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EF Corporate Solutions 2015-16

Language courses abroad for companies, institutions and professionals BOSTON • CAMBRIDGE • ASHRIDGE ESTATE – UK BEIJING • MADRID • MUNICH • PARIS • ROME • TOKYO


“Through immersion, as a student, you speak English, you work in English, and if you stay long enough you think and even dream in English! It’s great!” Olivier Tissot, EF Executive student, Cambridge PROJECT MANAGER, BOUYGUES TELECOM, FRANCE

Language courses abroad 2015-16 Contents Discover EF Welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Why English matters. . . . . . . 6 EF worldwide . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Immersion courses. . . . . . . 10

The EF approach. . . . . . . . . 12 What to expect. . . . . . . . . . 14 What our students say. . . . 16

Our courses Private. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Premium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Fluency Builder. . . . . . . . . . 22 Company-Specific. . . . . . . 23

Executive Seminar. . . . . . . 23 Meet our teachers . . . . . . . 24 The EF English Live cloud-based school. . . . . . 26

Our destinations Cambridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Boston. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Ashridge Estate – UK. . . . . 36

Other language destinations . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Further information Travel services . . . . . . . . . . 44 EF Corporate Solutions . . . 46 Other EF programs. . . . . . . 48

Enrollment information. . . . 49 Terms & conditions. . . . . . . 50 Accreditations. . . . . . . . . . . 51


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A word from

Peter Burman President, EF Corporate Solutions

We all realize intuitively that a good grasp of English helps with job prospects. Now there is empirical evidence to support this. EF research has shown how an improvement in English skills translates into superior pay expectations in almost every country, sector, and job level surveyed. In some cases, getting better at English can boost salary prospects by more than 44% (see page 7). This research underscores what many Personnel Managers have known for a long time: that a good grounding in English leads to more versatile and valuable employees, particularly as you go up the pay scale. The problem for many international companies is that once their people start getting promoted, it becomes more difficult for staff to find the time to improve their English language skills. That is why we advocate full immersion. In our experience it is the fastest way to make sure English skills are acquired, fixed, and perfected with minimum delay. Even with full exposure to a foreign language and culture, it can still be difficult to pick up the language skills that will be most useful in a business environment. This is why so many students choose to learn at an EF Executive Institute, with small class sizes, lots of one-to-one time with teachers, an executive-only intake, and, above all, a focus on business English tailored to your specific sector, our students’ progress in the fastest time possible. EF Education First is the global leader in language learning for companies. We have been at the forefront of language training since 1965 so we have over 50 years of experience in perfecting language learning programs that generate real results. Millions of satisfied students are testimony that this method works. Why not try it yourself?


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Why English Matters The world in which we live has never been smaller. We can now travel to, communicate, and do business with the other side of the world in hours, minutes and seconds. But one thing that underpins all of it is a common language – and today, that’s English. Academic research is primarily published in it, primary and secondary schools around the world teach it, global digital communication fuels it, international business runs on it, and companies large and small are increasingly mandating it as their corporate language. Four hundred million people speak it because they are native to the countries that do. Another one billion six hundred thousand speak it as a second language or are learning to do so. That amounts to two billion people, almost a third of the entire planet. Are you or your company part of them? To compete effectively in today’s world, executives, teams and whole organizations must ensure that their English skills are ‘top notch’. Business and progress relies on it.

6 | Language courses abroad

Why English matters to companies... ... and to individuals

International expansion

Improved competitiveness

Handling international client requests,

Managers need to maintain excellent

negotiations and customer service

language skills to ensure that no business


successfully requires your workforce

opportunities are lost in translation in

If you or a member of your team is ready for

to be confident English speakers.

an increasingly globalized environment.

the next career move, language training is often necessary. More senior roles usually


Internal training programs

demand more frequent interaction with

Having English as the common corporate

Language training courses often form

foreign partners and colleagues.

language will assist the successful

part of a company’s training program

integration of two corporate cultures.

for high achievers.

Personal development Language training can form a part of

Cross-border collaboration

a company’s reward system for team

To facilitate international collaboration,

members who have excelled.

organizations need improved language Earnings potential

skills among staff members.

A study for EF last year found that professionals with eight years or more of professional experience can see their salary expectations grow by an average of 44% across all industries when they increase their English language skills from zero to advanced level (see below).

Average earnings increase by English proficiency


25% 44%

14% 19% Average earning increase No English to Beginner

Beginner to Intermediate

Intermediate to Advanced


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EF worldwide



Vancouver Seattle




Amsterdam Berlin London Oxford Düsseldorf Hastings Antwerp Torquay Brighton Eastbourne Prague Brussels Bournemouth Stuttgart

New York

San Francisco


Washington D.C.

Santa Barbara Los Angeles









San Diego

Vienna Basel Lucerne Zurich Lausanne Lugano Bern Lyon Milan Geneva Bologna Turin Florence Nice

Paris Monterrey

Miami Beach

Bordeaux La Coruña

Guadalajara Toluca


Mexico City

Madrid Panama Barranquilla Maracaibo City Valencia Caracas

Playa Tamarindo

EF Executive Language Institutes p. 28–39

San José

EF International Language Centers p. 40–43


Valencia Seville Malaga











Other EF schools and offices

Guayaquil Fortaleza Recife Lima

2,500 client companies 45,500 staff 500 schools and offices in 53 countries Millions of students trained

Vitoria Antofagasta Rio de Janeiro


São Paulo Córdoba

Porto Alegre Montovideo


Buenos Aires

50 years of success Entrepreneur

EF’s first school is accredited

EF is appointed the Official

EF is selected as the corporate language

Bertil Hult founds EF

by ARELS, today EnglishUK. EF

Language School of the

provider for major multinationals like

Education First.

publishes its first textbook series.

Seoul 1988 Olympics.

Microsoft, Siemens, and Motorola.

EF expands rapidly, opening offices in Asia, Europe and Latin America.

8 | Language courses abroad

EF enters its 20th year, having taught over one million students.

EF collaborates with Apple on computer-aided language learning, resulting in EF Englishtown.

Helsinki Oslo

St Petersburg



Nizhny Novgorod






Novosibirsk Stavropol Daqing Shenyang

Vladivostok Harbin Sapporo Jinzhou Tianjin Beijing Dalian Hohhot Tokyo Dongying Shijazhuang Kyoto Seoul Taiyuan Qingdao Zhengzhou Nagoya Rizhao Fukuoka Osaka Xi’an Hefei Nanjing Shanghai Wuhan Chengdu Hangzhou Chongqing Wenzhou Changsha Taichung Giuyang Xiamen Taipei Shenzhen Tainan Nanning Hanoi Guangzhou Hong Kaoshiung Kong

Sochi Baku Istanbul




St Julians Tripoli Dammam


Al Khobar


Dubai New Delhi



Bangkok Bangalore Ho Chi Minh City

Medan Pekanbaru

Singapore Manado

Samaranda Bangka

Palembang Lampung


Jakarta Bandung


Balikpapan Semarang Makassar Surabaya Denpasar Yogyakarta

Brisbane Johannesburg

Cape Town Sydney


EF is named the Official Language

EF launches its upgraded cloud-based

1 million people to be trained by EF as

Training Services Supplier of the

school – a revolutionary step

Official Supplier of Language Training

Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

forward in online learning.

Services to the Rio 2016 Olympics.

