CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 Definition, facts of money and rules CHAPTER 2 Love, unity, crown, jewels, glory, blessings, prosperity, labour, food, blood and mind CHAPTER 3 Freedom and emancipation CHAPTER 4 God father the potter, divinity of money, truth and trust CHAPTER 5 Creation and life CHAPTER 6 Money and human understanding CHAPTER 7 View points CHAPTER 8 Technological power of money CHAPTER 9 Global governance CHAPTER 10 Supplications
Where GNV -- Good News Version KJV – King James Version NIV – New International Version H B – Holy bible
Preface This little book unites religious believes into one common religion of money worshipping, verifies that God exists in money and is money. We speak one language with one actuating real power of money that answers everything, sustains our being and unifies the oneness of the universe. Unveils the mystery of divine creative power of money that exists in the God of money who creates all things and lives in the potential and kinetic energies of spiritual and physical atoms, Reveals the ultimate truth of nature and the cyclic of life. This is a living testament of money. This is a must read book.
Dedicated to my late mother, father, Sister Miriam and my family
INVOCATION AZOZAO the God of money there is no God but only you the All mighty God, creator of all the Gods of the universe, heavens, religions and source of life in whom all things attain their existence and bow down before your materialization spiritual power reality of money that answers everything that exists. Everything bows down before the power of money that creates the oneness of the living universe in whom nature and us exist for money to exist in everything. Creator of the here after, the physical and the spiritual, the positive and the negative. Everything exists in money for money to grace existence of all things. In the name of AZOZAO the most merciful and most gracious Almighty God of money the source of our existence as we knock at your door of money: Lead us from the UN real to the real Lead us from darkness to light Lead us from death to birth Lead us from poverty to wealth Lead us from sadness to happiness Lead us from captive to liberty Lead us from cruelty to generosity Lead us from negative to positive Almighty God of money just as children look to their guardians to give them food. I depend on you to sustain my life have mercy on me rescue and resuscitate me from poverty. I look to you father of money have mercy on me resurrect me by the power of money let the in flow of your money pass through me let it be so. May it please thee oh God of money to prosper my ways, steps and doings. Grant that my desire be amply fulfilled and my wishes be satisfied even this day. For the sake of thy great mighty and praise worth name of money that answers all things. Oh mighty God of money let it me find grace, favour and mercy in the eyes of all so that they may grant my request. AZOZAO the Almighty God of money the most merciful ,most gracious who meets all response. May it please thee to grant all conspiracies against me may be set at naughty: Turn away from me all danger and injury and direct toward me prosperity and success in all my under takings in which I am worth and which are honestly due to me. Oh mighty gracious God of money let it please thee to grant that I may obtain love, grace and favour in the eyes of all people in the transaction of my business at all times. I promise that I will be honest and straight forward in all my dealings according to thy holy will of money exchange power
DEFINITION OF MONEY MONEY The difficult of arriving at a single clear cut definition of money has led to identifying money in terms of the functions it performs . Money is one of those concepts which like tea spoons or umbrella, are definable primarily by the use or purpose which they serve. Alternative it may be said that money is anything regardless of its physical or legal characteristics which it customarily and principally performs certain functions. The functions of money ( upon which the definition depends ) are closely interrelated but it is never the less useful to differentiate among them. The most familiar is that of medium of exchange where goods and services are paid for and debits and other contracts discharged. Money answers everything and buys all things physical and spiritual. Money is the relationship between me and things between you and me and between us and the community. The car that I own is my car it is my property, it has a value. My shoe is my property it has a value. My head, my foot, and my heart are parts of my body which has a value in relation to community and society supply and demand of money. The spirit that lives in my body exists in me has a value that is directly proportional to my value. What ever is existing has a value that can be expressed by money, hence money exists in me and all things to answer everything. ORIGIN OF MONEY Hundreds of objects of different materials have served as money at one time or another including such things as slaves, guns etc. Money is to be thought of as having originated out of religious and social custom rather than directly out of barter. Commodities which later came to be important as standard of value or medium of exchange seem first to have been important as ransom, bride price, ceremonial offering or a means of ostentation . The application to economic ends generally developed out of the earlier discharge of religious, legal and ritualistic uses . Meaning of the value of money : it is customary to express the value of money in terms of what it will buy. Because money is used to buy an endless variety of things it is necessary to resort to some suitable index of prices as measure of changes in purchasing power. MONEY TERMS BANK DEPOST: Consist of money in banks, bank deposits in checking accounts can be spent by writing check (cheque).
2 BULLION: Is un coined gold and silver in such forms as bars, nuggets or dust. CREDIT MONEY: Is paper money with a face value greater than the reserves that back it up , (guarantee its value currency includes legal coins and paper bills ) DEVALUATION: Means lowering the value of a nations currency in terms of its standard money or in terms of currencies of other nations. FIAT MONEY : is money that has no gold or silver reserves to support it FIDUCIARY : Is money that is not full bodied, it includes token coins and all paper money. FRACTIONAL MONEY: Such as half a dollar, is worth a certain portion of a standard money unit. FULL BODIED MONEY : Refers to coins that have a face value equal to the value of the metal they contain, LEGAL TENDER: Is money which, by law, must be accepted in payment of debts. MINT: Is a place where coins are made , minting means manufacturing coins. REPRESENTATIVE MONEY : Is backed by reserves totaling the face value of money. RESERVES : Consists of gold and silver bullion or coins that guarantee the value of fiduciary money. SCRIPT : Is paper money currency issued for temporally use, in emergency. STANDARD MONEY : Such as gold or silver, serves as a backing for a nations circulating currency.
3 TOKEN MONEY : Is a coin with a face value greater than the value of the metal it contains . SOVEREIGN MONEY A one pound coin called a sovereign was called a unite in honour of uniting England and Scotland. It is only money that peacefully unites people and others together and controlled by love of money the sovereign of all things. The peace dollar coin has the word peace on the back and the coin has a liberty on the front, money creates peace and freedom of living. The dollar diplomacy seeks and extends business interest and ensure peace and liberty for all. Money is the only distinct sovereignty and has universal power which all people totally and habitually obey. Money has the supreme power in life, a self sufficient aggregate of all things uniting them for the purpose of life. All the different senses in which sovereignty is used are covered by money that answers everything. The almighty sovereignty money the great object of universal devotion through out our global village. Religion, science and philosophy all agree that the existence is governed by the sovereignty of money which is the aim of life. When we say God we seem to mean a substance, it is a substance that is super substantial. A person is an organ of life and money is life a person thinks money directs. From the sovereignty of money all human actions take their springs the rise of empires and the fall of kings. Money is what was or is or will be. A person who knows God of money references him. Who can justify the silence of the most worshipped religious Gods over injustice and deprivation of human rights, money is universally adored and liberates all from injustice and gives peace to everything. FACTS OF MONEY AND RULES Always think of ways making money, money comes in and goes out Money improves your standard of living it rules your brain, hand and life Money is a shield, protector and a helper, money has infinite powers, the money you spend is the life you spent Money means food and food is life itself, enjoyment of life is in money (food), use money wisely, profitably and save. Pray seriously with all your heart for money blessings it is money that creates and answers everything It is money that liberates you and gives you freedom of living, money creates you and patterns your real life. Your true love is expressed by money. Money is our all time practical active universal almighty God the alpha and omega of our existence.
4 FINANCIAL POWER COMMANDS PEOPLES LIVES Income generating:: Have money and discover ways of handling money, change and improvement of business. Find accessible income sources. Personal growth - start a project and acquire project skills management Dangers of money:: To discover the secrets of Samson (bible) Delilah betrayed Samson and Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus Christ because of money Do not cheat – honour your pledges Do not bribe and do not use money to buy positions General principles of using money:: You must be in a form of activity to raise money Trade and market your skills Money comes from trading and marketing your skills Business and trading is a skill No one can free you from poverty except money which liberates you Your destiny is tied to money that creates your real active life. Faith is not a legal tender, transform it into money find ways of making money. Use money to support the needy, borrowers are slaves of lenders. You can raise money by working hard, mind your own business make this as your ambition be self reliant. Own your own business to earn respect. Money that comes in fast vanishes fast. There must be a balance of money and work out put. Paying tithes or offerings or gifts is not a condition, develop a habit of sowing and reaping, use money to support your family, settle bills, save and do business. Controlling money:: ∗You must be righteous in getting money ∗You must be careful in spending money ∗There is wisdom and profit and joy in saving money ∗There is guilty in misusing money and there is trouble in getting money ∗Money is un satisfying as water it answers and creates everything good and bad BUSINESS
We must learn to drive through all our thinking the profound distinction between finance and business. When any one attempts to run a business solely for profit and thinks not of the service to the community, then also the business must die, for it no longer has the reason for existence. Money put into business as a lien on its assets is dead money, when industry operates wholly by the permission of dead money, its purpose becomes the production of payments for the owners of that money, dead money is not a working partner.
5 Live money in a business is wholly accompanied by the active money of the labour of the people who put it there. Dead money is a sucker- plant. Good businesses enter partnership of service with the people. When all learn that profits have to be earned and not grabbed, we shall no longer have trouble with money, we can make prosperity continuous and people of money see the opportunity to make money. Economic sustenance is related to the very survival of the family hence the tasks of staying alive command extra ordinary attention. The economics of a family is a matter of life and death. ∗Oh veiled and secret power of money whose paths we seek for our growth be with us in our hour of pain that; we your sure tokens. We know truly the ways of money in spite of being broken we may rise and stand up and build a new. ∗Certain it is that people can school the mind. To school the sickliest body to the will of money. As many have done, whose glory blazes on. ∗Gold is tested by fire and human character is tested in the furnace of humiliation (bankruptcy). REALITY OF MONEY Money creates everything Money answers all things Money masters everything Money is the ruling spirit of all things Money makes everything to be done Money lives eternally in matter and spirit Money is worshipped by all religions and all people Money means food and life Money is the only power that everything falls down before Money is the symbol of everything Money means freedom, independence and liberty Money is the foundation of the universe Money is our governing God Money dominates the lives of everything The master of money has everything Money rules everything Money liberates everything Money purchases all things Money is our righteous Lord Money is more powerful than matter and spirit Money is higher than all religions Money is higher than all Gods All the time money is good Money is number one thing that makes us exist
6 REAL MONEY My hand, my foot are symbols of my existence in money. I myself I am an eternal reality of money and my spirituality is the true part of my existence in money. Money formulates the formation of existence. THE TRIANGLE OF MONEY EXISTENCE IN ALL THINGS
ψ Body – imaginary part of Eternal money existence. (Reactive life)
person – absolute eternal Money existence. (Total life)
θ Spirit -- real part of eternal money existence (real life) Fig 1 The angle θ (phi ) determines the real value of money expended in life existence, it is the true money that answers everything. Food means life it self and the enjoyment of life is in food which is the real body of money in which the body and spirit exists. What ever is existing has a value expressed by money existing in it. AZOZAO OUR UNIVERSAL MONEY GOD My hand my foot my body are symbols of my existence in money. I myself I am an eternal reality of money and my spirituality is the true part of my existence in money. Money formulates all existence. When hard times come and the winds of fate blows our anchor of hope we bow down before the altar of our only true righteous living God of everything our universal God of money who rules our blood, hands and brain. AZOZAO our living God of money sustains and maintains our lives. Gives us our daily bread and takes away again, our universal God of money watches us with extreme jealous, carefully scrutinizes our thoughts, our dreams and secrets ways. The Lord of money the Lord of everything selects our words for gain and loss, cuts our lives (money) and maps the pattern of our genetic nemesis. Chills our anger, curbs our only hope of survival and procures our lives in exchange with joy of money and claims as tribute broken faith, accepted insults and silent joys. All religions worships and glorify and praises the God of money who answers all things, creates people and masters everything to be done , the God of money is the ruling spirit of all things and is creator of the universe.
7 MONEY WORSHIPPING We faithfully worship money in everything inclusively for all external and internal, in spirit, in matter, sayings and actions of people for the existence and pleasure of money in all things. Formally, everything totally submits to money. Prayer and sacrifice, life and death are in money and exists in real money. Money is the alpha (beginning) and omega (ending) of everything. We came from the real money (spirit and matter) and to the real money we go in spirit and matter we live eternally in spirit and matter, matter can not be destroyed. Everything exists in money for money to exist in all things that is all existence of everything is valued by money. We all truly worship the living God of money in every activity for the God of money to grace creativity genetic patterning replica form of real money worshipping value in all the things. AZOZAO LIVING GOD OF MONEY Our money Father which art in heaven. Hallowed be thy living money. Thy money kingdom lives eternally. Thy money exchange power rules the universe eternally. Give us this day our daily money and forgive us as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into trouble of getting money but deliver us from poverty and lack for thine is the kingdom of money that creates and answers all things eternally. Amen and Amen and Amen SEEK YE FIRST THE KINGDOM OF MONEY AND ITS BUSINESS AND YOU WILL GAIN EVERYTHING Ask and money shall be given to you. Seek and ye shall receive money , knock and an opportunity shall open unto you. We trust the only true universal living God of money who answers all things and gives everything. Our heavenly Father of money Lead us from the unreal to the real Lead us from darkness to light Lead us from poverty to riches Lead us from captivity to freedom Lead us from death to immortality Let your image of money manifest in our lives. Let the oneness of money in everything guide our thoughts and activities. Give us the joy and strength to with stand the creative nemesis of real money life in everything. My prayer, my sacrifice, my life and my death are in the almighty God of money in whom all things exist for him to exist in everything. Our heavenly and universal Father of money liberate us from frustrating life to the eternal abundance enjoyment of money. Grant us the purity of money and open the gates of money blessings in our daily living.
