Dean of Humanities
Dear Reader, It gives me great pleasure to introduce the 17th issue of EThos magazine. I am really proud of this issue because it reflects the impact of the Kingdom’s efforts to empower women on Effat’s students. Saudi women make up more than half of 5 million students currently enrolled in Saudi schools and universities. The Kingdom now has the highest female employment rate in its history. In addition, King Salman’s royal decree granted women the right to drive. This issue is a testament to the Kingdom’s success in enhancing women’s rights, support systems and care programs and improving their work environment in all sectors. I would like to thank the new Editor-in-Chief, Amal Alzahrani, the Vice Editor and graphic designer, Madeha Islam and all the editors and contributors to this great issue. Linda F. Maloul Dean, Effat College of Humanities
Dear Reader, Queen Effat Al-Thunayyan's efforts in supporting and empowering women in Saudi Arabia were remarkable and visionary for she was behind the establishment of the first women's college in Jeddah, which later became Effat University. We wouldn't have been Effat family today, if it were not for her great efforts! As we have all witnessed, women's involvement in Saudi society has been emphasized recently by Vision 2030. Therefore, the Ethos team thought of acknowledging this phenomenal progress by dedicating this semester's issue to the empowerment of women in Saudi Arabia. Furthermore, we wanted to provide Effat students with a space to express their thoughts regarding such major reforms! Finally, I’d like to say that this issue would not have been possible without the support and help of our mentor Dr. Linda Maloul, the editorial board members, and the contributors. I am extremely grateful for each and every one of them! Thank you for taking the time to read issue #17! Amal Alzahrani
Editorial Board Mentor Linda F. Maloul
Editor-In-Chief Amal Alzahrani
Vice Editor & Graphic Designer Madeha M. Islam
Assistant Arwa Alomari
Editors Ashna Shaikh Mariam Nazar Lulwa Albuainain Aven Nabi Rayya Bakhsk Ayesha Baladraf
Contents Opinion Articles Poetry Prose Reviews What's New Effat Ambassadors Brain Teaser
Opinion Articles
دعم الوطن للمرأة عندما سئلنا صغار ًا عما نود أن نكون عندما نكبر ،كانت إجاباتنا مجنونة ،مليئة بالتفاؤل والجرأة :رائدة فضاء ..فائزة بميدالية ذهبية ..رئيسة ..وزيرة.. ولكن كبرنا وكسونا الخوف من الفشل فتحولت إجاباتنا إىل خطط بديلة بعيد َة كل البعد عما أردناه في واقع األمر ،وكل ذلك كان بسبب خوفنا من الوصول إىل أحالمنا. أما أنا ومئات النساء السعوديات في المملكة ،كان لدينا سند يدعمنا ويدفعنا إىل حب أحالمنا والتمسك بها ..حظينا بدعم كبير لدرجة أننا تعلمنا أن الهدف ليس مجرد هدف بل رحلة أيض ًا. "ماذا تودين أن تصبحي عندما تكبرين؟" كبرت يا وطني.. كبرت يا أمي ..كبرت يا أبي ..وما زال جوابي مليئ ًا بالتفاؤل والجرأة ومفعم ًا بالحب ،وكل ذلك بفضلك يا وطني.
نجوى حافظ
Women In Saudi Arabia With the changing circumstances within our society, women have been given the chance to progress more in comparison with the past. Women are currently playing a significant part in the growth and improvement of our society. In the past, the women of Saudi Arabia
challenges in relation to gender roles. Throughout the years, Saudi Arabia has had progressively solved these issues by reducing gender gaps across various industries and fields. Women have been granted access to government services such as education and healthcare without consent from a guardian. They were also allowed to drive. I believe that both women and men can contribute to society in countless ways. They are capable of various achievements when given a platform and a chance to voice their thoughts, and when people believe in their capabilities as young and ambitious individuals. One day, they will be the agents of change who will contribute to building a future for all. Yes, women are capable of achieving so much more. However, there will always be those who judge them for the mere reason of their gender. Therefore, women need to take a stand and demolish the
collaboration and hard work, many things are possible to achieve. I am proud of Saudi women today and will continue to embrace being one myself.
