-70” x 72” piece of batting
-sewing machine & coordinating thread
-rotary cutter and fabric shears
-straight edge ruler & measuring tape
-straight pins
-fabric marker or pencil
-hand sewing needle
--Fusible Web for Machine Appliqué - 6 yds of 20” wide web. A Lightweight fusible is recommended to avoid having a stiff appliqué. Wash-away appliqué stabilizer is also a good option. Always read manufacturer’s instructions to be sure that you are using the correct fusible for the job.
-‘Open Toe’ Appliqué Foot or Zig-Zag foot for your sewing machine
-WOF = width of fabric (42”)
-Unless otherwise noted, sew all seams with a 1/4” seam allowance (SA) and press open
-Please wash, dry & iron fabric before beginning, and trim selvages.
Cut out template from page 6.
NOTE: If you are going to appliqué the Orange Peels by hand, cut template along the solid line. The dashed line becomes your 1/4“ SA. If you are going to appliqué by machine, cut along the dashed line.
Fabrics B, C, D :
Trace template onto the back of each Fabric B-D to make 16 ‘Orange Peels’ from each fabric. Place template on the fabric as shown below. NOTE: make sure to orient the template so that the red line is running along the grain of the fabric (parallel to the selvage).
IMPORTANT: If you are going to machine appliqué, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to apply the fusible web to the wrong side of Fabrics B-D before tracing.
Fabric A:
Cut (16) 8-1/2” x WOF strips - sub-cut (48) 8-1/2” x 11” rectangles.
Fabric D:
Cut (7) 2-1/2“ x WOF strips. Set aside for Binding.
Option 1 - Hand Appliqué Method
1-Turn in the edges of the template piece along the 1/4” dashed line.
2-With the template piece centered on the Right Side of one of the Orange Peels (of Fabrics B-D), trace around the template with an erasable fabric marking pen.
3-Finger press around the line you’ve drawn turning the egde under.
4-Place the Orange Peel on the Right Side of one of the (A) rectangles and pin in place, making sure that it is centered.
5-Sew the Orange Peel onto the rectangle using a hand appliqué stitch (see instructions on page 4 ).
Option 2 - Machine Appliqué Method
1-Position one appliqué piece on the right side of a Fabric (A) rectangle, making sure that it is centered.
2- Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to fuse the appliqué piece to the background fabric.
3- Stitch around the appliqué piece using either a straight stitch or a satin stitch (see instructions on page 5).
Repeat to make (16) blocks from each Fabric C-D Orange Peel for a total of 48.
NOTE: Eight of the Orange Peels for each fabric must be oriented in the mirror image of the other eight Orange Peels (see diagram below). If you are working with directional prints, it’s a good idea to layout all blocks before appliqué-ing them to make sure that prints are oriented correctly.
1- Arrange your blocks according to the assembly layout on the cover page.
2- Sew the blocks in each row together as shown. Make 8 rows.
3- Sew the rows together to finish the quilt top.
4- Following your preferred method, use the 2-1/2” Fabric D strips to make the binding.
5- Layer the quilt top, batting, backing. Baste and quilt as desired, and trim the excess batting and backing. Bind with the binding created in the previous step.
Hand Appliqué Technique:
1- Pin or baste the appliqué piece to the background fabric.
2- Using a thread that matches the color of the appliqué fabric, thread your needle and knot the end. Note: you will be working with a single strand of thread.
3- Slip your needle behind the appliqué piece and bring it out to the front along the fold line.
4-Take a stitch onto the background fabric right underneath the stitch in the fold line of the appliqué piece.
5- Travel about one eighth of an inch towards the left (or towards the right if you are left handed), and bring the needle out and up into the fold of the appliqué piece.
6- Repeat steps 4 & 5 until you have sewn all the way around the appliqué piece.
7- Make a knot: bring the needle to the back of the block and take a tiny stitch into the background fabric behind the appliqué piece. Pull the thread until you have a small loop and insert the needle into the loop from right to left. Pull the thread until you have a second loop. Insert the needle into the loop from left to right and pull to tighten the knot. Clip the thread leaving a 1/4” tail.
Machine Appliqué Technique:
METHOD 1: STRAIGHT STITCH APPLIQUÉ (Note that with this method, the edges will fray after washing, giving your quilt a nice ‘raggy’ look).
-Set your stitch length a little shorter than you would when piecing your quilt. You’ll want to sew just inside the edge of the Appliqué piece (about 1/8”).
-It is easiest to begin in an area of the shape where there is a straight line or a gentle curve.
-Begin by taking one forward stitch and then a backstitch to lock it in. Continue sewing all the way around the shape until you get back to the first stitch. Backstitch again to lock in your stitch.
TIP: Since your machine sews in a straight line, it will be necessary to stop and pivot the piece frequently in order to follow the shape of the curve . You’ll want to make sure that you stop with the needle DOWN, LIFT the presser foot, PIVOT, lower the presser foot and continue.
METHOD 2: ZIG ZAG SATIN STITCH APPLIQUÉ (With this method, the edges of the appliqué are secured by the stitches and will not fray after washing).
Install the Zig- Zag foot on your machine and set the machine to a Zig Zag Stitch. Set your stitch length fairly short (.5 or less). The shorter the stitch length the closer together the zig-zags will be. Test a few different lengths on a piece of scrap fabric to see which look you prefer.
-Begin by locking in your stitches. You can do this before setting your machine to a Zig Zag stitch. Take one short straight stitch forward and then a backstitch to lock it in.
-Set your machine to the desired Zig Zag Stitch length and begin sewing.
-As the needle swings to the right, it should fall just outside the outline of the appliqué shape and onto the background fabric. As it swings to the left, the majority of the stitch will fall on the appliqué shape.
-Continue sewing all the way around the shape until you get back to the first stitch.
-Set your machine back to a straight stitch, and backstitch again to lock in your stitch.
TIP: When coming around the outside of a curve, you’ll need to pivot when the needle is on the right side of the appliqué shape.
Includes 1/4” SA