The Positive Psychology and Wellbeing Research Lab Newsletter Issue#6

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Issue 6, Spring 2021

Did you know Honey bees are one of nature's most efficient collaborators.

Every honeybee plays a role in the hive, Some are cleaners, some take care of the newborns and others collect nectar to make honey. "Collectively, honeybees are able to achieve an incredible level of sophistication..," (Hertzberg, 2021).

Perhaps there is a lesson in here for us too!

Dear Readers, I want to begin this letter with a Hadith






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Dr Saddiga Jaber Al Ghalib We must reflect on the hardships we


faced and learn from them. This is how

informs us that if we help relieve the

we can mitigate future damages and


perhaps respond more efficiently to



Hadith, of






difficulties; Allah will do the same for

such a crisis.



In this newsletter we want to highlight

(PBUH) assures us that Allah will help

some of the efforts by people to make

us as long as we are also working to


help others.


In this issue of our newsletter, we will




inspired to do the same. It fills us with

working together to create a better

a sense of pride in humanity to see

world. As the world is very gradually


returning to normalcy in 2021, it is

community a better place to live in.


We will also be covering topics about













emphasize uplifting.

on This







in be










and be



responsibility falls not just on the


governments but every person who

making. We also have some really great

can help in their own capacity.

news to share with all of you!

It is









imperative that we, as a society, are

I hope this newsletter inspires us and

aware that the world has gone through

our readers to renew their enthusiasm

a very difficult period and that we

and passion for civic engagement and

have a long recovery ahead of us.

positive psychology.






- Numerah Bazme

In the light of Positive Psychology, twenty-four character strengths exist so far and naturally, each human being has been designated with the ability of possessing them in various degrees, not to the level of perfection. However, the only human being who was bestowed by Almighty Allah with all strengths and even more at the level of excellence was none other than our beloved Prophet Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬.

He was the one who embodied every strength In the face of utmost struggles, he was the one who perfected human character strengths He was the one who lived the epitome of all goodness Speak of knowledge and the first verse revealed to him was 'READ' Speak of judgement and rationality was the base of his creed Speak of originality and no one on the face of this earth has proved more ingenuity His gratefulness encompassed his life and hope and optimism were guarded by his personality Think of courage and integrity and all that comes to mind is his and his biography Think of kindness and generosity and know that his will was nothing but, "We prophets have no heirs, whatever we leave behind is to be given in alms." This was the dictum before he rested in calm. Think of justice and his teachings shall suffice Humor and playfulness? Yes! He completed these characteristics in marvel and elegance You think of love - no one loved and is loved in this universe more than him alone For whom are millions ready to give up their lives for? I ask for an example, give me one! Think of leadership and he set an example for being humane, humble and forgiving You talk about coherence, tell me someone with more honesty and integration. Show me a character with more balance and temperance. Show me someone with more self-control, regulation and wisdom, even his enemies were in awe with his prudence In time, you think of spirituality, direct me towards someone with more sense of purpose, faithfulness and religiousness! You and I shall conclude, he is none other than the mercy to the worlds, the last and final Messenger of Allah, Muhammad ur Rasulullah (May Allah's peace and blessings be upon him for eternity)


We are very pleased to announce that the Positive Psychology and Well-being Research lab has received Honorable Mention for the 2021 MacJannet Prize for Global Citizenship. The lab was recognized for its continued civic and community engagement work. “The MacJannet Prize was established by the Talloires Network and the MacJannet Foundation to recognize exceptional student community engagement initiatives at Talloires Network signatory member universities and contributes financially to their ongoing public service efforts”. This honorable mention has inspired us to continue our work in the field of positive psychology and societal betterment. The happiness and fulfillment of citizens and residents is important to the Positive Psychology and Wellbeing Research Lab. This can only be achieved through promoting physical, psychological, spiritual and social wellbeing. At the heart of Saudi Arabia's vision for the year 2030 is a society in which everyone enjoys a good quality of life, a healthy lifestyle and an attractive living environment. One of the long term goals of the PPWR Lab is to raise awareness and end the stigma surrounding mental illnesses. We envision a world where conversation about mental health or seeking assistance for mental illnesses is no longer taboo or controversial. It is our aim to create a healthy environment where all individuals have the support and encouragement from society as a whole to improve their mental health and seek treatment for any mental illness. Another goal of the lab is to provide people the skills and ability to overcome tough times without becoming overwhelmed. We want to utilize Positive Psychology principles and interventions to help individuals recognize and build upon their strengths and live thriving and fulfilling lives. One of our other goals is raising awareness about environment preservation and betterment. We have organized activities and drives to meet this goal.

