Portfolio from Jiaying He

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CONTENT 1 The transparent future office building in Chongqing 2 3 4 5 6 The Stranded Time Enclave Revival
Annual Rings Sketches A shelter of homeless objects A building that can feed humans Recall the last Long-Tang in the future Create a harmony between human and nature Art works :human and nature

The transparent future

Studio Project Team Work Year 2021

Instructor: John Brennan, David Seel

The UK was the first major economy to create a legally binding target to bring greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050.

-- Net Zero Strategy: Build Back Greener, October 2021

The Extinction Rebellion movement’s drawing of an unprecedented amount of main stream media attention to climate change, and the UK government’s subsequent motion to declare a Climate Emergency have underlined the urgency of addressing carbon emissions.

For a building’s construction, the net zero definition provided is “when the amount of carbon emissions associated with a building’s product and construction stages up to practical completion is zero or negative, through the use of offsets or the net export of on-site renewable energy.”

“The Net Zero Framework gives clear, concise guidance on what needs to be done, by whom, and crucially by when,” adds Gary Clark. “It is critical that the construction industry speaks with one voice when it comes to addressing climate change with ur gency.”

Data analysis in Chongqing, China

wind & sun plan

This city is also called the city on the stove. The temperature is above 24 degrees for half of the year.

sunpath: 1-3 windrose: 1-3

sunpath: 10-12 windrose: 10-12

sunpath: 4-6 windrose: 4-6

sunpath: 1-12 windrose: 1-12

Absolute humidity& precipitation

sunpath: 7-9 windrose: 7-9

The sunpath and temperature diagram show— Chongqing is very hot in summer, the highest temperature can reach 37 degrees, people will feel very uncomfortable in such weather.

The rugged mountainous terrain makes for unstable winds into Chongqing, with low lev els of wind at the same time.

The annual average relative humidity in Chongqing is mostly 70% to 80%, which is a high humidity area in China. The average annual rainfall is relatively abundant, with 1000-1350 mm in most areas, and the precipitation is mostly concentrated in May to September, accounting for about 70% of the total annual rainfall, especially at the turn of spring and summer. Due to the combination of topography and climate, Chongqing is foggy. It is known as "Fog Chongqing" and "Fog City". The annual average foggy days is 104 days.

Different floors have different needs for sunlight. The interior of each floor is divided into different areas, but there are no walls in between to facilitate future demolition and changes to the interior.

immune to radiation and effective at both extremely high and low temperatures.

Why nitrogen in ETFE?

Nitrogen is in fact an inert diatomic gas with low thermal conductivity compared to gases, difficult to react with other substances at room temperature, less susceptible to thermal expansion and contraction, and small deformation.

Operation process

size of the skin

summer day winter day

It will be turned off at midday when the weather gets warmer and turned on again in the afternoon.

A light sensor is required.Nitrogen costs only €3,000 per year and can reduce CO2 emissions by 72%, with nitrogen in the air.

pipe arrangement

Aluminium frame and ETFE material lighten the load on the wall, no extra load-bearing required.

ETFE in reality


photovoltaic cells water system

Roofs receive the most sunlight, so photovoltaic cells are installed on the roof to generate electricity for the building's operation.The green roof absorbs rainwater and recycles water throughout the building.

Heating pipe arrangement north window

double glaze

The north facing windows are double glazed, double glazing allows for energy savings by spacing out the entry of hot air in the summer and cold air in the winter. In summer, the space between the two panes of glass accelerates the circulation of air and reduces the build ing temperature.

The underfloor heating is in water heating mode and is able to be controlled separately according to the distribution of each zone, saving energy.

HVAC system service: season day & night

Air conditioning layout according to the zones in the room.

The switchboards are placed on the east side of the building for easy collective management.

The condensing tower uses water for condensation.

HVAC arrangement

The distribution of the tubes is based on the different interior spaces. Each individual zone can be adjusted autonomously.

Underfloor heating is needed in winter to keep people warm indoors.

Bay in detail

The CLT hard wood floor as a wooden mate rial reduces energy emissions. The space supported by the steel grounding clamp is reserved for the placement of heat ing pipes.

In summer, windows need to be closed during the day to block heat from entering.

Windows need to be opened at night in summer to ventilate the area and the air conditioning needs to be turned off.

There is no need for underfloor heat ing or air conditioning to increase or decrease the temperature in spring and autumn.

The windows will be opened to bring in natural ventilation and the ETFE material on the south side will heat the room air to allow people to work com fortably.

The use of a double-glazed skin cushions the strong winds from the outside and makes the office more comfortable for the occupants.

