in Armyansk, "Berkut" and retainers have beaten and detained a French journalist and a cameraman of channel «France TV1».


● On 13.03.2014, in Yalta, people with Russian flags assaulted a pro-Ukrainian meeting and attacked peaceful protesters who carried Ukrainian symbols. Journalists from Germany and France suffered from the attackers. ● On 13.03.2014, in Simferopol, "local self-defense" captured a French journalist David Geoffrion from «Canal+». ● On 15.03.2014 in Simferopol, armed men seized journalists' equipment of the media "Ukrainska Pravda". ● On 15.03.2014 in Sebastopol, a group of armed men arrested the operator of «UkrStreamTV» Oleg Balaban. ● On 16.03.2014 2 operators of filmmakers’ association "Babylon 13" Yaroslav Pilunsky and Yuri Gruzyniv, disappeared. ● On 16.03.2014 in Alushta, someone hit the camera, broke the microphone, and said it was forbidden to shoot, to the crew of the "Al-Jazeera" channel during the Referendum. ● On 17.03.2014 in Yalta, unknown people have beaten a special correspondent of newspaper "Today" Dmitry Bunetskiy and photographer Sergei Nikolayev who received severe injuries, they had smashed faces and missing teeth. In addition, these unknown people took away the journalists’ phones, passports and money. ● On.03.2014 in Simferopol, camera was taken away from the journalist and cameraman of TV channel «ATR» Ibraim Umerov during the recording. ● On 19.03.2014 in Bakhchisarai, the unknown people kidnapped a journalist of "Radio Svoboda" Levko Steck, took him to a field and asked "not to visit them any time soon". The Journalist’s sim and flash card from the camera was taken away. ● On 20.03.2014 in Sevastopol, Russian military took the TRC "Breeze", which belonged to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. Servicemen and the


civilian personnel was offered to decide - whether they want to continue service in the media center of the Black Sea Fleet, which would be based at the TRC. In parallel, invaders started an inventory of property of the TRC "Breeze". ● In March 2014, by the order of Aksenov, in Simferopol, the government suspended the rebroadcast of the signal of two independent Ukrainian television companies: Channel 5 and Channel 1 + 1.

APRIL 2014 ● a number of Internet portals and print publications different directions have been closed, including "An-Crimea", "Events of the Crimea", "Crimean time", "Republic". ● Some journalists who worked in the Crimean media were forced to leave Crimea fearing harassment, threats and all kinds of pressure, - most of them left in March. Some journalists, editors and media (eg, portal «Blackseanews») moved to the mainland Ukraine and continue their activity there. Some independent media and information platforms existed as NGOs or actively collaborated with them. However, fearing the rules of Russian law on "foreign agents", they were forced to stop their activities or leave the territory of Crimea. ● In April, some facts of censorship or pressure were recorded - on local media that continued working in the Crimea. In particular, the Tatar edition of TRC "Crimea" was forbidden to mention the names of leaders of Mejlis Mustafa Dzhemilev and Refat Chubarov in the air. Also, according to media representatives, Russian law creates a lot of limitations; therefore the quality of journalism will inevitably decline. Journalists fear that in Crimea, they will be criminally prosecuted for the following articles of the Criminal Code: - Art. 280. Public calls to commit extremist activity; - Art. 282. Organization of extremist organizations; - Art. 319. Insulting a representative of authorities. ● 22.04.2014 Chairman of the State Council of the unrecognized Republic of Crimea Vladimir Konstantinov had a meeting with a Russian journalist, TV 20

presenter, Director General of the Information Agency "Russia Today" Dmitry Kiselev. A key topic of the discussion was prospects of Crimean media market and opportunities for opening of the multimedia press center as well as RTR radio network in the republic. ● On 22.04.2014 at the railway station in Simferopol, cases were documented of obstructing the work of photojournalists and reporters of a number of media, by self-defense representatives.

MAY 2014 The largest numbers of violations of freedom of expression and opinion in May were related to the May 18 public events commemorating the deportation of Crimean Tatars in 1944. Representatives of " Crimean self defence" repeatedly obstructed the journalist activity: by unlawful detention and damage to the property of the journalists. ● Decision of Prosecutor General's Office was sent to the name of the editor of the news agency «QHA» with a demand to remove a feed from the news reports that anti-government demonstrations will be held May 18. ● 07.05.2014 journalists from the city of Yevpatoriya Viktor Shelest and Dmitry Onischuk were accused by their Yevpatoriyan peer journalists that "on the eve of the all-Crimean referendum on March 16 they waged in the media against active reunification of the Crimea with Russia”. Separately stated was that V.Shelest voted against the Crimea to Russia, and that he worked in the Yevpatoriyan "Information Press Center" funded by the United States. ● On 5.05.2014, in Simferopol, photographer of the newspaper "Crimean telegraph" was arrested by the " Crimean self-defence". ● On 15.05.2014, in Simferopol, operator of «FM» channel was attacked. The attackers broke the camera microphone. When the operator took the phone to capture face on the photo, the phone taken away by force. ● On 15.05.2014 re-registration of STRC "Krym" was held, that was previously under the jurisdiction of the State Committee of Ukraine, now into the 21

Autonomous nonprofit organization "Broadcasting company "Krym". On 31.05.2014, the "Krym" channel was renamed the "Pershiy Krymskiy". ● On 17.05.2014, FSB detained for a few hours, on trumped-up reasons, a group of journalists of Waclaw Radzyvynovych - the Moscow correspondent of the Polish "Gazeta Wyborcza", Nikolai Semyon - Crimean correspondent of the newspaper "Day", and the photo correspondent Lenara Abibulayeva. Journalists were taken to the Office of the FSB, were not allowed to call for a long time, interviewed all of the detained persons without explanation of the reasons for their actions, and released them only after 6 hours.  On 18.05.2014, operator of the documentary project "Reality" Arthur Moryakov was detained by riot police OMON, while filming the passing of a column of Crimean Tatars to the place of mourning rally; the incident occurred due to the fact that he refused to present a journalist’s certificate. ● On 18.05.2014 the so-called "Crimean self-defense" detained a Crimean Tatar journalist Osman Pashayev, a Turkish operator Cengiz Kyzhyn, and several other media people (3 persons). They were kept a few hours indoors of the Crimean self-defence HQ, were threatened by physical violence, and were subjected to psychological and physical pressure. Some appliances and things were stolen. Then all detainees were handed over to the police that have interrogated detainees. Then, all detainees were released. ● On 18.05.2014, in Simferopol, representatives of the Crimean self-defence prohibited to shoot the film to a journalist of the "Krymska Pravda" Alexei Lokhvytsky, explaining that he does not use a professional camera. ● On 19.05.2014 in Simferopol, representatives of "self-defense" briefly detained a correspondent of "Dosch" Petro Ruzavin, applying force to him and breaking the camcorder battery. ● On 20.05.2014, Tatar journalist Osman Pashayev left the Crimea. In order to put pressure on journalists and the editors of the Crimean media and restrict freedom of speech, the Crimean authorities use arbitrary interpretation of Russian law, namely the Federal Law №114-F3 of 25.07.2002 "On combating extremist activity" and Art. 280/1 of Federal Law № 433-FZ of 12.28.2013 "On Amendments to the Criminal Code of the 22

