Published by Express Publishing LibertyHouse,NewGreenham Park,Newbury, Berkshire RG196HW Tel:(00214) 1635817363 Fax:(00214) 1635817463 @Virginia Evans Dooley 2005 & Jenny Design Publishing, 2005 andlllustration @Express All rightsreserved. No partof thispublication maybe reproduced storedin a retrieval system, or transmitted in anyform,or byany photocopying means, electronic, or otherwise, withoutthe prior writtenoermission of the oublishers. Firstpublished 2005 Thirdimpression 2006 Thisbookis not meantto bechanged in anyway. ISBN-1 3: 978-1 -84558-800-7 ISBN-1 0: 1-84558-800-2 Photocopying grantpermission Thepublishers for the photocopying of thosepagesmarkedphotocopiable for classroom use purchasers only.School only.Individual teachers canmakecopiesfor the useof theirstaffandstudents canmake copiesfor theirown useor for the useof the students theyteach,Underno circumstances mayanypartof this bookbe photocopied for resale.
Acknow le d g e ment s Authors'Acknowledgemehts We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who havecontributedtheir skillsto producingthis book. Thanksfor theirsupportald patiencearedue in particular to: MerylPhilips(Editorin Chiefl,JulieRich(senioreditor); AlexBarton(seniorproductioncontroller) ChristinaStirling(editorial assistant); andthe Express Publishing designteam; EricaThompson and EmilyNewtoo,KevinHarris,DanielParker, andlimothy Forster. We wouldalsoliketo thankthose institutionsand teacherswho pilotedthe manuscript, and whosecommentsand feedbackwere invaluablein the oroduction of the book. Photograph Acknowledgements ll" on p.37; Unit6b:Bancroft - ARCTIC Unit4a:"fhe RoyalCollection @2003,HerMajesty Arnesen Explore QueenElizabeth on p. 59;CurriculorCutsT:@ CinetexUWvwu;@everetcollectiorWvunru.iml,gr OCEAN@2005,w\ Experience ww\f/ on p. 75; Unit9b:@African Conservation on p. 91. - All RightsReserved, Colourlllustrations: Stone,Chris,TerryWilson MusicCompositions by Ted& Taz & Arrangement Whileeveryeffort hasbeenmadeto traceall the copyrightholders,if any havebeeninadvertently overlooked, the publishers arrahgements at the firstopportunity. will be pleased to makethe necessary
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Introductionto the Teacher IUpstream Beginner is a completecoursefor learners studying English at Beginner level. It aimsat the balanced development of all foursskills througha variety of communicative tasks, whileallowing for a flexibility of approach whichmakesit suitable for all classes, including groups. largeor mixed-ability Thekey language is regularly recycled, achieving active,holistic andhumanistic learning ! The courseincorporates both a cross-cultural and cross-curricular approach, and its syllabus reflects the guidelines of the Council of Europe Framework under the category of 41, Basic User.
41 BasicUser Studentsin this categorycan understandand use familiar,everyday expressions and basicvocabulary and expressions relatedto their own personal,concrete world. They can communicatein simple exchanges, introducethemselves and askand answerouestionsin a simple,repetitiveway. Simpleinteractionis feasible providedthe other personspeaksclearlyand slowly and is preparedto assist.
CourseComponents Student'sBook The Student'sBookhasbeendesignedto appealto as well as involvethe Ss in consists of five modulesof two unitseach.In eachmodule,the studentsare thoroughlyexposedto the new language and, thus, achievecompetencyin the target language at a fasterpace.Eachmodule has its individualaims and at the end of the module,studentscan record theirprogress in English.
phenomenaof the corresponding unit in the Student's Book are fully exploited in this section.Thus, the teachercan decideto work on it as a whole uoon completionof the corresponding unit in the Student's Bookor coverit progressively.
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ln addition, through the Reader's Corner,the students are exposedto interestingmulticulturaland cross)curricularpiecesof writingwith the aim of broadening their horizons and providing insight into other traditionsand customs.At the end of eachunit, there is the Progress Checksection where the students can assess their progress.
TheTeacher's versionof the Workbookis the sameas ,Lthe Student'sversion,exceptthat it hasan overprinted answerkeyto all the exercises. My LanguagePortfolio The My LanguagePortfolio contains the material which the studentswill use, along with any extra materialgivenby the teacher;throughoutthe course. The My LanguagePortfolio has been designedto stimulateand supportthe learningof the English language.lts purposeisto helpthe studentsreflecton, realisetheir progressin and improvetheir language learning. The My LanguagePortfoliois the students' is a tool to accompany the students'languagelearning throughout their school life and is suitable for documentingtheir learningboth insideand outside the classroom.
The Student's Book begins with Let'sStort, an introductoryunit to familiarise the studentswith the Englishalphabetand some very basicvocabularyand structures.Eachunit is basedon a singletheme and coversa wide varietyof relatedtopics.AII unitsfollow the samebasicformat (SeeTypical layoutof a module).
In practice,LanguagePortfoliosmay includeprojects or other examples of written work, computerdiskettes (with work or drawingscompletedinsideor outsroe (with the students' the classroom),videocassettes performancesof songs, role plays,etc.), certificates, reports from teachers,or even a collectionof obja-ts or is a collectionof what the learnerswant to keepas evidenceof what they are learningthrough the medium of the Englishlanguage.The main emphasisis on the processof learning.As a result, while compilingtheir LanguagePortfolios, the learners developthe skillto work independently.
How to makeo LanguagePortfolio
Theworkbookis in full colourand consistsof ten units which complimentthe theme and content of the corresponding unitsin the Student'sBook,and contain elements specifically designed to extend and consolidatelearningthrough a wide varietyof tasks. Theseare grouped in each unit as Vocobulary Practice, Reading,Listening,Speakingand Writing.
Duringthe firstlesson, explainto the studentsthat they lshouldbringin a folder,whichthey will havewith them a at all timesand in whichthey will keeptheir Language Portfolio. For the next lesson,bring in self-adhesive labels,write MyLonguagePoftfolio on them and helpyour 4 learnersstickthem onto their folders.Demonstratehow they should store their materialinto their Language I (For Portfolioand makesurethey updatethem regularly. furtherinformationseepages| 69T-170T.)
An additionalfeatureof the Workbook is the Grommar in Use section in every unit. All the grammatical
Teacher's Book
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tasks.TheTestBookletisalsoaccompanied the listening tasks. bya CDwiththe listening
interleaved step-by-step TheTeacher's Bookprovides lt also lessonplansand the answers to the exercises. ClassAudio CDs/Cassettes newwordsand contains extraideason howto present containall the recorded languagepatterns, additionalactivities(Optional TheclassaudioCDVcassettes in the Student's Bookandthe Workbook. material Activitielaswell astapescripts Reinforcement & Extension for the listeningactivities. At the beginningof the Teacher's Book,the teachercan find the Programme, Studentt CD/cassette of the an analytical chartof the targetsandobjectives the TheStudent's contains the dialogues, CD/cassette modules. Everyday Englishsections,the CultureClips, the Curricular Cutsas well as all the songs.The Sscan TheTeacher's Bookalsoincludes: listento it at homeand improvetheir pronunciation andintonation. I Tapescripts for the listeningtasksin the SelfAssessment sections Typicallayoutof a module ll Suggested answersfor the pairwork activities an Eachmoduleconsists of two units,a Self-assessment, lll lnstruments for Evaluation in twenty section, Across theCuriculum anda Songsheet part of the learning Evaluation is an essential pages altogether.Each module beginswith the process. lt helpsthe learners becomeawareof pagewhichgivesteachers andstudentsa clear Modular how much in the targetlanguage, theirprogress understanding of the objectives andthe competences and what areasneedfurther they haveachieved of the module.In to be achieved uoon completion practice. to reflect Evaluation alsoallowsteachers pagesaim at intriguing and the modular addition, andthe on the validityof theirteachingpractices motivatingthe studentsto becomeinvolvedin the typesof material beingused. to the mainthemes units.Thestudents areintroduced to familiarise of the unitsand giventhe opportunity theteacher canfind: for Evaluation, Inthe lnstruments their themselves with their contentand to exoress . TheFormative Evaluation Chart:Theteacherusesthe opinions. the studentson an activityat chartto evaluate . Keyfeatures anytime duringthe courseandwritesthe marks attained with the helpof a code.(Seepagel55Tfor lVocabulary furtherinformation.) o Student's Forms:The studentsgive in a Self-assessment Thetargetvocabulary of eachunit is presented upon aids,and is theirpersonal opinionabouttheirownresults meaningful context,usingvisual/auditory Module.They completion of eachSelf-Assessment activated and extended throughoutthe unit.In each plan,the teacherwill finddetailed guidance Portfolio.(See on flle theseformsin their Language lesson page155Tfor furcher information.) howto approach eachexercise. . ProgressReportCords:The teacherfillsthem,oneper student,upon completionof each moduletest, llReading performance takingintoconsideration the student's informative textsand Eachunit containsappealing, andprogress throughout the moduleaswellasthe linkedto the themeof the natural,everyday dialogues ModularTest. markreceived in the corresponding unit.Thereis a widerangeof readingtext typessuch Report Cardsin their Thestudents filetheirProgress poems,cartoonstrips,postcards, e-mails, as articles, LanguagePortfolio. (Seepage 155Tfor further in fourstages: etc.Eachtext isexploited information.) ./ a warm-upactivity to helpthe Ssbringforththeir Portfolio previous lV Guidelines for My Language and knowledge academic and empirical Theseareguidelines on how to usethe activities startthinkingaboutthe topicat hand (pages169T-170T) Portfolio. ,/ top-down activities,such as scanningand in My Language for globalunderstanding skimming, TestBooklet ,/ bottom-upactivities to understand thetextsfully perform role the oral reproduction where Ss ,/ The TestBookletcontainsfive modulartests in two plays,monologues, etc. versionsto be done upon completionof each Exit corresponding moduleas well as an end-of-year lllExploring Grammor test Iest.The ExitTest canalsobe usedasa placement for the nextlevel. Peopleneed to discoverthings for themselves, experiment andconstruct theirown worldout of the theteacher canfindthe At the backoftheTestBooklet, they have. Only then will the new experiences for to the exercises as well as the tapescripts answers
information be anchored in their long-termmemory. Followingthat premise,Upstream Beginner letsthe Ss explorethe new structures, find examples in the text and completethe rules.Eachsectionalsoincludes a varietyof tasksto practise and consolidate the new structures. At the backof the book,thereisa Grommor Reference section that offers a clear and concise explanation of the structures in eachunit. lVListening andSpeaking Ssdeveloptheir listeningskillsthrougha varietyof realistictaskswhich reinforcetheir masteryof the language taughtin the unit. The listening textsall replicate authentic andfeaturea range spokenEnglish of genuine nativespeaker accents. 5sdevelop theirspeakingskillsthrougha widerange of speakingtaskswhich necessitate askingfor and givinginformation, ideasand opinions, exchanging suggesting andspeculating, etc. VEveryday English Everyday English sections enablethe Ssto practise reallife communication Functionallanguage strategies. structuresassociated with realisticsituationsare practised in a wide rangeof communicative tasks. Thesesectionsalso deal with featuresof everyday speech such as paying/accepting compliments, showingsurprise, etc. VlPronunciation Therearetaskswhichdevelop the Ss'abilityto recognise. distinguish andreproduce the various sounds in spoken English. VllWriting Thewritingsections havebeencarefully to designed ensurethat the Ss developtheir writing skillsin a systematic manner. TheSsarealwaysgivena modeltext, whlchis then thoroughly analysed. The5salsopractise the language andthe structural devices to be used.All activities lead the 5sto the finaltask,whichfollowsa clearplanand is basedon the modeltextprovided. All writingtasksare basedon authentictypesand stylesof writing suchas letters,postcards, faxes,emails,etc. VlllCulture Clips In this section,the studentshavethe opportunity to read short texts about aspectsof life in Englishspeakingcountries.These texts also act as a springboard to promoteculturalindividuality as the studentsareaskedto find similarities and differences betweenEnglish-speaking countries andtheirown.
lXCurricular Cuts/Across theCurriculum ln thissection, the studentsusethe English language asa tool for exploring interdisciplinary themessuchas Science, Art& DesignandHistory. ln thisway,the English language isusedasa means of communication, asuse, ratherthansimplyasusage. XComandEddy Two amusingcharacters, Com and Eddy,give the students the chanceto relaxandhavea laugh.At the same time, the studentsare given some cultural referencesuchas the Knock, Knockand Waiter,waiter jokes. XlStudy Skills The study skillssectionhelpsstudentslearn more efficientlyby showingthem ways of organising themselves as far as studyingis concerned. lt gives clearinstructions on how bestto dealwith soecific tasksand also providespracticeon the skill being presented. lt alsohelpslearners the learning discover stylewhich best suitsthem. lt is advisable to go through each study skill and make sure the 5s understand what it means.Encourage the Ss to employthe studyskillswheneverpossible. Thiswill graduallylead them to becomingindependent, autonomous users of the English language. XlI ModuleSelf-Assessment This section includesexercisesconsolidating the moduleaswellas preparing the students for the test whichcanbe foundin the lestEooklet. XlllSongsheet In additionto the songspresented throughoutthe units,this sectionprovides a theme-related songfor eachmodule.Songsarean excellent resource in the language classroom as they helpteachconcepts and patterns skills, develop language andcreatea pleasant atmosohere in the classroom. TheStudent's Bookalsoincludes: . Optional Units: Thereare two optionalun-rts, Hogmonay: TheScottishNewYear!& Valentine's fuy. justbeforethe conespondirg Theyareto becovered celebrations. . Pairwork Activities:The Ss consolidatethe language andstructures throughtwo information gapactivities permodule. Theycanbe doneupon completionof the Self-Assessmenf sectionsor wheneverthe teacherthinks appropriate. The teachershoulddemonstrate the firstactivitywith the helpof a studentsothat the Ssknowwhatto do. . Word Perfect:Thekeyvocabulary of the courseis practised thematically througha wide varietyof
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tasks such as crosswordpuzzles,spidergrams, boardgames, etc. phenomenon Grammar Check:Eachgrammatical is furtherreinforced thougha varietyof tasks.In the Teacher's Book,thereis reference asto when the teachercan do the exercises in both the Grammar Check sections. and the WordPerfecf An AmericanEnglish- British EnglishGuide highlighting the differences the two main between international varieties of English. An lrregularVerbslist GrammarReference: The Ss can refer to this phenomena sectionfor detailson the grammatical presented in the units A Word List
BasicPrinciples of Upstream Themodularised approach of Upstream catersfor the holisticdevelopment of the pupils.The activities are specially designed to meetthe needsof all typesof (visual, learners tactile/kinaesthetic) and aim auditory, at developing learning-to-learn Ss'linguistic, andsocial skills. Linguistic Skills The5s cando the followinguponcompletion of each module: pictureswith new vocabulary 1 associate with the aidof illustrations in theirbooksaswellasthrough definitions, sounds, etc. pronunciation 2 produce the sounds, andintonation of the targetlanguage 3 communicate exchanging withtheirpeersin English, basicinformationabouteveryday matterssuchas introducing themselves, describing a house,talking aboutfood,etc. 4 comprehend dialogues, etc. on short exchanges, tapeandusethe setpatterns in multi-sensory tasks 5 achieve throughthe reproduction oralcompetency of shortexchanges Learning-to-learn Skills
Uponcompletion of eachmodule, the Sswill be able to: 1 concentrate betterand longerastheyaretrained to listento dialogues andtextsin orderto perform a task 2 skimand scantextsand dialogues to locatethe necessary information 3 develop theirwritingskills 4 empathise with aspects of lifein English-speaking countries 5 recordand assesstheir progressthrough the ModularRevision and Assessments and Student's Self-Assessment Form,thusdeveloping autonomy
SocialSkills Uponcompletion of eachrnodule, the Sswill: 1 experience beingpartof a groupandobeying rules throughthe games 2 become moreresponsible by keeping andupdating theirLanguage Portfolio 3 havea good understanding of the cultureand traditions of English-speaking countries. 4 havesomeunderstanding of the way of life in English-speaking countries.
