Dandelion Fabric - Spring 2023 Lookbook

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Dandelion Fabric & Co is a boutique textile brand. We’re artists too! With artists from around the world, our focus is to create beautiful quilting and sewing fabrics. The company was born from the desire to build a mission-centered brand, focused on creating long-term relationships, celebrating the moments that matter & supporting our partners and worthy causes for children & veterans

Our Values

We put people first

We do the right thing, not the easy thing

We are honest and true to our mission - it’s the core of who we are

Our 2023 Charity:

Celebrating the life of a beautiful girl in our local town who fought hard but earned her angel wings in 2017. In her memory and to honor how she lived, her family takes their grief and transforms it into something positive for other pediatric cancer families. HOPE


pn Shipping
in February 7DESIGNS 10 SKUS

Sanguinetti-Jonescheit of Deinki

22SP-EC01EasterWreath 22SP-EC04MagnoliaDance 22SP-EC02EasterEggs 22SP-EC03BouncingBunnies
22SP-EC06EasterPlaidBlue 22SP-EC07EasterPlaidYellow 22SP-EC05SpringAir 22SP-ECBTEasterCollection CasePack(15YdBolts) 22SP-ECFQEasterFQBundle 22SP-ECBLEasterBloom(Roll)

Vortexby PurpleMoose Designs

Gemstoneby MeadowMistDesigns
designed by Chantal Walsh Catmint & Co
9DESIGNS 12 SKUS Pre Order by 2/28
Tamarinis WindyDayby Sarah'sSofties
22SP-ED02NavyBouquet 22SP-ED03FieldofFlowers 22SP-ED01Poppies 22SP-ED04BerriesAmber
22SP-ED08 LeafSilhouetteBlue 22SP-ED06FlowerBudsEcru 22SP-ED05BerriesBlue 22SP-EDBTEdenCasePack (15YdBolts) 22SP-EDFQEdenFQBundle 22SI-EDBLEdenBloom(Roll) 22SP-ED10EdenTrellis 22SP-ED09 LeafSilhouetteGreen
designed by Lisa Redhead
Creative Design
Contempo by Tamarinis 12DESIGNS 15 SKUS NowShipping !
2 2 W IR L 0 5 L e a v e s 2 2 W IR L 0 6 F a c i n g C i r c l e s
22WI-RL01Steps 22WI-RL02Hatch
22WI-BL03VelvetPurple 22WI-RL07Drops 22WI-RL08DisplacedCircles 22WI-BL04VelvetPink 22WI-BL05VelvetGreen 22WI-BL06VelvetOrange 22WI-RLBTRetroLifeCasePack (15YdBolts) 22WI-RLFQRetroLifeFQBundle 22WI-RLBLRetroLifeBloom(Roll) Grande Scrappy Pattern by Cheryl Brickey of Meadow Mist Designs
8DESIGNS 11 SKUS designed by
Now Shipping! SlimShadyby PurpleMoose Designs SunshineCrossbodyPouch byBagstockDesigns
Kelly Kratzing
22WI-DS01Peonies DS02 BellFlowers WI-DS03WildflowerSilhouette Burgundy
2 2 W ID S 0 5 W i l d f l o w e r S i l h o u e t t e G o l d e n r o d 2 2 W ID S 0 6 D e s e r t W i l d f l o w e r s
22WI-DS04PeonySilhouetteGreen 22WI-BL01ButterflyBurgundy
22WI-DSBTDesertSwayCasePack (15YdBolts) 22WI-DSFQDesertSwayFQBundle 22WI-DSBLDesertSwayBloom(Roll)
22WI-BL02ButterflyPinkSand Table runner designed, pieced and quilted by Gwen Sager of Tillalili hand-painted mandala artwork by Nicole Stirling of Stirling Studio

DESIGNS 14 SKUS Now Shipping!

22WI-HC01WaterDrops 22WI-HC02Honeycomb 22WI-HC03Queen
2 2 W IH C 0 5 O r a n g e S u c k l e 2 2 W IH C 0 6 O c t a g o n
22WI-HC04PollenDrops 22WI-HCBTHoneycombCasePack (15YdBolts) 22WI-HCBLHoneycomb Bloom(Roll) 22WI-BL12SprinkleDeepOrange 22WI-HC07Leaves 22WI-HC08HoneycombCells 22WI-BL11SprinkleLightGrey 22WI-HCFQHoneycombFQBundle 22WI-BL10CurveBlack
12DESIGNS 15 SKUS Now Shipping!
22WI-FF01CozyPlaidPurple 22WI-FF02CozyPlaidGreen 22WI-FF03TimetoGoGreen
2 2 W IF F 0 5 L o v e l y A u t u m n 2 2 W IF F 0 6 C o l o r f u l F o r e s t G r e e n
22WI-FF04TimetoGoPurple 22WI-BL08FallFeathersGreen 22WI-FF07FallisHerePurple 22WI-FF08FallisHereGreen 22WI-BL07FallFeathersPurple
FFFQFallinLovewithFallFQBund FFBLFallinLovewithFall Bloom(R icateFlorals 2 h
22WI-FFBTFallinLovewithFallCasePack(15YdB Showcase quilt pattern by Erin Grogan of Love Sew Modern Pieced, Quilted & Photographed by Erin Grogan

1 panel of George, Gertrude, Mallory & Maude characters

designed by Lisa Redhead Red Creative Design

22WI-GG01DotsBlue 22WI-GG02DotsGreen 22WI-GG03DotsOrange
2 2 W IG G 0 5 F l o w e r s , G r a p e s & L e a v e s 2 2 W IG G 0 6 F l o w e r s , G r a p e s & L e a v e s B l u e
22WI-GG04DotsPink 22WI-GG07LargeLeaves 22WI-GG08LargeLeavesDark 22WI-GGCOFGGMMCasePack (15YdBolts) 22WI-GGFQGGMMFQBundle 22WI-GGBLGGMMBloom(Roll) 22WI-GG09Mallory&Gertrude
2 2 W IG G P N P a n e l 2 p a n e l s p e r 1 / 2 y d
subsidiary of Dandelion Design Collective, LLC 52 Kensington Court Hackettstown, NJ 07840

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