Manal Abufayyah
The Road To Empowerment Women have always played an important role in society, although this role was not acknowledged before. Now, the 2030 Vision of Saudi Arabia aims to increase women’s integration in society. One of the best things the Vision has given to women is to allow them to work in various sectors and hold leadership positions as well. Women are a significant source of power and now that they've become recognized as important members of society, they've started to be recruited in all fields. Sectors have also started to modify their working environments to accommodate both genders. We can see that Saudi Arabia has recently offered women great opportunities, such as allowing them to drive, which felt almost impossible before. Women now feel that they have the ability to achieve all their goals and take part in this kingdom’s success and evolution. We have our beloved King and the Crown Prince to thank for all these changes. They gave women freedom and confidence and women have proven their excellence in all fields. All laws and regulations are now very inclusive and cater for women and their needs. Labor law has issued lots of articles in favor of women, such as extending the duration of the maternity leave. In addition to that, numerous platforms have shown support for women, such as the Qiyadiyat platform: a national platform made
experiences; and
Wusool, a platform that offers transportation
services for working women with an 80 percent discount on the cost of each trip to work. Women were also empowered in the legal system. Now, they can be part of the "reconciliation center.” I believe that all these programs are just the beginning of a very bright future for women.
Zainah Maymani
Change is a Necessity not an Option Change is a vital factor in our quest to unlearn that which makes the soul unhappy, so let’s talk about why achieving it is such a difficult feat. We fear what we don’t know and what we aren’t familiar with. While change is a necessity, it is and will always be frightening. Sometimes the situation we are in provides us with just enough comfort to be afraid of losing it in the pursuit of something better. We fear the consequences of letting go and discovering the other side, regardless of the toxicity of the situation that imprisons us. This is where the millennia worth of brain washed ideas creep in and hold us back, making us believe it is much easier to go with the flow than allow ourselves to accept the necessary change in order to find the peace our soul searches for. Uncertain. Unstable. Unknown. Three of mankind’s greatest fears. Our minds have been conditioned to divide, creating a thin line between what is and what could be, like a fragile bridge separating us from our future. We live on one side, unable to see the other, as the fog continues to hide the secrets of the unknown, making us wish. Wish for a different day, for a better tomorrow, but a bridge cannot be passed by mere hopes - it requires the courage to take a chance and walk through the fog without looking down. The mind will doubt; it is conditioned to do so. The air on your side will do everything in its power to grab on to you, it may even shake the bridge to scare you, but what is the point in living a today that makes you wish for a different tomorrow? While we want to remain as we are, our heart still aches, an ache that comes from knowing the existence of change – one that would cease to exist if our side was truly better than the other. So learn! Allow yourself to educate yourself about yourself. Take a chance. Begin the path. Begin anywhere and apply that thought everywhere. Embrace the fog and let it carry you to where your soul is happy. Let the change begin.
Madeha M. Islam
The Value of Arab Women The kingdom is offering many opportunities for women right now and Arab women are finally being recognized for their true colors: ambitious, compassionate, and devoted. In this day and age, women are learners, educators, entrepreneurs, doctors, and so much more. Not only that, but also women now have the freedom of choice to be mothers, build a successful career, or have a combination of both. For so long, a woman’s appearance was all that mattered. In fact, her self-worth was solely based on her image, and her intelligence was completely disregarded. Also, strict, unattainable, and rigid expectations were placed upon women. However, women now are starting to gain support, and they have shone in various professional fields. The kingdom is offering immense encouragement to women through equalizing employment rates, supporting women-led businesses, and creating more jobs for women. Aside from professional roles, let’s not forget that women are the backbone of families. From cooking delicious meals, handling domestic chores,
multitasking and efficiently balancing their work-home demands. This truly shows that women are born leaders! In the future, I hope to see more Saudi women as politicians, CEOs, and leaders. After all, a woman is the creative force of the universe: through her, life begins and generations are guided towards a harmonized society.
Najwa Hafiz
What It Means To Be A Woman “You throw like a girl.” It’s impressive, I know, and I’m proud and confident with the way I throw. “Don’t be a sissy.” But my sisters are strong! In a “sissy,” I do not see what’s wrong. “You’re too emotional.” Don’t make me laugh; your temper tantrums are like a toddler’s wrath. “Be more ladylike.” But I am, can’t you see? A lady can be meek, can be loud, can be you, can be me. What it means to be a woman, that you cannot be shroud. I am a woman, and for that I am proud.
Lulwa Albuainain
Procrastination I take a look at the clock And think of the time I have to spare. I push all my deadlines aside And rest in my blue armchair. Tick Tock The clock keeps ticking, As the deadlines come closer. Just a few more hours, I promise the fun will be over. Tick Tock Beating rapidly, my heart wakes me from my sleep. The deadlines are now dead. With guilt, I wearily weep. Tick Tock I take a look at the clock With bitter and vile hate. Oh! How I wish that I do not procrastinate.
