Embedded Developer: May 2015

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Embedded IoT Security Revolution in Embedded Power

A Tale of Two

MAY 2015

LAYERSCAPES From the Earth’s Core to the ARM® Core

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TECH TRENDS Tap Tap Tech A Developer’s Take on the IoT


TECH SERIES The Power Revolution is Here GaN FETs Defeat Silicon in Power Characteristics !

TECH REPORT Verifiable

Figure 2. Package resistance and inductance comparison between GaN FETs The IoT is dragging embedded developers into thee network security debate. Interconnectivity threatens user data in ways and MOSFET packages [2]

Implementing the Software Backdoor SECURITY The Growing Need to Protect Your Code that were not yet imagined ten years ago, and dependable solutions that minimize the risk to companies and their

for the Embedded Internet of Things

By Dave Hughes – CEO of HCC Embedded daveh@hcc-embedded.com

customers are now a requirement. As embedded devices become increasingly networked, there is a growing risk that poor software quality could affect the quality of the final product and the security of customers’ data.

TECH REPORT Verifiable Security for the Embedded Internet of Things

COVER STORY A Tale of Two Layerscapes From the Earth’s Core to the ARM Core

EEWEB FEATURE Designing with the “Things” of the “Internet of Things”


14 18 26 32 3

TapTapTech The Internet of Things

By Josh Bishop

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oday I’d like to talk about something near and dear to my heart: the Internet of Things—or in shorthand, IoT. It’s become a hot topic recently because it embodies the future that everyone always dreamed of. From being able to make sure you closed your garage when you left for work, to having your medical status continuously updated to your doctor, there are so many potential concepts associated with IoT that I could write another article by just listing a small portion of them. So, what are the benefits of the IoT? Well, that depends; some things help people live more efficiently and smarter, like the Nest thermostat, and some things could help save lives, like a drug delivery system that can be remotely controlled by a doctor, assuring that a patient gets proper dosage of their medicine. With Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), location beacons have become more popular, allowing people to inexpensively track anything from their car keys to their kids. Other items are purely products of convenience, if your fridge tells you that you need to buy milk or even somehow buys it for you, that’s great, but not necessarily a life changer. There’s always the opposite side of the coin—in this case, there are quite a few

challenges to overcome. From a purely technical point of view, security is paramount, as many IoT products track very personal information, such as location over time, eating habits, and medications. I don’t know about you, but to me, that’s kind of creepy. Also, you have all of these devices trying to talk to each other but as of now, there are no real standards and communications are infrequently incompatible. From an economic perspective, how much is all of this going to cost? Not just upfront cost but issues due to obsolescence. For example, my house was built in the ‘80s and I wouldn’t be surprised if my fridge was bought by the original owners. Is it beautiful and modern? No. Does it work? Yes. Do I ever have to unplug it and plug it back in to get it to start working again? No. Do I want a fridge that tells me when I need more apples? Yes. And there’s the rub.

With Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), location beacons have become more popular, allowing people to inexpensively track anything from their car keys to their kids.

The Internet of Things is an opportunity to make awesome things, but my task to developers is to prioritize security. I’m tired of getting new credit cards, and the same goes to making sure my fridge isn’t as out of date as my cellphone.


The GaN


is Here

By Johan Strydom, V.P. of Applications Engineering Efficient Power Conversion Corporation




ver the past five years, GaN power FETs have shown to have an undisputed technical advantage over silicon. Starting with a fundamental materials’ limit advantage

that is three orders of magnitude better than silicon [1], it was possible to construct initial devices that already had better electrical characteristics than the state-of-the-art silicon [2]; GaN also showed much lower parasitic device capacitance values for the same device on-resistance—an example from 2010 shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Switching FOM, RDS(on) vs. QGD, for different power transistors [2].

Figure 1. Switching FOM, RDS(on) vs. QGD, for different power transistors [2]


But beyond pure electrical device parameters, these eGaN® FETs, being wafer-level chip-scale packages (WLCSPs), also have far lower package parasitics [2] when compared to silicon MOSFET packages. In particular, common-source inductance as well as drain- and source-lead inductances, have a significant impact on the incircuit performance of a power MOSFET. Devices have been package-limited ever since the leaded SO-8 package was first superseded as a power MOSFET package [3], and as devices keep improving, so does the need for improved packaging. Another advantage that eGaN FET wafer-level chip-scale packages offer over power MOSFET packages is lower thermal resistance through the top side of the device (junction-to-case), while having comparable thermal resistance down into the printed circuit board

(junction-to-board) as shown in Figure 3. This allows a significant increase in the power loss handling capability, which is becoming more and more important as converter power density increases. With the package parasitic reduction that eGaN FETs offer, the need for improved printed circuit board (PCB) layout was identified, as it has now become a limiting factor to incircuit performance. This resulted in the development of an optimum power loop layout [5] that not only reduced the switch node voltage overshoot during hard switching, but also further improved in circuit efficiency, as shown in Figure 4. The next step in GaN power FET technology came through monolithic device integration [6]. This not only allowed the creation of two isolated


Figure 2. Package resistance and inductance comparison between eGaN FETs and MOSFET packages [2].

Figure 2. Package resistance and inductance comparison between eGaN FETs and MOSFET packages [2]



Figur switc





RƟJC, Thermal Resistance (°C/W)

RƟJB, Thermal Resistance (°C/W)








0.5 0










Device Area (mm2)










Device Area (mm2)




Figure 3. Package thermal resistance comparison between eGaN FETs and typical MOSFET packages [4].

Junction-to-board (PCB) thermal resistance

Junction-to-Case thermal resistance

Figure 3. Package thermal resistance comparison between eGaN FETs and typical MOSFET packages [4]

Figure 4. Impact of power loop inductance (LLOOP) on circuit efficiency and switch-node voltage overshoot [5].

nHLL 1.0 1.0 nH LOOP LOOP

nH L L 0.4 0.4nH LOOP LOOP

re 4. Impact of power loop inductance (LLOOP) on circuit efficiency and ch-­‐node voltage overshoot [5]


power FET devices on a single die, but paved the way for future, more complex integrated circuit development. This first integrated half-bridge in GaN [7] further reduced parasitic package inductance between devices and allowed unprecedented switching performance, as shown in Figure 5. More recently, eGaNŽ FET technology itself has started its inevitable progression toward its material limit though the introduction of the fourth generation of devices [8]. This new family of eGaN FETs is keeping Moore’s Law alive with significant gains in key switching figures of merit that widen the performance gap with the power MOSFET in

high frequency power conversion. An example is shown in Figure 6. But what about cost? From the start, the goal at EPC has been to develop a high performance replacement for the silicon MOSFET at lower cost. This approach necessitated the development of enhancement-mode devices to allow for direct adoption and use of the same silicon substrates that MOSFETs use as starting material. Add to this, a fabrication process with inherently fewer steps and a chip-scale package that is inherently lower cost, due to the elimination of the package, then the resultant cost structure should result in a device that is lower cost than silicon at comparable volume [9].

Figure 5. Typical Waveforms for VIN = 12V to 1.2V/25A (1MHz) Monolithic buck converter showing rising and falling switch node edges (3V/div and 5ns/div) [7].



Forecasts are one thing, but cost parity between GaN FETs and MOSFETs is now a reality. In April, EPC introduced a new line of eGaN FETs that are not only higher performance but also lower cost than their aging silicon counterparts [10]. In Figure 8, 60V and 100V eGaN FETs are compared against MOSFETs with the same nominal voltage and on-resistance ratings. It can be seen that even though eGaN FETs have about 10x lower switching charge than the MOSFETs, the low volume and high volume pricing is uniformly lower Figure 6. than the slower and larger MOSFETs. FigureExperimental 6: Experimental efficiency results for to VIN =OUT48buck V to 12 VOUT buc efficiency results for VIN = 48V 12V Thus, for the first time in 60 years a converters showing a 60% reduction in converter converter losses converters showing a 60% reduction in losses withwith eGaN F technology has higher performance eGaNto FETs compared to silicon[8] MOSFETs [8]. compared silicon MOSFETs and lower cost than silicon.





Epi Growth



Wafer Fab Test

lower same



lower same lower




Starting Material

Fig. 7. Cost comparison between eGaN FETs and power QGD [9]. MOSFETs withVDSsimilar voltage and QROSS DS(on) ratings QG R DS(on)

Figure 7. Cost comparison between eGaN FETs and power MOSFETs with similar voltage and RDS(on) ratings [9].

Price Device Area Comparison (1K Units)



(typ @50%BV)

(typ @50%BV)

(typ @5V)


60 V

45 mΩ

3 nC

0.16 nC

1.2 nC

0.81 mm 2



60 V

35 / 42 mΩ

7 Nc

3.5 nC

19 nC

31 mm2



100 V

65 mΩ

4 nC

0.15 nC

1 nC

0.81 mm 2



100 V

56 / 88 mΩ

6.5 nC

1.3 nC

2.8 nC

32.5 mm 2



Figure 8. Cost comparison between eGaN FETs and power MOSFETs.

Figure. 8. Cost comparison between eGaN FETs and power MOSFETs.




In summary, the development of eGaN FET technology over the last five years has resulted in power devices that are technically superior to silicon MOSFETs in all aspects, from pure electrical performance to package parasitics and thermal resistance. Furthermore, as the technology matures, it will realize further device integration, as well as continued improvements to the device figures of merit.

[1]“Is it the End of the Road for Silicon in Power Conversion?” Efficient Power Conversion Corporation, Application Note: AN001. Available: http://epc-co.com/epc/DesignSupport/ ApplicationNotes/AN001-IsittheEndoftheRoadforSilicon.aspx

With a cost structure that is already lower than that of silicon, the GaN revolution is here. There are no more reasons to choose a MOSFET, when eGaN FETs can be used. To show this point, some example applications of where GaN is already displacing silicon will be presented in upcoming articles. Please visit epc-co.com for more information.

[2] Strydom, Johan, “The eGaN FET-Silicon power ShootOut Part 1: Comparing Figure of Merit (FOM)”, Power Electronics Technology, September 1, 2010. Available: http:// powerelectronics.com/discrete-power-semis/egantm-siliconpower-shoot-out-part-1-comparing-figure-merit-fom [3] Pavier, M.; Sawle, A.; Woodworth, A.; Monteiro, R.; Chiu, J.; Blake, C., “High frequency DC:DC power conversion: the influence of package parasitics,” Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, 2003. APEC ‘03, vol.2, no., pp.699 -704 vol.2, 9-13 Feb. 2003 [4] Reusch, D.; Strydom, J.; Lidow, A., “Highly efficient gallium nitride transistors designed for high power density and high output current DC-DC converters,” Electronics and Application Conference and Exposition (PEAC), pp.456-461, 5-8 Nov. 2014 [5] Reusch, D.; Strydom, J., “Understanding the Effect of PCB Layout on circuit performance in a high-frequency galliumnitride-based point of load converter,” Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, vol.29, no.4, pp.2008-2015, April 2014 [6] “GaN Integration for Higher DC-DC Efficiency and Power Density,” Efficient Power Conversion Corporation, Application Note: AN018. epc.co.com/epc/DesignSupport/ApplicationNotes/AN018GaNIntegrationforHigherDC-DCEfficiencyandPowerDensity.aspx [7] Development Board EPC9036 Quick Start Guide, Efficient Power Conversion Corporation, Available: http://epc-co.com/ epc/Portals/0/epc/documents/guides/epc9036_qsg.pdf [8] Lidow, Alex (2014, Oct. 30). How to GaN: Gen-4 eGaN FETs [online]. Available: http://www.eeweb.com/blog/ alex_lidow/how-to-gan-gen-4-egan-fets [9] Lidow, Alex (2014, Nov. 21), The eGaN supply chain [online]. Available: http://www.powerguru.org/the-egan-fet-supply-chain/ [10] EPC2035/6 Press Release, Efficient Power Conversion Corporation, Available: www.epc-co.com

eGaN® is a registered trademark of Efficient Power Conversion Corporation.


Learn more



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The Growing Need to


YOUR CODE and Your Organization

It is common for burrowing animals—moles, gophers, etc.—to build a second, secret tunnel to escape predators. We humans behave similarly, building secondary portals not only as a means of escape, but as an entryway into our constructs, taking the form of a door to the back porch or a backdoor embedded in code creating a point of access that could circumvent existing access controls.


A software backdoor is a secret way into a system that nobody else knows about, creating a remotely exploitable vulnerability that could compromise a target device, network, or application.

Similarly, an embedded systems developer may also view a backdoor as a kind of “master password,” used for the maintenance and upkeep of a system. Perhaps it was included in the code as a workaround solution to authorize On a regular basis, there are news modifications because the developers headlines about the three-letter acronym realized that some programs needed organizations accused of leveraging to be able to change a device’s settings backdoors to undertake cybercrime automatically. While they may have missions for geopolitical purposes against intended to disable the backdoor at military forces, financial institutions, and some point, with everyone being super even the infrastructure of an entire country. busy, that may not have happened. We also read about hackers targeting companies for monetary gain, or to create There also have been instances where havoc as a means of political expression. a code-smith saw a backdoor as an insurance policy. One engineer nearing Not all backdoors are used for malicious retirement got wind that he was about to be laid off. Being largely unsupervised, acts, and in most cases it isn’t secret when he created a daemon to act as spy organizations or notorious hacker a conduit between two applications groups that developers must worry he made sure that it did a bit more: it also permitted unauthorized entry, about. Instead, it is their peers. bypassing security mechanisms But not all backdoors are used for and allowing remote root logins. malicious acts, and in most cases it isn’t secret spy organizations or notorious When the day of reckoning arrived he hacker groups that developers must showed his boss the backdoor he had worry about. Instead, it is their peers. created and claimed to have done the same thing numerous times in the past. An engineer may create a backdoor Rather than go through all of the code with the intent of using it for debugging this fellow had created over the years purposes, which is innocent enough, or initiate public criminal prosecution but these backdoors may not have that could scare off major customers he been closed if the employee decides to was offered an early retirement package change jobs. They don’t let you make a and made to promise that nothing funny copy of the office keys for a reason. would show up in the future. Which


TECH REPORT he knew would not happen because he had only created one backdoor. For years, the isolation of the embedded world provided the best defense against things like backdoors, but today, with the advent of “Internet of Things” connectivity, that is no longer the case. What’s more, now that much of embedded software is open source, another misconception is that having more people looking at code is enough in itself to guarantee better quality control and better security. The thinking goes something like this: because an open source-based development process is collaborative, more people are at work solving issues like bugs, flaws and vulnerabilities, such as backdoors put there by the developers themselves. Unfortunately, in any system, open or closed, vulnerabilities will still exist and can be exploited by those with knowledge of their existence. Note, too, that when a lot of people have access to the source code, some of them could be potential attackers. Even with many eyes looking at code, open source components should be rigorously tested and a design process used that incorporates code review to prevent or remove problems at the coding level—since the idea is to find things like potential backdoors while the code is being built, not after it is built. Finding these problems at the earliest possible point will result in less testing later on, and less impact on cost and schedule.

A COMMON MISCONCEPTION: having more people looking at code is enough in itself to guarantee better quality control and better security. Static analysis tools provide a means for analyzing code without having to run the code. These tools use well-defined programming rules not only to discover defects and catch security flaws, but also to ensure higher quality software throughout the development process. Rogue Wave Software’s Klockwork® analysis and productivity tool puts static code analysis at the desktop, identifying critical safety, reliability, and coding standards issues in front of developers’ eyes as code is being written, before it becomes reality. Klockwork also delivers application security to prevent malicious attacks through code refactoring, which cleans up the code structure to reduce future costs. The software offers reporting and metrics to understand and prioritize issues across an entire development team. With Klockwork, the user is given the code architecture to visualize and optimize software design as well as code review to get teams working faster towards delivering the best code possible. For more information visit: http://www.klocwork.com/ http://www.klocwork.com



SECURITY for the Embedded Internet of Things

By Dave Hughes – CEO of HCC Embedded daveh@hcc-embedded.com



The IoT is dragging embedded developers into the network security debate. Interconnectivity threatens user data in ways that were not yet imagined ten years ago, and dependable solutions that minimize the risk to companies and their customers are now a requirement. As embedded devices become increasingly networked, there is a growing risk that poor software quality could affect the quality of the final product and the security of customers’ data.


A recent spate of high-profile network security breaches with devices using software such as OpenSSL has highlighted serious risks that companies may be exposing themselves and their customers to. Many of the defects discovered have occurred as a consequence of a lack of rigor in the software development life cycle process. The issue of process must be addressed if application developers want to demonstrate that their product is secure.

Where Are the Security Problems? Security industry discussions and standards focus mostly on the integrity of encryption algorithms and protocols. Although these algorithms have evolved over time, there is little evidence that major security breaches can be attributed to breaking the algorithms themselves. Most high-profile security breaches have come from three main sources: insiders divulging secrets, poor system management, and badly or inappropriately written software. The first two sources can only be dealt with by the organizations responsible for the security of information and there are no easy solutions. However, some industries have control over software processes, and there are many proven standards for this. A quick review of some well-known recent security issues leads to interesting conclusions:

Table 1.

Software Security Issue

Contributing Factors • No software design


• No traceable test cases • No boundary case analysis • No software life cycle

Apple SSL

• Static analysis • Code structure • No design


• No traceable test cases • No boundary case analysis • In short – no software lifecycle • System too complex;


– Too easy for application to get security access – Too many possible applications that could have holes

US POS (Point-of-Sale)


• Badly structured system

TECH REPORT What Drives Quality Standards? Software quality is generally implemented according to the needs of vertical industries. Those vertical markets that have an interest or requirement that their products are reliable and have standards for developing software, like medical, automotive, aerospace, etc. Security does not fit the scope of any single vertical market. Various groups have been established to ensure that the algorithms used are sufficient, and that the communication protocols are robust. But no area has specified that a particular software development standard should be required or stated what that standard should be. This means all efforts are focused on the algorithms and how fast they are. In general, software quality is neglected and not often discussed in security verification suites that check if the algorithm is implemented correctly.

Are Appropriate Methods Available? In the absence of any body to set quality standards for network security software, what standards should be expected of software that protects our personal data? Full safety processes, like those used in the aerospace industry, is probably not an appropriate way forward, though many aspects are relevant. Below is a tabular summary of the methods and measures that could be proposed as a minimum of what should be expected of such software. The set of measures used would vary to meet different needs, but the general principles of creating high-quality software are similar.

Table 2.



Requirements Spec

Make sure the product does what the customer expects.


Derived from requirements.

Coding Standard

Ensure code is written to best industry practices.

Static Code analysis

Apply variety of metrics and tests to ensure code is of quality that will foster long-term stability.

Dynamic Code Analysis

Ensure all code is tested and executes correctly and excludes all redundancy.

Traceable Test Cases

Ensure result matches the requirements.

Software Life Cycle

Ensure all the correct steps are followed for all elements of the software and that there is a process for change. This is the thing that makes it all come together.


For example, the standards used in some parts of the medical industry originated in the standards created for industrial control systems.

natural domain of a security expert. Some of the guiding principles and rationale for system security are summarized in the table below.

Dealing with System Design Issues


At least one recent, major failure was caused when a ‘Point-of-Sale’ (POS) computer was reverse engineered and used to access a central database. Regardless of the quality of the software deployed, this type of attack can only be protected against by a well thought out system design. In this case, the quality of the algorithm was not particularly relevant to the security breach experienced. Every system is different, and as such, general guidelines are not easy to assess. The problem is further complicated by the variety of skill sets required. A security assessment is carried out on equipment that is complex in its own right and not the

Many organizations use open-source software in applications supporting millions of users’ valuable data. The intention of this article is not to criticize open-source software; indeed, opensource providers are usually completely transparent about the processes used to develop the software. However, the responsibility for security and quality is with the developing organization. They must ask the question if the software they are proposing to use has been developed using an appropriate process – regardless of who developed it. The aerospace, industrial, medical, and transport industries already use software processes based on V model

Table 3.

System Design Issue



Software Authentication

Ensure the hardware only operates with authenticated software and ensure that new releases of software will only work with authentic hardware.

Software Integrity

Ensure the software has not been modified by any external party.

Software Secure

Ensure the software cannot be read by a third party (this makes constructing attacks more difficult).

System Complexity

Minimize risk of back doors and unforeseen consequences by having the security component do security – no more or less than it needs to. Also minimize the effort required to develop secure software to the required level.

TECH REPORT development, which are defined by IEC 61508 and other similar standards. Research data shows that not only does this reduce defects significantly, but in many cases, it can reduce the cost of software management over its life cycle. The recent Heartbleed defect is a case in point. The information publically available states the software did not check the scope of a protocol variable and then processed it blindly. Standard V model development would include unit testing and boundary case analysis/ testing that would have instantly alerted developers to the issue. This detection would have been reinforced by other requirements of the life-cycle process. The costs incurred financially for the industry to fix this problem are staggering never mind the impact such breaches have to a company’s reputation. There are other elements of the V model process that would have picked up these kinds of issues, even where problems have occurred in professionally developed solutions. For example, a well-designed static analysis tool would have detected Apple’s recent issue with their TLS software. Software cannot be treated in isolation. The whole system design must be considered. Even if it was possible to create a perfect TLS implementation, would that mean the system was secure? Possibly more secure, but if a defect was

located elsewhere in the target system (e.g., in the TCP/IP stack), then it could possibly expose memory. Certainly, it is less likely this kind of fault would yield sensitive data, but such a system cannot be considered completely secure. The Internet is now the basis for our financial system and all financial systems operate on trust. If the industry continues to stumble from one crisis to another without addressing quality and security, it undermines the trust individuals have in the system. This could have far reaching consequences for developers of embedded applications. Developers of networked applications should adjust their approach to quality as soon as possible to avert a confidence crisis.




A Tale of Two

LAYERSCAPES From the Earth’s Core to the ARM® Core By Glenn ImObersteg Convergence Promotions LLC



A Journey Between the Realms of Hardware and Software A Google search of Layerscape last month turned up a strange anomaly: there are really two Layerscapes—one is a software-based program and the other is an applications processor. One Layerscape requires high-speed networking and communications technology to perform, and the other was designed to provide high-speed networking and communications for similar data-intensive applications. Microsoft Research’s Layerscape is a cloud-based Earth visualization tool built on the same technology as their WorldWide Telescope; Freescale’s LayerscapeTM is the underlying system architecture of the next-generation QorIQTM LS series SoCs. Coincidence? Divergence? Do these two seemingly disparate products intersect at a point in space or time? This article will take the reader on a journey to the fascinating worlds of both the virtual and the actual.


Travel from the upper reaches of the atmosphere to the center of the Earth’s core with Microsoft’s Layerscape software visualization From the ocean depths in the Mariana Trench to the high desert of Sonora, California, Microsoft’s Layerscape has enabled scientists and researchers to visualize complex data about planet Earth in three-dimensional space and time. By virtually peeling back the layers of the earth, from the upper atmosphere to the earth’s core, Layerscape lets scientists share and explore 3D/4D visualizations of complex datasets via Microsoft’s WorldWide Telescope (WWT) visualization engine. The Layerscape visualization engine harnesses a PC’s graphics processor, which in turn enables scientists to visualize large amounts of data—not from the bridge of a starship, but from the confines of their offices. Imagine the endless applications opened up by Layerscape: scientists could visualize historical surface temperatures, seismic activity, wind patterns, or even track antelope migratory patterns across the African plains. Users can opt to render their conclusions in a narrative view, by placing their “virtual eye” anywhere and connecting together a sequence of perspectives and automated transitions— creating a narrative from the data.

Layerscape is a three-part program: part one is the WorldWide Telescope visualization engine, an application that enables the seamless viewing of the earth, the solar system, and outer space. Install the WWT program, and your computer seamlessly operates as a virtual telescope, combining the best imagery from the world’s ground- and space-based telescopes to offer an unparalleled view of the earth and universe. Part two is a community website that allows users to share their content and experiences with their peers. The third part is a tool built on Microsoft Excel, so if your data is already in an Excel spreadsheet, you simply click a few buttons to send it to the visualization engine. For more information on Layerscape and the WWT, see the Getting Started section of this article to discover how you can start building your own virtual tours and experience the endless possibilities the universe holds for you.

Users can opt to render their conclusions in a narrative view, by placing their “virtual eye” anywhere and connecting together a sequence of perspectives and automated transitions—creating a narrative from the data.


COVER STORY From virtual to actual: Freescale’s LayerscapeTM offers a grounded approach to communications and hardware visualization No less innovative than visualizing a trip to outer space or beneath the Earth’s core is the new Freescale Layerscape™ architecture. Freescale’s new Layerscape is touted as the “industry’s first software-aware, core-agnostic networking architecture to offer unprecedented efficiency and scale,” and the first processor in the QorIQ LS1 family is the recentlyreleased LS1021A communications processor. The architecture is ideal for hardware virtualization solutions, among other applications.* Incorporating dual ARM® Cortex®-A7 cores running up to 1.0GHz, the Layerscape LS1021A processor is engineered to deliver CoreMark® performance of over 5,000, as well as virtualization support and advanced security features. The Layerscape also offers the broadest array of high-speed interconnects and optimized peripheral features ever offered in a sub-3W processor.

Modules built to accommodate outer and inner space applications Incorporating the Layerscape architecture into your next design can be easier than imagined. This is made possible by the recent launch of the TQMLS102xA, a compact (55mm x 44mm), rugged embedded module based on the LS102xA Layerscape processor family by TQ-Group. By connecting the dual core ARM Cortex™-A7 on the module to the quick communication unit, this combination forms an ideal platform for even the most stringent requirements and most demanding applications. The first processor of this category in the sector, the LS102xA, together with the new ARM® based bus system “Cache Coherent Interconnect” (CCI400), supports fast data transfer and virtualization. The new Layerscape architecture makes it possible to ideally link the ARM® computing core with the selection of interfaces of the Freescale’s QorlQ communication processors. This allows developers to create applications which require both lower energy consumption and also meet the demand for more secure and faster data communication.

The Layerscape LS1021A processor is engineered to deliver CoreMark® performance of over 5,000, as well as virtualization support and advanced security features.


TQMLS102xA Dual Core ARM® Cortex®-A7 Embedded Module with Freescale QorIQTM LS102xA “Layerscape” QorIQTM high-speed communication technology combined with a dual core ARM® Cortex®-A7 for superior networking and data processing, The TQMLS102xA minimodule is based on the LS102xA processor from Freescale, and combines the ARM core architecture with the QorIQ high-speed communication technology and is the ideal solution for applications requiring superior networking and data processing. The dual core ARM® Cortex®-A7 core provides a cache Coherent Interconnect bus system and a clock rate up to 2 x 1.0 GHz, guaranteeing the embedded module provides a balanced ratio between high performance and power dissipation. KEY FEATURES AND BENEFITS: • Integrated graphics controller • QorIQTM QUICC Engine • High-speed communication via 3x Gigabit Ethernet, 2x PCle and 1x USB 3.0 interface • Low power consumption (typ. 3 W) • ECC protection • Cache Coherent Interconnect bus system • IEEE 1588 hardware support • Security functions (optional) • Extended temperature ranges


The TQMLS102xA embedded module is ideal for the demands of systems developers who want to develop highly efficient platforms on the latest system architecture for processing high data volume. The LS102xA system-on-chip provides a dual-core ARM® Cortex®-A7 CPU with ECC-protected L1 and L2 cache for maximum reliability.

More Performance, Less Power With its compact size and an average power consumption of 3 to 5W, the TQMLS102xA embedded module is an ideal platform for applications in network technology, industrial control systems, M2M and Internet of Things (IoT) gateways. With the LCD controllers integrated into the LS1021A processor, system developments can also be made which meet the high demands on userfriendliness with a touchscreen display.

Bring on the Software A Linux BSP has been developed for the specific module and mainboard interfaces. Versions with QNX, Green Hills, VxWorks and PikeOS are also planned for the near future for applications requiring safety and security capabilities.


Getting Started: Launching the Layerscape Programs To register for Microsoft’s Layerscape to create and share 3D virtual tours and collaborate with the Earthscience community, you can register at http://research.microsoft.com. To launch your own hardware-based mission, we recommend the TQ-System STKLS102xA starter kit equipped with the TQMLS102xA dual core ARM® Cortex®-A7 module with Freescale QorIQ LS102xA “Layerscape.”

The new Layerscape architecture makes it possible to ideally link the ARM® computing core with the selection of interfaces of the Freescale’s QorlQ communication processors.

The components contained in the starter kit constitute a modular system enabling you to develop your own designs. Development of graphic interfaces can be started immediately using the prepared combination of a closed display unit and starter kit that are matched to each other. For more information on the starter kit or to order modules, please go to www.embeddedmodules.net http://www.embeddedmodules.net or contact Vaughn Orchard at vaughn@convergencepromotions.com vaughn@convergencepromotions.com Phone: (508) 209-0294

Freescale, the Freescale logo and QorIQ, are trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off. Layerscape is a trademark of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.. The Power Architecture and Power.org word marks and the Power and Power.org logos and related marks are trademarks and service marks licensed by Power. org. ARM is the registered trademark of ARM Limited. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © 2013 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Microsoft, Excel, Layerscape, WorldWide Telescope and other products including Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.


Designing with the

THINGS in the

Internet of Things Embedded developers are working hard to keep pace with the IoT market buzz and the imminent demand for devices such as MCUs to drive their IoT and M2M applications. With deadlines looming, resources scarce, and costs spiraling out of control, the embedded development community needs economical and time-saving solutions. By Vaughn Orchard Convergence Promotions





IoT Drives an Increase in Demand for MCUs


Reports predicting the resurgence of microcontroller sales in the coming years are keeping pace with the market buzz about the demand due to the impact of the Internet of Things. Market data in the 2015 McClean Report states that: “Microcontroller shipments surged 16% in 2014 to a new record high of 18.6 billion units, surpassing the previous annual peak of 17.3 billion set in 2012.“ IC Insights asserts that much of this growth is with MCUs that will potentially connect within the IoT. That’s a huge number of smart devices, and the main discussions are on how the field is split between 8-bit and 32-bit devices. Wearables or smart homes might only require 8-bit MCUs, but once a gateway enters the picture, with its attendant security and computing requirements, the application is sure to fall into the 32-bit MCU space. This is the space where expanded memory requirements and advanced peripherals complicate the development process—stressing budget constraints, resources, and deadlines.

Assembling Your IoT Application In many cases, the challenge of getting your application to market on time can be resolved by deciding to buy a tested, certified solution versus having to build your next IoT application from the ground up. Designing with an embedded module can be easier, less expensive, and quicker to deploy in your embedded IoT applications. In addition, embedded modules are:


EEWEB FEATURE Small and energy efficient Many of the TQ-Systems modules have the smallest footprint of any module in the embedded industry, and lowpower consumption is at the forefront of all our design considerations.

The TQMa28 is the industry’s smallest module, and at 1.024“ x 1.576“, is ideal for applications when size is a major consideration.

Easier Building a new embedded device from the ground up is an enormous challenge and carries a lot of risk. Embedded development can be made much easier by leveraging existing solutions from a reliable supplier. Quicker Deployment of a production-ready module and BSP eliminates 6 to 12 months from your development timeline. Less expensive Save substantial, non-recurring engineering costs by eliminating specification, parts selection, schematic, layout, validation, operating system porting efforts, and certification. Reliable If your system is going to be operational for more than the next few years, you will need to use a supplier that guarantees end-of-life obsolescence management, and can protect your products from obsolete components, extensive redesigns, unsafe sources, and costly brokerware.

A Diverse Portfolio With a diverse portfolio ranging from ARM®, to x86 and power architecturebased modules and platforms from partners such as Intel®, FreescaleTM, and Texas Instruments—TQ-Systems is the ideal partner for embedded modules designed to IoT gateway specifications and applications such as medicine, transport and logistics, smart building, and M2M. With certifications in medicine, aviation and automotive, the development and production processes at TQ can be coordinated to meet the sector-specific demands. All the services are offered modularly for both component parts and whole devices and systems. Some of the modules and single board products available for IoT and M2M applications are: TQMa28 Embedded Module with ARM9™ Freescale i.MX283 An ultra-compact TQ Embedded processor module for creating intelligent, networked devices, this module contains a low-power, high-performance applications processor optimized for the general embedded industrial market, and makes the ideal IoT gateway. SBCa335x “Boxer Board” with TI’s ARM® Cortex®-A8 processor The Boxer Board is based on the Sitara™ AM3352 or AM3354 processors (800 MHz ARM® Cortex®- A8 Core) from Texas Instruments. Its compact and rugged design of only 4.8” (12 cm) x 3.2” (8 cm), temperature range of -20°C to +70°C and low-power consumption (typ. 2 W), makes the Boxer Board


suitable for industrial applications in the smallest of spaces. It provides pincompatibility with the Raspberry Pi B+, so adding capes and hats is a breeze.

The Boxer Board is ideal for developers who want the ease of programming with a Raspberry Pi or other DIY Board, but require a rugged, industrialgrade and productionready solution.

Putting Security First Security experts have long warned of the potential risk of large numbers of unsecured devices connecting to the Internet, and MCU manufacturers and their embedded module suppliers have worked together to manufacture secure products. Some of the embedded modules from TQ-Systems capable of providing ample security protection in IoT applications are: TQMLS102xA Embedded Module with Freescale QorIQ LS1021A Freescale’s communications processor provides outstanding performance, efficiency and reliability for IoT gateways. It also has all CPU pins available at the Tyco connectors, extremely compact, high-speed communication via Ethernet, PCIe and USB 2.0, lowpower consumption (typically 3W) and is designed with QorIQTM Trust Architecture and ARM® TrustZone®.


TQMa6x Embedded Module with Freescale i.XM6® With optional memory and extended temperature range, this module is designed, built and tested to industrial standards, and has advanced security features supporting high assurance boot, cryptographic cipher engines, random number generator, and tamper detection.

The TQMs6x Embedded Module, with its advanced security features is designed and built to the most demanding industrial standards.

TQMxE38M Embedded Module with Intel® Atom™ E3800 (Bay Trail) Equipped with an Intel Atom from the E3800 range, Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 1.2 as well as the Intel IoT Gateway software solution, this module contains all the aspects of data pre-processing (analysis and filtering) and secure data communication, as well as the secure device update and management. Developers searching for MCUs that are engineered to shorten design cycles and speed time-to-market for their next design should consider embedded modules as a viable solution. For more information on TQ-Groups‘ products in North America, go to www. embeddedmodules.net. For Europe and http://www.embeddedmodules.net APAC, go to http://www.tq-group.com www.TQ-Group.com.

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