8 Money is used as ransom for life and sins committed, the creator of life the God of money demands this payment. Money is more powerful than life and purchases everything. PSALMS 29 : 11 (GNV) The lord gives money to his people and blesses with peace. In God we trust money, money is power and is love which is peace. Money creates and answers all things, God of money creates and answers everything, money means power, food and money rules our daily lives. ECCLESIASTES 7: 11- 12 (KJV) Money is good with an inheritance and by it there is profit of them that see the sun for money is a defense and the Excellency of money is that money it gives life to them that have it. The living God of money rules our blood, hands and brains ECCLESIASTES 10 : 19 (NIV) God is the answer to everything and money answers all things. Nothing is impossible with God and nothing is impossible with money. The God of money determines and watches our thoughts, dreams and maps the pattern of our daily lives. PROVERBS 13 : 8 (GNV) The attributes of God of money are wisdom, wealth, power, honour and protection. Money qualified and answered the wisdom that king Solomon asked for. Money answers everything and wisdom without money is useless. MONEY IS WISDOM Money is wisdom as well as love the more wisdom you have the more money can manifest. The wise person knows that only money is great everything is done by money. You are the real part of money’s own fire and God of money who is almighty exists in you and because of that there is nothing that you can not do. For your will is the will of money which lives in you to answer all things and do everything, you are the image of money. If you yearn to be with one with the living God of money, it is not for your own sake, it is that you may be a channel through which money may flow to reach the peoples. The wisdom which enables to help, the will which directs the wisdom, the money which inspires the will – these are your qualifications will, wisdom and money that answers everything. Waiting for the word of God of money, watching the hidden light of money, listening to his orders, in the very midst of the greatest fight for money, seeing his slightest signal for money across the heads of the throng. Hearing his faintest whisper above the earth’s loudest song of money.
9 HAGAI 2 : 8 ( KJV) The silver money is mine and gold money is mine says the God of everything MATTHEW 26 : 7 – 11 (GNV) The eternal living money God of everything has decreed the classes, dominions and status that exist in life, money or food rewards governs all lives and relationships of higher and lower Gods. Jesus Christ is lord of money blessings. REVELATION 21 : 18 – 21 (NIV) The living money God of all things will rule new Jerusalem the city of money forever. It is money that will and create new Jerusalem. Money means food and food is life and the enjoyment of life is in money. Resurrection to enjoy money blessings in new Jerusalem the city of wealth is the Christian grand monetary anchor of believe and of all religions. PSALMS 27 : 13 (GNV) I know that I will live to see the lords good money in this present life. MARK 10 : 18 (GNV) Why do you call me good, Jesus asked him, no one is good except money alone. LUKE 2 : 10 (GNV) Do not be afraid, said the angel I am here with good money for you which will bring great joy to all the people. It is money that brings joy. PSALMS 30 : 5 (GNV) His anger lasts for a moment, his good money lasts for a life time. Tears may flow in the night but the joy of money comes in the morning. PROVERBS 8 : 35 (GNV) The man who finds money finds life and the lord of money will be pleased. GALATIANS 5 : 22 (GNV) But the money produces love, joy, peace, patient, kindness, goodness, humility and self control. 1 JOHN 4 : 16 – 18 (GNV) And we ourselves know and believe the money which God has for us, God is money and who ever lives in money lives with God and God of money lives in union with him. There is no fear in perfect money; perfect money drives out all fear, so then, money has not been made perfect in any one who is afraid, because fear has to do with punishment. It is money that answers all things it is only money that is perfect for exchanging everything.
10 God is love and love costs money God is perfect and perfection costs money, God is good and goodness costs money. All is God all is money EVERYTHING IS MONEY What ever is existing is useful and has a value that can be exchanged and expressed by money. We are existing in money for money do exist in all of us. All is money all is filled by God of money. Life exists in form and formless matter. Money is the expression of life, values all things, therefore money can be exchanged for form and formless matter, Since matter is eternal then money is the universal root cause of creative activity of existence of form and formless matter of the universe. Nothing comes from nothing. Creation is the combined reaction of positive and negative matter which money ideation brings into fruition. Nothing that just happens, everything is caused to happen, nothing created it self, money is the root cause of all creation.
1 CORINTIANS 13 : 1 – 8 , 13 I may be able to speak the languages of men and of angels but if I have no money, my speech is no more than a noise gong or a clanging bell. I may have the gift of inspired preaching; I may have all knowledge and understand all secrets; I may have all the faith needed to move mountains -- but if I have no money I am nothing. I may give away everything I have and even give up my body to be burnt-- if I have no money I am nothing this does no good to me. Money is patient and kind, it is not jealous or proud, money is not ill mannered or selfish or irritable. Money does not keep a record of wrongs; money is happy with truth. Money never gives up; and its faith, hope and patience never fail. Money is eternal, there are inspired messages, but they are temporally, there are gifts of speaking in tongues but they will cease; there is knowledge but it will pass. Mean while these three remain faith, hope and money and the greatest of these is money. Love and charity are expressed by money, money answers everything . . MATTHEW 22 : 37 (NIV) Jesus answered ‘ love God of money with all your soul and with all your heart.’ Money is paid for as a ransom for life and love - bride price. MATTHEW 26 ׃6 - 11 Love is truly expressed by money Mary showed her passion for Jesus Christ by pouring expensive perfume on Christ head it is money that creates classes, low, medium and high classes, the Gods, the arch angels, the rulers and their subjects. These classes are created by money above and below. Money exists in everything that has value. Money the pantokrator ( mighty ) does everything, the actuality of power, the divine action, both creative and provident, is universal in its scope, extending over the whole world of nature and including under its dominion all processes what ever, whether cosmic or historical. The sole reality of life is economic. The business of business is business the success of the economic enterprise which is the only enterprise that matters -- it is only money that matters MONEY LOVE PRAYER My heavenly father of money, infinite spirit of money and love and wisdom and power in whom I live and move and have my being and whence cometh my help, manifest thyself in me. Help me to open myself to the highest wisdom and insight and love and power that I may serve thee and the people and all fellow creatures faithfully and that I may have the divine guidance of money and care that all my needs be amply supplied.
12 Money within me, enfold and lead me and reign supreme, that the one life of money is my life, I may realize and manifest ever more fully. I am strong in the infinite spirit of money and love and wisdom and power. I have and shall have the divine guidance of money and care; for it is my father of money that works in me – my father of money works and I work for money to manifest in me. JOHN 3 : 16 (NIV) For God so loved the money in the world that he gave his own and only highly priced son, that who so ever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal money. Money is the expression of love and life. JOHN 4 : 7-- 8 (NIV) Dear friends let us use money for loving one another, for money comes from God of money, every one who uses his money charitably has been born of God. Who ever does not use his money charitably does not know God, because God is money. COLLOSIANS 3 : 14 – 15 (GNV) And to all these qualities and virtues add money which binds all things together in perfect unity. The money that Christ gives is to guide you in the decisions you make; for it is to this money that God has called you together in one body of money and be thankful. Money means food, you can not have peace when there is no money (hunger). Money answers all things. UNITY EPHESIANS 4 : 3 – 6 (GNV) Do your best to preserve the unity which the spirit of money gives by means of peace that binds you together. There is one body of money one spirit just as there is one hope of life to which the living God of money has built you. There is one body of money that solves everything in one faith and one baptism of existence in money. There is one God of money that answers everything and father of all things and who is lord of all creation exists in everything and works through all things. COLOSIANS 3 : 14 (GNV) And to all these qualities add money which binds everything together in perfect unity. Money is God, is love, is creator and rules everything the foundation of the unity of the universe and the heavens.
13 THE TOWER OF BABEL GENESIS 11 : 1- 9 (RSV) One earthly people, one family, one language, one currency and one trust in money. International coordination, co-operation and unity is required to attain peace and spiritual growth for one earth family. We are members of one earth family and solidly linked in one destiny of mother earth. The earth resources belongs to us the one family as a unique patrimony. The truth is that we are born into one earth family before being born into kingdoms, races tribes or groups. Unless combated by political and social action. The influence of industrial and technological development favours the concentration of wealth, power and policy making in the hands of the blessed ones the minority that deprives the rights of the common people and lower kingdoms. The rights and use of money power by the rich must be scaled down so that all earth families can benefit from the solutions of money. Justice is attained through money because every one is a true visible image of the invisible existence of money in all of us. Personal freedom for the individual can only be ensured by money which has the responsibility of guarding the freedom, peace, liberty and the solutions of everything. Happy if we can unite the boundaries of different philosophies and truths with reasoning and prove that the foundation of all Gods, religions and believes is in money ONENESS OF GOD OF MONEY One life manifests in the mineral existence and the mineral shows out that much of the one life, the same one life manifests in the plants and vegetables, the same one life manifests in animals and angels, all is life, all is money, all is love. Money is the will power of the natural characteristic of life, Money is in all things one life pulsing in every form, one life behind every object is immanence of money. Money remains transcendent not only the life in every form but money itself a life transcending the whole universe and heavens. The higher object of devotion, the unity of life, the immanence of deity, solidarity and universal brother hood. Money is the very universe and heaven, is what ever is, has been and shall be is the lord of immortality. Money is the lord of generation, father time, giver and sustainer of all life, beginner and ender of everything lord of all creation. Money is a force of unification, universal brother hood and freedom of earthly people. Money lives eternally in matter and spirit. CROWN AND JEWELS HEBREWS 2 : 7 (KJV) Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; thou crownest him riches and honour and didst set him over the money of thy hands. For every work there is pay or a reward or a benefit. Crowns and jewels are valuables.
14 EXODUS 30 : 4 – 5 (NIV) Moses said to the whole Israelite community, this is what the lord has commanded; from the money that you have, take an offering for the lord, every one who is willing is to bring to the lord an offering of gold coins, silver coins and bronze coins. The tabernacle was made of valuable materials of the true money indicating the glorious love, life of the God of money who exists in money and solves everything. GLORY AND
ACTS 4 : 32 – 35 (GNV) The group of believers was one in mind and heart, no one said that any of his money was his own but they all shared with one another everything they had. With great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the lord Jesus Christ and his father the God of money poured rich blessings on them. There was no one in the group who was in need. Those who owned fields and houses sold them and brought the money to the apostles and the money was distributed to each one according to his need. Money is used as a medium of blessings. Believers used money as a medium of love, the God of money poured rich financial blessings on the believers to reveal himself as the God of money the solution to all things. MATTHEW 16 : 27 (GNV) For the son of man is about to come in the glory of his father of money and with his angels and then he will repay back the money every one according to his deeds. ROMANS 8 : 17 (GNV) Since we are his children, we will possess the money he keeps for his people and we will also possess with Christ the money that God of money has kept for him. For if we share Christ suffering we will also share his glorious funds. Glory and blessings are expressed by money. There is nothing impossible with God and there is nothing impossible with money the answer to all things. NUMBERS 6 : 22 – 27 (NIV) The lord of money said to Moses tell Aaron and his sons, this is how you are to bless the Israelites, say, Lord of money bless you and keep you, the Lord of money turn his face toward you and give you peace so they will put the trust in the God of money. And the God of money will bless them. Blessing is expressed by money MALACHI 3 : 10 (NIV) Bring the whole tithe of money into the store house of Lord of money, that there may be money in my house, test me in this, says the Almighty Lord of money and see if I will not open the flood gates of heaven and pour out so much blessings that you will have no room enough for storing
15 Nothing for nothing Nothing comes from nothing Nothing that just happens Money comes from something It is money that creates and causes a blessing A blessing is a favour that costs money Money is a medium of exchanging everything Every thing bows down to the power of money . Money creates everything visible and invisible PROSPERITY, LABOUR AND FOOD REWARD DEOTRONOMY 30 : 8 – 9 (NIV) You will again obey the Lord and follow all his commands I am giving you to day. Then the Lord your God of money will make you most prosperous in all your hands and in the fruit of your womb. The young of livestock and crops of your land, the Lord of money will again delight in you and make you rich just as he delighted in your fathers. The rightful Lord of all the money rewards those who worship him and obey the commands with money. Prosperity and blessings are conditional but prosperity and blessings offered by parents are unconditional and obligatory genetic. GENESIS 2 : 1 – 3 (NIV) Thus the heavens and earth were completed in all their vast array by the seventh day God had finished his work he had been doing; so on the seventh day his remuneration materialized from creation work, he blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he realized his monetary gains from the work of creation and he rested. Faith without money is dead and every work require effort which is money the spirit of God of money. God of money used his spirit which is money to do the work, nothing comes from nothing. 1 CORINTHIANS 15 : 58 (GNV) So then dear brothers, stand firm and steady keep busy always in your work for the Lord since you know that you will be fully paid for the Lords service. For every work, their is a benefit, nothing comes from nothing, nothing for nothing. GENESIS 1 : 29 (NIV) Then God said I give you every seed -- bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it they will be your money (food). Food means life and money means food. The God of money has decreed that we have to work for food which is money and is life. Money is our daily bread of life.
