Fabric collection by P&B Textiles Allegiance Quilt designed by Cyndi Hershey Finished size approximately: 80" x 98"
Yardage: Quilt A
Fabric A ALLE 5550 MU 7/8 yard
Fabric B ALLE 5551 E .......................... 3 1/2 yards
Fabric C ALLE 5553 E 2 7/8 yards
Fabric D ALLE 5554 N ............................... 3/4 yard
Fabric E ALLE 5554 R 1 yard
Fabric F ALLE 5555 N ............................... 3/4 yard
Fabric G ALLE 5556 DR 1/3 yard
Fabric H ALLE 5559 N .......................... 1 3/4 yards
Backing: VINE 5453 NE (108" fabric) 2 1/2 yards
Batting: .................................................. 88" x 106"
Cutting Instructions:
Please read all instructions carefully before beginning. Strips are cut across the width of fabric WOF (perpendicular to selvedges) unless otherwise stated. All seams are sewn with 1/4" seam unless otherwise stated. Label all pieces.
Fabric A (Quilt A only)
• Cut five 2 1/2" strips. Sew strips together end to end with diagonal seams. Trim seams to 1/4" and press open. From this pieced strip, cut two 2 1/2" x 78 1/2" strips. (2nd Border)
• Cut four 3 1/2" strips. Sew strips together end to end with diagonal seams. Trim seams to 1/4" and press open. From this pieced strip, cut two 3 1/2" x 66 1/2" strips. (2nd Border)
Fabric B
• Cut four 2" strips and four 3 1/2" strips. (Block/Chain Units)
• Cut twenty 2" strips; subcut one-hundred-sixty 2" x 5" rectangles. (Block/Side Units)
• Cut three 2 1/2" strips and three 4 1/2" strips. (Border Blocks)
• Cut one 2 1/2" strip; subcut four 2 1/2" squares and two 2 1/2" x 6 1/2" rectangles. (Alternate Border Blocks)
• Cut four 1 1/2" strips. Sew together end to end with diagonal seams. Trim seams to 1/4" and press open. From this pieced strip, cut two 1 1/2" x 75 1/2" strips. (Inner Border)
• Cut four 2" strips. Sew strips together end to end with diagonal seams. Trim seams to 1/4" and press open. From this pieced strip, cut two 2" x 62 1/2" strips. (Inner Border)
• Cut nine 1 1/2" strips. Sew strips together end to end with diagonal seams. Trim seams to 1/4" and press open. From this pieced strip, cut two 1 1/2" x 80 1/2" strips and two 1 1/2" x 96 1/2" strips. (Outer Border)
Fabric C
• Cut four 2" strips and four 3 1/2" strips. (Block/Chain Units)
• Cut twenty 2" strips; subcut one-hundred-sixty 2" x 5" rectangles. (Block/Outer Frame Units)
Yardage: Quilt B
Fabric A (Not applicable for this variation)
Fabric B ALLE 5551 E .......................... 3 1/2 yards
Fabric C ALLE 5553 E 2 7/8 yards
Fabric D ALLE 5554 N .......................... 1 5/8 yards
Fabric E ALLE 5554 R 1 yard
Fabric F ALLE 5555 N ............................... 3/4 yard
Fabric G ALLE 5556 DR 1/3 yard
Fabric H ALLE 5559 N .......................... 1 3/4 yards
Backing: VINE 5453 NE (108" fabric) 2 1/2 yards
Batting: .................................................. 88" x 106"
• Cut three 2 1/2" strips and three 4 1/2" strips. (Border Blocks)
• Cut two 2 1/2" squares from leftover fabric. (Alternate Border Blocks)
Fabric D
• Cut four 2" strips; subcut eighty 2" squares. (Block/ Side Units)
• Cut eight 2" strips; subcut eighty 2" x 3 1/2" rectangles. (Block/Outer Frame Units)
Quilt B only:
• Cut five 2 1/2" strips. Sew strips together end to end with diagonal seams. Trim seams to 1/4" and press open. From this pieced strip, cut two 2 1/2" x 78 1/2" strips. (2nd Border)
• Cut four 3 1/2" strips. Sew strips together end to end with diagonal seams. Trim seams to 1/4" and press open. From this pieced strip, cut two 3 1/2" x 66 1/2" strips. (2nd Border)
Fabric E
• Cut four 2" strips; subcut eighty 2" squares. (Block/ Side Units)
• Cut eight 2" strips; subcut forty 2" x 3 1/2" rectangles. (Block/Outer Frame Units)
• Cut one 6 1/2" strip; subcut four 6 1/2" squares. (3rd Border)
Fabric F
• Cut twelve 2" strips. (Block/Chain Units)
Fabric G
• Cut four 2" strips; subcut eighty 2" squares. (Block Corners)
Fabric H
• Cut two 3 1/2" strips; subcut twenty 3 1/2" squares. (Block Centers)
• Cut nine 2 1/2" strips. (Border Blocks)
• Cut one 2 1/2" strip; subcut six 2 1/2" squares. (Alternate Border Blocks)
• Cut ten 2 1/2" strips. (Binding)
Block/Chain Units
1. Strip Set #1: Sew together one 3 1/2" (C) strip to one 2" (F) strip; press. Repeat to make four sets. Cut strip sets into eighty 2" segments.