Russian Federation", which entered into force on 9 May. Thus, the editor of the Crimean Tatar newspapers "Avdet" Shevket Kaybullayev received a summons from the prosecution of Simferopol under the verification of violations of the law of the Russian Federation №114-F3 of 25.07.2002 "On Combating extremist activity." According to the RF Law № 433-FZ of 12.28.2013 "On Amendments to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation", slogans, such as "Crimea-Ukraine", as well as discussions and appeals, including those made through social networks on the Internet, on the integrity of Ukraine, can be the subject to criminal prosecution of persons who voice or publish such slogans.

JUNE 2014 ● On 02.06.2014, representatives of "Crimean self-defense" illegally detained journalists of the "Center for Investigative Journalism" Sergiy Mokrushyn and director Vladlen Melnikov for the obscene remarks against the top officials of the Russian Federation. These actions were self-identified by of members of the illegal formation as violation of the public order. Detainees were taken to the headquarters of the so-called "Crimean self-defense", where both put in handcuffs; their personal belongings inspected, including telephones and correspondence in social networks, and were subject to physical pressure. Subsequently they were released. ● On 02.06.2014, in the editorial office of the "Center for Investigative Journalism" came, without permission, representatives of "Crimean selfdefense" and demanded to show documents of registration of mass media and the lease contract for the premises.  On 03.06.2014, Tatar chief editor of the newspaper "Avdet" Shevket Kaybullayev was summoned to the prosecutor of Simferopol. In the summons, which was received by the editors, was stated that: "The prosecutor's office in Simferopol checks into the violation of the federal law "On combating extremist activity" on the part of the leadership of the printed edition". Kaybullaev was issued a clause declaring the inviolability of the law on combating extremism. ● On 05.06.2014, co-founder of Internet portal "Podiyi Krymu" Ruslan Yuhosh said that he was subject to the attempts of pressure on him as a journalist, from the Crimean police. Pressure began through calls for 23

questioning of his 73-year-old mother. According to R. Yuhosh, the police appeared at his place of registration and have invited the journalist’s mother to testify in the District Police Department, and the subpoena was not presented. An attempt was made to subdue the mother of the journalist to psychological pressure. ● On 22.06.2014, around 18.00, in Sebastopol, police detained an independent journalist of the Ukrainian channel "Gromadske TB" Tatiana Kozyreva and cameraman Karen Arzumanyan, who led the live broadcast of the meeting on Nakhimova Square. According to the detainees, they were interviewed by the employees of Leninsky police department and the department for combating extremism. Two hours after, the detained journalists were released, they were not shown any charges and haven’t been issued a protocol of detention. ●On 29.06.2014, in Simferopol, the fact was marked of putting up flyers in residential buildings with a call to inform Crimean department of FSB of the people who "were against the return of the Crimea to the Russian Federation or participated in the regional Maidan". ● On 29.06.2014, in Simferopol, cable TV operators stopped broadcasting the Black Sea Broadcasting Company and several leading Ukrainian TV channels, namely: "Inter", "1 + 1", "2 + 2", " channel 5», «ICTV», «Novy Kanal", " NEWS 24 "," NTN "," Rada". Instead, the operators turned on the Russian channels. In cable networks of Simferopol, broadcast continues of a series of Ukrainian entertainment, music and children's channels. ● A significant limitation of freedom of speech in the Crimea is the Federal Law № 433-FZ of 12.28.2013 "On Amendments to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation." It allows for criminal punishment for public calls for the implementation of actions aimed at violation of the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation, including the use of media. The lack of clear definition of the crime, grounded in Art. 280.1 of the Criminal Code, creates unjustified threat of criminal prosecution for the media use of universally recognized concepts in the context of Ukraine-Russia events, namely, the "occupation", "Russian aggression", "annexation" et c.


● On 30.06.2014, the State Duma introduced a bill № 527285-6 «On Amendments to Article 280-1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (as regards the strengthening of responsibility for public calls)", which provides for increased penalties. Under the bill, the minimum penalty for incitement to violate the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation (Ch. 1, Art. 280.1 of the Criminal Code) is 100 thousand Rubles. And the maximum equals 300 thousand Rubles. Also a sentence of forced labor for up to 3 years was introduced, or arrest for a period of 4-6 months, instead of the currently existing compulsory work for up to 300 hours. The maximum term of imprisonment will be 4 years and in the current edition it equals 3 years. Penalties for incitement to separatism using media or the Internet (Ch. 2, Art. 280.1 of the Criminal Code) remains as previous: mandatory work for up to 480 hours or imprisonment up to 5 years. An additional penalty is introduced of temporary disqualification to hold certain positions or engage in activities.

JULY 2014 ● On 25.07.2014, two employees of the Creative Union of Crimean Tatar programs STRC "Krym" were dismissed: director Kishveev and editor Haniyev. According to the director, this action was motivated by the fact that there no literal translation was present of the programs in the Crimean Tatar language into Russian. ● On 25.07.2014, Tatar editor of the newspaper "Avdet" Shevket Kaybullayev was summoned to the FSB. There he was told that they had received requests from Rinat Shaymardanov, who accused the newspaper in publishing extremist materials – this included, in the latter’s opinion, the resolution of the Mejlis of boycotting elections to the Crimean parliament. ● On 30.07.2014, journalist of "Snidanok z 1 + 1" Roman Shishkin in Kerch was attacked for a shirt with Ukrainian symbolism.