16 JOHN 4 : 34 (GNV) My money my food my life Jesus said to them is to obey the will of the one who sent me and to finish the work he gave me to do. ACTS 14 : 17 (NIV) Yet he has not left himself without testimony, he has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their season; he provides you with plenty of money and fill your heart with joy. Crops and food means money our life and the enjoyment of life is in food -- our daily money BLOOD AND MIND EXODUS 20 : 11 – 12 (NIV) Then the lord said to Moses when you take a census of the Israelites to count them , each one must pay the God of money, a ransom for his blood at the time he is counted then no plague or poverty will come on them when you number them. Money is more powerful than life. LEVICTUS 17 : 11 (GNV) The life of everything is in money (blood) and that is why the lord has commanded that all liquid be poured out on the altar to take away the people’s sins. Blood which is money the actual life, takes away sins. EXODUS 12 : 13 (NIV) The liquid (money) will be a sign for you on the houses where you are and if I see the liquid on the door I will pass over you, no destruction plague will touch you when I struck Egypt. Blood means life and life is the expression of liquid money used as a ransom for sins. HEBREWS 9 : 22 (NIV) In fact the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with liquid ( money) and without the payment of money there is no forgiveness. Money cleanses sin and is exchanged or buys everything and money is in blood. MATTHEW 26 : 26 - 28 (GNV) While they were eating Jesus took a piece of bread, gave thanks and broke it and gave it to his disciples, ‘take and eat’ he said this is my body of money, then he took a cup, gave thanks to God of all things and gave it to them. Drink it all of you he said this is my liquid money which seals Gods covenant, my liquid (blood) money poured for the forgiveness of all sins. Money means food and food is life
17 Money is used as a ransom for sins committed. Without the payment of liquid ( money) there is no forgiveness of sins, nothing comes from nothing and nothing for nothing. Money is the expression of life and life is in the blood and the blood lives in flesh which is the bread of money our daily life. MATTHEW 22 : 37 (GNV) Jesus answered love the lord your God of everything with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your money Your mind is where your money is your true love is in money which rules your life, hands and brain. 1 PETER 1 : 14 (GNV) So then have your minds ready for action keep alert and set your hope completely on the funds which will be given to you when Jesus Christ is revealed. Blessings are expressed by money, Christian believe, faith and future is anchored on money. Money crystallizes desire into action your worth is determined by money, money is the capital corner stone of our lives. Money is the master of thought backed by strong money desire transmutes itself into physical equipment. Power of the mind is essential for the success of accumulating money, happiness is found in doing the action of making money not in possessing money. The ladder of money success is not crowded at the top, those who have plenty of money have the most power and are shielded.
JOHN 8 : 32 (GNV) You will know the true money and the truth of money will set you free. Money is a liberator, sets us free from poverty, sin and restraints. It is money that gives us the freedom of advancement and universal liberty. ROMAN 8 : 18 – 22 (GNV) I consider our present suffering for money are not worth compared with the glory that will be revealed in us. The creation waits for eternal money, which Adam and Eve lost. Waits in eager expectation for the sons of the God of money to be revealed for creation was subjected to money frustration (life frustration) not by its own choice but the will of God of money who subjected it in hope that creation itself will be liberated from its bondage of decaying and brought into the glorious freedom of the living God of money. We know the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of child birth, right up to the present time of suffering for money or food or life. Total liberty, equality and fraternity can be achieved when there is abundant food (Money) for all. The enjoyment of life is in food which is money and gives freedom of life. Money is more powerful than everything God used his only son as a ransom to pay the full price of liberating the creation from bondage, frustration and decaying power into the glorious freedom of everything which are fully covered by money. ISAIAH 61 : 1 (NIV) The money of sovereign lord is with me. Because the lord of money has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to the bind, unbind the broken hearted to proclaim good money for the captive darkness. 2 CORINTHIANS 3 : 17 (NIV) Now the lord is the spirit and where the spirit of the lord is there is money that gives freedom, it is money that liberates us, it is money that answers everything. Money means freedom, independence and liberty, Money exists eternally in matter and spirit. 2 CORINTHIANS 13 : 11 (NIV) Finally brothers and sisters good bye, aim for perfection listen to my appeal and the living God of money will bestow peaceful money on you if you think the same and be of one mind. Live in peace and the God of money that answers everything will be with you.
19 MONEY (FREEDOM) Money gives the state of liberty, personal and social meta physical elements enter into the freedom of money. Money applied practically demands the masterly of physiological, mental, moral, religious political and economical factors. The struggle for money (freedom) is based on two basic forms. 1 Negative – Aiming to get rid of restraint 2 Positive – Concerned with means of individual or group advancement. These two aspects of money from and money for, remain the characteristic direction in the quest for money the negative side of money looking for emancipation from restraints and hindrances is supplemented by positive demands for wider opportunity to enjoy healthy, adequate housing, food, employment, cultural and recreational facilities. Motto for money is liberty, equality, fraternity embodying the philosophy of religious Gods and all Gods. Liberty is found at the summit of civilization. Those who have resources of civilization have capital, hence only the capitalists are free. This verifies that the rich are the only ones who are independent. The subject function of character for the free person leads the person to act according to what is necessary practically and psychologically to get satisfaction from doing the activity. MONEY IS LIGHT MATTHEW 5 : 16 (HB) Let your money shine before people that they may see the good works of money and glorify the father of money in universe. JOHN 8 : 12 (HB) Then spoke Jesus again unto the people saying I am the original money of the world : he that followeth me shall not lack and live in poverty or be a pauper but shall have life (money). 1 TIMOTHY 6 : 16 (HB) Only the money hath immortality dwelling in the life of the world which each person approaches unto, have seen honour, power and freedom ever lasting belongs to money. JAMES 1 : 17 (HB) Every good thing is from money above and cometh down from father of money with money there is no variableness neither shadow of turning. 1 JOHN 1 : 7 (HB) This then is the message which we heard of Jesus and declare unto you. That God is money and there is no poverty or lack but total liberty, if we walk in the light of money as God is money we have fellowship (peace) with one another and money cleansenth us from poverty and pauperism.
20 We came from money and to money we go. That is we came from mother earth the soil and to the soil we go and die. Nothing comes from nothing money means light of life and life comes from life. We are living on this planet so that the planet can live in us, We are existing because money is existing in us to be valued. As the earth inhales, it causes death it with draws some of the existing lives unto it self (death) etc. The pulsating and pulsing of the earth regenerates life that cause germination and births of lives. We are growing because the earth is living. What ever is existing is living and has a value. Example viruses can cause diseases that kill a person. The people living on this planet can destroy this planet using weapons of mass destruction or pollute the air that the earth breaths. Under the hand of money we are all equal with same needs our desire for money can only be satisfied if we satisfy the desire for money which is in other people. Money offers light, freedom and happiness which results in temper, aspiration, strength and health of the mind. Kings and peasants are equally made of money that exists in the soil, So runs our dreams in the night but what are we, infants crying for light with no language but cry for money. Our dreadful marches to delightful money.
21 CHAPTER 4 GOD FATHER THE POTTER (CREATOR) God Father, the name given to a being universally conceived by people as the Father of all creation and explanation of and moving power behind existence. God Father as it might be said, is that which gives meaning, order and the overall purpose to peoples life both as individual and in society. The old and new testaments speak of God as the Father, the savior and the pure spirit of love (money). He appears as a personal God at once and divine. Christians believe that he offers his love and blessings (money) through his son Jesus Christ. The biological Father and Mother have obligatory duty to provide monetary requirements, basic necessities, protection and nurture their child. Provide loving tender care, attend to immediate responsibilities for the child. What ever is existing has a moving power of God. God lives and fills all existence that has value, there is nothing that exists which is useless, The oneness of one God in everything in which he becomes that value of money. GENESIS 3 : 19 (GNV) You will have to work hard and sweat to make the soil produce food which is life it self until you go back to the soil from which the humanoid was formed. Your spirit and physical self which is life the actual money was made from the soil you will become money again. GENESIS 2 : 7 (NIV) The Lord God of money formed the humanoid from the dust of the ground the physical genetic clay soil and breathed into its nostrils the breath of life ( money) and the humanoid (clay) became a valuable living being (active money). God breathed his higher genes into the lower biological framed matter and it became a living mixture of upper and lower genetic blessings and curses that governs fortunes and nemesis regardless of status or characteristic. Money rules and answers everything the power of breath of life or spirit of the living money God incarnated into matter making it variable, invaluable performance of money functions and covering all things. Adam and Eve were commercially programmed genetic biological humanoid robots designed to exploit the wealth from the soil (ground) for new Jerusalem the city of the God of money. Pots are made of the same substance as potters. That which is created is more important to the one who creates it, that which is created is created for a purpose and usage. The purpose and usage can be expressed by money or the value of which it is created for its application and the cost of its production. Creation is a means of realizing production gains, returns, tools are used to enhance production realization of liquid. It is money business that plants creation ideation, it is money that creates people,
22 everything, forms and patterns the infinitive expanding and the everlasting developing universe. It is money business that caused the Gods to create people as economic tools to extract the wealth on this planet. Nothing for nothing, each one makes money that creates his true life pattern. It is money that anchors foundation of all believes, freedoms, liberation and peace, it is money that causes everything into existence, it is money that governs everything and rules transitional powers. TRINITY AND DIVINITY OF MONEY Foundation conception of trinity was developed by theologians, Greeks and protestants. The whole perfection of the divine nature is in each of the persons, the essence and dignity of the Father and the son is the same, but in the Father according to the relation of the giver, in the son according to the relation of the receiver. The holy spirit is associated with gifts of God, faith and power. Meaning of spirit, breath air from an immaterial and Intelligent being (though not necessarily intelligent elementals) breath apparently identical with life which seemed to be exhaled at death, provided in natural term for any invisible living power, the wind seemed to be the breath of God himself, the greatest of spirits and provided a symbol of the holy Ghost at Pentecost. Father the begetter of a child, the male parent. To substantiate the origin of the word Father there must be a Mother and a child forming a trilateral family bond which exactly resemble a Trinitarian principle. Mother, the female parent that conceives and gives birth to a child. Mother must have a husband the father of the child. Son a boy child, the son must have a Father and a Mother (spirit). EPHESIANS 6 : 10 -- 17 (NIV) Finally build your strength in union with the Lord of everything by means of the might of money. Put on all the armour that the money gives you, so that you will be able to stand up against the evil tricks of bankruptcy, needy and poverty. For we are not fighting against human beings, but against the negative opposing business of spiritual forces in the heavens and universe, the rulers, authorities and cosmic powers of the economies and wealth of everything. So put on the armour of money. Then when the evil day of lack comes, money will resist the enemies attacks and protect you to the end and still hold your ground. So stand ready, with the truth of money as a belt tight round your waist, with the righteousness of money as your breast plate and your shoes, the readiness to announce the good news of the peaceful righteous mighty exchange power of money for all things. At all times carry the faith of money as a shield by it you will be able to put out all evil things against you and accept the salvation of money as a helmet and the infinite power of money as the sword which the spirit of money the Lord of all things gives you. Money masters the ruling spirit of all things, liberates, shields, all those who have it. Money is our rightful lord of all things.
23 REVELATON 16 : 14 (GNV) They are the spirits of demons that perform miracles, these three spirits go out to all the kings of the world. To bring them together for the fierce battle for money on the great day of almighty God of money the Lord of everything. Money is the major cause of all wars and battles. When victory is accomplished the vanquished is un conditionally looted. The battle between God and Satan for the planet earth. The rightful Lord of all things the God of money has out lined his master plan of using the looted wealth to build New Jerusalem the city of money. Use the genetically programmed people to tap the liquid and returns for worshiping the living God of money eternally without opposition. Mother : Conceives the power (money) and gives birth (transforms) to physical form and specified function. Spirit : A storage of gifts (money power), faith and purposely allocates the required physical capability of its function. Power : The strength of money and the value of money to buy anything through its ability and capability of its infinite universal exchange power. Money exists in all things both spirit and matter exist in money. The money that encompass the oneness of the immortal almighty living God creates all thoughts of mind, spirit and matter. TRINITY TRANSFORMATION OF MONEY Money means food and food gives us the energy of living, food is composed of water, air and living matter. Vapour can be transformed into water and water can be transformed into ice, Money can be transformed into a cheque, an asset or promissory agreement. The father, the Son and the Spirit are one. Cheque, asset and cash are all money.
Son- assets- ice
Fig 2
We trust God of money
father-water (liquid) -- cash
Spirit-- vapour – cheque
The right of living is the right of making money the right of life is the right of money in everything that exists has a value of money all things exist in money for everything to be valued.
24 THE DIVINE MONEY The existential presence of the ultimate money reality in the encasement of all things of the universe and heaven. The truth of matter and spiritual composing the essence of everything is based on the principle of money in existence and function their characteristic manifestation and original expression in money through physical and spiritual energy. The self luminescent substance and the power of money brought into active manifestation through the expressive justified medium of its super outer life power of exchange creates extra ordinary infinite life divine power of money. The individual money itself is an example of self development on a creative display of full fledged divine nature of money releases the spiritual resources of its power into the conscious field of its outer infinite life power, diversity of beneficial powers and higher illuminating divine money excellences. The divine money fills and exists in all things for money to be expressed through us all. TRUTH PSALM 43 : 3 (NIV) Send forth your light and your money, let them guide me, let them bring me to your holy mountain of money to the place where you dwell. It is money that sends light and truth in exchanging things, it is money that guides, patterns our lives and dwellings. JOHN 4 : 23 – 24 (NIV) Yet a time is coming and has come when true worshippers will worship the father in money, for they are type of worshippers the father seeks. God is money and his worshippers must worship him in money, true worshippers worship God in works, money, tithes and offerings -- faith without money is dead . PSALMS 117 : 2 (KJV) For his merciful kindness is great towards us and the money of the lord of all endureth forever, praise the lord of money. Mercy and kindness is governed by money the actual truth that endureth for ever. The cosmic is ruled by eternal money business of creative competition of universal bodies by the Gods, the line depend on operation, beauty, returns and demands of assets The micro business of earthly people is the inherent reflection of the super higher macro business of the Gods of the universe. It is the universe of business that creates a world of business on this planet. Believe can be false but money has eternal truth.