P o s i t i v e

a n d

P s y c h o l o g y

W e l l b e i n g

R e s e a r c h

3 -

Y e a r

L a b

A n n i v e r s a r y

E v e n t

“Embracing Positive Psychology in everyday life – how to thrive with passion, compassion and humor”

It has been three years since we established our lab!! We are very proud of what we have achieved so far and are looking forward to many more years to come. We celebrated our 3- year anniversary by organizing a webinar titled “Embracing Positive Psychology in everyday life – how to thrive with passion, compassion and humor.” The webinar was inspired by Maya Angelou’s quote "My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style". It was also based on the example of humanity, compassion, forgiveness, appreciation, bravery, and self-reflection set by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). We hoped to provide the audience with practical steps and tools to live a thriving and flourishing life and to deal with everyday nuisances easily. The webinar was commenced by a Welcome Address by Ms. Maryam Patel, the MC for the event. Dr Mady Mohammed, the Associate Professor and Vice Dean of Graduate Studies & Research at Effat University, then welcomed the guest speakers, panelists and audience. Ms Numerah Bazme, a student at the University, recited a heart-warming poem about the qualities of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Four guest speakers were invited to the webinar. Ms Fatin Bundagji, a Positive Psychology Mentor Coach and Business Consultant, spoke about "Positive Psychology & Women's Leadership Styles". Dr. Kimberly Deatherage – Mominah who is a College Counsellor and Instructional Assistant explained the importance of cultivating social environments to support well-being. Another crucial subject, “The importance of breaking down”, was tackled by Ms. Ruba Sonbol who is a Counselor with the Deanship for Student Affairs at Effat University. The final guest speaker was Ms. Tamara Gazzaz, a Certified transformational and positive leadership coach. She spoke on the topic of “Best Possible self-intervention and NLP sub modalities". The program also included two interactive panel discussions moderated by Ms. Al Batoul Al Shaiban and Ms. Amnah Yamni. The webinar also included an entertainment session by Majed Alamoudi, the Head of Content at Alcomdedy Club. The webinar was attended by more than 130 members of the public. We are incredibly grateful to the speakers, the University staff and our team for contributing to the success of this event.


Dr Saddiga Al Ghalib was invited as a speaker for the first international forum for Positivity and Happiness in Communities and Corporations. She spoke about positive psychology and goal setting. Dr Saddiga explained the PERMA theory of wellbeing as explained by Dr Martin Seligman. She also explained how building character strength and virtues contributes to a sense of achievement and is a major factor leading to happiness. In psychology, goal setting is a means of self-motivation and selfdrivenness. Dr Saddiga also elaborated on the importance of setting goals in achieving results and the essential principles of successful goal setting.




At the PPWR Lab, we believe that a difference can be made in society only if we work together and help each other. We aim to support and encourage civic engagement initiatives by individuals and organisations by spreading awareness about them and celebrating their achievements. In this newsletter we present five such initiatives that contribute to the betterment of the community.


Raghad Fathaddin

Raghad Fathaddin is the founder and CEO of Sangha “Estidama Hub” and an Internationally Certified Holistic Health and Wellbeing Coach by A Wellness Revolution , with a MA in Public Policy and 5 years professional experience in International Relations, Political Analysis, Advocacy and Project Management in various NGOs and IO; such as Oxfam, United Nations for Education, Science and Cultural organization (UNESCO), Counterpoints Art and Singa UK.