Manal Jan
The World and The Man Said the world to the man on a starry night sky, “Don't you see your mother earth is decaying by? Can't you just turn around and look at her needs; Respond to her ailing and keep her at ease?” Asked the man in return with an awe on his face, “Why are we the only ones that are disgraced? Don't you see there are others who live on your land? Go, pour out your wrath on those so-called lambs!” Paused the earth, frowned with a sigh of disbelief, Raised the eyebrows, and spoke without any ease: “Chopping off trunks and uprooting the trees, Harming the fishes and spoiling the seas, Filling the air by emitting smoke Inhaled by the species and making them choke! Setting up factories and spreading its filth, Using the environment without filling the bills. All this and much more is done by – say who? It’s none other than the greed-stricken you.” Ashamed and guilty, looked up the man, Promised to make up and change the present land, Turned around and walked without a second glare, Stuck up again, disappeared in thin air. As the oath by man is not always committed, Now that change for centuries has long been awaited, …. And still awaits.
Safiya Safarz Khan
Perceptions In a perfect world, that’s impossible for me to ever perceive. My heart would have all of its desires indeed. Forever I would live without grieve. My soul will be filled with utmost glee. Everything would be perfect as a picture can be. But who am I to think that all flaws can be concealed. Sadly, reality carries facts as solid as concrete. But no dear, all your perceptions had you feeling grey. Wipe away the fog on your mirror, I now say. To these malicious abstractions, you were a prey. From the divine truth, you have strayed. Turning your head now to the truth is never late. Not every day will turn as you may, but know that the sun is present even on a rainy day. Just look at the bright side where the sun shines its rays.
Rudeen Almaghrabi
Rhythm of Silence There is a certain rhythm to the silence I hear As holy prayers it seems Silence so loud I hear Drumming in my ear
The smell of dirt mixing with the rain It's being poured into me Making me feel a second of pureness And so I thought of heaven And wondered if birds go to heaven too
Thought if things on earth Could be my heaven Like my mother's smile And the morning sun
Rofan Aldosarry
Let Go Life is one long ride And sometimes we choose the wrong ones to join us They start to recklessly steer us into head-spinning danger until we can’t see anything clearly Until our knuckles lose color and our palms become blood red from holding on tight to something trying to violently shake us Let go Cleanse everything that’s struggling to come up and breathe knowing you’re off that raging ride And just sometimes, the sky feels your pain too and cries as a reminder that you aren’t alone
Wid Nattou
عوض هللا ها هو عوض هللا..
يأتيك بعد طول انتظار
بعد ايام مهِل كة وليا ٍل مظلمة
يأتيك ِب َب رد عجيب ..يستعجب منه جسدك الهزيل يمر في جميع أجزاء روحك المتعبة كأنه مط ٌر عىل صحراء قاحلة
فتزهو تلك الصحراء برائحة األرض الندّية حتى تنبض تفاصيلها بالحياة الزه ّي ة فما هو عوض هللا؟
إال جزا ًء لكل صبور..
وفرج ًا لكل مبت ٍل شكور.. وسعاد ًة لكل حزي ٍن حميد..
فتأكد ..مهما تأخر عوض هللا
فإنه سيأتيك مذه ًال ،مبار ًك ا ،جاب ًر ا لكل ما في قلبك.
