Effat University Charter, 2024

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ffat Uni ve r sit y

C h a r te r


The following terms shall have the meanings assigned thereto:

1. Law: Law of the Universities rendered by the Royal Order No. (M/27) on 2/3/1441 H and its amendments.

2. Regulations: Private Universities and Colleges’ Regulations rendered by the Council of University Affairs, decision No. (3/16/45) in the (16th) Council meeting, held on 14/02/1445 H, and its amendments.

3. The Implementation Procedures: The Implementation Procedures for Private Universities and Colleges’ Regulations rendered by the decision of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education, the Head of the Council of Universities Affairs, No. (4500458185) dated 11/05/1445 H, and its amendments.

4. The Council of Universities Affairs: The body entrusted with regulating universities affairs and setting their policies and regulations, in accordance with the Law.

5. The Minister: The Minister of Education and Chair of the Council of Universities Affairs.

6. The General

the Council of Universities Affairs.

7. The Owner: King Faisal Foundation.

8. The University: Effat University.

9. The Board of Trustees: The Board of Trustees of Effat University.

10. The University Council: The University Council of Effat University.

11. The Scientific Council: The Scientific Council of Effat University.

12. The College Council: The College Council in one of Effat University’s Colleges.

13. The Departmental Council: The Departmental Council in one of Effat University’s Colleges.

14. The University President: Effat University President.

15. The Dean: A Dean of a College in Effat University, an institute, or a supporting deanship.

16. Department Chair: A Chair of an Academic Department in one of Effat University’s Colleges.

17. Faculty Members: Full professors, associate professors, and assistant professors; lecturers, teaching assistants and language teachers shall be deemed faculty members.

a) Effat University is a private, non-profit higher education institution that was initially founded as a private college for females. It was established in the academic year 1420/1421 H - 1999/2000 AD, as the first private University for females in the Kingdom, with a powerful vision and a generous financial support from H.R.H Princess Effat bint Mohammad Al-Thunayan Al Saud, May God rest her soul in peace. The College was funded by Their Royal Highness and Highnesses, Princes and Princesses, the sons and daughters of His Majesty King Faisal bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, May God rest hir soul in peace. The support of Their Highness and Highnesses continued until Effat College became Effat University by the Royal Decree No. 963/M, dated 3/2/1430 H, 30/1/2009, under the auspices of King Faisal Foundation, in accordance with the non-Private Higher Education By-laws and Regulations, rendered by the Ministry of Higher Education, at that time. The University is administratively independent, with a legal entity and an independent financial liability that include the right to acquire and manage property, carry out litigations, and provide financial guarantees, within the limits of its financial assets and standing.

The Owner's authorities: King Faisal Foundation.

a. The establishment of Effat College was carried out by King Faisal Foundation as its legal umbrella, and in accordance with the requirements of non-Private Higher Education By-laws and Regulations, rendered by the Ministry of Higher Education, at that time. King Faisal Foundation is considered the Owner of Effat University.

b. Taking into consideration private universities and colleges’ regulations and its implementation rules, the Foundation is responsible for providing all necessary guarantees for covering all financial burdens, which enable Effat University to operate.

The Foundation is in charge of, but not limited to, the following:

1. Contributing to the development of the financial resources of the University.

2. Approving the University’s annual budget.

3. Determining the remunerations and benefits of the President, the Board of Trustees, and the members of the University Councils appointed from other universities.

4. Nominating the Board of Trustees members in accordance with Article Four of this regulation and submitting the names of the nominees to the General Secretariat of the Council of Universities Affairs no less than sixty (60) days before the end of the term of the current Board.

5. Nominating representatives of the Foundation in the Board of Trustees, or its Board sub-committees, when necessary.

Secretariat: The General Secretariat of

Board of Trustees

The University shall have a board of trustees appointed by the Minister for a term of three years, subject to renewal, and formed as follows:

1. Four (4) members with expertise in finance, investment, and law, nominated by the Owner and not employed by the University.

2. Three (3) members with expertise in higher education, nominated by the Owner and not employed by the University.

3. The President of the University.

4. A representative from the General Secretariat. s

• The Board of Trustees numbers may increase with the approval of the Minister.

• If any position of the Board of Trustees members becomes vacant, a replacement shall be appointed for the remaining term, with the approval of the Minister.

• The Minister may extend the term of the Board of Trustees after the end of its term for a period not exceeding one year.

