-Needle and coordinating thread
-Sewing machine
-Iron & pressing surface
-Rotary cutter and mat
-Fabric shears
-Straight pins
-Fusible Web for Machine Appliqué - A Lightweight fusible is recommended to avoid having a stiff appliqué. Wash-away appliqué stabilizer is also a good option. Always read manufacturer’s instructions to be sure that you are using the correct fusible for the job.
-‘Open Toe’ Appliqué Foot or Zig-Zag foot for your sewing machine
- 20” x 20“ piece of batting
-18” x 18“ pillow insert
-For best results, read through all instructions before starting.
-Please wash, dry & iron your fabrics before beginning, and trim selvedges.
-Unless otherwise indicated, sew all seams with a 1/4” seam allowance.
-Press your seams open as you go.
-WOF = width of fabric
Print template pieces from page 7 at 100% scale. Cut out each template piece.
Fabric A
Cut (1) 12-1/2” x 12-1/2” square.
Fabrics B-C-D
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to apply the fusible web to the wrong side of Fabrics B-C-D. Trace each template onto the back of each corresponding fabric and cut.
Fabric E
Cut (2) 2-1/2” x WOF strips. Set aside for binding.
Cut (2) 3-1/2 x WOF strips. Sub-cut:
-(2) 12-1/2” x 3-1/2” rectangles. These will the side borders.
-(2) 18-1/2” x 3-1/2” rectangles. These will be the top and bottom borders.
Fabric F
Cut (2) 18-1/2” x 12” rectangles. These will be the pillow back panels.
Fabric G
Cut (1) 22” x 22” square. This will be used as backing when quilting the pillow front.
1. Position the appliqué pieces on the Fabric A Square, beginning with the stems, then the leaves & finally the flower petals. Refer to the diagram below for proper positioning.
3-1/4 in. 2 in.
4 in.
3-1/2 in.
2- Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to fuse the appliqué pieces to the background fabric.
3- Stitch around the appliqué pieces using either a straight stitch or a satin stitch (see instructions on page 3).
METHOD 1: STRAIGHT STITCH APPLIQUÉ (Note that with this method, the edges will fray after washing, giving your quilt a nice ‘raggy’ look).
-Set your stitch length a little shorter than you would when piecing your quilt. You’ll want to sew just inside the edge of the Appliqué piece (about 1/8”).
-It is easiest to begin in an area of the shape where there is a straight line or a gentle curve.
-Begin by taking one forward stitch and then a backstitch to lock it in. Continue sewing all the way around the shape until you get back to the first stitch. Backstitch again to lock in your stitch.
TIP: Since your machine sews in a straight line, it will be necessary to stop and pivot the piece frequently in order to follow the shape of the curve . You’ll want to make sure that you stop with the needle DOWN, LIFT the presser foot, PIVOT, lower the presser foot and continue.
METHOD 2: ZIG ZAG SATIN STITCH APPLIQUÉ (With this method, the edges of the appliqué are secured by the stitches and will not fray after washing).
Install the Zig- Zag foot on your machine and set the machine to a Zig Zag Stitch. Set your stitch length fairly short (.5 or less). The shorter the stitch length the closer together the zig-zags will be. Test a few different lengths on a piece of scrap fabric to see which look you prefer.
-Begin by locking in your stitches. You can do this before setting your machine to a Zig Zag stitch. Take one short straight stitch forward and then a backstitch to lock it in.
-Set your machine to the desired Zig Zag Stitch length and begin sewing.
-As the needle swings to the right, it should fall just outside the outline of the appliqué shape and onto the background fabric. As it swings to the left, the majority of the stitch will fall on the appliqué shape.
-Continue sewing all the way around the shape until you get back to the first stitch.
-Set your machine back to a straight stitch, and backstitch again to lock in your stitch.
TIP: When coming around the outside of a curve, you’ll need to pivot when the needle is on the right side of the appliqué shape.
4. Sew one side border piece to each side of the block as shown.
5. Sew the remaining border pieces to the top and bottom of the block as shown.
Quilting the Pillow Front:
6. Layer your white Fabric G backing piece, quilt batting and pillow front, with the batting in the center and the fabrics’ Right Sides facing out.
7. Baste & quilt as desired, and square up the pillow front to 18-1/2” x 18-1/2”.
Adding the Pillow Back:
8. Fold & press a 1/2” hem along (1) 18-1/2” edge of each Fabric F Backing piece. Fold a second time and press. Topstitch along the fold.
9. Place the pillow front on your work surface, Wrong Side facing up. Place the narrower of the two Fabric J pieces on top of it, as shown, Right Side facing up (Note: the hemmed edge should be towards the center).
10. Place the second Fabric F piece on the pillow front, as shown, Right Side facing up. Again, the hemmed edge is placed towards the center.
11. Pin and sew a seam around the perimeter of the pillow with 1/8” seam allowance.
12. Join the Fabric E binding strips and press to make the binding. Sew the binding to the pillow using your favorite method.