Hult International Business School is founded by EF.

EF Research Unit at the University of

EF serves as the official language

Cambridge Department of Theoretical

training services supplier to the

and Applied Linguistics is established.

Sochi 2014 Olympics.

EF celebrates its 50th birthday.


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10 | Language courses abroad

The fastest way to learn a language …is to live in the country that speaks it, and having a teacher there to help you every step of the way. We call it ‘cultural immersion’. We know that through immersion our teachers can apply the most of what they are best at: academic structure and conversation practice. Combine this with tailored learning content, bespoke tutorials, digital access to EF’s cloud-based school and informal learning experiences of day-to-day life, and the results are the fastest possible path to language fluency. It’s on this vision we have founded our company, and now after 50 years of ‘travel abroad’ immersion language training, EF’s global network of schools, language centers and executive institutes in over 53 countries are recognized as second to none. English-only environment Speaking English, and more importantly, being required to do so, boosts our cognitive language skills very quickly. That’s why in our EF Institutes we keep a strict rule that English is the language spoken at all times. As the institute provides a professionals-only environment, you will have plenty of opportunity to apply your learning in the classroom to a more social context outside of it, while networking and communicating with fellow professionals from all around the world. Cultural exposure Immersion learning is the best way to gain exposure to the cultural traditions and customs of a nation. Sensitivity to such factors is critical for successful international communications. That is why we include host family accommodation as part of our standard course offer. That is also why we make sure to offer cultural activities outside of the scheduled classroom hours.


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The EF approach At the heart of EF’s learning method are our exceptional teachers, all of whom possess both a business-oriented and a functional understanding of your job-specific training needs. We are lucky enough to be able to hire the best teachers in the field (all of our teachers have a TEFL qualification or equivalent, and a minimum of two years language teaching experience). But we don’t stop there. We train them further in our own methodology and courseware, to ensure global consistency and quality, before placing them in our schools around the world. Tailor-made curriculum Our courses are customized for you to achieve your goals, whether you need to learn grammar, pronunciation, or the vocabulary specific to your industry. In class, you’ll practise professional situations such as making appointments, going over work-related reports and presentations. Lessons are kept relevant to your profession and language needs. Students at our Executive Language Institutes also get a full year’s Premium access to our award-winning cloud-based English school, so you can continue studying at home or at work. Progress reporting Rigorous needs-analysis and state-of-the-art progress tracking help us determine your specific training needs in relation to your job and to your goals. At the end of your course, you will take home an official Progress Report and a detailed Academic Record.

Supporting you every step of the way

1. A n EF Language Consultant will help you assess your course objectives and which language areas you need to focus on.

12 | Language courses abroad

2. With EF’s advanced testing tools we will establish your current English level and the level you want to achieve.

The EF EfektaTM Method Our learning methodology focuses on dialogue, structure, conversation and the use of authentic language and real-life situations. It encourages the student to LEARN new language concepts themselves, either with or without a teacher present, and then immediately TRY those concepts out with examples and dialogue, with fellow students and teachers in conversation classes to help absorb the learning. They then APPLY these concepts in real-life situations, to embed what they have learnt, again with the help of teachers who can focus on areas of improvement and CERTIFY the student’s progress.

3. W e will then work with you to identify a destination, a course type, and curriculum content that is tailored to your needs.

4. Based on your feedback and monitoring results, your Director of Studies can amend your study plan to keep your learning on track.


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What to expect: A day in the life of an EF Executive Course Student Trying to describe a typical day at the EF Executive Language Institute is difficult, because the day you have depends on the student you are. Each course is tailored to your needs, so no two students have the same experience.

One thing everyone shares, though, is plenty of teacher time. Most days kick off with a conversation-based lesson in a small group class with an average of 4 other students. In this class, you may discuss subjects such as your company’s history or your recent achievements. This will also be the time when you cover the basics such as pronunciation, and review your English knowledge so far.

Then the focus moves on to work-related situations and business English, with you perhaps having to prepare a presentation or talk your way through a teleconference. Throughout these scenarios, the emphasis is on practicing language and learning relevant phrases. You will get lots of teacher feedback and also learn from listening to your peers.

After a tasty lunch in the dining room, the lessons might switch to cover meetings and discussions, including topics such as how to give opinions, make suggestions, or reject proposals. The purpose of these classes is not just to improve your English fluency but also to give you the linguistic tools with which to influence and motivate your teams and your peers.

Sample social activities in Cambridge






Traditional English pub evening

Guided walking tour of the city

London theater night

Restaurant evening/boat ride

Leaving ceremony with English wine

This is a great opportunity to

Take part in this guided

With London less than

Go for a night of good food

We will have a ceremony to

meet up with other students

walking tour and learn

an hour away, take the

and conversation in a local

say goodbye to those of you

and teachers and try a pint

some interesting facts and

opportunity for a theater

restaurant or take a relaxing

who are leaving and present

of real English ale!

surprising stories about our

trip and see Mamma Mia

boat ride on the river Cam.

the Course Certificates.

world-famous university.

or We Will Rock You.

14 | Language courses abroad

From mid-afternoon onwards you will usually get one-to-one classes with your teacher to work on your specific needs. You’ll also have some time to work in the iLab, where you can access EF’s cloudbased English school 24 hours a day and work on the grammar or vocabulary you need in your own time.

To round off the day, there will be social activities, such as a guided walking tour of Boston or a pub evening in Cambridge. These activities are great for getting to know your fellow students and building up your network of international business contacts… all in English, of course.

Sample social activities in Boston






Welcome drink with the school director

Baseball: The Red Sox

Tour of Harvard University

Restaurant evening

Leaving ceremony

The school director extends

Do like the Bostonians and

Take the opportunity to join

Join your fellow students for

We will have a ceremony to

a warm welcome at Lingo,

watch a game of baseball at

a walking tour at the world

good food and conversation

say goodbye to those of you

EF’s on site bar.

Fenway Park, located in the

famous Harvard University.

at a nearby restaurant.

who are leaving and present

heart of the city.

the Course Certificates.


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What our students say “I took the Business English course at the EF Executive Language Institute and I was really satisfied with the whole week. My written English has improved a lot since my EF course, so much so that when I returned to work, my manager gave me the task of creating a new version of our company´s English website! I would absolutely recommend the EF Executive language institute to others looking to improve their English. It’s very seldom you get so much benefit out of a training course, every lesson was tailored to me and I learned new, useful things every day.” Ingegerd Hedmark Property surveyor, Structor, Sweden

“It’s also very social as you have a lot of time to speak with your fellow students and make new connections.” Mathieu Becker CEO, ICO GEO, France

“English is very important for my job as an airline captain; we fly to lots of countries and the common language is always English. I think the EF teachers are fantastic; they are very professional and well-prepared to meet the students’ individual learning needs. In a couple of months I have an interview and so I have been preparing for this with the EF teachers who have helped me a lot. I have improved my English a great deal and I now feel really confident about getting the job.” Alfonso Rodriguez Captain, LatAm Airline Group, Chile

16 | Language courses abroad

“I studied at the EF Executive Language Institute in Boston and not only did the course live up to my expectations, it exceeded them in many respects. Everything about the school was world-class, the school was comfortable and practical to study in. And I have never seen such a concentration of high-quality teachers; towards the end of your course, you feel they have become more than just teachers, they do whatever they can to make students feel good. They are friendly and really cared about our well-being. The management of the school is also perfect, things work there like an orchestra is playing a song.” Luiz Otavio Executive Manager, Aperam South America, Brazil