The Board of Trustees shall select, among its members, the Chair and the Vice-Chair who are not the University’s President, nor the Secretariat General’s representative. The chair of the board of trustees shall be responsible before the Minister.


Decisions shall be passed by majority vote of the attending members; in case of a tie, the Chair of the meeting shall have a casting vote. The decision is effective from the date of the Board’s meeting.

The Board’s decisions may be made by circulation subject to be presented for approval in the first subsequent meeting. The Board of Trustees may also, when necessary, deploy modern technology systems for its meetings and voting, in accordance with the governing regulations.



No member of the Board may attend the Council deliberations on any issue relating to him/her or to any of his/her relatives, up to the second-degree relatives.

2. The Board of Trustees Secretary is responsible for preparing the agendas for the Board meetings, supervising the documentation of the meeting minutes, circulating meeting agendas to members at sufficient time before the meeting, and receiving the member’s suggestions related to the meeting agendas.

The Board of Trustees shall meet at least once every four months during the academic year, or upon a call by its chair when
The Board of Trustees meetings shall not be valid unless attended by at least two thirds of its members, including the Chair or the Vice Chair, and the Secretariat General’s representative, or on behalf of the Secretariat General.
The Board of Trustees may,
request of the Chair or any member, and upon the approval of the Chair, invite to its meetings others deemed relevant to issues proposed for discussion, but in a non-voting capacity.
1. The Board of Trustees, in coordination with the University President, shall select a member of the University’s staff to serve as the secretary of the Board of Trustees. The secretary is not entitled to vote in the Board of Trustees meetings and is not counted on the quorum of attendance.

The Board of Trustees shall be in charge of establishing the overall policy of the University in a way that ensures the effective fulfilment of its mission and the achievement of its administrative, financial, and academic objectives. The Board of Trustees’ role includes, but is not limited to:

1. Approving the University Charter and its amendments, in accordance with the regulations and laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

2. Establishing the academic, financial, administrative and educational policies, as well as the objectives of the University.

3. Assuming the governance of the University and ensuring the realization of its vision, mission, and objectives.

4. Approving the development plans of the University.

5. Nominating the University President, appointing the Vice President, the Provost, the Deans, and the Supporting Deans.

6. Approving the internal bylaws and regulations governing the financial, administrative, academic, and other matters, as well as its amendments and modifications.

7. Approving scholarships and the governing rules for the training and the professional development of the faculty members and the like.

8. Aproving the regulations governing the support for research, innovation, authorship, translation, and publication.

9. Approving the regulations governing the provision of consultation and academic services.

10. Approving investment and endowment policies, and accepting donations, grants, and other forms of funds, provided they do not contradict with the University’s goals, nor violate its relevant laws and regulations.

11. Recommending the approval of academic programs for the degrees offered by the University and submitting them to The General Secretariat of the Council of University Affairs.

12. Approving the tuition fees for academic programs.

13. Approving the formation of the Scientific Council.

14. Recommending the approval of the establishment, merging, abolition, or amendment of the names of colleges, deanships, institutes, centres, and academic departments, and submitting them to the General Secretariat of the Council of the Universities Affairs.

15. Approving the establishment of scientific chairs.

16. Approving the formation of advisory Councils, defining their authorities, and establishing their operating rules.

17. Approving academic and technical collaborative agreements and memoranda of understanding.

18. Approving the social responsibility plan.

19. Appointing one or more external auditors for the University’s accounts.

20. Approving the University’s annual report and providing copies to the Owner and the Secretariat General.

21. Approving the University’s final accounts and submitting them to the Owner.

22. Recommending the approval of the University’s annual budget and submitting it to the Owner.

23. Reviewing matters referred to by its Chair or proposed by any of its members. The Board may delegate certain powers to its Chair or any other Councils in the University, and it has the right to form as well as nullify interim or standing ad hoc committees or Councils from among its members, or others to review matters referred thereto.

The University shall have a committee called The Founders Committee, which always consists of Their Royal Highnesses, descendants of King Faisal bin Abdulaziz, and Her Highness Princess Effat Al Thunayan (may they rest in peace), in addition to the members of the Board of Trustees. This committee serves as a link between the University’s Board of Trustees and the Owner. The committee has the authority to appoint / dismiss, one or more of its members, excluding its own.

University Council

The University shall have a Council called “University Council” chaired by the University President. The membership of the committee shall be as follows:

1. The University President as Chair of the Council.

2. The Vice-President and the Provost of the University, who shall act on behalf of the President during his/her absence (seniority is the primary condition for the selection of the Council Vice Chair).

