Agriculture, Fertilizers and Climate Change We have the great pleasure in inviting you to the ‘Agriculture, Fertilizers and Climate Change’ conference, hosted by the European Fertilizer Manufacturers Association (EFMA). The ability of the agricultural industry to supply a global population expected to grow by 50% by 2050 is now a real issue. Europe, despite a limited land area, has climatic conditions that will continue to make it a key contributor to production. Further investment will be required to develop agricultural practices that combine increased productivity, with consideration for the environment throughout the whole EU farming community and associated industries. .
Whilst highly productive, agriculture represents 9% of European GHG emissions, of which N 2 O emitted from soils represents 50%. The challenge is to manage our contribution better by helping farmers reduce their emissions per unit of production and reduce the emissions from fertilizer manufacture. At the same time we are also challenged to contribute to increasing output to global food supply in conditions where climate change itself may well limit production in the years ahead. The fertilizer industry is already rising to these challenges through increased efficiency, reducing emissions during fertilizer manufacture and as a result of enhanced agronomic advice, on farm. The use of fertilizers provides for 48% of the current global food supply. Conversely, fertilizer production and use represents a ‘modest’ 2.2% of total GHG emissions in the EU 27. However, the EU fertilizer industry is committed to further improve this position and feels it has a fundamental role, and should take the lead, in addressing the key issues of feeding the world, together with tackling climate change. We believe success will depend on participation from all industry partners. This conference will play an important part in the success of our mission. Register:
EFMA, European Fertilizer Manufacturers Association 4-6 avenue E. Van Nieuwenhuyse, B-1160 Brussels,; +32 26753550 - Fax +32 26753961
CONFERENCE Agriculture, Fertilizers and Climate Change
12 February 2009 Radisson SAS Royal Hotel, Brussels
AM 0900 Opening by Chairman
Roger Waite, Agra Facts, Editor.
09.15 Introduction
A productive EU agriculture supported by a strong EU fertilizer industry can help address the key global challenges: limiting Climate Change while responding to an accelerated increase of the demand for food and energy. Renso Zwiers,
EFMA, President.
09.30 Keynote speakers
Feeding the world population and fighting poverty with mineral fertilizers Shivaji Pandey, FAO, Director AGP More Food, Feed, Fibre, and Energy, can EU agriculture meet the challenge Neil Parish, European Parliament, Chairman Agriculture Committee
11.00 Feeding the world and addressing Climate Change
Fertilizers and Climate Change Tor Holba, EFMA Deputy President
13.00 Feeding the world and addressing Climate Change (cont)
The environmental policy context in EU Michael Hamell, DG Environment
Integrated approach of nitrogen management Jan Willem Erisman, ECN, The Netherlands
14.00 Fertilizer and integrated environmental management - The EFMA response
Global Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Potential in Agriculture Pete Smith, Aberdeen University, UK
12.00 Buffet Lunch
Fertilizer production - Leading industry in GHG mitigation Arend Werner, BASF Group, Vice President
Developing and promoting Good Agricultural Practice for GHG mitigation in agriculture Joachim Lammel, YARA, Director Agronomic Services
15.30 Challenges for EU farmers
Farmers and Climate Change: Producing more food in a more sustainable way, Peter Kendall, COPA, Vice President
Integrated Farm management, the appropriate response Philip Huxtable, IFM farmer, UK
A call from EFMA to “join forces” to build an environmentally sensitive and productive future for EU agriculture. Esa Härmälä, EFMA, Director General