Effat University Brochure Aspire to Achieve 2012

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Aspire to Achieve

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Welcome I am pleased to introduce you to Effat University, the first private nonprofit female university in Saudi Arabia. Founded as Effat College in 1999 by the late Queen Effat Al Thunayan, this visionary institution was elevated to university status by royal decree issued by Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud on 3 Safar 1430, corresponding to January 29, 2009. As a result, our national and international visibility has increased and our phased development gathers pace. Effat University aims to grow as an institution of choice and to become a gateway for learning that exemplifies the quest for knowledge, truth, and enlightenment.

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Effat University offers rigorous educational programs conducive to lifelong learning. Students may take courses in the College of Engineering, College of Business, and College of Humanities and Social Sciences, where they will acquire the skills and knowledge to become proficient in a chosen field of study. Our professional staff and international faculty add distinction to our programs and are committed to the success of each student. Together, we foster a stimulating environment to develop the leaders of tomorrow. Our founder created a solid foundation upon which we continually strive to build. Queen Effat gave us hope for the future when she said, “There is no doubt that Saudi women have changed a lot. Today, they are educated, enrolled [in] universities, working professionally, and seeking the development of their country. Every Saudi woman… should receive an education because education enlightens human beings.” Dr. Haifa Reda Jamal Al-Lail President Effat University

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Life at Effat University

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Effat University offers a rich and varied environment full of opportunities for learning, friendships, self-expression, and more. We focus on the whole person, drawing out each student’s unique talents and encouraging healthy social and intellectual development. Through personal academic support, specialized courses, career assistance, internships, and community service events, we enable students to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to achieve personal and professional aspirations.

We strive to find a healthy balance between academic scholarship and personal enjoyment while at Effat University. To achieve this, students are encouraged to play tennis, volleyball, basketball and to participate in clubs such as computing, drama, and photography. They are also invited to become members of student life committees that host social and cultural events for the community.

“The great thing about Effat is that you’re encourged to get involved. It means you discover so much more about yourself and what you can offer the outside world.” Effat graduate

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Our Colleges Students begin their studies at Effat University by taking General Education Department courses in reading, writing, mathematics, natural sciences, languages, religion, technology literacy, and culture. Then students progress to their chosen majors in one of three colleges.

“The faculty and staff are exceptionally devoted to us, spending a lot of time with each of us individually. In particular, they have helped me conquer my fear of English and Computer Studies.” Effat student

College of Engineering College of Engineering courses examine technical and scientific aspects of the modern world. Through classes, seminars, laboratories, and internships, students acquire the skills and knowledge to advance in the fields of architecture, computer and electrical engineering, computer science, and information systems. The Architecture Department teaches students to be holistic thinkers who use creativity and technical skills to shape urban environments that build on tradition and support economic growth. The Computer Sciences Department prepares students to be active participants in the information revolution and to use theory and design skills to build, administer, and apply computer technology to various fields of endeavor. The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department teaches students skills and knowledge related to digital systems, communications, microelectronics, control systems, and robotics. The Information Systems Department teaches students how to weave technology into the fiber of our lives by skillfully applying factors such as time, availability, consistency, accuracy, synchronicity, and hardware and software design.

College of Business Effat University’s College of Business educates students in current theories and best practices employed by modern firms to manage the complexities of the business world, giving them the knowledge and skills needed to establish or manage businesses. We are home to five departments – Marketing, Human Resource Management, Operations and Information Systems, Finance and Accounting, and Entrepreneurship. College of Humanities and Social Sciences The Early Childhood Education Department teaches core theories related to the physical, social, emotional, moral, and cognitive growth and development of young children. Students acquire experience through observation at the Effat Child Development Center and training at local schools. The English and Translation Department helps students refine communication skills, gain a scientific knowledge of English, analyze discourse, learn English-Arabic translation, and appreciate literature. Students participate in cross-cultural communication and come away with a rich understanding of and respect for other languages. The Psychology Department is dedicated to the exploration of mind and behavior in different socio-cultural contexts. The department offers young women the opportunity to build an understanding of how people think and act within society, explore psychological theories, become critical thinkers, and effectively manage a variety of personal and professional issues.

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“From day one, our daughter has learned so much. It is obvious to us that she is flourishing in such a challenging and creative environment.” Mother and Father of Effat student

Support Services

Effat University offers an array of support services such as a state-of-the-art library, high-tech computer, chemistry, biology, physics, and engineering laboratories, and architectural design studios. Students have access to an Olympic-sized swimming pool, recently upgraded restaurant, comfortable student accommodations, and the Effat Child Development Center. To ensure the safety and comfort of all our students, we also provide private transportation to and from campus. Life at Effat extends beyond the campus itself. We have academic partnerships with prestigious institutions across the world, giving our students the opportunity to expand their learning and to experience other cultures.

We have partnerships with the Pratt School of Engineering at Duke University, Madrid’s Instituto de Empresa Business School, the Prince’s School of Traditional Arts in London, and the Cours de Civilisation Française de la Sorbonne in Paris. Through the Alumnae Association and special events, we maintain our relationships with Effat graduates and the broader community in which we serve long after graduation.

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Effat English Academy

The Effat English Academy is open to Effat students and members of the community who want to improve their English language skills. Students may elect to enroll in the one-month General English Program to enhance everyday English skills or the one-semester Academic English Program to ensure linguistic competence for academic studies. Both programs focus on listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary development aided by oneon-one instruction and Computer-Assisted Language Learning.

Through constant encouragement and careful advising, students develop strong English language skills that contribute to personal, social, academic, and professional success.

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Our emphasis is on quality teaching that is in keeping with the Islamic traditions of learning and the values of our society.

Effat University welcomes high school graduates from a variety of backgrounds and school systems. The University seeks applicants with high academic qualifications who are eager to advance their studies at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Effat University PO Box 34689 Jeddah 21478 Saudi Arabia Tel: +966 2 636 4300 Fax: +966 2 637 7447 e-mail: admissions@effatuniversity.edu.sa www.effatuniversity.edu.sa

Each applicant is asked to provide a copy of her high school academic records, appear for a personal interview, and take an English proficiency test (ITP TOEFL or TWE) to ensure a sufficient level of speaking, comprehension, and writing to perform well at university level.

Our doors are always open to prospective students and their families. We would be delighted to give you the opportunity to visit us and discover for yourself what Effat has to offer. For more information, please visit our website at www.effatuniversity.edu.sa or contact the Office of Admissions and Registration at admissions@effatuniversity.edu.sa

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