لمار الجحدلي
طائر حبيس ال أعلم كيف أتيت إىل الدنيا ولكنني كبرت في متجر طيور وكنت أظنه موطني ،ولما ظهر الريش عىل جلدي علموني الطيران ،وال أعلم إذا ما كانوا علموني إياه كما تعلمت كل الطيور، فأنا ال أتذكر جيًد ا ما كان يحدث هناك. كبرت وأصبحت طائ ًر ا جمي اًل صوتي يجذب جميع سامعيه ،وريشي األزرق النيلي ّي سر كل الناظرين ،وأتذكر كم ُص عقت حينما أتى أحدهم إىل البائع الذي ظننته المربي وقال إن سعري ألف أو عشرة آالف ،حينها أدركت أنني في متجر ،وأيقنت حينها أن الهدف من وجودي هو أن أباع و ُأشترى ،وال ُأخفي أنني أصبت بخيبة أمل بعدما كنت أظن أن هذا المتجر مكاني في هذا العالم ،وعندها تذكرت ما قاله لي طائر عجوز مر ًة في المتجر ":إن هذا ليس الموطن ،لقد ُخ طفنا!" ولكنني ظننته يكذب عل ّي . تم بيعي لشخص لم أكن حتى أعرف اسمه ،وضعني في قفٍص كبير ،أكبر من ذلك الذي كنت فيه أنا وسبعة آخرين في المتجر .في هذا القفص الكبير ،كان الطعام ال ينفد والماء نظيف، وبدا كل شيء حولي جميل ،غير أن ذلك الشخص الذي اشتراني كان ال يهتم بي ،وكان يتساءل كلما أقترب من القفص عن طريقة يمنعني بها من الغناء ،بدأ يعتقد أنني مريض ،ولكنني في الحقيقة لم أعتد أن أغني في قفص ،اذ كنت قد تدربت عىل أن أغني خارجه. وذات مرة اجتمع األطفال حول قفصي وتساءلوا عن عدم قدرتي عىل الطيران مما جعلهم يخ ّب طون عىل حدائد قفصي كي يفزعونني وأطير ،وفع ًال طرت خو ًف ا منهم ،فقد كان الطيران في جيناتي لكنني لم اعتد عليه بعد ،وبعد ذلك فتحوا باب قفصي ،وتعجبوا ألني لم َأطر خارجه، ولما شعرت أنهم خائفين أن أكون قد مرضت كما فعل ذلك الذي اشتراني ،طرت خارجه، فصرخوا واستدعوا كبيرهم كي يخبروه أنني هربت من القفص. لم أعلم ماذا أفعل حينها ،فكلما حاولت العودة إىل القفص أقترب مني أحدهم وأفزعني ،حتى وجدت الشباك مفتو ًح ا وطرت منه ،وقلت إنني سأعود لما يبطل جنونهم ،ولما عدت اليوم الذي يليه ،وجدت الشباك موصد ًا ولم أستطع الدخول ،فظللت أغني بجانب الشباك ،ولكن لم يسمعني أحد ففكرت أن أطير إىل المتجر الذي كبرت فيه ولكنني لم أعرف طريقه. ولما شعرت أن غيابي لم يعد يحدث فارق ًا ،طرت بال توقف ،وتب ّي ن لي أن الطيران متعة عندما ال يخالطه خوف أو فزع ،وفي مرٍة صادفت حمامة قالت لي ":إن الطيور ال تعرف أنها محبوسة في قفص حتى تطير خارجه؛ فهني ًئ ا لك" ،لم أكن أعرف وقتها ماذا أرد عليها ،فقد كنت مشغو ًال بالتفكير عن مكان أجد فيه طعام ،وكانت تلك فكرة لم أعهد التفكير بها طوال مدة حياتي في تلك األقفاص.
نورهان صقر
The Perfect Family She did it. After years and years of wishing for a family of her own, she finally had everything she ever wanted in her arms. As she looked down upon the face of her beautiful baby girl, she knew she was going to give her all the love she possibly could. It had taken eight miscarriages in the past 4 four years, but as she looked at the face of her sleeping child, it all felt somehow worth it. Everyone around her had given up, even the doctors told her to stop trying for her own safety, but what joy! Everyone was wrong. They had called her crazy at some point, “but who's laughing now?” she thought with a smile on her face. Her husband had almost lost all hope too until during the 6th month of her pregnancy when they were both sure this one was going to live; it was the happiest she had ever seen him in their 4 years of marriage. This was all she had ever wanted since she was a teenager: a lovely husband and a child of her own; the perfect family. She almost felt as if she was dreaming. She recalled how hard the labour was and the faces of the doctor and her husband when they finally managed to get the baby out of her after almost 42 hours of labour. It almost seemed as if she was the only one with a smile on her face, but she must have been mistaken. It had been a rather difficult birth. She glanced at her baby's face one last time before she finally decided to close her eyes and get some rest; she deserved it after all. “She did it,” as he peeped inside his wife’s hospital room, that’s all he could think about. She had wanted this for so long, and after four years, he could finally see a genuine smile on her face. They had been through so much together, and this is just another issue that, together, they would get through as well. It had been almost 16 hours since the birth of their child and she hadn't let her out of her arms. At least she's finally asleep now, and... “Sir, we need to get the baby to the morgue now; the body will soon start to decompose.” The nurse interrupted his train of thought with the same chilling sentence now for the millionth time today. He knew it was time; he couldn’t delay it any more. Another child had to leave them.
