TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION CorpAccount Web service v1.01 .
CorpAccount Web service Technical Documentation
Last updated on May 18, 2012 1
TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION CorpAccount Web service v1.01 .
CorpAccount Web service Table of contents CorpAccount Web service ............................................................................................................... 2 About this document ........................................................................................................................ 2 1. Disclaimer ................................................................................................................................. 2 2. EF Web services – General information .................................................................................. 2 2.1. The EF Online School Web services platform ............................................................. 2
Implementing EF Web services ................................................................................... 3
Authentication .............................................................................................................. 3
Testing the Web service .............................................................................................. 4
CorpAccount Web service ........................................................................................................ 5 3.1. Examples of how the functions can be used ............................................................... 5 3.2.
Error reporting .............................................................................................................. 6
Description of the CreateLoginSession function ......................................................... 6
The CreateMember function ........................................................................................ 7
The ActivateSubscription function ............................................................................... 9
The CreateMemberAndActivateSubscription function ............................................... 10
The CancelSubscription function ............................................................................... 12
The ResetTestResult function ................................................................................... 12
XML examples ........................................................................................................................ 14 4.1. CreateLoginSession .................................................................................................. 14 4.2.
CreateMember ........................................................................................................... 16
ActivateSubscription .................................................................................................. 18
CreateMemberAndActivateSubscription.................................................................... 20
CancelSubscription .................................................................................................... 22
ResetTestResult ........................................................................................................ 24
About this document This document is the technical documentation on the Web service currently referred to as the CorpAccount Web service.
1. Disclaimer This document serves as a technical reference when implanting a client that can talk to the CorpAccount Web service. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with Web services.
2. EF Web services – General information 2.1. The EF Online School Web services platform The EF Online school Web services platform uses open protocols: XML defines the message structure, SOAP acts as the message envelope and HTTP/HTTPS is used for the transport layer. XML provides a language which is platform and programming language agnostic and can still express complex messages and operations. HTTP is the protocol for normal web surfing and as
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TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION CorpAccount Web service v1.01 . such few firewalls or routers blocks it, ensuring maximum Internet penetration. HTTPS provides security by ensuring that the traffic is encrypted.
2.2. Implementing EF Web services EF will provide an URI, a link, to the Web service. The URI will be in the form of https:// <domain> <path-to-service> / <servicename> .svc Example:
A WSDL file describing the Web service in XML is available at http:// <domain> <servicename> / <servicename> .svc.wsdl.xml Example: partner/corp/wsdl/CorpAccountService/CorpAccountService.svc.wsdl.xml
Once the WSDL file is obtained, the extension “.xml” can be removed. From the WSDL file, a client to interact with the Web service can be automatically generated. Note Using a browser to go to the Web service URI will usually take you to an automatically generated page of little value. This is because the Browser uses the HTTP GET method when accessing the URI. The Web service is designed to use the HTTP POST method. The automatically generated client will use the POST method and get different results than the browser will.
2.3. Authentication To be able to use the Web service, the customer organization must authenticate itself. The available methods are: 1. Username and password 2. Certificate exchange If using username and password, the username and password are specific to Web service usage. The credentials are passed with each call to the Web service. Example: •
John Smith is an employee of Democorporation. He has an EF username of “johnsmith008” and a password of “seret08Pass”.
Democorporation has a Web service username of “democorp” and a password of “ckWe02&JHn”.
It is only the Web service username and password that can be used to authenticate to EF Web services, in this case “democorp” and “ckWe02&JHn”.
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2.4. Testing the Web service EFâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s test environment should be used to test the Web service. This environment is available at When testing, the generated client must be modified to use the staging domain as the service endpoint. The testing endpoint will follow this pattern: <path-to-service> / <servicename> .svc Example:
The staging databases are completely separate from the live production databases. This means that any action completed in the staging environment did not happen in the production environment (such as creating users). Note The staging environment is updated every three weeks. During Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of the update week, staging behavior is not reliable. Please contact EF for information on when the next update is expected.
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TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION CorpAccount Web service v1.01 .
3. CorpAccount Web service The CorpAccount Web service consists of six functions. •
CreateLoginSession – used to log registered Students into the Online school.
CreateMember – calling this function will create a membership in EF’s Online school and allow a user to take the Business English Skills Test.