“I really liked that my fellow students were, more or less, the same age, and had similar targets and challenges to me.” Marcel Keist Customer Service Manager, Swisscom, Switzerland

“I took a private, one-to-one course in the morning and a group conversation class in the afternoon. It was great to have the opportunity to speak English everyday with my new friends, to understand more about life in England, which is totally different from Italy, and also to increase my confidence in spoken English. For us, EF is a very important supplier.” Flavio Colda HR Director, Atos, Italy


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Our courses

Our immersion courses abroad are available across the world, with locations dependent on language focus and personal preferences. For highly tailored, one-to-one and small group English training for senior professionals, we provide fully-accredited EF Executive Language Institutes located in Boston, USA; Cambridge, UK; and Ashridge, UK. We also offer foreign language courses in our language centers and schools all over the world. All courses at our Executive Language Institutes come with one year’s Premium access to EF’s cloud-based school, including unlimited teacher-led conversation classes (see p.26–27).

EF Executive Language Institutes English Cambridge, Ashridge and Boston Private ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 21 Premium �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21 Fluency Builder ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 22 Company-specific ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 23 Executive Seminar ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 23

EF International Language Centers German, Spanish, French, Italian, Chinese and Japanese Munich, Madrid, Paris, Rome, Beijing and Tokyo Private ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 21

18 | Language courses abroad

Which course is right for you? It can be confusing to know which course best suits your needs, so we created this simple course selection tool to help steer you in the right direction:

1 Do you want to learn English or another language? English

Another language

Take a look at our other language courses (p. 40-43)

2 Are you looking for a course that is less than 8 weeks or 8 weeks+ long? Less than 8 weeks

8 weeks+

Fluency builder provides eight weeks of combined intensive and group studies (p. 22)

3 Do you prefer to learn in a small group, one-to-one or a mixture of the two?

Small group



Private course provides one-to-one training with a private teacher (p. 21)

Premium course provides a combination of one-toone and small group tuition (p. 21)

4 Will you be attending an Executive Language Institute with a group of people from your company?


Company-specific course provides customized learning entirely around your company’s needs (p. 23)

20 | Language courses abroad


Executive seminar provides a tailored course for business professionals with an average class size of 5 (p. 23)

Private The fastest way to fluency: One-to-one training with a private teacher. Maximum individual attention This highly intensive course provides you with your own personal language teacher whose sole mission is to help you reach your learning goals. That means you always progress at your own pace and your teacher has the ability to react with total flexibility to your individual learning needs. Throughout your course, you will have plenty of opportunities to practise your new skills with fellow learners at coffee breaks in the lounge, over lunch in town, or during organized outings and evening activities. One-to-one instruction means results A dedicated teacher means that you can practise by using materials relevant to you and your role. For speaking practice, you might role-play a marketing presentation; to improve reading comprehension, you might analyze an article from the daily newspaper; and for listening skills you might be asked to watch an industry specific video online. To address grammatical issues, your teacher may ask you to complete exercises from EF’s cloud-based school in the iLab.

Lessons (40 min) • 40 one-to-one lessons • 1 year Premium access to EF’s cloud-based school included (EF Executive Language Institutes only) see p. 26

Languages and locations EF Executive Language Institutes • English in Boston, Cambridge and Ashridge p. 28–39 EF International Language Centers p. 42

• German in Munich • Spanish in Madrid

p. 42

• French in Paris

p. 42

• Italian in Rome

p. 43

• Mandarin in Beijing p. 43 p. 43

• Japanese in Tokyo

Levels • Beginner to advanced

Start date and duration • Every Monday (Boston and Cambridge) • 1 week or longer • Average length is 2 weeks

Premium Our most popular course – a combination of one-to-one training and small group tuition. One-to-one instruction 20 lessons/week One-to-one courses are completely tailor-made to meet your learning needs – you and your teacher decide on the most suitable study plan.

Lessons (40 min) • 20 one-to-one lessons • 20 group lessons (average 5 students) • 1 year Premium access to EF’s cloud-based school included p. 26

Premium PLUS Upgrade to Premium PLUS to make the most of your stay. • Lessons as above but with 10 extra Group lessons.

Small group seminars 20 lessons/week Group seminars give you the opportunity to learn with international colleagues through conversation-based lessons. Each group is kept small (average five students) to maximize participation.

Language and locations EF Executive Language Institutes • English in Boston and Cambridge p. 28–35

Levels • Elementary to advanced

Start date and duration • Every Monday • 1 week or longer • Average length is 2 weeks


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Fluency Builder

Total number of lessons in program (40 min)

Become fluent – eight weeks of combined intensive and group studies.

• 136 1-to-1 lessons and sessions • 120 small group lessons (average 5 students) • Unlimited iLab access

The eight-week Fluency Builder course features a personal coach for the full length of the program. The course is designed for professionals who need a drastic improvement in their English level. As with all our courses, the Fluency Builder program will be tailored to your specific needs.

• 1 year Premium access to EF’s

Course structure During your first week of study you and your personal coach will agree on the course structure and make a study plan tailored to your needs.

• Course content as above but

One-to-one instruction 30 lessons per week (4 weeks) Our one-to-one private tuition is completely tailor-made to fit your personal needs.

• English in Boston and Cambridge p. 28–35

cloud-based school included see p. 26

Fluency Builder PLUS Get better results by upgrading to our Fluency Builder PLUS course with 40 extra Group lessons.

Language and locations EF Executive Language Institutes

Levels • Beginner to pre-intermediate

Small group seminars 30 lessons per week (4 weeks) Small group seminars give you the opportunity to learn with international colleagues through conversation-based lessons.

Start date and duration 8 weeks: Every Monday, 4 weeks of 1-to-1 private instruction combined with 4 weeks of group seminars. Full access to iLab

Private coaching 16 Sessions During your course you will have 16 private one-to-one sessions with your personal coach. These sessions give you the opportunity to focus on specific topics and questions you might have or areas for improvement.

throughout the course

You will also benefit from full access to our innovative EF iLab during the entire course and a full year’s Premium access to our cloud-based school.

How much will you advance? 16 15 14 13 EF Language Levels

12 11

The average student can expect to improve their language skills by up to 4 levels during the Fluency Builder course

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Week:

22 | Language courses abroad









Company-Specific Our most flexible solution. Customized entirely around your company’s needs – you decide the content, structure, class size and start dates.

Lessons (40 min) • 30–50 lessons per week (in any combination – one-to-one, small group, iLab) • 1 year Premium access to EF’s cloud-based school included p. 26

Our company-customized course is the ideal way to improve your skills in the specific language of your department, division or company. We can customize every aspect of your company’s course – the number of participants, weekly lessons, mix of private, group and teacher-led iLab classes, and the length of the program. We create a course that provides conversational competency, an in-depth knowledge of your company’s key terms, concepts and business philosophy and practice with writing and making presentations.

Executive Seminar The most cost-effective solution – master English in a small group setting. Accelerate your spoken English in a seminar setting Our teacher-led group course is the most cost-effective option for business professionals who need to focus mainly on the spoken language. We group you with other participants of similar ability and limit the number of participants in each group (five on average) to ensure maximum interaction. Conversation-based lessons 30 lessons/week The goal of the group course is to build your conversational confidence by improving fluency, pronunciation and intonation in relevant professional and social situations.