Sumayyah Yusuf
Mindset By Carol S. Dweck Carol S. Dweck is a well-known researcher in social psychology and has been studying students’ attitudes towards failure for more than 30 years. Her book, Mindset, is a scientific book based on trials and experiments and is concerned with understanding the mind. It, particularly, discusses the differences between having a fixed mindset and a growth mindset and presents numerous stories of successful people, like J.K. Rowling, Bethany Hamilton, Michael Phelps, etc., along with their philosophies of life. The book is divided into the following sections: Sports, Business, Relationships, as well as Parents, Teachers, and Coaches. Each chapter discusses the two-mindset theory from its perspective and gives real-life examples that help the reader see the mindsets in action. In the last chapter, there are tests that help the reader recognize their current mindset and strategies to follow if they are willing to change it. Dweck’s two-mindsets theory is extremely useful for anyone interested in understanding the mind and I highly recommend it to those who want to become aware of their current way of thinking and learn the right way to think for a more fulfilling life.
Amal Alzahrani
Wild Thorns By Sahar Khalifeh I read this book a few months back, and I am still thinking about it to this very day. This book precisely portrays the emotional conflict that exists within every Palestinian living inside and outside of Palestine in two perfectly built characters, and through this emotional and internal conflict, the author portrays what it’s like to live in the occupied land of the West Bank. The story begins with Usama, a young Palestinian man who returns from the Gulf to support the resistance movement. We follow him all the way through his way home and see the harassment Palestinians go through every day while, also, wondering how some of them have adjusted to living under the military rule, some are managing to sell Israeli produce, and others to work in Israeli factories. That is the first side of the story and the first point of view. He then meets his cousin Adil, one of those Palestinians who has adjusted to the occupation and is working in an Israeli factory without his family knowing. His father has kidney failure, and Adil is the one responsible for the family. In this part of the story, we learn Adil’s point of view and what he feels and goes through every morning when he is forced to go to his work. Adil just accepted the bitter truth of the occupation and is doing what he must do in order to put food on the table and feed nine mouths. Usama, on the other hand, is still clinging to the movement and is trying to convince Adil to join him. This novel made me think a lot about who was right and who was wrong and if there was even a right and wrong in their situations. I believe that this conflict is the outcome of a bigger problem, which is the occupation and the colonization that have been happening. We also, get a glimpse of the harsh reality of how Palestinians, young and old, live like in prison every day, specifically when Adil’s brother, who is only in his last year of high school, gets arrested and put in jail. This novel shows the sorrow and misery that Palestinians live in because of the Israelis and their forces. Moreover, it shows this same struggle in a deeper sense when Palestinians are being forced to choose between fighting and killing for their country or living in sadness and misery as they work for the Israelis in order to attain their mere human need: to live. The Israelis here are in both ways at fault, and this is why the novel is a phenomenal depiction of the truth. While the themes in this novel include misery and sorrow, the novel also shows the true nature of Palestinians, which is how they stick together in moments of need, and how when the time comes and they must choose, no Palestinian would blink twice before choosing their people and their country. The name “wild thorns” or “Al-Sabbar” is a perfect name for the novel as it is a symbol of resistance and power, which are what all the characters in the novel have portrayed, each in their own special and unique way. I believe that this book has so much important information in the form of a fictional novel, and it will definitely open your eyes and make you think more regarding this matter.
Layan Dajani
Black Widow 2021 Calling all Marvel fans to assemble before our Avengers heroine: Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow. Our heroine FINALLY has the spotlight after her first appearance in ‘Iron Man 2’ (2010), and we couldn’t be more ecstatic. Albeit the movie is long overdue, it’s better late than never. The movie follows the events of “Captain America: Civil War” (2016) as Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson) goes into hiding after violating the Sokovia Accords and is forced to battle enemies (or shall I say an enemy) of her past. The film answers age-old questions such as, “What happened in the Red Room?”, “Does Natasha have a family?”, and of course, “What happened in Budapest?”. The film delves into both the spy and the trained assassin’s side to Romanoff with incredibly choreographed action sequences, thanks to Director Cate Shortland. Longtime Black Widow fans may be disappointed by the screen time of Natasha as the movie explores the members of her family as well. We finally get to meet the villain who haunts Natasha’s nightmares but instead of diving into the roots of this villain and exploring the dark themes of them, the film strays towards comedy and is more interested in Natasha’s family dynamic. That being said, the film presents these dark themes very well and ends with an epic, heartfelt fight scene as we see our heroine in action for the very last time. Watching the movie is a bittersweet moment as we say a final goodbye to Natasha but rejoice in the addition of a new heroine. Yelena Belova (Florence Pugh), equally as fierce as Black Widow, is confirmed to be making an appearance in Disney+’s ‘Hawkeye.’ After her soul-crushing sacrifice in ‘Avengers: Endgame’ (2018), the Black Widow film concludes the heroine’s timeline in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as we watch how she came to be the fierce heroine we have come to adore. It’s a standalone film that doesn’t just exist on its own but enhances the other films in which Black Widow fought with others.
