Fabric Requirements:
All fabrics are from the Landscape Medley collection
18 Fat Quarters:
365 Deep Blue 366 Blue
366 Sky Blue 369 Light Blue
430 Black 505 Blue
528 Lake 532 Royal
532 Silver 532 Snow
542 Blue 552 Blue
554 Blue 582 Royal
583 Royal 636 Blue
1299 Blue 20003 Aqua
542 Blue - 3/4 yard
528 Lake - 2/3 yard
Solid White - 3 yards
Backing - 5 yards
Ordering Information:
Pattern Number - PT1931
Landscape Weave Quilt Patterns are available wholesale and retail from Pine Tree Country Quilts.
Quilt Size: 66" x 77"
Pattern #PT1931
Phone: 207-827-3876 or Email:
Designed by Sue & Sandy Boobar of Pine Tree Country Quilts