Typesof learningstyles Overthe years,teachers havenoticedthat someof their Sslearnby listening to newinformation. SomeotherSs preferto read about it, whereasothersneedto do something with the newinformation. Thesearedifferent learning stylesasdifferentpeoplelearnin differentways. Consequently, a coursebook shouldoffer a varietyof exercises and materialwhich stimulateall types of learning in orderto helpthe Sslearnaccording styles to theirpersonal learning styles. What arethe typesof learningstyles? . Visual/Spatial Learners Theselearnersneedto see the teacher'sbody language andfacialexpression to fullyunderstand the contentof the lesson. Theythink in pictures and learn best from visualdisplaysincluding illustrations, diagrams, transparencies, videosand hand-outs. . AuditoryLearners Theselearners learnbestthroughverballectures, discussions, talkingthingsthroughand listening to what othershaveto say.Writteninformation may havelittle meaninguntil it is heard.They oftenbenefitfromreadinga text aloudandusing a taperecorder. . Tactile/Kinaesthetic Learners peoplelearnbest througha Tactile/Kinaesthetic hands-on approach, actively exploring the physical worldaroundthem.Theymayfind it hardto sit stillfor long periodsand maybecomedistracted by their needfor activityand exploration. These learners themselves express throughmovement. Theyhavea goodsenseof balance andeye-hand coordination. Theyhaveto do thingson theirown to beableto learnthe newlanguage.
ffr*gramme r!Let's Start In this introductoryunit the 5swill ... . o o o
beintroduced to the English alphabet practise numbers 1-100 practise colours (names, practise information askingfor personal telephone numbers, favourite colours) . talkaboutschoolitems . be introduced to international English words . practise for communicdtion usefullanguage the classroom insideandoutside
Module1 (Units1-2):Familyand Friends In this module the 5s will ... read... . aboutmakingfriends on the Internet . a factfileaboutltaly . aboutpeopleintroducing/greeting eachother e anarticleabouta TVfamily . abouthostfamilies aroundtheworld . aboutfamilycamps listento ... . different music extracts of traditional . a conversation aboutfillingin ane-friend's application form . extracts in different of greetings/introductions languages . peopleintroducing/greeting eachother o Peterintroducing hisfriendTomto hisfamily . a dialogue two friends buyingpresents between for a hostfamily . a dialogue two peopletalkingabouta between familycamp o
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COMPETENCES learnhow to ... . givegeographical (countries, information capital cities,national ities) . askforlgivepersonal information o introduce andgreetothers themselves . identifyanddescribe familymembers o talkaboutpersonal possessions . talkaboutabilities . askfor andofferhelo o distinguish between andpronounce the sounds lel,lol andlel . useappropriate wordstress . organise ideasintoparagraphs
DESCRIPTORS practise ... (Grammar) . the PresentSimpleof the verb'to be' . questionwords . the verb'havegot' . the verb'can' . possessrves (Lexicalareas) r countries and nationalities o introductions and greetings o pointsof compass . familymembers . adjectives relatedto appearance and character . sportsand pastimeactivities do a project about... o anothercountry o theirfamilytree write... . personalinformation(lnternetregistration form) o a letterto a pen-pal o a Host Postentry . a postcard Thismodulewill developthe four skillsthroughthe followingactivitytypes: pictureword association multiplematching painl,rork activities, roleplay,monologues - word orderidentification - informationgap activities - readingfor specificinformation(notetaking,gap filIing, scanning, identifyingcorrecVi ncorrect information) - readingfor gist - answeringopen-ended questions - listeningfor globalunderstanding - listeningfor specificinformation(identifying correcVincorrect information) - team work games CurricularCuts (Geography):Around the UK! The Sswill ... . readaboutthe differentcountriesin the UK . practiselocatingcitieson a map . draw a map of their own country Culture Clip:The British Royal Family The Sswill ... . readaboutthe BritishRoyalFamily . listento a dialoguebetweentwo peoplevisiting Buckingham Palace . talk and write abouta famousfamilvin their own country
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Self-Assessment Module 1 TheSswill ... . revise andconsolidate the language taughtin this moduleusingallfourskills
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Acrossthe Curriculum1 (Science): Who do you take after? TheSswill... . explore peopleandbecome the differences between awareof thefactthat hair/eye colourishereditary Songsheet1: Dreamland The5swill ... . revisecharacter/appearance througha adjectives song
Module2 (Units3-4):A Way of life
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read... o abouta songcompetition o an articleaboutSophia who isbotha motherand a college student . a job quiz . a dralogue between anda student a career adviser . an articleaboutQueenMary'sDoll'sHouse . a homeexchange listing . a dialogue betweena coupletalkingabouttheil newhouse listento... . a song r shortconversations practising time o a dialogue between a career anda student adviser . information aboutWindsor Castle . two friendstalkingaboutdifferenttypesof houses . a coupletalkingabouttheirnewhouse COMPETENCES learnhow to ... . express preferences o talkaboutdailyroutine r talkaboutschoolsubjects . tellthetime . pronounce verbsin thethirdperson of the Present Sim p le o talkaboutjobsandjob preferences . identifyroomsandthingsin a house . describe houses . distinguish between the sounds andpronounce lanl andlovl . talkaboutlocation . givedirections
DESCRIPTORS practise... (Grammar) . the Present Simple . adverbs of frequency . thereislthereare o prepositions of place . plurals (Lexicalareas) . everyday activities . schoolsubjects . jobs . roomVthings in a house o houseVinteriors . shops/places do a projectabout... r a sohgcompetition . theirdailyroutine r theirdreamhouse write... ' a jo b a d . a homeexchange listing . a fax message Thismodulewilldevelop the fourskillsthroughthe followingactivitytypes: picturewordassociation prediction, - anticipation, brainstorming multiple matching wordorderidentification (identiflTing reading for specific information the jdentifiingcorrecV mainpointsin a paragraph, incorrect information, scanning) reading for gist - understanding newwordsthroughcontext answering openendedquestions sentence completion - listening for globalunderstanding (identiffing listening for specific information correcVincorrect information) pairwork activities, roleplay,monologues categorising information gapactivities information teamwork games CultureClip:Homeon the range! TheSswill ... . readaboutcowboys o talkabouta typicaljob in theirowncountry
Programme CurricularCuts(Art & Design):In Good Shape! TheSswill ... . readan articleaboutthe shapes of buildings and how thiscanhelpattractcustomers . designa building to attractcustomers Self-Assessment Module 2 TheSswill ... . revise the language taughtin this andconsolidate moduleusingallfourskills Acrossthe Curriculum2 (Citizenship):Firefighters: Peoplewho help us TheSswill ... . become awareof peoplewho helpin their community Songsheet2: A room of your own The Sswill ... o listento a songaboutsomeone's room . exploitthe ideaof whathomemeansto them
Module3 (Uhits5-6):Eat,Drink and Enjoy In thismodulethe Sswill ... read... . an articleaboutstarsignsandfoodpreferences . a dialogue betweena coupleaboutwhatthereis for breakfast o an articlewith adviceandtipsfor cooking o a cartoonstripaboutan American touristvisiting London o an articleabouttwo teachers andtheir to the Antarctic expedition . a dialogue abouttwo friendsdiscussing what trip clothes to packfor a camping listento... . two peopleorderingfood in a restaurant . a coupletalkingaboutwhatthereisfor breakfast o shortexchanges relatedto foodpreparation and ordering . a songaboutthewaytheweatheraffectsourmood . peopletalkingabouthowtheyfeelin different typesof weather . a textaboutthe Bancroft Arnesen Expedition . a personbuyingclothes . two friendsdiscussing whatclothes to packfor a camping trip COMPETENCES learnhow to ... . express food preferences . oronounce theweakformsof a andof /e/
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orderfood giveadviceaboutcooking givecookinginstructions talkabouttheweather andhowit makes themfeel describe actions happening at thetimeof speaking talkaboutactivities talkaboutclothes distinguish betweenandpronounce the sounds lgl and ljl . compare things DESCRIPTORS practise... (Grammar) o countable/uncountable nouns . somey'any . should/shouldn't . much/many/a lot of o the Present Continuous o comparatives (Lexicalareas) . food/drinkitems . food containers/utensils . preparing food o weatherAeasons/months . seasonal activities . clothes do a project about ... . theirfavourite three-course meal(starmenu) . shopping (ashopping list) . familyactivities (a poster) write... . a rectpe . a postcard . a friendlyletter Thismodulewill develop the fourskillsthroughthe followingactivitytypes: picturewordassociation multiple matching - wordorderidentification - reading for gist (gapfilling, reading for specific information identifying information, scanning) - recognising cohesive devices answering openendedquestions sentence completion - listening for globalunderstanding listening for specific information pairwork activities, roleplay,monologues - categorising information
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CultureClip:I LoveNew York! TheSswill ... . readaboutNewYork o listento shortmessages machines on answering . talkandwriteaboutwhatpeoplecanseeanddo in theirtown/city CurricularCuts(Art & Design):In GoodShape! TheSswill ... . readaboutcalories . choose fooditemsfroma calorie chartandmake a one-day mealplan Self-Assessment Module 3 TheSswill ... . revise taughtin this andconsolidate the language module usingallfourskills MaterialWorld! Acrossthe Curriculum 3 (Science): The5swill ... . learnwhichmaterial issuitable for differentitems of clothing Songsheet 3: A songfor all seasons TheSswill ... . listento a songaboutthe fourseasons o exploitthe ideaof personification in poetry/lyrics
Module4 (Units7-8):All in the Past
COMPETENCES learnhow to ... . givedatesof birth o talkaboutlifein the past . oronounce -ed . talkabouttheweekend o talkaboutpasthabits . describe extinctanimals . distinguish thesounds between andpronounce lel,lcJ andlal . narrate events . showsurprise DESCRIPTORS practise... (Grammar) . the PastSimole . ordinal numbers . Preoositions of time (Lexicalareas) . wordsrelated to lifein the past . oasthabitsandactivities . a n ima ls . partsof the body do a projectabout ... . abouta famouspersonfromtheirowncountry o an extinctanimal o ananimal star
In thismodulethe Sswill ...
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read ... o an articleaboutthe earlyyearsof threefamous people . a poemaboutthe Cheyenne way of life r. about Matuliktalkingaboutthe Inuitway of life in the past . people'sweb pageentriesaboutwhat they used to do when they werechildren . an articleabout animalsthat livedon Eartha long t|meago o an articleabout HAM,the firstchimpin space o the beginning and endingof a story listen to ... . informationabout SeanConnery . Matulik,an Inuit r two friendstalkingabouttheir favouritesoap opera, the Northerners o informationaboutthe Museumof NaturalHistorv o informationabout two famousanimals . a womantellingher friendabouta very embarrassing experience e
write... . an entryfor a websiteabouttheirpasthabits . a biography o 3 Story Thismodulewill developthe fourskillsthroughthe followingactivitytypes: pictureword association multiplematching - word orderidentification - anticipation, prediction,brainstorming readingfor gist readingfor specificinformation(intensive gap filling,notetaking,identifuing reading, information, scanning) - answeringopenendedquestions listening for globalunderstanding listeningfor specificinformation(identifying correcVincorrect information,note taking) pairworkactivities, roleplay,monologues - team work - games
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..t+ CurricularCuts (History):The Birth of Youth Culture The 5s will ... . readand talk aboutthe 50sandthe birthof youthculture . find information andwriteaboutthe lifeof famouspeoplein the 50s Literature Corner:BlackBeauty The Sswill ... . readshortextractsfrom the novel,BlackBeauty . talk about how to treat horses . preparea 'ForSale'posterfor BlackBeauty Self-AssessmentModule 4 The 5s will ... . revise taughtin this and consolidate the language moduleusingall four skills Acrossthe Curriculum4 (PElDrama):DanceSteps! The Sswill ... . follow the instructionsand oractiserock n' roll dancesteos Songsheet4: RockingChair Rock The 5s will ... o listento a songaboutan old person's memories
Module5 (Units9-10):Adventure
COMPETENCES learn how to ... . makepredictions aboutthe future . giveinformation plansandintentions aboutpersonal . distinguish betweenand pronounce the sounds lel and lel . invitepeopleout in English . giveinformation to peopletravelling to theircountry . talk about personalexperiences . distinguish the sounds betweenand pronounce At and Al . talk aboutpersonal changes . paylaccept complimentsin English DESCRIPTORS practise... (Grammar) . will . be goingto . the Present (futuremeaning) Continuous o musVmustn't . can/can't . should/shouldn't . PresentPerfect o suoerlatives (Lexicalareas) . wordsrelatedto life in the future ' sports . sportsequrpment o naturalfeatures . wordsrelatedto personalchanges
In this module the Ss will ... read ... . an interview author with a Sci-Fi . aboutGaoYear . a dialoguebetweena couplearranging to go on a trio . an articleaboutetiouettearoundthe world . a magazine experiences articleabouttravelling . a dialoguebetweentwo friendswho haven't seeneachother for vears listen to ... . an interviewin whicha Sci-Fi authortalksabout the future . informationabout an organisation offering coursesin differentcountries . a dialoguebetweena couplearranging a trip . a songabouttravelling . a dialogueaboutpeopleand countries theyhave beento . a conversation betweentwo friendswho haven't seeneachother for vears
do a project about ... . an organisation offeringcourses . peoplevisitingtheircountryandthe information they need write... . adsin magazines of the future . an e-mail . a travelmagazinearticleabouttheir own travellingexperiences . a friendlyletter Thismodulewill developthe four skillsthroughthe followingactivitytypes: pictureword association - multiplematching - anticipation, prediction, brainstorming - readingfor gist - readingfor specificinformation(gapfilling,note taking,identifying information, scanning) answeringopen endedquestions - listening for globalunderstanding listeningfor specificinformation(identifuing correcVincorrect filling)
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painrruork activities, roleplay,monologues, gap information activities - teamwork games
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CultureClip:A BrilliantFuture TheSswill ... . readan articleaboutthe newWembley stadium . talkandwriteabouta stadium in theirowncountry
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CurricularCuts(Science): a Rayof Sunshine TheSswill ... . readandtalkaboutthe differentkindsof sunravs . findthe rightSPFfor them
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Self-Assessment Module 5 TheSswill ... . revise the language taughtin this andconsolidate moduleusingallfourskills Acrossthe Curriculum5 (Literature) TheSswill ... . readaboutthreefamousnovels Verne byJules o listento an extractfromoneof the novelsby Verne Jules
SpecialDays Hogmanay:The ScottishNew Year! TheSswill ... . reada cartoonstripstoryabouta Scottish family on NewYear'seve . listento AuldLangSyne,a traditional Scottish song o talkandwriteaboutNewYearcelebrations in theirown country Valentine'sDay The Sswill ... . readan articleaboutwhatpeopledid in the past on Valentine's Day . talkaboutValentine's Day . readan adaptation of a RobertBurns'poem Pairwork Activities/WordPerfect/G rammar Check The Sswill ... . revise andconsolidate the language ano structures in eachuniVmodule
Songsheet5: Get Into The Groovet TheSswill ... . listento a song . workon the 'incorrect' foundin lyricsof language modernsongs
-l J
J -J
Conlenls Topics
*-$-ii"ri"' u"'.
j+ 1pp.+-o)
UNI T1 ( pp. 8- 1s )
' :
a l p habet; numbers(1-100); colours;classroom objects; i n te rnati onal E ngl i sh w ords
i . e-friends people all , . famous I overtheworld
countries& nationalities
- e-marl s - factfile (Geogrophy) - CurricularCuts AroundtheUK!
TV gui des entryto hostfamiliesmagazine campaos CultureClip TheBritish RoyalFamily
Self-AssessmentModule | \PP. A+-zrr- - Acrossthe Curriculum 1 & Songsheet I (p. 25) E 1(pp.2a-25)
UNIT3 (pp.28-3s)
d a i l yro u ti n e s ' jobs
jobs activities; subjects; i everyday
fl6r r<a<
i rooms;thingsin a house;
c! CJ
an entryto a songcompetrtron an articleon a mother-student a quizaboutthe qualities of a policeofficer : - CultureClip Homeon therange!
. shops/places
i I
i i : r
QueenMary'sDoll'sHouse H omeE xchange l i sti ng notices (Art& Curricular Cuts:/nGoodShape!
