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to work in cushy government jobs rather than the private sector.

But those go to only 2.5 percent of civil service exam takers. The rest would be lucky to find a factory or service sector job that pays $1,000 a month.

Crackdowns on foreign and tech businesses within China, along with the utilization of trade as a weapon against countries such as Australia and Lithuania, are hurting China’s economy.

growth-restricting taxes. Governments have never excelled at predicting demand and supply or producing the innovation found in a thriving market economy. The regime is thus strangling the market goose that laid China’s golden egg.

Lacking opportunity, some of today’s youth in China have joined the “lying flat” movement, which avoids hard work and striving. The regime recently ennobled the movement by criticizing it in the party’s top paper.

For example, the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) precipitous ban on for-profit tutoring disappeared employment opportunities and disrupted demand signals from the job market to college students.

Degrees in education and sports rose by more than 20 percent between 2018 and 2021, when the regime banned the $150 billion industry. As the education and sports market fell beneath them, those graduates had few prospects and are now more likely to take lower-wage jobs.

While grads in state-supported industries such as biology, aerospace, and electrical engineering do marginally better on the job market, the regime now disfavors the property and online tech sectors, both of which are hard to break into for fresh grads.

Concern is rife on social media— and spreading. In response, the regime encourages local governments to hire more grads in the hopes of blunting any potential street protests.

But those jobs must be paid with

If Xi pushed his plan to invade Taiwan, sanctions would worsen the economy. The crisis in which China finds itself today is precisely because it has allowed the CCP to lead it down a path of aggression rather than friendship and peaceful trade. It would be in a much better position had it followed a peaceful path, with fewer adversaries and more soft power from its global development and trade successes.

Instead, China must contend with not only international opprobrium but also instability within its own borders.

For the discontented and unemployed, Xi’s comment to “eat bitterness” may remind them of Marie Antoinette’s supposed comment about the discontented poor in 18th-century France. The comment, “Let them eat cake,” could be apocryphal. But the economic boom and collapse that resulted in the French Revolution was real and set in motion a series of revolts in Russia and China that changed the world for the worse.

A corrective revolution in China, where three people cannot gather in Tiananmen Square without the police breaking it up, would be difficult. But a nonviolent one that yielded a truly representative government and market economy to free the people and realize their democratic ambitions would certainly be welcome.

A democratic China would be not a threat but a boon to the world.

MILTON EZRATI is chief economist for Vested, a contributing editor at The National Interest, and author of “Thirty Tomorrows” and “Bite-Sized Investing.”

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