1-5 floor ground floor spring & autumn summer night

The Stranded Time

Studio Project Independent Work Year 2020

Instructor: Alexander Schmidt

Now the architecture can create a place for these homeless objects, also a multitude of places, the collection is then periodically re-presented.…

-- Peter Zumthor on the comment of LACMA, LA

A rusted submarine strands on an abandoned field, at Arsenal,Venice. The submarine saw centuries of prosperity of marine insdusty in Venice; while also witnessed the falling of that glorious era.

History is not always a continuous flow.It is sometimes stranded. The stranded mo ments of time became forgotten memorieds and obsolettes. Remains of marine weap ons, battleship components, as well as other shattered pieces of history, are stranded here. I propose to build an exhibition center at this special site.

It will become a shelter of those homeless objects, to recall the memory, and to inspire every generation.

Marine History of Venice

Venice, the city on the water, saw centuires of develop ment in marine industry. The production of marine weap ons grew during wars, and faded away after the falling of the Republic of Venice. Various types of marine weapons spanned their periods of time among history.

In Arsenal’s long history of warfare, ships and weapons became more and more advanced over time.But after world War II these things were gradually replaced by modern technology 50 0 100 m m m

Time flow in Arsenal

Significant parts of the Arsenal were destroyed under Napoleonic rule, and later rebuilt to enable the Arsenal’s present use as a naval base.

In the late 16th century Development as a military factory from the ancient to steam age to WWII.

After WWII most of Arsenal’s factory were abandoned.

Now the site is used as a research center and an exhibition venue during for Venice Biennale, and is home to a historic boat preserva tion center.

LA BIENNALE DI VENEZIA map of venice map of arsenal site Arsenal Historical Site at Present

the original site put the volume beside the submarine relic divide the functional zones

align the building form with the surrounding context

Configuration of Functional Space

create interior details that respond to local architec tural style

manipulate the landscape and outdoor space

Space Formation The Building Plan A-A Section

A A m m m m

1F 1F

2F 2F

1.Multi-functional exhibition hall 2.Private exhibition space 3.Meeting room 4.Subsidiary rooms 5.Warehouse 6.Toilet 7.Office 8.Cafe 9.Kitchen 10.Restaurant

1.The auction hall 2.Security room 3.The inspection room 4.Transaction confirmation room 5.Settlement center 6.Take delivery room 7.Toilet

Visitors can get off the boat or walk to the site and enter through the entrance next to the submarine. After viewing the exhibits, they can rest and eat in the restaurant. And buyer can visit the private gallery on the first floor and go up to the second floor and auction.

3 1 2

Response to Venetian Architectural Context

My building extracts the elements mentioned below and presents different experiences through the combination with modern architectural expression.

The Dome is cut and deformed to form elements of the building through a combination of wire mesh and glass skylights.

The inside exhibition
Dome 2 Half arch
Arch outside

Commerce is also an essential part of this exhibition center. On the second floor, there is an auction space for peo ple to trade on the heritage and artworks.

The collision of the old heritage and the new space is shown at the entrance of the building. The stranded submarine meets the glass hall, forming a dialogue in between the pathway that the guests could feel.

the auction hall the entrance

The ouside exhibition Commerce Dialogue

Enclave Revival

Studio Project Independent Work Year 2020

Feeding the World in the 21st Century -- Dickson Despommier

By 2050, the world’s population is expected to grow by another 2 billion people, and feeding it will be a huge challenge. Due to industrial development and urbanization, we are losing arable lands every day. Scientists say that the Earth has lost a third of its arable lands over the last 40 years.

We don’t know how much more we are going to lose in the next 40 years. Increasing food demand due to a growing population along with ever decreasing arable lands poses one of the greatest challenges facing us.I believe that vertical farming can be the answer to this challenge.

Specific location Main function It is surrounded by mountains and has cold winters and dry summers Minqin Street was very crowded Lack of rainwater Cold and dry in winter Time flow in Minqing street 0 200 400 600 800 1000 National average rainfa Inland northwest lanzhou precipitation contrast 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 days of percipitation average rainfall Dec Nov Oct Sept Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan Monthly precipitation and precipitation days in Lanzhou

Configuration of Functional Space

Planting pattern

Vegetables around the year

Ground floor


2 floor

1.Aquatics breeding area 2.Growing area 3.Seeds room 4.Cleaning area

3 floor

5 1 2

3 4

1.Growing area 2.Seeds room 3.Cleaning area 4.Melon area 5.Cafe 5 floor

2.Aquatics breeding area 3.Seeds room 4.Growing area 5 Cleaning area 1 1 1

2 3 3 3

Build a vertical farm to help older people who live nearby live a better life, reduce carbon emissions from transport and return to the joys of growing vegetables in rural areas