Nafisah Ayub
Fight the Fear: How to Beat Your Negative Mindset and Win in Life By Mandie Holgate In 2019, I read many self-help books as I was obsessed with them. Looking back, I came to realize that Fight the Fear was the most effective self-improvement book since it tackles modern-day fears and work-related insecurities and aims at building up confidence in one’s self to achieve success in life. The chapters discuss various issues ranging from fear of public speaking to worries of failure, and that is why I believe it has something for every reader. What I mostly liked about the book was its writing style; each chapter is cleverly divided into four parts called ‘FEAR,’ which are Fear, Exercise, Action, and Result. In these chapters, the author gives tips, tricks, and exercises that have been proven from a psychological point of view to be helpful in overcoming fear. The reason why I chose to write about this book, in particular, was that although the author is a businesswoman, she manages to share her work experiences in a book with us, and that makes it relate to the magazine’s theme. In conclusion, I recommend this book to university students, women who have challenging white-collar jobs, and people suffering from social anxiety.
Ayesha Amanullah
The 5th Wave 2016 For a woman, being independent means having the freedom to express oneself and having the capacity to do things on one’s own without depending on others. Women's independence is being genuinely depicted in a novel known as the 5th Wave, which was written by Richard Yancy in 2013. There is also a movie version of it, ‘The 5th wave,’ where a young woman is being featured as the main character. Cassie is a 16-year-old girl who has survived four waves launched by aliens into Erath and has successfully survived the dangers of an epidemic, a silencer, a tsunami, and an electromagnetic pulse. Cassie is being described as a strong, independent, and resilient woman since she has been able to survive on her own during an alien invasion. Furthermore, living alone in an invaded place by aliens has played a role in strengthening her character even further and making her seem invincible too. After the invasion, Cassie decides to leave her hometown in order to find her eight-year-old brother Sam, whom the aliens have kidnapped. Moving from one place to another, Cassie believes that she would one day find her little brother safe and sound. In short, throughout this movie, Cassie has never depended on anyone but herself and has always shown the level of persistence and determination women possess.
Manal Abufayyah
Red Queen By Victoria Aveyard Red Queen takes place in a fantasy setting where the world is divided by blood-red and silver. The silver blooded group have an extraordinary power and live in luxury, whereas the red-blooded group live in extreme poverty and are treated as inferiors to the Silvers. This book series centers around a 17-year-old Red girl, Mare Barrow, who possesses a unique ability despite the color of her blood. Fearing her potential, the King hides her in the plain view, declaring her as a long-lost Silver princess engaged to a Silver prince. Cautiously, Mare starts working with Red Guard, a militant resistance group that aims to bring down the Silver regime. Without knowing who she can really trust, Mare navigates the dangerous world of the Silvers, as she is not only desperate to stay alive but also desperate to bring down the Silver regime. Red Queen is a unique blend of genres that has all the elements of a fantastic story: snarky characters, fearless plot twists, and epic fighting scenes. Every character in the series stands out and has a role to play. This book has plot twist after plot twist, which were all unforeseeable and excellently executed. I would say, Red Queen unveils an utterly new world combined with captivating characters, a fast-paced plot, and great storytelling.
Kulsoom Mateen
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College of Humanities
s h e ld o f H u m a n it ie e g e ll o C t a ff ent at E e& o n R e si li e n c lo g y D e p a rt m e o c h n c re sy P fe n e o h C T o lo g y e m ic . a ti o n a l P sy c h V ID -1 9 P a n d O C e th g n it s 3 rd In te rn ri C lu b Y o u th d u s P sy c h o lo g y it W e ll b e in g o f l h a g u ic g ro lo th o h ts c P sy any even t a ls o h e ld m n e b. m rt a p e D The sy c h o lo g y L a P al e v ti si o P d an e In te rn a ti o n th g in sh li b a as n fo r e st U n iv e rs it y w t’ s a p p li c a ti o t n a e ff m E rt t a a p r e te D - The Chi Chap r S o c ie ty P si o n o H y g lo o P sy c h a c c e p te d .
