1- 1/2 yds quilt batting (58” wide)
Rotary Cutter, Mat, Rulers (a 15-1/2” square ruler would be helpful), Straight Pins, Sewing machine, and threads to match your fabrics.
Cutting Other Tools & Supplies
Fabric A: 2-1/8 yards
Cut 9 strips, 5” x 42” from Fabric A. Cut each strip into 14 rectangles, 2-3/4” x 5”.
This will give you a total of 126 rectangles. You only need 120 for the quilt so you have 6 rectangles left over. Cut 9 strips, 2-3/4” x 42” from Fabric A. Cut each strip into 14 squares, 2-3/4” x 2-3/4”. This will give you a total of 126 squares. You only need 120 for the quilt so you will have 6 squares left over.
Fabric B: 3/4 yard
Cut 5 strips, 5” x 42” from Fabric B. Cut each strip into 14 rectangles, 2-3/4” x 5”. This will give you a total of 70 rectangles. You only need 60 for the quilt so you will have 10 rectangles left over.
Fabric C: 3/4 yard
Cut 5 strips, 5” x 42” from Fabric C. Cut each strip into 14 rectangles, 2-3/4” x 5”.
This will give you a total of 70 rectangles. You only need 60 for the quilt so you will have 10 rectangles left over.
Fabric D: 3/4 yard
Cut 9 strips, 2-3/4” x 42” from Fabric D. Cut each strip into 14 squares, 2-3/4” x 2-3/4”. This will give you a total of 126 squares. You only need 120 for the quilt so you will have 6 squares left over.
Fabric E (Binding): 1/2 yard
Cut 5 strips, 2-1/2” x 42”.
Single Block:
Fabric A: four 2-3/4” x 5” rectangles; four 2-3/4” x 2-3/4” squares
Fabric B: two 2-3/4” x 5” rectangles
Fabric C: two 2-3/4” x 5” rectangles
Fabric D: four 2-3/4” x 2-3/4” squares
1. Place 60 of the Fabric A squares on top of 60 of the Fabric B rectangles with right sides facing. Pair up the square-rectangle units. Draw diagonal lines on the unit squares as shown below. The left-hand unit will have a diagonal line drawn from the bottom left of the square to the top right. The right-hand unit will have a diagonal line drawn from the bottom right of the square to the top left (A.). Stitch along diagonal lines. Trim the top half of the resulting triangle-rectangle units 1/4” from the diagonal stitch lines (B.). Press Fabric A triangle upwards and iron seam allowance towards triangle. (C.) Stitch triangle-rectangle units together using a 1/4” seam. (D.)
Press seam allowances towards one side.
Step 3
2. Repeat Step 1 with the remaining 60 Fabric A squares and the 60 Fabric C rectangles.
3. Finally, repeat Step 1 with the 120 Fabric D squares and the 120 Fabric A rectangles.
Trim all blocks to 5” square.
9-inch block
4. Each 9” block is made up of one 5” block unit from Step 1, one 5” block unit from Step 2, and two 5” block units from Step 3. Some 5” blocks will be inverted.
Make (30) 9” square blocks.
5. Referring to the quilt illustration on Page 1, stitch your 9” block units together in (6) rows of (5) 9” blocks. Press seam allowances towards one side.
Make (6)
6. Join Rows top-to-bottom; press seams open.
Finishing Quilt
1. You will need to piece your quilt back horizontally. Cut your 3-1/4 yards of fabric into two 42” x 58-1/2” pieces. Place rights sides together and stitch the peices together along the 58-1/2” edge using a 1/4” seam.
2. Layer the quilt top, batting, and backing; baste the layers together. Quilt as desired.
3. Join the Fabric E strips end-to-end and press to make double-fold binding. Use your favorite method of binding your quilt and you are finished. If this quilt is a gift, be sure to add a label to the back.