7 minute read

V. Strategic Area 2: Governance, Leadership & Management

Objective 1: Revise Organizational Structure



Review and revise reporting lines

Evaluate leadership performance

Actions by Initiatives

Restructure OSCM Units

Percentage of operational steps completed

Percentage of performance achieved by leaderships

• Review the current Department organizational structure and number of Departmental units by benchmarking with other universities of similar size and age to recommend updates at all levels.

• Monitor the effectiveness of the organizational structure based on a set of criteria and make updates if needed.

• Conduct an interim comprehensive review of organizational changes and make updates, as necessary.

• Conduct a comprehensive review of Department structure by the end of the planning period in preparation for the next 5-year strategic plan.

Update Leadership Roles

• Evaluate leadership roles and responsibilities by revising and updating the specific descriptions of these roles of leaders at different levels (Department Chairs, Directors, and Managers).

• Set specific authorities, responsibilities, and tasks for each leadership role based on the College Charter and the Ministry bylaws.

• Review the leadership succession plan regularly.

• Ensure the effective and efficient distribution of the responsibilities of academic and administrative leaders to achieve harmony among the different units.

• Monitor and evaluate the adherence of leaders to the description of their leadership roles and tasks annually and be ready to adjust the description based on work needs.

• Review the leadership roles and their tasks by the end of the third year of the strategic plan and make changes as needed.

• Conduct a comprehensive review of leadership roles by the end of 2026-2027 in preparation for the next 5-year strategic plan.

Review and Revise Reporting Lines

• Revise Department reporting system and reporting lines to ensure a clear and smooth flow of information from bottom-up and top-down among academic and administrative units to achieve cooperative teamwork environment.

• Update efficient reporting templates used for producing semester reports for all academic and administrative units for Falls and Springs.

• Agree on the reporting lines and templates with all units.

• Pilot the reporting system in Fall and Spring 2022-2023 to adjust as needed for use in subsequent semesters.

• Conduct an interim review of the reporting system by the third year of the strategic plan and adjust the reporting system and reporting lines, as necessary.

• Conduct a comprehensive review of the reporting system and reporting templates in preparation for the next 5-year strategic plan.

Evaluate Leadership Performance

• Assess how far Department leaders have managed to achieve their units’ annual objectives and help them set their new objectives for the subsequent year for their units as part of oversight and accountability of Department governance system.

• Conduct an interim review by revising the tools for leadership assessment and make changes as needed.

• Conduct a final comprehensive review of leadership assessment tools in preparation for the following 5-year strategic plan


2: Restructure OSCM Responsibilities

Initiative 2022-2027

Establish new OSCM strategic roles

KPIs Responsibility 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

Percentage of operational steps completed


Develop role descriptions

Actions by Initiatives

Establish New OSCM Strategic Roles & Develop Role Descriptions

Percentage of role descriptions developed

Percentage of performance achieved by the individuals.



LEAD: DEPT. CHAIR OTHERS: FACULTY Evaluate the performance of individuals carrying the new strategic roles

• Update the Departmental strategic roles at the level of colleges and departments and specify their authorities, responsibilities, and tasks taking into consideration that they have both academic and technical skills to achieve effective governance.

• Update the Governance Manual to include the updated strategic roles at the levels of colleges and departments and their job descriptions/authorities, responsibilities and tasks.

• Evaluate the Governance Manual that includes the administrative and organizational flowcharts and job authorities, responsibilities and tasks by the end of the third year of the strategic plan to make changes, as necessary.

• Conduct a comprehensive review of strategic roles at the college and department levels and their descriptions to make organizational changes by the end of the planning period in preparation for the next 5-year strategic plan.

Evaluate the performance of individuals carrying the new strategic roles:

• Evaluate individuals carrying out new strategic roles based on an agreed criteria (e.g., competence and skills) for evaluation every Spring.

• Give recommendations for improvement to the concerned individuals to improve their performance for implementation in the following year.

Objective 3: Streamline Committee Structures

Actions by Initiatives

Review and Evaluate OSCM Committees

• Evaluate the efficiency of current standing committees based on a set criterion and recommend improvements and updates of their mandate, structure and/or function, as necessary.

• Update and implement the standing committees based on the evaluation conducted in Fall 2022-2023.

• Monitor the initiatives and projects carried out by all committees and give a final report on their performance in Spring each year.

• Conduct a comprehensive review of the standing committees to give final assessment of their work and recommend changes for the subsequent 5-year strategic plan accordingly..

Review and Evaluate OSCM Committees

• Evaluate the efficiency of current Department committees based on a set criterion and recommend improvements and updates of their mandate, structure and/or function, as necessary.

• Update and implement Department committees based on the evaluation conducted in Fall 2022-2023.

• Monitor the initiatives and projects carried out by all Department committees and give a final report on their performance in Spring each year.

• Conduct a comprehensive review of current Department committees to give final assessment of their work and recommend changes for the subsequent 5-year strategic plan accordingly.

