Portfolio from Jiaying He

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The transparent future office building in Chongqing

Reborn of educational centre

public education in Leith Norway climate response

Log cabin


The transparent future

Studio Project Team Work Year 2021

Instructor: John Brennan, David Seel

The UK was the first major economy to create a legally binding target to bring greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050.

-- Net Zero Strategy: Build Back Greener, October 2021

The Extinction Rebellion movement’s drawing of an unprecedented amount of main stream media attention to climate change, and the UK government’s subsequent motion to declare a Climate Emergency have underlined the urgency of addressing carbon emissions.

For a building’s construction, the net zero definition provided is “when the amount of carbon emissions associated with a building’s product and construction stages up to practical completion is zero or negative, through the use of offsets or the net export of on-site renewable energy.”

“The Net Zero Framework gives clear, concise guidance on what needs to be done, by whom, and crucially by when,” adds Gary Clark. “It is critical that the construction industry speaks with one voice when it comes to addressing climate change with ur gency.”

Data analysis in Chongqing, China

wind & sun plan

This city is also called the city on the stove. The temperature is above 24 degrees for half of the year.

sunpath: 1-3 windrose: 1-3

sunpath: 10-12 windrose: 10-12

sunpath: 4-6 windrose: 4-6

sunpath: 1-12 windrose: 1-12

Absolute humidity& precipitation

sunpath: 7-9 windrose: 7-9

The sunpath and temperature diagram show— Chongqing is very hot in summer, the highest temperature can reach 37 degrees, people will feel very uncomfortable in such weather.

The rugged mountainous terrain makes for unstable winds into Chongqing, with low lev els of wind at the same time.

The annual average relative humidity in Chongqing is mostly 70% to 80%, which is a high humidity area in China. The average annual rainfall is relatively abundant, with 1000-1350 mm in most areas, and the precipitation is mostly concentrated in May to September, accounting for about 70% of the total annual rainfall, especially at the turn of spring and summer. Due to the combination of topography and climate, Chongqing is foggy. It is known as "Fog Chongqing" and "Fog City". The annual average foggy days is 104 days.

Different floors have different needs for sunlight. The interior of each floor is divided into different areas, but there are no walls in between to facilitate future demolition and changes to the interior.

immune to radiation and effective at both extremely high and low temperatures.

Why nitrogen in ETFE?

Nitrogen is in fact an inert diatomic gas with low thermal conductivity compared to gases, difficult to react with other substances at room temperature, less susceptible to thermal expansion and contraction, and small deformation.

Operation process

size of the skin

summer day winter day

It will be turned off at midday when the weather gets warmer and turned on again in the afternoon.

A light sensor is required.Nitrogen costs only €3,000 per year and can reduce CO2 emissions by 72%, with nitrogen in the air.

pipe arrangement

Aluminium frame and ETFE material lighten the load on the wall, no extra load-bearing required.

ETFE in reality


photovoltaic cells water system

Roofs receive the most sunlight, so photovoltaic cells are installed on the roof to generate electricity for the building's operation.The green roof absorbs rainwater and recycles water throughout the building.

Heating pipe arrangement north window

double glaze

The north facing windows are double glazed, double glazing allows for energy savings by spacing out the entry of hot air in the summer and cold air in the winter. In summer, the space between the two panes of glass accelerates the circulation of air and reduces the build ing temperature.

The underfloor heating is in water heating mode and is able to be controlled separately according to the distribution of each zone, saving energy.

HVAC system service: season day & night

Air conditioning layout according to the zones in the room.

The switchboards are placed on the east side of the building for easy collective management.

The condensing tower uses water for condensation.

HVAC arrangement

The distribution of the tubes is based on the different interior spaces. Each individual zone can be adjusted autonomously.

Underfloor heating is needed in winter to keep people warm indoors.

Bay in detail

The CLT hard wood floor as a wooden mate rial reduces energy emissions. The space supported by the steel grounding clamp is reserved for the placement of heat ing pipes.

In summer, windows need to be closed during the day to block heat from entering.

Windows need to be opened at night in summer to ventilate the area and the air conditioning needs to be turned off.

There is no need for underfloor heat ing or air conditioning to increase or decrease the temperature in spring and autumn.