She is also a member of various change makers networks such as Wellbeing Economy Alliance (WeAll), the Bio-Leadership project, Global Shapers Jeddah Hub and Global Diplomatic Forum. Raghad is a strong believer and advocate of the power of arts and education in the promotion of sustainability and social wellbeing. Through Sangha Estidama Hub, she is keen to play a positive and a leading role in supporting nations transition towards a wellbeing economy and accelerate human progress through facilitating a culture of inner wellbeing for the future leaders, the youth.

Sangha “Estidama Hub” was first named Sangha Love Is Coming. It was inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh walking meditation, in which I envisioned a huge silent march of people and leaders marching together in solidarity advocating for love and bringing love back following his walking meditation technique, which I still would very much love to achieve. But then, in February 2020, Covid-19 hit Paris, France as strong as uncertainty hit me. And that’s when Sangha took the street as an outlet. I ordered chalk online and started spreading messages of love and hope in the streets of Paris, nudging the subconscious mind to reflect and reassess the reality we chose to accept. In October 2020, I moved back to Saudi Arabia and that’s when Sangha “Estidama Hub” was commercially registered and based. “Sangha” means community and “Estidama” is derived from the Arabic word sustainability. As Sangha & Estidama Hub we are a platform that serves as an ecosystem to fuel, foster and facilitate well and sustainable development. We are driven by the belief that the state of the world is nothing, but a reflection of the state of the citizens of the world. Hence, we shape a more sustainable future and accelerate human progress through facilitating a culture of inner wellbeing for the Saudi future leaders. Together, we aim to build an ecosystem that supports raising and empowering conscious and active citizens and participants to shape a well and a more sustainable future (wellbeing economy); with the support of our 4 main pillars: Education, Research, Policy Change and Community Building. So, join our Sangha! We are so excited to shape a well and more sustainable future with you, through you and for you! LinkedIn: Instagram: ahub/

Sangha” means community and “Estidama” is derived from the Arabic word sustainability


- Zainab Ghaliya The WeCare initiative was launched by Zainab Ghaliya. The following is Zainab's story (as narrated by her) about what motivated her to start this project. " I started the WeCare Initiative because I myself have a mental disorder. (More than one, in fact.) But the disorder that made itself most known in my early years at university was my Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I could never catch a break. I was always anxious. It interfered with my work and reduced my quality of life. Every semester was the same story. I was obsessed with perfection, and the idea of coming up short inspired so much terror in me, I would sometimes just curl into a ball and shut down. The anxiety would build over time, and eventually, I would completely burn out, which would compound the issue. This made every end of semester a literal nightmare as I struggled, and sometimes failed, to keep up with final projects while being both mentally and physically exhausted. I struggled for 3 and a half years with GAD before I was diagnosed in 2018. The diagnosis left me feeling cheated. Not everybody went through what I did. I had a mental health issue. It was treatable, and I did not have to have gone through all that for 3 plus years. So, when our Ambassador's Program instructor told us our final project was to undertake a sustainable project for the good of the community, I decided to use the opportunity to spread awareness of mental health, so other people would not have to go through what I did--or at least, could get help. After a series of trial and error, I started the WeCare Initiative Club. Its goal is to spread awareness of and destigmatize mental health issues while creating a safe space for students, which could be passed down to the next generation. We share ideas on how to better educate people about mental health, have an Instagram that posts about mental health issues, hold events, invite speakers, and have activities to further our cause. I really could not have done it alone. I am thankful and lucky to have everyone in the WeCare Initiative working with me and supporting the cause".

Y U H K A . A N A

‫ﻳﺤﻜﻰ أن‬ Leena Mahmood Naseef

Yuhka.ana is a private libaray filled with books and is every book lover's dream! Follow this amazing initiative on instagram @yuhka.ana


Tamara Gazzaz

Tamara is the first Saudi with a Masters degree in Positive Psychology and Psychology of Coaching from the UK. She has an experience of over 10 years in teaching and training in the field of self-development and education. She combines coaching skills with positive psychology, meditation and mindfulness, NLP and CBT modalities. She is a real inspiration to those who are ready to rebuild their lives and live in freedom and positivity.

