Pre-order through May 31st
Shipping anticipated August 2024
14 designs - 17 skus

Sparrows Pattern by Pen + Paper Patterns

Pre-order through May 31st
Shipping anticipated August 2024
14 designs - 17 skus
Sparrows Pattern by Pen + Paper Patterns
Hello Spring Pattern
by Pen + Paper Patterns
Shippinganticipated August2024
10 designs - 13 skus
Acorn Pattern (Free pattern)
by Dandelion Fabric & Co
Dandelion Fabric & Co is a boutique textile brand. With artists from around the world, our focus is to create beautiful quilting and sewing fabrics. The company was born from the desire to build a mission-centered brand, focused on creating long-term relationships, celebrating the moments that matter & supporting our partners and worthy causes for children & veterans
We put people first
We do the right thing, not always the easy thing We are honest and true to our mission - it’s the core of who we are
Celebrating the life of a beautiful girl in our local town who fought hard but earned her angel wings in 2017. In her memory and to honor how she lived, her family takes their grief and transforms it into something positive for other pediatric cancer families. HOPE
subsidiary of Dandelion Design Collective, LLC 52 Kensington Court Hackettstown, NJ 07840