Seff-AssessmentModule 2 (pp. M-aS)- Acrossthe Curriculum2 & Songsheet2 (p. 46)
(pp.a8-ss) m (u o
. s ta rs i g n s starsigns;food;containers; . menus i u te nsi l s . cooking i instructions I . months; i weatherand i weather;seasons; relatedfeelings adjectives relatedto feelrngs; . seasonal clothes activities 1 activities; . clothes I
- articleaboutfood preferences according to starsi qn - articlegi;ing adviceon cooking :- CLrrricularCuts CalorieLab(Maths) i - a cartoonstrip - The BancroftArnesenExpedition - CultureClip.I LoveNewYork! :
Self-AssessmentModule 3 (pp. 64-65)- Acrossthe €urriculum 3 & Songsheet3 (p. 56)
UNIT7 ( pp. 68- 7s )
' . : . , I '
famouspeople waysof life in the pasr pasthabtts& activities - ..-":'"-
relatedto waysof life : vocabulary I in the past i i
- an articleaboutthe earlylivesof famous peopre - a poemaboutthe Cheyenne - an arti cl eaboutthe l nui t
Cuts.TheBirthofYouth Culture - Curricular (History)
i "=-t- "-'"'-
' extinctanimals . animalstars . stofles
partsof the body;animals
, I t :
an articleaboutextinctanimals an articleaboutthe firstchimpin space begi nni ngs andendi ngsof a stor y Literature Corner:BlackBeauty
Self-Assessment Modulea (pp.8a-85)- Acrossthe Curriculum 4 & Songsheet a (p. 86) UNI T9 tomorrow'sworld sports;sportsequipment , - an articleabouta typicalday in the future (pp.88-es) personal plans ! - an articleaboutgap yearactivities fr r tr r r o nlan< Stadium i - CultureClip.ThenewWembley h
. travelling . personal expenences . personal changes
*oioi.onn..teo*ilr''triu"iti "g; naturalfeatures
- an articleaboutetiquettein various countnes - a posterwith personal experiences (Science) - CurricularCuts:A RayofSunshine
Self-AssessmentModule 5 (pp. 104-105)- Acrossthe €urriculum 5 & Songsheet5 (p. 106) (pp 112-115) Pairwork Activities WordPerfect(pp 116-120) Optio naUn l its(pp 107- 1' 11)
family-related words; appeara nce;character adjectives; activities
' fa m i l i e s ' hostfamilies . camps
GrammarCheck(pp 121-131)
ts F F F F F E F F E E
tr E
tr tr tr tr
phone spelling names; exchanging numbers; classroom language to be;questionwords
- completing a registration form the - identifying language heardon tape - completing short on excnanges introductions & greetings
havegot; can; possessive| - introducingone's
case/pronounVadjectives I family on what | - deciding presents to buyfor a hostfamily presentsimple; like/love | - asong + -ing;prepositions of
| - i{entifyingtime
talkingaboutcountries and nationalities; introductions & greetings
descri bi ngphysi cal appearance;| - apostcard talking about character;talking onentryto I Portfolio:afamilytree; about abilities;askingfor and magazine; a I a hostfamilies
| - a job ad
expressingpreferences; talking about schoolsubjects;telling the
time;talkingaboutjobs thereiVare;plurals; prepositions of place; imperative
| - completing about I information Castle I Windsor
- a pen-palletter Portfolio:a registrationform; a factfilefor a country;a map of your country
famousfamilyfromyour country
Portfolio: a songfora competition; aparagraphaboutyourdaily
Portfolio: a paragraphoboutyour house;a homeexchangeIisting
I routine talkingabouthouses; talkingabout | - a faxmessage location;giving directions
countable/uncountable | - findingwhatpeople talkingaboutfoodpreferences; | - a recipe nouns;some/any; orderingfood; givingadvice; a starmenu;a shopping I areordering I Portfolio: much/many/alot of food;talkingaboutfood I list | - choosingthe correct preparing presentcontinuous; | - asong peopleto comparisons | - matching
talkingaboutweather& seasons; | - a letterwhileon holiday
talking about how the weather makesusfeel; describingactions
happening now;buyingclothes;
pastsimple ordinals; (regular verbs); prepositions of time;
Portfolio:apostcard;aposterwith fomilyactivities;anarticleabout
I yourtown/city
| - sortinginformation talkingaboutdatesof birth;talking | - a biography about the Cheyenne's way of life; I Portfolio: a factfileobouta famous I abouta famous talkingaboutpasthabits& activitiesI person;anentrytoawebsitewith I person whatyou usedto do asa child
had,could;pastsimple | - completing describinganimals;narrating| (irregular verbs) abouta events;showingsurprise | information I Museum of Natural History/animal stars
simplefuture;be going | - completing to; presentcontinuous I information about for futurearrangementsI an organisation
extinctanimal;o paragrophobout on animalstaLa'ForSale'poster for BlackBeauty
makingpredictions about life in the | - an e-mai
future;talkingaboutplansand intentions
talkingabouttravelling; talking aboutpersonal experiences and personal paying/ changes; accepting compliments in English
British- AmericanGuide(p. 132)
astory Portfolio: o paragroph aboutan
lrregular Verbs(p. 133)
Portfolio: ads;aparagraph about an orgonisotion; a short
a lettergivingnews giving Portfolio: a shortporagraph information aboutyourcountry; on articlewithyourtravelexperiences
GrammarReference Section(pp 134-141)
WordList(pp 142-151)
-, 1
L:l: start -l _-a
-, t
Objectives/Targets: introducing oneself;the English alphabet; numbers; coloursand introducing words and practising school-related Vocabulary: numbers(1-100);colours; alphabet; schoolrelatedobjects;international Englishwords Languagefocus your name?;How do you Languogein use:What's spellit? And yourlastname?What'syourphone number?Thanks.;What'syour favouritecolour? What'sthis?lt's an exercise book.What'sthis in English? | am sorry,I don't know.Canyou repeatthat, please?Canyou speakslowly, olease? Speaking: askingfor and givingpersonal (situational gap information information dialogue; questions) activity;clarification
E a. lTocuil introducingnumbers0-9 r Presentnumbers0-9 by writing them on the board,one at a time,and sayingthem The Ss repeat,chorallyand/or individually. Saynumbers0-9 at random.Individual Ss cometo the boardandwritethem.Askthe restof the classfor verification. . Go throughthe instructions and makesure everyoneunderstands the task. Allow the Ss some time to read and write the numbers. Checkthe Ss'answers . Playthe cassette/CD, twice if necessary.The Ssrepeat,chorallyand/orindividually. Check the Ss'pronunciation. .r--..---------1
b. lFocus)l practisingnumbers,askingfor personalinformation(names,telephone numbers) .
-l ----
--__J -
-< 1
o Prepare blanknametags,one for eachstudent. Wait by the door,greetthe Ssas they come in and handthem a nametag each.Oncetheyare yourself to the Ss Say,then all seated,introduce writeyournameon the board:e.g.MynameisMs Thompson. fuk them to write their nameson the tagsand handthem backto you. . Takethe completednametagsand placethem in a bag.Takea tag out ofthe bagand callout the name written on it. The student whose name it is comesto your desk to collect it. Readout the Ss'names.Eachstudentcomes to your deskand pickshis/hernametag. Greet the Ss as they comeand encourage them to greetyou back. e.9. T John John: (Comingto collecthisnometog) T Hello,John. John: Hello.etc
Readthe instructions and explainthe task Go through the alphabetand do some quick choraland/orindividualrepetition,if necessary, for correctnronunciation. pausingfor the Ss to Playthe cassette/CD, repeat,chorallyand/or individually. Playthe cassette/CD a secondtime. The Ss listenand follow in their books.Write lettersat random on the board.Sssavthem.
4 _1l
)l presenting 4 lFocus 10-20 numbers Writenumbers10-20on the boardandsaythe appropriatewords. Do some quick choral and/or individualrepetition,if necessary, to improvethe Ss'pronunciation. Refer the 5s to the exercisebox. Play the twice if necessary. Pausefor the Ss cassette/CD, to repeat,chorallyand/or individually. Check the 5s'oronunciation.
5 Focust
presenting numbers21-1OO
Readthe instructions and the numbersand explainthe task The Ss read silentlyand completethe task. Checkthe Ss'answers
6 Focust presenting word-stress in numbers a a
Readthe instructions and explainthe task Playthe cassette/CD, twice if necessary. TheSs listenand completethe task. Checkthe Ss'answersby askingindividual Ss to reportbackto the class
2 lFocus )l practising the English alphabet
Readthe instructions and exolainthe task Go throughthe exchanges with the Ssand elicitany unknownvocabulary. Explain that they haveto performsimilarexchanges in orderto completethe telephonelist.Allow the Ss sometime to circulatearoundthe classand completethe task.Ask individual Ssto reportbackto the class.
1 lFocust introducing the English alphabet
ice-breaking to meetthe 5s
Readthe rubricand explainthe task.Go through the exchanges with the Ss,and elicitany unknown vocabulary. The Ss,in pairs,take turnsto askand answer.Circulateand provideany necessary help. Asksomeoairsof Ssto reoortbackto the class.
glE z a. lFocus colours I introducing Focusthe Ss'attentionon the colourspalette. Pointto each colourword and elicitwhat these words have in common (they are all colours).Pointto each colourand say the appropriateword The Ss repeat, chorally and/orindividually. Checktheirpronunciation. Readthe instructionsand explainthe task. The Ssreadsilentlyand completethe task. Checkthe Ss'answers. Ask individualSsto point to and namethe colourof itemsin the classroom. Askthe rest of the classfor verification.
b. lFocusLl practising colours Readthe rubricand the exampleand makesure everyoneunderstands the task.The Ss,in pairs, ask and answer.Circulateand provide any necessary help.Ask some pairsof Ssto report backto the class. Suggested AnswerKey A: What'syour favouritecolour? B: Orange.Whataboutyou? A: My favouritecolourisgreen. etc c. Go through the instructions and the example and explainthe task.Allow the Sssometime to comoletethe task Checkthe Ss'answers. r=-.-.-:.--l
lFocus>l introducingand practisingThis/ThatA/An & school related items o Presentthe at a time. Point to an exercisebook and say:exercise book.The Ss repeat,chorallyand/or individually. Follow the sameorocedurewith'the restof the words by pointing to items in the classroomor by drawingsimplesketches on the board. . Say,then write: lt'sapencil.The Ss repeatafter you.Underline the word in bold.Then,sayand write: /f3 an apple. The Ss repeat after you Underlinethe word in bold EliciVExolain the use of a before words beginning with a consonant sound and an before words beginning with a vowelsound. o Drillyour5s. e.g. T umbrella 51; an umbrella T dictionary 52: a dictionaryetc Suggested cues;umbrella,dictionary,apple,name, pencil,erase4bag,etc. telephone,
o Go near a student,point to him/her,say and write: Ihis is (Kelly).The Ss repeat after you. Underlinethe word in bold. Stand far away from a student, point to him/her,say and write: Ihat is (Mark).The Ss repeat after you. Underlinethe word in bold. EliciVExolain the useofthis and that. . Readthe instructions and the examoleand explainthe task. The 5s, in pairs,ask and answer as in the example.Circulateand provideany necessary help.Ask some pairsof 5s to reportbackto the class. AnswerKey 2 A: What'sthis? B: lt'san umbrella.
6 A: Whot'sthatT B: lt'sa oen.
3 A: What'sthis? B: lt'sa pencil.
7 A: What'sthatT B: lt'sa board.
4 A: What'sthis? B: lt'sa dictionary.
8 A: What'sthat? B: lt\ an eraser.
5 A: What'sthat? B: lt'san apple.
9 A: What'sthat? B: lt'sa bag.
(Optional) Extension Askthe Ssto lookaroundthem and thinkof other wordsrelatedto school.Makea listwith the English wordsandtheirtranslation. Askthe Ssto trv and use themwhenever oossible.
F iE D
ilE IE E E E E E E E E E E
tr E E
m -d
b . Talkwith youi friend.
yourfavouritecolour?, What's B: Blue.What aboutyou?
c. Put the coloursin alphabeticalorder. blacKblue,brown,green,g red,white,yellow
pink,purple, orange,
This/That- AlAn
Look,askand answer.
-l --
5 apple
't A: What'sthis? book. B: It'san exercise
L-{ -l
--{ -
9 lFoAst makingSsawarethat Englishis all aroundthem . Referthe Ss to the picturesillustratingthe exercise. Explainthat theseare wordsusedin English, around as well as in otherlanguages picture the world.Pointto each and elicitthe appropriate word.The5s repeat,chorallyand/ or individually. Checkthe 5s'pronunciation. . Readthe instructions and explainthe task. Allowthe Sssometimeto complete the task. help.Ask Circulate and provideanynecessary individual Ssto reportbackto the class.
-t .< ---
1 -J
Referyour Ssto the StudySkillsbox. Read the title and explainthat in this section theywill be gettingsomeinformation that will helpthemwith theirstudies. Read through slowly and explainany unknownwords.Askthe Ssif theydo some or allof thesethings.Stress the importance of beingexposedto Englishas muchas possible. in this Tryto referthe Ssto the guidelines StudySkillsbox throughout the course whenever thisis possible.
10 lEcus >l introducingusefullanguagefor everydaycommunication . Readthe instructions and the exchanges and vocabulary. elicit any unknown Play the twice if necessary. cassette/CD, The Ss listen andcomplete the task.Checkthe Ss'answers. Askthe Ssto usethislanguage whentheytalk with youandtheirclassmates in class.
1 Numbersaround us;Ask the Ssto think of and writeimportantnumbers in theirdailylife(e.9. theirtelephone numbeltheirage,the number of their flaVhouse, etc.).Helpthem present themto the class. 2 Askthe Ss,in pairsor smallgroups,to thinkof and writesomemoreEnglish wordsthat exist in their own language.Helpthem with the spelling of the words.
AdditionalMaterial p. 121 Grammar CheckEys'1,2,
-1 / -l-r'
-l1 -l.J -1 1
-l-.'1 -1
tr Mmdufie â&#x201A;Ź {UmEts { & 2h f*mily & Frâ&#x201A;Ź*nds F" Bef*re yoaxstant{Prer*qr.n[sit*s]
Use thequestions inorder torevise andconsotidate
thevocabulary andstructures taughtin the starter unit.TheSs,in pairs,askandanswerthe quest'roni. Asksomepairsof 5sto reportbackto the class.
_. TVguide(unit2a'p' 17) Whatdoesthe titleof thearticlemean?Whatkindof
informationdo you expectto find in the text?Whatdo theywontyou to do in orderto findout more?etc Amogazineorticle(Unit2b,p.19)
Focusthe ss, attentionon the modularpage Readthe moduletitte and askyour Ssto tookai the pagefor a minute.What do theythink the moduleis about?What kind of information do theyexpectto find in sucha module?Focusthe Ss'attentionon pictures1-4. In pairs,the Ss locatethe pagenumbers of thevisualaids. Havea classdiscussion, usingthe visualaids,irrorderto familiarise the Sswith the contextof the nexttwo unitsandestablish rapport.
\ ,/ -_\ _=-__/
Pic.3(p. ?8) T Whatcanyou seein thepicture?Wheredoyou think thesepeopleareTetc Pic.4(p.23) T Whot con you see in the picture?Who are these people?Whatoretheydoing?etc
Readthe phrasesand explainto the Sswhat they mean.Then,go throughthe moduleand find the correspondingpage numbers. Have a class discussion. AnswerKey Amap of theworld(Unitla, p.8) T Whatdoesthismopshowus? S1: Theworld. T Whatelseconyou seeon themap? 52: Pieces of paperwithcountrieson them. T Doyou knowonyof these? etc
Readthetitle.whatdoyouthinkthearticleis obout? peoplearetherein thefamily? you ; Would l.::!!!l liketolivewiththemforsometime?Why?etc
Ads(IJnit2c,p.21) Whataretheseodsobout?Haveyoueverbeentosu place?Wouldyoutiketogo?Whichactivitieswould 'fiketodo?Wiowouldyiutokewithyou?etc Go throughthe learnhowto sectionwith yourSs andpoint-outthat bythe endof the nexttwo units they will know how to performall of the listed (Forananalytical tasks. breakdown of theaimsand objectives of the module'seeProgrommep'vl')
.AnswerKey pic.| ( T whatpageispicturel from? Sl: lt'sfrompagel0. T Whotcanyouseeinpicture1? 52: Abeautifulwoman. T Doyouknowwhosheis? 53: PenelopeCruz. 7 T Whatelsecanyouseeonpage10? 54 :Othe r famousactorsfromdiffere n t c o u n t rie s . e t c T Whotdoesthispictureshow?Whotdoyou thinkthis womonis doing?Whatelsecanyou seeon page l2? etc
A website(Unit 1a, p. 9)
& Frfiemds Fammfiily Modulel (Unit s l & 2 )
Beforeyou start Howdoyouspellyourname? in English? Canyousayfourcolours
Lookat Module 1
'l-4. for pictures Findthepagenumbers
Findthe unit and page number(s)for I
a mapof theworld a website a TVguide article a magazine adverts
a a o
a a
-1 -4
E f E I l]
f E I E Il
do a project about ...
) o o . .
ln thisModuleyouwill ...
wr it e . . .
-1---J) -r.\_1
anothercountry yourcountry yourfamily a famousfamilyin your countrY
o . o . o . .
m akin gfr ie ndson the Internet famouspeopleand places ltaly W programmes hostfamilies buyingpresentsfor a hostfamilY camosfor families
o a
personal information (reglstration form) a letterto a pen-pal a postcard
learnhow to ...
= a
information givegeographlcal (countries/capital cities/nationalities) askforlgivepersonalinformation yourselfand greetothers introduce familymembers identifyand describe possessions personal talk about talk a b o u tabilities askfor and offerhelp
practise ... a --J
a a a
the verb'to be' possesstves question words the verb'havegot' the verb'can'
Cuts(Geo Gurricular BritishRoYalF GultureGliP:rne
l^ ,
i i ti i F"l l -rl J
t-" f t?
