Becoming a Company of Giants EF Management Training Program
Dear [First name], Congratulations on your new role, and welcome to managing at [EF or Hult]! We are delighted to invite you to take part in our foundational manager training, [name of program]. This brand new and bespoke 10-month program combines best practices at EF with expertise from Hult Ashridge faculty, focusing on what EF and Hult managers both need and want. We will cover the critical knowledge and skills that you need to be a successful people manager across five key areas [domains?]:
EF Management Training Program
There are 20 modules altogether, delivered virtually or face-to-face depending on your location. We would like all our managers to complete [name of program]. Participation, however, is driven by you—the more you put in, the more you will get out of the program.
Please look out for more information from your local RED team. We hope that you are excited as we are for this, and we look forward to seeing you soon!
Very best, Your Global RED team
EF Management Training Program