Fabric collection by P&B Textiles
Quilt designed by Cyndi Hershey
Finished size approximately: 88" x 103"
Fabric A LJAR 5439 DST 2 5/8 yards
Fabric B LJAR 5442 R ............................... 1 yard
Fabric C LJAR 5444 DST 2 yards
Fabric D LJAR 5445 DR 1 3/4 yards
Fabric E LJAR 5445 EB ..................... 4 3/4 yards
Fabric F GRAS 5233 B 5/8 yard
Backing 96" x 110" 3 1/4 yards of 108" fabric
Batting 96" x 110"
Cutting Instructions:
Please read all instructions carefully before beginning. Strips are cut across the width of fabric WOF (perpendicular to selvedges) unless otherwise stated. All seams are sewn with 1/4" seam unless otherwise stated. Label all pieces. Lengthwise or length of fabric LOF strips are cut parallel to the selvage.
Fabric A:
• Cut four 9 1/2" strips; subcut fifteen 9 1/2" squares. (Block B)
• Cut ten 4 1/2" strips. Sew strips together end to end with diagonal seams. Trim seams to 1/4" and press open. From this pieced strip, cut two 4 1/2" x 88 1/2" strips and two 4 1/2" x 95 1/2" strips. (Outer Border)
Fabric B:
• Cut fourteen 2" strips; subcut one hundred-twenty (120) 2" x 3 1/2" rectangles and sixty 2" squares. (Block A)
Fabric C:
• Cut three 2" strips; subcut sixty 2" squares. (Block A)
• Cut three 3 7/8" strips; subcut thirty 3 7/8" squares. Cut each square diagonally in half to yield sixty half-square triangles. (Block A)
• Cut six 3 1/2" strips; subcut sixty 3 1/2" squares. (Block B)
• Cut ten 2 1/2" strips. (Binding)
Fabric D:
• Cut eleven 2" strips; subcut one hundred-twenty (120) 2" x 3 1/2" rectangles. (Block A)
• Cut six 3 1/2" strips; subcut sixty 3 1/2" squares. (Block B)
• Cut four 2 3/8" strips; subcut sixty 2 3/8" squares. Cut each square diagonally in half to yield one hundred and twenty half-square triangles. (Block A)
Fabric E:
• Cut twelve 2" strips; subcut two hundred-forty (240) 2" squares. (Block A)
• Cut eight 2 3/4" strips; subcut sixty 2 3/4" x 3 1/2" rectangles and sixty 1 1/4" x 2 3/4" rectangles. (Block A)
• Cut ten 3 1/2" strips; subcut sixty 3 1/2" x 6 1/2" rectangles. (Block A)
• Cut fifteen 3 1/2" strips; subcut sixty 3 1/2" x 9 1/2" rectangles. (Block B)
• Cut eighteen 1 1/2" strips. Sew strips together end to end with diagonal seams. Trim seams to 1/4" and press open. From this pieced strip, cut two 1 1/2" x 77 1/2" strips, two 1 1/2" x 80 1/2" strips, two 1 1/2" x 90 1/2" strips, and two 1 1/2" x 93 1/2" strips. (1st & 3rd Borders)
Fabric F:
• Cut two 1 1/4" strips; subcut sixty 1 1/4" squares. (Block A)
• Cut two 3 1/2" strips; subcut fifteen 3 1/2" squares. (Block A)
• Cut nine 1" strips. Sew strips together end to end with diagonal seams. Trim seams to 1/4" and press open. From this pieced strip, cut two 1" x 78 1/2" strips and two 1" x 92 1/2" strips. (2nd Border)
Piecing Instructions:
Block A
1. Draw a diagonal line on the back side of each 2" (C) square. With right sides together, place one marked square with one corner of one 3 1/2" (F) square. Sew on the line. Trim seam to 1/4" and press toward the resulting triangle. Repeat for remaining corners of the (F) square. Repeat to make fifteen units.

(15) = 3 1/2" x 3 1/2" unfinished.
2. Draw a diagonal line on the back side of each 2" (E) square. Divide the (B) and (D) 2" x 3 1/2" rectangles into two piles each containing (120) rectangles. Working with one pile at a time, place one marked 2" (E) square, right sides together, at one end of one (B) rectangle. Sew on the line. Trim seam to 1/4" and press seam open or toward (B). Repeat with remaining rectangles in the pile. Repeat using one of the (D) piles but press seam open or toward (E).