L' .r. l -," n
'1 .
CaoitalCitY: ondon
Country: Japan
;9,,5or.nt.y: Mexico
Country:Greece i tal CitY:Athensr
Country:Egypt CapitalCity:Cairo
Country:Ru caPitalcity:
r &J Country:US Dc iapitaicitY ashrngton
You can remember new words more easily by , cornecting them with music, sounds, colours, food, landm.tUr,.:t: . . ir i
Canyoufindyourcountryon the map? What'sthe nameof yourcountryin English? Lookit up in yourdictionary.
Listenand completethe form. Then, ask and answerabout Hector.
Remembering newwords
.r . .
Countries 1 ,,
Listen andmatchthe musicextracts to the countries.
Extract 2
Extract 3
Extract 4
How's your Geography?Complete the map with the capital cities. Use:Ankara, Athens,Cairo,London,MexicoCity,Moscow, Tokyo,Warsaw,Washington D.C.
b. Now, talk with your partner.
Passrord:--ET;; reSs:.hect6rmex@efrrends,,com
a a
A: Where's Ankara?
B: lnTurkey.
What'shisname? How old is he?
r o
Whereis he from? Whereexactly?
-t -=
Friends on the Net
- l-t
b. Focuit practising countries andcities Readthe example. The Ss,in pairs,ask and answerCirculate and provideany necessary help.Asksomepairsof Ssto reportbackto theclass.
Objectives/Ta rgets:taIking aboutcountries; makingfriends throughthe Internet Vocabulary: countries andtheircapitalcities; internetrelated words Language focus Languagein use:Where's Ankara? InTurkey; Olga is21 yearsold.She's Herfavourite fromRussia. s rng errs... Listening: a dialogue whilecompleting a registration form Ski Ilsinvolved : Iistening for speci fic information (form-completion) Reading: information aboute-friends Ski Ilsinvolved : reading for speci fic information (identifuing information) correct andincorrect givinggeographical/personal Speaking: (monologue; information reporting) , Writing:a registration formanda short
-r{--{ ..i<
i i
-tJ .J !
Readthe StudySki/lsbox and explainany ; unknownwords.Explain to the 5s that one I wayto remember newwordsis by connecting themto something colours, etc. suchasmusic, Give an example.Explainthat they can connectthe nameof theircountryin English to thecolours flag.AsktheSs in theircountry's
_foiToi':f '!!: -J
1 lFocust warming up Ask the Ss to look at the mao of the world. Point to and presentthe continents(America, Africa,Europe,Asia,Oceania).Ask if they can identifysomeof the countries. Referto the four countriesand ask the Ssto locatethem on the map. Ask the Ss if they know any traditionalmusicfrom the countries mentioned. Playthe cassette/CD. The Ss listenand match the musicextractsto the countries.Checkthe Ss'answers.
:= --J
-I---f-ta =
2a. -l
lFocus>l presentingcountriesand their capitalcities .
-l--._--{ -l-
A: Where'sCairo? B: ln EgypL
A: Where's MexicoCity? B: ln Mexico. etc
TheSs,in two teamsA andB,lookat the mapfor one minuteandclosetheirbooks.Theteamstaketurnsto questions. answerthe teacher's Eachcorrectanswer getsonepoint.Theteamwith the mostpointswins. e.g. T Where'sTokyo? TeamASl: lnJapan. T OneoointforTeam A. etc
Yr*--*-% ,
A: Where's London? B: ln England.
Suggested AnswerKey A: Where's Athens? B: ln Greece.
Readthe instructions and exolainthe task. Readthe capitalcitiesand do somechoral and/orindividualrepetition,if necessary to practisecorrectpronunciation. Referthe Ss to the mao. Ask the Ss to complete the information using the appropriate capitalcitiesfrom the listgiven. Checkthe Ss'answers.
3 Focust practising dictionary work TheSs,in pairs.locatetheircountryon the map. With the helpof their dictionaries, if necessary theyfindthe nameof theircountryin English. lf your Ss are not familiarwith dictionary work, provide somehelp.Alternatively, saythe nameof yourcountry in English andtheSslookit up inthe dictionary, tryingto findthecorrect spelling. Ss'own onswers 4 Focdt completinga registrationform . Go throughthe registration formandexplain any unknownwords (e.9.registration form,full name,UserlD,password). . Playthe cassette/CD, twiceif necessary. TheSs listenand completethe task.Checkthe Ss' answers. Tapescript Hector:Rosa,canyouhelpmefill in thisregistration form,pleose? Rosa:Yes,of course...let'ssee...well,writeyour full name...thot's HectorMercado. myage...seventeen Rosa:Good...countryis Mexicoand cityisMexicoCity.What'syour userlD? Hectot:Hectormex RAsa:Hectormex! Ha ...thot'sa goodone!Nowput yourpassword in - but don'ttellme! Hector:Right...And the last thing e-mailoddress. Finished! Thotwaseasy! didn'treallyneedmy help!
o TheSs,in pairs,askandanswerthe questions aboutHector. Checkroundtheclass. Asksome pairsof 5sto reportbackto theclass.
lSuggested AnswerKey A: What'shisname? B: HectorMercodo. A: Howold ishe7 B: He'sseventeen.
A: B: A: B:
AnswerKey l...favourite singerisRobbie Williams. yearsold. They'refrom Kimand Leoare twenty-three Jopan.Their favourite singerisCeline Dion. yearsold. He'sfrom Mexico.His Hectoris seventeen favourite singerisBritney Spears.
Whereishefrom? He'sfrom Mexico. Where exactly? Mexico1g.
a. lrocuiFl predicting,anticipating Askthe 5sto lookat the title,e-friends, and the textson page9. ls it a magazine articleor a website?(awebsite) What do they expectto readabout?Havea classdiscussion.
8 lTocus anInternetregistration form t preparing
Referthe 5sto the registration formon page8. Askthemto makea similar oneaboutthemselves b intheirnotebook. o Ask the Ssto readthe textson page9 and tb underline howthetextsbeginandend.(e.g.Hi! Myname's ..., I hopeto makefriends withyou... .) . The5s makea registration form and write a shortparagraph aboutthemselves as written homework. Display theirwork.
b. lTocust readingentriesof peoplewho want to find e-friends Readthe instructions and explainthe task. Allow the 5s some time to read the texts silentlyand completethe task.Ask them to underlinethe relevantsentences in the texts wheretheyhavefoundthe information. Check the Ss'answers.
pieces Note:TheSsfiletheircorrected of writingin theirLonguagePortfolio.(See Introducti onforfurther explonation.)
. .
Readthe instructions andexplain thetask. Playthe cassette/CD. TheSslistenand follow the lines.Individual Ssreadout fromthetexts. . Allowthe Sssometimeto go throughthe texts againand fill in the tablebeforethey report backto the class.Checkthe Ss'answers. lTocdt producinga monologue,with the mainpointsof the text Readthe example the task.TheSs,in andexplain pairs,take turns to talk about the people. Circulateand provideany necessary help. Ask somepairsof Ssto reportbackto the class.
1 Bringto classor askthe 5sto bringtraditional musicfrom othercountries. Playsomeextracts andaskthe Ssto guess wherethe musicisfrom. 2 Bringto classa map of your country.Havea discussion as to what the namesof the neighbouring countriesare and their capital cities. 3 lf the Sshaveaccess to the Internet, askthem to sendtheirdescription of themselves to one another by e-mail. i !*---
b -a b L-
b F.--
F L b
ts b \-
b . Readthe textsand write f for true or Ffor false.
1 2
Lookat the text and the title. ls it a magazinearticleor a website?What informationdo you expectto read?
O l g ai sE n g l i sh . KimandLeoarefromJapan.
3 4
Listenand read.Then,fill in the table for eachperson. 7
Leois Kim'sfriend. T Hectorisseven. F
Usethe tablein Ex.6 to talk abouteach person. Olgais2l yearsold.She's fromRussia. Her...
Portfolio:Wouldyou likean e-friend?Make form andwrite aboutyou. a registration
i Lr* ltulsVd Vd
Weail know whothey
o Monica Bellucci .ltaly
afg " but do we
E L-
E rL-_
hnw* where theY
F o Sandra Bullock o U SA
o Gerard DePardieu o France
Cruz oPenelope oSpain
o Jackie Chan . China
Ex.2a? Say. r,
TheyspeakGerman in Germany and Austria.
!- Countries/Nationalities/Languages 1
the world. Canyou guesswhere they're from? Readand choose.
a. Readand match.
1 2 3 4
H e'sFrench. F She 'sGerman. B H e'sAustrian. A American.E She's
5 6 7 8
S he'sS oan is h \l. S he'sltalian . n He'sB razi lia n . C He'sChinese. H
b. Ask and answerquestions. A: Whatnationality isArnoldSchwarzenegger? 6: He'sAustrion.He'sfromAustria.
F, What languagedo they speak?Listen a n d underline. 1: Turkish Sp e a ker Sp e a ker 2. ltalian- Chinese Sp e a ker 3: 4: Japanese Speaker
3 A lot of Englishwords comefrom all over
b E 1-
L 11Mo s q u itis oa . . . . . . . . . . .w..o r d . S p a n is h B French
K e t c h uis pa . . . . , . . . . . .wo . . rd . A G e rma n Ch in e s e
Ro b o is t a . . . . . . . . . . .wor .. d. A Russian Czech
P ia n o is . . rd . a (n ). . . . . . . . . . .wo I t a lia n B Japanese'
Z e b ra is a (n ). . . . . . . . . . .. w.o r d . A Turkish African
-1 L _
-J .I
--l - l
.tl* world over
-{ I
-J -___-t
-l I -__-a
-1 ,--ta
/ J
Objectives/Ta rgets:taIking about countries; nationalities andlanguages languages Vocabulary: countries; nationalities; Language focus Grammar: theverbfobe(Affirmative); Question Words inuse;What nationality isArnold Language He'sAustrian. He'sfrom Schwarzenegger? and in Germany Austria.; TheySpeak German Austria. in foreignlanguages Listening: shortexchanges predicting; g uessing involved: Skills Reading:a factfile Skil Isinvolved : note-taking (pairwork; giving personal information Speaking: gap information activity) of a Writing:a factfileanda briefdescription I I country(project) r a. lrocuil presentingcountriesand nationalities . Gothroughthe pictures andthe information aboutthe famouspeopleand presentthe theyarefrom.Dosomequickchoral countries for repetition, if necessary and/orindividual theircorrectpronunciation. . Readthe exampleand explainthe task. Allowthe 5s sometime to completethe task.Checkthe 5s'answers. o Writethe followingon the board:He'sfrom the wordsin Underline Austria.He'sAustrian. bold.Explain that Austriais a noun,the nameof the countrywhileAustrianis an (where people g nationality adjective describin arefrom).
C A: WhatnationolityisRonaldo? B: He'sBrazilian.He'sfrom Brazil. D A: WhatnationalityisMonicaBellucci? B: She'sltalian.She's fromltaly.etc
F| identiffingvariouslanguages z a. lTocus . Readthe instructions thetask. andexplain . Playthe cassette/CD, The twiceif necessary. the task.Checkthe Sslistenandcomplete 5s'answers. Extension Playthe cassette/CD again.Askthe Ssto notedownor remember a word or wordsthat theyknowfromeach language or thatsoundfamiliar. for namesof different countries $. o Brainstorm andwritethemin a columnon the board. Dothe samefor languages andwritethem in another columnontheboard. . Readtheexample thetask.The andexplain using asin the example, Ssmakesentences Provide the information fromthe columns. help. anynecessary Key Suggested Answer in theUSA, BritainandAustralia. TheySpeak English inSpainandMexico. TheyspeakSpanish in Russia. TheyspeakRussian Theyspeakltalian inltaly.etc English wordsthat come 3 Focust discovering fromotherlanguages . Explain words that thereare a lot of English that comefromotherlanguages. o Go throughthe sentences and explainany the unknown words.TheSs,in pairs,complete task.Checkthe Ss'answers.
Extension 1 Drillyour ontheboard.Individual 5s.Writeprompts words. 5ssaythe appropriate T Austria S1:Austrianetc 2 Askthe Ssto thinkof somemorefamouspeople from thesecountriesor from any other country, help. anynecessary including theirown.Provide >l practising nationalities b. lFocus thetask.TheSs, Readtheexample andexplain pairs, andprovide Circulate in askandanswer. pairs of Ssto help.Ask some any necessary refort oaElft6the class. Key SuggestedAnswer Schiffer? B A: Whatnationality isClaudia fromGermany. She's B: She's German. * *
E 4 lFoaus>lpresenting theverb'tobe',Affirmative Game(Optional) a. .
Presentthe verb to be (affirmative).Say, then write on the board:I am from(Spain). Underline the wordsin bold.The5srepeat, chorallyand/or individually. Point to a student,sayand write: Youarefrom(Spoin). The Ss repeat,chorallyand/orindividually. Followthe sameprocedureto presentall persons of the verbto be in the affirmative. Next to the sentences,write the short forms,l'mffou're,etc. . Drillyour Ss.Writesomepromptson the board.Individual 5smakesentences. e.g. T. Gary/from Britain 5l: GaryisfromBritain.etc . Referthe Ssto the GrammorReference at the backof theirbooksfor furtherdetails.
b. Readthe instructions and explainthe task. Allowthe Sssometimeto readandcomplete the text.Checkthe Ss'answers.
5 lFocdt presenting Words Question r Doa quickrevisiorlntroduction of the question words. Write the followingsentences on the the useof the wordsin boardandeliciVexplain bold. Whoisyourfavourite singeri(when we askabout a person) Whotisyourname?(when we askabouta name or a nationality) (whenwe ask Howdoyouspellyourname? someone to spellsomething) HowoldareyouT(when we askaboutage) Whereareyou fromT(when we askfor someone's origin) o Referthe Ssto the Grammar Reference at the backof theirbooksfor furtherdetails. o Allowthe Sssometimeto complete. the task. Checkthe Ss'answers. lFoA;t practisingquestionwords, personalisation The Ss,in pairs,ask and answerthe questions from Ex.5 and recordtheir interviews. Circulate andprovideanynecessary help.Asksomepairsof Ssto reportbackto the class. Note:TheSscanhavetheirown tapeswith them and havetheir dialogues recorded. Lateron, they canlistento theirdialogues andcheckthemselves.
Dividethe classinto two teams,A and B. Eachteam takesturnsto saya sentence. Theotherteamhasto question.Eachcorrectquestion aska corresponding getsonepoint.Theteamwith the mostpointswins.
7 lFocus >l readinga factfile Gothroughthe textandexplain anyunknown words(,million,londmark etc.). Allowthe Sssometimeto readandcomplete the factfile.Checkthe Ss'answers.
>lwriting a countryfactfile 8 lFoaus
Brainstorm fiorcountriesthe Ssare interested in. Inviteindividual Ss to tell you what they !I know about them (i.e.languoge, capitalcities, famous londmarks, the information etc.).Write on I the board.TheSscankeepnotesif theywish. I The5schoosea countryandwritea factfileand a short descriptionof it, accompaniedby picturesor drawings,as written homework. II Display theirwork. pieces Note:TheSsfiletheircorrected of writingin thetr LanguogePortfolio.(Seelntroduction for further explanation).
1 Bringto classor askyourSsto bringpicturesof famouspeoplefrom magazines, etc.TheSs,in groups,make a collagewith their favourite onesandwritetheirnamesandwheretheyare from.Display theirwork. TheSs,in groups,findwordsin theirlanguage that arethe sameas or similarto the English words( and makea listwith the helpof their dictionaries. As a variation,the Ss can makea quizsimilarto the one in Ex.3 about the originof someEnglish words.Thegroups then swapquizzes and try to guessthe origin of the words. lf the Ss have accessto encyclopaedias, ask them to makefactfilesas in Ex.7 aboutsome EngIish-spea king countries (e.9.USA,Canada,UK Australia, etc).
-1 I
.W s" Ihe Verb'tobe'(Affirmative) .-l
Reference Grammar
Readandcompletethe factfile.
a. Studythe table.
English. Youare(You're) : ltalian. i is (HeVShe's/lt's) He/She/lt We//ou/Theyare I ..-___ tgypt' trom r_..-r (we're/You're/They're) J
--r{ 1
--l --4,
b. Readandfill in.
of This1) isa picture mye-friends, Johnand They2) are Carol. They3) are English. fromLondon. London 4) isthe capitalcityof England. Carol5) is
J _J .J --
Thisis a mapof ltaly.Thereareabout58 millionpeoplein ltaly.Theyspeakltalian there. One of the most famouslandmarksin Italy is the's in Rome'the capitalof ltaly. Otherthingsto seein ltaly are:the Trevi TheLeaningTowerof Pisaand Fountain, St Mark'sSquare.