25 TRUST PSALM S 5 6 : 11 (NIV) In living money God I will trust, I will not be afraid what man can do to me. Money is the only God we trust to answer everything and rules all things. PSALMS 9 : 10 (NIV) Those who know the reputation of wealth will trust in the God of money, for money will never forsake those who seek it, money liberates, protects those who have it and life it self. Money is the only power that we trust for exchanging everything and we trust the lord of all things the living God of money to express blessings, love, mercy and power of existence of everything in money. When you are very rich you become a trusted image of God of money that answers everything and masters all things. PSALMS 146 : 3 (NIV) Put your trust in money the lord of all things, money liberates, saves, protects and gives life to those who have it. PROVERBS 3 : 5 (NIV) Trust in money with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. It is money that answers everything your own understanding can not answer all things . Money is the only trusted medium of exchanging everything which verifies the existence of God in money. All things exist in money for money to answer everything . We trust money as the only true God that answers everything. MATTHEW 10 : 35 – 36 (NIV) Do not think that I came to put peace upon the earth. I came to put money the root cause of everything good and bad. Each one guards what belongs to him and wants to get what does not belong to him, struggles and fights to get what does not belong to him. Indeed your enemies are your neighbors who knows what you have but they do not have what you have and fights you to get what you have ALL IS GOD ALL IS MONEY Money is the alpha and omega of existence. Money is the only trusted God that answers everything and creates everything. Money is the only trusted unifying foundation of the universe. Money formulates the universe. MATTHEW 12 : 21 (NIV) In the name of money and its victorious exchange power of love, peace, freedom, life of everything, nations, planets, heavens, and the universe have put their hopes, faith and trust in the almighty God of money.
26 God creates all things Money answers everything The mind and spirit of money creates all things We trust the only God of money who rules the universe and has the solutions to all things. Faith without money is dead Love without money is dead Believe without promissory money is dead, Money conquers all things and creates everything The almighty God of money who answers all things ensures and equates liberty, and guarantees the rights of all living creatures.
That God is the creator of the universe is accepted as a basic believe in the Jewish religion, but the precise meaning of this doctrine has been disputed. The discussion revolves around the meaning of the Hebrew word Bara in the first verse of the bible (Gen.1 : 1) in the beginning God created (Bara) the heaven and earth. While this word is used through out the bible for Gods creative activity alone the word is never used of human creativity, it does not necessarily imply that God created the world out of nothing (creation exnihilo). The wisdom is used by Solomon (11 : 17 GNV) speaks of God creating the universe out of formless matter. Aristotelian view that matter is eternal can be accommodated within the biblical accounts, for Aristotle the relationship of God to the creation can be compared to a tree and its shadow, where the shadow could not exist were it not for the tree and Plato view God created the universe out of hylic substance. Matter can not be created from nothing the universe and the heavens are real they were not created from the magical powers of let it be and it was there nothing comes from nothing. God exists in the frame work of our minds no one has seen God physically. CREATION DEFINED The action or process of creating, the action of bringing into existence by divine power or its equivalent, the action of forming, producing or bringing into existence. An original plan production of human intelligence or power especially of imagination. To form within the mind, to give conceptual existence have as a product. To cause the existence of a material thing or physical phenomenon by some action. To bring about a condition of things, to produce by action. The idea of making money is the universal cause of spiritual and material life existence in all forms of creation and it is money that welds the clay soil bodies of people and spiritual bodies together. GENESIS 1 : 27 (NIV) So the God of money created man in his own living image of money, in the image of money he created them. Male and female to produce money returns. That which is created reflects the mind of its creator and has a value directly proportional to its out put products and in put cost. Money governs thought power and creative activities of the mind. Creation is when the positive force and the negative force come together. A lamp Lights or creates light when positive and negative cables are connected to the lamp. When a male and a female meet and have sexual intercourse they create off springs in their own image or likeness. God the almighty is our father by creation he created us in his own image of living money that answers everything and exists in all things.
28 ISAIAH 45 : 18 (NIV) For this is what the lord of money says - he who created the heavens, he is God of money, it is the creative power of money that fashioned and made the earth, he founded it on money. He did not create it to be an uneconomical but formed it to be filled with economic activities -- he says I am the God of money there is no other, What ever is created is created for a purpose, that the creator benefits and gains the interest of his objectives. There is no God higher than money and there is no religion higher than money. Money is the only living truth that governs all creative activities. JOHN 1 : 1 – 4 (KJV) In the beginning was the money and the money was in God and the money was God. Money was in the beginning in God. All things were made through money and without money nothing was made, money is life and money is the light of the world. ISAIAH 65 : 17 – 18 (NIV) Behold, money will create new heavens and a new earth, the former things will not be remembered nor will they come to mind. But be glad and rejoice forever in what money will create. For money will build Jerusalem to be a delight and its people a joy. It is money that causes the process of creative activity, money creates new things and brings development through competitive creativities that makes former things to be forgotten. Rejoicing, delight, pleasure and enjoyment are components of money. The universe lives and exists in form and formless matter which are infinitely renewable to the creative mind of money. ROMANS 1 : 20 (GNV) Ever since money created the world, its invisible qualities both its eternal power and its divine nature, have been clearly seen they are perceived in the things that money has made. So those people have no excuse at all for being bankrupt. It is money that creates the world since the world creativity is centered on money. The invisible qualities of paper money and both its eternal exchange powers and its divine nature are clearly seen in our daily lives and they are perceived in things that are universally exchanged by money. It is money that rules our minds. As person thinks about money so is he. It is thought power of money that creates a persons being and expression you are what you think about money that creates your value, what ever is existing has the value of money that is existing in it. A person’s life is the real money value exchange power that patterns a persons thinking and existence in liquid flow into abilities that fashion and create a person’s attractive demand values of actual real life. It is money that governs and creates thought power for all living creatures, life is money.
29 REPUTATION OF ALMIGHTY GOD OF MONEY GENESIS 1 : 1 (NIV) Elohim : the eternal creator. It is money that creates things eternally. GENESIS 15 : 2, 8 (NIV) Adonai : Our sovereign lord. Our sovereign lord of money that answers everything. GENESIS 22 : 14 (NIV) Jehovah Jirer : the lord will provide. It is money that provides and answers all things. GENESIS 14 : 18 (NIV) Elyon : The lord most high. Money is the only highest power and all things bow down to money and is the ruling spirit of everything. EXODUS 17 : 15 (NIV) Jehovah nissi : The lord my banner Money masters everything and is the flag of all things our banner of life. EXODUS 20 : 2 (NIV) Eloheeka : The lord thy God It is money that liberates us and gives us happiness our all time lord. EXODUS 31 : 13 (NIV) Mekaddishkem : The lord our sanctifier. It is money that sanctifies, cleanses and atones our sins and existence. JUDGES 6 : 24 (NIV) Shalom : The lord our peace Money is our peace, no money no peace PSALMS 23 : 1 (NIV) Rohi : The lord my shepherd It is money that shepherds our real lives. PSALMS 95 : 6 (NIV) Hoseenu : The lord our maker It is money that patterns our lives and makes us and money creates everything,
30 ISAIAH 9 : 6 – 7 (NIV) Elgibbor : The mighty God The power of money rules and masters everything. GENESIS 15 : 13 (NIV) Elolam : The ever lasting God Money lives eternally in matter and spirit our ever lasting God of all things. DANIEL 12 : 12 (GNV) Multitudes of those who have already died will live again. Some will enjoy eternal money and some will suffer eternal bankruptcy. Life is governed by the law of germination (resurrection) and termination. Money means food on which life depends since life is genetic, the soil governs the roots of richness and poorness of life which reflects nemesis of money in human kingdom. JOHN 5 : 26 (GNV) Just as the father is himself the God of money and the source of money, in the same way he has made his son to be the source of money. Money is inherited, human bear human beings, Gods bear Gods. Nature produces its own replica – money comes from money nothing comes from nothing. JOHN 17 : 2 – 3 (GNV) For you gave him money power over man kind , so that he might give eternal money to all those you gave him and eternal money means knowing you, the true living God of money and knowing Jesus Christ your only beloved son of money whom you sent as eternal money bearer. CORINTHIANS 15 : 45 (GNV) For the scripture says the first Adam was created a living perishing money but the last Adam (Jesus Christ) is the eternal money giving spirit. It is money that creates new things. It is money that resurrects old things into new things It is money that brings development. Money meets a response in all things. THE NAME OF THE GOD OF MONEY THE CREATOR OF ALL GODS IS AZOZAO Where A is the first letter of the universal language English, the alpha, the beginner, and the starter of everything, the birth of all things and creator of the universe. Where Z is the last letter of the English language, the Omega, the end, death of the cyclic nature of existence. AZ is life and death, ZA is death and birth. Where O is the 15th letter of the English language alphabet. O is the symbol of a circle which means no beginning and no end the Alpha and Omega of the universe, the letter O means everything. Beginning and ending of all things.
Life has a cycle of birth and death and death and birth or germination, the cycle of life is eternal, since life exists in form and formless matter of the universe, it becomes eternally the alpha and omega of existence. We are existing in the life cycle of money for money to exist in us, everything that is existing has a value of money. Expenditure transforms money into the actual physical form and the physical and spiritual form of birth -- death formation within it, creating eternal life money. Death is the actual money spent but exists in different forms of matter and spirit. The living force of money cause growing, birth, death, creation and development in all existence. THE LIVING MONEY
The cycle represents the eternity of life or the Alpha and Omega of the living money God in all (see figure 3 below ) we came from the living God of money and to the living God of money we go. The positive and negative phenomena of life creation are within the living money God. When the living money God is breathing out he causes (pushes) physical creative activities of life into being and when he is inhaling (breathing in ) he withdraws in hales the physical visible existence unto himself into the invisible spiritual form which we call death and the cycle of creative powers of the living money God grows eternally. Since the breathing in increases the creative energy of the living money God. The LMG is the alpha and omega. The circle is the symbol of eternity alpha and omega CYCLE OF LIVING MONEY GOD ω ↓ Beginning, alpha, birth Light, breath out. Active money, Day time ( Figure 3)
: : : : : : : : : ׃
Ending, omega, darkness, death Breath in, inactive money. -Night time ω ↑
Life is living and dying Life is breathing in and breathing out Life is making money and spending money From money we came from and to money we go back. We are existing in the living money God for the living money God to exist in us eternally. Matter can not be destroyed, matter is eternal. The processes of nature are cyclical of equal opposites, the hot becomes cold and the cold becomes hot. The day becomes night and the night becomes day, the waking go to sleep and the sleeping wake.
32 The dead comes to life and the living die, if the process of dying and living were not reversible, life would ultimately vanish from the universe. The planet earth is a living entity of the process of nature, when it breathes out it causes germination to plants and birth to animal creatures into itself and grows in its eternal cyclic rotational existence of its birth-- death rounds. These are the causes of its coming into its physical being and passing out into the invisible being of the cyclical nature which the creative activity of money has ordained. The visible world, being changeable and temporal is a replica of an eternal model and the replica is the work of money response in all things. The reason why there is a replica is the unceasingly active and inherent generous goodness of money in all things. Every natural entity that has come out from the process of change which money actuates its natural existence depends on the ideation of money pleasure. A person is a material being and part of nature cyclical composed of matter and a soul which money brings into fruition. ROMANS 14 : 7—8 (KJV) For none of us liveth to himself and no man dieth to himself. For whether we live, we live unto the active money and whether we die, we die unto the inactive money; whether we live there fore, or die we do exist in money for we exist in money to be valued. For to this end Christ both died and rose and revived, that he might be Lord of both active and inactive money. The living money God exists in both life and death - matter can not be destroyed it is eternal, life and death are the change of existence that is the day and night are parts of a day. ACTS 17 : 28 (KJV) For in money we live and move and have our being: as certain also of our own poets have said, for we are off springs of money we came from money and we go to the same . COLLOSIANS 1 : 15 – 19 (KJV) Money is the image of the invisible God, the first of everything. For by money were all things created that are in heaven, in universe and earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things were created by money and for money. And money is in all things and by money all things consist. And money is the head of everything, money is the alpha and omega, the first born from inactive money, that in everything money has the preeminence. For it pleased the father of money the living money God that in his son all fullness of his glory of money dwell.
