-Ne edle and coo rdinating thread
-Sew ing machine
-Iron & pressing surface
-Ro tary cutter and mat
-Fabric shears
-Str aight pins
-For best r esults, read through all instructions before starting.
-Please wash, dry & iron your fabrics before beginning, and trim selvedges
-Unless other wise indicated, sew all seams with a 1/4” seam allo wance
-Press your seams o pe n as you go .
-WOF = width of fabric
Fabric A
Cut (10) 3-1/2” x WOF strips. Sub-cut:
-(18) 9-1/2 ” x 3-1/2” rectangles. T hese will be referred to as piece (a).
-(18) 6-1/2 ” x 3-1/2” rectangles. T hese will be referred to as piece (b).
-(18) 3-1/2 ” x 3-1/2” squares. These will be referred to as piece (c).
Fabric B
Cut (10) 3-1/2” x WOF strips. Sub-cut:
-(36) 6-1/2 ” x 3-1/2” rectangles. T hese will be referred to as piece (d).
-(36) 3-1/2 ” x 3-1/2” squares. These will be referred to as piece (e).
Fabric C
Cut (10) 3-1/2” x WOF strips. Sub-cut:
-(18) 9-1/2 ” x 3-1/2” rectangles T hese will be referred to as piece (f)
-(18) 6-1/2 ” x 3-1/2” rectangles. T hese will be referred to as piece (g).
-(18) 3-1/2 ” x 3-1/2” squares. These will be referred to as piece (h).
Cut (6) 2-1/2 ” x WOF strips. Set aside for binding.
1. Sew (1) piece (e) to top of (1) piece (h).
4. Sew (1) piece (a) to the left hand side of the unit created in Step 3. The block measures 9-1/2” x 9-1/2” square.
5. Repeat Steps 1-4 to make 18 blocks in total. These will be referred to as Bloc k 1.
6 Sew (1) piece (c) to the left hand side of (1) piece (e).
7 Sew (1) piece (d) to the top of the unit created in Step 6
8 Sew (1) piece (g) to the right hand side of the unit created in Step 7
9. Sew (1) piece (f) to the top of the unit created in Step 8. The block measures 9-1/2” x 9-1/2” square.
10. Repeat Steps 6-9 to make 18 blocks in total. These will be referred to as Block 2. Bloc k 2
ASSEMBLY (NOTE: refer to the Assembly Layou t on p.5 , as well as the c over photo, for fabric placement)
6. Sew together the blocks shown below, from left to right, to complete R ow 1. Pay attention to the orientation of the each b lock.
7. Repeat Step 6 to m ake three rows in total. These will be Rows 1, 3, & 5.
8. Sew together the blocks shown below, from left to right, to complete R ow 2. Pay attention to the orientation of the each b lock.
9. Repeat Step 8 to m ake three rows in total. These will be Rows 2, 4, & 6.
10. Sew all rows tog ether from top to bottom to c omplete the quilt top.
11. Layer the quilt top with batting and backing. Baste a nd quilt as d esired.
12. Sew the Fabric C binding strips together end-to-end and press seams open. Bind the quilt using your favorite method.
Bloc k 1
Bloc k 2
Bloc k 1
Bloc k 2
Bloc k 1
Bloc k 2
Bloc k 2
Bloc k 1
Bloc k 2
Bloc k 1
Bloc k 2
Bloc k 1
Bloc k 1
Bloc k 2
Bloc k 1
Bloc k 2
Bloc k 2
Bloc k 1
Bloc k 2
Bloc k 1
Bloc k 1
Bloc k 2
Bloc k 2
Bloc k 1
Bloc k 2
Bloc k 1
Bloc k 2
Bloc k 2
Bloc k 1
Bloc k 1
Bloc k 2
Bloc k 1
Bloc k 2
Bloc k 1
Bloc k 2
k 1
Row 1
Row 2
Row 3
Row 4
Row 5
Row 6