Make (120) of each = 2" x 3 1/2" unfinished.
3. Repeat Step 2 using the remaining marked 2" (E) squares and the remaining piles of (B) and (D) 2" x 3 1/2" rectangles to make reverse units.

Make (120) of each = 2" x 3 1/2" unfinished.
4. Sew one (B) unit from Step 2 with one (D) reverse unit from Step 3. Press seam open. Repeat to make sixty units.

Make (60) = 3 1/2" x 3 1/2" unfinished.
5. Sew one (D) unit from Step 2 with one (B) reverse unit from Step 3. Press seam open. Repeat to make sixty units.

Make (60) = 3 1/2" x 3 1/2" unfinished.
6. Sew one 1 1/4" (F) square to the end of one 1 1/4" x 2 3/4" (E) rectangle. Press toward the square. Sew one 2 3/4" x 3 1/2" (E) rectangle to the left side of the sewn unit; press. Repeat to make sixty units.

Make (60) – 3 1/2" x 3 1/2" unfinished.
7. Sew one 2 3/8" (D) triangle to adjoining sides of one 2" (B) square; press. Sew one 3 7/8" (C) triangle to the bottom; press. Repeat to make sixty units.

Make (60) = 3 1/2" x 3 1/2" unfinished.
8. Sew together one unit from Steps 4, 5, 6, and 7 to complete one "flower unit"; press. Repeat to make sixty units.

Make (60) = 6 1/2" x 6 1/2" unfinished.
9. Sew one Step 1 unit together with two 3 1/2" x 6 1/2" (E) rectangles. Press toward (E). Repeat to make fifteen units.

Make (15) = 3 1/2" x 15 1/2" unfinished.
10. Sew one 3 1/2" x 6 1/2" (E) rectangle together with two Step 8 units. Press toward (E). Repeat to make thirty rows.
11. Sew one Step 9 unit together with two Step 10 rows to complete one Block A; press. Repeat to make fifteen blocks.

Make (15) = 15 1/2" x 15 1/2" unfinished.
1. Draw a diagonal line on the back side of each 3 1/2" (D) square. With right sides together, place one marked square on one corner of one 9 1/2" (A) square. Sew on the line. Trim seam to 1/4" and press toward the resulting triangle. Repeat for remaining corners of the (A) square. Repeat to make fifteen units.

Make (15) = 9 1/2" x 9 1/2" unfinished.
2. Sew two 3 1/2" x 9 1/2" (E) rectangles together with one Step 1 unit. Press toward (E). Repeat to make fifteen rows.
3. Sew one 3 1/2" x 9 1/2" (E) rectangle together with two 3 1/2" (C) squares. Press toward (E). Repeat to make thirty rows.
4. Sew one Step 2 rows together with two Step 3 rows; press. Repeat to complete fifteen Block B.

Make (15) = 15 1/2" x 15 1/2" unfinished.
1. Refer to Quilt Diagram to sew Blocks A & B into rows; press. Sew rows together; press.
2. Sew one 1 1/2" x 90 1/2" (E) strip to both sides of the Quilt Center; press. Sew one 1 1/2" x 77 1/2" (E) strip to the top and bottom of the Quilt Center; press.
3. Sew one 1" x 92 1/2" (F) strip to both sides of the Quilt Center; press. Sew one 1" x 78 1/2" (F) strip to the top and bottom of the Quilt Center; press.
4. Sew one 1 1/2" x 93 1/2" (E) strip to both sides of the Quilt Center; press. Sew one 1 1/2" x 80 1/2" (E) strip to the top and bottom of the Quilt Center; press.
5. Sew one 4 1/2" x 95 1/2" (A) strip to both sides of the Quilt Center; press. Sew one 4 1/2" x 88 1/2" (A) strip to the top and bottom of the Quilt Center; press.
1. Press backing fabric well and trim to size.
2. Layer backing, batting, and quilt top. Baste and quilt as desired.
3. Trim layers even with quilt top squaring corners.
4. Prepare binding using 2 1/2" (C) strips with diagonal seams. Trim seams to 1/4" and press open. Sew binding to quilt using your preferred method.