ActivateSubscription – this function activates the subscription for an existing member, allowing the student to log in to the school and study for as long as the subscription is active.
CreateMemberAndActivateSubscription – combines the CreateMember function and the ActivateSubscription function into a single call.
CancelSubscripton – this function cancels a subscription for a student. It is suitable to use when employees quit the customer organization.
ResetTestResults – allows resetting of a Business English Skills Test result. This function is useful to force students to retake the Business English Skills Test.
The CorpAccount Web service serves as a small but powerful API for entering students into the Online school.
3.1. Examples of how the functions can be used 3.1.1. Scenario 1. Taking the Business English Skills Test The customer organization wants users to take the Business English Skills Test and based on the result approve continued studying for certain employees. 1. The customer would provide a one time link inside its LMS for employees to click. 2. When clicked, the CorpAccount Web service is invoked with the CreateMember function. The LMS supplies all necessary information, such as name and e-mail address, in the Web service call. 3. The CreateMember function returns a link which the LMS can use to redirect the user to the Online school. Since the user has no test result yet, he or she is presented with the Business English Skills Test. 3.1.2. Scenario 2. Activating subscriptions and entering the school The employees that should receive English training have been selected after taking the test. It is now desired that they get their subscriptions activated and can start studying. 1. The customer provides the relevant students with a one-time link in the LMS. 2. When clicked, the CorpAccount Web service is invoked with the ActivateSubscription function. The LMS provides the relevant details such as what kind of subscription it is, how long it lasts and what features are available. Most likely, the details of the subscription have been agreed upon earlier between EF and the customer. The Web service call simply passes on a reference to which of the agreed upon subscriptions this particular user should use. 3. The ActivateSubscription function returns a link which the LMS can use to redirect the user to the Online school. If all necessary steps have been taken, the user can now begin using the school.
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3.2. Error reporting All functions follow the same pattern when they are unsuccessfully invoked. A “Success” flag value returns false, accompanied by an error code. All error codes can be seen in Table 1. Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Description The credentials for the Web service user are not valid. Contact EF. Contact EF. No subscription could be found for the identified student The specified member could not be loaded. Contact EF. A login session could not be created. Contact EF. Contact EF. A subscription could not be activated. The specified subscription could not be cancelled. Contact EF. No partner code could be loaded for this Division. The Partner code of the Web service user and the Partner code of the specified division are not identical. 15 There is an existing Online school student using the specified email address. 16 There is an existing Online school student using the specified employee id (Note that students belonging to different companies can use the same employee id). 17 The supplied license code is not valid. 18 The specified password is incompatible with EF’s system. 19 The specified country code is invalid. 20 The specified language code is invalid. 21 The specified Employee id does not match the specified member id. Note that employee id has to be updated by a separate function. 22 Contact EF. 99 Contact EF. Table 1. The error codes for the CorpAccount Web service.
3.3. Description of the CreateLoginSession function 3.3.1. Purpose Normal login to the school is done by calling the CreateLoginSession function. The function only works for existing users. 3.3.2. Parameters CreateLoginSession takes two parameters: a name-value pair. The first parameter is the identification type the user will provide, for example a username or an e-mail address. The second parameter is the identification type value, for example “johnsmith008” or “”. The five available identification types are listed in Table 2.
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Identification type MemberId
Description Generated by EF. A unique number used in the process of creating a new member of the online school. The value of this parameter is a result of another EF Web service call. SubscriptionId Generated by EF. A unique number, used in the process of creating an online school student account. The value is created during subscription activation. UserName Generated by EF: A unique fixed value, constructed by EF during member creation. Email The user’s email address. The user is allowed to change this address. Employee id The customer defined unique id of the user. If using the employee id as an identifier, the Students’ division code must also be supplied. The division is explained in Table 5. Table 2. Parameter types for the CreateLoginSession, ActivateSubscription, CancelSubscription and ResetTestResult functions. 3.3.3. Results When successful If successful, CreateLoginSession returns a ”Success” flag, a message of “0” and the information seen in Table 3. Name Description LaunchUrl An encrypted checksum which when clicked will log in the user. Table 3. The results of a successful call to of CreateLoginSession. Per default, the link is valid for approximately 10 minutes. The length of time can be customized per agreement. Link example: 347d1bd85502c499e8d43 Note: After the link is clicked, the user is identified using an encrypted cookie. As long as the user keeps the cookie, there is no need for a new Sign-On using the Web service. When unsuccessful If unsuccessful, CreateLoginSession will return a “Success” false flag along with an error code. Error codes are seen in Table 1.