Language and locations EF Executive Language Institutes • English in Boston, Cambridge and Ashridge p. 28–39

Levels • Beginner to advanced

Start date and duration • Starts at your company’s request • 1 week or longer

Lessons (40 min) • 30 group lessons • 10 iLab lessons • 1 year Premium access to EF’s cloud-based school included p. 24

Executive Seminar PLUS Propel your progress with an upgrade to Executive Seminar PLUS. • Course content as above but with 10 extra Group lessons.

Language and locations EF Executive Language Institutes • English in Boston and Cambridge p. 26–30

Levels • Pre-intermediate to advanced

Independent lessons in iLab 10 lessons/week In our iLab you can work on pronunciation or accent reduction with our advanced speech recognition technology.

Start date and duration • Every Monday • 1 week or longer


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Meet some of our teachers Our teachers lie at the heart of everything we do, so we put a lot of effort into attracting the best in the field. All of our teachers are native-level speakers who come from an industry background so they have an in-depth understanding of your job-specific training needs. Friendly and knowledgeable, your EF teacher encourages you to achieve your learning goals and ensures that your lessons are always relevant to your professional and personal language learning needs.

“EF combines my love of languages and cultures with my business background and passion for helping people learn. After years working for global corporates and running my own small HR and training company I decided to combine my own love of learning languages with helping others learn. After gaining my teaching English qualification I worked for a number of language schools short-term but chose to stay with EF Corporate. The school uniquely combines friendly with professional, relaxed with serious, quality teaching with the best teachers around. We share the same determination to give each student a tailored programme and enjoyable experience to maximise their time with us, be it one week or several months. They leave us with not only a higher level of Englishbut professional networking and business skills to use in the real world.” Katrina / EF Executive Language Institute Cambridge

24 | Language courses abroad

“My name is Craig and I’ve been teaching for seven years. I really enjoy teaching at the Cambridge EF Executive Institute as the work is extremely rewarding. My colleagues are all very experienced and talented teachers and there is a real sense of achievement at the school when helping students to fulfill their goals. The EF approach means that a great deal of attention is paid to the students’ individual needs and requirements. This means that teachers work closely with their students in order to ensure that they really get the most out of their time here in Cambridge.” Craig / EF Executive Language Institute Cambridge

“My main goal is to help you feel comfortable and confident when using English. You need to be able to speak freely, feel able to make mistakes without worry or embarrassment. No matter what you want to learn how to do better: presentations, negotiations, interviewing, participating in meetings or video conferences, the most important thing is to feel confident. Everything you do in your journey to master English is relevant, reading adds to your vocabulary, listening helps you understand different styles and accents, every conversation adds to your knowledge of different cultures. Constantly practicing the language in everyday situations, social and business, helps you become a confident communicator.� Douglas / EF Executive Language Institute Boston

The EF English LiveTM Cloud-based School A complete language school delivered directly to your device. EF’s advanced language training system combines powerful technology with the very best in teaching. With USD40+ million invested in research and development each year, the EF cloud-based school is by far the world’s most advanced online school... and our lead keeps growing. All courses at the EF Executive Language Institutes include full-year Premium access to our virtual school.

Read more on www.ef.com/ corporate

26 | Language courses abroad












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Cambridge has been attracting scholars for 800 years. EF’s prestigious Executive Language Institute offers you tranquil gardens, proximity to the University, and quick and easy access to London.

28 | Language courses abroad



iv e

f. c o


Ta ww


v i r tu a l


a ke

m /e x e


EF Executive Language Institute Cambridge Modern amenities in a traditional building The EF Executive Language Institute Cambridge is housed in a quaint Tudor-style building. You’ll find the institute equipped with a high-tech language lab and truly modern facilities. This leafy residential neighborhood is within walking distance of the famous university’s colleges. Explore Cambridge or spend the night in London Cambridge is a lovely city for walking or cycling. EF staff can help arrange the hire of bicycles and organize weekly guided walking tours. London is less than an hour away by train, so it’s easily accessible for an afternoon of shopping or a night at the theater.

30 | Language courses abroad

England’s most prestigious university city Cambridge is best known for the University of Cambridge, which is made up of 31 colleges scattered throughout the city. Cambridge University has hosted such famous students as John Milton, Sir Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Oliver Cromwell, Prince Edward and Prince Charles. Cambridge University claims more than sixty Nobel Prize winners. With some colleges dating back to the eleventh century and all schools of architecture – from Gothic to Modern – represented, the city is a magnet to anyone with an interest in British history, from King’s College Chapel, which was begun in 1466 by King Henry VI, to the Fitzwilliam Museum.

Jesus Green

Trinity College Clare College University of Cambridge Queen’s College

Sports Centre

Train Station University Botanic Garden

School info


Optional services

274 Mill road

• Hotel accommodation

• Arrival transfer service

Cambridge CB1 3NQ

• Flight arrangements

• Weekend trips and activities

United Kingdom

• Travel & medical

• Social activity program

Tel: +44 (0)1223 506 211 • Leafy residential location close to Cambridge city center

insurance coverage

Course fees (US$)

• Easy access to restaurants, cinemas, pubs and theaters

per week

• Close to all historic sights and Cambridge University buildings • Wireless internet access


• In-house chef for lunch and snacks • 50 minutes away from London by train

Included in every course • Single-room accommodation with a carefully selected host family

Premium Executive Seminar

• Breakfast and dinner served Monday to Friday; all meals at weekends (host family only)












1,490 8 weeks

• All course material

Fluency Builder

• Access to the reference library

Company-specific: Contact us for a price quotation


• Language Competency Profile, Progress Report, Academic Record, Course Certificate


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Next door to Harvard University and MIT as well as the headquarters for multinational corporations such as Fidelity, Gillette and Prudential, Boston is the ideal place for improving your business English.

32 | Language courses abroad

EF Executive Language Institute Boston Modern building minutes from downtown Located on the banks of the Charles River with stunning views of downtown Boston, EF Executive Language Institute Boston is housed on the campus of the prestigious Hult International Business School. EF’s seminar rooms are light and airy and a fantastic environment to study. Between classes enjoy a cup of coffee in the comfortable lounges equipped with wireless internet, or join fellow professionals for lunch or a drink at the lively on-site bar and restaurant. America’s academic city Boston’s metropolitan area is home to more than 70 colleges and universities including world-famous Harvard University and MIT. EF students benefit from close association with Hult international Business School, the top ranked one-year MBA program.

34 | Language courses abroad

A city with history Settled in the 1630’s, Boston is one of America’s most historic cities. The American Revolution began here in the 18th century and more recently Boston has become a center of intellectual, technological and political ideas. Hit the slopes, beach or Big Apple Boston is perfectly positioned for a fantastic weekend getaway. New York City, the “Big Apple”, is just a high-speed train ride away, or take a boat to Cape Cod and relax on the beach. The mountains of nearby Vermont are a great place to hit the slopes and practise your skiing. Golf courses, tennis courts and hiking trails are also easily accessible.