Johnand | 6) are sixteen.
thesameage.We7) arebotheighteen. -J--
F QuestionWords'%-
Readandunderline. isyourlastname? 1 How , isyouraddress? 2 Who lHow areyoufrom? 3 actor? 4 Mhat isyourfavourite name? 5 Ho isyourmother'Vfather's heredo youspellit? 6
--.1 .-
_J -1**F==-== -J--
Portfolio:In pairs,takeit in turnsto interview one another.Usethe questionsin Ex.5 and yourinterviews. yourown ideas.Record
the Landmarks: 58'000'000 Famous Population: Coliseum Otherthingsto see:the Trevt ltalian Language: Tower the Leaning Fountaln, of Pisa,St Mark'sSquare
-{ -1t
Findthe questionsfor the other team's answers.
TeamASI: l'm fromtheUSA. TeomBSl: Whereareyou from? B. Teacher: Good.OnepointforTeam
Rome CapitalCitY:
t 8
Portfolio:Makea factfilefor another countryandwrite aboutit.
Introdu ctions& Greetings
Youaregoingto hearfour shortdialogues with peopleintroducing or greetingeachother. Whichfour of thesesentences do the peoplesay?Guess. Then,listenand checkyour answers. Prettvsood'
' . '
narne? j
spell ' HoW do you Jim ,t"Uo' t'm "t:*n'^ from?
. ffi;" areYou
A : Hi, M ik e .Ho w a ret h in g s ? B : Not bad.How areyou? P re t t yg o o d ,t h a n k s .
Mrs Mills' t rneet.You' to . Pleased daYl . Have a nice - .,.. -"*=.-.
Readthe dialogues and match themto the headings. a Introducing someone 3 b Saying' Goodby e' 4 c Intr oducing ones el f 2 d Saying' Hel l o' 1
H e l l ol'm , Ji mB ro w n B: H i ! M y n a me 'sMa tth e w S k i n n ebr,u t p l e a se ca l lme Matt. A: Niceto meetyou,Matt.
Introduceor greetone another.Usethe dialogues in Ex.1 asexamples. 1 introduceyourselfto your partner introduceyour partnerto yourteacher 3 greetyourpartner 4 saygoodbye to yourpartner
Mum, t h is is Hila ry 5 . he's from the USA.Hilary, this is my mu m. P lea s e tdo me e t y o u , Mrs Mills Niceto meetyoutoo, Hilary.
WordStress 4
' d, Listenand repeat. o ltaly o ltalian . Brazil
Goodbye, Mummy. See you later! Bye, bye, Amy. Have a n r cedayi
b. Readand underlinethe stress. . Ca n a d a o Austria o Mexico o B ra z ilia n . Russia
. Lqland o American . Canadian o Chinese .Ja
-.{ --
Pleased to meetyou!
-{ .,
Objectives/Ta rgets: introducing and g reeting people Vocabulary:typesof introductions and greetings; consolidation Languagefocus Grammar: the verb to be(Negativeand Interrogative form) good,thanks.How do Longuageinuse;Pretty you spellyourname?Hello,l'm JimBrown. to meetyou, Mrs Whereareyou from?Pleased Mills.Havea niceday!;Where'sCarlSchnyder from?He'sfrom ... Listening:shortexchanges of introductions and greetings Skills involved: listeningfor specificinformation (identifuing information) Reading:shortdialogues of peopleintroducingor greetingeachother prediction,readingfor gist Skillsinvolved: Speaking:askingand answeringquestionsabout nationality(situational dialogue;problemsolving gap activity) activity;reasoning Pronunciation: word stress
--{ -l
--lJ {
-rl .J
4 -1
-J J
-J-1 -tl -ra rl
-J -J
1 FocGtl introductionsand greetings Pointto the pictures andelicitwhattheyhavein introducing themselves, common(theyshowpeople sayinghello,goodbye).Introduceyourself.Say, thenwrite:Hello,lm(MrsGraylPointto a student and introducehim/herto the class.Say,then write Hello, is(lan).Followthe same everyone!This procedure to presenVrevise the basicexpressions we use when we greet or say 'goodbye'to to the Ssthat theseareways someone. Explain we introduceourselves, others,andgreeteach other. Gothroughthepictures andelicitthesituations (i.e.whothepeopleare,wheretheyare,etc). in the box. EliciVExplain Readthe sentences anyunknownwords/expressions. TheSschoose whichsentences theythinkwill be heard. twiceif necessary. TheSs Playthe cassette/CD, TheSs,in pairs, listenandchecktheiranswers. readthe completed dialogues.
2 Focust familarising the Sswith typesof introductions andgreetings Readthe instructions andexplain the task.TheSs readthe dialogues silently andcomplete the task. Checkthe Ss'answers. 3 Focust practising, introducing andgreeting people Readthe title andthe introduction to the exercise. Explainto the Ss that they have to use the exchanges from Ex. 1, in orderto performthe dialogues. TheSs,in pairs, taketurnsactingoutthe exchanges. Circulateand provideany necessary help.Ask somepairsof 5s to reportbackto the class. Ss'own onswers Extension Say,then write,on the boardrandomsentences from thedialogues. Askindividual Ssto identifu thesituation in whicheachsentence isused. 4 a. lTocusFl identifuing/practising correct word stress Playthe cassette/CD, twiceif necessary. TheSs listenandrepeat, chorally and/orindividually. S. r Ask the Ssto readthe wordssilentlyand underline the stressed syllable. o Individual 5s saythe words.Checkthe 5s' pronunciation.
-J .{
-l .-
-_J -
>l presenting/practising the verb 'tobe' lFocus (Negative/l Answers) nterrogative/Short a. . Presentthe verb to be (negativeand interrogative form).Say,thenwriteon the the board:I am not from(Russia). Underline and/or wordsin bold.TheSsrepeat,chorally Pointto a student, sayandwrite: individually. fhe Ss repeat, Youore not from (Russid. Next to the chorallyand/or individually. writetheshortforms,l'm noUYou sentences to aren't,etc. Followthe sameprocedure presentall persons of the verbto be in the forms.Then,ask negativeandinterrogative a studenta questionyou will probably receivea negativeanswer for: Areyou (Japanese)?Elicit the shortanswer:No,l'm not. Ask anotherstudenta questionyou will probably receive answerfor:Areyou a positive (Sponish)? Elicitthe short answer'.Yes,lam. to presentthe Followthe sameprocedure shortanswers.
a. lTocusF| practisingthe verb 'tobe', informationgap activity Readthe instructions and the example, and explainthe task.The Ss, in pairs,ask and answerto complete the missinginformation. Circulate and provideanynecessary help.Ask somepairsof Ssto reportbackto the class.
Answer Key English: JerryandChristine Wheele+ GloriaandFrank Benson Spanish:MonicaValente andDiegoTavares Germon:KarlSchnyderand KlaraVogel
Readthe instructions and explainthe task. Allowthe Sssometimeto writethe questions. Checkthe Ss'answers. the questions aboutthemselves TheSsanswer ChecktheSs'answers. in theirnotebooks.
L_ 1...".^ L----a
1 Ask the Sswhichfamouspersontheywould liketo be. Choosea studentto cometo the the front.TheothersSsforma line.Introduce student(in character as a famousperson)to the restof the class, one by one,goingalong theline. T RobertDeNiro,thisisMartin Evans. e.g. Martin:Pleasedto meetyou, MrDeNiro. (DeNiro):Nicetomeetyoutoo,Martin. 2 TheSssitina circle. bygiving Onestudent begins hiVherrealnameandanimaginary nationality. l'mRussian. e.g.Sl: l'mPatrickand Thestudenton the rightcontinues. Patrick e.g.52: You're andyou'reRussion. I'mLindo andl'mSpanish.
Stallone/from theUSA? T Sylvester 53; IsSylvester StollonefromtheUSA? 54: Yes,heis.etc Refer the Ss to the GrammarReferenceat the backof their booksfor furtherdetails.
and explainthe task. b . Readthe instructions the task. Allowthe 5ssometimeto complete theSs'answers. Check
e.g. T RickyMartin/fromFranceT MartinfromFrance? 5l: ls Ricky 52: No,he isn't.
. TheSsreadandcomplete the table.Check the Ss'answers.
gapactivity >l practising reasoning b. lFocus TheSs,in pairs, decide whichtourists willgo on whichtour bus according to what language theyspeak. ChecktheSs'answers.
Drill your Ss.Write some promptson the Ssmakesentences. board.Individual e.g. T Madonna/fromBritain Sl: Modonnaisn'tfromBritain.etc
Extension The Ss write down two correctsentencesabout themselves and an incorrect one. Individual Sstake triesto turnsto saythesentences. Therestof the class find the incorrectone. Whoeverguessescorrectly takesthe nextturnandthe gamecontinues. I'mFrench. e.g. S1:l'm21yearsold.I'mfromRome,ltaly. ltalian. 52: Youoren'tFrench.You're Sl: Thaftright.Yourturn.etc
i E i !
Thenextstudenton the right continues. ,.9. 53: He'sPatrickand he'sRussian.You're Lindaand you'reSpanish.l'm Malcolmandl'm Chinese.
*E L---f---lt
L_ -+
- -t
:.x FE*s-ge=g r ff ra r,mrumwn
-{ --{
Interrogative/Short Answers)
Gra mmar Reference
a . F i l li n t h eta b l e .
I am not (l'mnot)Russian. Youarenot (Youaren't)fromSpain. is not (He/She/lt He/She/lt isn't)German. We/You/They are not (We/You/They aren't) fromPoland.
-t _J,
- -.--
Are you Japanese? ls he/she/itfrom Ch in a ? Are they Polish?
+ 't
1 2 3 4 5
-t_4 J' -r-
-I -.{
a. Youarea tour guidefor CityTours. Findout wherethe touristsarefrom. StudentA: AskstudentB questions to your fill in table. StudentB:AskstudentA questions to your fill in table.
X{erlic.p Valente
Jg-rryq./.tdehn;tine Weeler DiegoTpltgryq
Australia Mexico
Gloria and Frank Benson
b. Fifl in: isn't,oren't,am not.
--r' --t -l
Yes,lam./No,I'm not. Yes,he/shelitis./ No,he/she/itisn't. Yes,they are./ No,theyaren't.
Tonyisn'tfromBrazil. He'sfromEngland. Theyaren'tBritish. TheyareJapanese. | a mn o tJ o h nl.'mS tu a rt. He'sanactor. Heisn'ta singer. lt isn'ta'sa girl.
Putthe wordsin the correctorderto form questions. Then,answerthem. youlfromlarelSpain? AreyoufromSpain? yourlbaglislblack? lsyourbagblack? RickyMartin/favourite/is/yourAinger? ls Ricky singer? Martinyourfavourite your/fromltalylteacher/is? lsyourteacher fromltaly? yourfriends/Germa n/are? Arevourfriends German?
iuo nuolD 1a8oy1bto2,1 iatininl o&aiQ
oujsnV oclxaw
;;u1tiu45Pin D4D4snY n1iaiaiq74 iladi
I ua1
taPtrtt4cgTtlnY sis:xlor
A: Where's KarlSch nyderfromT B: He'sfrom.... b . Nory put the touristson the correct
to busfor a tour of the city,according language they speak the
-l -
l --J
Readand correct.
l-J J
school.Myfavouritesingersare Ghristina Aguileraand Beyonc6.They'regreat!| love football,too. My favouriteteamis Liverpool. p Wnataboutyou?Pleasewritesoonand tell me everything! Love, Stuart
l.-t J
Readthe letteragainandcomplete.Use: favouritethings,age,country.
fugrfirb Brainstorming
' 'l: PorogroPh nome,
t -.t
Before you start wdting your composition, think about the topic and write down anything that comes to mind about it. After that, you can decide what to include.
Portfolio:Writea letterto a new pen-pal. Usethe planfromEx.2 andsomeof your ideasfrom Ex.3 to helpyou.
4l.-l f
I I-l +[ .,s :lt
{ -â&#x201A;Ź
Porogroph 3: osk to write bock soon
ffiEs<*=s ffi b&frsEe
Whataboutyou?Askand answer. 1 2 3 4 5
withoutgoing anywhere?
I know,Com! A flagI
How old areyou? Whereexactlyareyou from? What'syour bestfriend'sname? What yearareyou in at school? What aresomeof yourfavouritethings? (singerlfootbaII team/colour/etc)
_ rell1e eyeythingl -l
-.1 =J < dl
-=J -1=-l___-1<a
Objectives/Ta rgets: writing f riend ly letters Writing: a letterto a new pen-pal Skill s involved : errorcorrection;organising ideas paragraphs into Speaking:askingfor and givingpersonal (pairwork; discourse information management skills)
1 [Foc-uit identifyingpunctuationrules Presentthe Sfudylrp. Write: i isinengland. Elicitthe mistakesand the rules.(/ is alwaysupper cose.Propernqmesalwaysstart with uppercase.) Readthe title and eliciVexplain what a pen-pal is (a friendyou writeto). Readthe exampleand explainthe task.Explain any unknown words.Allow the 5s sometime to read the letter silently and correct the mistakes. Checkthe Ss'answers. questions. Ask the Sssomecomprehension e.g. How old is Stuart?Whereexactlyis he from? What nationalityis his bestfriend?Who are Stuort'sfavouritesinqers?What'shisfovourite team?
2 lTocust organising ideasinto structures . Go throughthe incomplete spidergram and explain thetask. . Allowthe 5ssometimeto readthe letteragain andcomplete thetask.Checkthe Ss'answers.
{ 6
Ss'own answers
3 Focust generatingideas The Ss,in pairs,ask and answerthe questions. Checkroundthe class.Ask somepairsof Ssto reportbackto the class.
4 lToius>l writing a friendlyletter . Readthe instructions andexplain thetask. . InvitesomeSsto usethe plan(Ex.2) andsome of theirideas(Ex.3) and producea letterto a newpen-palorallyin class. . TheSswrite the letteras writtenhomework. Display theirwork. pieces Note:The5sfiletheircorrected of writingin thei Languoge Portfolio.(See lntroduction forfurther explanation.)
take out a pieceof paperand start writing anything that comesto mindaboutit. Tellthem not to worryaboutspelling mistakes or how a (TheycanwriteawordinLl wordissaidin English at thisstage).At the end of the brainstormlng session. the Sscanaskoneanotheror lookup thewordstheydon'tknowanddecide on which information to include in theirletter. Bringin picturesof peoplefrom aroundthe world, if possible. Alternatively, usepicturesof famouspeople. Divide the classintogroupsand give one pictureto eachgroup.Eachgroup makesup imaginary information for eachperson (age,job, favouritethings,etc.) and writes the letterthe personsupposedly wroteaskingfor a pen-pal. Thegroupscanswaptheirlettersand discuss if theywouldwritebackor not. Writea similarletterto the one in Ex 1 about yourselfbut with a differentname.Pinit up. Invitethe Ssto writea response to yourletter.lf youwish,youcanstartcorresponding with your Sson a weekly/monthly basisexchanging news. pinup the Ss'pen-pal As a variation, lettersand invitethemto chooseone classmate and start corresponding.
Variation Alternatively, askyourSsto writedowntheirpartners' answers in theirnotebooks.
--.t --a dl -_.f
rl -r-
Readthe title and explainwhat brainstorming is. Stressthe importanceof writing down anythingthat comesto mind and then select what to includein the compositionand in which paragraph.Ask the Ss to follow that advicewheneverthey write a composition.
-{ r-
14(r) ti
Curricular Cuts(Geography) ._ -
Aroundthe UK! Objectives/Targets: introducing the UK pointsof the compass, Vocabulary: consolidation Listening: shortextracts aboutthe UK Skills involved: listeningfor specificinformation (gap-fillins) Reading: shorttextsaboutthe countries comprising the UK involved: Skills readingfor specificinformation Speaking: askingfor andgivinggeographical (pairwork) information Writing:drawinga mapof theircountrywith (project) majorcitieVtowns f a. lFocus>l presenting the pointsof the compass . Present the pointsof the compass. Drawa on the board.Pointto the arrow compass showingNorth and say North.The 5s repeat,chorallyand/orindividually. Repeat the procedure with South,EastandWest. Draw an arrow betweennorth and west and presentnorth-west.Followthe same procedurewith south-west, south-east andnorth-east. o Allow the Sssometime to comoletethe task.Checkthe Ss'answers. b. lFoeus t listeningto a text aboutplacesin the UK . Askthe Ssto lookat the mapof the UK. Asksomequestions: Howmanycountries are (Scotland, in theUK?(fou)Whataretheycalled? EngIand,NorthernIrelond, Wales) . Readthe instructions andexplain the task. . Playthe cassettey'CD, twiceif necessary. The Sslisten,followin theirbooksandcomplete thetask.Checkthe Ss'answers. Focuit UK
talking about where placesare in the
Readthe example the task.TheSs,in andexplain pairs,askand answer.Circulate and provideany pairs necessary help.Ask some of Ss to report backto the class.
