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London - A tase of Excitment & Culture
London - A Taste of Excitement & Culture
One of the world’s most visited cities, London has something for everyone: from its culture and cuisine to its exceptional music and arts scene.2000 years of history has created an incredibly cosmopolitan city with a diversity that puts it alongside the world’s most international cities.
It is a city of ideas – and a pioneer of art and culture. You’ll find a city of independent thinkers with larger-than-life imaginations. Think contemporary artists, musicians, writers, poets, architects and designers. They all call London home.
Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge, London Eye, Trafalgar Square and Picadilly Circus, the Tate Modern and Big Ben are all located within the city limits and are seamlessly accessible.

BuckinghamPalace 15 London Eye

‘Once you are tired of London, you are tired of life,” - Samuel Johnson
Pick any day of the week, and you’ll find an art show, exhibition or creative event somewhere in the city. And whether your finger is already on the pulse of what is currentlytrending or you just happen to fall upon one while walking the street, you’ll be sure to find at least one most weeks.
London is also home to some of the most exciting street food and craft markets. There are numerous food markets, craft stalls and places of learning, with entry to all street markets being free. So no matter what type of cuisine or craft you are looking for, London has a one just for you.