Make (80) = 2" x 5" unfinished. Diagram 1
2. Strip Set #2: Sew together one each 2" (B), (F), and (C) strips; press. Repeat to make four sets. Cut strip sets into eighty 2" segments.

Make (80) = 2" x 5" unfinished. Diagram 2
3. Strip Set #3: Sew together one 2" (F) strip to one 3 1/2" (B) strip; press. Repeat to make four sets. Cut strip sets into eighty 2" segments.

Make (80) = 2" x 5" unfinished. Diagram 3
4. Sew one segment each from SS # 1, 2, and 3 to make one unit; press. Repeat to make eighty units.

Make (80) = 5" x 5" unfinished. Diagram 4
Block/Side Units
1. Draw a diagonal line on the back side of each 2" (D) square. With right sides together, place on marked square on one end of one 2" x 5" (B) rectangle. Sew on the line. Trim seam to 1/4" and press toward (D). Repeat to make (40) units.
2. Repeat Step 1 except make (40) reverse units by sewing marked (D) square in the opposite direction. Press toward (B). Pressing the seams in opposite directions for Step 1 and Step 2 units ensure that they will nest together well when joining together.

Make (40) of each = 2" x 5" unfinished. Diagram 5
3. Sew together one of Step 1 with one of Step 2 to create one Side Unit. Press seam open. Repeat to create (40) Blue Side Units.
4. Repeat Steps 1 – 3 using 2" (E) squares with 2" x 5" (B) rectangles.

Make (40) each = 3 1/2" x 5" unfinished. Diagram 6
Block/Outer Frame Units
1. With right sides together, place one 2" x 3 1/2" (D) rectangle vertically at the right end of one 2" x 5" (C) rectangle. Sew diagonally from the lower left corner of the (D) rectangle to the upper right corner of the (C) rectangle. Note: you may find it helpful to mark a dot at the corner of the (C) rectangle to create an end point for sewing. Trim seam to 1/4"; press. Repeat to make forty units.

Make (40) = 2" x 6 1/2" unfinished. Diagram 7
2. Repeat Step 1 except sew the 2" x 3 1/2" (D) rectangle at the left end of the 2" x 5" (C) rectangle. Sew diagonally from lower right corner of the (D) rectangle to the upper left corner of the (C) rectangle.

Make (40) = 2" x 6 1/2" unfinished.
Diagram 8
3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 using 2" x 3 1/2" (E) rectangles with the remaining 2" x 5" (C) rectangles.

Diagram 9
4. Sew one Step 1 unit with one Step 2 unit. Press seam open. Repeat to create forty Outer Frame Units. Repeat with the units from Step 3.

Make (40) units of each = 2" x 12 1/2" unfinished. Diagram 10
Block Assembly
1. Sew one (E) Side Unit with two Chain Units to make one row unit; press. Repeat.

