Zen and the Act of Teaching ebook

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David Deubelbeiss

ur ly c etit r is y urself ĂŻ !

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' ( ) * Reflect upon your own strengths. Describe what makes you a great teacher.


Ôeach y ur uth t s eak what is i y ur heart. && +


, - ( ow will you ´spark¾ your class? What are some good activities and ways to engage and connect with students? Share at least one.

Ôeachi is the art f aski the ri ht questi s. # . # / ! 0 1 2 ! 0 3 1 . ! 0 ' (1 && 4 % 4



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What questions would you ask a fellow teacher about their lessons or teaching? List as many as you can.

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' ( ï What do you think are the ´fundamentals of teaching¾? What makes a good teacher or ´good teaching¾?

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Ôhink about a teacher you were inspired by. What was special about him or her?

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' 3 (& $ What to you is, ´the purpose of education¾. Why did you become a teacher?

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' ( What are some ways a teacher can improve. Reflect upon how you might become a better teacher.


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' ) 9 What changes to education and in particular, to your job ² would make things better?

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' ( Ă”eaching can be a scary proposition. Write about one of your own ´fearsÂľ regarding teaching. ow might you overcome them?

Ôhere are always tw ways f rward. " 0

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' ( Ă nxiety is a barrier for learning. Reflect on what you might do to help your students feel comfortable in class.

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Ă”he start of a lesson or ´engagementÂľ is very important. ow do you think it can best be done? What has worked for you?

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'8 ( & Ă”hink of your teaching ´styleÂľ. ow might you change? What little things could you improve on? [voice, stance, movement, posture, eye contact etcÂŤ. ]

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(ou have to teach a full semester. Describe how you would begin planning the curriculum for your course.

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(ou have several students in your classroom who have trouble learning. What can you do to help them?

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What do you think students value in a teacher? What is important to them and makes them excited about ´that¾ teacher¡s class?

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ow do you negotiate with students? Is this important to you? ow will you find out about your student¡s needs?


Ôhe st i rta t thi y u ll ever say is, "I d t k w". # " ' & + # & & '


( Reflect on the questions your students might ask at the beginning of the year. What do they want to know and find out? Make a list.

I Met a Ge ius (by Charles Buk wski) @


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'ï ( ) > > Why do you think the author called the boy a ´genius¾? What does this say about how we should think about our students?

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) ( °lassroom management is difficult. What do you think is important to do so that a teacher successfully manage the class?

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(& " * < (ou are teaching about careers/jobs. What will you do to ´connect¾ the students with the topic and make it come ´alive¾?

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' 3 3 ( ow do you explain to students what you will do in a class? ow do you model activities for your students.


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' ( Ôhink of this poem. What does it say to you as a teacher. Reflect and let your pen move!

Never try, it is the tryi that ets i the way. ' & 8

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Ôechnology is becoming an important part of teaching. ow do you feel about that? Should you use more technology in your teaching?

Never try, it is the tryi that ets i the way. ! * ! = 5




'" ( What is your favorite lesson or teaching recipe. Describe it and in your opinion, why it is effective.

Ôeachi is t the sa e as s eaki . 8 " 4






' ( ) $ What makes you feel proud of being a teacher? What empowers you and makes you happy to be doing the job you do?

hhat y u ca t rec rd ca still be easured. ! 4 ' ' " * ' ' 4 4 %" <4 & * " < '



( What is your opinion about ´marks¾? Do you compare students, use standards? What is the role of assessment in teaching?

hhat y u teach is t ly what y u teach. & ĂŻ + 4 ĂŻ

Ôhe wh le c u try devastated ly u tai s a d rivers re ai . I s ri ti e, at the rui ed castle, the rass is always ree . && 5


' 3 ( Ôhink of a student that was very important to you. Why? What did that student mean to you?

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( What ´life lessons¾ do you think we can teach through the regular curriculum? Reflect on what is important for students to learn beyond the regular curriculum.

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' ( ) $ What are the challenges you face working with administration? What battles do you have to fight ² outside of your interactions with students?

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' 3 ( ) ï °ooperative learning is an important part of learning. ow can teachers get students ´teaching each other¾ more?

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(& " 9 What was the principal¡s wisdom? Reflect on its meaning and what it means to you and your teaching.

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What do you plan on doing in the future to keep learning and develop professionally? What is your ´SMĂ RÔ¾ goal this year?


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ave you ever felt like the author of the poem? What implications does this have for classroom practice?

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' ( ) 9 " + Reflect on your life outside of teaching. What renews you? What do you do to recharge your teaching batteries?

Ze a d the Act f Ôeachi i d re wisd a d su rt fr fell w teachers at Classr 2. . 2E + 5 ) D== =

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