3.4. The CreateMember function 3.4.1. Purpose Calling the CreateMember function will create a membership in EF’s Online school and allow a user to take the Business English Skills Test.
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TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION CorpAccount Web service v1.01 . 3.4.2. Parameters CreateMember requires the parameters seen in Table 4 to work: Name First name Last name E-mail address
Description The first name of the employee The last name of the employee The E-mail address of the employee. This address cannot be associated with another Online school account. Overwrite existing Whether information should be updated (overwritten) if the member member already exists. Note that the email address and the employee id cannot be updated. The value supplied can either be ‘true’ or ‘false’. Table 4. Required parameters for the CreateMember function. In addition, the information in Table 5 is requested for a satisfactory user experience: Name Password
Description The desired password for the employee. This will be auto generated if not supplied. Division code The unique identifier of the group this employee belongs to. The group is called the Division and is decided by EF and the customer together. Employee id The unique identifier of the employee within the customer organization Country code The ISO3166 country code that is relevant for this employee Language code The language code which will be used to determine in which language the employee will see the Online school in Table 5. Optional items for the CreateMember function. 3.4.3. Results When successful If successful, CreateMember returns a ”Success” –flag, a message of “0” and the information seen in Table 6. Name MemberId LaunchUrl
Description A number. EF’s unique identifier for this member A link to the Online school containing an encrypted checksum. When the link is followed, that will log in the user. Table 6. The results of a successful invocation of the CreateMember function. Per default, the link is valid for approximately 10 minutes. The length of time can be customized per agreement. Link example: 347d1bd85502c499e8d43 Note: After the link is clicked, the user is identified using an encrypted cookie. As long as the user keeps the cookie, there is no need for a new Sign-On using the Web service. When unsuccessful If unsuccessful, CreateMember will return a “Success” false flag along with an error code. Error codes are seen in Table 1. Last updated on May 18, 2012 8
TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION CorpAccount Web service v1.01 .
3.5. The ActivateSubscription function 3.5.1. Purpose Activate subscriptions for users in the online school. Each activation costs money. Usually a number of licenses has been bought and for each activation, one license is used up. 3.5.2. Parameters ActivateSubscription requires the parameters seen in Table 7 to work: Name Identification Type Identification Value
Description What type of ID that will be supplied. These can be seen in Table 2. The value for each type of id, for example the actual e-mail address if the chosen type is e-mail. Redemption Type What type of authorization will be supplied. The possible types are PassThroughService, PreConfigured and Auto. These are described in Table 8. Redemption Code A valid EF license code. A license code can be redeemed a finite number of times. Table 7. The parametes of the ActivateSubscription function. Name PassThroughService
Description Indicates that the license code will be supplied in the Web service request. Use this type if sending the relevant license code with each Web service request. PreConfigured Indicates that there is one static license code, configured at the EF side, which will be used for all Web service requests. If using this option, there is no need to supply a license code. Auto A combination of PassThroughService and Preconfigured. EF will first check for a license code in the Web service request, the same as if PassThroughService was used. If no license code is present, EF will check for a preconfigured license code, just as if the Preconfigured type was used. Table 8. Possible redemption types for subscription activation.
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TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION CorpAccount Web service v1.01 . 3.5.3. Results When successful If successful, ActivateSubscription returns a ”Success” flag, a message of “0” and the information seen in Table 9. Name Description SubscriptionId A number. EF’s unique identifier for this subscription LaunchUrl An encrypted checksum which when clicked will log in the user. Table 9. The results of a successful call to of ActivateSubscription. Per default, the link is valid for approximately 10 minutes. The length of time can be customized per agreement. Link example: 347d1bd85502c499e8d43 Note: After the link is clicked, the user is identified using an encrypted cookie. As long as the user keeps the cookie, there is no need for a new Sign-On using the Web service. When unsuccessful If unsuccessful, ActivateSubscription will return a “Success” false flag along with an error code. Error codes are seen in Table 1.