Bunker Hill

Twin City Plaza Harvard University


Museum of Science

Massachusett’s Institute of Technology (MIT)

Fenway Park (Red Sox)

Downtown Boston City Hall

Beacon Hill


Boston Common

1 km

School info

Optional Services

1 Education Street

• Hotel accommodation

• Arrival transfer service

Cambridge, MA

• Flight arrangements

• Weekend trips and activities

United States

• Travel & medical

• Social activity program

Tel: +1 617 619 1237 • Central location overlooking the Charles River

insurance coverage

Course fees (US$)

• Easy access to all public transportation

per week

• High-speed wifi throughout the school Private

Included in every course • Single-room accommodation with a carefully selected host family


• Breakfast and dinner served Monday to Friday; all meals at weekends (host family only) • All course material

Executive Seminar

• Access to the reference library • Language Competency Profile, Progress Report, Academic Record, Course Certificate












1,490 8 weeks

Fluency Builder


Company-specific: Contact us for a price quotation


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Ashridge Estate – UK

Hult’s Executive Education Campus at Ashridge is located just outside London on the grounds of a former royal residence. Students experience a world-class education in magnificent rural surroundings, while having easy access to Europe’s economic capital.

36 | Language courses abroad

Hult’s Executive Education Campus at Ashridge We are extremely pleased to introduce our latest location to study English. Facilities fit for a king

students the luxury of living and studying in the tranquil English

Set in extensive parkland in the Hertfordshire countryside, the Ashridge Estate used to be the private hunting lodge of King Henry VIII and the residence of his daughter, Queen Mary I. For the last fifty years, Ashridge has developed executives and managers in the fields of leadership, strategy and change.

countryside, while networking and exploring in the capital.

Luxurious surroundings in which to unwind Around Ashridge there are trails for running, biking, horse riding, and walking. There are two golf courses nearby and a health club and fitness center on site with tennis courts, a swimming pool, Jacuzzi, spa, and sauna. Students stay in one of the 190 en-suite bedrooms, and get to enjoy being cooked for by the resident chefs who source food from local farms and high quality suppliers. In the evenings, students can socialize in the recently renovated pub, where our very own Ashridge Ale is waiting to be sampled. A rural retreat a stone’s throw from London It’s hard to believe that the peaceful grounds of Ashridge are less than an hour away from London’s sprawling metropolis. This gives

38 | Language courses abroad

Executive Education Programs Why not consolidate your immersive English language experience with a short business focused program at Ashridge? Hult’s Executive Education Campus at Ashridge is a worldleading provider of open and custom executive education, organizational change consulting and virtual learning resources. All the programs are taught in English, so you will have the opportunity to network with other international professionals in English, as well as absorb new business thinking and practical skills, which you can use to improve your performance back in your organization straight away. You can choose from over 30 programs covering topics from strategy and finance to general management. Popular programs include: ‘Driving growth and innovation’; ‘Influencing strategies and skills’; and ‘Translating strategy into action’.


Hemel Hempstead M25



Greater London Central London Heathrow

School info

Optional services


• Flight arrangements

Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire HP4 1NS

• Travel and medical insurance coverage EFMD

United Kingdom

• Arrival transfer services • Weekend trips and activities • Social activity program

• 2,000 Hectares of parkland surrounding Ashridge House • In 1550 King Henry VIII gave Ashridge Estate to his daughter,

Course fees (US$) and availability:

future Queen Elizabeth I • 2 Golf courses are located conveniently nearby • 40 minutes train ride from central London to the Ashridge campus • 67% of the UK’s FTSE 100 companies have used Ashridge to train their executives

Included in every course • Single room, on-campus accommodation • Breakfast, lunch and dinner • All course material

Week 1 Private



Company-specific: Contact us for a price quotation Ashridge accommodation (all meals included): 225 per night

• Ashridge Open and Custom Executive Education courses are available all year round. For more information, visit: www.ashridge.org.uk or call: +44 (0)1442 841026

• Free access to pool and gym facilities

Please note that specific Terms & Conditions apply for the Ashridge destination and are available online at www.ef.com/efc/ashridget-c. Do not hesitate to contact us for further information.


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Other destinations


We also offer private immersion courses in Spanish, French, German, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and Italian


40 | Language courses abroad





EF International Language Centers Take your language skills to the next level with a Private Course.




The World City with a Heart exudes a cultural cool and friendly vibe that captures the spirit of Bavaria. Experience Munich’s dynamic culture from its medieval architecture to highpowered industry. Enjoy a local beer in the Englischer Garten, catch a brass band in the famous Marienplatz or take a weekend getaway to the snowcapped Alps.

Long standing cultural traditions live on in Madrid. Study at our course center in the Salamanca District and make maximum progress in your studies with a Private Course. At the weekend, browse the shops of Calle de Serrano, try pata negra at a nearby restaurant or go on a weekend getaway to the medieval city of Toledo.

The City of Light’s heritage continues to define its charming personality. Our impeccably equipped course center places you in the center to explore every quarter of “centre ville”. When lessons are over for the day, our Leisure Team will show you where Parisians go for a delicious prix-fixe meal, a hearty glass of burgundy or a night out on the town.

School highlights • Course center just a 5-minute walk from the city center • Intimate and recently renovated building • Ski the Bavarian Alps, just one hour away by train

School highlights • Modern building in the city center • Large outdoor ‘urban garden’ area • Public transportation stop conveniently located near the school • Organized excursions to Ávila, Segovia, Toledo and Barcelona

School highlights • Stately school located in the trendy 9th arrondissement • Modern interior with the latest technology • Close to the Metro system • Organized excursions to Chateaux de la Loire, Disneyland Paris, Versailles, Nice and Bretagne

Included in all destinations • Single room in EF homestay with breakfast and dinner Monday–Friday and all meals on weekends. • Free WiFi internet access at the course center

42 | Language courses abroad

• Language Competency Profile, Progress Report, Academic Record, Course Certificate • Leisure activity program




Our course center in the heart of Rome surrounds you with the city’s best monuments, masterpieces and architecture. Become more fluent in Italian with our Private Course’s one-onone lessons. While you’re out exploring the Forum, Vatican Museums and Spanish Steps, drop a coin in the Trevi Fountain to ensure your return.

EF’s course center in Beijing offers top facilities for improving your Mandarin – from technology-enhanced classrooms to welcoming social spaces. Explore the city’s top sights to take your Mandarin outside the classroom. On weekends, arrange an excursion to the Great Wall.

While Tokyo remains a renowned financial and business center, its energy overflows into 23 distinct districts where you can experience cutting-edge fashion or kabuki theater. Our modern course center in central Tokyo boasts modern classrooms, professional staff and a student lounge with panoramic views of the city.