Objective 4: Attain and Maintain Program Recognition

Actions by Initiatives

Obtain and Maintain Institutional and Program National Accreditation

• Establish a schedule for all national institutional and program accreditations for the programs that have not received them and renew accreditations for the programs that have been accredited over the 5 years.

• Monitor, manage, and coordinate all national accreditations in preparation or in progress with the institution and concerned programs starting Fall 2022 and over all subsequent semesters.

• Implement an automated system that documents the required excellence level of accredited University programs.

• Conduct an interim review of the effectiveness of QA oversight processes in steering national accreditations and recommend improvements and changes, as necessary.

• Conduct a final review of the effectiveness of QA oversight of national accreditations and recommend improvements for the next 5-year strategic plan.

Obtain and Maintain Institutional and Program International Accreditation

• Review, and revise, as necessary, the current approach to international accreditation.

• Set a schedule for supporting the university in achieving international accreditation from NECHE over the 5-year planning period.

• Set a schedule for monitoring and supporting Departments and programs in maintaining/renewing currently achieved international accreditations (AACSB) over the 5-year planning period.

• Set a plan for applying for other professional accreditations for all applicable programs across all Departments.

• Conduct an interim review of the effectiveness of QA oversight processes in steering international accreditations and recommend improvements and changes, as necessary.

• Conduct a final review of the effectiveness of QA oversight of international accreditations by the end of the planning period and recommend improvements for the next 5-year strategic plan.

Attain and Maintain Subject Ranking

• Establish protocols for improving institutional and subject ranking based on monitoring and analyzing benchmarking data of the top ranked universities nationally and internationally to develop a plan to acquire the targeted institutional and subject rankings over the remaining 5-year planning period.

• Monitor institutional and subject ranking achieved annually and set plans for improvement.

• Conduct an interim review of the protocols for institutional and subject ranking and revise, as necessary.

• Conduct a final assessment of the achievements of institutional and subject rankings by the end of the planning period and provide recommendations for improvement for the next 5-year strategic plan accordingly.

Conduct Benchmarking Data Analysis Annually

• Review, and revise, as necessary, policies and procedures for benchmarking.

• Supervise data collection and analysis of benchmarking data annually.

• Make use of the benchmarking data to reinforce and streamline the KPI management process by introducing a sound KPI framework.

• Automate the KPI management process by continually raising the benchmarks every subsequent year.

• Review the action plan for benchmarking to introduce improvements as required annually.

Objective 5: Monitor the Effectiveness of the Governance System

Ensure the compli-ance of the govern-ing bodies, bylaws, and policies and procedures with relevant authorities (e.g., MoE)

Ensure the dissem-ination of circula-tions and decisions made by all govern-ing bodies

Ensure that OSCM members follow Effat Ethical Con-duct

Percentage of adherence of the governing system with the governing authorities (e.g.,

Percentage of circulations and decisions disseminated.

Percentage of violations of the code of ethical conduct (Tarbawyyat).





Actions by Initiatives

Ensure the Compliance of the Governing Bodies, Bylaws, and Policies and Procedures with Relevant Authorities (e.g., MoE)

• Review, and revise, as necessary, the governance system, bylaws and policies and procedures for ensuring their compliance with regulatory authorities.

• Monitor compliance activities with regulatory authorities based on the agreed criteria and set action for improvement as necessary every semester.

• Evaluate the effectiveness of the governing bodies 4-Conduct an interim review of the effectiveness of the governing body, bylaw, policies and procedures for ensuring compliance with regulatory authorities by the third year of the planning period and revise, as necessary.

• Conduct a final review of the effectiveness of policies and procedures for ensuring compliance with regulatory authorities over the whole planning period and revise as necessary for the next 5-year strategic planning cycle.

Ensure the Dissemination of Circulations and Decisions made by all Governing Bodies

• Review, and revise, as necessary, policies and procedures for internal and external dissemination of institutional decisions.

• Monitor dissemination of relevant information to stakeholders and set and implement actions for improvement as necessary every semester.

• Evaluate the levels of awareness by stakeholders of disseminated circulations and decisions and set improvements accordingly.

• Conduct an interim review of the effectiveness of policies and procedures for dissemination of institutional decisions and circulations and introduce improvements as needed.

• Conduct a final review of the effectiveness of policies and procedures for dissemination of institutional circulations and decisions and circulations by Spring 2027 in preparation for the next 5-year strategic planning cycle.

Ensure that OSCM Members follow Effat Ethical Conduct

• Review, and revise, as necessary, protocols for monitoring ethical conduct across the institution.

• Monitor and report on the violations of ethical conduct in line with the approved protocols and take actions for improvement as necessary every semester.

• Conduct an interim review of the effectiveness of ethical protocols followed over the previous planning period and revise, as necessary.

• Conduct a final review of the effectiveness of ethical protocols over the planning period and revise, as necessary.

Risk Management

The following table indicates the key risks associated with each strategic recommended area and a corresponding mitigation plan for every risk:

Topic Risk Mitigation Plan

Enhanced Governance and Improvised Organizational Structure

Develop and Maintain Professional Accreditations

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