AUGUST 2014 ● 01.08.2014, in the Crimea, property arrested of the Black Sea (Chornomorska) broadcasting company. The complainant who sued was the Broadcasting Transmitting Center of Crimea (RTPTS). The debt of the broadcaster RTPTS arose prior to the annexation of the Crimea. Representatives of "Crimean self-defence" were located at the territory 25

company for some time, who did not allow the access to the object of journalists of the "Center for Investigative Journalism," that rent a part of premises on CHTRK terrotiry. Further access was provided, but some equipment of the "Center for Investigative Journalism" disappeared by then, possibly together with the property of the broadcaster, which was removed by bailiffs. As a result, CHTRK transferred to RTPTS an amount of costs claimed in the lawsuit as the company’s debt for services rendered. On 11.08.2014, the Crimean Economic Court dismissed the claim of RTPTS against the TRC "Black Sea" (Chronomorska) in connection with "the voluntary repayment of debt" by the broadcaster. The court also decided to cancel measures to secure the claim of RTPTS, that is, to remove the arrest from the property of the broadcaster. CHTRK announced that it intends to return the equipment. Also, TRC "Black Sea" sent a complaint on misconduct to the Federal Bailiff Service. ● On 09.08.2014, Ismet Yuksel - coordinator of the news agency "Crimean news» (QHA), an adviser to the head of the Crimean Tatar Mejlis and a member of the Journalists Union of Turkic-speaking countries, was banned entry to the Crimea for 5 years. He received his Notice on the Crimean border, when returning to the Crimea with his family after the holidays. ● On 11.08.2014, the Standing Committee of legislative activity, the organization of the state serice and Public Relations of the State Council of Crimea evoked the accreditation of a journalist TV channel "ATR" Shevket Nemattulaev because he did not get up during the performance of national anthems of Russia and the Crimea.

SEPTEMBER 2014 ● On 08.09.2014, the Simferopol police raided a house of Lisa Bogutska who was a correspondent of Radio "Vilna Europa / Svoboda" and of informative Internet site "Krym.Realii", - the Crimean service funded by the US government. She has performed with critical comments about the annexation of Crimea by Russia. In connection with the detention of L. Bogutska, Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine appealed to the Commissioner of Russia to conduct checks on the fact of detention and to take the necessary measures to protect the rights and freedoms. After questioning, L. Bogutska left the Crimea, in fear of the pressure and prosecution by the FSB.


● On 12.09.2014, management of the TV Channel "Black Sea"(Chornomorska) (CHTRK) reported that arrest on their assets was lifted, but their staff gets refusals when they ask to obtain the TV broadcaster’s property back. ● On 14.09.2014, on the day of local elections under the laws of the Russia to the State Duma in the Crimea and to the Legislative Assembly of Sevastopol, a number of journalists were not admitted to the polling stations. Journalists were demanded their passports and editorial tasks - in writing form and with the publication’s seal. Without them, the entrance to the polling station was banned for journalists. ● On 16.09.2014, at the time of the search in the Office of Mejlis and the charitable organization "Fund of Crimea" , the newspaper "Avdet"’s office, which was located in the same building, was also searched. The next day, under the court order, it was demanded to conduct the overnight release of the building not only to the Mejlis and Charitable foundation "Fund of Crimea", but also from to the newspaper "Avdet." Federal Security Service issued a warning to the editor of the newspaper "Avdet" Shevket Kaybullayev. ● On 22.09.2014, in response to the concern over the fate of the newspaper "Avdet" expressed by the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, the Information and Press Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry said that the Mejlis and the newspaper "Avdet” controlled by it refuse to work in the legal field, and accused the OSCE Representative because for her biased estimates towards the position of the Russian media. ● On 24.09.2014, Director General of the Crimean Tatar TV "ATR" E.Islyamova received a letter from the Centre to combat extremism of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Crimea to provide documents for verification. The document said that the check was conducted according to the letter the Office of Roskomnahlyad, which indicated that the "ATR" channel strongly laid thoughts about possible reprisals on ethnic and religious grounds, and promoted anti-Russian views, intentionally kindled the distrust among Crimean Tatars of the government and its actions, which indirectly threatened extremist activity." ● On 26.09.2014, because of the elimination of STRC "Krym" and the creation of autonomous non-profit organization "Broadcasting Company Crimea" (Teleradiokompania Krym) all staff of STRC "Krym" was dismissed. Thus, according to the former chief editor of the program Arzy Selimov, about 150 employees were dismissed. However, journalists and members of the Crimean Tatar programs of STRC "Krym" consider the dismissal illegal, and therefore sued the broadcaster. 27

OCTOBER 2014 ● Media and journalists in Crimea report on formal obstruction in carrying out their activities. The deputy minister of internal policy, information and communication of Crimea Yulia Martynova said that "On the Republic of Crimea until the end of the year, all the media that have been registered under the laws of Ukraine will operate, as they were issued the appropriate licenses. ● Procedure of accreditation of journalists has become complicated. Committee of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea on Information Policy, Communications and Mass Communications has drafted a new Procedure for accreditation to work in Parliament. The draft document envisaged expanding the list of information for the submission for accreditation: except for details of the editor’s office, the media will need to provide information on education, occupation, experience of the journalist and his/her creative nickname. ● The staff of the "Center for Investigative Journalism" with formerly 10 people was reduced to four. ● Crimean authorities and the "Crimean self-defense" conduct active policy aimed at eliminating independent media, they are regularly calling Crimean residents to "be vigilant" and do not give any comments to the pro-Ukrainian journalists. ● TRC "Black Sea" (CHTRK) is unable to fully conduct its journalistic activities. CHTRK staff still did not have access to their equipment and office machines. Some employees had to leave the Crimea and continue their work on the mainland Ukraine. ● After the forced eviction of TRC "Black Sea" and the Center for Investigative Journalism from their rented premises, the Crimea-Inform Agency was created in their place, controlled by the Russian authorities. ● Freedom of speech in social networks got limited. Thus, on 09.10.2014 it was officially notified that a department investigator in the Yalta Central Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Crimea has opened a criminal case against 30-year resident of Yalta. This resident was suspected of committing a crime under Part 1 of Art. 282 of the Criminal Code, namely: the incitement of hatred or hostility, and humiliation of human dignity. Investigators believed that on 05.08. 2014, this man has 28

posted information of extremist content on his the social networking page in the Internet. The official representative of the Investigative Committee of Russia in the Crimea Eugeniy Belikov announced that the resident of Yalta placed a message in the Facebook social network that, according to the police, incited hatred "towards the Russians, to the Russian-speaking population."

