Everyone Ends Up Poor!

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EVERYONE ENDS UP POOR™! Why Retirement Planning is All Backwards and How to Fix It


Copyright © 2019, 2022 by Curtis Ray. ll rights reserved o part of this publication ay be reproduced distributed or trans itted in any for or by any eans including photocopying recording or other electronic or echanical ethods without the prior written per ission of the author e cept in the case of brief uotations e bodied in critical reviews and certain other non co ercial uses per itted by copyright law

rdering nfor ation uantity sales pecial discounts are available on uantity purchases by corporations associations and others rders by trade bookstores and wholesalers Please contact P nli ited at www o pound nterest co


“Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” Warren Buffett


Table of Contents ntroduction veryone nds p Poor ow the raditional yste nco e illers


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Acknowledgments want to start off by thanking y wife rin ro reading y early drafts and giving e feedback to always pushing e to not settle until the book was co plete his book would not be what it is without her constant support o any people have been a positive influence in y life hey all deserve recognition and want to thank each of the wish to especially thank y parents who have always been supportive and instilled the belief and confidence in e that if wanted to do so ething could always ake it a reality


About the Author urtis ay is the President and of P nli ited LL which he founded in 20 e is also the designer and developer of the a i u Pre iu nde ing or P ecure o pound nterest ccount n 20 urtis was introduced to the world of financial planning and insurance and found his passion there through teaching people about the ules of oney and how to a i i e retire ent inco e through secure leverage and discipline hrough years of research urtis concluded that the traditional syste of using the 0 k and any stock based planning methods is not only broken and will likely not produce the retire ent people have co e to believe in but was never designed for retire ent inco e in the first place efore P nli ited urtis attended ri ona tate niversity where he was on the wrestling tea fter leaving college he started his first business in the granite countertop industry rowing the business to over 0 kitchens a week in 200 he started his second business through which he designed and developed the patented revolutionary natural stone syste called or a tone urtis lives in ilbert ri ona and is arried to rin ay and has five beautiful children ayden aliann rody Le i and en ie e en oys spending ti e with his fa ily and playing sports especially football basketball and wrestling e is also an avid world traveler who en oys e periencing other cultures and history and seeing all that the world has to offer



Preface ow do you achieve financial freedo hat is re uired to have enough passive inco e so that you get to do what you want when you want where you want and with who you want e talk about it all the ti e t is so ething ost people drea about here are so any books articles progra s and e perts that will tell you they know the way ll you ust do is buy their book attend their convention or oin their syste o why do around % of all ericans end up downsi ing in retire ent and never achieve the financial freedo they hoped for ven when you buy the book attend the convention and follow their syste why does veryone nd p Poor


Introduction f you have been in the financial services business long enough you ll naturally reach a point of skepticis about new innovative ways to plan for retire ent he typical pitch involves so eones clever spin on the sa e old story wrapped with graphical interpretations and a literary bow er s like arbitrage leverage and innovation are all too co on these days when learning about retire ent strategies to outrun arket volatility fees and of course ta es our years ago et urtis ay in y conference roo for a eeting set up by one of y staff and all could think to yself was ere we go again another advisor with a brilliant idea y focus wasn t to leave the eeting with a new concept but to get out of the eeting as uickly as possible nd then it happened there before e sat a guy that wasn t for ally trained in financial planning in fact not even in the financial services industry up until that point urtis began to tell e his background a colorful i of fa ily fun and focused entrepreneurialis that i ediately captured y attention hat stood out to e is that urtis already was successful running a business that he built fro the ground up is ourney into financial planning was triggered si ply by a uestion about a life insurance policy he purchased years prior uestion that led hi down a path that landed hi in a boardroo telling e about his discovery called a i u Pre iu nde ing or P ou see its rare these days to find people that are so e tre ely dedicated to truth and resolution that they are willing to i erse the selves in education and e ploration to discover a better way e put in hours of 1



research beyond what ost of us would be willing to co it for a single idea hat was y take away fro our first eeting ere was a guy that not only identified a proble he shared with the entire population but through his pursuit of knowledge found a way to fi it. o how did the eeting end told hi it wouldn t work there were too any obstacles and proceeded to list one by one the holes in his plan hat happens ne t al ost never happens in this business urtis left y boardroo and spent the ne t two years addressing every single issue pointed out nearly forgot about hi until got a call a couple years later with a voice on the other end of the line asking re you ready to change the world re you tired of the sa e old story? If so read this book

Eric Palmer, CMO


Everyone Ends Up Poor™ ou ade it or 0 years of your life you have woken up early got ready for work worked your fingers to the bone and it is finally happening ou were sold the idea that if you were willing to save in your 0 k or you would be able to retire in style our e ployer even offered a % atch to your savings ou woke up on your th birthday and have 2 in your retire ent account ou earned it ou drea ed of it verything you worked for finally is reality ou ve planned a big party riends and fa ily are co ing over to celebrate ou are planning a long trip with your spouse he golden years are here financial freedo has arrived inancial independence inancial security ou eet with your financial advisor and ask for a custo i ed retire ent inco e withdrawal schedule hen that o ent happens illions of ericans have this o ent he five stages of grief kick in irst is denial then anger then bargaining then depression and then you finally accept the results his is the o ent of confusion hat happened our financial advisor tells you that your 0 k or with 2 in it is only going to produce you 2 0 of annual spendable inco e ow is it possible a retire ent plan could have so uch oney and produce such low retire ent inco e he si ple answer ecause that s how it was designed fro the beginning ow what veryone nds p Poor he title was designed to grab your attention hroughout this book a going to e pose any hidden truths about the retire ent planning industry (and how its stacked against you fro the beginning), and ore i portantly how to win the ga e of wealth as it s not as difficult as you may think. 3



f you are reading this book odds are you want to debunk what ve ust proclai ed as you think there is no way your financial advisor or 0 k provider is leading you down a substandard path 2 feel a bit concerned and hope to avoid a si ilar financial fate or are curious and open to better options ou would like to take charge of your future so you can retire in a way that is both abundant and prosperous he title of this chapter is i portant because any hard working ericans fail to plan for their retire ent and even those who do are li ited by the crippling restraints of our current financial syste his financial syste includes progra s such as the 0 k real estate rentals cash value life insurance and any others i ple ath confir s this 00 years of data reveals that basically veryone nds p Poor when they use traditional plans can i agine you are saying hat can t be right but yet you know it is because of that an iety and fear you feel regarding your own retire ent f all the people you know how any of the are truly financially free in both ti e and oney to do what they want when they want and with who they want n this book a going to show you the nu bers the reality and a new way that e powers you to retire as you ve always envisioned and deserve y na e is urtis ay fro ilbert ri ona and those nu bers that 00 years of data pro pted e to find a better way a a retire ent planning specialist focused on the pheno enon of ecure o pound nterest a also the creator of the P Pre iu inance trategy because believe that hard working people should have the opportunity to deploy a retire ent plan that produces the a i u a ount of retire ent inco e eli inating the re uire ent to downsi e your lifestyle efore present you with the details of this plan y inspiration for such a revolutionary ethod the nu bers that disclose the truth the failings of our current syste and the pillars of a successful retire ent plan d like to tell you a story y dad is an incredibly hard working an s a general contractor he put in the hours the blood sweat and tears to generate a substantial inco e for his fa ily his was no easy feat as the e pense of raising nine children was considerable y dad worked every day and throughout his self ade career he supported us well while continually investing his earnings into both his fa ily and his business



y o is e tre ely charitable and is the type of person who loves everyone as she does her own fa ily nce she eets you she will add you to her hrist as card list and once she learns your birthday she ll never forget it he is such a caring soul nfortunately ust as fast as y dad earned oney y o s charitable and loving character ade it difficult to save oney ow at the age of can you guess the a ount of oney y dad has set aside for retire ent ero his an who worked every day of his life did not plan for his future whatsoever t s unfortunate that at age 2 0 or years old no one sat hi down and gave hi the financial education needed to secure his future f so eone had si ply said tarting today set aside 00 a onth do it this way and by age 0 you will be financially independent y dad would be living in a co pletely different reality than he does today tell you if y dad had paid hi self first and put oney aside y brothers sisters and would never have issed the oney e would have still en oyed little league and vacations his invest ent in his future would have had no i pact upon our childhood whatsoever hat said it would have had a significant i pact on y dad s life and future e is an incredible an who did everything right e cept for planning for retire ent n watching y dad s entrepreneurial success and unfortunate financial planning istakes vowed to do it differently s a father of five wanted to ensure that was looking out for the best interests of yself y wife and y children truly believe that it was possible to work hard and support y fa ily today while si ultaneously preparing for a successful to orrow y hope is that by reading this book you will beco e proactive and position yourself for retire ent success f you begin today to plan and prepare this book will teach you how to achieve a future that is secure and a retire ent of abundance nstead of looking back and wishing you had done things differently you will be grateful that you encountered this book at this point in your life he result will be golden years that can be lived well doing what you want when you want where you want and with who you want ou will be confident that your needs plus wants are taken care of and that your fa ily will be left with a financial legacy



hroughout this book will show you how to avoid the fate of so any other ericans who are driven to a stress filled retire ent by our traditional financial syste want you to avoid their istakes and pitfalls nstead work toward so ething bigger than living paycheck to paycheck want you to throw out the idea that you don t have enough oney to start a retire ent plan today and want you to begin planning for your to orrow with precision and enthusias lbert instein once e plained that there are only two types of people in the world earners and payers his principle can be applied to every aspect of life oney energy happiness and ore t is what differentiates those who are i proving their situation earners fro those who are not payers re you aware that the pri ary regret of aby oo ers is that they didn t start planning sooner he absolute worst decision anyone can ake is waiting until to orrow o orrow never co es it is si ply put off repeatedly sure you know what a talking about he likelihood that you have put your planning off for to orrow is high will e plain how and why you need to start your financial plan i ediately how to keep your oney secured how the effects of ti e and co pounding are para ount and the 2 funda ental pillars you will need to assure that your retire ent plan is successful n this book his is the will often refer to the P Pre iu inance 2 0 or P strategy that will provide you with the knowledge and tools necessary for your best to orrow have a passion for educating people about o pound nterest and the ules of oney how to secure their future and how to a i i e their financial resources to ensure a prosperous retire ent and co plete financial freedo his education is not li ited to the younger generations alone this education will i prove anyone s financial situation hrough the P strategy you will benefit fro a retire ent plan that can yield up to 200% increase in retire ent inco e over the traditional 0 k or real estate rental portfolio while providing ore security in your life ow uch better will your retire ent be with double or even triple the P L inco e look forward to educating you about a better ethod of planning one that will benefit you and your fa ily i ensely his is also the sa e ethod where personally save for y retire ent



ou ay be startled by the infor ation a going to share with you but please aintain an open ind regarding the vision you set for your own financial future his book will de onstrate a revolutionary way for you to live the life you want the life of your own design oreover do not beco e frustrated if you find it challenging to i ediately grasp so e of this infor ation t took e four years to fully understand what will teach you through this book etire ent planning has an inherent tendency to be a bit co plicated but you ay rest assured that additional e planation and resources are available for anyone seeking ore education ven though our current retire ent syste results in the a ority ending up poor this does not have to be your fate ou deserve better you work hard and you ve earned the right to a secure future and going to show you how to achieve the retire ent you ve always desired inancial freedo is not easy it will take focus dedication discipline and a belief in your future but will be the best decision you have ever ade in your life Let s get started

Things to Consider ave you begun planning for your retire ent hat does your current retire ent plan entail ave you researched the syste you are using or si ply accepted it as is  re you open to a ore secure and profitable option   

“In those things toward which we exerted our best endeavors we succeeded.” George S. Clason

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can the

ode to watch the docu entary

veryone nds p Poor

ode to schedule a no cost 1 on 1 to review your retirement goals.


How the Traditional System Works (And Doesn’t) hat if told you everything you thought you knew about the current retire ent industry is outdated or co pletely wrong know that sounds cra y you have been told for your entire life that retire ent co es fro a 0 k and octors also told people for decades s oking was good for their health until either so eone challenged conventional thinking or new research showed a better way ask you ust hear e out Let s start with where it all began n the big sche e of things the retire ent industry is fairly young and is a story that involves a considerable a ount of greed ust decades ago ost people fell into four categories regarding retire ent planning participating in a pension plan hiring an e pensive financial advisor going at it alone or having no retire ent plan whatsoever hen in a an na ed ed enna who was known for his high level of ethics and who is considered to be the father of the 0 k uestioned why our country did not have a si ple retire ent syste o e people had pensions but the a ority of ericans had nothing or any of the retire ent eant stashing oney in their sock drawer he fact of the atter is there was no si ple way to plan for retire ent ith good intentions enna discovered an obscure ta code 0 k and how it could be used to provide an easy way to save for retire ent 9



hrough this ta code ca e the ability to contribute pre ta dollars with co panies atching the contributions ade by e ployees his syste fell within ta law could be written off on ta es and the oney would be ta deferred as it grew but only until retire ent his was a solution that helped any ericans begin a si ple retire ent plan lthough basic and e tre ely li ited in its ability to produce a good retire ent the 0 k soon beca e the standard for any ericans who previously had nothing ith the best of intentions the 0 k was approved as a si plified one si e fits all syste t was easy to set up your co pany could atch your contributions and the ta benefits see ed advantageous ssentially it was a uick fi to a big proble nfortunately greed took over after this see ingly i ense victory for all ericans who signed up for this retire ent plan s you know business is business and profits are always a driving factor in business decision aking ith this new 0 k a tre endous opportunity to increase profits presented itself ith a s all contribution by the co pany and no long ter liability businesses were able to eli inate ost pensions and in doing so save billions in future liabilities hat was assive for several reasons irst the e ployee felt that they were winning his is called a perceived value because we hear the words free oney and we i ediately think we should take it n fact he enter for etire ent esearch did a study based on ta data and showed that for every dollar an e ployer on average contributes to a 0 k atch they pay less in salary hat eans you are paying for your own atch by the way of a lower salary usinesses were setting the selves up to save billions yet so ething of even greater i pact was the creation of the ulti trillion dollar financial industry o fulfill the need for so eone to anage the oney in the newly created 0 k e bers of the financial sector uickly appeared and said Let us anage your 0 k e will anage your account for a odest 2% fee s a result the financial industry rapidly blosso ed efore you knew it the industry was anaging trillions of dollars in retire ent plans aking billions in co issions anage ent fees ith the discovery and advent of the 0 k the true financial advising retire ent industry was born



he govern ent began to pro ote the 0 k with great enthusias y allowing deferred ta dollars and then ta ing the future growth and inco e they created an i ense future ta revenue dditionally they established regulations to prevent you fro touching your oney until the age of to do so would incur a penalty and if you didn t withdraw your funds by the age of 0 you could be ta ed up to 0% s a result big business increased their profits while lowering their liability the financial sector increased their anage ent of oney to the trillions and govern ent created a way to produce up to 00% ore ta revenue all at the e pense of the individual his brief su ary si ply scratches the surface of why the traditional retire ent plans were never designed in your best interest look forward to sharing ore infor ation with you that hope will change your thought process when it co es to your retire ent oney ntil now we haven t had a true cha pion for our retire ent planning he world of financial advising rarely provides education and y personal belief is that if they did it would hurt their botto line enna wanted to help the little an plan for the future and his plan beca e anipulated n 20 enna hi self began to think that the 0 k ight not be a good solution e has been uoted saying that hed created a onster due to the co ple ities and e penses inherent to the 0 k y goal throughout this book is to otivate you to uestion what you thought you knew and begin your path to financial discovery uestioning co on thought is how progress and innovation occur o other education will i prove your life ore than understanding the ules of oney and how to achieve financial freedo

Things to Consider   

hat have you been told regarding retire ent planning hat have you learned fro what you ve been told hat are your initial thoughts about your current retire ent plan after having read this chapter

“Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver.” Ayn Rand


Income Killers: The Risk Pyramid and 4% Rule

veryone nds p Poor ow will e plain the ath behind that state ent hances are you are fa iliar with the risk pyra id above ost likely you were shown it when you et with your financial advisor or 0 k provider to deter ine how aggressive of an invest ent plan to build f you have never seen it you probably have heard of it hen eeting with a financial advisor you will typically be asked a series of uestions to deter ine what color you are in the risk pyra id t is red orange yellow and green and deter ines which level of risk you are willing to accept when planning for retire ent ure it s color coded and see s user friendly enough but going to tell you how feel about this process he risk pyra id theory of retire ent planning is the ene y of all retire ent inco e 13



lthough abiding by the risk pyra id is accepted as gospel in retire ent planning it is truly a wolf in sheeps clothing Plainly stated it kills a i u retire ent inco e potential any financial advisors will tell you this risk pyra id represents how you secure your inco e and why you need to follow it nfortunately they do this with little to no understanding of what it does to your retire ent inco e hey do it all backwards he proble with those who practice this traditional theory of financial planning is that they believe account value is king t is not hen say account value the phrase refers to how uch oney you have in your retire ent account or nest egg he pri ary goal of any financial advisors is how uch oney can they ake you his is an ad irable goal but unfortunately this alone does not necessarily produce sufficient retire ent inco e dvisors are paid according to how uch account value you have so that beco es their focus and the scale by which they easure their success his is called your et orth u ber et worth is si ply defined as all your assets inus your liabilities pendable retire ent or passive inco e unfortunately is not based on your net worth nu ber but so ething co pletely different pendable retire ent or passive inco e is your inancial reedo u ber or the a ount of secure and consistent inco e being generated off of your net worth nu ber r better e plained your net worth is how uch oney you have and your financial freedo is how uch spendable oney your net worth is aking hich of the following two scenarios would you believe is ore focusing on having the highest net worth nu ber even if it i portant doesn t produce a lot of retire ent inco e or 2 focusing on assets that produce the highest spendable passive inco e even if it produces a lower net worth nu ber his ight not ake sense because no one has ever e plained to you how such things work agine a retire ent plan is e uivalent to running a ile around a track ne ile around a track is four laps n this analogy any retire ent plans such as the 0 k and use a race strategy that is backwards heir plan is to sprint the st lap focusing all the efforts on the net worth nu ber run the 2nd lap og the rd lap and walk the th lap ut for retire ent inco e purposes however fast you run your th or last lap will deter ine your financial freedo nu ber or secure retire ent inco e for life our financial freedo was never about how you started the race and everything about how you finished the race



nyone who understands a good race strategy knows that walking the final lap will never provide the best result at the end of the race hat is a backwards plan n effective race plan begins with a solid start aintains a solid pace throughout the race accelerates the last lap and sprints to the finish o how does this pertain to retire ent inco e ccording to the risk pyra id theory while you are in your 20 0s you can be ore aggressive in invest ents and focus your efforts on net worth ou can do this because you have ti e to accept ore risk as you pursue the best short ter rewards ou will always have ti e to recover fro stock arket dips he additional ti e enables you to sprint out of the gate looking for 0% rate of return or interest earned ut in this sa e scenario as you ove into your 0s you ust reduce your risk because you have less ti e to recover fro arket dips y lowering your risk in your invest ents your interest earned % interest on average hen nco e begins to og or achieve r ageddon happens in your 0s you lower your risk yet again and you L s entioned begin to earn % net interest or your last lap ulti ately deter ines your retire ent inco e ollowing the risk pyra id theory literally cuts your inco e potential in half or ore obody talks about this t s the dirty secret that they hide focusing your attention on net worth and current rate of return rather than what should be the priority achieving the highest financial freedo or retire ent inco e ecause their plans aren t designed with your financial freedo nu ber as the priority it is rarely talked about otherwise people would get angry hey have no solution for this decay of returns as you get older he retire ent planning industry aintains that they know what is best for their clients but in reality this ethod produces so e of the worst results y walking your last lap a etaphor for interest gains of % in your 0s and beyond veryone nds p Poor hy does veryone nds p Poor hat if you have 000 000 in your account ill you still be poor es n a group of financial advisors co piled 0 years of data to deter ine how uch a person should withdraw fro their retire ent account with ini al risk of running out before they die his report is called the rinity tudy ro this report the % ule was born oogle this ter to fact check what a writing



his universally accepted rule of thu b states that no atter how uch you have in your retire ent account your net worth nu ber according to the risk pyra id theory sprint run og and walk you should reasonably withdraw only % or less a year to eli inate the risk of running out of oney too soon your financial freedo nu ber his calculation was based upon the pre ise that if you retire at age 0 you ll need your oney to last up to 0 years he study e a ined how long your oney would last if you annually withdrew % % % % and so on fro your nest egg he study concluded at a % annual withdrawal fro your nest egg you would have a % probability of not running out of oney in your final 0 years of life hink about that ou could have 000 000 in your account and your financial advisor will suggest you only withdraw 0 000 upon retire ent ou are a illionaire and yet you are e pected to live off of 0 000 annually then ta ed ow can this be ow can traditional plans ost ericans use such as the 0 k or oth produce so little inco e financial freedo even when there is so uch oney in the account net worth eturning to the race analogy owever you finish your race or how uch interest you are earning during retire ent years that will be your secure inco e for the rest of your life f you are walking in other words earning only % net interest your inco e for life will be around % early all retire ent plans abide by the % ule in today s financial advising world ost 0 k or oth pro ections are based upon this inuscule rate of withdrawal etire ent plans that are based on the risk pyra id theory can never produce a great retire ent inco e at least not securely t is athe atically i possible



ou are probably thinking right now that this can t be possible r why has no one ever e plained this to e o show you the truth of the atter here is a snapshot of the retire ent inco e calculator fro one of the largest financial co panies in the world anguard

ssu ing starting at 2 years old retiring at 2 saving 00 o for straight years inside of a low cost P 00 nde fund you are rich our net worth nu ber is esti ated at 00 ou are basically a illionaire eels good ut is it our pro ected onthly retire ent inco e your true financial freedo nu ber is only esti ated at 2 per onth or 2 of annual inco e % of 00 s that what you would consider financial freedo after years of saving for retire ent hey don t even hide it veryone nds p Poor was at one of y best friend s house the other day he has a nice ob and is earning a decent secure inco e hen told hi about the % ule he told e ust be wrong t his savings rate his 0 k pro ected he would have around 00 000 at the age of his sa e 0 k pro ection stated that his annual retire ent inco e would be 000 a year hat is not % urtis he said was a bit confused as e a ined the pro ection but noticed an asterisk ne t to the pro ected inco e hen followed the asterisk to its destination it stated ncludes a pro ected ocial ecurity annual pay ent t now ade sense why no one gets upset with their 0 k or pro ections



he financial advising world knows how upset clients would be if their pro ections stated the truth an inco e of % of the 0 k ith 00 000 in his account he would be forced to live on 000 0 000 after ta es ocial ecurity would supply the rest the hidden addition that brought the pro ection up to 000 asked hi if he believed that ocial ecurity in its current for will e ist in 0 years when he retires is response was the obvious one ocial ecurity will be available or will be discounted by the ti e he reaches the age of ithout e having pointed this out the co fort he felt fro the 000 pro ection was not only isleading but a false hope intended to keep hi satisfied with his 0 k result his deliberately isleading infor ation is e tre ely i portant and let e e plain why Let s take the average erican who thought he did well in planning and retires with 200 000 in their nest egg 200 000 is the average nest egg at years old hen he retires and eets with his advisor he is told that he s going to live off 000 a year in retire ent e ll downsi e but what he doesn t reali e is that his plan will produce only around 000 of annual inco e he rest co es fro ocial ecurity

ut what if there isn t ocial ecurity here have been reports ust this year how ocial ecurity is in big trouble and ay be collapsing n its current state it is pro ected to be 00 billion upside down within the ne t ten years and will co pletely collapse by 20 without huge changes in pay out or increased ta es to your inco e and 0 k distributions



Let s return to y year old friend who is anticipating living off 000 per year in retire ent y the ti e he retires ocial ecurity will very likely be none istent or discounted and his current pro ection will re uire a downward ad ust ent his eans that the sa e person who was accusto ed to living off 00 000 a year while working will now be struggling on ust 0 000 of spendable inco e after ta es ven ore concerning is the fact that inflation increases the cost of living between 2 % a year so that sa e 0 000 0 years fro now would be e uivalent to roughly 000 000 in today s buying power ost people don t reali e this and nobody e plains it to the dvisors don t want to e plain why the 0 k and don t produce sufficient retire ent inco e or true financial freedo hey only want to discuss what they feel they can influence the account value ut what s ore i portant account value or spendable inco e he one inevitable result is when you get older veryone nds p Poor if they trust their 0 k or his is entirely due to the risk pyra id standard and the % ule any professionals are even starting to suggest that the rule should be revised to beco e the % ule because the arket has changed since o be clear didn t develop the % ule his co es fro the financial sector and is a funda ental ainstrea invest ent principle ost other agencies tout the risk pyra id as the savior the be all end all of their strategy to protect your retire ent he risk pyra id was built by financial advisors and it was built for their safety teach that it is the ulti ate inco e killer the ene y to your financial freedo and the worst any retire ent inco e theory that has ever been constructed ericans who put trust in a 0 k using nde utual unds will end up poor not because they don t have a lot of oney but because their net worth produces low retire ent inco e his can be devastating for those who are trying to plan and do what is in their best interest n closing this chapter want you to know that refer to the risk pyra id as the invisible handcuff ith this syste you are bound and incapacitated t s as though your financial advisor is handcuffing your inco e and you aren t even aware this is happening until it s too late nd that s because he she ight not even be aware of it o one has ever e plained this to the either his is how it has always been done


nderstanding this infor ation is like opening your eyes for the first ti e and seeing that your retire ent hopes have been flipped upside down he second you reali e how to take off the handcuff of the risk pyra id your financial future will change forever hen discuss this with financial advisors they all say the sa e thing ut urtis it is i possible to provide a client with security without lowering the returns in their invest ent portfolio e have to follow the risk pyra id to protect our clients ut do you invite you to continue reading with an open ind learn how risk and reward interact and be open to the idea of a better way on t fall victi to si ply trusting our traditional syste that has led up to % of ericans to downsi e in retire ent on t let your inco e be bound by the invisible handcuff e and e cellence in how your oney works for you to produce the financial freedo nu ber you e pect and deserve

Things to Consider as anyone e plained the difference between your et orth u ber and your inancial reedo u ber  id you know your retire ent inco e was pro ected at % of your account value  ill % inco e provide you the financial freedo you desire re you relying on ocial ecurity as part of  your retire ent plan

“When a man retires, his wife gets twice the husband but only half the income.” Chi Chi Rodriguez


What Your Planner Doesn’t Tell You WILL Hurt You ost financial advisors are good people who are si ply going along with the syste in which they ve been trained talk to the often even debate the and can tell they are sincere in their hearts and try to do their best for their clients recently saw a social edia post fro a financial advisor that read he % ule is obsolete can earn you % with y portfolio nly % ou ll still end up poor clicked on the article and this specific brand touted so uch ore growth using their specific for ula with ust a little additional risk onestly was happy so eone was trying to produce ore inco e for their clients always wonder why ore focus isn t put into retire ent inco e potential his is where beco e a little bit bold and will state the fact that uch is in your financial advisors typically get paid on how retire ent account and nothing to do with your retire ent inco e f they were paid on the success of your retire ent plan producing inco e things would change very uickly ut because their paycheck is not affected by your retire ent inco e success there is no incentive to ake that a priority ne uestion a often asked is whether you should defer your ta or pay ta now f you ualify for a progra that is post ta contributions eaning you pay ta now for ta free retire ent y answer 00% of the ti e is pay ta now hy would an advisor suggest you defer your ta es in a 0 k or he answer to that uestion is by deferring ta es it increases your contribution to your account value by around 2 % f an advisor gets paid by account value who gets paid 2 % ore by deferring ta es our financial advisor that s who 2



oes deferring ta acco plish ore retire ent inco e ot likely y deferring your inco e ta you have now incurred a tre endous risk hat is the ta rate going to be 0 years fro now he honest answer is that we have no idea y professional opinion is that ta es will be higher uch higher in the ne t few decades in order to pay for govern ent progra s such as ocial ecurity edicare and other e panding liabilities good retire ent plan should eli inate as any risks or unknowns as possible Let s assu e the ta rates 0 years fro now are identical to the current rates here is what an deferred vs oth post would look like

s you can see the deferred ta option results in you paying up to ten ti es ore in ta es your advisor getting paid significantly ore for anaging this oney and you receiving no additional spendable retire ent inco e ot even 0 ore ven worse what happens if ta rates increase in the ne t 0 years f ta rates increase ust 0% your inco e would drop fro 2 to 2 22 o one should ever be fooled into deferring their ta if possible athe atically it doesn t ake any sense t is a bad idea in y opinion owever financial advisors have the ace up their sleeve with one co on state ent to e ut urtis y clients will be in a lower ta bracket in retire ent and that is why they should defer the ta today hink about what they are saying ecause their plans are so bad at producing retire ent inco e you won t have to pay a lot of ta es because you won t have a lot of oney to spend ownsi ing being pro oted as a benefit veryone nds p Poor


inancial advisors often suggest other things that don t ake any sense either hy would they suggest a client be ore aggressive with risk in the early years erely to generate ore account value hy does a financial advisor use the risk pyra id to secure your nest egg and then suggest only a % withdrawal rate t % your account value should re ain stable for decades f it aintains stability for life who gets paid for life our financial advisor t all points to account value and the 2% anage ent fee y deferring your ta your advisor could be paid hundreds of thousands ore in fees while potentially increasing your liabilities oes this sound like it is in your best interest ll be the one to tell you this trusted syste has little to no focus on your spendable retire ent inco e because that doesn t pay the very ti e say this it is practically blasphe y to those in the financial industry he entire syste on which they are trained is based on one belief the traditional way is the correct syste and that is what is best for you regardless what the ath actually says hen e plain to the how to achieve ore retire ent inco e the typical response is that it doesn t fit into what they were taught or they don t see any proble s with the current syste or even worse they tell e they won t ake as uch changing their focus ven when they reali e the flaws in the traditional syste often licensing and regulations won t allow the to uestion the syste or change their strategy heir silence or lack of understanding is hurting your oney your fa ily and your financial freedo down the road want to ake it very clear that these advisors ay be good people who are legiti ately trying to do right by their clients nfortunately they are bound by things which they have no control over and they are si ply following the syste they were taught without uestion ccording to life coach and otivational speaker ay hetty these are the seven words that absolutely ruin everything e have always done it that way t s no different than what we were taught growing up what our school taught us or what we learned as values t can be challenging to be open inded and have the ti e and ability to fact check and think outside the bo t is i portant to reali e that your universe isn t always what you think it is there are often better ways of doing things



few onths ago so ething happened that ade a great i pact on e had spoken to any financial advisors but could not get any advisor to conduct legiti ate research about what was telling the ost told e to stay in y lane and let the professionals handle retire ent hen et hris ale had known hris for a few years but not well e played basketball together every so often but that was the e tent of our ac uaintance knew that hris and his close friend worked for the financial giant anguard asked if hris and his friend would have lunch with e and give e feedback on y theory on how to increase retire ent inco e by up to 200% over the 0 k oth nde unds ne aturday in une 20 had lunch with these two financial advisors oth these advisors had spent nearly a decade with anguard and were considered top professionals in the invest ent world s we sat there at utback talking away about everything besides retire ent planning hris finally looked at e and said o what are you doing urtis e took notice that had been aking acebook and nstagra videos saying retire ent was all done backwards that you could earn up to 0% or ore inco e not the % as was accepted by his co pany anguard as traditional retire ent inco e hris was concerned that was pro oting so e type of Pon i sche e so ething with tre endous risk and potentially hurting a client s ability to retire fter an hour of discussion could see that hris was e tre ely intrigued yet confused because he had never heard of this before or three weeks he did everything in his power to prove e wrong e talked to tens of people to acco plish this ission inally he phoned e and said gave y notice today t would be unethical for e to stay knowing what know now couldn t believe it o eone with eight years at anguard a high salary bonuses and a co petitive benefits package saw the truth of the broken financial sector and was willing to oin y efforts in educating the world on how to achieve true financial freedo didn t offer hi any salary any guarantee or benefits package but hris had a sincere desire to help his clients achieve the best results for their financial future


s for the other friend although intrigued by the syste he was unwilling to give up his salary and position to i prove the lives of his clients o financial advisors i plore you today is your day to go out and learn how all syste s work and to be open to the idea that what you were taught could be outdated f you want to truly serve your client research everything independently on t ask your boss or look to so eone else for answers si ply break it down yourself in an unbiased fashion Let ath tell the story and be willing to evolve with i proved syste s etire ent planning is an a a ing career and to do it in a syste that will have the ost positive i pact for your clients retire ent akes it all the ore rewarding he P Pre iu inanace trategy was designed for the true professional who wants to provide the best possible service and results for their clients while also aking a healthy wage o those who are looking for a career and have a true desire to help people with their finances invite you to learn ore about beco ing a certified advisor through the P syste hen eet with potential clients so eti es they ask if they can bring their financial advisor along to eet with e always encourage it because want to give everyone even financial advisors the opportunity to understand how to increase the spendable inco e in retire ent fter the e perience with hris ore otivated than ever to educate both the individual and the advisor ince hris have had any other advisors ask to work with e in providing financial education to the world he financial awakening is happening as we speak and it is e citing



Things to Consider ave you had a conversation with your financial planner regarding your retire ent inco e  an they answer uestions regarding the risk pyra id the % ule ocial ecurity and ore  f you feel that your financial planner is holding back it is ti e to find so eone who will be co pletely open with you 

“It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.” Eleanor Roosevelt


The Downsizing Myth n the previous chapter we discussed what your financial advisor doesn t tell you but what about the yths that he or she tell you hey are ind blowing he financial world has so ehow convinced society that downsi ing in retire ent is acceptable and is the best possible outco e hy would we accept working and saving for 0 years ust to end up poor ecause this is the best they can offer with their % ule t frustrates e that such downsi ing has beco e acceptable ake the average erican who receives a pro ection fro a on t worry about it you ll have financial planner he planner says a s aller house s aller car less e penses your kids will ove out etc t s going to be okay because you ll downsi e ow has retire ent beco e synony ous with downsi ing Let s e a ine the nu bers shall we gain re e ber nu bers don t lie ay you re aking a take ho e inco e of 00 000 a year and you set aside 0 000 a year for your retire ent for 0 years t the end of 0 years with a 0% average growth you will have appro i ately 00 000 in your account hat 00 000 will produce around 000 of inco e pre ta % Let that sink in you had been living a 00 000 lifestyle but the day you retire after ta es your lifestyle ust shift to around 0 000 spendable inco e or a downsi e of around 0% his is e actly why say veryone nds p Poor [see chart on next page] 27



ven adding social security to the inco e a downsi e of 2 % could still be re uired on n t worry about it they sa sayy ill you survive f course you will but e plain how you will finally get to do all the things you have rea ed of on half the inco e you re accusto ed to ow does that drea work t doesn t nd this is after 0 years of saving 0 000 a year he financial world will tell you that in retire ent your costs will go down hey don t tell you about the increases for e a ple edical e penses that statistics tell us will steadily rise nd unless you re a ultiple strea s of viable inco e you will % er those with never live the retire ent life you ve i agined n the traditional retire ent syste up to % of us will never tour taly never see the iffel ower the reat all of hina or start a nonprofit in our retire ent nstead we ight be forced to tighten our purse strings and live the last 0 years of our life with stress and an iety about oney nd what s worse is the fact that as a society we ve been convinced and sadly co e to accept that this downsi ing will be as good as it gets etirement income is king. We want spendable income but financial advisors never have been incentivi ed to produce ore inco e for us hey aren t paid according to how uch spendable inco e we have they are paid according to account value ntil spendable inco e beco es the focus of a retire ent plan downsi ing will always be the nor


s a result this is how they ve convinced the world that downsi ing is the only way to anage your oney and it s the only way to protect yourself hey tell you that you ust do it for your own good o e financial influencers even try to sha e you for wanting nice things f you want to downsi e that s your decision don t here are ways to ensure that you can avoid downsi ing here are ways to aintain rates of return so that your inco e can increase by up to 200% over the 0 k traditional or oth on the sa e dollar while producing the security you need here is a way in which the advisor can ake oney not as uch as they are accusto ed to but through which they can produce ore for their clients ecause not paid by the account value have no incentive to focus only on your account value a not paid according to your account value over the life of the plan a a retire ent specialist and put full focus on your retire ent inco e o be co pletely transparent when help a client a paid by building a plan that can produce significantly ore spendable inco e when you retire any retire ent planners want what s best for their clients ost planners however fall in line or the it s ust a ob hey re si ply doing what they were taught anaging oney because they were good at ath in high school they took a course got certified and now they follow the syste that pays their livelihood hey believe their syste is the best and it s how you do it he end hen e plain to the what ve researched typically get two responses ow ve never thought about it that way few respond like this or 2 he a ority ask e ho are you hat are your credentials ecently et with so e financial advisors who worked for that giant ulti level arketing insurance and financial co pany ou probably know the one a talking about those friends who call you repeatedly to sell ter life insurance and financial services while also trying to recruit you to work for the part ti e he good old L strategy connected with one of these financial advisors by way of social edia and she stated that she was helping fa ilies protect their future a



attracted to people who sincerely want to help others his young wo an had thousands of people who followed her on social edia because she was part of state and national beauty pageants felt we could for a great partnership to spread the word and help as any people as possible reached out to her on essenger and asked for a o ent of her ti e e i ediately did a phone call during which e plained to her y history and y passion for educating people on the ules of oney and retire ent planning he see ed interested in learning ore he agreed to eet with e so we set a date and ti e and et at a tarbucks ell when arrived there were ultiple people there including her her fianc her anager and a group of other representatives of the co pany the whole nine yards hey didn t all sit at our table but they were listening in hy were they all there ecause they wanted to recruit e to co e work with the was soon sub ected to the typical L uestions such as ow any people do you know o you have a large social following hat do you do responded vaguely to ost of their uestions until they asked hat are your credentials in retire ent planning and why do you say you can produce ore inco e than anyone else love answering that uestion ver the ne t inutes e plained y path of discovery the P syste and how through education cutting costs a i i ing returns and providing security we could provide our clients with up to 200% increase in retire ent inco e over other traditional plans e plained the risk pyra id the flaws of the traditional planning the % ule and how to put the client first always enthusiastically provided data on why inco e was in retire ent eeling was doing a good ob at opening the door for a future conversation regarding retire ent planning and helping ore people was not ready for what happened ne t fter e plaining so e uni ue features found in the P syste and its ability to produce up to 200% ore inco e and security than the or 0 k strategies they offered the regional anager looking at e obviously annoyed by y e tensive knowledge in retire ent planning stated hy would anybody need that uch oney in retire ent was floored Let that sink in for a inute his an a financial advisor whose sole ob was to help provide stability and security to hard working people in their retire ent years,


was operating with a scarcity indset centered on the belief that people don t need or deserve the a i u inco e possible during retire ent othing could say would convince hi to at least research what was saying n that o ent decided that our conversation was over t was clear that nothing could say would change his ind e and his tea were too close inded to accept the possibility that there was a better way heir business was to recruit ore agents but never actually help people ven with additional knowledge they refused to venture outside of what they had been taught and what ade the oney fter that eeting we parted ways and the initial wo an to who had reached out blocked e on acebook and nstagra o this day think about that eeting ponder whether there was anything I could have done to have had a sincere open discussion but their cult like belief that their syste was the best no atter what was too strong nd who does this ulti ately hurt he hard working person who invests their oney with these fiduciaries who don t live by the fiduciary code of ethics y credentials are that live by the ulti ate fiduciary standard in that provide people with e actly what do with y own oney designed a syste for e urtis ay that provides e with the best did y own research for four years of y life figuring out how can produce the greatest a ount of secure retire ent inco e for e and y fa ily did not go to school for this a not series or referring to on y in ath do financial licenses but did score a understand ath also understand o pound nterest the ules of oney and how the syste is designed love product develop ent and a i i ing efficiency in business ecause a bound to no one had no previous boss or syste fro who learned a free and can speak the truth was never polluted and had no outside influences telling e anything so everything say is 00% ob ective and fro y own research he syste have created designed for a i u security and spendable retire ent inco e for y fa ily t s what believe is best sought the answer to the and want to share it with the world uestion will y fa ily and benefit fro deferred ta the risk pyra id the % ule etc y conclusion was that al ost everything in the retire ent planning world does not benefit the individual to the



a i u e tent possible ll planning is good planning and if you have 200 000 in a 0 k that produced you 000 in inco e that is 000 you wouldn t have had without planning ut ask yourself s every single feature a i i ed to benefit e and y fa ily y syste is not built on trust in e alone or what car drive or how nice y office is but rather on proven results of spendable inco e and security a incentivi ed to help you because it akes e happy y profession is retire ent planning hat a great career can focus y energy and ti e on educating and helping people and also be paid to do so t s a drea co e true for e ith y focus always in producing the best for y clients oney is the result not y reason ou don t need to downsi e ith up to 200% increase in retire ent inco e you can supersi e your life an your financial advisor ake that clai

Things to Consider hen you picture retiring in your golden years do you envision a lifestyle of freedo travel and the ability to en oy life how you want to after years of work  r do you see yourself living on a tight budget and kicking yourself for not doing things differently 

“The question isn’t at what age I want to retire, it’s at what income.” George Foreman


The Female Poverty Crisis t is never y intention to scare any one with doo sday rhetoric have written this chapter with the hope of educating and otivat ing wo en to understand financial security and take steps today to avoid tre endous stress and an iety in the future inancial security is a rare acco plish ent that relieves considerable stress fro peoples lives ccording to financial statistics wo en are often left behind and therefore bear the brunt of this stress eet with wo en fre uently any of the are divorced or single and trying to rebuild their life confused about how and why they ended up in financial ruin ost of the wo en talk to have the sincere desire to understand how finances work but have never had the opportunity of studying the atter o one has given the the tools necessary to understand how to acco plish financial security hile trying to ake ends eet they feel they don t have the ti e or energy to learn about oney oney is not always an easy concept to grasp and can be frustrating his is not an easy discussion but a necessary one and a topic that ust be a priority today o one is planning on a death or getting a divorce when they first get arried hen death or divorce occur we no longer have the lu ury of a partner and ust take on their for er responsibilities ourselves t is always concerning to e when speak with a wo an and learn that her sole financial plan is arriage or re arriage hat said agree that finding the person who supports you and helps you achieve happiness is a priority and arguably one of the ost i portant decision in your life ccording to research done by itibank in % of arriages that ended with a divorce oney issues and stresses were a a or contributing factor hen two people get arried one of the ost 33



i portant ualities anyone can possess is the understanding of how oney works and the deter ination to set oint goals to achieve financial freedo fter uch research it is y professional opinion that financial security is initially a atter of individual focus t is essential to your security and personal happiness that you understand retire ent planning and set things in otion that provide you with individual security wo people each one with individual financial understanding and co it ent to financial security will be e powered with an essential building block for a long and successful arriage ccording to oney and other sources 0% of the people living in poverty in the are single wo en and their children here are specific reasons why wo en are ore likely to live in poverty than their ale counterparts he three s put wo en at a higher risk of financial instability than ales eath ivorce and isability

Death: ne thing no one can foresee or evade is death t is part of

life and can be e otionally and financially crippling hen a spouse dies ale or fe ale the surviving partner i ediately e periences a tre endous burden in organi ing the funeral arrange ents anaging the fa ily and either using savings or borrowing oney to pay for all the e penses ver a certain a ount of ti e the resulting e otional stress can take a toll on so eone s health and ability to work eath has serious and i easurable conse uences for the surviving spouse ortunately 2% of en have so e for of life insurance his is a tre endous financial help to the spouse in getting her life back to nor al over the ne t few years Life insurance is a great protection to have but is also a false sense of security ow long does a lu p su of oney last for the average person ccording to statistics inheritance life insurance lottery winnings or other for s of lu p su windfalls are depleted within three years hat happens when the oney runs out


ivorce is part of our current society and a tre endous liability to everyone involved his is a sensitive topic so hope to e plain it as ob ectively as possible believe in arriage and always pro ote strong relationships that increase your happiness ne of the pillars of happiness are your relationships with other people


also pro ote the fact that additional education in oney and how it works can i prove any relationship and be an influential factor in the success of a arriage owever when divorce strikes typically wo en feel a larger i pact to their finances than en id the wife work part ti e r was she a stay at ho e o r helping the s all business grow n ost scenarios not y opinion but ascertained by reviewing data the wo an did not advance her career with the sa e effort and energy as the an his is an additional financial liability she incurs throughout her arriage s there a fair way to protect her by other eans besides advancing a career

Disability: ccidents sickness and other for s of physical ail ents can i pede our ability to work uch accidents can cause significant stress both physical and financial hen the breadwinner of the fa ily beco es disabled financial planning done years in advance provides for another level of security aving a financial plan in both persons na es with the fle ibility to increase contributions for either spouse depending on the circu stance is crucial for long ter success u erous retire ent plans have a health re uire ent to the life insurance is a good e a ple hen health underwriting is necessary having a plan in both persons na es provides for fle ibility and additional security he purpose of a good retire ent plan is to eli inate as uch risk and unknowns in your life s previously entioned there is a crisis of poverty a ong wo en 0% of ericans in poverty are wo en and their children and this nu ber is increasing as divorce rates increase wo factors cause this disparity of poverty between wo en and en the fact that ens 0 k accounts have ore than double in the than those of wo en and 2 the fact that traditional divorced wo en have not focused on an advanced career due to their efforts of aintaining the ho e having children and taking on any of the duties re uired in raising children his is not to say en don t also pull their weight arriage is a partnership veryone deserves financial freedo no atter one s role in a arriage veryone s efforts in raising a fa ily advancing a career growing a business and anaging a ho e have value and deserve security



ow can the P retire ent plan change the tra ectory of this crisis P provides solutions and hope for everyone n the following ll re e a ine the s with respect to P

Death: ot only does

P provide a life insurance lu p su to the wife for i ediate security it also provides long ter inco e focus he wife can have long ter secure inco e for the rest of her life ecause education is also part of the P syste the spouse will have a retire ent coach to guide her to the best and ost beneficial ways to use the lu p su life insurance payout

Divorce: ocusing on financial education and planning can ini i e

the risk of divorce in the first place couple who has the sa e goals and education in retire ent planning have a higher likelihood of a successful arriage nfortunately divorce still can occur arriage and raising a fa ily are a oint effort o have dual P retire ent plans in both the husband s and wife s na es is the fairest solution for everyone t allows a wife to be a stay at ho e o and still be rewarded for her ti e and efforts in the for of financial security ather than depositing 000 a onth into a single P plan it is ore reasonable for dual financial security to build two P plans usually suggest around a 0% 0% split so both spouses have life insurance and are building financial freedo ini u s contributions to a plan can play a factor on retire ent results conse uently if there are not sufficient resources to establish two plans a single plan should be in the na e of the breadwinner of the household until ore funds are available to start a second plan our P ertified dvisor can help you deter ine the best path possible for your specific situation


aving two P retire ent plans in both spouses na es provide the ost fle ibility and security for the arriage ne pected disability happens and can i pede a good retire ent plan fro achieving the best results aving the ability to fund different plans with fle ibility is another tool to eli inate as uch risk and unknowns in your life


et a young wo an na ed rystal fro ri ona a single other with kids aving recently been divorced she was still struggling e o tionally and financially rystal was hesitant in speaking with e about retire ent planning as she felt it was too co plicated and was dealing with too any other things in her life he felt she did not have ti e for it and should deal with the atter in the future assured her the education and understanding would change her life forever and would give her the tools necessary to secure her future his education would also help eli inate the stress and an iety she had regarding her financial future fter a 0 inute phone call everything changed for her o ething said spoke to her he soon beca e fully co itted to retire ent planning s beca e close friends with rystal she infor ed e that she and any other wo en discuss topics regarding oney regularly ven the ones who are arried do not feel secure s a group they have the sincere aspiration to understand oney but don t know who to trust where to find the education or how to begin hey struggle gaining the re uired knowledge because the financial world provides little education hese wo en want to learn how to protect their future they don t want to give their oney to anyone without knowing where it is going to end up ost i portantly these wo en are co ing to the reali ation that today is their day to gain security in their finances hey ust put the selves first and ake their security a priority here is no better day to start than today even if it is a couple hundred a onth etting on the path of financial security is the first and ost i portant step rystal took her first step t wasn t easy for her because oney was tight but she now sees her future and is ready to fully co it to it hrough y e perience with rystal better understand why the e ale ith education in Poverty risis is occurring and how to help fi it retire ent planning ost of the risks of the s can be eli inated ot only does retire ent planning protect a wo an fro future poverty but ore i portantly it provides an influential tool for a nly good can co e fro successful arriage or re arriage retire ent planning inancial education and understanding how to achieve financial security will only strengthen the individual while i proving the arriage between two people seeking the sa e goals



Things to Consider ave you ever considered the s of financial insecurity  o you believe financial education is an individual acco plish ent  re you willing to ake financial education a priority in your life 

“Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.” Jim Rohn


The Rules of Money o you genuinely want to change your financial situation hen begin to work with clients on their retire ent plan often ask the three uestions out of the gate o you want to be financially free o you really want to be financially free o you know how to acco plish financial freedo he ules of oney are universal and very defined he e cellent news is that if anyone follows these rules no atter their situation in life or their salary they can beco e financially free ducation is the key to fi nancial freedo nce you know these rules and live by the religiously your life will i prove for the better t s that si ple f you want your life to change forever there is no other book that will do a better ob at helping you leave your financial struggles and achieve financial prosperity than he ichest an in abylon by eorge a uel lason n that book these rules are clearly outlined aster these and you will be well on your way to securing your financial future 2

Rule #1: Pay ourself irst inancial freedo is both a lifestyle and a

indset f there is anything you learn fro this book this is one point would love to get across to you here i s n o other financial de cision you can ake in your life that will have ore positive influence than to Pay ourself irst hen you go out and work every day who is the first person who should benefit fro your hard work ho is the first person who deserves long ter security fro your work ho is the first person who earned the right to retire so eday fro your grind


o any ericans live paycheck to paycheck n payday they pay so eone else s future security they pay their ortgage car insurance phone bill cable internet grocery e penses restaurants student loan pay ents and credit card e penditures nd what happens ne t here is either nothing left or what re ains gets spent on i pulse purchases veryone does it backwards he financial world often teaches it backwards hey advise people to pay everyone else first and hope that so ething will be left over to save y doing it this way ost people never begin retire ent planning they never leave the world of paycheck to pay check and they will find the selves poor their whole life ven if they pay off their debts the result is that they are debt free but still poor Paying debt does not outweigh the i portance of paying yourself first through retire ent planning hat if financial freedo was as si ple as believing in your future hat if financial freedo was as si ple as paying yourself first ll it takes is a co it ent to your life and future confidence in yourself and the belief you can do it and deserve it ou can acco plish this by doing things ust a ather than pay little differently than the world tells you to do the everyone else first pay yourself first and get so e of your oney working for you t least 0 % of what you ake is for you and your future know it sounds too si ple hat cannot be the secret but a telling you that is the secret Put yourself first aving oney for so e reason carries a negative connotation ou can always find a reason to delay retire ent planning t can be debt vacation hobbies or a desire to pay off the house there are unli ited reasons to postpone starting today aving oney co es with a negative feeling that you have to sacrifice or go without so ething owever the o ent you have a ind shift the o ent you begin to believe you have earned the right to be happy earned the right to have financial freedo and earned the right to be financially secure at that o ent you will understand that paying yourself first is the only way to achieve these goals here is no other way t co es before paying debt yes you heard that correctly it co es before debt before buying clothes and all the other things we use our checking account for he solution is so si ple that any people dis iss it o called financial e perts neglect to advise it hey all do it backwards


y challenge to you is co it yourself to this idea for si onths tart today o whatever it takes to pay yourself 0% of what you ake and see what happens he o ent you receive a check take out 0% and put it in an account hen live off the re aining 0% our life will change forever because you now are putting yourself and your future first etire ent planning will beco e part of your lifestyle o pound nterest oney aking you ore oney will begin to e pand lthough have been doing retire ent planning for four years read the book he ichest an in abylon ust a few onths ago ve always told people to save oney and so e agree to do so but others tell e they have too uch debt or bills or they si ply cannot afford it even told yself needed to save ore and it was always a little hard ut so ething changed in y ind after reading that book he o ent reali ed that saving oney wasn t a sacrifice but it was putting yself first protecting y future aking sure was the first person along with y fa ily to benefit fro y hard work everything changed y wife and were saving 20% of our inco e for the future pon reading this book y ind evolved ather than considering our savings as a sacrifice it was now a challenge turned to y wife and told her deserve a raise and then laughed he asked e what was talking about went on to e plain that we work very hard and we are going to start paying ourselves 0% of our earnings he was concerned we wouldn t be able to afford it but y ind was deter ined earned it if anyone deserved a raise it was e y aking this decision and understanding that that act of saving is not a punish ent or sacrifice you will soon discover it is the ulti ate way to thank yourself believe in yourself and protect your future self veryone can afford to save 0% n fact you cant afford to save 0% for the future egardless of your position in life if you want to be financially free start here tart today elieve in yourself his is the ule of oney and anyone who follows it will find prosperity uickly f only had known this rule years ago when started y first business

Rule #2: ontrol your e penses

ow that you have ade the decision to Pay ourself irst and set aside 0% of your oney you will



now be living fro the re aining 0% of your inco e his is nonnegotiable ontrol your e penses plan a budget pay off credit cards and then cancel the if you can be disciplined it is a good idea to keep one to two credit cards but pay the off onthly so you never pay interest while still receiving all the benefits such as cash back and building your credit avoid i pulse buys save for large purchases and eli inate unnecessary e penditures he 0% is your new budget ou always live to the level of your earnings it s fascinating hink about this situation Whether you are making $50,000 or $250,000, what if a recession hits our boss co es to you and says he is forced to lower your salary or he will have to let you go o you uit ost likely not hat typically happens is that you beco e a little worried ou already live paycheck to paycheck ou ight ask yourself ow a going to afford this ut so ething agical happens every ti e ou survive ou ad ust ou control your e penses ithin 2 onths your life returns to the sa e situation it was when you were earning the higher amount nd this will be the sa e situation regardless of your income levels f you suddenly have only 0% available as spendable inco e your life doesn t change much ou ad ust and ove on and within days you don t even notice he sa e thing happens with a raise ou lived at 0 000 and it was paycheck to paycheck you were barely getting by and then suddenly you received a 0% raise ou are now aking 000 hat happens ne t is truly re arkable ou still live paycheck to paycheck ou barely get by our costs increase and now you have set a new standard of living The point of ule 2 is that anyone can ad ust and live fro 0% of their present inco e he o ent you decided to live ule and Pay ourself irst your life will change forever our future is now in otion oving toward security and prosperity

Rule #3:

ultiply your oney ow that you have ade the decision to Pay ourself irst what do you do with the 0% savings his is the agic of oney o pound nterest o pound nterest is the ability of your oney to ake you interest and then your interest also begins to ake you interest oney aking oney aking oney


lbert instein stated o pound nterest is the th wonder of the world he who understands it earns it n other words there are only two types of people earners and payers his uote e cites e because it e plains that anyone can take advantage of this principle t doesn t state that rich people earn it and poor people don t f you will only take the ti e to understand how it works you can beco e an earner inancial education is the key nd o pound nterest is the ost si ple path to full financial freedo our oney has the ability to work for you 2 whether you are working sleeping sick or vacationing your oney is growing for you t is your e ployee n a good o pound nterest account your oney will double on itself every years s an e a ple if you had 0 000 to invest in around years it could be worth 00 000 then 200 000 in years then 00 000 in 2 years and 00 000 in 2 years and up to 000 000 in 0 years hat s a total of 0 000 in o pound nterest growth during your working years and you did nothing but let ti e and agic work its course his is how rich people beco e richer he power of o pound nterest is a a ing and is why instein said o pound nterest is the greatest athe atical discovery of all ti e oney cannot reside in a piggy bank under your attress or in a si ple savings account n those situations your oney is dying ith the average inflation rates at up to % per year oney that is not co pounding is dying at % a year y taking your 0% Pay ourself irst portion and co pounding it you will find your account having hundreds of thousands if not illions by retire ent

Rule #4: uard your oney fro loss arning and saving oney isn t

easy and the best thing you can do once you have it is to secure and protect your oney fro loss t never atters how uch oney you ake but rather how uch you actually keep and what you do with what you keep his is one of the universal rules that ost all other financial advisors ignore s entioned previously investing your oney with risk in your 20 0s is universally acceptable nvesting in stocks that have no security is the nor gnoring ule has beco e a standard in the world because the financial advising world believes there is no solution to protect your oney and co pound it effectively at the sa e ti e


here are products like hole Life nsurance Plan that do offer security but the rate of return is so slow walking it barely keeps up with inflation after decades arren uffett is uoted saying ule is to never lose oney ule 2 is never forget ule here is a way to protect your oney he P ecure o pound nterest ccount is one of the only strategies that satisfies ule or e a ple in 200 nearly everyone in the stock arket lost up to 0% co on thing ost people don t understand is that a 0% loss in the arket re uires a 00% gain to break even f you had 0 000 in the stock arket and it lost 0% principal account value you would have 000 0% gain the ne t year only puts you at 00 or still a negative of 2 00 lthough your average return is 0% you are still negative with actual returns 0% Loss and 0% ain 0% average 0% Loss and 0% ain 2 % actual 0% Loss and 00% ain 2 % average 0% Loss and 00% ain 0% actual break even t takes a full 00% gain to break even fro a 0% loss his is why you cannot trust when so eone pro otes average returns in the stock arket ctual returns are the i portant thing and without security on your oney averages and actuals are uch different u erous financial advisors clai a good utual fund averages 2 % which is true but once you include the effects of negative returns actual returns of utual funds are closer to 0% over a long period of ti e egative o pound nterest is significant to your overall gains in the stock arket o acco plish ule the key is to focus on protecting your hard earned oney nsure that you never take stock hits by using the secure strategies ther ways to protect your oney are to only invest with absolute e perts in their field of work on t buy into your friend s business without collateral or security backing your oney and invest in stocks or fads that pro ise e aggerated returns but have no real history uard your oney fro loss ve had nu erous people approach e to invest have had to decline the offer oes it in cryptocurrency and sound appealing es s it e citing to check daily es an so eone ake a lot of oney doing it es ut could you lose all your oney ust as easily es t doesn t pass any of the tests re uired by ule


of guarding your oney fro loss s there security o s anyone an e pert in it o oes it have a history of success o t is too risky itcoin and other risky invest ents are not appropriate for long ter retire ent planning ven if you were to ake illion dollars by investing in the hot product of the day you will discover that you have been bitten by the get rich uick bug t beco es addictive to ake oney on nothing so to orrow when the ne t big fad co es along you re going to put oney on that f you are lucky enough to hit an invest ent ho e run take it and walk away ever do it again ollow the ules of oney if you want to keep what you earn old flees fro the an who would force it to i possible earnings nless the invest ent follows ule of guarding your oney fro loss it will be short lived nce again it does not atter how uch oney you ake but rather how uch you actually keep

Rule #5:

ake your ho e an asset t is i portant to create an asset versus renting enting is paying so ebody else s future uy a house when ti e allows you to and this will increase your inco e in retire ent his rule is i portant but less so than the previous four uying a ho e acco plishes self estee pride a great environ ent to raise a fa ily and slowly produces a great asset for you ule should supersede the previous four rules often hear people clai that they cannot start a retire ent plan because they are saving up for a ho e or feel they ust pay off their ho e first his is a bad financial idea Let e e plain agine you have 0 000 ou can either use it as a down pay ent on a ho e or get it co pounding in a retire ent plan f you use it for a purchase of a house worth 2 0 000 you now have begun a great asset for yourself n the traditional sense your ho e will be paid off in 0 years and you no longer would have your 00 ortgage pay ent he value of the ho e could be worth up to 000 000 in 0 years ut if you stay in the ho e you will have produced an additional 000 2 onths of disposable inco e a year 00 ortgage ecause you do not have a ortgage any ore your oney is in the ho e rather than in spendable inco e onsider the reverse scenario if you saved that 0 000 in a o pound nterest account


and you rented during this ti e it could be worth around 000 000 in 0 years n the P ecure o pound nterest ccount the 000 000 could ake up to 00 000 or ore in spendable inco e per year off the interest growth alone ff the sa e dollar both are great assets to have but one could produce around 000 a year in additional spendable inco e while the other could produce up to 00 000 a year of spendable inco e pendable inco e is the key to financial freedo uying a ho e is a great decision but should not supersede a o pound nterest ccount co on conversation have with people is whether they should pay off their ho e uicker to pay less interest always ask the if they want the e otional answer or the answer that akes the ost oney sense oth answers are good decisions but one is focused in using your oney in the best way possible while the other is an e otional win Paying off a ho e is a great feat to acco plish but really doesn t ake a lot of financial sense hat follows is an e a ple co paring so eone who pays off their ho e in years and then begins a o pound nterest ccount versus so eone who pays off their ho e in 0 years but begins co pounding i ediately here is a significant difference in the overall potential of your oney


s you can see fro the ath at the end of 0 years the house will be paid off in both scenarios and provide the sa e value to the individual oweverr by co pounding your oney that earns ore than % interest or whatever interest you are paying on your ho e loan it akes better oney sense to pay the ini u s and contribute the a i u a ount of oney to co pounding his sa e scenario works with all types of debt including student loans nterest paid vs actual interest earned is the key to a i i ing your oney Paying off a house is an honorable goal and an e citing acco plish ent however an additional 000 000 in spendable retire ent inco e e cites e uch ore

Rule #6: ecure a future inco e

he day will co e perhaps around the age of when you will not be able to work his is a scary thought for ost people ou ay be too old or your body ay fail you in either case you need to establish another for of inco e


n 200 even financial wi ards and people who had saved their entire lives were unable to retire hese people couldn t go back to their old careers and ended up picking up part ti e work at local stores and restaurants ust enough to get by e ust follow all previous ules of oney for our ob ective a i u ecure nco e nco e is everything hen we work a focus on a future secure inco e is vital o any people say they will begin to orrow but to orrow never co es Rule #7: ncrease your ability to earn here is no benefit in staying stagnant so increase your education ask your boss for ore responsibility ask for a raise work overti e etc ou could even sell things on a on or start a business on the side do whatever you need to do to increase your ability to earn oney raditionally it is easier for ost people to earn ore oney than to cut fro their current lifestyle nce you find ways to earn ore oney you can pay yourself ore and start the whole process again have stated these ules of oney that can ake anyone prosperous because it is a atter of indset and lifestyle nce you take the first step of ule and Pay ourself irst your world will change Learn to live fro the re aining 0% 2 put your savings into a co pound account guard your oney fro loss by investing into a ecure o pound nterest ccount or true e perts in their field buy a ho e when ti e per its secure a future inco e and find ways to ake ore the circle of prosperity has begun nyone who follows these si ple steps will find the selves in a better position si onths fro now ccept the challenge et the goal ake the first step ou will never regret it hroughout ti e these rules have never changed oney prosperity has always been the sa e very person possessing the right education and dedication can beco e prosperous uickly f you follow these rules you ll beco e financially free it s inevitable t s all about growing and progressing and evolving it s a circle that creates true prosperity ven better ecure a retire ent plan that upholds these guidelines


Things to Consider ave you heard these rules before an you co it to Paying ourself irst hat can you do today to align yourself with these principles  ill you take the challenge of starting today

  

“If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.” Warren Buffett

can the ode for a full breakdown of the financial uestion on whether you should get a or 0 year ortgage

can the

ode to schedule a no cost 1 on 1 to review your retirement goals.


Never Trust Business love businesses have five of the t gets e up every orning love the chaos of it love start up and the any co plications of it t akes e a lot of oney and is rewarding to y life usiness is a great thing and for those who want to start a business urge you to go do it othing stops you fro achieving your goals especially with all the resources and opportunities available owever want to give a uick disclai er s a business owner and as the son of a business owner want to be clear on this a business is not a retire ent plan and cannot be trusted usiness should i prove our financial situation earn oney today and always progress owever business and invest ents can fail at any ti e hink of so e of the giants that eventually cru bled lockbuster lackberry oys s odak ircuit ity real estate of 200 and hundreds of thousands of other s all business owners thers such as ears are currently in their death throes don t want to be a ebbie downer but putting all your oney into a business and trusting that it will be profitable let alone still e ist in 0 years is well risky business e have a ple data and statistics that de onstrate that few businesses last ultiple decades here are ups and downs during which today ay be great but to orrow sucks here are any self e ployed people who believe in their business and say y business is y retire ent plan r y real estate is y retire ent plan cringe every ti e hear this want you to know that there are any things that can happen in business technology evolution a lawsuit an e ployee getting killed on the ob site a partner dispute and divorce ust to na e a few 5



hings can go so wrong in business that you can have % of the arket share for a period of ti e and then lose everything overnight rust e know Let e tell you the story of y personal financial gain and loss know what it is like to work hard generate a healthy inco e and then lose everything because of a lack of planning and security n college was an athlete at ri ona tate niversity wrestled there on scholarship hile playing ping pong in y friend s base ent his brother ca e into the roo and said e should start a granite counter top business here is so uch oney to be ade in granite lthough had never et so eone with granite in 200 being 22 years old loved the sound of the words so uch oney had ust received y 000 scholarship check for the se ester and thought have so e oney but know nothing about granite nfortunately or fortunately depending on your view a a risk taker isk doesn t scare e was willing to use y scholarship check in the pursuit of riches or the ne t si onths beca e infatuated with granite n addition to y studies and wrestling spent si to eight hours a day researching everything could about counter tops i porting granite and kitchen re odeling fell in love with natural stone and wanted to know everything about it before started the business t age 2 in 200 took the plunge and started a granite business had never held a ob before and here was an entrepreneur y parents believed in e enough to take a line of credit on their ho e to help e get started for this re ain in absolute appreciation n ugust 200 also y wedding day the state of ri ona officially approved ay rothers ranite y first granite order was delivered on ove ber 200 and suddenly we were off to the races aving developed a passion for product develop ent during y si onths researching the granite industry ca e up with a product design that would soon change the granite industry he concept was to i port granite pre cut and polished in si es designed to fit ost kitchen layouts si ilar concept had been applied in hotels and for larger pro ects but ultiple standard si es had never been atte pted on a retail or residential scale


fter working with so e of the largest factories in hina ay rothers ranite was the first co pany to i port ultiple si es and ultiple colors of what are now referred to as prefabricated counter tops his concept of prefabricated counter tops out of hina allowed ay rothers ranite to offer not only custo granite to the public but to do so at a price point that any ericans could now afford usto and best now available to the public y brother lint and ran fast to e pand the co pany ithin onths of opening ay rothers was installing between 20 0 kitchens every week t was an incredible ti e to start a business and one that was e tre ely profitable eing young and aking a lot of oney pro pted people fro every corner of y life to contact e nfortunately because was young didn t understand the ules of oney ith unrealistic e pectations invested in new fads and people with ideas rather than e pert e perience often lent fa ily and friends oney s a result uickly lost hundreds of thousands of dollars nce a fa ily e ber needed a uick loan of 0 000 to cover an inventory purchase for his business lthough this ca e with the pro ise to pay e back within a short period of ti e it has now been 0 years without even one atte pt to pay e back oing business with fa ily or friends should be treated the sa e as all other business t should be docu ented in written for collateral on your invest ent should be a re uire ent when possible and everything should be fully co unicated to avoid proble s down the road ealings without a detailed written agree ent backed by collateral will only lead to future proble s and unco fortable gatherings of fa ily and friends his treat ent of fa ily and friends ust as any other business client should not pro pt the thought even with fa ily but rather especially with fa ily fter losing hundreds of thousands of dollars beca e a little ore e perienced and learned fro those istakes not fully but was continuing to grow n 20 2 a client ca e to e and asked hat i pedes you fro increasing your current revenue of illion to 0 illion each year ou have the skill set and knowledge so why are you stuck at i ediately knew the answer replied the proble ts illion e love to do everything yself the and President


and y skill set is a ed out at illion en oy doing it all yself e then asked ow about we beco e partners a big on strea lining and efficiency and will fund it have a few illion dollars fro the sale of y business so let s beco e partners 0 0 ou run the business and ll help strea line it and provide all the funds needed to e pand s said was learning but was not educated in legal atters at that ti e believed a 0 0 partnership was a way to protect yself but it was not oon reali ed that a 0 0 partnership sets you up for a hostage situation if the other partner isn t e otionally involved in the business n a 0 0 according to the operating agree ent each partner could have the authority to deny paying payroll purchasing inventory or aking other vital decisions for the business e could say no to anything ust in spite or to pressure the other partner to concede to his de ands his is e actly what happened hat wish had known then was that when you are the e pert and you run the business you ust aintain at least % ownership or else you run the risk of losing the capability of crucial decision aking ro 20 2 to 20 we grew the business fro illion to 0 illion in ust onths e were kicking butt doing 0 kitchens a week t was everything ever wanted the business was aking ore than illion per year but fell victi to a bad habit of all entrepreneurs si ply re invested the profits back into the business took a odest salary but used all the profits to build a new warehouse buy ore inventory hire ore e ployees and e pand as uch as possible t was fun t was e citing ut it did not protect y future did not follow the ules of oney especially ule and paying yself first guarding y oney fro loss and securing a future inco e loved investing but did not have a retire ent plan for y future didn t secure y oney was confined to the indset of ultiplying y oney building y net worth without giving thought to y financial freedo ade good oney fro 200 to 20 ut guess what had in y bank account in 20 bout 200 000 hat ay sound good but considering y earnings in hindsight should have saved ore for yself and secured y future rarely paid yself first nstead had invest ents everywhere we had ero debt had paid off the


building and accu ulated illions in inventory was a illionaire in net worth but poor in financial freedo hen it happened hat situation we hear about all the ti e the one we all believe will never happen to us n 20 r ageddon in business began a dispute with y partner he short version is that he said f you don t do it y way going to free e all the oney in the account ecause felt the re uest was unethical couldn t do it his was y y na e y 0 years and y 0 000 clients e had no business e otional connection to it e was an out of state investor ut as a 0% partner his threat beca e reality and he withdrew oney fro the account here wasn t even enough oney to ake payroll didn t know what to do or the ne t few onths began paying y e ployees out of pocket while we atte pted to deter ine cash flow and how to work through this situation e did this for si onths fighting back and forth with lawyers while using all y savings to salvage y business e e ber that 200 000 account balance was bleeding out was paying e ployees lawyers and y own cost of living all over a dispute on how to run the business his was devastating and had absolutely no power or security and was losing everything had worked for y ove ber 20 had 000 re aining in y bank account was angry all the ti e and was horrible to y wife and kids felt robbed and cheated by so eone considered a friend hen so ething happened on the night of ctober 20 couldn t sleep at all that night upset that was losing everything that had built y whole life was spiraling out of control re e bered so ething y dad taught e ake oney the result not the reason hy was in business ecause loved it loved working with clients loved helping people loved playing the ga e t was never about the oney that was always secondary ut y pri ary concerns including the uality of y life had rapidly deteriorated in those si onths of partnership dispute was no longer happy n ove ber 20 called up y partner s lawyer and said done e can have both of our businesses will sign it all over to hi ust leave e alone resigned as president of y co pany that day t wasn t worth it could start over built it once and could build it again fter 0 years of building an e pire found yself with no business nor source of inco e 000 in y account and five kids and a wife nd


you know what t was the best decision ever ade in y life oreover had learned so ething that would change y life forever nless the oney is secure it could disappear in the blink of an eye will never let that happen to e again hat did do wrong did not secure y future didn t know how to achieve financial freedo he a a ing part of this story is that the sun ca e up the ne t day was was still healthy and had the support of y fa ily and friends ith a new focus on learning fro y istakes was able to begin the business again n 20 ade ore oney than in any previous year he following year was better than 20 and 20 was better than 20 and 20 has been the best year of y professional career contribute this increased success to y dedication to the task of understanding how oney works and aking it y lifestyle hat would like you to learn fro y e perience o atter how good your business is no atter how well you are doing in real estate no atter how uch salary you earn you cannot trust it felt did everything right cared for y client charged fair rates provided e cellent custo er service and still lost didn t do anything wrong but didn t do everything right either forgot the truly i portant things Pay yself irst uard y oney and invest ents fro loss ecure a future inco e no atter what happens n essence never understood how oney worked Live the ules of oney ou will find your life changed forever hat do you have to lose ive it a shot t works uard your hard earned oney secure your future and don t do anything stupid f you can protect your assets build a secure financial plan and educate yourself you will see i ediate results old will always be attracted to he who protects her treasures her and cherishes her etire ent planning and education are the key e go through the stresses of business for one i portant reason to secure our future e invest to fund a secure retire ent plan because our invest ents are not a retire ent plan usiness obs and other avenues of earnings pay for our life now understand that and we should always be a i i ing the ability to ake ore oney t is i portant that we en oy life now because we ay not see to orrow balanced lifestyle is part of the pursuit of happiness ut without focusing on


a secure future you ay not be able to en oy your life in retire ent f your retire ent plan follows the ules of oney then you re securing your assets and co pounding your interest so that you can achieve the elusive inancial reedo onversely what happens to so eone who puts it all in a business for 0 years ven if they ade illions of dollars if they didn t live by the Pay ourself irst rule and put so e towards retire ent planning what happens if he or she goes out of business at years old or has a lawsuit or has a partnership dispute like did Luckily was only when this happened to e so had the option to start over had the energy to rebuild People keep investing in their business but as soon as it fails that oney is gone ere is the fact businesses fail nly around % last over 2 years n the other hand investing in yourself with a secured insured retire ent plan works basically 00% of the ti e f you start a business do it to fund your financial plan ake your earnings fro your business and Pay ourself irst always put aside at least 0% ou have worked hard and nobody should benefit fro your hard work above yourself his includes real estate it is not secure enough nvest ake oney and fund your retire ent plan hat is how long ter security works ou work hard and you deserve financial freedo nstead of i ediately reinvesting in your business if you profit 00 000 take at least 0 000 and stick it in a secure plan never to be touched until you retire ll it takes is deter ination and discipline hy do the % ers get to travel and live the lu urious life o they know a secret ow do they aintain their oney re they better than everyone else o hey ust understand the rules of the ga e and know how to play f you want financial freedo you ust be willing to do what s necessary to achieve it ou ay believe in your business which is e cellent but do not forget to believe in yourself first t s not so uch how uch oney you ake but ore i portantly how uch you keep and what you do with what you keep ou are the only one who can ake the decision to put your future first above everything else Pay ourself irst


Things to Consider 

hink of the businesses in your lifeti e that you viewed as giants that are now out of business usinesses co e and go and it s all about leadership choices the arket and evolution ven your own business though successful today ay have a volatile to orrow s this truly a odel into which you feel co fortable sinking your retire ent

“The best thing money can buy is financial freedom.” Rob Berger


The Evolution of Money nnovation always wins he evolution of oney provides a better safer way and can increase your financial freedo s entioned one of the ost i portant books you can ever read regarding the ules of oney and achieving financial freedo is he ichest an in abylon written by eorge lason f you want your life to change forever there is no other book that will do a better ob of taking financial struggles to prosperity t takes only four hours to read and will co pletely change the way you look at oney riginally published in 2 lasons book dispenses financial advice by way of a collection of parables set in ancient abylon before banks e isted Part of the book tells a story about a an whose friend says Let s go invest in so e ewels can take a boat buy the ewels bring the back and sell the for a profit hen the friend returned with the ewels it turned out they weren t real this was a poor invest ent and a loss his happened because he hadn t worked with an e pert in the field he first an then decided to buy so e bron e his ti e he consulted with the e pert shield aker and guess what happened y working with the best of the best a true aster of his craft both en ultiplied their oney he rules of oney hadn t changed an invest ent was still ade but the second ti e around the an was ore innovative with his oney e was open to a s arter and better strategy and this innovation led to an increase of inco e Let s fast forward to what oney looked like in the last century inancial invest ents were typically ade in stocks in individual co panies and



people tried and hoped to avoid risk his worked well until the entire syste collapsed with the reat epression of 0 few decades later in ohn ogle the original founder of anguard created the first inde fund n inde fund is a group of invest ents all rolled into one invest ent t s the ulti ate diversification so you aren t bound to the ups and downs of a single co pany or e a ple the P 00 is one of the ost co on inde funds n this fund there are 00 co panies all of which produce a return o ini i e the risk of one co pany s stock plu eting an inde fund takes the average of all 00 co panies co bined to deter ine your return nside these 00 co panies so e ay produce a return of % or % or 0% or even 0% so as an invest ent you receive the average of all 00 his typically lowers your risk and relies upon the collective health of the stock arket ogle was the first person to e pound the principle that slow and steady was the way to do it any financial advisors at that ti e heavily critici ed this approach because it eli inated the need for the oney anager active financial advisor People will always find fault with what they don t understand and fear and hu an nature is to attack what they fear especially if so ething puts their profession at risk nde funds are considered boring no need to trade the hot stock of the day but very effective and efficient ssentially ogle s theory was to go for the average no better and no worse trusting the collective nstead of charging 2% anage ent fee like the rest of the industry which can eat up to 0% of all your growth over ti e anguard proclai ed that they would charge a fraction of one percent for the anage ent fee his was revolutionary e b elieved that slow and steady would win out in the end o no surprise uch research has been conducted since then ould you guess that the slow and steady conservative inde approach beats active oney anagers up to 2% of the ti e his approach gave birth to the principle of lowest cost and si plicity which was a a or innovation in the oney world ith that approach you no longer needed trading and could lower your cost while diversifying your portfolio hen in the late 0s the life insurance industry wanted to co pete in the financial advisor space hey had so e different strategies for the arket none of which took hold hen they ca e out with a product that would change everything nsurance on your oney



hink about that for a second hy do we buy insurance on our house o eli inate car life health ewelry plane ticket rental car etc financial risk in our lives f we already insure everything else why ur wouldn t we insure one of our ost i portant financial asset etire ent Plan t was a revolutionary concept his syste gave you the security with the si plicity and results of an inde fund here was nothing like it his innovation insurance on your oney protected you fro a stock arket dips while allowing you to achieve the a ority if not all of the gains of an inde fund t was the best of both worlds security plus the potential of high rates of return he na e of this syste is nde ed niversal Life or L nfortunately there is a black eye associated with it and this will be e plained later in this chapter n L guarantees you a 0% loor eaning you can never lose principal account value due to stock arket risk very year at the anniversary of depositing oney your account value is locked in to that value f you have 0 000 in your account to start no atter what happens to the stock arket you are guaranteed to have 0 000 in your account at the end of the year less e penses f your account gained 0% interest that year the ne t anniversary date your account would have 000 value and would lock in at that new a ount with the guarantee n the worst case scenario you receive a 0% credit ou will never suffer a loss this is the ulti ate security insuring your retire ent plan our principal account value will always aintain even in a collapse such as the one in 200 hoever had an L in 200 lost 0 in their account ost everyone else lost up to 0% account value n L doesn t avoid stock arket risk it eli inates it hen you think about it why wouldn t you insure your retire ent plan n the option to insure your retire ent plan was one of the ost influential evolutions oney has ever seen ou could co pletely bypass the risk pyra id the invisible handcuff no longer applied dditionally you were also bypassing the % ule uddenly you could get security on your oney and si ultaneously be running returning to the race analogy and achieving around an average % interest rate of return in your 20s 0s and 0s and guess what also in your 0s 0s 0 s and until you die nstead of the traditional 0% in your



20s 0s sprinting % in your 0s running and then around % in your 0s walking you run your race at full running pace or % on average until the day you die f you insure your retire ent plan first aking security the first cornerstone of your plan it can aintain around an % average rate of return o if your last lap is % your inco e is now around % or up to double the inco e of a 0 k or fro the sa e dollar saved his is how to focus on inco e Put security in place first and then ake sure your last lap is as fast as possible ith the innovation of an L and continual i prove ents to such syste s over the following 20 years you could increase your inco e potential with si plicity and security all rolled into one plan that also included the ta benefits of life insurance nnovation will always sto p out inefficiencies ho wouldn t want security plus ore spendable inco e nfortunately ust like the 0 k which was developed with the best of intentions the L doesn t have the best na e across the nternet ecause of how any benefits an L can bring an individual the L ulti Level arketing industry has hi acked such a great solution and turned it into a co ission heavy poorly designed sales gi ick alf the world says they are the best thing ever while the other half say they are bad he dirty little secret is they are both right ave a sey is well known for e plaining to the world that nde ed niversal Life policies are very e pensive as well as being burdened with high co issions and other negative features that can derail its ability as a retire ent plan e is accurate in his assess ent of an L when the L is not designed correctly ne thing ave neglects to disclose to his followers is that an L can be designed as either retire ent focused planning for a i u benefit to the client or insurance focused planning hen designed for insurance planning a life insurance agent has the option to a i i e the co ission if they choose to reed kills any good things ver the past 20 years life insurance agents have used the L with its increase your inco e potential with the 0% loor security to anipulate clients and a i i e the agent s co ission ecause of this the L has received a terrible black eye and is called an insurance sca he sad truth is the L is ostly a sca ver the last few years ve audited of over 00 L policies provided to the public by insurance agents your fa ily



and friends who believe they are sincerely trying to help you ecause of the poor education provided by these L sales co panies or wanting to ake a bigger co ission or whatever reason the a ority of these policies are not in your best interest and do not have the potential to achieve financial freedo for you f the 00 L hole Life policies reviewed can you guess how any were designed in the client s best interest ine total policies were designed at a fiduciary standard in the best interest of the client bsolutely disgusting hen financial advisors and other influencers bash on Life nsurance etire ent Plans ostly agree owever the L itself has the foundation to be great unfortunately it is offered to the public poorly t was the first true threat to the financial advising world onse uently to avoid losing clients financial advisors began to speak negatively of the L even while knowing it was better designed for retire ent inco e ften financial advisors haven t taken the ti e to know how insurance policies work and only provide negative infor ation they were told n one popular study anual to get the ertified inancial Planning certification P there is a little over one paragraph as an overview of Life nsurance as a retirement planning, so financial advisors are rarely well infor ed on how insurance works and the benefits they can bring a client evertheless evolution and innovation will always triu ph ath L there is a correctly designed will always win nside of an foundation that can produce a i u security lowest costs lowest co issions ost spendable inco e and ta benefits like nothing else ve seen t's called a a unded ncreasing eath enefit L. a unded ncreasing eath enefit eans that every dollar possible is going to your retire ent plan and as few as legally allowable issions and life insurance his are going to policy e penses co is a specific way to design a Life nsurance etire ent Plan for spendable which the ob ective is to provide the a i u retire ent inco e often ask financial advisors hy don t you use the a unded L option hey typically reply ell we don t do insurance products or nsurance products are too e pensive n the sa e conversations they concede to e that the ta benefits increased inco e potential and the security of the 0% loor are te pting but there is ust one proble it would ulti ately pay the significantly less



n order to aintain their 2% annual anage ent fee they intentionally provide their clients with what akes the the ost oney rather than what akes their client the ost retire ent inco e t is a disappointing observation hen e plain that a unded insurance products are significantly less e pensive long ter and a better suited design for a retire ent plan financial advisors typically are not interested in a side by side e pense co parison or those who want to see it here it is

his is si ple ath he 0 k and other anaged retire ent plans can cost you hundreds of thousands fro your nest egg while incurring tre endous risk to your oney n this e a ple over 2 000 of additional anage ent fees could be charged inside your 0 k nyone can review an e pense schedule sk your financial advisor for one t will shock you how uch you will pay hi her to anage your oney over ti e ost get tricked in believing their fees are low because fees are often a % of your account value and because your account is typically s all at first the fees see reasonable n the e a ple above only in the first year hen as your account begins to grow and co pound the fees also co pound and balloon up to 2 000 a year his is rarely disclosed



hat s y proble with u e r an and ave a sey and others like the they have not evolved and refuse to co pare plans side by side and show which plan can bring the ost long ter value for the client heir syste is their syste it s how they built their e pire it s their livelihood and if they change their syste there goes their credibility i ple ath reveals there is a better way but re uires an open ind and a willingness to accept change a not stuck in y ways will always do what the ath tells e is best have no e otion in reviewing the nu bers will evolve and e brace the path that produces the a i u a ount of secure retire ent will use every available resource to ake that happen hen so eone introduces so ething new to e study it break it down to its core and if it ulti ately i proves y client s situation e brace the idea hat is innovation and the evolution of oney volution happens all the ti e nnovation happens all the ti e brace and i ple ent will always change evolve and innovate because it s never as good as it gets hat is not how y ind works on t avoid risk ust kill it ill it out of the gate he evolution of oney today allows you to eli inate risk while aintaining aggressive rates of return ccording to the financial sector you are li ited to settling for one or the other ut what if you could have both security and a i u results ith insurance you can s you ust learned the ost innovative concept in retire ent planning to date is the 0% loor found in insurance n y opinion this is the ost significant develop ent in the history of retire ent planning yet few know about it ew talk about o ent that provided both results and it hat was the security but unfortunately few understand how to use it f the financial world were to offer the 0% loor option with a retire ent plan it would lower their paycheck s you saw fro the side by side co parison it would lower their paychecks significantly he largest ost powerful industry on the planet anaging trillions of dollars refuses to e brace this option for the greater good n 200 it didn t atter who you were you lost up to 0% n 2000 2002 with the dot co bubble you lost up to 0% nd even during the reat epression the sa e thing happened



lthough the arket always bounces back there is a s arter way and that way is security first ost ericans don t even reali e this is an available option ow you do

Things to Consider hat do you consider to be the purpose of insurance on your valuables  Look at what you currently insure and why  f you knew that your retire ent fund would never lose account principle would you invest in your financial future  f insurance is all about ensuring you financial security why wouldn t you do the sa e with your nest egg 

“Money is plentiful for those who understand the simple laws which govern its acquisition.” George S. Clason


Financial Discovery very decision you ake financially every invest ent you ake and every dollar you set aside should have a focus to build your best retire ent etire ent is not about not working but the freedom to do what you want with your ti e reedo is what we want retire ent plan is different fro an invest ent plan hey have different ob ectives but so ehow the world has convoluted the two financial concepts n invest ent plans goal is to ake ore oney with your oney as uickly as possible often focused on net worth while a retire ent plan is about building your best long ter future guarding it fro loss and achieving the ulti ate goal a i u secure retire ent inco e or financial freedo ll ad it investing can sound se y nvesting in new technologies your business your friend s business a hot new product or a swanky restaurant all sound ore appealing than the slow and steady retire ent plan nvesting in so e of these products ay present a uick and i ediate turn around in growth which can be important if done correctly. Retirement planning may not sound se y but it s the long ga e we re talking about here and it definitely pays off etire ent is looking forward to the day you own your ti e lthough y businesses are e citing and en oyable and earning a si figure inco e right out of college was a good thing in 20 reali ed that needed to reva p y strategy needed to learn fro y e perience and secure y fa ily s future ove ber 20 was the day walked away fro the idea that y business was y financial plan n that day walked away fro a partner went to hina and restarted y path t was a surreal o ent reali ing ang ust lost ten years of y life worked hard was ethical and treated 67



y clients right but still failed ow here was too uch risk involved in having 00% confidence in business decided to never allow yself to be in that position again and sought to eli inate as uch risk and unknowns in the future as possible was tired of feeling vulnerable ut where should put y oney everyone asks ith so any strategies and products available if so eone wants to plan for retire ent how do they do it ith everyone ending up poor even those who plan by using a 0 k or where can you put your oney to secure your future s there a syste out there that enco passes all the re uire ents of a good retire ent plan hat s the uestion asked yself hat sa e year of y partnership dispute was introduced to the financial industry t first it did not intrigue e as was busy that year gave it ust enough attention to act like knew what was going on but had no e otional invest ent in it to beco e an e pert in the affairs of financial security for y fa ily fter constant nagging fro y wife to beco e an e pert love her very uch suddenly caught fire he hours a day of research began again decided wanted to beco e an e pert in oney and retire ent planning or the ne t si onths learned everything could about a 0 k 0 b oth hole Life L ariable niversal Life L nde ed niversal Life a unded L and whatever else could learn asked ow does it work ow do you a i i e it ow do you i prove it wanted to find out what was best for e and y fa ily here would put y oney to secure y future knew stocks had the ost growth potential real estate uses leverage or P ther People s oney the best and insurance was the ost secure o which was actual best for e and y goals was open to investing y oney wherever the ath pointed had no idea what the end result would be when started the ourney

fter onths of research ade a discovery about a financial instru ent that few had ever heard about including a a ority of financial advisors n e clusive life insurance retire ent plan that offered life insurance guaranteed security against arket risk growth


potential above the P 00 nde und ta free growth and retire ent inco e no andated retire ent age like the 0 k or and any other benefits to help an individual achieve full financial freedo his plan invented in was nearly perfect with 2 decades of great success however there was one huge flaw o ualify you had to have a 000 000 net worth available collateral high credit score and any other financial de ands his e clusive plan designated for the e tre ely rich is called Pre iu inance

nother e a ple that the rich get richer because they have better opportunities and resources while everyone else settles for a 0 k oth hole Life L and real estate rentals nce discovered this e clusive advanced plan beca e obsessed with understanding it wondered how there could be so ething so good that no one knew about lthough this plan wasn t perfect it see ed to be the answer to how to achieve financial freedo in the uickest ost secure fle ible ethod ith growth potential above the stock arket and guaranteed security of life insurance it was the best of both worlds nfortunately not a single person knew had the wealth necessary to even ualify including yself olding ultiple patents for inventions had created over y 0 year career have a deep passion and understanding for product develop ent innovation and finding solutions to consu er proble s and inefficiencies n 20 co itted y talents to the financial planning industry to solve the riddle on why up to % of ericans are forced to downsi e in retire ent through traditional plans had a see ingly i possible idea to ake the e clusive Pre iu inance plan available to everyone ith initial help fro y brother we began a path of discovery innovation and develop ent in a stagnant financial industry began to connect with financial advisors brokerages and others in the industry and soon reali ed any professionals do not like innovation fear change are co fortable with what they know and often know very little about their own industry



s e plained what was trying to acco plish to bring a better way to the everyday erican was not only et with that s i possible but also with sharp criticis and opposition reali ed this ourney would need to happen with ust y brother and fter a few onths in the lab we did it e created the first Pre iu inance strategy that could be acco plished without the de anding financial re uire ents of the original Pre iu inance so ething no one had ever seen before Pre iu inance 2 0 e called it a i u Pre iu nde ing or P t included 2 essentials of an opti ally designed retire ent plan discussed later in this book all rolled into one si plified plan his revolutionary strategy all ste ed fro a single uestion hat is best for y fa ily and oon after we developed the first draft of the P Pre iu inance 2 0 strategy we were in shock how easy it was to figure out hy had no one ever done it before ut how often do we watch an info ercial or see an invention that see s to solve a huge proble and think to ourselves how did no one think of that before or e it happens all the ti e hrough using the te plate of Pre iu inance Life nsurance fi ing its flaws cutting e penses ini i ing risk and a i u reward the ath revealed P Pre iu inance with si ilar features and benefits of the e clusive Pre iu inance could outperfor the traditional 0 k oth L L hole Life and even a a unded L by up to 200% ore retire ent inco e on the e act sa e a ount of oney saved t didn t ake sense that two guys with ero industry e perience but great ath skills and an open ind could develop so ething so different than any other traditional product out there ut was it legal and co pliant with industry regulations e didn t know as it possible to provide everyday ericans with the benefits of Pre iu inance without the financial re uire ents fter a little research on who could answer that uestion we et with one of the top national brokerages for advanced life insurance retire ent planning rokers lliance e et with the avid acich and the ric Pal er fter showing the what we had done and the ath behind it they laughed at us hey thought there was no way that two dudes out of esa ri ona could create a retire ent strategy that outperfor s their best


nce we e plained what we did under non co pete and non disclosure they conceded that the P Pre iu inance concept was so ething they had never considered but was e tre ely intriguing hey eventually asked for a few onths to allow the selves and their actuaries an actuary is a super s art ath nerd to break our plan down and figure out where we had gone wrong because obviously these nu bers didn t add up in their inds this couldn t be possible ould you believe the nu bers checked out hey were correct yet we needed to fi a few co pliance and others issues to be able to offer to the public ell those co pliance issues took three years to a end his is when divine intervention kicked in n ove ber 20 was driving to rokers lliance to break up because had given up couldn t finish it P Pre iu inance 2 0 brought to every day ericans was a drea only conceded that the rich get richer because they literally have better opportunities and resources available that no one else has and when we tried to ake it available red tape after red tape t see ed as though the industry didn t want to have this available to the public e had put considerable ti e and oney into this pro ect and we si ply couldn t find solutions to the co pliance and regulatory issues of launching a new financial strategy s was driving ric Pal er called and said here s been an e ergency and we need to reschedule for uesday e rescheduled and turned around pon arriving to y house that afternoon y wife asked e how y day had gone t that ti e e plained to her that P was i possible felt it was ti e to give up and would ust be a benefit for y fa ily and close friends Let s ust say she did not take it lightly and told e to get back to work and finish the pro ect hat weekend decided to ake one final atte pt to co plete the P strategy here had to be a way to finish it or three years had been unable to finish the P plan because was cutting corners never reali ed that was the issue because never had taken the ti e to beco e an e pert in one i portant aspect of retire ent planning illustrating a Life nsurance etire ent Plan always let so eone else do that task for e would give the the numbers needed and they would co e back with a life insurance



illustration ut it was never right and could never showcase the P Pre iu inance beca e deter ined to beco e an e pert in the use of illustration software for the purpose of understanding how insurance co panies showcased their pro ections o for the first ti e that weekend, used an insurance actuarial software to prove it was possible to illustrate the P Pre iu inance concept working fro p to a to create hundreds of illustrations n those seven hours learned everything could about the software and how it functioned atte pted to design the first P plan inside a co pliant software fter hours of trying and failing at a on ove ber th of 20 pressed calculate and it worked he first P plan was co plete P Pre iu inance 2 0 was finished usto and best now available to the public got goosebu ps and needed so eone to hug or high five went to y wife and told her to wake up because had cracked the code and she said hut up sleeping had anticipated that response id ention love y wife or the ne t 2 hours ran the algorith under increasing a ounts of stress and it worked every ti e hen uesday arrived was ready to show the brokerage what had occurred over the weekend pon entering the eeting ric started off by saying that it was a good run and they had tried our plan but it ust wasn t going to work out on a large scale nce he paused long enough for e to speak looked at hi and said ric fi ed it can illustrate it P Pre iu inance is now co pliant fter a few words of positive vulgarity he needed to see it for hi self e couldn t believe it nce showed hi that had fi ed the co pliance issues we had struggled with for three years he turned and looked at e and e clai ed nything you want you have it e are going to change the world ecause the eeting had been postponed and finally co itted to beco ing an e pert in all aspects of insurance including illustrations P was finally co plete y co it ent to beco e an e pert was what had been issing or three years was frustrated because wanted to find a solution but hadn t been co itted to being the solution yself nly by beco ing an e pert in your field can you beco e capable of acco plishing anything you want


e are now ready to change the world and ake financial prosperity an achievable goal for everyone o other syste available that fa iliar with provides the security against arket risk while producing up to 200% ore retire ent inco e for the individual lthough retire ent planning isn t e citing y story of develop ent and discovery is about as cool as it gets had to share with you how it all ca e about ow we will get a little nerdy and break down so e nu bers Let s talk about co pounding securely for your long ter retire ent plan through P Pre iu inance 2 0 vs the oth using a low cost inde fund s an e a ple let assu e a 0 year old saving 00 o in both P and a oth t age 2 what would be the pro ected results

s you can see through the power of the P Pre iu inance strategy your retire ent inco e can increase fro in a low cost oth to a pro ected 0 ta free every year for the rest of your life on the e act sa e a ount saved inancial freedo including illionaire status is now a possibility for so eone saving as little as 00 o or so eone trying to achieve early retire ent there are not any options 0 k oth and any others have retire ent age restrictions owever P has no such restrictions allowing you to retire any age you want he other day a couple ca e into y office he husband ade 2 000 per year and the wife ade 000 a year hey co itted to saving 2000 o to achieve early retire ent to be able to travel and live their best life in their 0s hey were both 2 years old



nside the P Pre iu inance at 2000 birthday here are the pro ected results

o by their 0th

y co itting early in their 20 s and 20% of their inco e by 0 they are pro ected to have over 00 000 and ore i portantly a ta free retire ent inco e of 200 000 per year every year for the rest of their lives o achieve si ilar results in traditional invest ent plans would take till around age years of financial freedo lost because of the inefficiencies of invest ents used as retire ent plans y using a plan focused on financial freedo at any age this couple has a pro ected 0 year assu ing living to 0 total ta free spendable retire ent of 00 000 vs a 2 year retire ent of 00 000 in the 0 k inancial freedo at the age you want ne last e a ple d like to e press is regarding a friend of ine e is 2 years old and had ero retire ent saved e felt despair and confused how he had a successful business ade a good inco e and had never taken the ti e to build a retire ent plan e had ust sold his ho e and had 00 000 in profit and could save 2 00 o e asked e if there was any chance he could be retired by 0 years old with 00 000 of inco e per year


hen told hi through the P Pre iu inance trategy we could do it by a pro ected 2 years old he couldn t believe it e beca e e otional broke down crying and continued to repeat that he wished he knew about this 20 years ago he power of ecure o pound nterest is real t truly can provide hope confidence and financial freedo to anyone who takes the ti e to learn about how to a i i e it in their life etirement planning is objective, not emotional. If you do it correctly, you will set yourself up with features and benefits ost people don t even know about ll that is re uired is education about how it works and a desire to ake it happen ith a clear vision and deter ination your retire ent plan will reward you with the security and results you e pect and deserve ou ve earned it Pay ourself irst use all the available resources to grow your wealth so you don t end up poor after decades of working hard

Things to Consider re you chasing the hottest stocks and playing a risky ga e or would you prefer a slow steady and secure pace that will set you up for financial freedo once you cross the finish line  our oney needs to be set aside invested in yourself and put into a secured interest bearing account re you willing to ake the necessary changes to your retire ent plan

“How many millionaires do you know who have become wealthy by investing in savings accounts? I rest my case.” Robert G. Allen

can the ode to watch a side by side co parison of the fees found inside of P vs the anage ents fees of a financial advisor

can the

ode to schedule a no cost 1 on 1 to review your retirement goals.


Compound Interest: The Magic of Money Making Money o you believe in agic reco end you start today the agic of oney aking oney t s pretty obvious that oney that sits in your piggy bank or under your bed will re ain stagnant and even lose value due to inflation he a ount will increase only if you physically add ore oney to the pile and the total a ount will e uate to e actly what you put in ure that s one way to save for retire ent but is it in your best interest efinitely not o ultiply your oney and better yet to fast track your financial freedo learn about the power of o pound nterest which has been dubbed the greatest athe atical discovery of all ti e o you have this power in your life hen your oney co pounds it is working for you it is your e ployee at this point ts as if your oney has a ob to ake you ore oney nd that additional oney also has a ob which is to work for you too ou end up with generations of oney working for you hen you put your oney away into a co pounding account you have your oney aking interest and then the interest your oney ade also begins to ake interest and so on oney aking oney aking oney People feel that they don t have enough inco e to start setting oney aside but tell you if you start right now and pay yourself at least 0% no atter your inco e and get it invested into a o pound nterest ccount you will be on the path of financially freedo Poverty in the would cease to e ist if everyone understood and practiced the basic concepts of o pound nterest


y dad turned this year and although he was self e ployed aking a si figure inco e nearly his entire life he didn t invest in hi self s an entrepreneur he wanted to invest in the ne t pro ect e was always providing the best opportunity for his nine kids two daughters and seven sons but he was always working hard investing in business and then giving his oney away oth of y parents are incredibly charitable and donated to their church and to anyone who needed help nfortunately no one ever ca e to hi and said his is how you do it his is how you put a little bit away today in order to secure a prosperous to orrow n truth the financial world has failed the individual because they don t provide the necessary education nor e plain the urgency to start any financial advisors only work with the already rich ad y dad set aside ust 0% of his inco e when he first started at age 2 he could have retired at years of age with a si figure inco e for the rest of his life y childhood would not have been any different wouldn t have noticed any shortage of opportunities nothing would have changed for e or y siblings but if he had set aside 00 a onth his current life would be drastically different owever sadly at age he has ero dollars in his bank account he continues to work which luckily he en oys for now ut instead of e periencing everything that he didn t get to do while working hard and raising a fa ily he ll ust keep on working as long as he can t would have been easy for hi to start at 2 or 0 but the education and the urgency of how o pound nterest works was never e plained to hi Let s talk about o pound nterest and its relationship with ti e say this now because want you to start right now today tart to capitali e on this concept that can provide you with ore financial freedo than any other decision you ake when it co es to your retire ent he theory is as follows ypothetically let s say you are earning 0% interest n 2 years your oney will have doubled t s called the ule of 2 t is a shortcut to esti ate the nu ber of years re uired to double your oney at a given annual rate of return ssentially you take 2 and divide it by the percentage of interest in the first e a ple the percentage of interest was 0 so the rate of o pounding is 2 years 2 0 2 ith % interest gained your oney would double in years n short 2 divided by the interest


rate e uals the nu ber of years re uired to produce one o pound ycle or doubling your oney he theory of o pound nterest i s s pecial be cause it reveals t hat the a ount of oney you invest in the first 0 years will produce the a ority of your future wealth ake a o ent to think about that he a ority of all your retire ent inco e will co e fro your efforts and dedication to your future over the ne t few years hen give it ti e to ature i e is the key etting started co es before anything else including paying down debt paying down ortgage real estate rentals and various concepts that do not produce the results you need for a secure confident retire ent t s all because the agic of o pound nterest on both principal and newly earned interest our oney is growing by itself t needs nothing fro you t is truly passive t is your e ployee working for free 2 and that e ployee will hire additional e ployees to also work for you want to e press this crucial point ou think you have ti e but you don t very day you wait can cost you 000 s of future o pound nterest dollars he other day had so eone co e in and say they were going to save 000 o for retire ent but wanted to start ne t year eing years old he wanted to retire by e plained to hi that was not a good financial decision to wait e plained to hi the power of o pound nterest and how ti e was so value in the pursuit of financial freedo e said but it s ust one year o how influential is ust one year tarting at and retiring at he was pro ected to have a retire ent inco e of 2 0 aiting till 2 ust one year his retire ent would di inish to a pro ected 00 20 hat is a 0 20 difference per year of financial freedo hat could you do with an additional 0 000 per year in retire ent ssu ing he lives to 0 years old waiting ust 2 onths to start co pounding his oney is esti ated to cost hi 200 of additional ta free o pound nterest to spend in retire ent hink of the vacation you could take ti e spent with grandchildren doing hobbies you love and various other en oy ents issed out because you waited ust one year f you plan to start to orrow to orrow never co es i e is the one asset that once you lose it you can never get it back ere is a story that clearly illustrates the power of ti e and o pound nterest

80 CURTIS RAY ong ago in India a servant led an elephant from a royal storehouse to the palace, carrying two full baskets of rice. A village girl named Rani saw that a trickle of rice was falling from one of the baskets. uickly she jumped up and walked along beside the elephant, catching the falling rice in her skirt. She was clever, and she began to make a plan. At the palace, a guard cried, "Halt, thief! Where are you going with that rice?" "I am not a thief," Rani replied. "This rice fell from one of the baskets, and I am returning it now to the raja." When the raja heard about Rani's good deed, he asked his ministers to bring her before him. "I wish to reward you for returning what belongs to me," the raja said to Rani. "Ask me for anything, and you shall have it." "Your highness," said Rani, "I do not deserve any reward at all. But if you wish, you may give me one grain of rice." "Only one grain of rice?" exclaimed the raja. "Surely you will allow me to reward you more plentifully, as a raja should." "Very well," said Rani. "If it pleased Your Highness, you may reward me in this way. Today, you will give me a single grain of rice. Then, each day for thirty days you will give me double the rice you gave me the day before. Thus, tomorrow you will give me two grains of rice, the next day four grains of rice, and so on for thirty day." "This seems to be a modest reward," said the raja. "But you shall have it." And Rani was presented with a single grain of rice. The next day, Rani was presented with two grains of rice. And the following day, Rani was presented with four grains of rice. On the 9th day, Rani was presented with 256 grains of rice. She had received in all 511 grains of rice, enough for only a small handful. "This girl is honest, but not very clever," thought the raja. "She would have gained more rice by keeping what fell into her skirt!" On the 12th day, Rani received 2048 grains of rice, about four handfuls. On the 16th day, Rani was presented with a bag containing 32,768 grains of rice. All together she had enough rice for two bags. "This doubling up adds up to more rice than I expected" thought the raja. "But surely her reward won't amount to much more." On the 20th day, Rani was presented with 16 more bags filled with rice. On the 24th day, Rani was presented with 8,388,608 grains of rice--enough to fill eight baskets, which were carried to her by eight royal deer. On the 27th day, 32 brahma bulls were needed to deliver 64 baskets of rice. The raja was deeply troubled. "One grain of rice has grown very great indeed," he thought. "But I shall fulfill the reward to the end, as a raja should." On the 29th day, Rani was presented with the contents of two royal storehouses. On the 30th and final day, 256 elephants crossed province, carrying the contents of the last four royal storehouses—536,187,912 grains of rice. All together, Rani had received more than one billion grains of rice.



ow instead of rice think of it in dollars and cents tarting with only penny applying this sa e story of o pound nterest doubling it 0 ti es it would e ual illion dollars on the 0th day nfortunately the average erican only starts seriously planning for retire ent in their 0s and they don t allow enough ti e for their oney to double ultiple ti es t that age you could put in a ton of oney and watch it double only ti es the later you start the ore you will lose the agic of o pound nterest onversely if you started at 20 years old putting in 200 a onth you would have significantly ore oney in fact you could have illions of dollars when it s ti e to retire at years old or the one who waited you end up with a glorified savings account all because you didn t allow enough ti e for the agic of o pound nterest to work for you ince nu bers don t lie let s look at one ore e a ple Let s say so eone puts in 0 000 at age by the ti e they re assu ing a 0% growth it should grow to around 2 0 000 or 2 000 of co pounding growth ow take a 20 year old who begins to invest 200 a onth up until they are years old 0 000 total contribution e will have around 2 000 in his account on an identical invest ent but with ti e agnifying the agic of o pound nterest ne had ti e the other did not ore than 00 000 in additional growth because one person started when they were young his is not to discourage you if you are older t is still i portant that you start today ll o pound nterest is additional oney for you so starting i ediately is valuable to your life tart a plan for your kids s little as 00 a onth for a child can result in a si figure retire ent inco e our kids will be set up and grateful all because of the ti e the accounts had to ature i e is agic when it co es to financial freedo here is a co on financial plan called the 2 for children s college savings nfortunately it does not a i i e the rewards of o pound nterest nor provide the best future for your child o on advise for a parent is to save in a 2 plan build it up for years and then allow your child to deplete it to go to college debt free ounds like a good idea and your child can save thousands in college debt interest



ut because of this backwards concept neglecting the power of ti e your child can lose illions in o pound nterest potential nother e a ple why ainstrea advise can lead you down a path of less than you deserve o e financial advisors will tell you ou re not worth y ti e only deal with high earners people who have a figure portfolio already obody cares about the guy aking 0 000 0 000 or even 000 a year owever o pound nterest shows us that even the e ployee or s all business owner aking 0 000 a year if he she starts young enough and saves 200 a onth can have an a a ing financial future et a young an na ed ach the other day on a plane s spoke to hi about what do could see he was struggling with so ething in his life oon he opened up to e about the despair and an iety he constantly felt about oney and financial security lthough he ade sufficient oney he did not understand how it worked or how he could feel e powered through finances e had a bad e perience with a financial advisor who had lost hi a large a ount of oney in a trade s we spoke for a while could see his sincere desire to i prove his situation and understand how to protect his future eing in his early 0s with a fa ily assured hi that if he would start today i ediately using the power of o pound nterest he would feel a sense of security he had never felt in his life ver the ne t few days he did all the right things studied how o pound nterest worked how to protect his oney through life insurance and a i i e his opportunities inside of the P Pre iu inance trategy nce he felt ready to co it to his future we designed his retire ent plan and sub itted it n that o ent saw a burden lifted fro hi a sense of relief and happiness that he did not have before he despair was gone o one needs to feel this despair and insecurity ducation and the sincere desire for a better future will e power anyone and create a situation of confidence and hope never before felt a educationally based first want you to understand how it is done see the vision want you to believe in financial freedo he world has convinced you that you don t deserve wealth or that wealth is a bad thing o any people feel insecurity and despair


e e ber there are only two types of people in the world arners and payers e who understands it earns it he who doesn t pays it nderstanding how it works is the one thing that separates you fro financial freedo elieve in yourself plan your retire ent set goals and then go forth and acco plish the will do everything in y power to ensure that you win this ga e veryone can win veryone can pay the selves first and acco plish financial freedo through the power of o pound nterest ith a disciplined plan and understanding the ules of oney everyone can prosper tart now and you will look back and say it was the best decision of your life

Things to Consider o you put things off for to orrow o you have oney in a o pound nterest ccount  n this case like the olling tones song says i e is on y side yes it is re you ready to ake ti e for your future today

 

“The power of compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe.” Albert Einstein

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can the

ode for ore financial knowledge videos regarding the pheno enon of o pound nterest

ode to schedule a no cost 1 on 1 to review your retirement goals.


The 0% Floor— The Ultimate Feature ve ade so e bold clai s about the inefficiencies of the current retire ent syste s y this point you are ready to learn how you can produce up to 200% ore inco e than the or 0 k through the P trategy Let e e plain how this is possible through the pheno enon of ecure o pound nterest o pound nterest is oney working for you aking you oney ecure o pound nterest is doing it with less risk ore predictability and ore confidence in your best future lbert instein is uoted calling ecure o pound nterest the th onder of the world and he who understands it earns it In this chapter we are going to review the power of o pound nterest when you add security he one a or concept the financial world has gotten co pletely wrong is the idea of no risk no reward his inefficient oney concept is one of the key reasons you re on the path to downsi ing hy ecause security as early as possible is actually the ain co ponent to a i u retire ent inco e ithout it it s nearly i possible not to downsi e in retire ent he % ule of retire ent is predicated on the idea that risk is good when you are young othing could be further fro the truth in your pursuit of financial freedo o how does P provide ecure o pound nterest hrough the 0% loor his 0% loor is the ulti ate retire ent feature othing will afford you ore financial independence and freedo than having a 0% floor on your oney ew understand the i portance of security often say that the whole financial syste is done backwards


raditionally you take on risk to get reward and then to avoid risk later on in life you give up your reward in the for of low retire ent inco e t akes no sense know you are probably sick of hearing this but veryone nds p Poor o get a i u inco e we ust reverse the order and ake security first then you have the freedo to innovate to obtain the reward ith the 0% loor we can now find ways to increase our return t is like playing baseball being up at bat but knowing you can never strike out hat s what the 0% loor does for us e always have another pitch and we can always swing and keep hitting singles and doubles he 0% loor is a contractual guarantee by a life insurance co pany that you will not take a strikeout in the stock arket our account guaranteed value locks in annually on the anniversary of your contributions or anyone who had oney in the stock arket in 200 those with a 0% loor had no e posure to the collapse ou basically have insurance on your oney with the ability to grow with the stock arket while not participating in the risk of the stock arket our principal account value is never at eopardy his eans that after the crash of the arket you would have received a 0% credit rather than the 0% deficit that ost everyone else received his is life changing fter 200 it took up to five years for people to break even restore their original account value his level of security is found in an P Life nsurance etire ent Plan s stated in an earlier chapter we see to habitually insure everything in our life our health our car and even our plane tickets e leave out one of the ost i portant things our oney uestion hear regularly is hy does it have to be a life insurance product ve heard life insurance products are e pensive here are a few answers to that uestion so ll get that out of the way Life insurance has so e special features that few other products have aking their value outweigh the cost of life insurance uick su ary of just a few of the features found in an P Life nsurance etire ent plan are 0% loor ecurity rowth Potential bove the P 00 a free etire ent nco e ecreasing pense chedule 00% a ree ealth ransfer to eneficiaries


hrough a properly designed retire ent plan in life insurance you can obtain the best features the ost inco e and co plete ta free wealth transfer to your beneficiaries Let s return to the 0% loor and why it is the ulti ate retire ent feature ecause this product offers such security the 0% loor isn t free his 0% loor co es with an esti ated 0% cap on stock gains which eans your retire ent plan will never take a stock arket hit and can achieve all stock gains up to around 0% his type of plan focuses on singles and doubles rather than ho e runs and strikeouts n a traditional a funded L not the P Pre iu inance L the 0% 0% option can produce around a % rate of return on average while the stock arket with all the roller coaster ups and downs can produce around 0% on average his is to say that in the traditional stock arket you could potentially earn a little ore but incur a tre endous a ount of risk However, it goes further than ust security nce you calculate the inco e potential that ecure o pound nterest can produce you see the true i portance of the 0% loor ith the previous analogy the 0% loor allows you to aintain your rate of return at around % in an L even in your 0s 0s and 0s that is why the 0% loor can increase your inco e even on less cash value net worth nlike traditional plans that often follow the print un og alk and the % ule a well designed life insurance is a ore consistent run pace throughout the plan nco e is all about how you finish the race not start it n a a funded L not only can it achieve around % inco e it has the potential to earn even ore through the P Pre iu inance trategy In truth, it's only because of the 0% loor that the P Pre iu inance package is even possible, and it's now available to the public have been transparent about the role greed has played in the financial industry but also have beef with the insurance agents who woo their clients with the great feature of the 0% loor and then bait and switch the s entioned the L syste is notorious for this reputation hey have a wonderful feature but they e ploy it greedily to their own financial advantage a i i ing co issions while aking the individual believe they are buying the best plan hat eans illions of ericans through their trusted friends and fa ily who beca e life insurance agents to help people are paying way too uch and receiving uch fewer benefits than they were pro ised



hey re not a i i ing the features inside this plan to their fullest potential hen insurance products have a bad na e and a lot of negativity across the internet get it ost of the are below satisfactory t is vitally i portant that you understand this ano aly and only accept an insurance plan when it eets the criteria in your best interest which typically eans a unded o recap the definition of a unded the phrase refers to an insurance retire ent plan designed in a way that the a i u a ount of your oney goes towards your nest egg retire ent account while incurring the absolute lowest possible costs fees and co issions ) any of these L co panies will try to sell you the ost a ount of insurance at the lowest pre iu a ount when that is e actly opposite of what is best for you o design a good life insurance retire ent plan you want to buy the lowest a ount of insurance at the highest pre iu allowable his will ensure you are paying the lowest a ount of e penses and the re aining a ount of oney is going towards your retire ent accu ulation his is the reason the financial world attacks these plans hey say to never get tricked into these plans because they re sca s hey warn on t do an L don t do 0% loor etc critic of Ls is ave a sey who is under the opinion that the cost of the life insurance eats up ost of your cash value e cautions never to co bine life insurance with a retire ent plan lthough this can be valid it is not the co plete story Ls offer two types of designs one focused on insurance planning and the other focused on spendable inco e for retire ent hese two designs are Level eath enefit ption or ncreasing eath enefit ption nside a Level eath enefit the costs are significantly higher in the beginning killing your ability to a i i e your retire ent his plan design is often used by insurance agents to increase their co ission up to 00% owever with an ncreasing eath enefit a unded plan the fees and co issions can be one third or less co pared to those of Level n short Level eath enefit is designed for increased life insurance co issions while ncreasing eath enefit can be designed for a i u retire ent inco e hen refer to a a unded L and the costs and pro ections a referring to the opti al way of designing it which is a unded ncreasing eath enefit



ew agents or advisors understand what this eans and why these best plans are rarely offered to the public ll tell you here and now insurance i ed with retire ent can be your best option t s not the plan that is taking advantage of the clients it s the people who design the plan who are taking advantage of the clients ost agents speak with have never learned the difference between a unded and nder unded ption or ption traditional funding or Pre iu inance funding so it is not always their fault hey were taught incorrectly or in a sales syste pushing for co issions t s ust like any other financial product you can design it correctly or incorrectly f you have an L hole Life or any other cash value life insurance currently suggest you review it to see if it was designed in your favor or not can assist you in this process ou can always e ail e at urtis y P co for a co pli entary full review his could significantly change your retire ent pro ections e prepared to learn your plan was likely incorrectly designed but we can always fi it he traditional stock arket of the last 0 years has produced give or take a 0% internal rate of return ithin the 0% loor option it produced a rate of around % hey ask hy would you ever use the 0% loor options for your clients ou are li iting their growth potential Remember, the 0% floor is just the base on which the MPI Premium Finance package is built and once you maximize the features and benefits available inside the 0% Floor, MPI can produce even greater than 10% average rate of return. Math doesn't lie and I'll show anyone side-by-side what their inco e potential will be with an vs a 0% loor plan happy to e plain the differences ob ectively he 0% loor provides so uch an cannot provide including ecurity against arket risk 2 0% loor can ore accurately forecast you future 0% loor can produce returns of up to 0% on average hile a traditional plan achieves % inco e in the retire ent years the 0% loor can achieve 0% he 0% loor potential can gain even ore cash value than the 0 k when Pre iu inance is utili ed 0% loor allows for other features that can increase your return to even outproduce the stock arket



hen visuali e retire ent see the vision of spendable inco e not how uch oney have in y account t s an inverted way of thinking hat s why the 0% loor option eans everything ou ve secured it a i i ed your inco e achieved the lowest cost and it covers so any things that people neglect in a retire ent plan here are a ultitude of features that the financial world can t even offer n fact you ust be a licensed retire ent planning insurance agent to even offer a correctly designed Life nsurance etire ent Plan and the P trategy s e plained if your oney doesn t have the 0% loor you are sub ect to losses plain and si ple f you are sub ect to loses the % ule ight apply f you have a 0% loor you will never take a stock arket dip ou can average in the 0% range but you will lose oney due to arket risk orst case scenario hile others are facing losses you get the 0 ven if the arket lost 0% value to orrow your account value re ains unaffected ny retire ent plan without a 0% loor ight be putting you on a path to downsi ing hy doesn t the financial advising co unity e brace this a a ing feature feel the social edia influencer le or o i says it best People fear change ore than they fear losing so they continue to lose


Things to Consider  

ould you want a 0% loor on your retire ent id you know security has ore influence in retire ent inco e than account value

“Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant.” P.T. Barnum

can the ode for a video breaking down additional benefits of the 0% loor uarantee and ecure o pound nterest

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ode to schedule a no cost 1 on 1 to review your retirement goals.


Secure Leverage: Compounding the Compound o you know how people beco e rich here is one action that separates the rich fro the rest of the world t s one step further than o pound nterest t s the concept of leverage Leverage is how wealth is generated ore uickly and with unli ited potential call leverage co pounding the co pound lbert instein once said o pound nterest is the greatest athe atical discovery of all ti e o pounding the co pound nterest tops even that here is ust one big proble with leverage t can be e tre ely risky and typically re uires that you already have so e level of wealth he rich get richer because of this access to financial leverage ost do not have s fascinating as positive o pound nterest is and the agic of oney aking oney the effects of negative o pound nterest can be catastrophic he concept of leveraging is taking your assets or oney and using the as collateral to obtain additional new oney to invest t is double dipping on the sa e dollar with the potential of earning additional interest o leverage assets you usually need a large a ount of oney e uity in a ho e li uid cash or so ething of value sing that as collateral a bank will then give you additional real oney in the for of a loan or line of credit and then invest the new oney to gain ore interest f you invest that new oney in a way that earns ore interest than what you are paying for the loan that is called positive arbitrage or a spread on the oney or e a ple if you 93



borrow oney at % and invest it to gain % you are gaining a positive % spread ew people beco e rich off their own dollar ost beco e rich off so eone else s dollar t s a little secret a ong the affluent using other people s oney to grow their own oney hink about a bank ow do they ake oney By paying you .01% on money you deposit into your bank account and then turning around and charging 6% on an auto loan or 8% on a small business loan. hey use your deposits to ake oney ithout your deposits the syste wouldn t work eal estate e pires use e uity in houses to take lines of credit to purchase other houses usinesses use lines of credit to buy ore inventory t is all leverage to ultiply your ability to earn e tra oney ut there is one huge flaw to leverage lthough it can ake ore oney than any other theory in finance it also carries the greatest risk t is risky because there is no security on your oney or the new leveraged oney his is the proble with negative leveraged o pound nterest t has triple the effect of positive o pound nterest but in reverse he negative weight of that is onu ental ou can lose the value of your asset lose value of the leveraged asset plus still owe interest on the line of credit he riple ha y his is basically what happened in the 200 financial crash oo any people over leveraged with no security he debacle of 200 was a disaster that the world had never seen before he banks over leveraged their cash the real estate world over leveraged their houses and people took out lines of credit on anything and everything ericans were leveraged to the nose and people could barely breathe ny loss of principal value in leverage can have tre endous negative effects on oney hen you leverage how do you know when to get out ow do you know when arket plu et is co ing or earning below 0% nce you feel the negative arket co ing it is too late ut what if you didn t have to worry about a below 0% arket hat if 0% was the lowest you could go o you see where a going with this ever in the history of finances has the world had the opportunity it has now hat a about to tell you is the first and only syste in the world that allows anyone the unsophisticated investor the hard working teacher the figure real estate entrepreneur or the stay at



ho e o to leverage their savings retire ent plan to a i i e their return t is called P Pre iu inance 2 0 This is one of the ost fascinating concepts in the world leverage syste without the traditional risk of leverage ut how is it possible Re e ber when said the 0% loor was the greatest feature of all retire ent planning t is he 0% loor provides an even greater opportunity than the life long % inco e ith a 0% loor guarantee an individual has a rare opportunity to double or even triple the inco e yet again hrough the P Pre iu inance strategy one can leverage the insurance co pany s oney through the participating loan or what call the L etire ent uity Line of redit to add as additional contributions to your 0% loor plan our oney the insurance co pany s oney securely working for you building wealth y using your cash value inside your plan as collateral you can access leverage L and accelerate your returns while aintaining protection on your assets his is called ecure Leverage he ore oney you save the ore leverage you have access to ou build your wealth on your ter s

n the world of business and finance no single theory has ever produced ore results and wealth than the art of leveraging your assets his process can produce additional o pound nterest he richest and ost successful people on earth can attribute their success to their ability to leverage their assets for growth ut unlike bank or real estate institutions an individual in the P strategy can securely leverage their assets through the 0% loor feature



he leveraging opportunity acco plished through an P Pre iu inance is so powerful that an individual s retire ent inco e can increase fro around % on average up to 0% or ore. n other words by leveraging your assets and gaining additional arbitrage one can produce up to double digit inco e or significantly ore retire ent inco e over a traditional 0 k or oth ecause the 0 k and oth typically subscribe to the % ule and a a funded L can produce around % inco e an P Life nsurance etire ent Plan can yield up to 0% or ore inco e for life o illustrate what i pact this can have on your retire ent saving 000 o for 0 years here are the pro ected results in account value net worth and retire ent inco e financial freedo he 0 k could have around 0 000 in account value yielding an underwhel ing 0 000 a year % ule The I L could have around 0 0 000 and produce up to 00 a year % and the P Pre iu inance 2 0 using ecure Leverage could have up to 0 000 producing up to 0 000 a year of ta free inco e

ven with less oney the L through the 0% loor feature could produce ore annual inco e than the 0 k dd Pre iu inance to the L and the results could increase significantly o other syste in the world that a fa iliar with allows for secure leveraging internally and that is what akes this process so special our only ob is to save oney and P can do the rest ruly passive he P Pre iu inance trategy co pletes a holistic si plified leverage strategy for a i u results while ini i ing risk



here are any other leverage syste s but none of the provide the results of P ther syste s such as ank on ourself nfinite anking stocks on argin and leveraged eal state rentals are not opti al to produce a i i ed secure retire ent inco e hey are not well designed retire ent plans that have focus on long ter a i u financial freedo P should not be co pared to the because they are designed for different purposes Leverage is how you accu ulate wealth faster ecure leverage is how you accu ulate wealth and keep it. a i u financial freedo co es fro ecure Leverage here are books on the art and power of leveraging but they always highlight one proble getting out before the dip t s like walking away with your winnings in egas before you lose at the table ts about being s art enough to get out he o ent that you say h crap it s already too late and you can t get out f you see any dip in the arket it s already too late t that point the best investors are already out and everything collapses uickly owever inside of P your oney is anaged and backed by rated insurance co panies who ake it a priority to financially protect clients fro any stock arket losses with the 0% loor hen the sa e insurance co pany anages the P Pre iu inance trategy using the participating loan feature as additional oney to your account accelerating your net worth and financial freedo potential lthough leveraged oney is not yours to keep you get to keep the potential spread P Pre iu inance allows us to a i i e the concept of co pounding the co pound leveraging our assets while eli inating the traditional risk of leverage s it perfect no but when co pared to other leverage options P offers a nice balance of security and results ould you prefer % or 0% inco e y reversing the et orth focused race plan of print un og alk to the inancial reedo focused race plan of og un print you can increase your retire ent potential to the tune of illions of dollars of ore spendable inco e his strategy is now available to everyone who truly seeks financial freedo



o a i i e leverage in your life it starts with financial literacy ou are reading this book ou took the first step But what comes next? e often hear that knowledge is power however the saying should be pplied nowledge is Power dditional videos and infor ation are available at www o pound nterest co to co pletely understand the si plicity and benefits of the P Pre iu inance trategy Leverage your life o any available resources are at your disposal ake advantage of the t will be life changing

