Topper size: approximately 46” x 46”

Place Mat size: approximately 17” x 12”

Fabric Collection by Jennifer Ellory for P&B Textiles
Table Set designed by Matthew Pridemore of The Whimsical Workshop
Finished Table Topper Size: approx. 46” x 46”
Finished Place Mat Size: approx. 17” x 12”
Table Topper Yardages:
Fabric A:
Fabric B:
Fabric C:
Fabric D:
Fabric E:
Fabric F:
DTHA 5406 G 2/3 yard
DTHA 5409 E ...................... 1 5/8 yards
DTHA 5408 N .......................... 3/8 yards
DTHA 5407 B .............................3/4 yard
DTHA 5405 DG ......................... 3/8 yard
DTHA 5403 N ........................... 3/4 yard
DTHA 5404 E ……..................... 3 yards ................................................. 54” x 54”
Table Topper Cutting Instructions:
Please read all instructions carefully before beginning. Strips are cut across the width of fabric WOF (perpendicular to selvedges) unless otherwise stated. All seams are sewn with 1/4” seam unless otherwise stated. Label all pieces.
From Fabric A:
1. Cut one 4 1/2” strip; sub-cut four 4 1/2” squares. (Blocks)
2. Cut one 2 1/2” strip; sub-cut nine 2 1/2” squares. (Cornerstones)
3. Cut five 2 1/2” strips. (Binding)
From Fabric B:
1. Cut one 2 7/8” strip; sub-cut eight 2 7/8” squares. (Blocks)
2. Cut six 2 1/2” strips; sub-cut twelve 2 1/2” x 16 1/2” strips. (Sashing)
3. Cut four 2 1/2” strips; sub-cut sixty-four 2 1/2” squares. (Blocks)
4. Cut two 2 1/2” strips; sub-cut sixteen 2 1/2” x 4 1/2” strips. (Blocks)
5. Cut sixteen Template 1 triangles. (Blocks)
6. Cut sixteen Template 3 triangles. (Blocks)
From Fabric C:
1. Cut two 2 1/2” strips; sub-cut sixteen 2 1/2” x 4 1/2” strips. (Blocks)
2. Cut two 2 1/2” strips; sub-cut thirty-two 2 1/2” squares. (Blocks)
From Fabric D:
1. Cut one 2 7/8” strip; sub-cut eight 2 7/8” squares. (Blocks)
2. Cut two 2 1/2” strips; sub-cut sixteen 2 1/2” x 4 1/2” strips. (Blocks)
3. Cut sixteen Template 2 diamonds. (Blocks)
From Fabric E:
1. Cut four 2 1/2” strips; sub-cut thirty-two 2 1/2” x 4 1/2” strips. (Blocks)
From Fabric F:
1. Cut three 4 1/2” strips. Sew the together end to end with diagonal seams and cut two 4 1/2” x 46 1/2” strips. (Border)
2. Cut two 4 1/2" x 38 1/2" strips. (Border)
Table Topper Piecing Instructions:
The arrows in figures represent the fabric print direction. Pay attention to the fabric and unit orientations while assembling the various components.
Place one Template 1 B triangle on top of one Template 2 D diamond, right sides together, aligning the left sides (Fig. 1). Sew the (2) components together along the left side. Press the smaller segment open.
Place one Template 3 B triangle on top of the Template 2 D diamond, right sides together, aligning the right sides (Fig. 2). Sew the (2) components together along the right side. Press the smaller component open to make one Unit 1 square (Fig. 3). Trim the unit to measure 4 1/2” square.
Repeat Steps 1-2 to make sixteen Unit 1 squares total.
Place one 2 1/2” B square on the left side of one 2 1/2” x 4 1/2” C strip, right sides together (Fig. 4). Sew across the diagonal of the square from the upper right corner to the lower left corner (Fig. 4). Flip open the triangle formed and press. Trim away the excess fabric from behind the triangle, leaving a 1/4” seam allowance (Fig. 5).
Place another 2 1/2” B square on the right side of the 2 1/2” x 4 1/2” C strip, right sides together (Fig. 6). Sew across the diagonal of the square from the upper left corner to the lower right corner (Fig. 6). Flip open the triangle formed and press. Trim away the excess fabric from behind the triangle, leaving a 1/4” seam allowance to make one Unit 2 strip (Fig. 7).
Repeat Steps 4-5 to make sixteen Unit 2 strips total.