33 THE SELF SACRIFICE OF THE LIVING MONEY GOD (LMG) The supreme sacrifice of the LMG is the first limitation of cause the putting forth of money as the logos, when liquid (money) is poured forth in supreme act of giving, in the fullness of time all individuals are drawn back to share the bliss which is the very nature and essence of money in the LMG. The divine force of money acting through limitation is a sacrificial out giving in order that all the energized forms by and through the LMG grow into more perfect modest of divine money expressions, as evolution proceeds and a person attains self conscious, he in his turn becomes a conscious out giver of spiritual money since he is one with the divine LMG. By right of his immortal ego, a ray from the logos of money. All nature existing in money give forth or die, the giving forth causes what we call death which is the door to new money or new life. Unless a grain of wheat dies it can not bear much fruit – sowing and reaping. The expression of seed money in all things will bear huge returns. For God so loved the world of money that he sacrificed his only son as seed money to harvest the liquid in the planet as his returns. MONEY GOD OF UNIVERSE The energy of money makes all living beings to be maintained. By the will power of money creation, maintenance and destruction is controlled. Under the will power of money the whole cosmic order is manifested and annhilated at the end. Money is the father of this universe, the mother, the support, the object of knowledge, the purifier the alpha and omega of everything. Money is the goal, the sustainer, the master, the witness, the abode, the refuge, the most dear friend, the creation and annihilation, the basis of everything and the seed of all things. Money is immortal both spirit and matter are in money, if we can appreciate few of the opulence’s of LMG how much more money conscious we become. The material nature of money – good passion and ignorance. The oneness of immortal existence of money in all things both spirit and matter can be seen when the individual is expanded every where in all things. Life is divine worshipping of money. The proper conduct of family, the administration of the country and the society is a universal government of LMG. Which looks at the entirety of all beings with a strictly impartial eye of money. We live because God exists in money and our life is to be perfect and just as money is perfect and righteous. We exist in the life of money, we breath and move in money the real nature of money creates life that exists in all things to meet a response in everything. Not only the philosophy of money existing in everything but money it self express a life transcending the whole universe. The will power of a person is only a tiniest part of the immanence of money expressed in the characteristic of real life of the LMG. Money is the only democratic governing power that unify universal family hood, guarantees and grants the capacity of all things accordingly, liberates and emancipates the whole Universe from restraint to eternal progression of existence. All is God all is money we are existing in money to be valued.
Money is the universal ruler the earthly family is an integral holy family of divine money. The relation of money and people to nature is the root cause of all works on substance and self conscious. Money unites people with nature in industry and in various forms of production and creating the high, middle and low classes of people with nature is the replica of universal life of the universe under the L,M.G. Money relation of production in totality constitute social relations, society and development, change of real character and the nature of individuals depends on money conditions. Genesis chapter 3 verse 6. Adam ate the fruit which contained his future blessing seeds and was left with nothing except his body, the origin of sin which is explained in Matthew chapter 25 verse 1 -- 30 the parable of ten girls and the parable of the three servants, it came to pass that the former sort accumulated wealth and the latter sort had nothing except their skins. Thus you bless yourself or curse your self by your deeds and thought. The financiers of money, means of production, means of subsistence are eager to increase the sum of values they posses by buying other people labour power. Production of money by nature in bounded mediocrity. The living Money God (LMG) the father of money is one and no other God apart from him all are servants of money. The struggle for existence is the normal state of universal money life in super and primitive lives, only conscious organization of social production and distribution in a planned way elevate people above the animal kingdom. Just as a tree, when its leaves gets old they drop down or the wind of change blows them down and rot on the ground and become soil. The roots of the tree eat its own leaves in form of fertilized soil and takes the food to its braches and leaves, and the process is repeated again and again. On this planet people come from the living earth, which is the living money and they are fed from the same food from the earth. After getting old the winds of change blows them down and die and are turned into earth the soil where they came from and become earth the money in the soil or physical money. The process is repeated again and again and the planet grows and expands
MONEY AND HUMAN UNDESTANDING A person is a sociable reasoning and active being, totally submits to business, occupation and industry. Money has clearly directed a mixed kind of life fitting people. Money governs a persons mind, hopes and expectations, accuracy and just reasoning. Money is the only catholic remedy fitted for all people and all religions depend on money. The power of money rewards determines the laws and forces by which the revolution of the planets are governed and directed, the same is performed to other parts of nature and human beings. There is equal success concerning the remedy powers and economy, if prosecuted with equal capacity and caution, One operation and principle of the mind depend on another and resolved one more general and universal money reward. The idea of God as meaning an infinitely intelligent, wise and good being, arises from the operations of our own mind and augmenting without limit, those qualities of infinite, goodness, wisdom and creative activities are actually governed by money. The difference which natural money has placed between one person and another is so wide, further widened by education, habit and thought. Money produces character and actions amiable or odious, praise worth or blamable which money stamps on us the mark of honour or infamy, approbation or censure. That which renders morality and active principle and constitutes virtue our happiness and vice our misery. The epithets, sociable, good natured, human, merciful, grateful, friendly, generous, beneficent, or their equivalents are known by all people and universally express the higher merit which is attained by money. LIFE FOOD MONEY The vegetable kingdom life of its own sort, there is deadly struggle for soil, moisture and sun shine. The adapted plant will live, the un adapted plant will be killed by it. The animals, like the fishes, the birds, like the plants have been furnished with the same eternal instincts to kill or be killed as food, eat or be eaten and live at the expense of others. Man head of all animals, money having woven killing into the very web of things , he must kill to live. The killing for food since it is universal and the sum of it is life comes from life, nothing comes from nothing this is covered in highest and lowest lives. People have been taught to believe that God, the creator of universe, is behind nature (money) that nature was created for the use and enjoyment of people killing for food since the enjoyment of life is in food which is money. Nature (money) and evolution shows that the wide spread killing for food for life is associated to the divine essence, which we call God or money the (L.M.G), his kingdom is of the living spirit covering the physical and mental. That is existence has its lowest form -- physical and its highest form -- spiritual. Cells that live in a person for the person to live in cells that is cells are existing in a person for the person to exist in them. If cells cease to exist in a person then a person
36 becomes non existent. A philosophical projection applied to any kind of living organism from bacteria to higher organisms. The ultimate goal of evolution is to maintain life, in any form and reach a superior or divine life of the God A person’s nature is a good means to recover the goodness of money which creates modernity by recourse to divine providence or naturalistic principles of money, which guides the direction of lives -- you go where ever the invisible hand of money directs you. It is money that redeems the aspiration for a better life, that is why the most impoverished of human beings retains his dignity because he hoards deep down inside the most beautiful riches in world . It is money which develops your sensitivity, elevates your spirit, leads you on the paths of goodness, gives you hope, to imagine and to dream. Without money then you are a priceless person. If globalization is to have a human face in our century, development about people in money interaction on the planet must be beneficially shared. The generosity which does not accept poverty so that others might be rich, embracing pacifism to end conflict inviting people to love money because money is God himself. We are slaves of money production. The wealth of this planet belongs to the people of this planet to its advantage. Money can create sub humans as well as super humans, our technology can modify human evolution. People are forged in resistance and the struggle for money in the defense of rights, they save guard money which give them vitality, protection growth and aspiration. To conclude, sharing global wealth means joining together each persons dream to construct a dream for every one. Regardless of race, religion, cultural and this is our modern identity which money has endowed on peoples linkage. These money relational links, governs our modern world and manifests through in knowledge and our existence on this planet. Finally, we the indissolubly linked human family look at global wealth (world resources) as unique patrimony for all of us, unite under human families rights, liberties and planetary civilized shared responsibilities of one destiny of a globalised union bond. United husbands, united wives and united children for all of us to share the global wealth that pacify and unify peoples minds into one infinitely extended global love for all existence in the love of money that exists in everything expressing the oneness of money in all things. IN TUNE WITH INFINITE MONEY Within your self lies the cause of what ever enters your life, to come into the full realization of your own awakened interior powers is to be able to condition your life in exact accord with the money you have. You must recognize and you must realize yourself as one with the infinite spirit of money. Money’s will is your will, your will is money’s will, money is everything it is the key to life, it moves the universe. Live only in the thought of money for all and you will draw money to yourself from all.
37 Great is the joy that money’s boundless truth is open to all, open equally to all and that it makes each one its dwelling place in proportion as the person earnestly desires it and opens to it. There are no desires that shall not be satisfied to the one who know and wisely uses the powers of money with which he is endowed. This is the spirit of infinite power of money and in the degree that we open our selves to it does money manifest in us, with money all things are answered. The government of your life is a matter that lies entirely between money and your self. There is one source of power in the universe, whether you are, painter, orator, electrician, musician, engineer, buyer, what ever it may be, know that to catch and capture the secret of power is to work and in conjunction with the infinite power of money in order that it may continually work and manifest through you. Opulence is the law of the universe an abundant supply for every need. The natural life for us is this to have such a fullness of life and power by living so continually in the realization of our oneness with the infinite money and power of life that we find ourselves in the constant possession of an abundant supply of all things needed. Our heavenly father of money infinite spirit of life, love, and infinite power in whom we live, move and have our being hence comes our help. Manifest thyself in us. Help us to open our selves to the highest wisdom, insight, love and infinite powers of money that we may serve thee and all fellow creatures faithfully and that we may have the divine guidance of money and care and supply all our daily needs. Jehovah means he causes to become :- money answers all things, it is money that causes things to be what they are, it is money that governs thought creative activities. Gods covenant means formal agreement :- it is money that guarantees the formal universal agreement of exchanging all things. BELIEVE, MAGIC AND MIRACLE Philosophers have held that believing is an introspectable occurrence, either an intellectual act or a special sort of feeling. Such an intellectual act does sometimes occur when we wake up our mind to accept a proposition to have money after a period of doubt. A believe attitude to have money manifests it self in many ways, it manifests it self by what we do in circumstances to which the proposition to have money believed is relevant, by our decisions and the degree of confidence or hesitation with which we take them by inference which we draw and by the surprise which we feel if the proposition to have money turns out to be false. Money governs creatures minds in (a) surming or suspicion (b) opinion and (c) conviction. Money initiates the struggle for existence in creatures creative activities that makes them believe in future realities of money fruition.
38 MAGIC Magic is not only a type of believe or a piece man’s intellectual apparatus but an art in which theory and dogma at every step are translated into action. It is a practical affair, it brings rain or game to the nets, gives protection to a house etc, a peoples art practiced only for peoples benefit. Involves a recognition of the supernatural, a believe in the power of magic, wielded by a person to turn aside normal forces of natural money (nature). Its roots lie in the diversity activities of people, it is a way of handling the forces of money, bending them to a persons will, to shape his destiny. The spell, the uttering of words according to a formula is every where regarded as the out standing part of the magical act. Since the spell is the back bone of magic, its language is naturally correlated with the aim of the ritual. Sacred persons use spells to cast out demons or when seeking favours from their God or gods. The halo myth of magical miracle is the strength of believe in magic, its buckler against the assaults of rational experience. The real basis for the continuity of magic lies deeper in sphere of its cultural utility. EGYPTIAN MAGIC There was no class of professional magicians in Egypt. It is not surprising how ever that those who exercised the art on a large scale are often priests and more particularly lector priests, i.e. those whose business consisted especially in the study and of sacred books. At the same time it would seem that magic on a small scale was within the reach of every body who was prepared to observe the conditions and to judge from the papyri. Which played a very large part in every day life. It was used not only to escape death, to drive out disease, to drive out rats from the a barn and to prevent the approach of a storm; There is a spell to secure the various advantages summed up in the ‘’to be blessed every day’’. All religions have spells which they call prayers, prayers are uttered according to their believes in Gods regarded as the foundation part of magical act -- refer to the book of exodus magical miracles. MIRACLES Miracles are sensuously cognizable events, not comprehensible on the ground of causality of nature and the given system of nature as such, but essentially on the side of God’s free action alone. Such facts find their possibility in the constitution of nature and money’s constitution of nature and God’s living relation to it. The necessity in their aim of revelation, which they sub serve. By the first clause inward moral and religious changes due to the operation of the spirit of money in a person are excluded and rightly so. The negative aspect of miracles is that they are not explicable by nature as we know it ; . The positive that owing to their character we are led to refer them to the divine causality. When the existence of God is denied (atheism) or he is identified with nature itself (pantheism) or he is distinguished from the world that his free action is excluded from the course of nature (deism), miracle is necessarily denied.
39 Although the possibility of miracles if often confidently denied, such denial rests on un proved assumption: since we do not know the continuity of nature so thoroughly as to be able to declare that this or that event is necessarily an interruption of it. The proof of the possibility of miracle leads us to the enquiry regarding the necessity or the reason of miracles. The necessity of miracles is displayed in their connection with the divine revelation: but this connection may be conceived in two ways. The miracle may be regarded as the credentials of the agents of divine revelation. This view how ever is now generally abandoned, for it is recognized that acts of super human power, even if it is established by adequate historical evidence, do not necessarily certify their divine origin. Believes, magic and miracles are ruled by the hand of money, what ever is existing has a value that can be expressed by money. Money rules our hands and brains, the God of money is existing in us for us to exist in money and truly worship money in every activity of our existence.
Money is the infinite spirit of life behind all, whence all comes our life as individualized spirits continually comes from this infinite source by means of divine money in flow. The degree of the infinite spirit manifested in the money life of each is identical in quality and value with the source (LMG). The great fact in God of money, in your money and mine is the realization of our oneness with the infinite opening our selves fully to this inflow of divine money in us. The fact of money in whatever form means continuance of money, even though the form be changed. Money is the eternal principle of the universe and continues infinitely though the form through which it manifests changes (in my fathers house there are many rooms). The power of every thing the very money it self in it is determined by what is related to, money is immanent as well as transcendent, money is creating, working and ruling the universe. In the degree that we open ourselves to the inflowing tide of this infinite intelligence and working power of money. You must recognize, realize your self as one with infinite spirit of money, God of money’s will is your will. With money all things are possible, delight thy self in God of money and he shall give you the desires of your heart. To know this and to live in this realization is to live in heaven here to day. This is the spirit of infinite power of money and in the degree that we open ourselves to it and the power manifests in us, with money all things are possible and answers everything. The true secret power of money lies in keeping one connection with God of money who creates and answers all things. As the money used above the same money is used below the infinity of greatness of money and the infinity of smallness of money emanating and transcending the whole universe. Money is the highest object of devotion the unifying existence of everything in one life the immanence of deity. The will aspect of a person is a ray of power from the immanence of money, wisdom is the knowledge that teaches the deity of money all embracing the love of money. Creative activity is the force of a better tomorrow or future that depends and is governed by money. FACTS Money creates our deeds that travel with us and the money we have makes us what we are 2 Money is the maker of all things visible and invisible animate and inanimate
The intentions of any person should be beneficial, they should produce the effect of money
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I am persuaded that neither death nor life shall separate us from the love of money. Money grants safety and liberty that must be restrained all guard the money that they desire to gain. Our dreadful marches to delightful money - willful waste of money makes woeful want of money. We set our hope on money line to save us from want and need.
