-needle and coordinating thread
-sewing machine
-iron & pressing surface
-rotary cutter and mat
-fabric shears
-straight pins
-(4) 18” x 18” pillow inserts
-For best results, read through all instructions before starting.
-Please wash, dry & iron your fabrics before beginning, and trim selvedges.
-Unless otherwise indicated, sew all seams with a 1/4” seam allowance.
-Press your seams open as you go.
-WOF = width of fabric
Fabric A
For Pillow #1
Cut (1) 9-7/8” x WOF strip. Sub-cut:
-(1) 9-7/8” x 9-7/8” square. This will be referred to as piece (a).
Sub-cut the remaining piece to 9-1/2” x 18-1/2”. This will be referred to as piece (b)
For Pillow #2
Cut (1) 3” x WOF strip. Sub-cut:
-(2) 3” x 5-1/2” rectangles. These will be referred to as piece (c).
-(2) 3” x 10-1/2” rectangles. These will be referred to as piece (d).
For Pillow #3
Cut (2) 2-1/2” x WOF strips. Sub-cut:
-(3) 18-1/2” x 2-1/2” rectangles. These will be referred to as piece (e).
For Pillow #4
Cut (1) 8” x WOF strip. Sub-cut:
-(4) 8” x 8” squares. These will be referred to as piece (f).
Fabric B
For Pillow #1
Cut (1) 9-7/8” x WOF strip. Sub-cut:
-(1) 9-7/8” X 9-7/8” square. This will be referred to as piece (g).
For Pillow #4
From remaining strip, cut (2) 3-1/2” strips. Sub-cut:
-(1) 18-1/2” x 3-1/2” rectangle. This will be referred to as piece (h).
-(2) 8” x 3-1/2” rectangles. These will be referred to as piece (i).
Fabric C
Cut (1) 18-1/2” x WOF strip. Sub-cut:
For Pillow #3
-(2) 18-1/2” x 6-1/2” rectangles. These will be referred to as piece (j)
For Pillow #2
-(2) 4-1/2” x 18-1/2” rectangles. These will be referred to as piece (k).
Trim remaining strip to 10-1/2”. Sub-cut:
-(2) 10-1/2” x 4-1/2” rectangles. These will be referred to as piece (l).
Fabric D
For Pillow #2
Cut (1) 5” x 5” square. This will be referred to as piece (m).
Fabrics E, F, G & H (for pillow backs)
From each of the fabrics, cut (1) 12” x WOF strip. Sub-cut: -(2) 12” x 18-1/2” rectangles.
NOTE: Refer to the cover page to see which pillow back fabrics correspond with which pillow fronts.
PIECING (NOTE: refer to the Assembly Layout on p.7 for fabric placement)
Making Pillow #1
1. Mark a diagonal line corner-to-corner on the Wrong Side of piece (a).
2. Place piece (a) over piece (g), right sides facing. Sew a seam on either side of the marked line at 1/4”.
3. Cut along the marked line. Open up the fabrics and press seams open. Yields (2) half square triangles (HSTs). Trim to 9-1/2” x 9-1/2”.
4. Sew the two HSTs together as shown below. Pay attention to the orientation of each block. refer to the assembly layour on p.7 and the cover page for fabric placement.
5. Sew piece (b) to the left of the unit created in Step 4.
Sew one piece (c) to the top of piece (m) and one to the bottom.
7. Sew one piece (d) to the right of the unit created in Step 6, and one to the left.
8. Sew one piece (l) to the top of the unit created in Step 7 and one to the bottom.
9. Sew one piece (k) to the right of the unit created in Step 8, and one the the left.
10. Sew all pieces (e) and (j) together, in alternating order, from top to bottom, as shown.
11. Sew one piece (f) to the top of one piece (i) and one to the bottom. Repeat to make a second one.
Make 2
12. Sew one of the units created in Step 11 to the left of piece (h) and one to the right.
Finishing the Pillows (NOTE: the following instructions apply to each of the four pillows)
13. Fold one 18-1/2” side of the backing rectangle 1/4”, Wrong Sides Together, and press.
14. Fold the edge over a second time 1/2” and press. Top stitch along the folded edge.
15. Place the Pillow Top face up on your work surface.
16. Line up the Backing rectangles with the outer edges of the Pillow so that their folded edges overlap at the center of the pillow. They should be Wrong Side up. Pin in place.
17. Using a 1/2” SA, sew around the perimeter of the pillow. Clip corners.
18. Turn the pillow cover right side out and insert the pillow form.