Sew one Unit 1 square to each side of one Unit 5 square to make the top row. Repeat to make the bottom row. Sew one Unit 5 square to each side of one 4 1/2” A square to make the middle row. Sew the three rows together lengthwise to make one 12 1/2” Unit 6 square (Fig. 11). Repeat to make four Unit 6 squares total.
Place one 2 7/8” B square on top of one 2 7/8” D square, right sides together. Draw a line across the diagonal of the top square (Fig. 12). Sew 1/4” away from each side of the drawn diagonal line (Fig. 12). Cut the two squares apart on the drawn diagonal line (Fig. 13) to make two halfsquare triangles. Trim the half-square triangles to measure 2 1/2” square to make two Unit 7 squares (Fig. 14). Repeat to make sixteen Unit 7 squares total.
Repeat Steps 4-5 and refer to Figures 8-9 for fabric identification, placement and seam direction to make sixteen Unit 3 strips and sixteen Unit 4 strips.
Sew one Unit 2 strip to the top of one Unit 3 strip along the Fabric C sides to make one 4 1/2” Unit 5 square (Fig. 10). Repeat to make sixteen Unit 5 squares total.
Sew together one 2 1/2” x 4 1/2” E strip, one Unit 4 strip and one 2 1/2” x 4 1/2” E strip, end to end and in that order from top to bottom, to make one strip. Repeat to make a second strip. Sew one newly sewn strip to each side of one Unit 6 square to make the middle row (Fig. 15).
Sew together one Unit 7 square, one 2 1/2” x 4 1/2” E strip, one Unit 4 strip, one 2 1/2” x 4 1/2” E strip and one Unit 7 square, in that order from left to right, to make the top row (Fig. 15). Repeat to make the bottom row.
Sew together the three rows to make one 16 1/2” Block One square (Fig. 15).
13. Repeat Steps 11-12 to make four Block One squares total.
Sew one 2 1/2” x 16 1/2” B strip to the top and to the bottom of one 2 1/2” A square to make one Side Border (Fig. 16). Repeat to make a second Side Border.
Figure 16
Make 2 borders
Sew together one 2 1/2" A square, one 2 1/2" x 16 1/2" B strip, one 2 1/2" A square, one 2 1/2" x 16 1/2" B strip and one 2 1/2" A square, in that order from left to right, to make the Top Border (Fig. 17). Repeat to make the Bottom Border.
Figure 17
Make 2 borders
Sew one Block One square to each side of one 2 1/2” x 16 1/2” B strip to make Row One. Repeat to make Row Three. Sew one 2 1/2” x 16 1/2” B strip to each side of one 2 1/2” A square to make Row Two. Sew together the three rows, in numerical order from top to bottom, to make the 34 1/2” x 34 1/2” Center Block (Fig. 18).
Refer to the Quilt Diagram
Sew one Side Border to each side of the Center Block.
Sew the Top Border and the Bottom Border to the top and to the bottom of the Center Block.
Sew one 4 1/2” x 38 1/2” F strip to each side of the Center Block. Sew one 4 1/2” x 46 1/2” F strip to the top and to the bottom of the Center Block to make the Table Topper top.
Topper Finishing:
Press backing well and trim to 54” x 54”.
Layer quilt, batting and backing. Baste layers together.
Quilt as desired.
Trim layers even with table topper top squaring corners.
Join five 2 1/2” A binding strips with diagonal seams. Press seams open. Attach binding using your favorite method.
Make a label and sew to the back of the table topper.
Figure 19
Place Mat Yardages:
Fabric A:
Fabric B:
Fabric C:
Fabric D:
Fabric E:
Fabric F:
DTHA 5405 DG ......................... 1/4 yard
DTHA 5408 N ........................... 1/4 yard
DTHA 5407 B 1/2 yard
DTHA 5409 E ............................. 3/4 yard
DTHA 5403 N ............................ 1/2 yard
DTHA 5406 G 5/8 yard
DTHA 5406 B ……….................... 1 yard ............................................ (4) 21” x 16”
Place Mat Cutting Instructions:
Please read all instructions carefully before beginning. Strips are cut across the width of fabric WOF (perpendicular to selvedges) unless otherwise stated. All seams are sewn with 1/4” seam unless otherwise stated. Label all pieces.
From Fabric A:
1. Cut one 3 1/2” strip; sub-cut four 3 1/2” squares. (Blocks)
From Fabric B:
1. Cut two 2 1/2” strips; sub-cut sixteen 2” x 3 1/2” strips. (Blocks)
From Fabric C:
1. Cut one 2” strip; sub-cut sixteen 2” squares. (Blocks)
2. Cut sixteen Template 5 diamonds. (Blocks)
From Fabric D:
1. Cut four 2” strips; sub-cut sixteen 2” x 9 1/2” strips. (Blocks)
2. Cut two 2” strips; sub-cut sixteen 2” x 3 1/2” strips. (Blocks)
3. Cut sixteen Template 4 triangles. (Blocks)
4. Cut sixteen Template 6 triangles. (Blocks)
From Fabric E:
1. Cut one 12 1/2” strip; sub-cut eight 12 1/2” x 3” strips. (Border)
From Fabric F:
1. Cut seven 2 1/2” strips. (Binding)
Place Mat Piecing Instructions:
The arrows in figures represent the fabric print direction. Pay attention to the fabric and unit orientations while assembling the various components.
Place one Template 4 D triangle on top of one Template 5 C diamond, right sides together, aligning the left sides (Fig. 20). Sew the (2) components together along the left side. Press the smaller segment open.
Place one Template 6 D triangle on top of the Template 2 C diamond, right sides together, aligning the right sides (Fig. 21). Sew the (2) components together along the right side. Press the smaller component open to make one Unit 8 square (Fig. 22). Trim the block to measure 3 1/2” square.
Repeat Steps 1-2 to make sixteen Unit 8 squares total.
Figure 22 Make 16 units
Sew one 2” x 3 1/2" D strip to the top of one 2” x 3 1/2" B strip lengthwise to make one 3 1/2" Unit 9 square (Fig. 23). Repeat to make sixteen Unit 9 squares total.
Figure 23 Make 16 units
Sew one Unit 8 square to each side of one Unit 9 square to make the top row. Repeat to make the bottom row. Sew one Unit 9 square to each side of one 3 1/2” A square to make the middle row. Sew together the three rows to make one 9 1/2” Unit 10 square (Fig. 24). Repeat to make four Unit 10 squares total.
Figure 24 Make 4 units
Sew one 2” x 9 1/2” D strip to each side of one Unit 10 square to make the middle row. Sew one 2” C square to each end of one 2” x 9 1/2” D strip to make the top row. Repeat to make the bottom row. Sew together the three rows to make one 12 1/2” Block Two square (Fig. 25). Repeat to four Block Two squares total.
Place Mat Assembly:
Refer to the Quilt Diagram
Sew one 3” x 12 1/2” E strip to each side of one Block Two square to make one Place Mat top (Fig. 26). Repeat to make four Place Mat tops total.
Figure 26 Make 4 tops
Figure 25 Make 4 blocks
Place Mat Finishing:
Prepare backings using two 16” WOF. Press backings well and trim the four backings to 16” x 21”.
Layer place mat tops, battings and backings. Baste layers together.
Quilt as desired.
Trim layers even with place mat tops squaring corners.
Join seven 2 1/2” F binding strips with diagonal seams. Press seams open. Cut strip into four equal pieces. Attach binding using your favorite method.
Make a label and sew to the back of each place mat.
• Percentage square guide: In in printers settings, set scale percentage to match square guide.
• Template divided on more than one page: With some type of back lighting, match up the “Join Line” markings and then tape together.
• For upscaled prints: Use the blue line grid to put together the enlarged pieces.
Set printer at: 100% 1” square
1”square forscale
• Percentage square guide: In printers settings, set scale percentage to match square guide.
• Template divided on more than one page: With some type of back lighting, match up the “Join Line” markings and then tape together.
• For upscaled prints: Use the blue line grid to put together the enlarged pieces.
Set printer at: 100% 1” square
1”square forscale

Topper: Fabric E
Place Mat: Fabric A

Place Mat: Fabric F

Topper: Fabric D
Place Mat: Fabric C

Topper: Fabric C
Place Mat: Fabric B

Topper: Fabric F
Place Mat: Fabric E


Place Mat: BACKING

Topper: Fabric B
Place Mat: Fabric D
Quilt Fabrics in Bold † Suggested Backing