NOVEMBER 2014 ● On 11.11.2014, the Sevastopol Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal of the radio transmitting center (RTPTS) Crimea on the decision of the Economic Court, which refused the RTPTS’s claim on 08.11.2014, and decided to withdraw the arrest of property of the broadcasting company "Black Sea". Alongside with this, the confiscated equipment was not returned to the broadcaster so it was not possible to continue further broadcasting. ● On 17.11.2014, Journalists of the Creative Union of Crimean Tatar applications were going to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights on their dismissal from the channel "Crimea". Journalists consider their dismissal illegal and would resume in their workplaces. ● On 9.11.2014, the State Duma adopted, on second reading, a bill on the peculiarities of the media in the Crimea and Sevastopol. The bill provides that the registration of the local media, as well as providing them with licenses to broadcast, will be free up to 01.04.2015. The document also contains a provision by which "the spread of the media, including the implementation of broadcast television and radio, in these areas, based on documents issued by state bodies of Ukraine" is allowed until April 2015. ● Employees of the Tatar creative team of STRC "Krym" which were dismissed in September, went to court to protect their rights. According to the editor of the creative group Zure Pink, all claims have been rejected. According to the former employees of the Crimean Tatar creative team of STRC "Krym" in the newly created company still does not have a license to broadcast. For this reason, the liquidation of the old company is postponed at least until April 2015. This means that the dismissal of employees due to liquidation of the enterprise has been premature. ● On 26.11.2014, the newspaper "Avdet", which is the official press organ of the Crimean Tatar Mejlis, filed an application for registration to the Roskomnadzor by Russian law. ● In preparation for the meeting of the Minister for Crimea Igor Saveliev, the journalists of the accredited media have been warned that photography is prohibited, and operators and TV stations were allowed to record only the first five minutes of the event. 29

DECEMBER 2014 ● In December, Resolution №222-1 / 14 of the Presidium of the State Council of Crimea from 25.11.2014 came into force. This decree approved the "Rules for the accreditation of journalists, media professionals and news agencies of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea" This procedure introduced a number of restrictions on media coverage of the State Council of Crimea, which is a violation of freedom of expression and right to information. ● On 03.12.2014, Representatives of the Black Sea Broadcasting Company (CHTRK) said that the bailiffs were deliberately delaying the returning of TV channel’s equipment confiscated by the court. The court's decision to lift the arrest of all equipment confiscated from CHTRK entered into force on 18.11. 2014. ● On 15.12.2014, at the web site of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications a notice was posted on competitions to be held in Moscow on 25.02.2015 for the right to perform ground-based broadcasting using specific radio frequencies in the Crimea and Sevastopol. However, none of the Crimean radio broadcasters were able to join the competition due to its conditions. ● On 22.12.2014, workers of the broadcasting company “Black Sea” (Chornomorska) took the confiscated equipment on their own. Also, equipment was returned of the "Center for Investigative Journalism," which was confiscated earlier. The returned equipment cannot be used as intended due to malfunction, lack of components, and its restoration requires a large amount of financial expenses. ● On 23.12.2014, the media working in Crimea that do not recognize the annexation of the peninsula, are considered hostile and do not have to work in the area. This was said by Sergey Aksenov at a press conference in Simferopol. ● On 26.12.2014, the National Council on Television and Radio of Ukraine denied a broadcasting license to the Crimean broadcasting company "Black Sea". In its decision, the National Council referred to the debt of the broadcaster to pay a license fee.


JANUARY 2015 ● From 01.01.2015, Roskomnahlyad obtained the right to apply the appropriate sanctions to the media, which, according to the Crimean authorities, conduct "provocative" policy. These "provocative" Media, according to the Crimea State Council, are the web site "Events of Crimea" (Podiyi Krymu) and the media holding "Skif media." Media outlets that are independent or are departments of Ukrainian media find it extremely difficult to re-register. Independent media have virtually no access to the authorities of the Crimea, they are denied accreditation to official measures, and prohibiting employees to give them comments, prohibiting to conduct photo and video filming of such events. ● On 22.01.2015 it was reported that Roskomnahlyad refused to register the news agency «QHA». Roskomnahlyad referred to Art. 13 of the Law "On mass media" which merely stated the right of the competent authorities to refuse a registration, under certain conditions. Later, in a written copy of the reply, it was stated that the reason was in the provision of false information about the founder of the media. ● On 26.01.2015, a search took place on TV "ATR", involving a large number of staff of armed riot police OMON, causing a short-term suspension of analog broadcasting and paralyzing the job of information service of news ATR for a day. In carrying out investigative measures, facts of interference in journalists of TV employees were noted. OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatovic condemned the raid by security forces in the Crimea broadcaster «ATR» in Simferopol, considering it interference in the work of free and independent media. ● On 28.01.2015, before the court hearing related to citizenship of Aleksandr Kolchenko, the operator of "Black Sea" channel was not allowed in the building of the Kiev District Court of Simferopol. The Guards have motivated their refusal by the absence of the judge's decision to allow filming. ● On 29.01.2015, was the deadline for the submission of documents for participation in the competition "for the right to carry out ground-based broadcasting using specific radio frequencies for the territory of new subjects of the Russian Federation - Republic of Crimea and the Sevastopol city of federal significance", which was scheduled in the framework of the federal contest commission on Broadcasting on 25.02.2015. 31

● On 30.01.2015, Head of Crimea Aksenov issued a decree "On approval of the Comprehensive Plan to counter terrorist ideology in the Republic of Crimea for the years 2015-2018 ", which was an open attack on freedom of speech and freedom of religion. The biggest concerns are the planned measures to protect the Internet space of Crimea and blocking web sites which, at the discretion of local authorities, "include terrorist and extremist materials". ● In the Russian social network "Classmates" (Odnoklassniki), administration blocked and then removed one of the most numerous groups called "Crimea and Crimean Tatars." This was informed by the chairman of the Crimean Tatar community in Moscow Mustafa Muhteremov. According to him, the number of participants was more than 14,500, the group operated from May 2008.