Tamara strongly believes that everyone deserves a second chance in life at for that she helps them to be the creators of their future. She is the organizer of the first International Forum of Happiness and Positivity in Communities and Corporate. She also initiated the Saudi Coaching group in Saudi Arabia. She helps nurses and white army at Abdullatif Jameel hospital and King Saud medical city to deal with compassion fatigue and rebuild their resilience. Her workshops and training during the pandemic reached 1000+ audience around the world. She is also the founder of TAG good life which undertakes many initiatives and research in the field of positive psychology. Some of its work includes combining different modalities with positive psychology and collaborating efforts of scientists and researchers from the east and the west. She is in the process of writing her first book in positive psychology in Islam. Tamara A Gazzaz empowers individuals to gain clarity to make the right choices for a better future and to live authentically to free themselves from the past. Follow her on instagram @tag.tamaragazzaz.


Mohamed Salah

Mohamed is the first Arabic speaking Certified TRE Provider. He has worked with a couple of international rehabilitation centers in Thailand since 2015. As a recovery coach and later TRE provider, he helped hundreds of individuals from all over the world who struggling with addictions, depression and anxiety using TRE and combining it with other practices such a CBT & Birkman assessment.

He is still a key member of TRE Thailand where he helps them expand their programs effectively. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Diploma in IT, is a certified Birkman consultant and certified TRE Advance Global Provider. After a decade of experience in management consultancies, Mohammed decided to dedicate his new path to follow his gift of empowering traumatized people and freeing them from their past. He is passionate about TRE as he saw its positive changes in his life and in the lives of many clients who he has been working with for the past 5 years. Now he is on a mission of spreading TRE to 22 Arab countries. He is working directly with the TRE founder Dr.David Berceli, and TRE Global community to start building the TRE foundation in the Middle East allowing as many people to feel the gift of grounding and thereby heal their stress and traumas.


The Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has announced the launch of the Green Saudi and Green Middle East initiative. The initiative includes plans to plant 50 billion trees and will be the world’s biggest afforestation project. The initiative aims to reduce carbon emissions by 60% in the region. Carbon emissions will be reduced by focusing on clean hydrocarbon technologies. As part of the Green Saudi initiative, the percentage of protected and will be increased to more than 30% exceeding global targets of 17% per country. Another focus of the initiative will be to establish renewable energy projects to meet 50% of the country’s electricity needs by 2030 (Arab News, 2021). In other environment news, Saudi Arabia has ranked first in two environment indicators, “Tree Cover Loss” and “Wetland”, outranking 180 other countries. It has also ranked eighth in "Species Habitat Index” surpassing 172 countries. These high rankings reflect the Kingdom’s efforts to preserve forest areas and grasslands (2021). One of the aims of the PPWR Lab is to raise consciousness about the environment. We have arranged a plantation trip for students to learn more about local soil and plant features. We are also conducting research to investigate the effect of a green environment on student wellbeing. We are excited about these initiatives by the government and hope to contribute towards its goals. (Arab News. (2021, April 30). Saudi crown prince announces Green Saudi Initiative, Green Middle East Initiative. Arab News. (saudigazette. (2021, June 5). KSA tops the world in environmental performance indicators, surpassing 180 countries. Saudigazette.

Our team Our dynamic team is comprised of Dr Saddiga AlGhalib, Adeelah Yahya,








Yamani,Bashayer khalifah, Lujain Faqerah, Madiha Khayat, Maryam Patel, Rana Dahlawi, Sarah Ikhtabi, Sarah Sultan, Shaden Al Khalifah, Shahad Al Sonare and Tamara Gazzaz.

Join Us!

You can Join our team of contributors to work on content development or donate to the development of the lab. Please follow the given link to learn more!

For inquiries regarding Positive Psychology & Well being Research Lab, please contact us on


Tel - +(966) 54 077 7731 Address: Administration and Registration Building, Room 301, Effat University, Jeddah 21478 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.




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