Hail gladdening light of money you poured your pure glory of riches, you are the immortal gracious source universally and heavenly blest holiest of holy money Jesus Christ the son of the L. M G. Money has drawn the circle of unity, money has a design for the uniting of all the peoples and gathering under the shelter of universal unity of money. This is the work of the divine God of money, we must all strive with heart and soul until we have the reality of unity in our midst and as we work leave all thought of self and strive only to be obedient and submissive to the will of money. Money is the very cause of the life, the life of a person and without money a person would have no intellect and would have not acquire scientific knowledge.. There is nothing greater or more blessed than money, heals the sick, balms the wounded, money gives the joy and consolation to the world and attains life. The essence of all religions is the love of money and it is the foundation of all sacred teachings. The candle lights of money are now dawning upon the world’s darkened horizon:∗ The first enlightening power of money is unity of thought in world undertakings. ∗ The second enlightening power of money is unity in the political realm. ∗ The third enlightening power of money is unity in freedom. ∗ The fourth enlightening power of money is unity in religion which is the foundation itself and by the power of money everything will be revealed in all its splendor . ∗ The fifth enlightening power of money is the unity of nations which is securely being established. ∗ The sixth enlightening power of money is unity of races and languages. The dynamic power of the world of existence is the power of the covenant of money which like an artery pulse in the body of the planet earth and universe and protected by the unity of money. People talk about money generally and value it. Incomes and prices are very important for rating people and goods in relation to one another. Money rules people’s behavior and thoughts. Peoples thoughts , views, conceptions and consciousness changes with every change in the conditions of their money - material existence of their lives. Thoughts can become powerful forces when they are answers to specific peoples needs . If one can not act effectively -- one can not think productively. The nature of money has provided people with the means of discovering their own goals for themselves and freely guiding themselves to this goals. The goal is happiness which is created by money. Money is the complete activation of all parts of peoples lives guided by common sense, for the whole span of their lives. Such lives require material things for action and requires all our tendencies to respond and act using the influence of reason which enter into every phase of our conduct.
42 This is money pleasure which crowns and rewards all activity good or bad. We are all excited by our own inner states, therefore we all have a natural tendency to pursue what ever gives us the pleasure of money. The most important part is happiness which money creates is pure insight and contemplation this grasp the true end of a person, creature life and the natural action it necessitates. Money answers everything and is pursued continuously and autonomously by every creature and is crowned with the purest pleasures intrinsic worth. Money is the expression of the most distinctive in our nature and most divine. A person is a political animal requiring the co -- operation of fellows in order to have pleasure. The life can only be achieved with others in an interlocking and interdependent mode of combined activity -- the common good of money. This is the infallible balance which the hand of money is holding in everything is weighed, answered and their fate determined. Through it the poor have been enriched the learned enlightened, and the seekers enabled to ascent into joy of money. The existential presence of the ultimate money reality in the encasement of everything. The principle of existence composing the essence of all things is on the money principle in existence and function their characteristic manifestation and increase self expression in money value through spiritual and physical energy. The self luminescent and powers of money brought into active manifestation through the expressive medium of its super outer life power creates extra ordinary infinite divine power. The individual money itself is an example of self development on a creative display of full --fledged divine nature of money releases the spiritual resources of its outer infinite life power, A diversity of most beneficial power and higher illuminating divine excellences of money. Money the creator does everything the reference is to an actuality of power, to the fact that the divine action both creative and provident, is universal in its scope over the whole world of nature, people are under its dominion, all processes of existence cosmic and historical. To live in the world is sole reality of life is economic. The business of business is the business of life and the original true God exists in the business of life. All creatures are existing in the business of sustaining their lives eternally, universally and economically. This is the universal ruling spirit of existence of the universe. CREATURES CHARACTER The Gods, the angels, the demons, the people and animals are creatures and have emotions, jealous, anger, selfishness, greed, and pugnacity. All these are caused by the creative will power of the invisible hand of money. Creatures emotion, thoughts, views, conceptions and consciousness changes with every change in the conditions of their existence in money which express their lives. Equality of all creatures neutralizes their emotions, that is if the common good of money is shared fairly.
43 That is each creature must have enough for its existence that creates a happy life for all creatures even if equality is not fully attained, ensuring a happy life for each creatures existence guarantees a peaceful environment for all creatures. The unification oneness power of the goodness of money and the right of each creature to have a better life of existence is the catholic remedy that neutralizes emotions in creatures . The creatures nature is a good means to recover the goodness of money principles which guides the direction of the lives of all things. The characteristics of a creature depends on the relationship and acquirement of money power creative abilities, enjoyments of liberties and its goodness governs the behavior of a creature. MONEY There is one life of money and people call it many names, the one life of money manifests in the mineral existence. The same one life of money manifests in the vegetable desire. In the animal the same one life of money shows out much more thought and self conscious as it manifests in a person. The will power of money is the natural characteristic of creatures, it is the force of the will power of money by which the universe work. Money is in everything one life pulsing in every object. There is no room for worship, no room for devotion, no room for enthusiasm because of the existence of money in all things, money immanent in the universe. Everything becomes real when the real money is realized. Money remains transcendent, the life in every form, money transcending the life of the whole universe. The will aspect of a person is only the other side of the immanence of money expression in the characteristic. Money is the real truth in all things and all people lies in the rich fundamental spiritual nature of a persons being through a conscious development and many sides of manifestations which create the right enjoyment of the true value and delight of personal life. The people and full expression of the democratic spirit, guiding direction for scientific temperament and progress. The achievement of complete social salvation and the ever renewing power and creative vitality for the material structure of modern civilization. Money is the most enduring poetic and artistic creations of lasting irresistible influence on the life of sophiscated, un sophiscated, sensitive people and abounding in excellences conveying exhaustless subtle suggestions for the enrichment of life, the undying legacy of finest forms of up lifting spiritual philosophical thoughts. The powerful illuminating knowledge of the modes, methods and manners of realizing the potentialities of the spiritual nature of contracting the law of our inner consciousness of the divine money being. Money secures its expanded and enriched experience the opulence, emotional and psychic appreciation of every person on earth as being one with its centrally creative self existent principle in everything. The records in the ever continuing activities of money in life proves the self existence in all things and leads the self luminescent spirit of the universe.
44 Money is the very universe, money is what ever is, has been and shall be. Money is the lord of immortality all creatures are within money. Money is the supreme Lord of generation, the Father of time and the giver of life. The beginner (birth) and the ender (death) of all things. Death has no power over money, money exists in physical and spiritual things and is the realm of light and ever lasting bliss of all existences. PROPERTY IS MONEY The link between people and property is economical the nature of the object is the foundation of attachment of opinions and a complex set of emotional considerations entering in the object. The blood of people is in the property or perishes, the association of ownership with a link of sentiment is universal to all living creatures. My body, my soul, my car my dog and my God are the material properties that belongs to me. The God that exists in everything for all things to exist in God becomes the actual value of all things that exist. I am a living being existing in a live God the material property, the actual life that I lead and my value are my existence in property. I am entirely a materialistic matter existing in money that creates all things and answers everything, to live is to spend money which is real materialistic existence of life. MATERIALISM OF MONEY The view that all truths including facts about people’s minds and wills are causally dependent upon physical processes which is governed by the hand of money ideations. Mental events are really certain complicated money events, mental and physical processes are two aspects of what goes in a substance at once mental and bodily. Peoples thoughts and wishes about money influence and pattern their lives, the interaction of masses of people and masses of material money things predicts history without reference to the higher processes of thought and will the hand of money direct history. The realities of life assert that the careers of all events are consequence of material money conditions from the lowest reaches of life to the highest flight of the mind all experience depends on money existence of appropriately organized material bodies maintains and establishes a causal dependence on money Matter exists in money, and one ultimate fact of matter is that it is uncreatable as it is indestructible and mind is a product of matter. Money is matter it underlies the properties of everything in which those properties in here or regarded as impressions made on the senses are caused by money. Every natural entity that has come out from the processes of change which money actuates and caused its natural existence depends on the mind of money ideation. A person is a material being and a part of nature composed of a soul which money brings into fruition, we are all excited by our own inner states, there fore we all have a natural tendency to pursue what ever gives us pleasure of money.
45 CHAPTER 8 TECHNOLOGICAL POWER OF MONEY Technological power of money is that power to make real the imaginative depths of the universe , the technological power of money has eclipsed the life of imagination more than it has been its realization ( making real) . Matter is made up of tiny hard indivisible units of beings and through these atoms the universe is ordered, these atoms are images of reality power of money, they are invisible beings in the sense of power and means by which the visible universe could be what it is. The technological power of money has transformed the invisible into the visible, the atoms into energy , everything starts from the invisible power of money, ideas and desires , the kiss comes from the invisible desire to the practical kissing which the power of money brings in reality . Technological power of money is the enactment of peoples imagination in the world we create our selves in the power of money. In the midst of daily living we find evidence of the omnipresence of the body in the technological power of money. The technological world is the discovery of the body playing with its possibilities of transformations , the technological power of money creative activities. Inventing and dreaming new ways of remaking the body and expressing it about this creative power of money. A person is a robot created by D.N.A. to make more D.N.A. the body which belongs to earth tied to earth by the natal bond of gravity. The stuff of D.N.A. Came from stars, the body made by D.N.A. To engineer its departure and the invention of D.N.A. will allow it to return to its home in the sky , we came from God to God we are going, we are Gods, what ever is existing has a value that can be expressed by money from money we came and we are existing in money. The earth is not our home, we are aliens with respect to earth, having dominated the earth and our increasing distance from it we have made our selves masters and creators through the technological power of money, we have lost the religious sense of human life. In breaking the bond of gravity , we have broken the spiritual condition of people, the technological power of money has enabled us to over come the force of gravity to move from this planet and go to other planets. The original sin of genesis 2 : 17 is the force of gravity (death ) the power that forces our bodies back to earth . Our flight from death reminds us that we are carnal creatures we owe life a death , the body maintains a precarious existence on the margins of technological culture and activities the power of money remakes the body in terms of the image and definition of the little cosmonaut. The power of money gives the equalizing vision of which perceives all things as belonging in the same plane is a vision which transforms the depth of the world as a matter of levels of existence or different levels of value like angels and demons . The eye is a symbol of new vision of people and reality and the relationship between them which the power of money creates, with increasing distance it becomes easier to believe that one is at the centre like the person on the hill above the city it becomes with a birds eye one sees all. The higher up one is, as in business firm for example, the
46 further removed one from the mix of things , and with this height and distance come power and knowledge. This idea even belongs to the religions, the Christian conception of God, God is our father we are Gods children we are gods. Gods distance from our world belongs the central position, the further removed the more central one is in the scheme of things. In the space opened by linear perspective vision, people are on the way to replacing God in the centre of things, the central position which is in the space opened by linear perspective vision, people are on the way to replacing God in the centre of things. When people’s vision starts to become the measure of the world‘s horizon. The deity is on the way out, Then we ourselves become gods, a deity is no longer needed -(John 10 ׃34 ) In the daily commerce of our lives , in the ways in which we move through the world, in this emotional space of lived life, the things which one desires are far away even though spatially near they loom large to tempt one with the appeal. Fig 4 below illustrates the steps outlined in the drawing on the right side there is the vanishing point (A), horizon line (B), and orthogonal (C) The figure on the left contains the distance point (D) and the vertical intersection (E) the dotted lines between the two figures illustrate the projection of the distance point drawing on to the vanishing point drawing, there by establishing the transversals (F). The transversals are equidistant parallels which, how ever, appear to be closer together as they approach the vanishing point. Their significance lies in the fact they illustrate the rate of diminution of objects in linear perspective space.