FEBRUARY 2015 ● On 03.02.2015 during the events commemorating Ukrainian singer Kuzma Scriabin (Andriy Kuzmenko) in Simferopol, representatives of paramilitary formations, in the presence of police, tried to interfere with the professional work of journalists who covered the event. They demanded from the representatves of at least three media to stop photo and video filming. ● On 13.02.2015, Sergey Aksenov said that Crimea was in a "paramilitary state" and therefore does not place "hostile media" on the peninsula. ● On 13.02.2015, two unknown people, led by the direction of the Head of Alushta city council Galina Menshikova, applied strength to force the employee of the newspaper "Crimean Telegraph" to leave the room where the meeting of the City Council took place. ● On 17.02.2015, in Armyansk, Internet service providers were ordered to block access to customer sites that contained materials of extremist nature. This was informed by the press service of the Crimean prosecutor's office. Earlier, the prosecutor's office issued a similar request to Krasnoperekopsk Internet service providers.


● On 25.02.2015, a competition for the allocation of radio frequencies was held. As a result, the rights to frequencies belonging to the Crimean companies, were given to large Russian media holdings. Thus, in February, all Crimean private radio stations were denied their frequencies. Moreover, they were not even allowed to the contest. ● Six Crimean broadcasters sent a number of appeals to the Crimean and Russian authorities with a request to postpone the filing of the competition. The answers from officials of federal agencies were not received. Then Roskomnahlyad acknowledged that the Crimean radio speaking companies could work with prior authorization up to 01.04.2015, but did not explain a situation of the distribution of frequencies. ● In Kerch, local authorities refused to continue the lease contract with TRC "Kerch", which therefore had to stop broadcasting , and therefore with no money to rent a room, to dismantle and transport the equipment. The administration of Kerch explained that under the law, it could not conclude a new contract with the company, which had debts of rent, which in the case of the TRC "Kerch", according to the administration, amounted to 98,000 rubles. ● In the cities of the Crimea, practice was traced when companies are deliberately not given information on the bank details for the payment of their debts, therefore, on that basis, not to renew the lease contacts with them. ● In the Crimean courts, practice have been formed to prevent access of journalists with cameras in the courthouse. ● A Kiev publishing office ignores appeals of the Ukrainian Chief Editor of the only one Ukrainian-language newspaper "Krymska Svitlycia" regardig the reestablishment of its issues in print, although the Head office has not informed the newspaper of the termination of cooperation. In February, the newspaper was published only in electronic form.


MARCH 2015 Among the main threats to press freedom in the Crimea in March 2015 were the requirements for the registration according to Russian legislation within up to 01.04.2015. A large number of media were not able to undergo such registration deadlines. Selectivity was noted in granting registration, depending on the information policy of the media, and the selectivity of the ban on the information activity of the media that have not undergone registration. ● On 12.03.2015, journalists were not allowed into the building of the Railway District Court of Simferopol, which held hearings of administrative cases against the organizers and participants of the action on March 9 (Veldara Shukurdzhieva, Leonid Kuzmin, Alexander Kravchenko). ● The first criminal case opened against the media by the Article of the Law on separatism. The reason for opening a case was the placement by the "Center for Investigative Journalism" (TSZHR) of and interview with the commander of the battalion "Krym". This was the basis for searches in the homes of parents of the author of material Anna Andrievska and former editor of the TSZHR site Natalia Kokorina. TSZHR is a Ukrainian media registered in Kiev. ● On 13.03.2015 the parents' house of the employee of "Center for Investigative Journalism" Anna Andrievska was searched, and computer equipment seized which did not belong to Andrievska. Anna herself now lives in Kyiv. Father of the journalist presented a Simferopol court’s decision, which stated in respect to Andrievska, she was prosecuted for the material, which allegedly contained calls for overthrow of the government in the Crimea. ● On 13.03.2015, was searched the apartment of the parents of the former website editor of the "Center for Investigative Journalism" Natalia Kokorina. A lawyer was not admitted to the investigative actions. After the search, Kokorina was taken to the FSB, where she was questioned as a witness in a criminal case under Article 280.1, which provides for responsibility for public calls to action for violation of the territorial integrity of Russia. She was released after a six-hour interrogation.


● On 13.03.2015, crew the "Black Sea TRC" was forbidden by the FSB to film the houses where searches were carried of the TSZHR employees. The journalist tried to call the police, but the police emergency number did not answer. ● On 13.03.2015, during the questioning of the former editor of the "Center for Investigative Journalism" Natalia Kokorina, police came to the group of journalists. Police copied personal data of all journalists and the state license plate numbers of the cars on which they arrived. Patrol car was on duty until the completion of the interrogation. ● On 14.03.2015, when recording interviews with pro-Ukrainian activists, Polish Polsat News TV journalists were faced with aggressive behavior of the "Crimean self-defense." Media representatives needed to call the police, which took all the journalists and interviewees - to testify in the police department. ● On 14.03.2015, in Simferopol, during an interview with the Polish journalist, representatives of "Crimean self-defense" detained the activists Leonid Kuzmin and Alexander Kravchenko. The reason was that Kravchenko carried yellow and blue ribbons. Journalists called the police, but the police brought activists and Polsat News TV journalist Tomasz Kulakovsky the Central Division. Then Kuzmin and Kravchenko were sent to the Centre to combat extremism. ● On 24.03.2014, Sergey Aksenov said that the message about the recovery of Ukrainian media broadcast on the peninsula was not true. ● On 27.03.2015, Roskomnadzor has once again refused re-registration to the news agency «QHA» due to the fact of "inaccurate information about the founder in passport data" - namely, it was not specified by whom and when the document was issued. For the first time, Roskomnadzor denied reregistration on other grounds, not pointing to the existence of the current violation. ● On 30.03.2015, in Simferopol, police officers have arrested 8 people for carrying out an "unauthorized mass event." As activist Efremov explained, they were planning to make a video in support of the ATR Channel. The detainees said that they were subject to psychological pressure and intimidation. 35

● On 30.03.2015, the Ministry of internal policy, information and communication of the Autonomous republic of Crimea stated that they have reached agreement with the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications on the state support to the print media of Crimea in 2015. ● By the end of March 2015, one Crimean newspaper with neutral content " Golos Krymu "( Voice of Crimea) underwent registration procedure within the set deadlines; two newspapers "QIRIM" and "Yan'y dugny" were at the stage of registration, and the newspaper "Avdet" and the news agency «QHA» have been denied registration twice, for the editorial policy which contained criticism of the Crimean authorities.