3.6. The CreateMemberAndActivateSubscription function 3.6.1. Purpose Calling the CreateMemberAndActivateSubscription function creates a member with an active subscription. It combines the CreateMember and the ActivateSubscription function into a single call. 3.6.2. Parameters CreateMemberAndActivateSubscription requires the parameters seen in Table 10 to work: Name First name Last name E-mail address
Description The first name of the employee The last name of the employee The E-mail address of the employee. This address cannot be associated with another Online school account. Overwrite existing Whether information should be updated (overwritten) if the member member already exists. Note that the email address and the employee id cannot be updated. The value supplied can either be ‘true’ or ‘false’. True is recommend (see below). Redemption Type What type of authorization will be supplied. The possible types are PassThroughService, PreConfigured and Auto. These are described in Table 8. Redemption Code A valid EF license code. A license code can be redeemed a finite number of times. Table 10. Required parameters for the CreateMemberAndSubscriptionActivation function.
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TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION CorpAccount Web service v1.01 . Note: For CreateMemberAndActivateSubscription it is recommended that the “Overwrite existing member” value always be true. This is because otherwise it is possible that an invocation fails due to previous failed invocations of the function. An example would be that the function is called using a faulty license code. When the license code is corrected and the function is called again, it fails because now a member already exists. Setting “overwrite existing member” to ‘true’ solves this problem. The information in Table 11 is requested for a satisfactory user experience: Name Password
Description The desired password for the employee. This will be auto generated if not supplied. Division code The unique identifier of the group this employee belongs to. The group is called the Division and is decided by EF and the customer together. Employee id The unique identifier of the employee within the customer organization Country code The ISO3166 country code that is relevant for this employee Language code The language code which will be used to determine in which language the employee will see the Online school in Table 11. Optional items for the CreateMemberAndActivateSubscription function. 3.6.3. Results When successful If successful, CreateMemberAndActivateSubscription returns a ”Success” -flag, a message of “0” and the information seen in Table 12. Name MemberId SubscriptionId LaunchUrl
Description A number. EF’s unique identifier for this member A number. EF’s unique identifier for this subscription A link to the Online school containing an encrypted checksum. When the link is followed, that will log in the user. Table 12. The results of a successful invocation of the CreateMember function. Per default, the link is valid for approximately 10 minutes. The length of time can be customized per agreement. Link example: 347d1bd85502c499e8d43 Note: After the link is clicked, the user is identified using an encrypted cookie. As long as the user keeps the cookie, there is no need for a new Sign-On using the Web service. When unsuccessful If unsuccessful, CreateMemberAndActivateSubscription will return a “Success” false flag along with an error code. Error codes are seen in Table 1.
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3.7. The CancelSubscription function 3.7.1. Purpose Cancels a subscription, so that the student using the subscription cannot study in the Online school anymore. 3.7.2. Parameters CancelSubscription makes use of the parameters seen in Table 13 to work: Name Identification Type Identification Value
Description What type of ID that will be supplied. These can be seen in Table 2. The value for each type of id, for example the actual e-mail address if the chosen type is e-mail. Table 13. The parametes of the CancelSubscription function. Note If supplying anything other than the Subscription identifier, all subscriptions associated with the identified student will be cancelled. 3.7.3. Results When successful If successful, CancelSubscription returns a ”Success” flag and a message of “0”. Nothing else is returned. When unsuccessful If unsuccessful, CancelSubscription will return a “Success” false flag along with an error code. Error codes are seen in Table 1.
3.8. The ResetTestResult function 3.8.1. Purpose ResetTestResult resets the Business English Skills Test (BEST) result for a student. This will force the student to have to retake the test. 3.8.2. Parameters ResetTestResult makes use of the parameters seen in Table 13 to work: Name Identification Type Identification Value
Description What type of ID that will be supplied. These can be seen in Table 2. The value for each type of id, for example the actual e-mail address if the chosen type is e-mail. Table 14. The parametes of the ResetTesetResult function. 3.8.3. Results When successful If successful, ResetTestResult returns a ”Success” flag and a message of “0”. Nothing else is returned.
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TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION CorpAccount Web service v1.01 . When unsuccessful If unsuccessful, ResetTestResult will return a “Success” false flag along with an error code. Error codes are seen in Table 1.
