1 minute read

Google developers student club

The Programming Club at Effat university is the perfect place for students to explore the fascinating world of coding. From beginners to experts, all are welcome to join this student-led organization that promotes computer programming and related technologies.

The club meets regularly to discuss programming concepts, work on coding projects, and organize workshops. By participating in the Programming Club's activities, students can gain valuable experience, develop their coding skills, and make connections with other like-minded individuals.

The Programming Club is an exciting opportunity for students to immerse themselves in technology and problem-solving. It's a supportive and collaborative environment that encourages creativity and innovation.

UX Club

The UX club is a club centered around designing efficient user experiences for consumers. We are a community of like-minded individuals dedicated to exploring the vast and exciting world of user experience design. Our club is committed to researching and expanding the scope of our horizons, by taking a bird's eye view of the landscape while keeping limitations in mind. We believe in synthesizing findings and lowering down our horizon to come up with clear problems to solve. Our members are passionate about shifting from research to design, and expanding our horizons again by exploring and representing theoretical research outcomes into lively designs. Join us to discover the latest trends, share your experiences, and learn from industry experts as we work together to create user-centered solutions that enhance people's lives

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