Make (2) = 5" x 12 1/2" unfinished. Diagram 11
2. Sew one 3 1/2" (H) square with two (D) Side Units to make one row unit; press.

Make (1) = 3 1/2" x
3. Sew one Step 1 row to the top and bottom of one Step 2 row; press.
4. Sew one (D) Frame Unit to both sides of the Step 3 unit; press.
5. Sew one 2" (G) square to both ends of two (E) Frame Units; press. Sew one Frame Unit to the top and bottom of the Step 4 unit to complete one block. Repeat to make twenty blocks.

Make (20) = 15 1/2" x 15 1/2" unfinished. Diagram 13
Border Blocks
1. Strip Set #1: Sew together one 4 1/2" (C) strip with one 2 1/2" (H) strip. Press toward (H) Repeat to make three strip sets. Cut strip sets into forty-eight 2 1/2" segments.
2. Strip Set #2: Sew together, in order, one 2 1/2" (C) strip, one 2 1/2" (H) strip, and one 2 1/2" (B) strip. Press both seams toward (H). Repeat to make three strip sets. Cut strip sets into forty-eight 2 1/2" segments.
3. Strip Set #3: Sew together one 2 1/2" (H) strip with one 4 1/2" (B) strip. Press toward (H) Repeat to make three strip sets. Cut strip sets into forty-eight 2 1/2" segments.
4. Sew together one segments of Strip Sets #1, #2, and #3 to complete one Border Block; press. Repeat to make twenty-four blocks. Sew twentyfour reverse blocks.

Make (24) each = 6 1/2" x 6 1/2" unfinished. Diagram 14
5. Sew one 2 1/2" (B) square to both sides of one 2 1/2" (H) square. Press toward (H).
6. Sew one 2 1/2" (H) square to both sides of one 2 1/2" (C) square. Press toward (H)
7. Sew together Step 5 unit and Step 6 unit. Sew one 2 1/2" x 6 1/2" (B) rectangle to the top of Step 5 unit to complete one Alternate Border Block. Repeat Steps 5 – 7 to make a second block.

Make (2) = 6 1/2" x 6 1/2" unfinished. Diagram 15
Quilt Assembly:
1. Referring to Quilt Diagram, sew four blocks together into a row; press. Repeat to make five rows.
2. Sew block rows together to complete Quilt Center; press.
3. Sew one 1 1/2" x 75 1/2" (B) strip to both sides of the quilt; press. Sew one 2" x 62 1/2" (B) strip to the top and bottom of the quilt; press.
4. Sew one 2 1/2" x 78 1/2" (A) strip to both sides of the quilt; press. Sew one 3 1/2" x 66 1/2" (A) strip to the top and bottom of the quilt; press.
5. Sew together one and one reverse Border Block into a set, as shown. Repeat to make twentytwo block sets.

Make (22) = 6 1/2" x 12 1/2" unfinished. Diagram 16
6. Referring to Quilt Diagram, sew together seven block sets from Step 5 to make a column; press. Repeat. Sew one column to both sides of the Quilt Center.
7. Sew together, in order, two block sets from Step 5 with one single Border Block; press. Repeat.
8. Sew together, in order, one single reverse Border Block with two block sets from Step 5; press. Repeat.
9. Referring to Quilt Diagram, sew together, in order, one border unit from Step 7 with one Alternate Border Block followed by one border unit from Step 8. Sew one 6 1/2" (E) square to both ends of the row; press. Repeat. Sew one pieced border to the top and bottom of the Quilt Center; press.
10. Sew one 1 1/2" x 96 1/2" (B) strip to both sides of the Quilt Center; press. Sew one 1 1/2" x 80 1/2" (B) strip to the top and bottom of the Quilt Center; press.
1. Press and trim backing to 88" x 106".
2. Layer backing, batting, and quilt top. Baste and quilt as desired.
3. Trim layers even with quilt top squaring corners.
4. Prepare binding using 2 1/2" (H) strips with diagonal seams. Trim seams to 1/4" and press open. Sew binding to the quilt using your preferred method.