The windows will be opened to bring in natural ventilation and the ETFE material on the south side will heat the room air to allow people to work com fortably.

The use of a double-glazed skin cushions the strong winds from the outside and makes the office more comfortable for the occupants.

1-5 floor ground floor spring & autumn summer night

Reborn of educational centre

Studio Project Individual Work Year 2022


The waterfront area is blessed with a beautiful view of the sea, but the lack of appropriate development has led to a lot of wasted land and the lack of proper use of land has led to a lack of jobs and low wages for the majority of the local population.

Did not weave the culture together very well. For example, the Granton railway station, the former Madvik car factory and the Granton gas meters are historical landmarks that have not been preserved and passed on to future generations.

Most of the factories along the coast have taken up land, fragmenting the coast and requiring demolition to make the coast whole.

1.Gap between rich and poor

2. Lack of Internet access

3. Lack of education

The location

Deprived and affluent areas are clearly divided into three main separate areas.

Educational areas are set up where the two classes meet.The education centre is a good link between the people of the two areas, allowing local people to interact and communicate moremaking it easy for people of all ages from both classes to come and learn.

4. the best place


For seniors to learn about current technology and increase their knowledge of the internet.

The figure above shown that most of e-professionals are in the eastern area. Those volenteer who come from eastern area can help to develop elderly people's e-knowledge who come from western area.

Rencent years, more elderly people find it difficult to catch up the latest trend of Internet. For example, they do not know what will the bus come, because they do not how to use the smartphone, or even only have a smart phone. It is the soci

People in poorer areas also tend to be less educated.

There is also a very high percentage of people whose highest qualification is primary.

within 1km

This place is convenient for both elderly and young people. Elderly people with reduced mobility can walk to the area within 10 minutes without the use of a car, and young people within 1km of the north of Granton can come and study here. This greatly facilitates the local target group to be able to study close to home.


Craigroyston Community High School

Craigroyston Primary School

Laura's School

Pirniehall Primary School

Forthview Primary School

Craigroyston Primary School

Oaklands School

Edinburgh College (Granton Campus)

Forthview Primary School

Granton Primary School

Wardie Primary School

Edinburgh Academy Junior School

Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

Trinity Academy

Bonnington House Nursery

Trinity Primary School

Stanwell Nursery School Parkside Primary School

Leith Primary School

St Mary’s (Leith) R C Primary School

Schools in Granton

There are over 20 schools in this area, mostly primary and second ary.

The only technical college is edin burgh college and although there is a wide range of courses, there are no courses in sustainable construc tion offered within the school.

In the mid of this map, there is less school around.The only schoolGranton Primary School can provide limited education kinds. It needs a school that can also provide elderly education and job tainning course.

reference: Google map


The history of Granton’s primary school

Most of the buildings from 1960 to 1970 were built in a retro style, made of stone and concrete. The facades are ornate and vintage. However, the age of the buildings means that many of them are difficult to maintain.

Holy Cross Primary School


More recent buildings are made of modern and popular materials. St Peter’s Primary School, in particular, has a façade made of wooden slats. These ma terials are more sustainable and environmentally friendly.

material chage with time timber sctucture

Research About other Schools
Davidson’s Mains Primary School 1965-1966 Trinity Primary School 1968 Fox Covert Primary school recent decades Hermitage Park Primary School recent decades St Peter’s Primary School recent decades brick and concrete sctucture Primary Schools in Granton

From a macro perspective, granton primary school is locat ed inland and surrounded by residential areas.

Further narrowing down the area reveals that the surround ing residential density is not high, inferring that the density of the school should be designed appropriately for small class sizes.

is also very important and green space is very low here and needs to be further ex panded.