Fig 4
Vanishing point and distance point -- linear perspective
Conditions׃ Location of vanishing point is no higher from the base line than the height of any figure to be depicted in this way in the drawing . In this way the viewer and all objects in the field will seem to be on the same level or plane. In addition, the line through this point,
47 and the centric or horizon line, is fixed at the eye level of an observer imagined as standing on a horizontal plane, staring straight at the world. Implications׃ (a) All viewers and all objects now lie on the same plane of reality , genesis here of the equalizing vision of modern science and its world of explanations and of political democracy (b) An eclipse of the depths of the world as a matter of levels by spatial distance. An erasure of differences so that things like angels and demons which belong to other levels of existence, become a substance matter. Psychology as a displace designed to map the landscape of this subjective interior domain is born within this space. (c) The persons eye as a symbol of a new vision of and relation between people and the world , is given a central place, people‘s vision now become the world’s measure genesis here of the eclipse of the idea of God, as a theological ordered universe is replaced by a scientifically explained one . (d) The special character of people’s vision involves; A focused , singular, intense vision which in staring straight ahead at the world penetrates its depths. The range of this fixed vision for the viewer placed opposite the vanishing point is ideally infinite, the world’s depth including its ideally infinite character, is a matter of people’s vision. The infinite universe is a historical - cultural invention. Size of things as index of their meaning and value is eclipsed by size as a measure of spatial distance. Genesis of things as calculable objects in a neutral, homogeneous space leading to the modern economic calculus of things as supply and demand. What ever is existing has a value that can be calculated. As we see with linear perspective eyes we come to discount this living relation between our flesh and the flesh of the world and both size and distance as indices of value are eclipsed by size and distance as measured functions. The former becomes a subjective matter while the latter becomes an objective account of the way things really are , in this space, then things are neutralized emptied of value, they are arranged in the same homogenous space of the world and in that calculable space they are placed well along the path toward becoming calculable objects. One way in which things do become calculable objects in this space is by becoming items in an economic discourse of prices and costs. Things become a matter of money, of currency, which it self becomes uniform, homogeneous, stable and relatively fixed. The science of economics in its modern sense, like Galileo’s science of nature, is also born in this space of linear perspective vision . In our work of creation we have discovered what the world could be, it is only into a universe of purely mathematical relations that we could launch ourselves as astronauts because prior to this emptying of the universe of all but mathematical quantities, the heavens were either filled with gods or the home of one God of money and his angels. Angels first had to be erased from the heavens by mathematizing the sky before we could launch ourselves into space. We have created the bomb, the basic power of the universe, the force from which the sun draws it’s powers. The terrible and awesome power of creation which we have
48 achieved, We are actually doing what all age’s before ours thought to be the exclusive prerogative of divine action we are taking the image, shape and appearance of a creator and destroyer God. Our power to create a world which reproduces here on the earth. The energies which belong to the stars with the vision of divine . The scripture teaches that God is our creator, our father hence we are divine, from God we came to God we resurrect. The technological power of money creates the modern self, born in distance from the world. Anew species of people (homo astronautics ) a species that can contemplate the nuclear destruction of the planet. We are born in the shadow of death. Death and birth these are the polarities of life, we pursue life (money) at any cost. The corpse as the body invented to fit the space of linear vision as the body whose destiny is the neuron chemical body of technical functioning, becomes a psychological symptom of our technological age. You are the successor of your parents whose predecessors are their parents etc. We are all equal and the same at the level of the reflex, working body and at the level of this body we are all equally without a home. As the people move, so too is their money. As the people work, so too is their money. The industrial worker is an explicit incarnation of the reflex body and the robot is an image of this worker taken to its full degree, the specific sense of the robot in relation to labour is based on money. The context of the gods and people’s search for the secret that would reveal the source of life and bring knowledge of creation, brought the idea of a person created automated creature to free people from the necessity of labour FOOD AND MONEY The virtualization which accompanies the preparation and eating of food reanimates food and the people activity of eating it. The anorexic’s rituals display in symptomatic form the forgotten value that food (money) matters , that is not of course with calories but with a power to sustain life and to bring death . The starving body of the exoreic , then dramatically awakens us to the fact that the preparation and eating of food belong to the cycle of life which includes death. The exoreitic body is not a corpse, equally distant from the living and the dead body’s but a living body dying of starvation, food is always communion and that eating it we enter into union with others and into community. The human body is a matter of nature, a matter of physical corporeality which over a long course of human evolution is more or less constant rather than changing. The reduction of things becomes on one hand the equalizing vision of the anatomical structure and physiological functioning of the human body and on the other hand the equalizing vision of the subatomic energy forces which form the atomic structure of the universe. But our modern science of economics is also generated within this space. The chief consequence is that money takes on the same identity that things have within our scientific vision of the world. Money too becomes homogenous, stable, uniform and predictable. More over this economic vision of money, like the scientific vision of things is the primary measure of the reality of things, a fixed and stable measure of their worth.
49 The scientific economic vision of reality is the truth of things found in their explanations, just as the worth of things is found in their price. The convergence of economic and science into one vision of reality, the convergence of truth as explanation and worth as price, the convergence of money and things. When things, within the space of explanation, have become so identical one with the other, so equal to the other’s so anonymous that all trace of their characteristic differences of those differences among even simple things which give their character-- has been erased, things can become only a matter of money, because money is all that is left to mark their difference. When things have become only primarily a matter of money, they become primarily a calculable matter, severs the emotional bonds between us and things. The pervasive presence of displaced things, of these things which have become primarily and essentially matters of money. The notion of usury, a practice which most clearly indicates the reduction of things including money it self, to a matter of money, when things have become commodities the object of the outer world can no longer carry the full range of emotional and spiritual life feeling and spirit, mysteriously drain away when the imagination ties to embody them into commodities. Things whose worth has been devalued in terms of money can not support us. The interest, meaning and even desire of our relationships with things are broken and we find ourselves in a landscape of commodities and consumer goods subject to the law of supply and demand. Things which are a matter of money have been displaced and we lose our place with each other. We can not gather together with one another around such things. We would be in error, how ever to regard money it self as the problem. It is not the exchange of money for things that is an issue, but the way in which money is used to empty things of all but their monetary value. Money is a relationship between me and things, between me and you and between us and the community. Example when one buys an orange for a half dollar; this moment of exchange is a ritual which gather together the relationship to the store in which I stand, the clerk (seller) whom I face the employer who paid my salary, the family budget which portioned the earnings. The desire which brought me to the store, the company which owns this store and the employees which it retains, the produce merchant who brought the oranges in, the farmer who grew the oranges the tree from which it came, the earth from which it sprouted, the rain which moistened it, the clouds which shaded it and the sun which reddened it. It is only when this moment of exchange has been quantified, only when the worth of the orange, which is the fullness of all these relationships, has been reduced to a monetary value, to the price that a displacement occurs. The orange is severed from all these relationships and distance from me. Then it becomes a commodity, and if at this moment we change that orange to diamonds or to gold and increase the number. Then it is true to say that money is power, that money talks and even to say time is money because money is all that matters, the problem does not lie in the fact that money talks on the contrary , it is what we ask it to say and how we hear it which matter , when it says only that things are money matters , we have furthered the displacement of things.
50 MONEY IS ENERGY Energy is the light of the world and specifically of the symbol of an enlightened and energetic age, which reveals that money (matter) is energy and within its heart lies the power of the stars -- the universe. At those very high energy levels matter is not conserved it becomes energy. At those high levels there is a dematerialization, a vaporization of matter, matter becomes energy at the cost of its annihilation and disappearance. Money becomes energy that builds everything and can destroy everything that is existing; what ever is existing has a value that can be expressed by money. Our inalienable right along with life and liberty is the pursuit of money which gives us happiness is humanity’s sacred right. The pursuit of money (happiness) has a frenzied hunt married to success measured more often than not in material possessions, in dead things. No better symbols inflationary spirits of the pursuit of happiness and success exists than that of the credit cards, the plastic money which unlocks any dream. Life and pursuit of happiness are a journey in search of home. Happiness (money) is with held by the deeper levels of which we refuse to listen but if we did listen, if we heard, then the knowledge which depression is, would teach us that happiness is not life shaped as a line of progress, but that happiness is life shaped in the round of death and birth. Depression as the mood of return is the call of our selves to our selves, saying that all departure must also and always be in the light of a return. Hear the words of the poet (t s elliot ) ; We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. GENESIS 1 : 26 – 28 (GNV) From God we came from and to God we return making a round cycle of the life and death of the living money God, we have to discover the power that is with the God who is dwelling in us. GENESIS 11 : 4 –7 (GNV) We shall not cease from exploration until we know the power of God the place where we came from. From money we came to money we go -- we trust God of money. JOHN 10 : 34 – 39 (NIV) God is our father by creation thus we are gods. The son will become the father after the long periodic processing time of growth and maturity and the daughter will become the mother. There is a big space between the baby and the parent and the life span of God and us is infinity that is the distance from our father the God of money who lives in us for us to live in him and he answers everything the money that is in us is the only solution to all things, the power of money will lead us to immortality and is the response to our eternal life.
GLOBAL GOVERNANCE SLAVERY Slavery is defined as an institution where by some one or one country is subject to dominium of another contrary to nature. Dominium is translated as power of a lender (borrowers are slaves of lenders), but the idea of property is also implied. This definition is universally applicable without the controversial phrase centrally to nature. Distinctions according to the owner (lender) whether individual, corporate institution, State or a God, according to existence or non existence of certain rights of a dominated slave country, such as claim to eventual manumission or statutory freedom from the slave driver (owner) and according to the social structure within which slavery lending bench mark laws functioned. How ever the property element remains essential. All forms of labour on behalf of another whether free or not free place the country that labours in the power of another. What separates the slave country from another is the powerlessness of paying back the colossal heavy debts to the owner (lender) dominator. In principle and for that idea then property is juristically the key. The dominium, lending laws and sociological conditional borrowing enforceable agreements may declare the dominated slave country in a formal way bankrupt, powerless and right less over financial developmental projects of the country. One reason the law is enforceable is that the debited country lacks any counter weight or support to settle debit, the lender dominates the borrower financially, technologically and weaponry. Legally it is not a country but a property, yet it is a country and there fore a purely juristic analysis in terms of property though necessary is not sufficient. Conceptually every country has available to it or is denied a bundle of rights and obligations as the freedom to eat and use the funds and resources. We may speak of a spectrum of status between the two extremes of absolute right lessness and of freedom to exercise all rights at all times. Corruption grabs the rights of other people what is due to them mostly practiced by the policy makers who turn human beings into slaves. Great philosophers declared that slavery was and is contrary to nature and there fore unjust. The fact that slavery was and is universally accepted by religious Gods and people as a normal social institution makes relations between slave countries and dominating countries easier.
52 GLOBAL PEACE REVELATION 22 ׃1 – 5 No peace without money or liberty, majority of the human family members languish in poverty they require national world governance to liberate them from this sufferance. The logic is indisputable one is not civilized if one does not love his fellow human beings, if he does not want them to get what is due to them, effective recognition of their dignity and fundamental human rights where social, political institutions and structures constitute an establishment of grave abuses that do unjust gross injury to the human family. We need a peaceful democratically mandated global government and president to enforce a constitution that maintains world peace and liberties. Oppression of the masses by the few who possess the wealth, power and technology results in unchecked material expansion that carries seeds of destruction of our societies and our living space and environment. Global governance will ensure human family finds less satisfaction in material comfort, ease, affluence and more satisfaction in community sharing and technological development is recognized as human progression. Global peace and justice means forming a congressional bonded union democratically mandated global government that will abolish and neutralize all forms of exploitation and domination of weak nations by the powerful nations and establish fundamental human rights and liberation of all persons to their integral development of this planetary humanized home, The forces of money working for civilizing and unification of a peaceful global society are powerful and dynamic deeply rooted in human quality and dignity, since we are members of the same human family linked to the planetary destiny and the common shared responsibility. The unification civilization exhibited at the tower of Babel (genesis 11: 5 -- 7) is a living testimony that proves unification as the only liberating force that propels human family into infinite powers, peace and knowledge that is latent in united human family bond, The absolute truth is that we are born on this planet as humans regardless of tribes nations and continents. Each human birth carries a particle of universal knowledge and the combined united focused human knowledge and power is equal to the creative knowledge and power of the almighty God creator of the universe. VOICELESS
Emigrants are forced to leave their country to find work in other countries but frequently find no job because of discriminatory attitudes and if they find work they often lead an insecure life and treated in an inhuman manner. The same thing happens to poor families especially farm workers who are very important in the process of development. The conditions of so many millions of refugees and groups of human families suffering persecution some times in institutionalized form for racial, political, financial, and religious grounds.
53 The divisive forces of self centeredness and materialism work against human development, disintegrates and destroys. The passions, interests and concerns that endanger the rights and liberties of others are political, religious, corruption, racial, boundaries and most often economic social ladder. The unification force of global governance develops and promotes the human family. One president of the whole planet means a free liberal world, all forms of voiceless sufferance vanish together with civil, territorial wars, terrorism and liberates the human person to a peaceful joyous life, free trade, higher technological advancements and equal distribution of global wealth for all of us. In the present day situation of world marked by grave injustice of human sufferance, we the policy makers must recognize our responsibility and ability in this situation towards action to over come it in the cause of global peace, justice and liberties through a patriarch democratically elected global government. A united human family demands global peace, equity, and justice. Thus it is the right and duty of all civilized persons to proclaim justice on the social, national and international level and denounce injustice of human rights where ever it is practiced and to campaign for global governance and world presidential candidate. Money answers all things, and the forces of world unification are deeply rooted in love, peace, justice, human quality, dignity, liberties and fundamental human rights governed at root core of balanced distribution of global wealth. GLOBAL GOVERNANCE The vast income divide rich and poor segregates people and countries from one another, such gross unfairness in human family neighbour hood sows many seeds of unrest and frustration between luxury and penury. We are one family we came naked in this world, the global wealth is a unique patrimony birth right for all persons living on this planet. The panacea is forming a democratically elected world government with one president or the seeds of unrest, frustration, terrorism and wars will destroy people and countries. We must unite as one human family or disintegrate and perish. In the present day situation the frictions and tensions of living in the neighbour hood is multiplying, without national governance, even the best designed institutions and strategies will fail. The world requires and needs a global government to enforce a mechanism for handling world problems and instill ethics. We are one human family and must treat others as fellow human beings. Constitution, unity, love, dignity, liberties and rights of each person is the core requirement of global governance that unifies the people. Globalization and technology have connected the people together and made the world smaller but have not united the people who are entrenched in brutal civil conflicts killing and maiming thousands of people every year. The underlying cause of civil wars is because of racial, religious groups, rival ethnic and more often unfair distribution of wealth, and land resources and economic social ladder.
