By: isabella
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: What do Butterflies Eat?
Chapter 2: Some Butterflies are Big and Some are Small
Chapter 3: Difference Between Moths and Butterflies
Introduction Have you ever seen a butterfly or moth? How do you know it was a butterfly or a moth? Read my book to learn about Each. Enjoy!
Chapter1: What Butterflies Eat
Seeps nectar from flowers.
Did you know that a butterfly's tongue is like a straw? The butterfly puts its tongue in the flowers and drink the juices called nectar. The nectar is sweet to the butterfly so it will come and drink.
Chapter 2: Some Butterflies are Big and Some are Small
Baton Blue Butterfly Like many other insects, some butterflies are little and some are big. The biggest butterfly is as big as a man's hand and the little butterfly is little as a nickel The Baton Blue Butterfly is one of the smallest. The largest butterfly in the USA is the Swallowtail. It is like the size of a school child's hand. The smallest butterfly is the Western Pygmy. It is about the size of your finger nail!
Giant swallowtail butterfly
Chapter 3: Moth or Butterfly?
Have you seen a butterfly? Are you sure? How do you know? I am going to teach you the difference between a butterfly and a moth. Butterflies close their wings when they Are resting and the moth keeps its wing open when resting. The butterfly flies during the daytime and the moth flies at night. Moth have feather-like antenna and butterflies have clubs at the tip of their antenna. Butterflies are colorful but the moths are brown gray, black, and have furry bodies.
I hope my book has taught you a lot of new information about butterflies and moth. It was fun teaching you about them!
References Butterflies up close by Greg pyres Butterflies and Moths by Rosamund Kidman Cox and Barbara Cork A Monarch Butterfly/s life by John Himmelman
http://www.google.com/search?q=butterfly +eating&hl =en&client=safari&tbo= d&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei= 5D4JUY7eIo3U9AS1pYDQDw&sqi=2&ved= 0CAYQ_AUoAQ&biw= 1024&bih=672#biv=i|1;d|C_GEchW3KOSz0M: