E MBEDDED D EVELOPER PCBWeb Full-Featured Design Tool Free License Wolf Drives NXP Logicmobile
Go-Cart Uses Real-World Solutions
Playing the Embedded Market Beware of Hidden Costs
Your Guide to Embedded MCUs and Development Tools. Everything you’re looking for in one place.
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g. It was our biggest, most ed version yet. We nicknamed st.” It demonstrates real-world ike sonar-based park assist, a k, and LED turn signals. It really logic can be a better solution tuations. The idea was to ms that engineers really face, e linked the provider also offer assistance for e or processor the customer application hem using standard logic.board? It is
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3.3 V 1.8 V
Driver Driver
3.3 V
1.8 V
3.0 V 4.0 V 2.5 V 3.5 V
3.5 V 4.5 V
2.5 V 3.5 V
1.5 2.5 VV
2.5 V
2.0 V
3.6 V 2.0 V
1.5 V
1.5 V 2.5 V
2.0 VV 0.8
1.08 V 2.0 V 0.55 V 1.5 V
1.08 3V V CMOS
0.4 V
0.4 V
0.55 V
3.3 V
I took the V opportunity to check out the tool and IH
4.7 V
1.5 V 2.5 V
0.5 V
Vol1 < VII1
1.5 V
2.0 VV 0.8
1.5 V 2.5 V
1.08 V 2.0 V
1.5 V 0.55 V There are oftenV variations0.4 inVthe logic0.4 switching V 1.5 V 0.0 V V 1.5 V 1.0 V (V input and VIL) and the 1.5 output levels (VOH and VOL) V IH OL IL
3V V 1.08
for0.5commonly used logic CMOS devices in TTL/CMOS the of CMOS V 0.8 range V VOL
0.55 V 0.4 V 0.4 V 3Figure and 5 V (Figure 1-3). 0.0 V 1-4. Incompatible voltages can cause unpredictable system behavior Undefined region: behavior of system is unpredictable 5V 5V 3V CMOS TTL/CMOS CMOS
put voltage level up or down. 5V
3.6 V
2.0 V 1.5 V 0.8 V 0.4 V
2.0 V
0.275 V
0.31 V
0.275 V
1.8 V CMOS
1.2 V CMOS
Color processor
1.2 V 1.2 V 0.78 V CMOS
0.5 V 0.47 V
1.8 0.9 VV CMOS 0.63 V
1.5 V
1.08 V 0.55 V 3V CMOS
1.8 V
1.5 V
0.8 V
1.2 V
0.9 V
0.78 V
0.5 V 0.4 V
0.63 V
0.35 V
0.31 V
0.275 V
1.8 V CMOS
1.2 V CMOS
3.4 V
3.4 V
3.6 V
2.0 V 3.4 V
2.0 V 3.4 V
0.8 2.0 VV
0.35 V 1.5 Vol > VIIV
1.5 V
1.8 V
2.0 V 0.5 V 0.4 V
1.2 V
0.825 V V the 0.9 system more predictable, improves overall performance, and saves energy. 0.78 V 0.63 V 1.8 V 0.31 1.35 VV
0.275 V
0.5 V 0.47 V
0.35 V
1.17 V Unidirectional and bidirectional devices 1.2 V V <V 1.8 1.2 V 0.825 V 0.9VV 0.78 V CMOS that translate CMOS Devices voltages 0.5 V from low to high levels or from high to low levels also 0.63 V 0.47 V 0.31 V data. The data 0.275transfer V transfer can work in one direction (unidirectional) or in two directions
(bidirectional). Figure1.21-5 shows a digital camera that uses the NXP 74AUP1T45, a bidirectional 1.8 V V CMOS CMOS level translator, to translate between the color processor, which uses 1.8 V signals, and the
Voltage translation — How to manage mixed-voltage desi
memory subsystem, which uses 3.3 V signals.
Vol1 < VII1
2.0 V 1.5 V 0.8 V
3.4 V
Batman has his batmobile, and ski patrols have their snowmobiles. But only NXP has the Logicmobile—a modified go-cart that shows just how cool it can be to design with standard logic...pg. 4
Voltage translation — How to manage mixed-voltage des
3.3 V
74AUP1T45 1.8 V
3.3 V
Figure 1-5. Low-to-high level translation in a digital camera
Some bidirectional translators have a direction pin (DIR) to control the direction of data. Others have DIR and Output Enable (OE) pins for tri-stating the output. Another feature, called autodirection sensing has no DIR pin, and this helps reduce the number of control pins required in the system for data flow.
Devices for level translation and signal switching In situations that need voltage translation and signal switching, a crossbar switch equipped with a diode can be used.
3.6 V 3.6 V
0.5 V 0.47 V
4.7 V
the system for data flow. Some bidirectional translators have a direction pin (DIR) to control the direction of data. Oth have DIR and Output Enable (OE) pins for tri-stating the output. Another feature, called aut Devices level translation andand signal directionfor sensing has no DIR pin, thisswitching helps reduce the number of control pins required In situations that need voltage translation and signal switching, a crossbar switch equipped the system for data flow. a diode can be used.
1.5 V 3V BiCMOS 0.5 V 0.4 V
5V BiCMOS 0.8 V
Some bidirectional translators have a direction pin (DIR) to control the direction of data. Oth Figure 1-5. Low-to-high level translation in a digital camera have DIR and Output Enable (OE) pins for tri-stating the output. Another feature, called auto direction sensing has no DIR pin, and this helps reduce the number of control pins required
1.8 V Configuring the system to translate voltages from high to low or from low to high, according to V the1.35 recommended guidelines for the input and output voltage levels of each component, makes 1.17 V
3.5 V
processor Figure 1-5. Low-to-high level translation in a digital camera 3.3 V
Nothing Lost in Translation Saving Power at Voltage Level
1.5 Vol > VIIV
0.825 V
utput levels for 3 V and 5 V logic devices
4.5 V
3.3 V
Figure 4. Incompatible voltages Devices for level translation and signal switching can cause unpredictable situations need voltage translation driver VOL isthat greater than the receiver and signal switching, a crossbar switch equipped When thebehavior. driver VOH is less than the receiver VIH, and/or the In system VIL, system behavior becomes unpredictable (Figure 1-4). a diode can be used.
Color processor
1.35 V 1.17 V
74AUP1T45 1.8 V
0.5 V 0.47 V
1.8 V
2.0 V
3.3 V
0.825 V
3.4 V
2.0 V
1.5 V
1.8 V
0.825 V
2.5 V
0.4 V
1.5 V
0.31 1.35 VV 1.17 V
3.6 V
3.4 V
2.5 V
0.78 V
0.63 1.8 V
behavior system is unpredictable When the driver VOHUndefined is lessregion: than theofreceiver VIH, or the driver VOL is greater than the receiver VIL, system behavior becomes unpredictable. 4 Voltage translation — How to manage mixed-voltage designs using NXP level translators Figure 4 highlights the areas where problems can occur.
4.7 V
3.3 V
4 Voltage translation — How to manage mixed-voltage designs using NXP level translators Figure 1-4. Incompatible voltages can cause unpredictable system behavior
4.5 V
0.35 V
2.5 V
2.0 V
ltage level up or down
1.2 V
0.9 V
PCBWeb Free, Full-Featured Design Tool 3.6 V
3.6 V
2.5 V
1.35 V 1.17 V
1.5 V 3V BiCMOS 0.5 V 0.4 V
5V BiCMOS 0.8 V
it to a download rather than a cloud-based 4.7 Vtool.
V versa (Figure 1-2). correctly, or vice 1.0 V
1.8 V
1.8 V
1.5 V
2.0 V 0.5 V 0.4 V
2.0 VV 0.8
0.35 V 1.5 V
V 2.0 V of a driver 2.5 V to be shifted up or level device needs 3.0 V 3.6 V V 3.5 V 2.0 V 2.0 V 1.5 V so that the receiver device can interpret it down
1.8 V
1.5 V
1.5 V
schematic and layout CAD tool, changing 5V
3.0 V
2.0 V 3.4 V
EEWeb FEATURE 2.0 V 3.4 V
updated version4.5 ofVPCBWeb, their PCB
3.5 V V A 4.0 quick overview 4.5 V see howVit compared to others I’ve used in the past. V Vol < VII In2.5 most mixed-voltage designs, the output voltage 3.5 V
T ge mixed-voltage designs using NXP level translators
2.5 V
3.6 V
3.5 V 4.5 V
1.8 V
3.4 V
3.4 V 4.7 V
ilicon Frameworks recently released an
4.0 V 5.0 V
By Patrick C. Beckett Design Engineer at ZQDesigns
memory subsystem, which uses 3.3 V signals.
3.6 V
5 V the logic switching 5V 3V There are often variations in input (VIH and5 V CMOS TTL/CMOS CMOS BiCMOS VIL) and the output levels (VOH and VOL) for commonly used logic 5.0 V Figure 1-3.in Switching input and levels for Figure 3 V and logic devices devices the Vrange ofoutput 3 and 5 V. 3 gives an overview. 5V5V 5V 4.5 V
(bidirectional). Figure 1-5 shows a digital camera that uses the NXP 74AUP1T45, a bidirectio level translator, to translate between the color processor, which uses 1.8 V signals, and the
3.6 V
0.0 V 1-3. Switching input and output levels for 3 V and 5 V logic devices Figure
ree License
3.5 V
and output levels for 3 V development ofand the module. 5 V logic devices.
0.4 V 1.5 V
level translator, to translate between the color processor, whichhigh usesto1.8 V signals, and the Devices that translate voltages from low to high levels or from low levels also memory subsystem, which uses can 3.3 Vwork signals. transfer data. The data transfer in one direction (unidirectional) or in two direction
Figure 3. Switching input
into further 3 and 5 V (Figure 1-3).
1.5 V 5V CMOS
0.4 V
0.5 V
Playing the Embedded Market Beware of Hidden Costs
4.5 V 5V
Configuring the system to translate voltages from high to low or from low to high, according Unidirectional and guidelines bidirectional devices the recommended for the input and output voltage levels of each component, m Devices thatmore translate voltagesimproves from low overall to highperformance, levels or fromand highsaves to low levels also the system predictable, energy. transfer data. The data transfer can work in one direction (unidirectional) or in two directions (bidirectional). 1-5 shows a digital camera that uses the NXP 74AUP1T45, a bidirection UnidirectionalFigure and bidirectional devices
3There and 5are V (Figure 1-3). and robustness. often variations in the logic switching The test results input (VIH and VIL) and the output levels (VOH and VOL) are directly for commonlyincorporated used logic devices in the range of
4.7 V
0.0 V 1.0 V
1.8 V
4.5 V
Configuring the system to translate voltagesVfrom high the to low or from to high, When the driver VOH is less than the receiver , and/or driver VOL islow greater thanaccording the recei IH the for the input and output voltage levels of each component, m system behaviorguidelines becomes unpredictable (Figure 1-4). VIL, recommended the system more predictable, improves overall performance, and saves energy.
Test Chamber
level of a driver device The Highly needs to be shifted up or There often variations in the logic switchingit Accelerated down are so that the receiverLife device can interpret Test (HALT) allows V ) and the output levels (VOH and VOL) input (VIH and correctly, or vice versa (Figure 1-2). IL us to assess the for commonly product’s used logic devices in the range of durability
5.0 V
3.5 V 4.5 V
When the driver VOH is less than the receiver VIH, and/or the driver VOL is greater than the receiv VIL, system behavior becomes unpredictable (Figure 1-4).
down so overview that the receiver device can interpret it A quick HALT correctly, or vice versa (Figure 1-2). In most mixed-voltage designs, the output voltage
.”Receiver east
5V VCC output voltage5level Figure 1-2. Shifting the V up or down
0.5 V 1.5 V
l-Featured esign Tool
B “ T he
1.0 V 2.0 V
Wolf Drives NXP Logicmobile Go-Cart with Real-World Solutions
Driver Figure 1-2. Shifting the output voltage level up or down
4.0 V 5.0 V
1.8 V
1.5 V 2.5 V
3.3 V
1.8 V 3.3 V
2.0 V 3.0 V
the user have special requirements on the The loss module regarding certain test procedures of some that have to be proven, and can the production module provider meet them? Once an error has occurred in a module, is it vital lines after the how the module provider ultimately tsunami in has access to the test data or whether it Japan clearly can limit the error with a corresponding test procedure? In many licenses, such showed the as with medical technology (ISO 13485), importance aviation (EN 9100) or automotive (ISO of production 16949), corresponding proof is to be kept in the event of errors. The information support. includes when, how, and where the product was produced and tested. This traceability 3.3 V may require proof up to component level in order to rule out A quick overview consequential errors and damage. How Receiver In most mixed-voltage designs, the output voltage well is the module provider prepared for of a driver device needs to be shifted up or 3.3 Vthis data be providedlevel this? Can smoothly?
Of course, the production quality also 3.3procedures V covers corresponding test and the level of testing. How well is the T for this? Does module provider prepared
1.8 V
Voltagelevel translators
modules. After all, it is not always easy to keep production lines up to date. When it comes to module providers who produce their own equipment, it is worth viewing their production lines. Here you can quickly see what capacity the provider has and how well equipped it is for future technical challenges. If a production line malfunctions, what will happen to the supply reliability? The loss of some production lines after the tsunami in Japan clearly showed how important this issue is. It therefore generates a feeling of security and trust if you also visit the supplier on site.
n matters
y for its next appearance.
3 Logic
sonar-based park assist, a keypad lock, and LED turn signals.”
3.4 V
2.5 V 2.0 V 1.5 V 1.08 V
0.4 V
0.4 V
0.55 V
can cause unpredictable system behavior
efined region: behavior of system is unpredictable
2.0 V 1.5 Vol > VIIV 0.8 V
2.0 V
1.5 V
1.8 V 1.35 V 1.17 V 0.9 V
1.2 V 0.78 V
0.5 V 0.4 V
0.63 V
0.35 V
0.31 V
0.275 V
1.8 V CMOS
1.2 V CMOS
0.825 V 0.5 V 0.47 V
Logicmobile Go-Cart Uses Real-World Solutions
atman has his batmobile, and ski patrols have their snowmobiles. But only NXP has the
Logic Mobileâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;a modified go-cart that
Click here to view video about the NXP Gen 1 Logic Mobile.
shows just how cool it can be to design with standard logic. Now in its fourth generation, the Logic Mobile is the brain child of Tom Wolf, an NXP engineer with plenty of imagination and a definite flair for the dramatic. In this interview, Tom explains the ins and outs of this fourwheeled phenomenon.
How was it received?
What inspired you to create the first Logic Mobile? The Gen 1 Logic Mobile.
“After two fires, the cart’s been rebuilt and resides in the NXP office in Cary, North Carolina, where we’ve been known to race it around after hours.”
It started as part of NXP’s Auto Tech Days. It’s a roadshow we do each year in September, toward the beginning of the design cycle. We put together a series of presentations and demos, then pack it all up and take it on the road. It’s a great way for us to connect with our customers, learn about their latest ideas, and share a few of our own. For the 2011 roadshow, we wanted to do something a little different. Standard logic isn’t always the most talked-about product line, and we wanted to bring a demo that caught everyone’s attention. I had a last-minute inspiration and went to a nearby hobby store. I found a kid’s go-cart I could work with, brought it back to my garage, and made a few modifications using standard logic. It lit up, it made noise— I thought it was great!
n 2 Log The Ge
ic Mob
It made an impression, that’s for sure! People may have thought it was a little off-the-wall, but it got us noticed, and that’s what we were hoping for. That first version was sized for an eightyear-old, so it was just right for driving around a cleared-out conference room. We had a lot of fun with it. We even gave it a second showing, a few months later, at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas.
The Ge n 1 at a
n Auto
Tech D ay.
What happened next? We made it bigger and better! We’re engineers, after all, so we’ve always got new ideas. For the 2012 roadshow, we created Gen 2. We agreed on an expanded set of demos, and I went back to my garage. I began with a Razor Electric GoKart and cut it and stretched it so it would fit an adult. Then I added a few extras to make it a little more glitzy and even more fun. The finished product looked like a DeLorean, complete with flip-up doors.
TECH REPORT At the 2012 Tech Days, we had people telling us they remembered the previous year’s go-cart. Many told us they were there to see what crazy thing we’d done this time around! We even had a few guys tells us that they’d been inspired to make their own versions for their kids. They’re the envy of their neighborhoods! The Gen 2 version was a big hit and saw a lot of action. It visited Detroit, Indiana, Las Vegas, and Barcelona, Spain. After two fires, it’s been rebuilt and now resides in the NXP office in Cary, North Carolina, where we’ve been known to race it around after hours.
The Ge n 2 on
a test d
What did you do differently for Gen 3? With Gen 3, we got serious about the engineering. It was our biggest, most sophisticated version yet. We nicknamed it, “The Beast.” It demonstrates real-world functions, like sonar-based park assist, a keypad lock, and LED turn signals. It really shows how logic can be a better solution in certain situations. The idea was to take problems that engineers really face, and solve them using standard logic.
Gen 3, ready for its next appearance.
ic n 3 Log The Ge
. Mobile
B “ T he
“‘The Beast’ demonstrates real-world functions, like sonar-based park assist, a keypad lock, and LED turn signals.”
.” east
“Gen 4 is bright red and looks like a miniature Ferrari F12 Berlinetta, complete with the stallion logo, but it weighs only 24 pounds.”
And now, with Gen 4?
Where do you see this going?
Gen 4 is perhaps our slickest Logic Mobile yet. Painted a bright candy red, it looks like a miniature Ferrari F12 Berlinetta, complete with the stallion logo. It looks and sounds like a real miniature car—it even makes engine sounds and has a horn—but it weighs only 24 pounds and is operated by remote control. Gen 4 is easier to transport than the Gen 3 Beast, but it continues the tradition of automotive-inspired demonstration platforms. It still shows vehicle designers how much they can do with a bit of standard logic. Gen 4 will make its debut at Electronica 2014, in Munich and is likely to live in Germany after that.
In many ways, Logic Mobile has taken on a life of its own. It’s featured on our YouTube channel, LogicHeads, and a lot of people have seen it at events. Our customers have even helped refine the vision. I’m really pleased with how it’s progressed. I’ve always been a tinkerer—if I can see it, I can build it. I like to find that place where art and engineering intersect, so building the Logic Mobile is a perfect fit. There may not be a formal plan for how the Logic Mobile will evolve, but I’m sure, whatever form it takes, we’ll have fun doing it!
Overall, what has been the NXP reaction to this project? It’s been great. One of the reasons I really like being at NXP is that they encourage creativity. They’ve given me the financial support to develop each new generation, and the idea is catching on with other business lines. We’re finding that fun is good—if you make it interesting enough, everybody wants to participate.
The Gen 4 Logic Mobile.
Connecting Global Competence
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50 years
SMD Production Line Thanks to the in-house production facilities, TQ-Systems is able to respond swiftly and flexibly to customer requirements.
Playing the
EMBEDDED Market Beware of Hidden Costs
By Wolfgang Heinz-Fischer Head of Marketing, TQ-Group
nce the decision has been made to use an embedded module, the search for the best solution begins. Choosing a modular solution
has wide-ranging consequences for the user, so it is therefore very important to make the right decision. When making the decision, you have to think about the module and technology as well as the provider. In any case, the goal is to find a long-term, reliable solution, as the one-off investment to purchase a modular design should have lasting positive effects and not turn out to boomerang. There are many providers in the embedded market, and the range of modules available can be confusing. So how to find the best provider?
Take a close look behind the scenes at the module provider, and don’t be blinded by a good price.
he first questions are linked directly to the module or processor and answers to them can be found on the providers’ websites. How much experience does the provider have with the selected processor and with the chip provider? This is key for users because they rely on the experience of the provider and do not want to have to be part of a learning curve with the module provider. What exactly is provided? How much support does the user have? This comprises the eval boards, starter kits, or application boards supplied. It also includes a range of application aids for the possible incorporation of interfaces. The more functions have already been shown here, the more the user can benefit from the experience of the module provider. What about the documentation of the modules, and how are the application examples described? The second, very important part concerns the software support. What board support packages (BSPs) or other drivers are available, and does the provider have its own software department so that it can react quickly in the event of an issue? There also may be hidden points, which could play a key role. As already mentioned, software support is important too, while the hardware development support should also not be underestimated. What about the provider’s resources, or are they a oneman show? How widely can the hardware support be provided? Does the support only cover the module itself, or can
the provider also offer assistance for the customer application board? It is helpful to the user if the provider has experience in the customer’s application environment and therefore doesn’t have to deal directly with the module in the event of queries. Design support, such as a service like schematic review, can considerably speed up the modular design and make it safer. In some cases the provider may have already experienced errors in the activation of the module during the development of the starter kit, so that the customer does not have to repeat these errors. Support with the layout can also help to make a design safer. This know-how is relatively easy to see by taking a look at the eval board or the starter kit. How much technology is there, and has the layout already been successfully implemented? An option here is, of course, that the module provider implements the customer application board in the layout using its own resources and know-how. Another important area is production. If the provider has its own production unit, it can usually react more quickly and more flexibly to customer requests. In this case, the production quality is the responsibility of the module provider. If an error occurs in a module, the provider can quickly determine, using its own development and production units, where the error is and provide corresponding support. For some module providers, it is beneficial to have a subcontractor produce the
modules. After all, it is not always easy to keep production lines up to date. When it comes to module providers who produce their own equipment, it is worth viewing their production lines. Here you can quickly see what capacity the provider has and how well equipped it is for future technical challenges. If a production line malfunctions, what will happen to the supply reliability? The loss of some production lines after the tsunami in Japan clearly showed how important this issue is. It therefore generates a feeling of security and trust if you also visit the supplier on site. Of course, the production quality also covers corresponding test procedures and the level of testing. How well is the module provider prepared for this? Does
the user have special requirements on the module regarding certain test procedures that have to be proven, and can the module provider meet them? Once an error has occurred in a module, is it vital how the module provider ultimately has access to the test data or whether it can limit the error with a corresponding test procedure? In many licenses, such as with medical technology (ISO 13485), aviation (EN 9100) or automotive (ISO 16949), corresponding proof is to be kept in the event of errors. The information includes when, how, and where the product was produced and tested. This traceability may require proof up to component level in order to rule out consequential errors and damage. How well is the module provider prepared for this? Can this data be provided smoothly?
The loss of some production lines after the tsunami in Japan clearly showed the importance of production support.
HALT Test Chamber The Highly Accelerated Life Test (HALT) allows us to assess the productâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s durability and robustness. The test results are directly incorporated into further development of the module.
The user can get some security from the evidence of the module provider’s history with modules. With new providers on the market, this is difficult and requires a closer inquiry. To ensure reliable delivery, is it important to know for how long the module provider has supplied modules, how many have been discontinued, and when that occured? Is there a set procedure for reporting discontinuations to the user in time? Procedures are also very important with discontinuations of key components. If the module can no longer be produced, the provider would ensure that customer requirements can still be met. Normally the user is not just obliged to provide series delivery, but is also responsible for the later supply of spare parts. One way advertised by many providers is the use of standard modules. Here you can use the next generation of the module when the current module is discontinued. Unfortunately this only works to a limited degree and hardly works at all with ARM-based processor modules. To guarantee long-term reliable delivery, the use and application of obsolescence procedures help. If obsolescence procedures are already applied during development, they provide a higher level of security that the module will also be supplied for longer. After all here it is
already checked which components can be supplied for how long; this applies to all the components of a module, not just for the processor. The aim of obsolescence is always to ensure the safe and long-term availability of products and to make forecasts about the end of the product’s life cycle. The delivery available of the modules is probably linked by most module providers to the forecasts of the processor manufacturer. But what about the other key components such as memory or power sequencing components? Nowadays the long-term reliable delivery is not as important with some applications as it was 20 years ago. But as users want to be able to use the module in other applications, the long-term availability once again plays a key role. And longterm here doesn’t mean 5 to 8 years, but more like 12 to 15. Does the module provider have a history, and can they provide evidence of individual modules? The whole environment of a module provider also includes a corresponding network. The bigger this network, the more probable and safer the long-term support for the module is. And in any case it is worth take a closer look behind the scenes at the module provider and not be blinded by a good price. This can quickly hit you like a boomerang and
The aim of obsolescence is to ensure the long-term availability of products and to make forecasts about the end of the product’s life cycle.
end up costing much more than the money you saved in the first place. As one of the leading electronics service providers, TQ offers a full range of services from development to production, to after-sales services, and to even product life-cycle management. This applies in particular to the TQ modules. With its long-term experience in a wide range of sectors, TQ offers extensive development support, starting with the wiring diagram review, a complete layout of the application board, which is designed for manufacturing (DFM), and support with the assessment of the long-term availability of all components (obsolescence management) not just for the module. TQ modules are available for at least 10 years. TQ thereby offers even more security when choosing a modular design.
ABOUT THE TQ-GROUP As an electronics service provider (E²MS supplier and CEM), TQ offers the complete range of services from development, through production and service right up to product life-cycle management. The services cover assemblies, equipment, and systems including hardware, software, and mechanics. Customers can obtain all services from TQ on a modular basis as individual services and also as a complete package according to their individual requirements. Standard products such as finished microcontroller modules (minimodules) complete the range of services. Through the combination of electronics services and finished system components, TQ offers customerspecific products as ODM products and thereby addresses customers who would like to receive finished products and at the same time benefit from the advantages of a customer-specific solution. ODM products are provided on time and economically using a comprehensive solution kit. The kit includes finished electronic, mechanical, and software components including certification and licenses. The TQ Group employs more than 900 colleagues at their sites in Seefeld, Murnau, PeiĂ&#x;enberg, Wetter/Ruhr, Chemnitz, Fontaines (Switzerland) and Shanghai (China). Further information on TQ can be found at www.tq-group.com.
TQ Minimodule TQMa28 Based on the i.MX28 processor, the module offers a balanced ratio between computing and graphic performance. The basis for this is an ARM926 core with up to 450 MHz.
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PCBWeb Full-Featured Design Tool Free License By Patrick C. Beckett Design Engineer at ZQDesigns
ilicon Frameworks recently released an updated version of PCBWeb, their PCB schematic and layout CAD tool, changing
it to a download rather than a cloud-based tool. I took the opportunity to check out the tool and see how it compared to others Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve used in the past.
use OrderPCBs or Digi-Key, you can easily generate gerbers or export the data.
Gerber Greatness
The nightmare of trying to figure out the cam processor for Eagle’s design tool flashed before my eyes.
ne of the biggest selling points for PCBWeb is what they refer to as a “Free, Full License,” which means that there is no user fee—all features of the tool can be used for free. The tool can be used to design up to 12 layers and doesn’t have any restrictions on the number of schematics or size of the board. This also means that the tool can be used for personal, hobby, educational, or commercial purposes. Anything you may want to use it for, you can without limitations, and it’s free.
One-Stop Shop What isn’t free are boards and materials that you have the option to purchase. PCBWeb has integrated with OrderPCBs and with Digi-Key to offer real-time pricing of both the boards and, if you use Digi-Key parts, bill of materials. I found this integrated approach very useful as a one-stop-shop feature. There’s a simple interface to quickly order boards and parts without having to export any files and then send them to the vendors. This interface is very slick, and the bill of materials also saves me several steps when I’m ready to actually make my board. If you don’t want to
I was extremely pleased with how easy it is to generate gerbers with PCBWeb. The nightmare of trying to figure out the cam processor for Eagle while I was in college flashed before my eyes as I clicked the single button to generate the gerbers with PCBWeb. It’s unbelievably easy to generate gerbers, and the prices I’ve seen from OrderPCBs thus far have been reasonable enough that I haven’t needed to go elsewhere for my PCB manufacturing.
Easy and Intuitive Although PCWeb is free, and it made my life easier when it comes to manufacturing boards and ordering parts, the most important feature for me was the tool’s usability. My personal experience has been mostly in Eagle, in addition to dabbling with a few other tools such as Altium and Cadence. PCBWeb is a nonmodal interface, so instead of selecting what mode you want to be in for deleting or moving a part or running a trace, PCBWeb figures out what you want to do in the context of how you’re doing it. Being more accustomed to a modal interface, there was a bit of a curve for me before the steps to accomplishing what I sought became natural. However, I think that this interface is ideal for people starting out, as it is generally more intuitive. The ability to move one part or trace and delete another immediately without having to switch modes is very convenient, especially as you don’t have to memorize keyboard shortcuts to do it quickly.
EEWEB FEATURE Straightforward Schematic The schematic portion of PCBWeb is extremely straightforward, and the integrated Digi-Key parts are very easy to use. At the moment, the software comes with several hundred thousand parts ready to place with both the symbol and footprint. Placing the parts, connecting them, changing the sheet size, and providing design information, were all painless. The layout section in PCBWeb required a bit more work to get used to. Here, the change to a nonmodal interface was more obvious to me, needing a bit more care in not starting a trace when I wanted to move a part. However, PCBWeb uses a picker filter, so if you want to do one thing for a while, moving parts for example, you just change the picker filter to only allow selecting parts. Once you’re ready to run traces, change the picker filter so you can only select or run traces. But if you’re switching back and forth between tasks, you leave the picker filter alone and simply pay more attention to where you click on a part or polygon.
Effortless Parts Creation If you find a part that does not have a symbol and footprint, you will be impressed at how effortless it is to create a new part. Creating symbols of reasonable sizes and shapes takes only a couple moments, and the footprints are also easy to edit and create. This has actually been one of my favorite features of PCBWeb because part creation is the least interesting portion of PCB design for me. After the part is made, it’s saved into your personal repository of parts. Within those designs, the custom-made parts transfer as well.
PCBWeb figures out what you want to do in the context of how you’re doing it.
Nifty Tutorials
Disruption is Good
As I was starting to look into PCBWeb, I read an IEEE Spectrum article by an author who was unimpressed by PCBWeb’s tutorials and support. It seems that Silicon Frameworks took this criticism to heart as they’ve been posting tutorials on YouTube on a fairly regular basis without any indication of slowing up. These tutorials are short and concise, showing how to do specific tasks without the meandering that you frequently get in the thirty-to-forty-minute tutorials you can find on some tools. I felt that after about fifteen minutes of plowing through all of the videos, I had a good feel for the general interface. I’m still discovering little details while using the tool, but feel that’s a fair exchange for not getting bogged down in tortuously long tutorials that I stop paying attention to anyway.
Overall, my feel for PCBWeb is that it’s a new tool with a great deal of potential because it seems to be built on a solid foundation. There are a couple of very innovative features, such as the OrderPCBs and Digi-Key integration, that set this tool apart from others, and it has one of the best learning curves for CAD tools I’ve ever seen. While some may want more whistles and bells, I think that the simple interface and limitation-free licensing make PCBWeb the ideal PCB design tool for students, hobbyists, and makers. In addition to bug fixes I’ve seen coming out over the last few months, Silicon Frameworks seems to be adding new features to keep up with the expanding requirements of their consumer base. With all its userfriendly elements, PCBWeb is going to be a disruptive force among PCB CAD tools.
PCBWeb is going to be a disruptive force among PCB CAD tools.
in Translation
Saving Power at Voltage Level By Ali Zeeshan, NXP Semiconductor In todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s portable applications, the system often combines products that operate at different voltages. The data and application processors typically operate at a supply voltage of 1.8 V or lower, but the peripherals they connect to are likely to operate at higher levels, at or above 3 or 5 V. Voltage-level translators make it possible for these devices to work together, so the system operates more efficiently and saves power.
but the peripherals they connect to, including memories, image sensors, relays, and RF transceivers, are more likely to use older, lower-cost process technologies that operate at higher levels, at or above 3 or 5 V. Voltagelevel translators (Figure 1-1) enable these different devices to work together, without producing damaging current flow or signal loss, so the system operates more efficiently and saves power.
AC/DC charger
Memory card
SIM card
Cellular & connectity radio
Voltage-level translators Blinker black light
Voltagelevel translators
Figure 1. Typical portable application with voltagelevel translators.
Voltagelevel translators
Flash MCU, special function ÂľC
n recent years, voltage translation Voltage-level translators has become an important part of electronic design, especially in portable applications. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s because the latest USB Keypad HDMI data and application processors for mobile applications are typically produced in Figure 1-1. Typical portable application with voltage-level translators advanced, low-power CMOS process technologies that use a supply voltage of 1.8 V or lower, but the peripherals they connect to, including memories, image sensors, relays, and RF transceivers, are more likely to use 1.8 V older, lower-cost process technologies that operate at higher levels, at or above 3 or 5 V.
3.3 V
3.3 V
T DriverVoltage translation â&#x20AC;&#x201D; How to manage mixed-voltage designs using NXP level translators
The Basic Idea In most mixed-voltage designs, the output voltage level of a driver device needs to be shifted up or down so that the receiver device can interpret it correctly, or vice versa (figure 2).
3.3 V
1.8 V
1.8 V
Voltage-level translators (figure 1) enable these different devices to work together without producing damaging current flow or signal loss, so the system operates more efficiently and saves power.
Figure 1-2. Shifting the output voltage level up or down
Figure 2. Shifting the output voltage level up or down. 5.0 V 4.5 V 4.0 V
4.5 V
3.5 V 3.0 V
4.7 V VIH
3.5 V
2.5 V
3.6 V
2.5 V 2.0 V
1.5 V
2.5 V 2.0 V
2.0 V
1.8 V 3.3 V
3.3 V 1.8 V
Driver Driver
1.8 V
3.3 V
correctly, or vice versa (Figure 1-2). In most mixed-voltage designs, the output voltage level of a driver device needs to be shifted up or There often variations the logic switchingit down are so that the receiver in device can interpret input (VIH and VIL) versa and the output levels (VOH and VOL) correctly, or vice (Figure 1-2). for commonly used logic devices in the range of 3There and 5are V (Figure 1-3). often variations in the logic switching
1.8 V
1.8 V
Driver Figure 1-2. Shifting the output voltage level up or down
input (VIH and VIL) and the output levels (VOH and VOL) for commonly used logic devices in the range of Figure 3. Switching input 3 and 5 V (Figure 1-3).
5.0 V
5V VCC output voltage5level Figure 1-2. Shifting the V up or down 4.5 V
4.0 V 5.0 V 3.5 V 4.5 V
4.5 V
and output levels for 3 V and 5 V logic devices.
3.6 V
4.7 V
3.0 V 4.0 V 2.5 V 3.5 V 2.0 V 3.0 V 1.5 V 2.5 V
3.5 V 4.5 V
2.5 V 3.5 V
1.0 V 2.0 V 0.5 V 1.5 V
1.5 2.5 VV
0.0 V 1.0 V 0.5 V
3.4 V
3.4 V 4.7 V
2.5 V
2.0 V
3.6 V 2.0 V
1.5 V
1.5 V 2.5 V
2.0 VV 0.8
1.08 V 2.0 V 0.55 V 1.5 V
1.5 V 5V CMOS
0.4 V 1.5 V 5V TTL/CMOS 0.8 V
1.08 3V V CMOS
0.4 V
0.4 V
0.55 V
0.4 V
3.6 V
3.6 V 2.0 V 3.4 V 1.5 V
5V BiCMOS 0.8 V 0.35 V
0.0 V 1-3. Switching input and output levels for 3 V and 5 V logic devices Figure
5 V the logic switching 5V 3V There are often variations in input (VIH and5 V CMOS TTL/CMOS CMOS BiCMOS VIL) and the output levels (VOH and VOL) for commonly used logic 5.0 V Figure 1-3.in Switching input and levels for Figure 3 V and devices devices the Vrange ofoutput 3 and 5 V. 3logic gives an overview. 5V5V 5V
1.5 V
4.0 V 5.0 V
0.63 1.8 V
1.5 V 3V BiCMOS 0.5 V 0.4 V
1.8 0.9 VV CMOS 0.63 V
3.5 V 4.5 V
3.0 V 4.0 V
0.31 1.35 VV 1.17 V
0.275 V
0.31 V
0.275 V
1.8 V CMOS
1.2 V CMOS
3.6 V
4.7 V 3.6 V
4.7 V
2.5 V
correctly, or vice versa (Figure 1-2). 1.0 V VIL
2.0 V
0.5 V 1.5 V
1.5 V 2.5 V
Vol1 < VII1
1.5 V
2.0 VV 0.8
2.0 V
0.8 2.0 VV
2.0 V 3.4 V 1.5 Vol > VIIV
1.08 V
3V V 1.08 CMOS
for0.5commonly used logic devices in the range of V V 0.55 V 0.4 V 0.4 V 3Figure and 5 V (Figure 1-3). 0.0 V 1-4. Incompatible voltages can cause unpredictable system behavior OL
Undefined region: behavior of system is unpredictable 5V 5V 3V CMOS TTL/CMOS CMOS
3.4 V 3.6 V
1.5 V 2.5 V
0.55 V There are oftenV variations0.4 inVthe logic0.4 switching V 1.5 V 0.0 V V 1.5 V 1.0 V (V input and VIL) and the 1.5 output levels (VOH and VOL) V IH 5V CMOS
5V 3.4 V
2.5 V
V 2.0 V of a driver 2.5 V to be shifted up or level device needs 3.0 V 3.6 V V 3.5 V 2.0 V 2.0 V 1.5 V so that the receiver device can interpret it down
0.35 V 1.5 Vol > VIIV
2.0 V 3.4 V 1.5 V 2.0 V 0.5 V 0.4 V
0.35 V
1.5 V 3V BiCMOS 0.5 V 0.4 V
5V BiCMOS 0.8 V
4 Voltage translation â&#x20AC;&#x201D; How to manage mixed-voltage designs using NXP level translators Figure 1-4. Incompatible voltages can cause unpredictable system behavior
1.2 V 1.2 V 0.78 V CMOS
0.825 V 0.5 V 0.47 V 0.825 V 0.5 V 0.47 V
behavior system is unpredictable When the driver VOHUndefined is lessregion: than theofreceiver VIH, or the driver VOL is greater than the receiver VIL, system behavior becomes unpredictable. 4 Voltage translation â&#x20AC;&#x201D; How to manage mixed-voltage designs using NXP level translators Figure 4 highlights the areas where problems can occur.
Figure 4. Incompatible voltages can cause unpredictable When thebehavior. driver VOH is less than the receiver system VIL, system behavior becomes unpredictable
1.8 V Configuring the system to translate voltage 1.35 V the1.17 recommended guidelines for the input V 1.2 V V <V 0.825 V 0.9 V the system more predictable, improves ove 0.78 V OH
0.63 V 1.8 V 0.31 1.35 VV
0.275 V
0.5 V 0.47 V
1.17 V Unidirectional and bidirectional devices 1.2 V V <V 1.8 1.2 V 0.825 V 0.9VV 0.78 V CMOS that translate CMOS Devices voltages 0.5 V from low to 0.63 V OH
0.47 V
0.31 V data. The data 0.275transfer V transfer can work in (bidirectional). Figure1.21-5 shows a digital ca 1.8 V V CMOS CMOS level translator, to translate between the co
memory subsystem, which uses 3.3 V signa
1.8 V
3.6 V
2.0 V
0.78 V
4.5 V
3.5 V A quick overview 4.5 V V 2.5 V Vol < VII In 3.5 most mixed-voltage designs, the output voltage V
3.4 V
1.2 V
0.9 V
4.5 V
1.8 V 1.35 V 1.17 V
2.0 V 0.5 V 0.4 V
2.0 VV 0.8 0.35 V 1.5 V
2.0 V 3.4 V
3.4 V
2.0 V
1.8 V
Configuring the system to translate voltages from high to low or from low to high, according to the recommended guidelines for the input and output voltage levels of each component, makes the system more predictable, improves overall performance, and saves energy.
of data. Others have DIR and output enable (OE) pins for tri-stating the output. Another feature, called autodirection sensing, has no DIR pin, and this helps reduce the number of control pins required in the system for data flow.
Level translators In situations that need voltage translation Unidirectional and make it and signal switching, a crossbar switch Bidirectional Devices equipped with a diode can be used. possible to Devices that translate voltages from combine low to high level or from high to low Finding the Right Translator devices with levels also transfer data. The data transfer can work in one direction Level translators come in a wide variety different (unidirectional) or in two directions of formats. NXP offers translators When the driver V is less than the receiver V , and/or the driver V is greater than the receiver operating (bidirectional). Figure 5 shows a digital for specific protocols, as well as V , system behavior becomes unpredictable (Figure 1-4). camera that uses the NXP 74AUP1T45, a translators that work in general-purpose voltages bidirectional level translator, to translate Table 1 gives an overview. low to high, according to in aConfiguring the system to translate voltages from high to low or fromapplications. between the for color which devices include the recommended guidelines the processor, input and output voltage levels Active of each component, makesa complementary single uses 1.8 V signals, andoverall the memory metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) the system more predictable, improves performance, and saves energy. subsystem, which uses 3.3 V signals. system. output stage with a specific source and OH
Unidirectional and bidirectional devices sink currents. Passive devices do not Devices that translate voltages from low to high levels or from high to low levels alsooutputs; the sink and source Some bidirectional translators have a have CMOS transfer data. The data transfer can work in one direction (unidirectional) or in two directions direction pin (DIR) to control the direction currents come from the supply voltage. (bidirectional). Figure 1-5 shows a digital camera that uses the NXP 74AUP1T45, a bidirectional level translator, to translate between the color processor, which uses 1.8 V signals, and the memory subsystem, which uses 3.3 V signals.
1.8 V
Color processor
3.3 V
74AUP1T45 1.8 V
3.3 V
Figure 1-5. Low-to-high level translation in a digital camera
Figure 5. Incompatible voltages can cause unpredictable system behavior.
NXP offers translators for specific protocols, as well as translators that work in general-purpose applications.
Some bidirectional translators have a direction pin (DIR) to control the direction of data. Others have DIR and Output Enable (OE) pins for tri-stating the output. Another feature, called autodirection sensing has no DIR pin, and this helps reduce the number of control pins required in the system for data flow.
Devices for level translation and signal switching In situations that need voltage translation and signal switching, a crossbar switch equipped with a diode can be used.
Voltage trans
Table 1-1with lists athe families available from NXP Table 1-1 lists the families available from NXP. Active devices include a CMOS output stage specific source and sink currents. Passive devices do source and sink currents. Passive devices do not have CMOS outputs; the sink and currents come from the supply voltage. from the supply voltage.
Table 1-1. NXP level translators
Table 1-1. NXP level translators Type
Bidirectional with direction pin
Bidirectional with auto direction sensing
NXP families
Suitable for use as low-to-high or high-to-low translators, these are standard logic devices with features like low-threshold inputs, open-drain Unidirectional Active outputs, TTL inputs, input-clamping diodes, current-limiting resistors, and overvoltage-tolerant inputs.
NVT level shifters for SIM cards
PCA muxes and switches for I2C
These devices perform bidirectional level translation and have a direction pin that sets the direction of the data flow. The AUP, AVC, and LVC Bidirectional withfrom families are for general-purpose voltage translation in the range Active direction to pinsupport GTL 0.8 to 5.5 V. GTL level translators are specially designed logic, which is widely used on processors. They convert GTL levels to LVTTL levels. Active These devices perform bidirectional level translation without a direction pin. The NTB and NTS translators integrate one-shot edge accelerators Bidirectional with and are suitable for use with open-drain outputs. The NTB and PCA families support buffered outputs. The NTS andauto NTBdirection families have sensing integrated pull-ups, and are a good choice for applications that usePassive interfaces based on I2C, SMBus, SPI, or UARTs. CBTD and CBTLVD devices are bus switches that also perform level translation. The NVT SIM card level shifters contain an LDO that can deliver two different voltages, from a typical mobile phone battery voltage, and Active convert the data, RSTn and CLKn signals between a SIM card and a host microcontroller. Applicationspecific These multiplexers and switches split the I2C-bus into several branches, so the I2C master can select and address multiple identical devices Passive without address conflicts. They also permit a single master to interface with multiple devices with different power-supply voltages.
NXP families
Su sta ou and
Th pin fam 0.8 log LVT
Th pin and fam int int de
NVT level shifters for SIM cards
Th dif con mic
PCA muxes and switches for I2C
Th so wit wit
*n = 1, 2, 8, orlevel 16 channels Table 1.4,NXP translators.
The rest of this guide provides details and recommendations for each type.
*n = 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 channels The rest of this guide provides details and recommenda
Download NXP Guide
NXP’s new, 30-page guide Level translators make it possible to combine devices with presents a number of techniques different operating voltages in a single system. This is for managing mixed-voltage especially important in portable designs, where the processors designs and gives detailed and the peripherals often work with different voltage levels. product recommendations. Using level translators in a mixed-voltage design makes the Please Click Here to download system operate more smoothly without damaging current a copy of the guide. Adesigns complete flow or signal loss, and that helps increase efficiency and6 Voltage translation — How to manage mixed-voltage using NXP level transla slation — How to manage mixed-voltage designs using NXP level translators listing of all NXP’s voltagesave power. Voltage-level translators come in a range of level translators is available formats and support different aspects of system operation, so at www.nxp.com/logic. designers have more options for fine-tuning their systems.
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