Featuring BALTIC WOODLAND | Maria Galybina

SIZE: 40 ½" x 58 ½"
DESIGNER: Michelle Engel
SIZE: 40 ½" x 58 ½"
DESIGNER: Michelle Engel
This project uses 8 different fabrics See chart below for fabric quantities 1 3/4 yd background fabric ½ yd binding 3 3/4 yards backing
Note: All possible care has been taken to assure the accuracy of this pattern. We are not responsible for printing errors or the manner in which individual work varies. Please read instructions carefully before starting the construction of this quilt. If desired, wash and iron your fabrics before starting to cut.
Cutting dimensions include ¼ " seam allowances. WOF = Width of fabric selvedge to selvedge. Press seams as you go.
1/3 yard each of 8 different printed fabrics (see chart below)
3- 5 3/4" squares from each fabric (24 total)
3- 5” squares from each fabric (24 total)
From background fabric cut: 24- 5 3/4 squares 24- 5” squares 5- 2½ WOF for quilt borders to make:
2- 2½ x 54½” side borders 2- 2½ x 40½ top & bottom borders
Use a solid fabric that is the same color on both sides and has no pattern
1. Draw a diagonal line on the wrong side of all 5 3/4" background squares ( g 1)
2. To make HST select a 5 3/4 print fabric square and a 5 3/4 background square, lay right sides together and sew ¼” on each side of diagonal line ( g 2)
3. Cut on diagonal line. ( g 3) Press seams toward printed fabric.
4. Square up blocks to 5”. Use diagonal 45 degree line on the ruler to help center the block. Total 48 HST.
5. Take 1- 5” print square and 2 HST of the same print. Sew 1 HST to the left side of 5” square of the same print. ( g 4)
6. Sew second HST of same print to right edge of a 5” background square. ( g 5)
7. Sew sections from step 5 & 6 together to make a block. ( g 6) Make 24 blocks using matching squares and HST’s.
8. Refer to assembly diagram for block placement (or arrange however you like)
9. Arrange blocks in 6 horizontal rows of 4 blocks each. Sew blocks together in rows. Press seams in one direction alternating the direction for each row.
10. Measure length of quilt (approx. 54 ½ ”). Sew 2 ½” border strip to equal that length. Sew to each side of the quilt. Repeat for the top and bottom border (approx. 40 ½ ” wide).
11. Sew rows together to complete quilt top
12. Layer backing, batting & quilt top
13. Baste, quilt & bind