EFESTO offers a wide range of staging possibilities that meet the highest quality and safety standards.BETA stages, for example, is modular table stage in welded aluminium, that allows you to configure any platform for entertainment: stages, grandstands and podiums for city festivals, theater shows, concerts, outdoor or indoors events. Beta Stage is the only table stage on the market that with the long-term use does not buy play because the frame is welded. The stage system with important capacity load is designed to allow an easy assembly, fast and manage the land compensation are not perfectly flat and different heights.
EFESTO offre una vasta gamma di possibilità staging rispondenti ai più elevati standard di qualità e sicurezza. BETA stage è la tavola palco modulare in alluminio che consente la configurazione di qualsiasi piattaforma per spettacoli: palchi, tribune e podi per feste cittadine, per spettacoli teatrali, per concerti, per manifestazioni all’aperto o al chiuso.