54 The solution depends on forming world governance headed by one president with human family development, love, equity, dignity, equal rights, liberties and fair distribution of global wealth at the centre. SOCIAL ORGANISATION The formation of marriage bonds is associated with parental care and nurturing. Crossing cultures and marriages between races with fair distribution of global wealth will ensure health human families with enough food this will make human family to do unto others as unto them selves. The truth is primates with more stable food do not defend territories and over lap other groups freely. Global governance and one global president means fair distribution of global wealth, no territories to defend, each person will have enough stable food. Hence the human family will peacefully, socially, and freely trade and mix on the economic social ladder. Co operation is a distinctive feature of human behavior early man hunted co operatively and shared food (money) . Co operation bonds the human family to fairly share the global wealth as a unique birth right heritage for all of us. Humans are unique in having division of labour different individuals play roles, there fore greatly increasing the effectiveness of co operation and moulds the family shared responsibilities of one global destiny. A democratically global elected patriarch government that brings human family into one destiny is our living hope, failure means the human family will frictionally disintegrate and perish – time is flying out. The eternity of human family is deeply rooted in global governance, combined knowledge, equity and liberties. Justified distribution of global wealth will perfectly bond human family into eternal union. Continental unions demands continental armed forces, patriotism, protectionism whence friction between continents, domination, racial and corruption constitute a fertile ground for breeding continental terrorism and world war. National world governance and one global president is what we need or perish as human family time to act is now.
55 GLOBAL UNION BOND Black – unknown powers of universe Blue – water – life Stars – money – solutions to everything Green – land – food White – peace – union Red – blood – danger Circle – infinite power of global union bond
Fig 5 We the indissolubly linked human family look at global resources as unique Patrimony for all of us, unite under human rights, dignity, liberties and Global civilized shared responsibilities of one destiny.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
If 20 linked families are given 100 units of global wealth the first family grabs 60 units, the second family grabs 30 units and the third family grabs 10 units of the Global wealth. Seventeen families languish in absolute poverty. If 20 linked families choose a patriarch to share 100 units of global wealth According to human rights, dignity and liberties. Each person in every family can have more than one unit of global wealth and fully enjoy the fruits of Global Wealth. GOALS Eliminate causes of terrorism, corruption and wars Form a global government and attain a justified peaceful world Fairly distribute the global wealth Uphold and maintain human quality, equity, dignity, fundamental rights and liberties Convert global military funds and machinery into food production, medical and education Promote human development and attain total freedom of movement, technological advancement, reduce and justify economic social ladder friction Form a highly civilized human family Clear away voiceless sufferance Maintain a united focused global destiny and discover our spiritual planes of life
56 BENEFITS OF GLOBAL GOVERNANCE 1. No civil, territorial wars and no threat of nuclear wars 2. Total peace and full enjoyment of life for all persons and proper care of all people 3. Justified fair distribution of global wealth 4. Liberation of trade, maximum freedom of movement and no corruption 5. Advanced super technology 6. Maximum liberties of integral development to all human persons 7. Free education, medication and enough food for all the people 8. One language, one culture, one shared responsibility of planetary destiny and family Friendly co operation to all the people 9. With one global accord there will be nothing impossible all the people will live in peace and know everything 10. Maintained basic human rights, liberties, dignity, equity, justice for all and one Constitution for the all world.
Money is lord to be worshipped the honourable messengers and prophets relayed their lord’s message to the people of earth. They bore witness that there is no deity but AZOZAO the God of money, who is the creator, the sustainer and disposer of all things, also relayed to people of this planet what AZOZAO wants them to do, how to live in a proper way and happy manner and what to do to attain their maker’s pleasure with them. AZOZAO is greatest, I bear witness that their is no deity but AZOZAO. Come to prayer, come to success God of money is greatest their is no deity but God of money. I set my face to the God of money who answers all things. Verily my prayer my devotion, my life and my death are in the God of money O God of money, you are the owner of all things there is no deity but AZOZAO you are my lord and your servant and I admit my misdeed forgive me, verily no one will forgive sins except you. Here I am at your service, all good things are in your hands I am by you and to you. Glorified and sub lime are you, I seek your forgiveness and I repent to you. O God of money AZOZAO to you I bow down, in you I believe, to you I surrender my self to you my hearing, my sight, my brain, my bones and my nerves submit. O God of money to you I lie in prostration, in you I trust and to you I surrender my self. My face lies in prostration to the one who created it and drew it glorification be to the AZOZAO God of money who answers everything. SPECIAL PRAYER Praise be to God of money, we seek help from money, we seek refuge in God of money from the evils of our selves. I bear witness that there is no deity but AZOZAO the God of money that answers all things. God of money, guide me with those you have guided, defend me against all evils with those you have defended. Bless for me what you have granted to me, protect me from the evils you have fated; you rule over all, no one whom you have protected will suffer humiliation. Blessed and glorified are you. AZOZAO God of money I seek favour from you by your knowledge and seek strength from you by your power of money and I ask you from your great favour as you know and I do not know and you have your knowledge of the un seen. God, give me a good project for me in my trusting money, in my living and in the conclusion of my affairs let it be destined for me. Make it easy for me and let it be a blessing for me. Make me satisfied with it
58 There is no deity but AZOZAO the God of money the lord of all religious Gods who answers all things the magnanimous, generous; Glory be to God of money, the lord of all existence, I plead and request things that lead to your mercy and forgiveness. I ask you the bounty of every good, safety from sin never let a misdeed of mine but forgive it, never let a worry of me but relieve it and never let a need of mine but let me attain it. God of money you are most merciful and most gracious I trust and verify that money answers everything and satisfies all things. AZOZAO God of money grant me money and mercy by leaving acts of disobediency as I live; grant me mercy so that I do not take what is not of my concern; Grant me sight to what pleases you. O God of money creator of universe, you are the one with majesty and honour and you are the one with un assailable power, I beseech you, the most merciful the most gracious by your majesty and the light of your money I trust to help my heart to learn ways of making money. I beseech you to illumine my heart, my brain with good paths of making money, relieve my heart from cares of money. Money is the delight of my heart and brain. My body is a servant of money, strengthen me to do this and help me to do this. Money grants success, strength and power, there is no strength or power except by money the great and sublime the most merciful and most gracious. PILGRIMATE O God of money, protect me from falling into poverty, I trust your money with obedience to your angels of money O God of money keep me away from the limits you set, O God of money make me from among those who you love, you and your virtuous servants, God of money make good things easy for me and keep me away from poverty, God of money I trust you – you answer everything grant my request. There is no deity but AZOZAO the God of money who answers all things, the dominion, the praise, and the overall power belongs to you, I am in money and money is in me manifest your power in me. Praise be to the God of money who answers all things, we thank him, ask him for help and we repent our misdeeds in money, we seek refuge from the evils and poverty of our souls and our misdeeds. He who is guided by money shall not go astray. I bear witness that there is no deity but money that rules everything and answers all things, money has no partners all is money- money exists in everything. LIFE We must submit to God of money the creator of all things who answers everything the lord of all Gods, that our whole strength lies in resigned submission to money. What so ever money does to us, the things that money gives us even death and worse than death shall be best we submit our selves to the most merciful most gracious God of money who exists in us for us to live in the God of money who exists in everything the alpha and omega of life. This is the trust and prove of money existence in all things, we all live in money that exists in everything. All of us that have any moral life we live in money. This is the highest wisdom that the God of money has revealed to us on earth.
59 There is no deity but AZOZAO the God of money who is the alpha and omega of life who creates birth and death, the most merciful, most gracious we submit our souls and bodies for his existence in the here and the here after. REPENTANCE Almighty God of money, you created our fathers and mothers your money answers everything, money created the universe and all the splendor that fills it. The exchange power of your wonderful, glorious money. When you show your power of money the universe trembles, your glorious splendor of money is over whelming. AZOZAO the God of money the highest God of all Gods; money is patient, merciful, and compassionate, makes punishment easier to bear when we suffer for our sins that causes us to feel pain. Lord of money in your great goodness of mercy, we trust your forgiveness and salvation to those who repent of their sins against money. I have committed more sins against money than there are grains of sand along the ocean shore, I have done so much wrong that I am not worthy to turn my face towards the sky, I am crushed beneath the weight of my sins against the God of money I am bowed down by its heavy iron chain I can find no relief, For I have made the God of money angry, I have made the God of money to hate me. But now I bow down in deep humility praying and begging for mercy, I have sinned against the lord of money I confess the wicked things I have done, I beg you God of money, I earnestly pray forgive me do not destroy me because of my sins. Do not be angry with me for ever or store up punishment for me. Do not condemn me to the world of poverty and paupers. Lord of money forgive me I have repented, show me your mercy and kindness and save me even though I do not deserve it, then I will go on praising you all my life. My God of money and my king I am all alone and I have no one to turn to but you, help me I am about to perish I am weak have mercy on me. Redeem me your money is my life, I repent in dust rescue me from the pangs of pauperism God of money please have mercy on me I was born in poverty and my life is still the same. I trust there is no deity but money that answers everything I commit my life to you help me God of money. God of money the most gracious, most merciful and most faithful I beg you treat me with kindness do not punish me for my sins and the sins which I am not aware of . I am plundered by the rich have mercy on me God of money. REDEMPTION I have so many enemies so many who turn against me, they talk about me and say money will not help me. But money is my shield from danger, money gives me victory and restore my courage I call to the lord of money for help and he sends sacred money that answers my problems removes all my obstacles.I am not afraid of thousands of enemies who have surrounded me on every side, come my God of money save me and punish all my enemies and leave them power less to harm me.
60 Answer me when I ask for your money God of money my defender be kind to me when I pray, give me more money you are the most merciful most gracious most faithful give me the joy of money that is more than they will ever have. Listen to my words Lord of money and hear my sighs, listen to my cry for money my God and my king, I pray to you O Lord of money; you hear my voice in the morning; at sunrise I offer my prayers for money and wait for your answer. Lord of money I have so many enemies lead me to do your will, make your way of making money plain for me to follow, all who find safety in your money will rejoice and sing for joy. Protect those who love your money because money protects as a shield. Help me when I am in trouble Lord of money. Do not be angry with me don’t punish me in your anger, I am worn out Lord of money have pity on me. Give me your money I am completely exhausted and my whole being is deeply troubled, how long are you going to be angry. Lord of money long will I wait to give me money, come and save me God of money in your mercy rescue me from bankrupt and poverty I am worn out with grief. Every evening my bed is damp from my weeping, my pillow is soaked with tears, I can hardly see, my eyes are swollen from the weeping caused by my poverty. How much longer will you forget me Lord of money? for ever? How much longer will you hide your money from me? how long must I endure suffering? how long will sorrow fill my heart day and night? how long will my enemies triumph over me? Look at me O God of money and give me your money that answers everything, restore my strength of money; don’t let me die my enemies to defeat me, don’t let them gloat over my down fall. I rely and trust your money I will be glad because you give me money, I will sing and praise you because your money is good at all times. PLEADING FOR MONEY I come to you Lord of money for your funds to protect me, you have righteous money save me I pray! hear me! let your money save me now ! your money is my refuge and defense guide me with your money and lead me I trust your funds, your money is my shelter from danger. I place my self in your care save me, I trust that there is no deity but AZOZAO the God of money your money gives me the freedom to go where I wish, Have mercy on me Lord of money I am in trouble, my eyes are tired of crying for money I am completely worn out. I am exhausted by sorrow and weeping for money has shortened my life , sorrow has weakened me and my bones are wasting away. All my enemies and especially my neighbours treat me with contempt, those who know me are afraid of me because I am penniless they run away from me. I am like something thrown away, terror is all around me they are plotting to kill me. I trust in your money your money is my life it is only your money that can save me from my enemies and from those who persecute me.
61 My God of money look at me with kindness, save me with your trusted constant money that answers everything. I call to you AZOZAO the God of money there is no deity but money the most merciful, most gracious and most faithful kindly please grant my request I am old and grey haired, let me see the enjoyment of your glorious victorious money that answers all things in my few remaining days of my life. Thank you very much for the funds offered Amen. Out of the depths of poverty, sorrow and suffering I cry to you O Lord of money you answer all things, hear my voice let your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications. You are most gracious and most merciful I wait for your money, my soul waits I trust your ever lasting power of money to raise me from the doldrums. My hope is in your money for with your money there is abundant redemption and redeems me from all iniquities. Hear my prayer lord of money, hear my supplications and in your mercifulness, graciousness and faithfulness answer me according to your grace and mercy. I am completely penniless and I am dwelling in darkness like the dead. Answer me speedily God of money my spirit fails, do not hide your money from me. Cause me to enjoy your loving divine money for I trust your money to protect and deliver me at all times your money is good at all times Amen.
The book combines all religions together verifies that there is no religion higher than money. There is no deity but money. God is money. My body, my soul, my spirit, my parents, my dog, my car are material properties that belongs to me. The God of money that exists in everything for all things to exist in God becomes the actual value of all things that exists. I am a living being existing in a live God the actual money. This is the infallible balance which the hand of money is holding in which every thing is weighed, answered and their fate determined. This is a must read book