Suggested AnswerKey A: Where's London? B: lt'sin England. A: Where exoctly? B: ln thesouthof England.
A: Where's Edinburgh? B: It'sin Scotlond.
Whereexactly? ln B: thesouthof Scotland.
A: B: A: B:
Where's Belfast? It'sin Northernlreland. Whereexactly? ln thenorth-eastof Northernlreland.
f, a
3 Focust personalisation, drawinga mapof L theircountry 3 o ReferyourSsto the mapof the UK on page 15. L . Ask them to draw a map of their country ] featuringthe majortownsand cities.Display theirwork. L f
pieces Note:TheSsfiletheircorrected of writingin thei Language Portfolio.(See lntroduction forfurther explanation.)
L ] ]
,d;; ;;Gril;,*il,k
of Ssto talkaboutwheresomemajorcitiesare i in the country. l 2 Ask the Ssto choosesomecountries that are : gotrelotives importantto them (i.e.they've there, they went on holidaysthere and really enjoyed I themselves,efc.). Askthemto bringin a mapand : presentsome informationabout them (e.9. i population, capitalcity,etc.). .
AdditionalMaterials WordPerfect 1, p. 116 Grammar CheckExs1-5.p. 1 2 2
t ! I
! !
a. Lookat the compassand fill in. Use: north-west,north-east.
,b., R ea dan d {} listento the'ir texts and complete.
North-East ,7
,1 -t 2
Lookat the map and ask and answer. A: B: A: B:
Where's Cardiff? It'sin Wales. Whereexactly? ln thesouth.
: S cotland is in t h e : ! l) trtorth. lts i is capital city 1 , E dinburg h . ..'.'..\\.'
q 0
ad North 5ea
6wr'r+1nt L--Portfolio: Draw a map of your country with towns and cities. Then.presentit to your class.
Thisis England a n dit s c a p i t a l c it yis Lo n d o n . Englandis in the 2 ) S o ut h . .\
Eng\and's in the....
T h isis No rt h e rnlre la n d . Northernlrelandis in the 3) north-west.lts capital city is Belfast.
' Thisis Wales.Walesis in The the4) south-west. c a p it acl it y o f Wa l e sr s l Cardiff.
Fomilies/Appearonce 'l
a. Lookat Peter'sfamily. Who's Peter'sgrandmother? grandfather?mother?father?aunt? u n cle?oldersister?youngerb ro t h e r? b. L o okat the familytree againa n d completethe riddles.Use:wife, daughter,husbandor son.
1 2 3 4
M y s isteris my mother's(l,ri,rllr -r M y fatheris my grandfather's sll My motheris my father'si i: M y uncleis my aunt'slr.r:,ir,r .i.
c. Talkwith your partnerabout Peter'sfamily. A: Who's Jean? B: She'sPeter'sgrandmother.
P e t e ris in t ro d u c i n gh i s friend,Tom,to his family. L is t e na n d c irc l et h e f a m i l y membersTom meets.
a. Who'syour favouriteTV f a mily ?De s c ri b teh e m . My favourite TV family are the Camdensin 'Seventh Heaven'.The Camdens, Ericand Annie,havegot sevenchildren. Theirnamesare. . .
,%ryrf,{flb Scanning
DescribePeter'sfamily.Usethe words below. . l on gdarkhair . greyhair . shorth a rra n d g la s s e s . fairhairand blueeyes o a bearda n d a mo u s t a c n e
Read the task, Read the text quickly and find the inJormation you need. Do not concentrate on the details or anv unknown words.
Familyties -{
-l J
-rl -aa
Objectives/targets:introducing family members; physical describing appearance Vocabulary:familyrelations; appearance Languagefocus Languagein use:Who's Jean?She'sPeter's grandmother.; Clivehasgot darkhairand glasses; l'm ... and l'm a memberof the ... family.We'refrom ... First,meetmy... . Listening:identifyingfamilymembers Skills involved: listeningfor specificinformation Reading:TheWallaceFamilya weeklyTV sitcom Skills involved: scanning; note completion Speaking:askingforlgivinginformationaboutone's family(pairwork) Writing: a familytree introducingyourselfand your family(project)
2 lForus>l practisingwordsrelatedto appearance Readthe instructions andexplain the task.TheSs readthe phrases, referbackto the familytreeand makesentences asin the example. Askindividual Ssto reportbackto the class. Suggested Answer Key Fayehasgotlongdorkhair JeanandDerek havegotgreyhair Caroline hasgotfoirhairandblueeyes. gota beardanda moustache. Derekhas
relatedto families/ trocrlst vocabulary appearance
1 a. .
_---= .
1 J
.J J
.J 4
Ask the Ssto look at the familytree. Point to and presentthe namesof the different membersof Peter'sfamily.Ask questions to presentnew words. e.g. T Who'sPetefsfather? Sl: Doniel T Who'sPeter's mother? 52: Angelo etc Completethe task by askingindividualSs to namethe differentmembers.
AnswerKey Peter'sgrandmother:Jean,Peter'sgrandfather:Derek Peter'smother:Angela,Petelsfather:Doniel,Petels aunt: Faye,Peter'suncle: Clive,Peter'solder sister: youngerbrother:Kevin Caroline, Peter's [. o Readthe instructions and presentthe words familytree. in bold usingPeter's e.g.AngelaisDaniel'swife. CarolineisAngelo's doughter.etc . The Sscomoletethe riddles.Checkthe Ss' answers. c. The Ss,in pairs,talk about Peter'sfamilyusing the familytree and the examplesas a model. Ask somepairsof Ssto reportbackto the class. Extension Ask the Ssto work in pairsand dictateto eachother their familytrees.When they finish they swap their drawingsin orderto find out if they drew the correct tree.Asksomepairsof 5sto reportbackto the class.
3 lFocus>l identiffingfamilymembers . Readthe instructions andexplain thetask. . Playthe cassette/CD, twiceif necessary. TheSs listenand completethe task.Checkthe 5s' answers. Answer Key mothet; fathetr aunt,uncle Tapescript Peter:Hello,Tom. Niceto seeyou.Comein ondmeetmy fomilytThis ismymothe4Angeloand thisismyfatheqDaniel. Mother& Fsther:Hello,Tom. Faye:Hi, Tom.Pleasedto Faye,Peter'saunt and thisis Clive,my husband. Tom:Hello,Faye;hello,Clive. Peter:Where'severyone eIse? Mother:They're in thelivingroom. Peter:OK Comeon,Tom.LetSgo andseethe restof thefomily.
4 a. lrocustl talkingaboutTVfamilies Readthe instructions the task.Ask andexplain individual their favouriteW Ss to describe familyto theclass. Havea class discussion. Ss'own answers
Tellthe 5sthat scanning a textwill helpthem quickly locatespecific information andefficiently. Scanning involvesmovingyour eyesquickly down the page seekingspecificwords or (Scanning phrases. is what we do when we look up a word in the dictionary.) Stressthat whenscanning, it isn'tnecessary to focuson meaningor unknown words. lf all the information isn'tobtainedthe firsttime,tell the Ssto readthetextquickly a second time.
-J __-l
E Lb. lFoA;t
scanninga TV guide
Read the instructionsand explainthe task. Allow the Sssome time to scanthe text and write down the names.Checktheir answers. AnswerKey Melisso's mother- Elizabeth/Beth Melissa's father- Al
lTocuit detailedreadingof a TVguide j
o Readthe instructions and exolainthe task. . Playthe cassette/CD, twice if necessary. The Ss listenand completethe task. Checkthe Ss' anSwers.
$ o Read the instructionsand exolainthe task. Allow the Ss some time to go through the article again and complete the sentences. Checkthe 5s' answers. . Individual5s use the exoressions to mare sentences. J o Readthe instructions and exolainthe task.The Ss try to rememberfive things about the Wallacefamily and tell the class.Write the thingsthe 5s remember on the board. . TheSsreadthe text againand decidewhether the statementswritten on the board are corrector not. Ask individualSsto correctthe onesthat aren'tvalid. e.g. T TheWallaces orefromLiverpool,England. S1: Correct. T Melisso's mum'snameis Rose. 52: Wrong.Hermum'snameisBeth.etc
9 lFocutt producing familytrees . .
. .
Readthe instructions and explainthe task. Ask the Ssto usethe modelof the familvtree (Ex.1) and producea similarone for their familyusingphotosor drawings
lOncecompleted, theywritea shortdescription of eachmember. TheSsreferto Ex.4b as a ]model. The 5s produce the family tree as written homework.Displaytheir work.
L_ Note:TheSsfiletheircorrectedpiecesof writingin their Language Portfolio.(Seetntroductionfor further explanation.)
LAsk the Ss to write a short descriptionof a family membernot alreadyreferredto. Invite the Ss to read their descriptionand havethe rest of the classtry to guesswho is being described. Sheis tall and beautiful.Shehasshorthair and blue eyes.Sheisoverygoodstudent.Herfavourite actoris BrodPitt. She'smy uncle'soldestdaughter.(cousin)etc Bringto classpicturesof somefamousfamihes. Havethe 5s talk aboutthe membersand their relationship to eachother. Ask the Ss to make a fictionalfamilytree for themselves.They can choose any celebrity/ famous person to be part of their fictional family.Theypresenttheir fictionalfamilyto the class.
Extension The 5s write down four incorrectsentences about the Wallacefamily.IndividualSstake turns to say one of their sentences.Whoevercorrectsit takes the next turn and repeatsthe activity. e.g. Sl: Bethhasgotlonghaironda beautifulsmile. 52: Wrong!Bethhas got short hair and a beautiful smile. Sl: CorrectlYourturn. etc
8 Focus>l oral reproduction
Readthe instructions and explainthe task.TheSs, in pairs, ask and answer the questionsabout themselvesand their families.Check round the class.Ask somepairsof Ssto reportbackto the cta5s.
b. Readthe articlequicklyand underline the namesof Melissa's motherand father.
-l .I
In this week'sepisode,1) eight-year-
4) Mum, Beth, meet a famous singer' Watchandfind out who it is!
TheWallaceFamilyhit yourTVscreensthis week! AlisonFrayne(MelissaWallace) tellsyou all aboutthem.
-rI -a-
-J _t_
Completethesesentences. Then,makeyourown sentences.
Hi!I'mMelissa Wallace andI'ma memberof theWallace family, We'refromLiverpool, England. But there'slotsmore...
-{: -{_
FamitY TheWaltace
1 2 3 4
First,meet my grandmaand grandad,Frankand Rose.They live with us and they both love cooking.That'sgreat news for Mum!
Now,meetmy mum!She'scalled Elizabeth, but mostpeoplecall her Beth.She'sgot short hair and a beautifulsmile!She lovesflowers, - andmydad,of course! chocolate
Here'smy dad, Al, with my brother
J -1-
J 4
'x! -t5 '1
J. A,
lGohB -'.; a
I rl 1 1 ,r\^ fL
Iui/F lI 4t'tl rlll -v-w v
PatchandTony havea lotof fun together.
ln pairs,askand answer.
WecallhimPatch ? :ausehe'sgot because blackpatches on . .,r hisearsandeyes!
Sayfive thingsyou remember aboutthe WallaceFamily.
Whereareyouandyour familyfrom? Whatareyourgrandparents called? Whatareyour par ents' names? Whatdoesyourmother looklike? Haveyougot anybrothers or sisters? Areyouan only child?
That'sgreatnewsfor mum! MostpeoplecallherBeth. He'sverycleverfor hisage. PatchandTonyhavea lot of fun together.
Speak ing
-{ -4,
, , Listenand readthe article againandfill in.
9 rnorelll
Portfolio:Makeyour family tree and presentit to your class.lncludephotos/ drawingsand names. l'm ...and l'm a memberof the... family.We'refrom ....First, meet my...
* Appearance/Character
a. Lookandfill in thenames. l-L-
i-n RussFlash
a a
o vâ&#x201A;Źfykindand friendly
o ouiteserious
o vâ&#x201A;ŹlY clever
shortand a littleoverweight d a rk ,c u r l yh a i r Drowneyes
veryfunny f.-
b. Talkwith your partnerabout the Flash family.
A: WhatdoesRuthFlashlooklikeT quiteshortandpretty.She's got long,fair B: She's hairandblueeyes. A: What's shelike? B: She's verykindondfriendly. 2
What doesyour bestfriend look like?What's he/shelike?Tellthe classabout him/her. My bestfriend's called... . He/She's . .. .
Readand completethe sentences. 1 Haveyougot any brothersor sisters? 2 Shehasgot brown eyes. 3 Markhasgot a big nose. 4 Theyhavenot got a big family. 5 Shehasgot longhair. 6 | havenot got blueeyes.
Go aroundthe classand find out informationabout your classmates. Write eachclassmate's nameonly once.
Studythe table. I havegot fairhair,but I haven'tgot blueeyes. She has got a brother;but she hasn't got a Haveyou got a big family? Yes,I have./No,I haven't. Hashe got a beard?Yes,he has./No,he hasn't.
F in ds o me o n ewh o . . . f-
HaveGot ? 3
Grammlmr GrammarReference
1 2 3 4 5
hasgot two brothers. hasgot a fatherwith a beard. hasgot a pet. hasgot a motherwith fair hair. hasgot a youngersister. A: B: A: C:
John,haveyougottwo brothers? No,lhaven't. Susie, haveyougottwobrothers? Yes, I have.
Families of the world
- --,t I
-? .J
1 -
lFocusDl presenting& practisingvocabulary relatedto people'sappearanceand character
-r__-r -t .J
Objectives/Targets: describing physical appearance. character Vocabulary: family relations;appearance;character Languagefocus Grammar:the verb havegot Languagein use;WhatdoesRuthFlashlook like? She'squiteshortand pretty.What'sshelike? She'sverykind and friendly Reading:a newspaper articleabout a hostfamily Skills involved: readingfor specificinformation Speaking:talkingabout familymembers(pair work) Listening:matchingpeopleto presents Skills involved: identifyingkey information Writing: an articlegivingdetailsof you and your familv
a. Presentthe F/ashfamily.Focusthe Ss'attention on the table with the phrasesdescribing appearanceand character.Go through the table with the 5s. EliciVPresent any unknown words.Allowthe Sssometime to completethe task.Checkthe Ss'answers. [. o Readthe instructionsand explainthe task. Readaloudthe firstsentenceof the examole. Explainthat we usethis question,Whotdoes Ruthlooklike?,to askabouta person'sphysical features.Readthe answerto this ouestion aloud,then readthe next question.Explain that we usethis question,Whatbshelike?,to askabout a person'scharacter. Readout the answerto this question. . The Ss, in pairs,use the prompts in the tableto askand answerquestionsas in the exampre. Suggested AnswerKey A: WhatdoesRayFlashlook like? B: He'stall and handsome.He'sgot dark"wavy hair and browneyes.
-l -1
Suggested AnswerKey My bestfriend'scalledBetsy.She's tall and veryslim.She has got big, blue eyesond long, fair hair.Sheis very pretty.She is kind and friendlyand very funny. She makesmelaugh.She'sa greatfriend!
lFocus>l presentingthe verb'havegot' e Present the verbhavegot. Say,thenwriteon the board:lhavegot o pencil. Underline the wordsin bold.TheSsrepeat,chorally and/or individually. Writeunderthissentence: l'vegot d pet Explain howwe formthe contracted type. Repeat the sameprocedure to presentthe rest of theaffirmative forms.Focus theSs'attention on the factthat the thirdpersonsingular is has got. . DrillyourSs. e.g. T Sabina/blueeyes. Sl: Sabinohasgot blueeyes. T l/sister 52: l've got o sister.etc. Show your pencilto the Ss again and say: I havegot a pencil.I haven'tgot a pen. Write the negative form on the board and underline haven'tgot. Giveexamples in all persons. o Point to a student and ask: Has Rickygot a pencil?Answer:Yes,he has.Takehis penciland got a pencilnour?Answer: ask again: Has Ricky No,he hasn't.Write these on the board and underlineHas ... got (interrogative).Yes,he has./No,he hasn't. Explainthat the last two are short answers. Elicit from the 5s how short answersare formed. . Referthe Ss to the GrammarReference at the backof their booksfor furtherdetails. Readthe instructions and explainthe task.Allow the Ss some time to completethe task. Check roundthe class.Checkthe Ss'answers. Readthe instructions and explainthe task. Refer the Ss to the table and tell them to completeit with the namesof their classmates. Allow them sometime to askand answerthe questions, as in the exampleandcompletethe table.
A: What'shelike? B: He'squiteserious. etc
-.1 4
lFoctdt friend
personalisation, describingtheir best
Readthe exampleand explainthe task. The Ss describetheir bestfriendsin termsof appearance and character. Ask individualSsto reportbackto the class.