School highlights

School highlights

• Located in the center of one of the most historic areas of Rome

• Inviting school located near Olympic Park • Bright and modern classrooms fitted with

• Nearby attractions include Piazza di Spagna, Colosseum, Piazza del Popolo and Fontana di Trevi

the latest learning technology • 5-minute walk to public transportation with easy access to central Beijing

• Organized excursions to Florence, Naples or Capri

• Organized excursions to Shaolin Temple, Xi’an and the Great Wall

School highlights • Modern school located in the popular Shibuya area • Restaurants, cafes, shops and arcades surround the school • Excellent transportation network • Organized excursions to Kyoto, Nikko and Mount Fuji

Course fees (US$ – all destinations) per week Private






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Travel services Thanks to our worldwide network of offices and schools and nearly 50 years of travel expertise, you can be assured of exceptional personal attention and service. We provide help with a wide range of services. Your satisfaction and a seamless experience is our top priority. Travel and transfer service EF Travel, our own travel agency, has negotiated competitive prices with the world’s best-rated airlines. Our transfer service will make sure that you have a hassle-free travel experience. Hotel accommodation Standard accommodation with a carefully selected host family is included in the course fee. If you prefer, we can also arrange for hotel accommodation through our portfolio of three and four star hotels at preferred rates. Apartments are also available for a weekly supplement, all centrally located and within a short distance from our course center. Weekend trips and activities Make the most of your time abroad. After an intensive week of study you might fancy a night out at the theater, good food and conversation at a local restaurant or pub or a trip to a nearby town. We can help you plan the social activity of your choice. Social activity program We offer a wide range of social activities – wine tasting or a pint at the local pub, a guided tour around the city or river boat cruise, a round of golf and other relaxing activities – that are great opportunities for you to broaden your network and socialize with your fellow classmates. Travel & medical insurance coverage It is important to be well insured while traveling abroad. You are offered insurance coverage through Erika Insurance Ltd. ​​ The cost of your travel coverage is minimal – and the potential benefits can range from a free trip home if a family member is ill, to cash on spot if yours is stolen. Without coverage you may be liable for large sums of money for legal or medical expenses. Erika Insurance coverage includes: • • • • •

Coverage for medical expenses Trip cancellation Course refund in case of illness Baggage and property coverage 24-hour emergency assistance

44 | Language courses abroad


www.ef.com/exec-enq | 45

EF Corporate Solutions Along with immersion training at our EF Executive Language Institutes, EF Corporate Solutions offers a broad range of other language courses, executive and leadership training (via our sister organisation Ashridge), and service delivery options. Contact us on corporate-enquiries@ef.com for more information.

EF English LiveTM cloud-based school EF’s award winning cloud-based language school is the perfect way to train large numbers of employees in business English. With private teacher lessons as standard (after every study unit) and unlimited access to teachers (virtual conversation classes held every 30 minutes 24/7, no booking necessary), over 30 industry-specific language courses and iphone and ipad apps for learning on the move; English LiveTM generates real results fast.

Free company-wide testing and assessment through EFSET EFSET is the world’s first free standardized English test. It provides learners with a standard measurement of their current English proficiency level, which is aligned to the leading international standard, the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR). EFSET is the perfect way to find out which employees need training, and how much, and also to measure the ROI of ongoing language training programs.

46 | Language courses abroad

Training at one of our 500 schools worldwide

Language school at your company

If your employees need to learn languages other than English, the fastest way to do it is through an intensive immersion course at one of our 500 language schools around the world. Whether its Japanese in Japan, Spanish in Spain or Mandarin in Bejing we have a course that fits.

For large-scale organizational needs, or as part of an existing corporate university campus, let us take the headache away by setting up and running your own on-site language school. Dedicated on-site EF TeachersTM will tailor, develop and deliver language training specific to your industry and organisational needs.

Fully outsourced language training If you don’t have the in-house resources to manage a language training program, leave it in our capable hands. We have over 50 years of experience in the language learning field, so we really are the experts when it comes to selecting and managing your language learning portfolio. With you every step of the way, we will set out clear learning goals and report back on progress on a quarterly basis, implementing measures to ensure continuous improvement.


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Other EF programs EF High School Programs 2015 – 2016




High School Exchange Year for students aged 14 to 18

2 016 – 2 017

A G E S 13 – 19

W W W. E F.C O M /A C A D E M Y


USA United Kingdom Ireland

EF High School Exchange Year Ages 14 to 18 years

EF Academy – International Boarding Schools Ages 14 to 19

Live like a local with a host family on a high school exchange year in the USA, England or Ireland! Perfect your English, form lifelong relationships, and gain a new perspective on yourself and the world. www.ef.com/highschool

Earn your high school degree abroad at one of our international private schools in the UK, USA or Canada. Gain access to the world’s best universities with a multiple-year preparation program. www.ef.com/academy

EF Language Courses Abroad Ages 16 to 18

EF Language Travel Ages 7 to 18

Learn a language, explore a new city and make international friends at one of our 42 destinations around the globe. Study for 2-52 weeks, start your course any Monday and make guaranteed progress in your studies. www.ef.com/goabroad

Travel abroad in an escorted group to an EF Course Town to make friends from around the world. Combine activity-based language lessons with a full calendar of events, sports and excursions. www.ef.com/travel

Boston | London | San Francisco | Dubai | Shanghai | New York | Ashridge Estate—U.K.

The Global Business School At Hult, you will do more than learn the fundamentals of business and earn a degree. You’ll meet students from over 120 nationalities. You’ll learn from faculty who love to teach. You’ll be able to study at up at any of Hult’s 7 campuses around the world. You’ll accelerate your career. Most of all, you’ll learn to see the world differently.

Hult International Business School programs: Global One-Year MBA Global Executive MBA

Master of Finance Bachelor of Business Administration

Master of International Business Master of International Marketing

Executive Education by Ashridge

hult.edu 48 | Language courses abroad

Enrollment Form 2015-16

Please complete this form and return it along with the Enrollment Fee of US$150 (and the Cancellation & Re-booking cover of US$110, if required) to the EF office closest to you (addresses on next page) or contact one of our sales representatives listed on the back of this brochure for more information.

Please indicate your choice of course center and program (see pages 18–23 for course info and 28–43 for destination info):

Personal information

Tel.......................................................................... Mobile........................................................................... Email..................................................................... Date of birth..................................................................








First name............................................................. Last name.....................................................................


EF Executive Language Institutes

[ ] Female


[ ] Male

Course center & program

Cambridge Boston Ashridge

Place of birth......................................................... Nationality.................................................................... Name of employer................................................ Occupation...................................................................

EF International Language Centers


Company address...................................................................................................................................... Office tel................................................................ Office email.................................................................. Head of Personnel/Training....................................................................................................................... How did you hear about EF?...................................................................................................................... [ ] Yes

Do you smoke?

[ ] No

Do you have any existing medical condition/allergy?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No













If yes, please specify:................................................................................................................................. Course start date:......................................................

What is your current language level? [ ] Beginner

[ ] Elementary

[ ] Intermediate

[ ] Good intermediate

[ ] Advanced

Number of weeks:.....................................................

Accommodation Please consult pages 28-43 to find details of the accommodation relevant for your chosen course center. [ ] Host Family

[ ] Hotel HHHH

[ ] Hotel HHH

[ ] Apartment

Optional EF travel services 1. D o you wish to take the EF Cancellation cover?

Payment of course fees The invoice for my course should be sent to:...........................................................................................

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

2. D o you wish to take the Erika Travel


Insurance coverage?

Do you wish to have your enrollment confirmation and visa documents sent to you by international courier?

[ ] Yes (if no, please attach a copy of your own

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

insurance policy in English) 3. D o you wish for us to arrange your travel?

(Please note: this service is compulsory for those requiring entry visas who enroll less than 30 days prior to the course start date. It is also recommended for all countries requiring submission of original documents to obtain a VISA)

[ ] Flight

[ ] Arrival transfer [ ] Departure transfer

I authorize EF to take appropriate action in the event of a medical emergency. I have read and I agree to the conditions outlined on page 50 of this brochure.

If you would like an arrival transfer, please give us

Signature of applicant................................................................................................................................

