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VIII. Strategic Area 5: Faculty & Staff

Objective 1: Maintain the Staffing Profile that Complies with Governing Body Requirements

Initiative 2022-2027

2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

Actions by Initiatives

Rebalance Faculty Workload

• Encourage the faculty to participate in different research and professional activities by receiving research support (reduction of teaching load, incentives, facilities, leaves).

Enhance the staffing profile to meet and maintain the requirements of governing bodies

Actions by Initiatives

KPIs Responsibility

% of achieve institutional Saudization body

% of females vs males (KPI-P-12)

Proportion of faculty members with doctoral qualifications (KPI-I-12)

% of Part-timers vs. Full-timers

% of achieved ranks (Full ProfessorAssociate Professor – Assistant Professor) (KPI-P-12, KPI-PG-11)

% of achieved recruiting needs

Enhance the Staffing Profile to Meet and Maintain the Requirements of Governing Bodies



• Balance faculty workload between teaching and research for research-intensive faculty.

Foster Equity Diversity and Inclusion Strategy

• Provide an effective orientation program.

• Make the University bylaws& faculty and staff handbooks available for all employees.

• Maintain a healthy work environment.

• Enhance the climate of the OSCM department by engaging faculty & staff.

• Give employees multiple ways to provide feedback.

• Apply fair and transparent promotion procedures for all employees

Objective 3: Extend Faculty Development Program

Initiative 2022-2027

KPIs Responsibility 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

• Attract and recruit a qualified Saudis faculty and staff to fulfill the Saudization requirement by governing bodies.

• Promote talent Saudis within the OSCM by offering incentives to pursue their path

• Send Saudi students abroad for higher studies to prestigious universities around the world under the scholarship program.

• Identify the needed teaching staff profile.

• Implement the recruitment process.

Objective 2: Improve Faculty Experience

Initiative 2022-2027

KPIs Responsibility 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

Ratio of students to teaching staff (KPI-I-11, KPI-P-11, KPI-PG-10)

Rebalance faculty workload

Foster equity diversity and inclusion strategy

Proportion of faculty with reduced teaching load

Faculty satisfaction with work environment

Proportion of teaching staff leaving the institution (KPI-I-13, KPI-P-13, KPI-PG-12)

International teaching staff Ratio



Provide professional development support for novel pedagogies

Proportion of professional development opportunities provided to support for novel pedagogies out of the total

Faculty satisfaction with professional development opportunities provided to support novel pedagogies



Provide professional development support for research

Actions by Initiatives



Proportion of professional development opportunities provided to support research out of the total

Faculty satisfaction with professional development opportunities provided to support research

Provide Professional Development Support for Novel Pedagogies

• Collect the annual needs for faculty professional development.

• Prepare an annual plan for professional development, which is implemented in three phases a. Educational Development b Personal Development c. Organizational Development

• Implement the PD plan.

• Assess the plan through the faculty satisfaction rate.

• Encourage faculty to have memberships of professional societies aligned to their respective programs.

• Recognize outstanding teaching.

Provide Professional Development Support for Research

• Develop and implement an annual plan for professional development to support research activity.

• Conduct training and workshops to enhance the faculty research skills.

• Increase the involvement of Professors in research to increase the research and innovation output.



Objective 4: Maintain Appropriate Mechanism to Recruit and Retain Competent Support Staff in all Occupational Category

Initiative 2022-2027

2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

KPIs Responsibility

Ratio of students to support staff in all occupational category

• Based on the category of the stakeholder, develop a tailor-made communication strategy plan using one or more of the following communication channels:

Push – Where information is pushed to the stakeholder either manually in the form of emails, memos, written agreement or automatically, through a work management software, where email notifications are sent every time a project action has been performed.

Develop and implement desired support staff profile plan

Actions by Initiatives

Develop and Implement Desired Support Staff Profile Plan

• Attract and recruit the finest staff.

Proportion of support staff in all occupational category leaving the institution

Proportion of staff receiving professional development opportunities per year

Staff satisfaction with professional development opportunities provided



Pull – Consists of information and resources like project management plan, resource load charts, and other reports stored in a central repository for stakeholders’ perusal.

Interactive – These include face-to-face meeting, training sessions, telephonic meetings, video calls and any other mode of communication involving direct human touch.

• Devise a communication plan based on the identification and segmentation of stakeholders to establish clear goals and action points. A sample table to illustrate the recommended framework is mentioned below:

• Apply retention strategies, aimed at retaining qualified employees.

• Ensure at least 12% of OSCM staff are being professionally developed.

Stakeholders’ Management

The development of a robust Stakeholder Management Plan (SMP) is critical to achieving project’s objectives in more streamlined and effective way. According to the industry best practices, the SMP can be bifurcated into four phases:

• Phase 1: Stakeholder Identification - Identify the stakeholders and bifurcate them into:

Note: There might be an overlap for some people

• Phase 2: Stakeholder Analysis - Each stakeholder must be analyzed based on their influence, motivation/interest, success, etc. to develop a tailored plan to keep the stakeholders happy and committed to university’s vision. We recommend the following framework for the analysis:

Meeting Internal Weekly (Ad-hoc as per requirement) President

Government Entity Organization 1 Keep Satisfied Face-to-Face Meeting

External As per protocol Dean

• Phase 3: Execution of the Plan - Assign a committee headed directly by and under the supreme control of the university president responsible for the execution of the SMP..

