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Sharks By Jenny

Do you want to see a swimming nose in the water? Well I don't letery mean a swimming nose so what do you think it is? If you are thinking shark you got it. You wanna know why I called a shark a swimming nose? It's because half of the shark's brain is for smelling! A shark can hear about 3000 feet away.



A hungry shark is having lunch, but he is diffinty not eating a sandwich. There is no lettuce,cheese or bread but there is meat but raw meat. Sharks eat seals, fish and even garbage. Hammerhead sharks like to hunt on the ocean floor for stingrays and believe it or not stingrays are hammerhead sharks consoins! So say it like this: you eating your consoins for dinner. The basking shark is the second biggest shark. You might think it is a man eating monster! Not true at all, basking sharks teeth is barely the size of a ladybug. So they eat plankton. Plankton are tiny creatures that get swallowed by the basking shark.


When people think of shark teeth they wonder About them.there are a lot of shark teeth some are short some are long some are pointy some are prickly. Sharks have their teeth covered in smooth easmal, so their teeth dos not feel like rough rocks. We use our teeth to chew and eat hamburgers but sharks don't use their teeth to chew they use their teeth to chomp, crush, and catch! If their food is small enough to fit in their mouth they swallow it whole. If it is too big they chomp it to parts and swallow the parts. Sharks can have more than 10rows of teeth.


Sharks are strong and powerful with their jaws but they aren't even a match for the humans ropes and nets they catch sharks with. Humans think sharks are the most dangerous animal in the world but it is the other way around. Humans are the dangerous animals. Humans kill at least 35 million sharks a year! For shark fin soup, jewelry, shark skin wallets and for fun! So now sharks are indangered but the ocean need sharks they are part of the food chain. If we don't do something soon some seices won't hold and die out. So help.


References Original artwork by Jenny.

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