- Th e En gl is h an d Tr an sl at io n De pa rt m en t fa cu lty an d M TI st ud en ts at te nd ed th e fir st Tr an sl at io n Fo ru m wh ic h wa s he ld at th e M in is tr y of Cu ltu re . - Th e De pa rt m en t es ta bl is he d its fir st En gl is h an d Tr an sl at io n St ud en t As so ci at io n.
College of Architecture and Design lly org ani zed its 8th sho wr eel - EC oA D had als o suc ces sfu in mo re tha n 52 for ms of and it had bee n rec ogn ize d soc ial me dia . nat ion al and int ern ati on al n sig ned wit h the - Th ree Ag ree me nts hav e bee art me nts : Ab du lla tif Al Fo zan Arc hit ect ure and De sig n dep and ure , Al Om ran Ass oci ati on , Aw ard for Mo squ e Arc hit ect . Un ver sit i Tek no log i Ma lay sia
- The Architecture College had a photography exhibition “Historical Jeddah through your Eyes” in collaboration with the Saudi Arabian Society of Culture and Arts, and it was held in Al-Balad. - The DESN department had organized its annual event “Design Expo 2021,” and brought keynote speakers. The event was very successful and the number of participants reached 100.
duc ted its 5th Mem arya t - The ECo AD had succ essf ully con y 2021 and it was orga nize d by Inte rnat iona l Con fere nce in Feb ruar y exce llen t spea kers wer e the Arch itec ture Dep artm ent. Man over the wor ld, wer e invi ted. brou ght and part icip ants , from all 600. The num ber of part icip ants exce eded the “Na tion al in e first plac - Effa t Coll ege of Arch itec ture won Sem aya the Des ign of Arch itec tura l Com peti tion for the Neig hbo rhoo d.”
College of Engineering
ov er 30 lo ca l an d ed ng ra ar g in er ne - C ol le ge of En gi rm ts to ad dr es s an d in fo si vi ol ho sc l na io at in te rn in te re st ed st ud en ts . an d IE EE ar e al so d ua Sq ty ri cu se er - C lu bs su ch as C yb of th e fa cu lt y. m an ag ed by st ud en ts it y C om pe ti ti on C t ar Sm e th ed st ho - Th e de pa rt m en t fo r al l st ud en ts .
- C o E su cc es sf u ll y p la n n ed th e w eb in ar in co ll ab o ra w it h Sy ra cu se U n ti o n iv er si ty an d C yb er sq u ad C lu b o n 'C yb er se cu ri ty : T h re at s an d C o u n te rm ea su re s' . - T h e fa cu lt y al so ar ra n ge d m an y b eg in n er w o rk sh o w er e in cl u si ve o f p s th at o th er st u d en ts li k e 'A rd u in o '. - C o ll eg e o f en gi n ee ri n g fu rt h er h o st ed th e 19 th In te rn at io n al L ea rn in g an d T ec h n o lo gy C o n fe re n ce .
College of Business
- College of Business hosted the P&G CEO Challenge that invited all students. - The faculty arranged the annual Islamic Finance Conference. - Clubs including IEOM, etc. are also managed by students under the college. - They were involved in arranging club events including 'What to do after Graduation' and many others. - The faculty successfully also planned workshops such as 'Zakat and Tax'.
Effat Ambassadors
Sumaiyya Naseem Sumaiyya Naseem graduated from Effat University in 2016 with a degree in English and Translation. She completed her Master’s in English Literature from Jamia Millia Islamia in 2020. Prior to this, she began her career as a writer and editor for Destination Jeddah, Saudi Arabia’s leading lifestyle magazine published in English. From 2019 to 2021, Sumaiyya worked as a Co-Host for Reading Women, an American podcast that focuses on books by and about women from around the world. In 2022, Sumaiyya is launching The Book Culture Podcast, a podcast where she’ll interview prominent members of the online book community, authors across genres, and publishing industry professionals. Over the last five years, Sumaiyya has maintained an Instagram blog (@sumaiyya.books) with over 107k followers where she shares her book photography, interviews authors and features a carefully curated selection of literature by Arab, Muslim, and South Asian writers. She’s also a book critic for The New Arab, focusing on reviewing books by Arab and Muslim writers. She’s currently pursuing a Master’s in Media, Communications and Culture from the University of Nottingham in Malaysia. Her dream is to work as a book editor, focusing on narratives by and about Gulf expatriates.