Date and airport of departure:.................................


your travel information:

Refer a friend! Do you know someone interested in a language course abroad?

Flight no. & airline:....................................................

First Name........................................................Last Name..................................................

Home Address....................................................................................................................

Time and airport of arrival:.......................................



www.ef.com/exec-enq | 49

Terms & Conditions 2015–16 Please note that specific Terms & Conditions apply for the Ashridge destination and are available online at www.ef.com/efc/ashridget-c. Do not hesitate to contact us for further information. How to Enroll Please complete the Enrollment Form on the previous page and send it to us with the nonrefundable Enrollment Fee of US$150 (plus optional Cancellation & Rebooking cover of US$110 and courier fee if required). As soon as we receive your Enrollment Form, we will send confirmation of your acceptance to the course, along with an invoice detailing the payment due. We must receive your payment at least 30 days before your course begins. If you are enrolling in a course that begins within 30 days, send the Enrollment Fee, optional Cancellation Cover, and Course price along with the Enrollment Form. If your application is not successful, all of these fees will be returned to you immediately. The Total Fees for your Course The total fees are as follows: • Enrollment Fee: US$150 • Optional Cancellation & Re-booking cover: US$110 • Optional Transfer Service Fee (varies based on destination) • Course Fee (varies based on course type, destination, duration and accommodation) • Optional Courier for rapid receipt of documents • Optional social activities, excursions and trips (prices vary) What is included in your Course Fee? • Course of choice (total tuition time varies according to programme type) • Single room in homestay at EF Executive Language Institutes. Single or shared room in homestay or residence, depending on destination, at EF International Language Centers • Breakfast & dinner Monday-Friday with all meals at weekends in homestay • Academic and learning materials when studying at our EF Executive Language Institutes (fees apply at EF International Language Centers and vary depending on course, duration and language) • Wi-Fi access at the EF school • Placement and progress tracker • EF Course Certificate and EFSET Graduation Report (EF International Language Centers) • One year Premium access to EF’s teacher-led cloud-based school when studying at our EF Executive Language Institutes Methods of Payment The Enrollment Fee and the Course price can be paid: 1. To your local EF office or representative. 2. By direct transfer from your bank to the below: For US$ payments: Account Holder: EF Language Colleges Ltd Bank: Credit Suisse, Schwanenplatz 8, 6004 Luzern, Switzerland Account: 303195-22-2 IBAN: CH25 0483 5030 3195 2200 2 SWIFT: CRESCHZZ60A Clearing Number: 4835 For EUR € payments: Account Holder: EF Language Colleges Ltd Bank: Credit Suisse, Schwanenplatz 8, 6004 Luzern, Switzerland Account: 303195-22-3 IBAN: CH95 0483 5030 3195 2200 3 SWIFT: CRESCHZZ60A Clearing Number: 4835 Please send a copy of this transaction with the enrollment form. Any transfer should make reference to the full name of the participant in order to ensure quick and proper credit and booking number to his/her account. Pre-departure information package Once we receive your booking, you will receive a test to fill in and a pre-departure package including information about the selected school and accommodation, confirmation of your flight and airport transfer if we arrange these for you and all visa information if applicable. Passports and visas Each student is responsible for having a valid passport and any applicable visas. Flights and Transfers We can help you to book your flight and transfer. Please contact us for more information. If EF books flights on a student’s request, the student acknowledges and agrees to be bound by the airline’s policies and terms and conditions. EF is not responsible for airline schedule changes, cancellations or mechanical-, weather-, labor dispute- or capacity-related flight delays. Any airline fees for rebooking, rerouting or cancellation due to the student’s wish to change program, destination, course start or length are the

50 | Language courses abroad

responsibility of the student. EF reserves the right to charge for increases in airline fuel charges and government taxes which are beyond EF’s control. Accommodation and meals • Host family: –– Single room accommodation in our EF Executive Language Institutes. In the USA, your room will be reserved from the Saturday before your course starts until the Saturday after it ends. In the UK, your room is reserved from Sunday evening to Saturday midday after your course ends. Please contact us if you require extra nights (price upon request) –– Twin room accommodation in our EF International Language Centers. Your room will be reserved from the Sunday before your course starts until the Saturday after it ends. Please contact us if you require extra nights (price upon request). Students should arrange to arrive/depart on these days, as arriving earlier or later at accommodation may incur additional fees • Hotel accommodation: –– We have discounted rates for different tiers of hotels. Please contact your EF office for more information Public Holidays In the event of a Public Holiday in the host country, the EF International Language Center will be closed. Classes missed for Public Holidays will not be made up at a later date. The EF Executive Language Institute in Boston, USA will also be closed during Public Holidays but classes missed will be made up at a later date. Please note that EF Executive Language Institute in Cambridge, UK does not close on public holidays except Christmas week. All intakes are on Mondays. In the event that an observed public holiday falls on a Monday, the intake will then take place on the following Tuesday. Please contact your local sales office for holiday information. Booked accommodation is available to students during school breaks and holidays. Duration of Lessons EF language lessons have a duration of 40 minutes, except where stated otherwise on the individual location page. Photography and film material By accepting EF’s terms and conditions, the participant accepts that EF freely can use all photography, film and sound material containing the participant that has been created by EF and/or by EF’s staff during the trip, without asking further approval from the participant. Cancellations and Refund Policy All cancellations and terminations must be made in writing to the nearest EF office, EF local representative or EF School Director. In all cases the Enrollment Fee, the Courier Fee and the optional Cancellation & Re-booking Cover Fee are non-refundable. In the event that the World Health Organization (WHO), or an international governmental health authority issues a countryspecific travel warning or forbids travel, EF customers have the right to postpone or re-book travel within a period of 365 days. If students wish to cancel, the below stated cancellation stipulations apply. If the student arrives late or is absent during the course, no refund will be granted. Cancellations before course starts The Course Fee comprises two elements: Tuition Fee (40%) and the Student Services and Accommodation Fee (60%). The Tuition Fee is fully refundable if the student cancels more than 14 days prior to the course start date. Additional refunds will be made from the Student Services and Accommodation Fee as follows: • If the student cancels 45 days or more before the start of the course the student will receive a full refund, except for the Enrollment Fee and Cancellation Cover. • If the student cancels less than 45 days prior to departure, EF will retain 40% of the Student Services and Accommodation Fee (max. US$2500) to cover the cost of pre-paid accommodation and services. For destinations in the United States - Same Day Cancellation Prior to the Start of Class: If an applicant accepted by EF enters the United States on an I-20 obtained through EF and subsequently cancels prior to the start of scheduled classes or never attends class, EF may retain: • For a program of less than 12 weeks: all the tuition charges for up to four weeks, actual housing costs incurred by EF, and a maximum total of US$500 for non-refundable charges including housing administration fees. • For a program of 12 weeks or more: all the tuition charges for up to six weeks, any actual housing costs incurred by EF and a maximum