APRIL 2015 In April, a series of searches, interrogations and deductions were held, on journalists and media workers. All these cases were connected with the professional activities of journalists and employees of the media, and freedom of expression in electronic resources. ● As of 01.04.2015, the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications has registered 232 media, of which 163 are print media and news agencies, 8online publications, 19 TV channels, and 42 radio channels. At the beginning of last year 1840 publications were registered in the Crimea. As a result of re-registration, many media were made to stop broadcasting. ● 01.04.2015 The management agency "Crimean news” QHA has decided to move the company headquarters to Kyiv because of the denial in registration. Roskomnadzor denied registration to this agency in February 2015. ● 01.04.2015 Crimean Tatar TV Channel «ATR» ceased broadcasting. However, togther «ATR», the right to broadcast was lost by the Tatar kids channel «Lale», the FM-radio stations "Meydan" and "Leader" and the Internet news edition "15 Minutes" that were in one holding with the ATR. ● On 01.04.2015, Tatar Public Movement "QIRIM" initiated the creation of the Crimea Tatar Public Broadcasting Company.


● On 03.04.2015, Crimean providers blocked the Ukrainian website of "Novy Region". Crimeans who are trying to enter the site may see a warning that the resource has been "blocked under federal law." RIA "New Region" is finally divided into Russian and Ukrainian editions. ● On 08.04.2015 in Simferopol, FSB summoned the correspondent of "Center for Investigative Journalism" Anna Shaidurova. When calling in for questioning, Shaidurova was not given a summons, which is a violation of criminal procedural norms. The interrogation took place in the framework of the criminal case of calls to violation of territorial integrity (Art. 280.1 of the Criminal Code), initiated against journalist Anna Andrievska in connection with the publication of material about the battalion "Crym" in the area of Counter-terrorist operation. A lawyer and journalist were taken the subscription of nondisclosure. ● On 09.04.2015, in Yalta, FSB raided a building of the former deputy chief editor of the newsletter «BlackSeaNews» Tatiana Huchakova. Huchakova has not been working in this publication for more than a year in the as editor’s office has left for Kyiv. According to the employees of the newspaper, the search lasted about 10 hours, and computer equipment was seized. After the search T.Huchakova was questioned and released by late evening. Grounds for search and examination are being specified. ● On 09.04.2015 the editor of the online edition of "Informer" Irina Ostaschenko was attacked in Sebastopol around 11:00 am at the entrance to the house, where this journalist lived. Subsequently, the main version of the investigation was that Ostaschenko fell down the stairs, and this caused a head injury. Professional interests of this journalist had been investigating corruption in real estate and land relations. Irina died on 31.08.2015. ● On 11.04.2015 in Simferopol, employees of the Centre to combat extremism raided in the house of video operator Amet Umerov and called him to talk to the Centre to combat extremism. According to A. Umerov, the reason for the search was the friendship of a social network with a man who committed suicide. However, he Umerov does not remember this man, his close relatives connect the actions of law enforcement with Umerov’s critical remarks in social networks to address the authorities.


● On 21.04.2015 in Simferopol, members of the Investigative Committee raided a building of the operator of Crimean channel "APR" Eskeneder Nebiyev. E.Nebiyev was detained and on 22.04. 2015 he was was arrested on suspicion of involvement in the riots within the so-called case 26.02.2014. E Nebiyev claimed that he was there as an operator, performing the professional duties of media coverage. However, the investigation claims that E.Nebiyev was one of the organizers of the event and on that day he did not fulfill his professional responsibilities. Nebiyev was released from jail on 18.06.2015. ● On 21.04.2015, blogger Marlen Muzhdabayev informed via Facebook that police came to the house of his parents in Simferopol (Muzhdabayev himself does not live in Crimea). Muzhdabayev believed that the police wanted him and said that in three months, this was the fourth visit of police officers in the house of his relatives. ● On 22.04.2015, Director Crimean News Agency «QHA» Guyana Yüksel was called to the Centre to combat extremism. The reason for the call was hosting at the agency’s website of information about the OUN and UPA. With regards to Yüksel was filed a protocol on administrative offense under n. 2, Art. 13.15 of the Administrative Code "Abuse of freedom of mass media." ● On 22.04.2015, Aksenov issued a decree "On Crimean Tatar public Television and Radio Company." It provides for the creation of the Public TV and Radio Company of the Crimean Tatar and the establishment of the Crimean Tatar public broadcasting company. The composition of the Council is personally approved by the head of the Crimea from among the nominations submitted by the State Committee for International Relations and the Deported Citizens. ● On 27.04.2015 in Simferopol, an official visit Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev was held. Part of the Crimean journalists was not accredited because of their unreliability. In particular, photos of events on the Maidan were found on the page in the social network one of the journalists, - photos that were taken as part of her duty action. This was the basis for the denial of accreditation. ● The press center of MIA "Russia Today" was opened in Simferopol, and its administration declares that it reserves the right to refuse accreditation 38

without explanation. In the independent union of media workers it is believed that via such press centers possibility is created for the "filtering" of media and use of additional tools to restrict freedom of speech.

MAY 2015 ● 14.05.2015 Operator of the ATR channel was not allowed in the courthouse where the hearing was held to extend the preventive measure to Ahtem Chyihoz and a sentence was imposed in the case of Maidan activist Alexander Kostenko. Employees of the Russian television channels (NTV, Russia-1) were freely admitted. ● 18.05.2015 in Simferopol, police arrested employees of the edition "For Human Rights" and brought to the Department. Journalists filmed the story of one of the activists of the Crimean Tatar people. In the department, their fingerprints were taken. After 3 hours, the journalists were released, the charges were not shown, and refused to provide the protocol of detention. ● 21.05.2015 on the highway Simferopol-Armyansk, traffic police stopped a car of the Ukrainian TV channel "Inter", reviewed the car, checked the documents. The journalists were taken to the police station of the Armyansk city "for identification purposes.” In the police department, the journalists were ordered to undergo fingerprinting. After 4 hours, the journalists were released with the protocol handed to them. ● Judge of the Crimean Supreme Court dismissed the appeal of the crew channel ATR for conducting video during the hearing on the appeal of a custody to the employee of the channel Eskender Nebiev. The judge explained his refusal by the fact that filming equipment, in his opinion, cluttered the room, and this hearing was not of public interest. ● On 26.05.2015 Yalta FSB conducted auto transport review. These actions were filmed on a camera by a local blogger. FSB invited blogger to get to the Department where the witness’s video camera was taken from him, allegedly, for the purpose of adding video to the materials of review. When after 40 minutes the camera was returned back, all files were spoiled on it.