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4. XML examples 4.1. CreateLoginSession 4.1.1. CreateLoginSession request <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:u=""> <s:Header> <o:Security s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:o=""> <u:Timestamp u:Id="_0"> <u:Created>2011-10-25T06:18:00.745Z</u:Created> <u:Expires>2011-10-25T06:23:00.745Z</u:Expires> </u:Timestamp> <o:UsernameToken u:Id="uuid-a05f47a3-46f7-4636-81190098eea7c61f-5"> <o:Username>Exampleuser</o:Username> <o:Password Type="">Topsecret</o:Password> </o:UsernameToken> </o:Security> </s:Header> <s:Body> <CreateLoginSession xmlns=""> <createLoginSessionParams xmlns:a="EFSchools.Englishtown.Commerce.Client.Partners.Corp" xmlns:i=""> <a:StudentIdentity> <a:IdentityType>EmployeeId</a:IdentityType> <a:IdentityValue>john.doe.example.01</a:IdentityValue> <a:DivisionCode>Exampledivision</a:DivisionCode> </a:StudentIdentity> </createLoginSessionParams> </CreateLoginSession> </s:Body> </s:Envelope>
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TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION CorpAccount Web service v1.01 . 4.1.2. CreateLoginSession response <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:u=""> <s:Header> <o:Security s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:o=""> <u:Timestamp u:Id="_0"> <u:Created>2011-10-25T06:15:11.919Z</u:Created> <u:Expires>2011-10-25T06:20:11.919Z</u:Expires> </u:Timestamp> </o:Security> </s:Header> <s:Body> <CreateLoginSessionResponse xmlns=""> <CreateLoginSessionResult xmlns:a="EFSchools.Englishtown.Commerce.Client.Partners.Corp" xmlns:i=""> <a:Success>true</a:Success> <a:LaunchUrl> /SingleSignOn.ashx?sid=b4946be8b465463a99fdd2376a8272b6</a:LaunchUrl> <a:Message>0</a:Message> </CreateLoginSessionResult> </CreateLoginSessionResponse> </s:Body> </s:Envelope>
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4.2. CreateMember 4.2.1. CreateMember request <s:Envelope> <s:Header> <o:Security s:mustUnderstand="1"> <u:Timestamp u:Id="_0"> <u:Created>2011-10-25T06:12:48.836Z</u:Created> <u:Expires>2011-10-25T06:17:48.836Z</u:Expires> </u:Timestamp> <o:UsernameToken u:Id="uuid-a05f47a3-46f7-4636-81190098eea7c61f-1"> <o:Username>Exampleuser</o:Username> <o:Password Type="">Topsecret</o:Password> </o:UsernameToken> </o:Security> </s:Header> <s:Body> <CreateMember> <createMemberParams> <a:FirstName>John</a:FirstName> <a:LastName>Doe</a:LastName> <a:Email></a:Email> <a:DivisionCode>Exampledivision</a:DivisionCode> <a:EmployeeId>john.doe.example.01</a:EmployeeId> <a:Password>secret</a:Password> <a:CountryCode>fr</a:CountryCode> <a:LanguageCode>en</a:LanguageCode> <a:OverwriteExistingMember>true</a:OverwriteExistingMember> </createMemberParams> </CreateMember> </s:Body> </s:Envelope>
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TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION CorpAccount Web service v1.01 . 4.2.2. CreateMember response <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:u=""> <s:Header> <o:Security s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:o=""> <u:Timestamp u:Id="_0"> <u:Created>2011-10-25T06:10:04.997Z</u:Created> <u:Expires>2011-10-25T06:15:04.997Z</u:Expires> </u:Timestamp> </o:Security> </s:Header> <s:Body> <CreateMemberResponse xmlns=""> <CreateMemberResult xmlns:a="EFSchools.Englishtown.Commerce.Client.Partners.Corp" xmlns:i=""> <a:Success>true</a:Success> <a:MemberId>23493883</a:MemberId> <a:LaunchUrl> /SingleSignOn.ashx?sid=5d5f48d35e52470e96324aad61568929</a:LaunchUrl> <a:Message>0</a:Message> </CreateMemberResult> </CreateMemberResponse> </s:Body> </s:Envelope>