From Macro to Micro J AY NG HE Un e s o Ed nb rgh 0 0 2 0 0 6 8 1 1 2 1 4 1 6 1 2 km A P o ect on Br sh Na ona Gr d Sca e 1 20000 Digima Con n OS a a © C own opy gh nd a a ase gh 2 22 O dna ce S ve 10 025 52 FOR EDUCAT ONAL USE ON Y J AYING HE Un vers ty o Ed nbu gh 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 m Ap 03 2022 19 51 28 0 2 2m 7 1m 8 3m 0 5 2 m 8 3m 2 m m P A a WARDI BURN PLACE WEST WARDIE UR ST EET WE T WA DIEBURN ROAD PILTON DRIVE NORTH BOSWA L PA KWAY GARDENS BOSWALLLOAN GRANTON GRANTONGROVE WARD EBURN ERRACE WARD EBURN TERRA E WARDI BURN PLACE A T BO W L ARKWAY WARDI BURN STREE EAST P TON G RD NS PILTONCRESCENT WARDI BURN PLACE SOUTH WARDIEB RN DRI E LB CB LB 35 54 96 32 34 5 112 0 24 3 7 8 6 t o 0 17 14 64 7880 55 1 0 1 0 6 92 7 1 o 43 0 06 94 3 2 39 0 2 1 0 9 6 9 8 1 8284 34 36 82 61 91 5 42 15 6 2 1 5 Ad ventist Ch ur h Commun y Cen e 8 4 1 11 6 34 3 1 2 6 8 2 3 1 3 2 Ro ston W d e u n 21 2 4 43 2 0 8 4 1 19 1 9 5 2 4 9 83 62 S ev nth D a y 3 5 4 0 3 3 1 1 11 02 29 4 41 966 7 27 75 2 17 3 2 119 21 81 31 2 61 4648 37 31 7 9 6 23 5 3 1 5 01 6 38 2 7 3 8 30 8 2 5 1 7 11 1 21 b Y ea s C nt re E u 3 4 5 3 6 1 8 03 2 7 32 Grant o E a yl 3 6 68 5 7 3 1 6 B c add a 02 3 8 1 4 G n n h e 5 2 4 63 5 4 43 3 56 7 30 4 2 1 71 32 C n 6 32 3 51 2 1 6 83 39 1 1 20 1 3 2 24 26 9 50 7 11 26 42 1 3 1 5 68 9 1 0 5 7 8 3 58 7 322 2 2 31 10 2 30 1 S e 40 12 38 22 62 31 92 9 D y 1 1 2 4 G an on P ma y Scho 4 2 14 10 03 3 4 3 54 G n n Par sh Church 10 51 71 31 30 3 1 3 19 5 22 24 9 11 2 52 4 62 2 1 1 6 1 4 60 4 4 7151 28 74 1820 51 68 81 P o ect on Br i h Nat ona Gr d Sca e 1 2500 Digima © C own cop r gh and da a ase gh 2022 O dnan e Su vey 10002 252 FOR EDUCAT ONAL USE ONLY J AY NG HE Un vers t o Ed nbu gh 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 3 0 400 450 500 m Ap 03 2022 19 50 Pro e t on Br sh Na ona Gr d Sca e 1 5000 Digimap © C ow cop r gh an da aba e gh 2022 O dnan e Su vey ( 000252 2 FOR EDUCAT ONAL USE ONLY
Macro scale Micro scale Micro scale Neighbourhood scale

Building Whole Life-cycle: Material

reference: granton primary school(google map)

1. Demolition of the original building

Why Demolish the Original Primary School

2. Construction of existing buildings material including

3. Destination of building materials after demolition

the material of the original building reference: granton primary school(https://twitter.com/grantonps)

Most of the building materials and facilities are old and it is not economically viable to repair or replace them. However, the follow ing parts of the building materials can be recycled.

timber slat

Wooden strips used for floor and wall finishes can be recycled, powdered and compressed into new boards.

stone mixed wall concrete

The buildings themselves are old and the use of unsustain able materials poses a major problem for the environment.

Stone mixes for walls and con crete floors can be used twice.

Mixing new sand and gravel, cement and water in a certain ratio

evaluation of the material

scots pine compressed board low carbon concrete cork & rubber underlay

Scots pine forest can still be found in certain areas of Scotland. The timber is pale reddish-brown with distinct rings, and a pale coloured sap-wood. The timber is not durable without treatment, but is strong, light and easily worked.

After Decades

Timber structure can be transported to the wood recycle centre

Agglomorated recycled crumb rubber and cork for impact and airborne noise insulation of floating slab floors.

glulam timber column timber frame

compressed timber board

scots pine slat

The compressed wood panels are made entirely from pressed wood panels from former primary schools.