● One of the main threats to freedom of speech in the Crimea is the application of Russian law, namely Art. 280.1 of the Criminal Code "Public calls for the implementation of actions aimed at violating the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation" (maximum punishment - imprisonment up to 5 years). The criminal case on the article was opened, among the others, against the citizens of Ukraine who are no longer living in the Crimea. ● In May, Attorney of Crimea Natalia Poklonskaya reported that the investigating unit of Adminidtration of FSB of Russia in the Crimea, a criminal case was opened against the head of the Crimean Tatar Mejlis, Deputy of Ukraine Refat Chubarov. The case was opened under Art. 280.1. of Criminal Code "Public calls for the implementation of actions aimed at violating the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation." In addition, the prosecutor added that Refat Chubarov was declared on the Wanted list. ● The chief editor of the online edition «BlackSeaNews» Andrei Klimenko said that in the Crimea, a criminal case was opened on him under Art. 280.1 of the Criminal Code. The editorial office of the online edition «BlackSeaNews» left the Crimea in spring 2014 and operates in Kyiv.

JUNE 2015 On 18.05.2015, management of TV channel ATR issued a statement at a press conference in Kiev on the restoration of their broadcast from mainland Ukraine. TV channel owner Lenur Islyamov, stressed that the employees who remained in the Crimea, did not participate in this process. ● In mainland Ukraine, publication was stopped of the only Ukrainianlanguage newspaper of Crimea "Krymska svitlycia". The chief editor of this publication Victor Kachula argues that it was the fault of the founder – the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine.


JULY 2015

● On 02.07.2015, blogger Yuri Ilchenko was arrested in Sevastopol for criticizing the occupation of Crimea in the "VKontakte". As his father Gennady Ilchenko said, " Yuri’s Girlfriend was forced to sign that he had corrupted her daughter - a KGB-style things, and he faces 12 to 20 years. George is tortured in jail, he is beaten, his spine broken, kidneys beaten off, perhaps, he will not live up to the court. " ● On 24.07.2015, Information Policy Advisor to the Minister declared: that the state media will cover the theme of Crimea aided by the Crimean channels. Their broadcast will be provided by a foreign broadcast TV channel «Ukraine Tomorrow», created by the Ministry of Information Policy, and STRC "Krym", which is now under recovery."

AUGUST 2015 ● 0n 2.08.2015 unknown people made pogrom in the Tatar edition of the newspaper "Yanyy dugny" in Simferopol. ● On 20.08.2015 journalist of the "Krymska pravda" Alexei Ermolin died. He received a head injury from which he died without regaining consciousness. ● On 31.08.2015, Irina Ostaschenko died from head injuries. She was attacked in April. Ostaschenko was editor of the online edition of "Informer" in Sevastopol, and carried out anti-corruption investigation in real estate and land relations.

SEPTEMBER 2015 ● A public TV channel "Millet" began broadcasting In the Crimean Tatar language. All programs will be conducted in two languages - Russian and Tatar. Besdes television, radio broadcast will be launched soon.


● On 16.09.2015, media in Crimea did not find themselves in a situation of legal vacuum - but a pseudo – law, when the political will is attempted to be masked under the legal norm. Such opinion was expressed by a Russian media lawyer Fyodor Kravchenko during a discussion at the international conference "Forum 2000" in Prague. ● On 16.09.2015, under the new procedure, foreign journalists can enter Crimea. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has changed the procedure for entering the territory of the temporarily occupied Ukraine. Changes to the Government decree Nr. 367 of 04.06.2015 were introduced by Resolution Nr. 722 from 16.09.2015 ● On 22.09.2015 «Crimean field mission on Human Rights" (CFM) received information from the Russian authorities about adding it to the list of "undesirable organizations" - in fact, it was declared illegal. In this connection, CFM transferred some of its functions to new structures: the Crimean human rights group and the Human Rights Field Centre. ● On 22.09.2015, Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine and the Ukrainian edition of "Radio Svoboda" presented "Radio Krym.Realiyi" with Crimean journalists: Volodymyr Prytula - head of the Crimean Radio Svoboda’s project "Krym.Realiyi"; and Alexander Jankowski - the head of TV and radio program "Krym.Realiyi." ● On 23.09.2015, Crimean Prosecutor Natalia Poklonskaya and the Ministry of Information of Crimea recommended to the journalists not to use the name of "Crimean Tatar Mejlis" in publications. Such letters were received by the Crimean and Sevastopol editorial media. ●On 23.09.2015, for criticizing on the air of the official line of Kremlin, the chief editor of internet radio All-Russian Society for the Blind Oleg Shevkun was dismissed. The journalist said that the joining of the Crimea to Russia was illegal. ● On 27.09.2015, Director of the Center for Emergency Medical Aid of Simferopol Gennady Antoniuk said that several local media form the "avenger’s image " around the person of the suspected killer of two ambulance staff.


● On 28.09.2015, print media representatives demanded that the "Poshta Cryma" establish timely delivery to subscribers in the remote villages of the Crimea, assuming that the delivery was non-satisfactory.

OCTOBER 2015 ● On 02.10.2015, the businessman and owner of the Crimean Tatar media holding ATR Lenur Islyamov, initiator of the action "Civil blockade of the Crimea", said that the unknown people began threatening him with death and demanded to unblock the railway line to the plant "Ukrainian Chemical Products”, formerly known as "The Crimean Titan". ● On 03.10.2015, NGO "Internews-Ukraine", Institute for European Policy «Europeum» (Prague, Czech Republic) and program «Transition» Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic have set up an independent legal advice online platform PRAVOSMI.NET to help Ukrainian journalists who work in Crimea. ● On 03.10.2015, Roskomnahlyad edition informed the editorial offices of IA "TSZHR" and "Podiyi Krymu" about limiting their access to data media resources in the Russian Federation on the basis of the requirements of the General Prosecutor of Russia. Instant political blocking of web sites for "incitement to mass riots" and for participation in uncoordinated actions have been legitimized in February 2014. The law, designed by the deputy of the State Duma from the LDPR Andrei Lugovoi, allows the Attorney General and his deputies to block web sites on these grounds without a court order. ● On 05.10.2015, Preparation of a video on road repairs in Armyansk ended in physical violence to an employee of a local media. ● On 10.10.2015, Russian journalist Yevgeny Titov said he was haunted by the unknown people during his visit to the construction site of a bridge across the Kerch Strait, which is to connect the annexed Crimea with mainland Russia.