3. The Deans of colleges and supporting deanships.

4. Three faculty members with expertise or interest in higher education fields, to be appointed following a decision by the Board of Trustees, upon nomination by the University Council for a renewable term of three years.

by at least one third of its members.

Council meetings shall only be valid if attended by at least two-thirds of its members, provided that the Chair or his/her designee is among them.

The University Council shall convene upon a call by its chairman at least once every month during the academic year. The Chair may call for a meeting when necessary or upon a written request

Council decisions shall be passed by majority vote of attending members; in case of a tie, the meeting Chair shall have the casting vote. Council decisions shall become effective as of the date of approval by the Chair. Decisions made by circulation will be presented for approval in a subsequent meeting. The Board of Trustees can meet and vote using virtual meeting systems, in accordance with the regulations governing these systems.

The Chair of any of the Councils provided for in this Law, or any Council member subject to the Chair’s approval, may invite any person to attend Council meetings in a non-voting capacity.

No member of the Council may attend the Council deliberations on any issue relating to him/her or any of his/her relatives, up to the second-degree relatives.

1. The University Council shall have a secretary from among its members, nominated by the Chair of the Council, for three years, subject to renewal.

2. The Council secretary is responsible for preparing for Council meetings, including creating meeting agendas, supervising the writing and documentation of the meeting minutes, and sending the meeting agendas to its members at sufficient time before the meeting.

The University Council shall manage the University’s academic, administrative, and financial affairs, and implement its general policy. It shall also ensure the realization of the University mission, and shall be particularly responsible for the following:

1. Propose the University’s vision, mission, and objectives, and set its academic, financial and administrative policies to be raised to the Board of Trustees for approval.

2. Approve the appointment of faculty members.

Scientific Council

A Scientific Council shall be formed in the University, and be approved by the Board of Trustees, based on the recommendation of the University Council.

The Scientific Council shall be formed for a period of at least three years, and the Council shall determine its functions. The Scientific Council shall consist of:

1. The Provost of the University for Academic Affairs and Scientific Research, as Chair.

2. One faculty member from each college or institute who has at least an associate professor's degree and is nominated by the College Council.

3. Three faculty members with the rank of at least associate professor from outside the University.

4. The Board of Trustees may approve the addition of two faculty members, among the University associate professors, and with experience in scientific research. No college or institute shall be represented on the Scientific Council by more than two members.

The Scientific Council shall convene upon a call by its chair or his/her designee from among the Council members. The Chair may call for a meeting when necessary, or upon a written request by at least one third of the Council members, or at the request of the University President who may add items to the meeting agenda and Chair any meeting he/she attends.


is among them.

only be


by two-thirds of its members, provided that the chair or his/her

Decisions of the Scientific Council shall be passed by a majority vote of attending members; in case of a tie, the Chair shall have the casting vote. Council decisions shall be effective unless contested by the University President within 20 days from the date of receipt.

If contested, they shall be returned with the President’s comments to the Scientific Council for reconsideration. If the Council maintains its position, the decisions shall be referred to the University Council to be reviewed at the first ordinary or extraordinary session. Such decisions may be approved, amended, or cancelled by the University Council, and its decision shall be final.

The Scientific Council may meet and vote using virtual meeting systems, in accordance with the regulations governing these systems.

The Chair of the Scientific Council provided for in this Law, or any member subject to the Chair’s approval, may invite others to attend the Council meetings, in a non-voting capacity.

member of the Council may attend the Council deliberations on any issue relating to him/her or any of his/her relatives, up

1. The Scientific Council shall have a secretary from among faculty members, to be appointed based on the decision of the University President and upon the nomination of the University President, for a renewable term of three years. The Secretary is not entitled to vote and is not counted within the quorum of attendance.

2. The General Secretariat of the Scientific Council shall be responsible for preparing the Scientific Council meetings, including creating meeting agendas, supervising their writing and documentation, as well as sending them to the members at sufficient time before the meeting.

The Scientific Council shall oversee the academic affairs of the faculty members as well as those related to academic research, studies, and publication, and shall be particularly responsible for the following:

1. Recommend the approval of the appointment of faculty members.

2. Recommend the approval of the academic promotion of faculty members.

to the second-degree relatives.