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4.3. ActivateSubscription 4.3.1. ActivateSubscription request <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:u=""> <s:Header> <o:Security s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:o=""> <u:Timestamp u:Id="_0"> <u:Created>2011-10-25T06:16:03.537Z</u:Created> <u:Expires>2011-10-25T06:21:03.537Z</u:Expires> </u:Timestamp> <o:UsernameToken u:Id="uuid-a05f47a3-46f7-4636-81190098eea7c61f-3"> <o:Username>Exampleuser</o:Username> <o:Password Type="">Topsecret</o:Password> </o:UsernameToken> </o:Security> </s:Header> <s:Body> <ActivateSubscription xmlns=""> <activateSubscriptionParams xmlns:a="EFSchools.Englishtown.Commerce.Client.Partners.Corp" xmlns:i=""> <a:StudentIdentity> <a:IdentityType>EmployeeId</a:IdentityType> <a:IdentityValue>john.doe.example.01</a:IdentityValue> <a:DivisionCode>Exampledivision</a:DivisionCode> </a:StudentIdentity> <a:RedemptionCodeProvisionInfo> <a:RedemptionProvisionType>PassThroughService</a:RedemptionProvisionTyp e> <a:RedemptionCode>1234567890ABCD</a:RedemptionCode> </a:RedemptionCodeProvisionInfo> </activateSubscriptionParams> </ActivateSubscription> </s:Body> </s:Envelope>
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TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION CorpAccount Web service v1.01 . 4.3.2. ActivateSubscription response <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:u=""> <s:Header> <o:Security s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:o=""> <u:Timestamp u:Id="_0"> <u:Created>2011-10-25T06:13:39.419Z</u:Created> <u:Expires>2011-10-25T06:18:39.419Z</u:Expires> </u:Timestamp> </o:Security> </s:Header> <s:Body> <ActivateSubscriptionResponse xmlns=""> <ActivateSubscriptionResult xmlns:a="EFSchools.Englishtown.Commerce.Client.Partners.Corp" xmlns:i=""> <a:Success>true</a:Success> <a:SubscriptionId>693573</a:SubscriptionId> <a:LaunchUrl> /SingleSignOn.ashx?sid=4d63cb6738924486a3d515f6b50f8379</a:LaunchUrl> <a:Message>0</a:Message> </ActivateSubscriptionResult> </ActivateSubscriptionResponse> </s:Body> </s:Envelope>
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4.4. CreateMemberAndActivateSubscription 4.4.1. CreateMemberAndActivateSubscription request <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:u=""> <s:Header> <o:Security s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:o=""> <u:Timestamp u:Id="_0"> <u:Created>2011-10-25T06:21:42.926Z</u:Created> <u:Expires>2011-10-25T06:26:42.926Z</u:Expires> </u:Timestamp> <o:UsernameToken u:Id="uuid-a05f47a3-46f7-4636-81190098eea7c61f-11"> <o:Username>Exampleuser</o:Username> <o:Password Type="">Topsecret</o:Password> </o:UsernameToken> </o:Security> </s:Header> <s:Body> <CreateMemberAndActivateSubscription xmlns=""> <createAccountParams xmlns:a="EFSchools.Englishtown.Commerce.Client.Partners.Corp" xmlns:i=""> <a:FirstName>John</a:FirstName> <a:LastName>Doe</a:LastName> <a:Email></a:Email> <a:DivisionCode>Exampledivision</a:DivisionCode> <a:EmployeeId>john.doe.example.01</a:EmployeeId> <a:Password>secret</a:Password> <a:CountryCode>fr</a:CountryCode> <a:LanguageCode>en</a:LanguageCode> <a:OverwriteExistingMember>true</a:OverwriteExistingMember> <a:RedemptionCodeProvision> <a:RedemptionProvisionType>PassThroughService</a:RedemptionProvisionTyp e> <a:RedemptionCode>1234567890ABCD</a:RedemptionCode> </a:RedemptionCodeProvision> </createAccountParams> </CreateMemberAndActivateSubscription> </s:Body> </s:Envelope>
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TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION CorpAccount Web service v1.01 . 4.4.2. CreateMemberAndActivateSubscription response <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:u=""> <s:Header> <o:Security s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:o=""> <u:Timestamp u:Id="_0"> <u:Created>2011-10-25T06:18:59.965Z</u:Created> <u:Expires>2011-10-25T06:23:59.965Z</u:Expires> </u:Timestamp> </o:Security> </s:Header> <s:Body> <CreateMemberAndActivateSubscriptionResponse xmlns=""> <CreateMemberAndActivateSubscriptionResult xmlns:a="EFSchools.Englishtown.Commerce.Client.Partners.Corp" xmlns:i=""> <a:Success>true</a:Success> <a:MemberId>23493883</a:MemberId> <a:SubscriptionId>693574</a:SubscriptionId> <a:LaunchUrl> /SingleSignOn.ashx?sid=db27580099fe4db5a8fc578a9a595102</a:LaunchUrl> <a:Message>0</a:Message> </CreateMemberAndActivateSubscriptionResult> </CreateMemberAndActivateSubscriptionResponse> </s:Body> </s:Envelope>