{ -rJ.
a. lFocustl predicting Focusthe 5s'attentionon the article.Readthe title and the introduction. Ask the Ssto say what a 'host family' is (a familythatwelcomes into theirhomefor a short international students stay).Askthe Ssif theywouldliketo staywith a familyabroadandif yes,where. ,t---'1
>l scanntng b. lFocus and exolainthe task. Readthe instructions Allow the Ss some time to answer the Checktheiranswers. ouestions. AnswerKey -husband, Patty-daughter 1 Gustavo Paco-son, 2 Pacoistwelveyearsold.Pattyiseightyearsold. j Theyalllikeswimming. 4 lnez'shome-made tacos. c. .
the task.Allowthe Sssometimeto Exolain complete the phrases.Check the Ss' TheSslisten Playthe cassette/CD. answers. and followthe line.Individual Ssreadout fromthe text. o Now, ask the Ss to choosetwo of the and makesentences. abovephrases
Ss'own answers
Tapescript Ray:Hi,Maria.Whotareyou doing? Moria: Oh,hello,Ray.l'm lookingfor presentsfor my hostfamily,the I can'tmakeup my mind. Richardson's. Ray:Well,what do theylikedoing? Maria: Erm,Mr Richardsonlikesgardening.PerhapsI can get him somegardeninggloves. Ray:Yes,that'sa goodidea.And whot oboutMrsRichardson? Maria:That'seasy!Shelovescooking. got someniceoneshere. Ray:Maybea videoaboutcooking?They've Morio:I know!I cangethero Mexiconcookbooktoremindherof me! Ray:Havetheygot any children? Maria: Yes.Two:a boy, Danny and a girl, Amonda.Danny likes playing computergames. Roy:Thecomputergamesoreoverthere. Maria: Good.A computergamefor Danny,then. Roy:WhataboutAmanda?DoesshelikedollsT Maria: No,shelikesreading.Shereadsoll the time.I know!I conget hera storybook. Ray:Thebooksorenextto thecomputergomes...
9 lFocust writingan entryfor a hostfamily magazine .
in roleplay 7 lFocus t engaging Readthe instructions and explainthe task.Divide themroles. Askthemto the Ssintopairsandassign given performan interviewusingthe information and provideany to them,and recordit. Circulate necessary help.Asksomepairsof Ssto reportback to the class.
Playthe cassette/CD. The5s listenandcomplete thetask.Playthe cassette/CD again.TheSslisten verifli their and answers. Checkthe Ss'answers.
ReferyourSsto the text in Ex.6a.Askthemto usethe text,aswellastheirown ideas,in order to writea similartextabouttheirfamilies. The Sswrite the entryas writtenhomework. Display theirwork.
pieces of writingin Note:TheSsfiletheircorrected lntroduction for further their LanguogePortfolio.(See explanation.)
Readthe StudySkillsbox and explainany of unknownwords.Explainthe importance In this way, readingthe choicesbeforehand. we knowwhatto focuson whilelisteninq. >lchoosingpresents for a hostfamily 8 lFocus . Readthe instructions the task.Ask and exolain the Ssto readthe choices, A-Eandthe names Havethemguesswhich of the peoplecarefully. present wouldbesuitable for whichperson.
! b-
L t
I -
i I
Ss'own answers Note:TheSscanbringtheirown tapeswith them recorded. Lateron they and havetheir dialogues canlistento theirdialoques andcheckthemselves.
1 Tell the Ss to imaginethey are holding (apple, in theirhands, CD,pen,etc). something Theyhaveto circulateand swaptheir objects with anotherstudent.They repeatthis until times. theyhaveexchanged objectsseveral e.g. S1:I'vegotanapple. Hereyou are. 52: l'vegoto book.Hereyouare. At the end of the game,ask5s whichobjects theyareholding.Usuaily, duringthe courseof the game,someobjectsmultiply,whileothers disappear altogether! 2 Ask Sswhich countrythey would like to visit and spenda monthwith a familythere.lf they haveInternetaccess, askthem to find any host from Askthemto choose families that country. the one that they like best and presentthe to the class. information
-rl =
a. Readthe title and the introduction.What do you t h ink'a nost rami 115'."'"'"++;*;+r*r'*a++***$*E**
Speale ing 7
It. I t
T_ t. -{
y txip{ggt FOSI #
-{-a-t .--*
tT J
Are you a student?Do you want to studYand learn about another country?Hosttamilies from aroundthe world are waitingto welcomeYouinto their ho m e s . ' .
b. Readthe text 1 the nameof InezCordez'husband, sonand daughter 2 how old hersonand daughterare. 3 what theyall likedoing. 4 what their favouritefood is. '
= .{ {
8 'l' Variawantsto buysome my husband' with tive I Cordez' lnez is name My presentsfor her host , Pattyin Veracruz' Cusbvo,my son Pacoand daughter family.Listenandmatch Mexico. the peopleto the presents. we're very lucky! We've gota houseright by the.t9u.. People footbatt'Pattyis eightyearsold Pacois twelve very she's and "nAioit 1 Mr Richardson school and she's very pretty'She /oves 2 Mrs Richardson cleverfor her age' _ and everyonein the : much very 3 Da n n y We attlikeswimming e facos/ home-made mY ioves t",ritV 4 A ma n d a familylife'and we would We'reatlveryn"p'i1 with our I " Presents loveto shareit wt
key information
Before you listen, read the choices carefully. Listen and match the choices to the people. Be careftrl: you always hear the e)(traones. too.
is with the This week,our reporterAshleyBriar GordezfamilYin Mexico'
Portfolio: Work in pairs. Student A is AshleyBriar. Student B is InezCordez.Act out the interviewand record it. Usethe following: your name?your husband's name? any children?their names? age? a favouritefamily activity? a favouritefood?
1 2
Listenand readabout the Cordezfamilyagainand completethe phrases.Then,chooseany two and makesentences. rightby the sea home-madetacos
3 4
familylife sharewith someone
cook book video computergame d o ll gardening gloves storybook
Wtur 9
Portfolio: Your family would like to be a host family.Write to'The Host Post',giving detailsof you and your family.
. . o . . .
ridea bike playfootball swtm take photos ski playtennis
surfthe lnternet -r
Yes,I can. Yes,a little./Yes, reallywell. Xes,but not verywell.
b Activities 1
No, I can't. No, not at all. No, l'm hopeless.
) Possessives?
a. Readand complete.
b. NoW talk with your friend. A: Canyouplaybaseball? B: Yes, I con./No,lcant.
a. Readthe examples above.Whichquestiondo they answer?
Pronunciation > /e/, /e/ and/q/
b. Complete the list. Use:fheirs,hers,ours,yours.
.?,J Listenand repeat.
my- mine his- his your- yours her- hers
t e n n i s. b. Saythe sentences. 1 | canski,but I can'tdive. 2 Canyoucook?No,I can't. 3 Canyouridea bike?Yes,I can.
What is it?
lr l-_l
1 lel I candance. 2 /el Canyouski?Yes,I can. 3 /o:/ No, I can't.I can't play
Whoseis it?
its- our- ours
your- yours their- theirs
Completethe sentences with the correctform of the words in capitalletters.
1 T h eb lu ec a ris min e . 2 Hermotheris a teacher. 3 Thatbook isn'tyours;it'shis! 4 Our dog'snameis Spotty. 5 Thisbeautifulhouseis theirs! 5 Hisfatheris a doctor. 7 Hasyour fishgot a name? givethat to Jackie,it's hers. 8 Please
rf -
Family fun! J
Objectives/Ta rgets: expressing abiIity; ta Iking about possession Vocabulary:activities Languagefocus Grammar: Possessive Case;Possessive Adjectives; the verb can/can't Longuagein Yes,I use;Canyou playbasketball? can./No,I can't.;Goodmorning,how canI help you?Oh, hello,I needa cardfor my mobile phone.Canyou posttheselettersfor me, please? Sure,no problem. Listening:a dialoguebetweenpeopletalking about a familycamp SkilIs involved : Iistening for specific information (choosing the right ad) Reading:a dialogueabouta familycamp;campads SkiIIs involved : reading fo r specificinformation; information identifyi ng correcVincorrect EverydayEnglish:askingfor and offeringhelp (pairwork) Speaking:talkingaboutcamps(roleplay) Pronunciation: the /e/. lel and/o:/sounds
relatedto vocabulary Ifocus>l presenting
Suggested AnswerKey you A: Con ridea bike? B: Yes, I can.
A: Canyouswim? B: No,lcan't,
A: Canyoucook? B: Yes,a little/reollywell.
A: Canyou ridea horse? B: No,not at oll. etc
A: Canyouplayfootball? B: Yes,butnotverywell. -cGt identifying and distinguishing Fo between the /e/, lel and /c/ sounds a. . .
Readthe instructions and exolainthe task. Playthe cassettdCD,twice if necessary. TheSs listenand repeat,chorallyand/orindividually.
b. IndividualSs saythe sentences. Checkthe Ss' pronunciation.
a. lTocGE possessive Case .
Readthe sentences.Ask individualSs to translatethe wordsin bold.Then,5schoose the correctquestion. Say,then write on the board:ThisisLaura's brke.The Ssrepeatafter you. Underlinethe words in bold. Elicitthe use of 's to show that somethingbelongsto someone.
1 a. o Ask the Ssto look at the picturesillustrating the exercise.Point to and presenVelicit the activities (play baseball,ride o bike,coolgplay football,swim,play tennis,ski,dive,takephotos, playchess, surfthelnternet, ridea horse).Do some quick choral and/or individualrepetition,if necessary, for theircorrectpronunciation. . Readthe instructions and exolainthe task. Allow the Ss some time to completethe task.Checkthe Ss'answers.
presenting the verb'can'
[. o Present the verbcan.Say,then write on the board: I can play tennrs.The Ss repeat, chorally and/or individually.Point to a student and say: Youcan play tennis.Point out that can is the same in all persons. Presentthe negative, interrogativeand, short answersin the sameway. Draw the Ss' attentionto the full form of can in the negative (cannot) and the short form (can't)for spellingreasons. . Readthe instructions and explainthe task. The Ss ask and answerusingthe prompts and the exchangesas a model. Check round the class.Ask some pairs of 5s to reoortbackto the class.
b. lTocust Possessive adjectives/Pronouns Allow the Ss some time to completethe task.Checkthe Ss'answers. Say,then write on the board: Thisis my book.Thebookis mine. The Ss repeat after you. Underlinethe words in bold. Follow the sameorocedureand write the rest of the possessiveadjectivesand pronouns. Elicitthat we usethe possessiveadjectives pronouns beforea noun,while possessive areusedon theirown. DrillyourSs. e.g. T my 51: mine T hers 52: her etc Refer the Ss to the GrommorReferenceat the backof their booksfor furtherdetails.
adjectives/Pronouns FocLdt Possessive Readthe instructions the task.Allow andexolain the Ss sometime to fill in the gapswith the appropriateform. Circulateand provideany necessary help.ChecktheSs'answers.
5 Gothroughthe instructions andexplain thetask. TheSsreadsilently the task.Check andcomplete the Ss'answers. Game Go throughthe instructions with yourSsandexplain the game.Inviteindividual Ssto cometo the frontof the classand pickan object.TheSscirculate, asking questions as in the example, in orderto find out to whomthe objectbelongs. Repeat the gameas many timesasyouthinkisnecessary. fFoctrst askingforlofferinghelp 6 a. Gothroughthe rubricwith yourSsandexplain thetask.Playthecassette/CD. twiceif necessary. TheSslisten, followin theirbooksandcomplete thetask.Checkthe5s'answers. AnswerKey askingforhelp:2,offering help:I b. The5s,in pairs, actoutsimilar dialogues, using ' the promptsandthe exchanges in Ex.6a as a model.Circulateand provideany necessary help.Then,askpairsof Ssto reportbackto theclass. Suggested AnswerKey A: Goodmorning, howcanlhelpyou? B: Oh,hello.lneedo filmformycomera. A: Canyouopenthedoorforme,please? B: Sure, noproblem.etc 7a.
Fcus >] warmingup Referyour Ss to the campads.Havea class discussion asto wheretheywouldliketo go and whichof theactivities thevwouldliketo do.
Variation you can ask your Ss to checktheir Alternatively, answers with theirpartners first,Then,asksomepairs of 5sto reportbackto the class. >l engaging 8 lFocus in roleplay Referyour5sto the dialogueabout CampAthletic in Ex.7b. Ask them to act out a similardialogue about Camp Surpriseand recordit. Checkround the class.Ask some pairsof Ssto report back to the class. Note: TheSscan bringtheir own tapeswith them and havetheir dialoguesrecorded.Lateron, they can listento theirdialogues and checkthemselves. t
Writethe activities from Ex.1 on the boardwith lettersmissing.InviteindividualSs to come to the front of the class,guessthe activityand fill in the blanks. Read out sentencesfrom the dialogue on page21. Ask individual Ssto tell you who said them,Shirley Ben? or e.g. T Oh,what? Sl: Shirley! got it here. T Yes,l've 52: Ben!etc
b. lFocus> | identifying the correctfamilycamp Readthrough the instructionsand the ads and exolainthe task. twice if necessary. Playthe cassette/CD, The Sslisten,follow in their booksand complete the task,Checkthe Ss'answers.
Extension questions AskyourSscomprehension aboutthedialogue. e.g. T WhyisBenhappy? Sl: Because hehasgotgreatnews! T Conyouplayvolleyball at thatcamp? 52: Yes,youcan! etc
c. The 5s readsilentlyand completethe task. Checkroundthe class. Checkthe Ss'answers.
IF 4
21( r )
,T -!
1 2
i, t-
:il -f
t -t
a. Lookat the ads.Wherewouldyou liketo go? Whichof the activities wouldyou liketo do? Whichcamp are they talkingabout? Readand listenand choose.
$*trP $ilftpnfsr campwith the Lou of f,amily lunfor evbiylns. At c:amp Sarprise you can:
Giveyour teachersomething that belongsto you. Your teacherhandsout the objectsaroundthe class.Find out whose objectyou've got and give it back.
-l -_1
Excuse me,is thisyourpen? No,it isn'tmine.lthinkit's John's. John,is thisyourpen? Yes, it is.Thanks.
_,__J .J
Shirley: I'vegot somegreatnewsl Ben: I aml Shirley, Shirley: Oh, what? Ben: Well,you want to keepfit. Right? Shirley: Yes,definitely. Ben: There'sthis greatcampfor all the family.We can all keepfit together. Shirley:Thatsoundsgood.Canyou playtennisthere? Ben: I don't think so. But you can do lots of other things.Youcandanceor ridea horse,for instance. Shirley:Oh, really?The kidslovehorses. there,too. Ben: Yes,and I can playvolleyball Shirley: Havethey got a website? Ben: Yes,l've got it here. Shirley:Let'sget on the Internetand find out more.
Eweryday English
Meet /minewife,Sue. She's got two brothers. Theirs namesare Gary and Robert. Thisis my phone.Where is your 19? ls this car Jenny's?No, it isn'thers/her. We live in ltaly. Ours/Oug houseis in Rome.
ListeninE & Reading
Re a dan d underline.
2 Askingfor/Offering help
Listenand readthe short dialogues.In which dialogueis someone askingfor help?offering h e lp ? A: Goodmorning,how canI he lpyou? B: Oh , hello.I need a card for my mobilephone. A: Canyou posttheseletters for me, please? B: Su r e,no problem.
c. Readand write Yesor No. -l
b. Now, act out similar dialogues.
1 2 3
A: askhow you can help B: askfor a film for vour camera A: askyourpartnerto open the door for you B: agreeto helpyourpartner
Shirleywantsto keepfit. Thecampisn'tfor families. Thekidsdon't likehorses.
Yes No No
Portfolio:In pairs,act out a similardialogueto Ex.7 about the other camp.Recordyour dialogues.
zl x."8k5
ffiffirc i*'lt'r'tilr*,9@postcard)
@) \\/ 4 op"ningRemarks
ClosingRemarks o Seeyou soon. All my love, . Takecare. Bestwishes,
Hi ..., from .... Greetings . H ello..., Wishyou werehere!
The Taylorfamily are at CampActive.Read what they say and fill in the postcard' I canptag v o [ [ e g b a tal n d iii*:;.*'* ; i:irt t e n n is .
i :;+* :t;*: i::i triiu'i'i i.+:,i !",1+
irl fn i';iir f.ri;Si tj,ir,,ri
h*'''* j
I love horses!
t t
I lLr v '
inlo ."n swim all day'We
s evenridea 4) horset
arerearrY i.l,'iX',y";:;;;;' andwe
enioyingourselves! HoPeYou'reOK' Love,
E n g la n d
{ e::
Portfolio: You and YourfamilY are at a camP.Senda Postcard to a friendtellinghim/herall about it. Include:
= Eddy,this is my new littlesisterl
':ul_ 2 Readthe postcardagainand answerthe .rr-
. nameof camp o what Youcan do there o yoUffriend'saddress >-
What'sthe nameof the c a mp ? 2 Who areyou with at the c a mp ? 3 What canyou do there?