4 floor

1.Green vegetable 2.Growing area 3.Germination room 4.Cleaning area 5.Melon area 6.Cafe 7.Tomato area

6 6

4 5

1 2 2 2

1.Green vegetable 2.Growing area 3.Germination room 4.Cleaning area 5.Melon area 6.Cafe

5 5 7

3 4 4 4

Typical Plans & Sections

Lighting system Structure

Basic form Combine LED light with Vine vegetables and stairs As a device for interacting with people and growing vegetables
Third floor
Top floor
Vegetable tube Structure

Long-Tang Skyscraper

Studio Project Independent Work Year 2020

Instructor: Xiaoshi Zhao,Yuehao Chen

The city of the future is the city we already live in --Bjarke Ingels

There’s always a reason why someone is called an architect. It is because the world is changing, and that change means that the way the world is today does not fit the way that the world is becoming, so we have to somehow accommodate that change.

And in doing so we have a chance to not just answer all the questions and solve all the problems, but we also have to ask ourselves, what could we make happen that would be better than today? What could we make happen that would be more exciting and more inspiring than we have today? Every time you give form, you also have the chance to give a gift to the future.

In a way, you can give the future something it didn’t ask for.

What is Long Tang?

Why most dwellers are the elderly

Materialization of spatial relationships

Daily Routine of Long-Tang Dwellers

Trasform into vertical

Overall rendering

Daily shopping chould be possible here.

A-A Section C-C Section

Drying clothes, wathing movies and even gambling are accessible in public space 4

E-E Section

Through different split levels, the original sloped roof can be used for leisure and play.


6&5 After the medical treatment, the patients can go directly upstairs to rest in the natural landscape

B-B Section D-D Section

The daily routine of the elderly include cooking, laundry and recreation. The space brings various possibilities.

F-F Section

At the Long Tang Museum, visitors can learn about the history of the lane from the bottom up by walking on a gentle ramp

Typical Plans & Sections
7 1
2 A
Analyze about public place Plant Petri Dish People can observe the growth status of plants from different angles 6&5

The Annual Rings



Independent Work Year 2020

Instructor: Xiaoshi Zhao,Wang Bin

There is a strong reciprocal relationship whereby our more ambitious design visions encourage the continuing development of the new digital technolo gies and fabrication techniques, and those new developments in turn inspire us to push the design envelope ever further.

--Zaha Hadid

We are a part of nature. If we want to explore unknown areas in nature, reckless development of natural resources will be backlashed by nature, and exploration that follows the laws of nature will make us live in harmony with nature.

I have always wanted to build a device in the forest that can be organically combined with nature, so that people can better feel nature.The inspiration comes from the annual rings of trees, which will grow in circles as time goes by. This concept led me to create this installment.

Provide space for short-term hikes and picnics in the forest for people to rest, eat and entertain.

Generation process

Results from different data

roof&structure roof&structure roof&structure roof&structure roof&structure chair chair chair chair chair

Number Slider 1: 5 Number Slider 2: 4 Number Slider 3: 4

Number Slider 1: 4 Number Slider 2: 5 Number Slider 3: 1

Number Slider 1: 9 Number Slider 2: 7 Number Slider 3: 8

Number Slider 1: 3 Number Slider 2: 6 Number Slider 3: 3

Parametric design principle Space Formation from concept

The installment is composed of two parts, the structure and the roof above, and the seats below.

Among them, the smaller the value of number slider 1, the smaller the number of arcs generated, and the larger the value of n umber slider 2, the greater the change in arc. The larger the value of number slider 3, the more magnification and the steeper the shape.

In order to create a natural separation space, the top multiplier is 6 times that of the bottom, and the bottom ring is twice that of the top, in order to make people have a more comfortable use.

Number Slider 1: 3 Number Slider 2: 5 Number Slider 3: 5

Number Slider 1: 3 Number Slider 2: 4 Number Slider 3: 3

Number Slider 1: 10 Number Slider 2: 10 Number Slider 3: 9

Number Slider 1: 9 Number Slider 2: 10 Number Slider 3: 6

Number Slider 1: 6 Number Slider 2: 7 Number Slider 3: 4

The most suitable one for the forest

Number Slider 1: 6 Number Slider 2: 7 Number Slider 3: 4

the annual rings wood skin concentric circles roof wavy structure

Activities in this installment Zoom in view

The arc at the top divides the space naturally into 3 spaces-vegetable preparation area, picnic area, and leisure area. Meet the different needs of people who come to the forest.

Natural light will spread through the gaps at the top to the seats at the bottom, forming light and shadow changes of different shapes, while also saving energy.


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