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4.5. CancelSubscription 4.5.1. CancelSubscription request <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:u=""> <s:Header> <o:Security s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:o=""> <u:Timestamp u:Id="_0"> <u:Created>2011-10-25T06:19:34.514Z</u:Created> <u:Expires>2011-10-25T06:24:34.514Z</u:Expires> </u:Timestamp> <o:UsernameToken u:Id="uuid-a05f47a3-46f7-4636-81190098eea7c61f-7"> <o:Username>Exampleuser</o:Username> <o:Password Type="">Topsecret</o:Password> </o:UsernameToken> </o:Security> </s:Header> <s:Body> <CancelSubscription xmlns=""> <cancelSubscriptionParams xmlns:a="EFSchools.Englishtown.Commerce.Client.Partners.Corp" xmlns:i=""> <a:StudentIdentity> <a:IdentityType>EmployeeId</a:IdentityType> <a:IdentityValue>john.doe.example.01</a:IdentityValue> <a:DivisionCode>Exampledivision</a:DivisionCode> </a:StudentIdentity> </cancelSubscriptionParams> </CancelSubscription> </s:Body> </s:Envelope>
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TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION CorpAccount Web service v1.01 . 4.5.2. CancelSubscription response <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:u=""> <s:Header> <o:Security s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:o=""> <u:Timestamp u:Id="_0"> <u:Created>2011-10-25T06:16:45.903Z</u:Created> <u:Expires>2011-10-25T06:21:45.903Z</u:Expires> </u:Timestamp> </o:Security> </s:Header> <s:Body> <CancelSubscriptionResponse xmlns=""> <CancelSubscriptionResult xmlns:a="EFSchools.Englishtown.Commerce.Client.Partners.Corp" xmlns:i=""> <a:Success>true</a:Success> <a:Message>0</a:Message> </CancelSubscriptionResult> </CancelSubscriptionResponse> </s:Body> </s:Envelope>
Last updated on May 18, 2012 23
TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION CorpAccount Web service v1.01 .
4.6. ResetTestResult 4.6.1. ResetTestResult request <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:u=""> <s:Header> <o:Security s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:o=""> <u:Timestamp u:Id="_0"> <u:Created>2012-04-28T02:11:22.037Z</u:Created> <u:Expires>2012-04-28T02:16:22.037Z</u:Expires> </u:Timestamp> <o:UsernameToken u:Id="uuid-76a346ee-4a47-467a-a8f2b89b182ce03b-1"> <o:Username>Exampeluser</o:Username> <o:Password Type="">Topsecret</o:Password> </o:UsernameToken> </o:Security> </s:Header> <s:Body> <ResetTestResult xmlns=""> <param xmlns:a="EFSchools.Englishtown.Commerce.Client.Partners.Corp" xmlns:i=""> <a:StudentIdentity> <a:StudentIdentity> <a:IdentityType>EmployeeId</a:IdentityType> <a:IdentityValue>john.doe.example.01</a:IdentityValue> <a:DivisionCode>Exampledivision</a:DivisionCode> </a:StudentIdentity> </param> </ResetTestResult> </s:Body> </s:Envelope>
Last updated on May 18, 2012 24
TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION CorpAccount Web service v1.01 . 4.6.2. ResetTestResult response <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:u=""> <s:Header> <o:Security s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:o=""> <u:Timestamp u:Id="_0"> <u:Created>2012-04-28T02:12:03.755Z</u:Created> <u:Expires>2012-04-28T02:17:03.755Z</u:Expires> </u:Timestamp> </o:Security> </s:Header> <s:Body> <ResetTestResultResponse xmlns=""> <ResetTestResultResult xmlns:a="EFSchools.Englishtown.Commerce.Client.Partners.Corp" xmlns:i=""> <a:Success>true</a:Success> <a:Message>0</a:Message> </ResetTestResultResult> </ResetTestResultResponse> </s:Body> </s:Envelope>
Last updated on May 18, 2012 25