total of US$500 for non-refundable charges, including housing administration fees. Withdrawals after course starts All withdrawals need to be made in writing to EF. If the student wishes to withdraw from their course after arrival at the center, they must inform the EF School Director and sign a copy of the course change notification form. Refunds are made by the EF office or representative where the course fees were paid. For non-U.S. destinations: If a student withdraws from their course after arrival at the center, they must give their EF School Director at least four weeks advance notice. They will receive a full refund for all remaining weeks after the four-week notice period. For U.S. destinations: EF is not obligated to make refunds to students who are terminated due to violation of EF’s written disciplinary and/or attendance policies or local, state, or federal laws. For courses four weeks or less: EF may retain all the tuition charges for the course. EF may retain any actual housing costs incurred and a maximum total of US$500 for nonrefundable charges, including any application/ registration fees, courier fees, travel/cancellation cover and the housing administration fee. For courses longer than four weeks: For students who withdraw at any point in the first four weeks, EF may retain the charges applicable to the first four weeks. EF may retain any actual housing costs incurred and a maximum total of US$500 for non-refundable charges, including any application/registration fees, courier fees, travel/cancellation cover and the housing administration fee. Cancellation and Re-booking cover EF offers optional Cancellation and Re-booking cover for a one-time fee of US$110. This fee must be paid at the same time as the Enrollment Fee and is non-refundable. If you choose to take Cancellation and Re-booking cover and are forced to cancel before departure due to illness, or illness in your immediate family, EF will refund the full Course price, irrespective of when notice is received. The cover fee itself, the Enrollment Fee and the Courier Fee are non-refundable. Note: a doctor’s certificate must be provided with each claim within 10 days of the claim. The cancellation and Re-booking cover is only valid for one Rebooking or one Cancellation. Travel and Medical Insurance Coverage All students are required to have medical and accident insurance coverage. EF has negotiated and entered into a tailor-made travel insurance group policy with the insurance provider Erika Insurance Ltd. under which EF Education First Ltd and EF International Language Schools Ltd are the policyholders. Students may choose to be beneficiaries under this group policy. Please contact your EF representative for prices. If the student does not wish to be covered by this insurance coverage, they will need to provide EF with a copy in English of the alternative insurance policy they have taken out individually. Re-booking Fee Each time you request a change of course town, course date, or type of accommodation after your initial enrollment, EF will charge you a re-booking fee of US$130 which is payable immediately. (This does not apply to students who are extending their course.) Printing Errors While EF makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of its publications, it cannot be held responsible for typographical or printing errors (including prices). Protection for our Customers EF provides complete financial protection for customers, formalized according to EC directives, through an insurance policy that guarantees your money back, and your repatriation in the event of the company’s failure. Liability and Force Majeure EF will not be liable in any way to the student for any loss, damage, inconvenience, delay in performance or failure to perform in connection with the provision of any goods or services due to causes beyond EF’s reasonable control, including, but not limited to, reasons of fire, natural disasters, act of government, failure of suppliers or contractors, labor disputes or other criminal, terrorist or threatened terrorist activities, public health emergency or any other cause beyond the direct control of EF. EF will not be liable for loss, damage, or injury to persons or property howsoever caused, save where the liability is expressly imposed beyond exclusion by statute. These conditions do not affect your rights as defined by the consumer protection laws in your host country.

EF’s Learning Guarantee Our experience shows that, on average, a student will progress to a new level of the EF scale upon completion of 2 weeks of language training in our EF Executive Language Institutes. After level 8, progress from one level to the next may require longer (4-6 weeks) courses. This is due to the increased complexity of language acquisition at those levels. Progress rate will also depend on individual qualifications such as mother tongue, attendance, time spent on homework and individual study techniques. If learning goals are not met, taking the above into consideration, our learning guarantee will allow you to study free of charge at our Teacher-led Cloud-based School, until you reach your predetermined goals. The Learning Guarantee is valid for all courses offered in English at our EF Executive Language Institutes in Boston and Cambridge. If you attend all your classes and complete every assignment at our EF International Language Centers, we guarantee that you will advance one course level every eight weeks. After level 8, progress from one level to the next may require longer (10-12 weeks) courses. If you do not, you are entitled to study for free until you do. Students who choose to continue studying for free under our learning guarantee are responsible for all other costs, including but not limited to accommodation, meals, travel and visa fees. If visa regulations prohibit a student from extending their stay in their study country, they can continue to study English for free when they return home online at englishtown.com with teacher-led classes. iLab Lessons iLab lessons are currently available at all our schools. Student enrolled in a course at our EF Executive Language Institutes are entitled to a one year Premium access to EF’s teacher-led cloudbased school. Student Code of Conduct Students agree to abide by student conduct rules and other policies while enrolled in EF programs. Inappropriate conduct includes illegal activity or behavior that deliberately disrupts the learning environment or damages EF property or the property of fellow classmates. Students in breach of this code of conduct will be expelled or suspended from the program and no refund will be issued. Validity of Brochure Prices The prices published in this brochure are based upon currency exchange rates in effect at the time of writing (08.08.2015). They are therefore subject to change, up to 30 days before your departure. The prices in this brochure are valid until September 30, 2016. Personal data Your personal data will be processed by EF both within and outside the EU/EEA/Switzerland, primarily for the purpose of completing your booking, providing you with the products and services that you have ordered (including travel insurance coverage), customer service and marketing services. We may share your personal data with our corporate affiliates, claims handlers and business partners both within and outside the EU/EEA/Switzerland. EF processes your personal data in compliance with applicable data protection legislation. If you have questions about EF’s processing of your personal data, would like to have a copy of the information EF holds about you, or have inaccurate personal data rectified or erased, please contact EF Education First Ltd or EF International Language Schools Ltd at Haldenstrasse 4, Lucerne, Switzerland. All our courses are organized by EF International Language Schools Ltd, Switzerland, for EU destinations, and EF Education First Ltd, Switzerland, for non-EU destinations. EF Language Colleges Ltd is responsible for promoting the sale of the products in the name and on behalf of EF Education First Ltd and EF International Language Schools Ltd. Governing law This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the student’s home country, without regard to conflict of law provisions. Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this agreement must be resolved by a court located in the student’s home country. Switzerland EF Language Colleges Ltd. Haldenstrasse 4 6006 Luzern Switzerland United Kingdom EF Corporate Solutions 22 Chelsea Manor Street London SW3 5RL United Kingdom Tel: +44 207 341 8500 www.ef.com/exec-enq executive.team@ef.com

EF Research Network EF has established several longstanding partnerships with leading academic institutions. These partnerships allow EF’s and our partners’ researchers and linguists to work together on joint projects, share research, data and best practices. The results of these joint projects help shape EF’s language training solutions. Collaboration with Cambridge University EF has established a Research Unit at the University of Cambridge Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics to promote innovation in language learning and assessment. Our distinguished team of scientists and linguists are jointly conducting research at the cutting edge of technology to fundamentally improve the way students learn English. Other research partnerships We also have established research partnerships with Harvard Graduate School of Education, the Peking University and Moscow State University.

Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics

Accreditations and memberships The EF Executive Language Institute in Cambridge is accredited by the British Council

The EF Executive Language Institute in Cambridge is a member of EnglishUK

The EF Executive Language Institute in Boston is accredited by ACCET

All EF Executive Language Institutes are certified by Southern New Hampshire University

The EF Executive Language Institute in Boston is a member of EnglishUSA

The EF International Language Centers in Munich, Madrid, Paris and Rome are accredited by EAQUALS

The EF International Language Center in Paris is recognized with the label Qualité Français Langue Etrangère

The EF International Language Center in Munich is a member of Fadaf

Contact EF today www.ef.com/exec-enq Global contact: +44 (0)207 341 8638 executive.team@ef.com For individual country contact details please visit www.ef.com/executive


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