● On 12-14.10.2015, at the regional media forum in Alushta, import substitution was discussed referring to the media industry. The organizer was the Russian Ministry of domestic policy, information and communication of Crimea. ● On 12.10.2015 the former operator of channel ATR, 29-year-old Eskender Nebiyev Simferopol, was sentenced by the court to 2 years and 6 months’ probation with a probation period of 2 years on the case of "organizing mass riots under the walls of the Crimean parliament on 26.02.2014." ● On 13.10.2015, the Independent Media Trade Union of Ukraine demanded from the Ukrainian authorities to respond to the actions of the occupation officials and judges regarding the ATR TV operator Eskender Nebiyev. ● On 13-18.10.2015, Yalta conference of young journalists was held, which was attended by experts from several European countries. ● On 13.10.2015, the press service of the Russian Ministry of internal policy, Information and Communication announced a contest "Journalist of the year - 2015", conducted among the creative staff of municipal, federal and republican mass media in the republic of Crimea. The award will be granted in December. ● On 15.10.2015, Committee of the Independent Media Trade Union of Ukraine (IMTUU) prepared a formal appeal to the state bodies of Ukraine on facilitating the crossing of the administrative border with the Crimea for foreign journalists. Also, IMTUU prepares official letters to national media organizations from different countries who are also members of the International Federation of Journalists and the European Federation of Journalists, explaining the rules of attendance of the Crimea, temporarily occupied by the Russians. ● On 16.10.2015, 300 million rubles from the state budget have been spent to repair buildings of TRC "Krym", for the purchase of new cameras, studio equipment and new vehicles. The TRC was the first in Russia to start introduction of import substitution policy - and the procurement bought studio equipment produced in Russia.


● On 20.10.2015, in Sevastopol, the crew of the TV project "Health Navigator. Crimean Region” was ordered by the City Health Department that "unknown persons with cameras cannot enter the territory of the health facilities without prior approval for filming". ● On 23-24.10.2015, Festival of the Russian press in the Republic of Crimea will be held in Simferopol. The organization of the event is carried out by a Noncommercial Partnership "National press distribution network" Soyuzpechat" together with the Association of distributors of printed products with the support of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications, with the participation of the "Cardos" Group of companies.

4.THE CRIMEAN EDITORIAL OFFICES AFFECTED BY THE ANNEXATION OF THE CRIMEA ● The periodicals that have been affected: "Krynska Svitlycia", "Dumka", "Krymske slovo", "Slovo Sevastopolya," "Dzvin Sevastopola" ● Journalists of the following online publications switched their job to work on the mainland: "Ukrainske zhyttiya u Sevastopoli», «BlackSeaNews», «Sobytiya Kryma", "Grazhdanskaya oborona" media center «IPC Sevastopol." ● Moved to Odessa from Sevastopol Editorial office of TRC "Breeze" and the editorial of the newspaper of the Naval Forces of Ukraine "Flot Ukrainy" ● Moved to Kyiv: "Center for Investigative Journalism" Information Agency Qırım Haber Agentliği (QHA), «Chonomorska TRK", Radio "Assol", TV Channel ATR. ● Moved to Warsaw: Media channel “Ukraine Social Community”.



1. Information-analytical center "SOVA". 2. The Committee to Protect Journalists. 3. Crimean Field Mission on Human Rights. 4. Telekritika. 5. Krym. Realiyi. 6. Hromadske Radio. 7. Institute of Mass Information. 8. Free Crimea. 9. The report of the Freedom House human rights organization. 10. Report of the Amnesty International ÂŤOne year later: Violation of the rights to freedom of expression, assembly and associations in the Crimea." 11. Committee to Protect Journalists ÂŤFreedom of speech is deteriorating rapidly" 12. Andrey Klimenko: "Human rights violations in the Crimea occupied by Russia "


13. "Crimea: the pressure on journalists" 17.03.2014 14. "Illegals" and traitors ... Crymean journalism in occupation terms" 20.03.2014 15. Irina Prokopyuk , "advertising has virtually disappeared from" Kafa ", because business in the Crimea stopped" 25.03.2014 16. Zaire Akadyrov " Most of the colleagues now refocused Crimean authorities, the official Moscow " 26.03.2014 17. Osman Pashayev: "We are already working under occupation and everything is fine" 28.03.2014 18. Lyenur Yunusov: " I see no reason to Ukrainian media outlets and journalists to drop everything and leave the Crimea " 01.04.2014 46

19. Julia Shestakova, "When people have seen fotoapparat and recorder, they have been attacking me with their fists" 05.06.2014 20. Sergey Mokrushyn "In the Crimea, journalist’s work is impossible " 03.07.2014 21. " How the objectionable media in the Crimea is being destroyed by the occupying power" 23.10.2014 22. "Who left the Crimea ..." 06.02.2015 23. Tatiana Rikhtun " Occupation expelled media from the Crimea and hindered the enterprises " 03.03.2015 24. Andrey Klimenko: "Human rights violations in the Crimea, occupied by Russia " 25. "A year of occupation for the Crimean media. Part Two. " 06.05.2015 26. " CHANGE OF GATE. How is life for the Ukrainian settler journalists" 11.05.2015 27. "Andriy Shchekun’s speech in Strasbourg on the human rights situation in the Crimea" 27.05.2015 28. "Ideological-political struggle, or “Russian” journalists "against the “Banderovtsy” journalists 28.05.2015 29. The Crimean peninsula - without a license and the Andrushko Effect 01.06.2015 30. "Flee or survive? Dissenting journalists subjected to repression in the Crimea" 20.06.2015 31. "Media in Crimea: How to survive and where to run" 22.06.2015 32. " What happened to the Crimean media" 29.06.2015 33. " What happened to the Crimean media " 30.06.2015 34. Muzaffar Sulyeymanov "The choice of Crimean journalists: Russian emigration or censorship" 14.07.2015 35. Adviser to the Minister of Information Policy, State media will cover the theme of Crimea with the help of the Crimean channels that are "in exile" 24.07.2015


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