Things to Consider  Have you ever leveraged your assets?  Did you come out on top, or were you taking a big risk and lost in the end?  Even if you didn’t lose, what is securing you from future losses

“It’s not how much money you make, butt how much money you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for.” Robert Kiyosaki


MPI® 12 Pillars hroughout this book we have discussed the history of traditional planning as well as its successes and failings have conveyed the ules of oney how inco e is king and how slow steady and ecure o pounding wins the race ow d like to tell you about all the features and benefits of the P Pre iu inance 2 0 plan hen started this deep dive into retire ent planning, asked yself the uestion what would a perfect retire ent plan look like found 2 essentials that co bined would ake for the best retire ent plan in the arket y plan enco passes these 2 pillars of financial freedo so that you end up with the retire ent you drea of e e ber the ob of a retire ent plan is to eli inate as any risks and unknowns as possible oes your current plan achieve that o create P broke down the 0 k L L hole Life and took note of what each one did well fter years of research concluded these 2 pillars would create a near perfect plan ather than picking which plan was best decided to create it hese 2 features and benefits are

1. Permanent Life Insurance: our plan has no e piration date

guaranteeing a lifeti e of protection for your fa ily as well as generational wealth transfer to your heirs s generational wealth i portant to you y keeping the policy in good standing it will pay out a ta free death benefit when you pass away regardless of your age any people purchase ter insurance as a short ter li ited and ine pensive solution to cover their fa ily for a li ited ti e 99



lthough it is i portant to have insurance it s also i portant to note that ter insurance has an e piration date any never benefit fro the pre iu s they have paid and even worse ost ter policies e pire leaving any fa ilies with financial burden when so eone passes away not even reali ing that the needed protection has e pired nside of P when you pass, your beneficiaries not only get the life insurance a ount but also all the cash value you have built up over ti e any financial advisors say you get one or the other but inside of P your death benefit consists of both the life insurance a ount PL your cash value

2. Living Benefits: he life insurance contract used for

P has a feature called Living enefits f you were to get sick with a covered chronic or ter inal illness you can clai an advance on your life insurance to use as you d like, including to pay for edical e penses his can protect you and your fa ily fro financial hardship ste ing fro certain health issues and ter inal illnesses that financially and e otionally destroy so any fa ilies

3. Low Expenses:

P plans are structured with the lowest e penses legally allowable by the P plans are designed as a funded eaning the absolute ost a ount of oney is o pounding for you with the lowest a ount of e penses his allows for the best long ter retire ent inco e potential ou will often hear the financial world say that insurance agents only sell life insurance to ake a hefty co ission lthough this could be true through other life insurance sales syste s P doesn t fall under this scenario and is designed for a i u benefit for the client

4. Accessibility Without Penalty:

P was created with the core belief that you should be able to use oney when you want and the a ount you need without penalty herefore, P has no access penalty of your cash value for any reason at any age Plans such as the 0 k or can have a 0% penalty to access your oney before age plus ordinary inco e ta es his allows an opportunity for you to use your P plan as a type of e ergency fund o pounding for you rather than sitting in a bank account making the bank money.



5. Early Retirement Potential: ecause

P does not have access penalties of your cash value like other traditional plans P is one of the only options that provide a path to early retire ent on your terms. ho doesn t want to retire early P provides you with that fle ibility

6. High Contribution Limits:

P can have e tre ely high contribution li its based on your inco e and good health nlike the oth that allows for only around 000 per year or the 0 k around 20 000 per year P can be hundreds of thousands so eti es illions annually his fle ibility allows you to plan a retire ent date that has nothing to do with a govern ent andated age f you want to start saving a lot today and retire early then you can achieve that goal with an P Plan

7. Legal Protections: ecause it is a Life nsurance contract P is one of the ost legally protected assets fro lawsuits liens and creditors to protect your hard earned oney fro legal liabilities any invest ents cash and real estate do not have the legal security that P provides you and your future 8. Security from Market Risk:

P is a ecure o pound nterest ccount that is not e posed to arket risk ou can sleep well at night knowing your hard earned oney won t be depleted overnight fro a 200 like arket collapse through the 0% loor guarantee

9. Growth from Market Appreciation:

P has growth potential based on the returns of the P 00 or other stock based indices he stock arket is a great place to o pound oney but because of the risk ight not be the ost efficient place to build your retire ent hrough ecure o pound nterest growth you can increase your retire ent inco e potential over a 0 k or oth



10. Secure Leverage: he


Pre iu inance 2 0 trategy is one of the ost si ple ways to a i i e the use of P or ther People s oney raditionally leverage was only available to those who were already rich aking the rich even wealthier ecause ecure Leverage in P is available to all P clients and is fully anaged by the insurance co pany these additional resources to accelerate growth and o pounding are now available to all those who want them y using Pre iu inance to leverage your P Life nsurance etire ent Plan you can ultiply the effects of o pound nterest

11. Tax-Free Retirement Income: Like a oth

P uses post ta contributions that can provide 00% ta free retire ent inco e and distributions without e posure to capital gains ta early withdrawal penalties or ordinary inco e ta es urther the proceeds of the insurance policy when you pass can also be a ta free wealth transfer to your heirs Unlike a 401(k), by paying taxes now you can eliminate a future unknowable tax liability from the equation. ave you thought about that 0 k is deferred ta not ta free eaning you will pay inco e ta during retire ent and can be up to 0 ore ta es than the ta you pay on your P contributions

12. Maximum Retirement Income:

inally when all these features work together towards the pri ary goal of a i u Retirement Income, achieving Financial Freedom can be in your future. Compared to the traditional retirement planning using the 4% Rule, Secure Leverage benefits can increase retirement income by up to 200%. This is the life you want with the money you saved; MPI not only protects, grows and accelerates your future, but allows you to do it on your terms. Retirement is what you decide it's going to be.


o recap the


0 2


Pillars are




o you see these features and benefits bringing your life value he P Pre iu inance 2 0 co bines these 2 pillars so that you can retire with the a i u a ount of disposable inco e to do whatever you want ou don t have to downsi e any longer ou worked hard and did everything right secured your oney and now you can retire on your ter s P was designed to achieve the retire ent we all deserve

Things to Consider naly e your retire ent plan ow any of the 2 pillars are included in your current retire ent plan  ow any can you check off  re you ready to switch to a plan that encapsulates all of these features and benefits

“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” Steve Jobs


Financial Freedom: The Holy Grail want you to know that anyone can achieve financial freedo no atter who you are ou deserve it e all deserve it f you believe in yourself enough to begin today it will happen hat does that look like ll tell you he holy grail of all is the day that you can say have retire ent inco e co ing in every day for the rest of y life can now do whatever want a financial free etire ent has nothing to do with not working and ore to do with the freedo of not having to work hat is the day that you can start a nonprofit work if you want to volunteer travel donate oney or spend ti e with your kids and grandkids t is freedo reedo is synony ous with happiness t is the ability to say can do what want when want where want and with who want ou ll look back and recogni e that your financial freedo is the result of a decision you ade 10 20 or 0 years ago you had the vision of what true financial freedo looked like and you acco plished it by checking off all 2 essentials on the list the 2 priorities of a great retire ent plan ou picked up this book had an open ind challenged the beliefs you knew and trusted and reali ed that there was a better way oney doesn t buy happiness but it truly akes life easier ou can eat better food go to work out get a trainer travel spend ti e with kids reduce stress and even en oy better relationships 105



inancial freedo is the ulti ate holy grail verything you want will co e to pass through your hard earned and well deserved financial freedo f this sounds beneficial to you then let s e a ine what you can do today right now t does take ti e his won t be a uick payoff know that in our current society we have a fascination with instant gratification ut that sort of thinking will lead to poverty stress and struggles and downsi ing up to % of the ti e he P ecure o pound nterest ccount is designed to be easily set up and run on autopilot f you are looking for i ediate sorry gratification you will not find it in good retire ent planning to say retire ent planning is kind of boring advise y clients to set up your plan and then be patient ake your co it ent to saving for retire ent as i portant as your ortgage ight for your future Pay ourself irst hen you look at it in 20 0 years it s going to blow your ind his plan is slow and steady security is first and fore ost ll you need to do is continue to feed the beast every onth by depositing your contribution a ount and at the end of the year you will be credited an a ount between the 0% loor and your cap of around 0% nd with that ecure o pound nterest can take root Pre iu inance can accelerate your wealth or the first ti e in your life you are actually on the path to financial freedo here is nowhere to go but up on t swing for the fences it s not worth it abe uth the ultan of wat had far ore strikeouts than he had ho e runs ou ay hit a ho e run one day but strike out the ne t he one struggle have with all oves and steady people is e plaining the concept of si plicity growth versus go big or go ho e ith security and si plicity you don t have to worry about buying and trading stocks ou have kids or a business and you certainly have a end that you focus your energy on spending ti e with life so reco fa ily a i i ing your working years to the full e tent of happiness Live off your 0% en oy your work and ake every bit of ti e as stress free as possible his is what security and si plicity will provide for you and these are hall arks of the P trategy



ou have only 2 hours a day ou have e actly 00% of your energy each day and it s all about how you divide it up ou ay give 20% to your spouse % to your kids 0% to your business or ob and % for the rest of your daily activities and now you have ero re aining t the end of every day you have only 00% to give on t let even one iota of your energy go towards retire ent planning done wrong filled with stress risk and uncertainty hen you re fi ated on onitoring stocks all day it beco es a nonstop drain of your ti e and life hen because of the stress of fluctuations of the arket your retire ent account will be e hausting to your ental health nyone who lived through 200 knows what a talking about nyone who has had an invest ent go south has felt this pain on t waste your precious ti e in that way t s not necessary arren uffett talks about boringness and warns you not to fall into the trap of the se appeal of investing e is always the an when it co es to investing e clai s that you don t need an advisor P you don t need e cite ent on t be fooled e believes in the 00 inde funds and he believes that slow and steady wins the race nowing what you know now having read y book can you picture it f you ust start now si ply feed the beast for during your working years secure it and then when you go to retire you can have ore ta free spendable inco e during retire ent than you had during your working years ow you are free to do live your best life Last week et a client na ed ariela he is a 2 year old hairdresser fro esa ri ona ith financially struggling parents and a deep desire for financial education she et up with e he took the ti e to research retire ent planning he asked e uestions hen she didn t understand so ething she asked for clarification fter educating herself about retire ent planning she ade a co it ent to her future he started her path i ediately t would have been easy for her to say she would start to orrow he is 2 she has plenty of ti e ut ariela started i ediately he is now on the path hen she reaches years of age she is pro ected to have a ta free figure inco e for the rest of her life e cited for her t will be a great o ent 2 years fro now when see her and congratulate her that she ade it hat s what it s all about and why do what do



his is what y whole syste P Pre iu inance 2 0 is designed for t s how you a i i e your oney t s understanding your oney and its abilities ecure Leverage is a key to wealth generation without re uiring a lot of oney to start or taking a lot of risk ou can start today with as little as 200 a onth and begin co pounding it t s an e clusive strategy providing a path to above arket rate of returns with a 0% loor guarantee that doesn t cost illions to start he syste works because of its built in security he original design was for y fa ily o protect us and eli inate as any unknowns and risks in our lives want you to have what will have and what y fa ily will have want you to e perience financial freedo because pure freedo e uates to pure happiness his syste is based on ath and science y biggest challenge with the P strategy and you probably have had this thought repeatedly while reading this book is that it sounds too good to be true hat s the catch here is no catch want to convey that the original Pre iu inance has been around for 2 years with a a ing results but e clusive to the wealthy P Pre iu inance 2 0 was created over four years with tens of thousands of hours put in by e actuaries lawyers ta agents financial advisors brokerages and ore all co ing together to create a retire ent plan that will change the world one person at a ti e he benefits and resources of the rich now available to the every day erican our life can be better there is a way t brings e happiness to know so ething do can have a positive i pact upon your life even if never eet you want everyone to have a great retire ent want the ules of oney and financial education to be offered to everyone want society to begin teaching about oney in our schools universities charities churches and throughout life nderstanding how oney works will have ore influence on your life than any other knowledge outside of your orals encourage you to start right now ake the decision build your to orrow ou will look back at this day and say hat was the best decision ever ade in y entire life t was the day started y path to inancial reedo



o now what ve given you so uch infor ation in this book nfor ation you ost likely have never heard before ou ay feel overwhel ed or frustrated no one has e plained the si plicity of wealth to you ou ve received truths about oney the financial industry refuses to provide f you search for truth you will find it ut it is an individual ourney hen up to % of people downsi e in retire ent ainstrea retire ent planning ight not be your best decision hen asked why so few people achieve freedo and happiness illionaire entrepreneur aval avikant ade a powerful discovery ndividuals can search for truth but groups search for consensus he last place you ll find truth is in large groups ind your truth on t wait till to orrow ight for your future chieve what you really want and that is freedo the ability to do what you want when you want and with who you want ill you end up poor



invite you to visit for additional P infor ation e planations and how to design a custo i ed Pre iu inance 2 0 for you and your fa ily ou can also schedule a no obligation on with an P ertified dvisor to review your retire ent goals by te ting the word to the 0 00

“Financial Freedom is simple: It is the ability to live the lifestyle you desire without having to work or rely on anyone else for money.” T. Harv Eker

can the

can the

ode for a co plete overview webinar of the Pre iu inance 2 0 trategy


ode to schedule a no cost 1 on 1 to review your retirement goals.

Afterword Thank you for reading my book! truly hope that this book has added value to your life ducation has the ability to i prove everyones life ay ask you a favor f this book has added value to your life and you feel that EVERYONE ENDS UP POOR™ can be a new beginning for you hoping you ll do so ething for so eone you love Give this book to them. Let them borrow your copy. sk the to read it r better yet give the their own copy aybe as a birthday or hrist as gift saying ey love and appreciate you and want to help you live your best life ead this o eti es a book is all a person needs to put their financial situation back on track f you believe as do that being a great friend or fa ily e ber is about helping your friends and loved ones to beco e financially independent encourage you to share this book with them. aving inancial ouls hank you urtis ay

ilbert d 200 ilbert 2 www o pound nterest co nfo o pound nterest co

P nli ited LL founded in 20 is based in ilbert ri ona urtis ay the founder and has a uni ue passion for educating the population about the ules of oney the 2 pillars of retire ent planning and the revolutionary syste P Pre iu inance 2 0 P nli ited LL has nine different P Plans to help as any people as possible to secure the selves and generations to co e hrough education and understanding each person can achieve the results they are looking for he nine strategies are Traditional


can the

can the

ode for an overview of each

P Plan

ode to schedule a no cost 1 on 1 to review your retirement goals.

Curtis Ray founded MPI® UNLIMITED LLC and serves as President and CEO. In 2014, Curtis was introduced to the world of Retirement Planning and Insurance and observed that the traditional investment strategies of the 40l(k), IRA, Real Estate, and Insurance were not providing the retirement people hoped for or expected. To provide solutions to hard-working Americans seeking a great retirement, Curtis invented and developed the MPI® Premium Finance 2.0 Strategy, bringing simplicity to financial education to Achieve, Protect, Grow, and Accelerate the power of Compound Interest. Curtis is a serial entrepreneur and inventor, holding multiple patents in various industries. With a passion to address issues others accept as status-quo, Curtis solves inefficiencies with entirely new approaches. Prior to founding MPI® UNLIMITED, Curtis attended Arizona State University competing on the wrestling team from 2002-2005. While still in college, he started his first business in the granite counter-top industry, growing to over 60 kitchens a week by 2012. Curtis started his 2nd business in 2008, developing and patenting the revolutionary thin natural stone system called ForzaStone®. Curtis and his wife Erin live in Gilbert, Arizona with their five beautiful children: Cayden, Caliann, Brody, Lexi, and Kenzie. He enjoys spending time with his family and competing in all types of sports. When Curtis is not working, he enjoys traveling and experiencing all the world has to offer.

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