• Phase 4: Monitoring and Improvisation - SMP cannot be static; it must be dynamic and amended and updated as and when required throughout a project (continuously improved). Disaffected people within stakeholder groups must be identified throughout the process and managed accordingly.

To achieve the best results through the implementation of above-mentioned framework, we recommend the following to OSCM:

• Assign a team of 3-4 members to a committee that is responsible for the development, monitoring and implementation of the SMP.

• One member will be responsible for the mode of meetings to be conducted with the stakeholders (face-to-face, telephonic, etc.). This member will segregate the stakeholders according to their seniority and position with the university to further decide on the mode of engagement.

• Build impersonal relationship with the stakeholders at various levels through constant interaction and engagement.

• Seek their opinion and views of the stakeholders regarding various issues and activities.

• Create a feedback system where the stakeholders are empowered to share their thoughts on sensitive matters without any apprehension.

• One member within the team will be responsible for the communication channel strategy, to choose the best mode of communication depending on the type (internal or external) of stakeholder and their importance to the university.

• One IT and process related member will be responsible for all the data to be stored and analyzed later. This process must be streamlined and eventually the same member will develop reports on a monthly basis to continually leverage stakeholders’ position with the university.

Risk Management

The following table indicates the key risks associated with each strategic recommended area and a corresponding mitigation plan for every risk:

Topic Risk Mitigation Plan

Recruitment Criteria

Lack of talent or stringent recruitment criteria in the national market Nurture talent from within as a part of a fast-track initiative

Training workshops should be conducted, and lecturers should be utilized as a resource under the professors

Management Initiatives Increasing research output with limited resource

Objective 2: Improve OSCM Services (IT & Facilities and Equipment)

Enhance/upgrade the technological solutions to support academic and administrative operations

KPI-I-15 Average of beneficiaries’ satisfaction rate with technical services...) on a five-point scale in an annual survey in terms of: a. Suitability. b. Safety and confidentiality.



Vision Saudization Finding and recruiting local talent

Lecturers will gain more exposure to research while contributing to more research output Assistant professors can contribute more to the research while passing on some of the administrative responsibilities to lecturers and admin staff

Incumbents should be promoted from within the OSCM

Incentives in the form of scholarships, fast track-growth, exposure in the form of faculty exchange programs, etc.

Faculty Development Program (FDP)

Building an internal development center

Knowledge Development

Workload amongst the internal faculty needs to be redistributed in order to make time for the inception of an FDC

Introduction of professional courses or workshops to define and align the goals in professional development

IX. Strategic Area 6: Institutional Resources

Objective 1: Maintain Financial Stability

Implement Financial plan reflecting OSCM strategy

Diversify income streams

Actions by Initiatives

Implement Financial Plan Reflecting OSCM Strategy

Deviation percentage (positive or negative) of expenditure and income from the budget (measured monthly, quarterly, per semester and annually)

Percentage of self- income of the department to total income (KPI-I-14)

% of achievement for each source of income to budget

Optimize the use of facilities and equipment to achieve safe, healthy, and sustainable campus

Actions by Initiatives

c. Availability and ease of access.

d. Maintenance and support services.

% of fulfillment of facilities and equipment of the needs for the department

Average of beneficiaries’ satisfaction rate with facilities and equipment services on a five-point scale in an annual survey in terms of: a. cleaning services b. Safety and healthy campus c. access for disabled d. Maintenance and support services e. security f. restaurant, CDC, residence g. transportation

Enhance/Upgrade the Technological Solutions to Support Academic and Administrative Operations







• Maintain the financial planning and management control system, with capabilities to perform budgetary and forecasting processes, financial delegations and risk management.

Diversify Income Stream

• Develop, implement, and evaluate Revenue diversification strategy.

• Improve the quality and equipment of the lecture rooms and computer labs to ensure high quality of teaching and facilitate the interaction with students.

Optimize the Use of Facilities and Equipment to Achieve Safe, Healthy, and Sustainable Campus

• Revise and update Master Campus Plan to ensure its alliance with OSCM needs (including vacant land parcels) and to maintain compliance with Ministry of Education Bylaws.

• Annually review campus building and facilities to meet the emerging needs of academic and administrative units.

• Establish a smart campus deployment plan to maintain best practices in a sustainable and healthy campus infrastructure.

• Upgrade current campus facilities with the emerging needs of students.

Risk Management

The following table indicates the key risks associated with each strategic recommended area and a corresponding mitigation plan for every risk:

Topic Risk Mitigation Plan

Untenable financial demands for new technology commitments

Prioritization and smart allocation of funds based on more lucrative opportunities

Improve Institutional Infrastructure

Strong faculty and staff resistance to new solutions related to buildings and grounds on philosophical or other grounds

Long-term benefits to the ECoB should be clearly communicated before taking capital decisions

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