This material is used exclusively for floor coverings in the landscape.

reference: https://gccassociation.org/sustainability-innovation/future-of-construction-and-the-role-of-concrete/ https://materials.ads.org.uk/ reference: google map map of location

move on wood recycling

timber board transported to site

In the future, wooden materials that have been dam aged over the years can be replaced. Unwanted wood will be sent to move on wood recy cling for centralised disposal. Although move on wood recycling is not very large now, it has the potential to develop into a large shop in the future, which could reach the size of a centralised wood processing facility.

small store

big store

currently future recyclable timber replace the inner structure and materal

Rebuild of the Site

educational centre should be a gather ing place.

the circle can be expanded larger.

Configuration of Functional Space

Expoded figure



cut the circle and build up two build ings, those two buildings will surround the central place like hug each other.

lifted some parts of the building to get more space.


more plants and animals added into the site to help keep the biodiversity.

more detail added into the site which including playground, Basketball Court.

The building is divided into two floors and is intended to be used as an educational space.

The building has an all timber frame structure, in order to reduce CO2 emissions and the dispersion of toxic substances during use.

Space Formation Green roof wood finishes floor Wooden frame construction Landscape Car parking bike parking floor

Seasonal Temperature Spring

Autumn Summer Winter

comfort zone

The UK has a temperate maritime climate with mild and humid conditions throughout the year.

The warm season lasts for 3.0 months, from 14 June to 14 September, with average daily high temperatures of over 16°C.

The hottest month of the year in Edinburgh is July, with average high temperatures of 18°C and average low temperatures of 11°C.

The cool season lasts 3.9 months, from 19 November to 16 March, with an average daily high temperature of less than 9°C. The coldest month of the year in Edinburgh is January, with an average low temperature of 1°C and an average high tempera ture of 6°C.

The coldest month of the year in Edinburgh is January, with an average low temperature of 1°C and an average high temperature of 6°C.

Heating support is required in winter, no auxiliary ventilation for warming or cooling air is required in other months.

Seasonal Change

Summer Day Winter Day Autumn & Spring

The temperature is suitable in spring and autumn and the natural ventilation fully meets the air exchange rate required by the building. People are very comfortable indoors.

During the summer season, the sun is at a high altitude angle, avoiding direct sunlight, and thanks to the win dows being fully open and the auxiliary extractor, the air in the room circulates.

In winter the sun's low altitude angle allows direct sunlight to enter the room, heating it up, while the air conditioning also assists in heating it up.

Seasonal Change

The building are seperated into two parts, one for primary teaching only, the other on is for job training and elderly education. People can gathering in the mid public playground for speech, gathering and outside education.


2.primary school

3.job training & elderly education

4.out space education


6.canteen & cafe

7.teacher's office 8.administration 9.day-care 10.music room 11.kitchen 12.store 13.sports hall 14.computer room 15.workshop 16.botanical garden 17.multi-function room 18.library

19.car parking 20.bike parking 21.stairs

The central educational place provides a natural place for people to interact as a public area.

The Building Plan Section Ground Floor First Floor 1 A 15 17 17 20 10 7 7 14 1414 14 7 14 14 4 16 16 16 AA’ SECTION 16 21 21 6 13 18 5 9 9 8 10 12 19
2 1 16 4 16 3
A’ A’

Detail Design green roof

glulam timber

Modular classrooms are used on two floors, mostly in wood, with sus tainable materials like cork & rubber underlay used for the acoustic layer.

green roof

classroom module where rain goes pond

scots pine strip

scots pine strip

cork & rubber underlay


Green roofs offer possibilities for biodiversity.

When it rains, the rainwater collected by the roof is transferred to a pond in the landscape for secondary use.

education module detail green plants

soil Iron bars stones Waterproof layer insulation glulam timber triple glazing wood fiber board CLT air gap

scots pine strip (for facade) compressed wooden boards

cork & rubber underlay (acoustic resilient) pargecoat concrete

7.00m ±0.00m


Detail Design


elderly & job trainning classroom module


Children classroom

The cluster is a combination of all the necessary rooms. Children can gathering in the middle of the room to read and play around. They can be free to the outdoor world, when open the door, there will be botanical garden for children to learn from the nature.