Email: books.sumaiyya@gmail.com
Dena Gholam Dena Gholam is a 23-year-old senior architecture student and a 70% scholarship winner from Effat University. Dena won a semester abroad in 2019 from Effat University, with an acceptance from Miami University, but it was canceled due to the Covid-19 crisis. She was a QECA Nominee in 2020 and on the dean’s list in 2021. The competitions she participated in: WA Awards participant 2020 Winner of The Saudi Umran Society Competition in mosque design Nominee in The Saudi Umran Society Competition for library design The university activities she took part in: Memaryat Volunteer 2018 in which she gave a Mother’s Day award to Dr. Haifa Jamalallail. Memaryat Conference Participant 2019 – Corniche Residential Tower (Studio 5) where she met Her Royal Highness Princess Lolowah Al Faisal. Memaryat Conference Participant 2020 – Urban Design Project (Studio 6), Mosque Design (Studio 7), and a research paper on mosque history Her internships: NCB via SBCM 2019 – she worked at the NCB headquarters and was a part of their expansion plan, which enabled her to meet great people like Feras Alturki. The most important project she has worked on was the renovation project of the NCBC in Malik Road. SpArch 2020 – she worked mainly on residential projects and on a VIP Palace Indie Designer’s Collective 2021 – she worked mainly on residential projects and, in a month, out of three projects, she had design proposals for two of them. Her designs were selected and are under construction right now. For being an outstanding architect, Dena was offered a job opportunity even though the recruiters knew she was still an undergraduate student. Other activities she was part of: She participated in the Student Exchange Program at Tokai University – Japan. She participated in the “Successful Me” Seminar with Dr. Fekry to motivate newcomers to choose architecture as their major. She participated in an introductory seminar with Dr. Haitham and Dr. Maya to introduce the major to newcomers. Dena Before Effat: Before graduating high school, Dena was invited to take the acceptance exam of studying abroad in the Saudi ARAMCO Program. However, unfortunately, she didn’t pass but she said that she was pleased to be invited there. After graduating high school in 2016, Dena was granted a full scholarship to study medicine in RCSI, Dublin, Ireland. But she refused the offer because she wanted to follow her passion for being an architect. Both DAH and Effat University provided her with scholarships but she said that Effat University had her heart from the first sight and since then it has always been a home to her; it made her feel like she was a part of a family who believed in her and her talent.
Nouf Attar Nouf Attar is a 21-year-old electrical and computer engineering student and a 50% scholarship winner from Effat University. She was granted this scholarship for her academic excellence in high school; she graduated with a GPA of 4.0 out of 4.3. One of Nouf’s greatest achievements was the book she wrote on the suffering she endured with a disease called scoliosis: "Scoliosis in Me," as well as the campaign she held to raise awareness of scoliosis in 2021. Nouf has won 4th place in the GCC competition for robotics and has always been keen on volunteering: an organizer in Jeddah Spring Festival in 2017, an organizer in Common Ground event in 2018, a teacher assistant in a public school in 2019, an organizer in Jeddah Superdome opening in 2021, and an organizer in Red Sea film festival in 2021. Her dream is to become a successful engineer that can contribute to society and improve people's lives.
Israa Allaf Ever since she was a kid, Israa loved making brands and selling them. Marketing has been a passion for her throughout her life. She has always found creative ways in selling generic items such as stickers, candy, and pens/pencils. This passion carried her through her education at Effat University; she majored in Marketing for her bachelor's degree while taking a graphic design diploma aside. She has worked on projects with companies like L’Oreal, Wojooh, Nahdi medical Co, Oia Beach Resort, Fitaihi Holding Group, Baby Fitaihi, M Fitaihi, Halawani Bros Co, Niche Arabia, Femi9, Bazar Boutique, Azha Jewelry, and Nesma Holding (Namat). Israa always knew one day she would be involved in the fashion industry. In 2018, she launched her eco-friendly clothing line “The Untitled Project.” This brand was a way for Israa to give back to the community by selling items below market price. She started designing clothes (womenswear) based on people’s personalities. She achieved this by conducting heavy research on personalities by extracting information from the famous MBTI personality test. Israa has been published by Arab News, Marie Claire Arabia, Hia Magazine, Destination KSA, About Her, and Ask Baahgil. Also, she has been nominated to The Entrepreneurship World Cup by Misk Global Forum. Israa believes in the power of learning. When she needed a financial analysis she became one. When she needed a website developer she became one. When she needed a graphic designer she took a graphic design diploma to never have to search for strengths that lie within her. Key skills: marketing strategist, brand builder, business and website developer.
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Ethos Magazine ISSUE #17