Effat University College & Institute Councils

Each college or institution shall have a Council chaired by the dean, and shall comprise the following members:

1. College Dean and Chair of the Council.

2. Vice-deans, one of them being the secretary of the Council.

3. Chairs of academic departments.

The University President may, based on the nomination of the college or institute Council, add to the membership of the Council a maximum of three members from among the college’s faculty members, and a maximum of two members from among people with expertise and interest in the college or institute fields of study for a term of two years, subject to renewal.

The college or institute Council may invite students to attend its meetings to discuss student-related matters.

The college or institute Council shall convene upon a call by its Chair at least once every month during the academic year. The agenda items shall be shared with the Council members.

Council meetings shall only be valid if attended by at least two third of its members, including the Chair or his/her designee from among vice-deans.

Council decisions shall be passed by majority vote of attending members; in case of a tie, the meeting Chair shall have the casting vote.

Council decisions shall be effective unless contested by the University President within 20 days from the date of receipt. If contested, they shall be returned with the President’s comments to the college or institute Council for reconsideration. If the Council maintains its position, the decisions shall be referred to the University Council to be reviewed at the first ordinary or extraordinary session. Such decisions may be approved, amended, or cancelled by the University Council and its decision shall be final.

The department Council’s decisions may be made by circulation subject to be presented for approval in the first subsequent meeting.

The department Council can meet and vote using virtual meeting systems, in accordance with the regulations governing these systems.

Council may, upon the request of its President or one of its members and with the approval of the Council President invite

The College Council, or institution, shall manage the college’s academic, administrative, and financial affairs. It shall, in particular, undertake the following:

1. Propose the college’s vision, mission, and objectives, and submit them to the University Council for approval.

2. Recommend awarding academic degrees to graduates.

3. Propose the establishment, merging, abolition, or amendment of the names of colleges, deanships, institutes, centers, and academic departments, and submit them to the University Council.

4. Propose new academic programs implementation.

5. Propose the University’s annual budget and submit it to the University Council.

6. Propose approving academic programs and plans for the academic degrees offered by different academic departments and submit it to the University Council.

7. Propose to hold conferences, cultural, and scientific activities offered by the colleges and their various departments and submit these proposals to the Scientific Council.

others to attend the meetings in a non-voting capacity.
No member of the Council may attend the Council deliberations on any issue relating to him/her or any of his/her relatives, up to the second-degree relatives.

Departmental Council

Each academic department in a college or institute shall have a Council with the Chair of the department as Chair and its faculty members as members.

Faculty members from other departments may, when necessary, be appointed to the Council following a decision by the Dean.

A Council meeting shall only be valid if attended by at least two-thirds of its members, including the Chair or his/her designee from among members.


a tie, the meeting Chair shall have the casting vote.

Department Council decisions shall be effective unless contested by the college or institute dean, within seven days from the date of receipt.

If contested, they shall be returned to the department Council, with dean’s comments for reconsideration. If the Council maintains its position, such decisions shall be referred to the college or institute Council to decide thereon. Such decisions may be approved, amended, or cancelled by the College Council, and its decision shall be final. The Department Council’s decisions may be made by circulation and subject to be presented for approval in the first subsequent meeting.

The Department Council can meet and vote using virtual meeting systems, in accordance with the regulations governing these systems.

The Chair of the Council provided for in this Law, or any member subject to the Chairman’s approval, may invite others to attend meetings in a non-voting capacity.

No member of the Council may attend the Council deliberations on any issue relating to him/her or any of his/her relatives, up to the second-degree relatives.

The Department Council shall be responsible for the department’s academic, financial, and administrative affairs. The Council may review what is referred to it, by the College Council or its Chair, or proposed by any of its members. The Council may delegate some of its authorities to its Chair and may form / dissolve necessary temporary or permanent committees, from its members or others to study what it is referred thereto.

The University President or Vice-President

The University President shall be appointed based on the approval of the Minister, upon the nomination of the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees shall determine the employment contract for a renewable term of three years and shall be subject to the Labor Law.

The Department Council shall convene upon a call by its Chair at least once every month during the academic year.
shall be passed by majority vote of attending members; in case of

To be appointed as President, the President shall be required to:

1.Be highly qualified.

2.Have previously served in academic leadership positions.

3.Be full-time.

4.Not to be one of the Owners.

Subject to the powers of the Board of Trustees and the University Council, the University President shall report to the Chair of the Council of University Affairs, in accordance with the Law, and shall be responsible for managing University affairs; he/she may, in particular, undertake the following:

1.Manage the University affairs, including academic, administrative, and financial affairs.