scale window: 700mm to the ground-suitable for children to watch out and enjoy the view toilet: with 2 room of toilet witch is convenient for both the children and teacher to take care of them.

elderly & job trainning classroom

All the elderly people and teenager will study at this room during different time.

children classroom module



1.two classrooms

2.central common room

3.rest room

4.group room

5.external area


out to play

6 6 5

4 2 Detail Design

1 1

They can be free to the outdoor world, when open the door, there will be botanical garden for children to learn from the nature.

wild-nature in the site


responds to the Edinburgh Biodiiversty Plan

Surface water run-off from sealed surfaces such as roofs and roads can cause flooding and increase pollu tion in our rivers and burns. Having more unsealed ar eas such as green roofs, Sustainable Urban Drainage Schemes (SUDS), gardens and soft landscaping helps to slow water run-off and absorb pollutants before the water reaches our rivers. --Edinburgh Biodiiversty Plan


Birds bees

swifts, house sparrows, starlings and bats

Edinburgh has a diverse range of biological species, but common ones such as bees and toads are very important to the urban environment and the analysis revealed that the landscape areas of this site needed to be integrated with nature.

Toadstool Ferns

Vascular plants

Mosses and liv erworts

The planting of plants conducive to the survival of toads and bees and the design of an environment adapted to these two animals.

Bats Swift

near water

biodiversity in Edinburgh animals


Hoverfly Susan Falconer Natalie Todman Natalie Todman Natalie Todman Bumblebees Susan Falconer Early bumblebee Susan Falconer
Common Tern Pollination Juniper Juniper Juniper Pillwort live
Adder’s Tongue Sieve-toothed Moss Compact Grimmia Mealy Grimmia Spring Sandwort
Field Gentian Arran Whitebeam


concrete in the landscape

Some concrete from old buildings can be mixed to make new low carbon emission concrete for non-load bearing floors. This saves on transport costs and reduc es concrete waste.

The outdoor education can be seen as a public speech place and meeting place. All the people from local community are well coming.

habitats for bees

Bees in the city can have a place to live.

seperated ponds around the landscape(wet ponds)

habitats for toadstool

habitats for flowers(dry land)

A native flowering variety to Edinburgh that increases the area of native flowers and provides pollination habitat for bees

Log cabin

Studio Project

Individual Work Year 2021


Norway is a country in the cool continental sub arctic zone. It has many islands, and the fragmented land is not enough to withstand the cold monsoon.

The walls of local traditional houses are mostly very thick to withstand the cold and windy days.

The extensive use of wood and stone also makes local materials sustainable.

PIC1: location, near the sea, on the hillside, affected by the wind come from north-east and north-west.

PIC2: the temperature typically varies from -10°C to 15°C.

The month with the most rain is October, with an average rainfall of 92 millimetres.

The month with the least rain is March, with an average rainfall of 40 millimetres.

PIC3: from December to January there will be polar night. From May to July there will be polar day.

PIC4: Wind come from north-east and north-west.

PIC5: half of the year are windy days.

Climate and location in Troms, Norway

Wind would come from the north through stone brick to roof, and flow above the top.

Eventually generate a low-pressure area in the south. The south roof get the most radiation. Sun room can provide stable heat to the inner rooms.

Wind & Radiation

srping PIC1 autumn PIC3

PIC1: the angle is about 11.43°with polar night

PIC2: the angle is about 42.21°wth polar day

PIC3: the angle is about 28.26°

PIC4: the angle is about 11.43°wth polar night

Norway has most of the polar day and night for all year around. People dont need to worry about the energy cost and use during summer period, but the energy cost will be in highly demanded in other seasons.

summer PIC2 winter PIC4


Air changes


The temperature will stay in 5- 10°C. People will start to heat their house up. The sun room keep heating the air during the daytime.

from daytime to nighttime

During the daytime, the bright sunlight will heat the glass. Hot air con vey to the inner rooms.

There will be polar day in summer. Faint sunlight will keep heating the glass but not strong than daytime.

Air changes


from daytime to nighttime

During the daytime, the warm sunlight will heat the glass. Hot air con vey to the inner rooms. The stove will heat up the house.

There stove are highly demanded during night.


The temperature will stay in 5- 8°C. People will start to heat their house up by stove. The sun room keep heating the air during the daytime.

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