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Eleni found a plant, larger and less expensive than her apartment and decided to stay.

Justin actually went back to New York, but quickly realized that maybe he was wrong and maybe Eleni was right. One day after his return to the states, he boarded a plane back to Mexico and watched the Matrix for the eighth and ninth time.

Though footage taken by Eleni would appear to confirm Tom’s disappearance while paragliding it was later found to be a staged escape; arranged with the aid of a paragliding expert. Tom was never seen again, but did occasionally e-mail Justin for help updating his website, which eventually got some hits.

Surprised by the amount of donations he received while mistaken for a street performer doing his robotic finger act in Mexico City, Steve pursued the career change.

Upon Steve’s insistence in pursuing a new life in Mexico, Louis wandered back to the nunnery where he was welcomed and inspired by the cookies he would later build an internationally acclaimed ad campaign for.

Carla got a membership at the yacht club.

Touched by Louis Lopes Loza’s invitation to work in his studio, Shannon stayed and became best friends with the pepperoni shaped dog, who turned out not to be blind or deaf at all.

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