2.Oversee the implementation of the Law and its regulations, the University bylaws, the decisions of the Board of Trustees and ones of the Councils within the University.

3.Submit the University’s annual performance report to the Board of Trustees, after discussing it at the University Council. Such report shall include performance indicators, academic research results, community service activities, and any other activities.

4.Nominate University Vice-Presidents, college deans, and supportive deanship deans.

5.Represent the University before other agencies.

6.Appoint deans, vice-deans, department chairs, and directors of scientific and research centres.

The University President may delegate certain powers to any vice-President or to any person he/she deems fit, each within his/her area of specialty, provided that such delegation is made in writing and for a defined period. He /she may also form/dissolve committees, when necessary.



3.Be full-time.

4.Not to be one of the Owners.

The vice-Presidents shall assist the President in the discharge of his/her duties; the most senior of them shall assume the position of President in his/her absence, or upon the vacancy of his/her position.

Deans of colleges and supporting deanships

at Effat University and Vice-Deans

A dean of a college, deanship, or institute shall be appointed following a decision by the Board of Trustees, based on the nomination of the University President, for a renewable term of two years.

To be appointed as Dean or Vice-Dean, the dean shall be required to:

1.Have academic experience.

2.Be full-time.

3.Not to be one of the Owners.

The Dean shall be in charge of overseeing and conducting the academic, scientific, administrative, financial, research, and educational affairs of the college or institute in accordance with the University Charter, the regulations, rules, and what is decided by the Board of Trustees. He/she shall submit a progress report to the University President, at the end of each academic year.

The Dean may delegate certain powers to his/her Vice-Dean, or to a qualified Department Chair, within their respective mandates. This delegation shall be written and fixed for a period of time, and it may form standing or ad hoc committees, if necessary.

Each college, deanship, or institute shall have one or more vice-deans from among faculty members, for a renewable period of two years. The vice-deans shall assist the dean in the discharge of his/her duties; the most senior of them shall assume the position of the dean in his/her absence, or upon the vacancy of his/her position.

The University President shall have one or more vice-Presidents to be appointed following a decision by the Board of Trustees and upon the nomination of the University President, for a term of three years, subject to renewal.
To be appointed as Vice-President, the vice-President shall be required to:
academic experience.
previously served in academic leadership positions.

Department Chairs

The Department shall be chaired by a distinguished faculty member with expertise in academia and administration, based on the decision of the University President, for a renewable term of two years.

The Dean shall chair the Department Council in the absence of the Chair of the Department or upon the vacancy of the position, for no more than four months duration.

The Department Council shall oversee the department’s academic, scientific research, administrative, financial, and educational affairs of the department, in accordance with the bylaws and regulations of this Law and its regulations and rules, as well as what is decided by the College Council and the University Council.

The Department Chair shall submit to the college dean a report on the department’s work progress at the end of each academic year.

General Provisions

The University Council approves the formation of the Higher Educational Committee and its sub-committees in accordance with The Code of Ethical Conduct. These committees are effective in issuing disciplinary decisions within the University, in the light of the provisions and rules of the Code of Ethical Conduct.

The University may benefit from the services of faculty members with outstanding competencies from other universities, who will teach or work, full-time or part-time, subject to relevant bylaws, regulations, and decisions.

The University shall seek to obtain institutional accreditation from the Education and Training Evaluation Commission. The University shall seek to obtain program accreditation from the Education and Training Evaluation Commission, or from any international agency approved by the Commission.

The University’s revenues are as follows:

1. Subsidies allocated by the Owner.

2. Fees for academic programs and others.

3. Scholarships provided by individuals, institutions, or companies.

4. Income from research, consultancy services, training courses, intellectual property rights, franchises, and other academic services.

5. Donations, gifts, grants, endowments, and what results from their disposition.

6. Proceeds generated from the University’s properties, investments, and the resulting disposal.

7. Other financial resources approved by the Board of Trustees, provided that they are consistent with private universities and colleges by-laws and the University’s objectives.

8. All of the University’s financial resources must be in compliance with the laws, regulations and instructions in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

An external audit shall review the University’s annual accounts and financial statements.

English is the teaching language at the University.
The University shall have an independent annual budget approved by the Owner.
The University shall hold its final accounts in accordance with the auditing (accounting) standards adopted in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The Board of Trustees is responsible for approving and amending the University’s Charter in a manner that does not conflict with the laws and regulations of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

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