Rachel, Dear ""*.r. Actve' lts we are at CamP are a lot of things fantasticand there to do here!
a 1) 1,.'. got r'eJ has LdllrY lg
What about you? Ask and answer.lmagineYouare at a c a mp . . .
1 2 3 4
Who is the Postcardfrom? Who is the postcardto? Whoseaddressis on the Postcard? How doesit beqinand end?
Are you sure?Shelooksmore She sister. likeyourgrandad's hasn'tgot anyhairor teethl
l4 ra--
-. t .tl
CampActive -{
-.1' ,-.
writingpostcards Objectives/Targets: to a friendwhileon holiday Writing:a postcard genrestructure; identifoing Skills involved: intoparagraphs organising information :.*-*-.-.*-**f
-1 I
-4_^_T 1 -..-i,
-t. a
,-.-, I
- -.-. -, -,-. I
textcohesion 1 lTocust identifying Referyour Ssto the StudyTipbox. Readthe and explainany unknown OpeningRemarks Remark. with the Closing words.Repeat andthe postcard Readthroughthe instructions thetask.AllowtheSssometimeto andexplain read the postcardsilentlyand fill in the words.Circulateand provideany appropriate necessary help.Checkthe Ss'answers. Variation you can ask your Ss to checktheir Alternatively, first.Then,asksomepairs with theirpartners answers of Ssto reportbackto the class. 2 lTocust readingfor specificinformation and the questions Go throughthe instructions thetask.TheSsreadthe with yourSsandexplain postcard andanswerthe questions. againsilently Checkthe 5s'answers. AnswerKey I Jean 2 Rachel
4 lFocGt writing a postcard . ReferyourSsto the postcard on page22. Read throughthe openingand closingremarksin the Sfudylips boxand remindthemthat each postcardshouldhavethree parts:opening Ask mainbodyand closingremarks. remarks, to a friendin themto writea similarpostcard theirnotebooks. o The5swritea postcard to a friendtellinghim/her Display aswrittenhomework. abouttheirholiday theirwork. pieces of writingin Note:The5sfiletheircorrected forfurther lntroduction thei LanguagePortfolio.(See explanation.)
The Ss work in pairs.Theyplaythe rolesof Rachel andJeanfromEx.2. TheSsmakeup a Provideany necessary telephoneconversation. help. Findor makeup adsof campsandpinthemup or in on the walls.(Theadscanbe in English the Ss'mothertongue.)lf youwish,attachkey to eachad. (e.9.playtennisall wordVphrases day.)Askthe 5sto go aroundandchoosethe one they would like to go to. Then,they theyarethereandwritea postcard. imagine
3 RachelClorKs 4 DeorRachel,...Love,Jeon
ideas 3 lFocG>| generating and the questions Go throughthe instructions understands with yourSs,andmakesureeveryone silentlyand the task.The Ssreadthe questions completethe task. Circulateand provideany Ssto reportbackto help.Askindividual necessary the class. Ss'own onswers
-_--I I
Variation you can ask your 5s to talk with their Alternatively, partners aboutwhat theywrote.Then,asksomepairs of 5sto reportbackto the class.
I ---, _l
: lr.r" -
l-L ^-.I
TheBritishRoyalFamily Objectives/Targets: familiarising the Sswith the British Royal Family Vocabulary: consolidation Reading: a textaboutthe BritishRoyalFamily involved: Skills readingfor specificinformation (answering questions) open-ended Listening: betweentwo peoplevisiting a dialogue Buckingham Palace Skills involved: muItiplematching Speaking: abouta famousfamilyin theircountry (monologue) Writing:abouta famousfamilyin theircountry f a. lTocuil predictingcontentof a text . Askyour5sif theyhavea kingor a queenin theircountry.Do theyknowanycountries that haveeithera kingor a queen?(Spain, GreatBritain,the Netherlands, etc.) Are theyfamiliarwith the BritishRoyalFamily? What do they know about its members? Havea class discussion. . Readthroughthe instructions and explain thetask. . Playthe cassette/CD, twiceif necessary. The Sslisten,follow in their booksand check their answers. Ask individual Ssto reoort backto the class. b. Fcus t Family
readingabout the BritishRoyal
Tapescript A: this is''sso big! How monyroomsorethere? B:About600,I think. A: 600rooms!Wow!Plentyof room for everyone - eventhecorgis! B:Look theQueen's csrriageisoverthere! A: lt'slovely! B:And that'sjust oneof them.She'sgot overa hundred,you know. A:Ahundred!
3 lTocust talkingand writing about a famous family o The Ss use the questionsto talk about a famousfamilyin theirowncountry. o TheSswritea textabouta famousfamilyin their countryaswrittenhomework. theirwork. Display pieces Note:The5sfiletheircorrected of writingin their Language Portfolio.(See lntroduction forfurther explonation.)
E 'L-
:__ b\^E_ l-
i '-
Readthe instructions and explainthe task. Allowthe Sssometimeto complete the task. help. Circulateand provideany necessary Checkthe 5s'answers.
2, p. 116 ! WordPerfect r e c kE x s1 -5 ,p . 1 2 3 ! G ra mmaCh
AnswerKey I Prince PhilipisQueen Elizabeth's husband. grondchildren. 2 Queen Elizobeth hasgotseven 3 PrinceWilliamandPrinceHarrvorePrinceCharles' sons.
|FocG;l findingout moreabout Buckingham Palace . Readthe instructions the task. andexplain . Playthe cassette/CD, TheSs twiceif necessary. listenand choosethe correctanswer.Check the5s'answers.
_ _i
a ..:l
' :
k '
4 @
i."l^ l l.
**t ,
l* \ * 4- ; \ - - ,
Reading a, Who'sQueenElizabethll? What do you know about her and the RoyalFamily? Listenand readand check your answers.
"+RoY AL F,'E ffiaF-r"gs} l\,{tLY
b. Readthe text againand answerthe questions. 1 Wh o 'sPrinceP hilio? 2 H ow m a nygrandchildren h a sthe Queengot? WhoarePrince Charles'sons?
Listening --t
Listenand choose. 1 Thespeakers areat A Wi ndsorCastle. Bi Buckingham P alace. C Balmoral Castle. 2 Buckingham Palace hasgot about A 60 rooms B 16 r ooms. C.,600 rooms. 3 TheQueenhasgot over A 10 0c ars B 10 0c orgis. C 1 0 0c arriages
Speaking& Writing ,I
= I
= 4
Portfolio:Thinkof a famous familyin yourcountry. Answer the questions, thenuseyour answers to writeaboutthem. 1 How manypeoplearern the family? 2 Wh a ta r etheirnames? 3 Wheredo they live? 4 Havethey got any pets? 5 What elsedo you know ab o u tthem?
is the Queenof the United ;bandis calledPr inc ePhi l i p. got four children: Anne, Andrewand Edwardand sevengrandchildren. Charles, PrinceCharleshasgot two sons,PrinceWilliamand PrinceHarry.They are very handsome!They'reboth quitetall,with fair hairand blueeyes.They'vegot a lot of fans! The Queenhasalsogot four pet corgis.The Queen lovesher pets.Shetakesthemwith her in her private whenshevisitsothercountries! . aeroplane
rE _;
E -I
4 5 6 7 8
France Germany ltaly Japan Mexico
French German Italian Japanese Mexican
3 A r ideahor se ridea bike
surfthe Internet B takephotos ,L
Readand underlinethe correctword. l!--
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Contactmean e-mailif youlike. The EiffelToweris a famouscapitalcity/ landmarkin France. My uncle's wife ismygrandmothe good-looking | likePam's hair. My brotheris myfather'sdaughte He'snot fat; he'sa little all. meetwith my parents. is only seven,but he'sverylovely/ for hisage. Everyone in the familylovesmy mother's home-made/serious cakes ! We canstartplayingtennis.We cankeep luck in that way. (l0nark)
5 Aski dive
Grammar 4
Circlethe correctitem.
1 ............... isJohn? At school. W her e BW hat CHow
2 We ............... fromthe UK.We'reBritish. A aren't B is are
3 4
Look,readand choose.
playtennis playbaseball b(12 marks)
A you 3
camera? your
C yours
......!...;...r isthisdictionar y? W hose BW ho CW hi c h
5 Comeandmeet parents. Harry's B Harry C Harryis 6
cook B playchess
play basketball playfootball
isChrisfrom?Germany. W her e BW hat CH ow
7 Thishouse is............... . hers B her Howold.............., ? A heis B arehe
C she
is he (16morftr')
_l I
I _. 1
-) ')
ffi.**.$€=g &
Readand answerabout yourself.
2 3
4 5 6
Haveyou got a computer? Yes.I have. Canyou ridea bike? Yes.I can. Haveyou got any pets? No. I haven't. Canyou speakFrench? No, I can't What coloureyeshaveyou got? l'vegot blueeyes. Canyou playchess? No .I ca n 't.
Readthisinformation abouta womanwho Fillin the wantsto travelaroundEurope. APPLICATION. information on the PASSPORT old Taylor livesin the UK.Sheis22 years Kerry teacher. She's from a citv called and she'sa in England. Chester
1) Kerry
2) Taylor
3) 22
Dateof birth:
Placeof birth:
4) Chester
5) teacher
(12 marks)
4 N, nfx";ti= 5{:#'* g{3SE -,ttitW'r
Completethe exchanges.
4 -
a b c
Oh, hello.I needa film for my camera. Niceto meetyou,Jeff. Not bad.How areyou?
A: Hi,Alan.How arethings? B: Not bad.How areyou? A: Goodmorning.How canI helpyou? B: Oh, hello.I needa film for my camera A: Hi! My name'sJeffrey,but pleasecall me Jeff. B: Niceto meetyou,Jeff.
_l t
H".mmtmarEng -I
,Q eetinOa is talkingto herfriendDave Listenand aboutherholidayshopping. matchthe countryto the items.There aretwo extraitemsyou do not need. 1 2 3 4 5
France 1 Greece 1 S p a i n\ Germany furkey ./
B radio C camera D coffee E
G book
(Fortapescript seep. 152T)
(20 marks) (Total= 100 marks)
l can. . . andnationalities talkaboutcountries information askfor andgivepersonal introduce myselfandgreetotherpeople talkaboutfamilymembers andcharacter describe appearance talkaboutabilities askfor andofferhelp postcard writeshortfriendlyletters/a
...inf;nslish! 2s(r)
Acrcssthe GurrfieE[udr* 1
N am e
Do a survey. Askten peoplein yourclassandfill in the table.Wh ic h eye/haircolouris the mostcommon?How manypeopletakeafter their mother/father? Eye Hair Mother's colour colour eyecolour
Father's eyecolour
Mother's Father's haircolour haircolour
t.g 1,",
I; l--
2 3
t= t-r
6 7
L= \*
8 9
\_ \-
Readthe title.What kindof peopledo you expectto find in Dreomland?
Then,listenand che ckyourHe'sfunnyandhe' s f rie n d ly answers. -. .". Hecan playguitarand singlovesongs Forhoursand hoursand 2) hours! rr-,i Thegirl I like'sfrom Dreamland Shelooksjust likeCameronDiaz She'sslimandfair,she'sgot lovelyhair, Bigeyesand suchcute3) ears! She'ssweetand kind and clever And she lovesto watch TV Her favouritesportis football And her favouriteguy is 4) me!
rt=. rl'
s\ -'15
Acrossthe Curriculum 1 Science you Who do takeafter?
-{. j
between humans; Aims:exploring thedifferences collecting andorganising dataina tableand presenting it to theclass Vocabulary: review
Ll carryingout a classroom survey 1 lFocus -d ra
-l { J
-l -J {_ _J -, -l
Ask the Ssto brainstorma list Ss'booksclosed. of waysin which peoplediffer.Pointout that of the they should focus on characteristics physicalappearanceof humans(e.9. height, eye and hair colour;etc.)and not their outfits (e.9. style or colour of clothing,accessories etc.) lndividual5s report back to the class. Havea classdiscussion. o 5s' book open. Read the instructionsand explainthe task. Allow the Ss some time to circulate and fillthe tablein. . Once they collect the data, help them categorise it, in orderto presentit to the class. Which is the most commoneye/haircolourin the class?How many peopletake after their mother/father?The Ss read through their Circulateand tablesand answerthe ouestions. provideany necessary help.Ask individual Ssto reportbackto the class.
: vocabulary connectedwith i Aims:consolidating appearance i
>lwarmingup 1 Focus Focusthe Ss'attentionon the picturesillustrating the song.Do the Ssknow who they are?Readthe title. What kind of peopledo they expectto find in Dreamland? Havea classdiscussion. 2 Focus words .
makingthe Ssaware of rhyming
Read the instructionsand explainthe task Allow the Ss some time to read through the song and guessthe missingwords. Pointout that the missingwords have to complywith the song'srhymingpattern.Ask individualSs to tell the classwhich words they think are missing.Writetheir ideason the board. Playthe cassette/CD, twice if necessary. The Ss listen,follow in their books and checktheir answerS. Playthe song again.The 5s listen and sing along.
__rl -
-t J
Variation Alternatively,you can ask your Ss to check their answerswith their partnersfirst.Then,asksomepairs of Ssto reportbackto the class. Extension Ask your Ssto count how manypeoplehavee.g. blue thesein a pie chart. eyesor brown eyesand represent Once they finish, ask individualSs to interpretthe chart. e.g. S1: SixSs hoveblueeyes. 52: ThreeSshavegreyeyes.etc
-l .-
-_ 1_
3 {Umilts lVl*#asE* 3 & 43:& Xstrfmy of l-frfe y*u sterâ&#x201A;Ź{Fnerequisfites} ffimf+re Use the questionsin order to reviseand consolidate the vocabulary andstructures taught in the previous module.TheSs,in pairs,askand answerthe questions. Ask somepairsof Ssto reportbackto the class.
Lm*k*t &#*dule3 Focusthe Ss' attentionon the modularpage. Readthe moduletitle andaskyourSsto lookat the pagefor a minute.What do theythinkthe moduleis about?What kind of information do they expectto find in sucha module?Focusthe 5s' attentionon pictures1-4. Usethe pictures illustrating the pagein orderto raisetheirinterest in the module.In pairs,the 5s locatethe page numbers of thevisualaids.Havea class discussion, the Ss usingthe visualaids,in orderto familiarise with the context of the next two units and establish rapport. AnswerKey Pic.l(p.29) T WhatpageispictureI from? Sl: lftfrompoge29. T Whatcanyouseein thepicture? 52: Aperson doingtheshopping. etc Pic.2(p.32) T Whatpageis picture2 from?Whyis thiswoman likethis?Whatelseconyouseeonpagej2? dressed etc Pic.3(p.37) T Whatpogeispicture3 from?Whatcanyouseein the piaure?Describewhotyou see. etc Pic.a@.40) T Whatpageispidure4 from?Whatcanyouseein the picture? Whatelsecanyouseeonpage40?etc
AnswerKey A song(Unit3a,p. 29) T Whatis thissongabout? perfectdoy. S1:Aboutthesinger's T Doyou thinkthesingeriso monor a womon?Why? 52: A woman,becausesheis talkingabout the birds andthesun./Amanbecouse ... T Howold doyou thinkthesingeris? 53: young/oldetc
lr-J --l
Atimetable(Unit3b,p.30) Haveyou got o timetable?Whichof thesesubjectsdo youdo at school? Whichonedo you prefer?Why?Whatelseconyou see on page30?etc Aquiz (Unitic, p.33) Whatdoesthe title meon?Wheredo you usuollyfind quizzesTWhat is this quiz about?Wouldyou like to becomea policeofficer?Why?etc Classified ads(Units3d & 4a,pp.34,i8) Wherecanyou findclassified ads?Whatinformationdo you expectto find in them?What are theseads for? Whotelsecanypuseeon thosepages?etc
A magazinearticle(Unit3b,p. il) Whatdoesthe title meon?Whatis thisarticleabout? Whatcanyou seein thepicture?etc
Notices(Unit4c,p. 40) Wherecanyou seethesenotices? Whotelsecanyou see onpage41?etc Afax message(Unit4d,p.42) Doyou knowwhata faxmessage is?Hoveyou eversent one?Whodidyousendit to?etc Go through the learnhow to sectionwith your Ss and point out that by the end of the nexttwo units they will know how to perform all of the listed tasks.(Foran analyticalbreakdownof the aimsand p. Vll.) objectivesof the module,seeProgromme
Findthe unit e*d peffienumber{s}f*r Readthe phrases and explainto the Sswhat they mean.Then,go throughthe moduleand findthe pagenumbers. Havea class corresponding discussion.
-F =
AUffi€y.f ffitu
Module2 (Un
--{ -f
Beforeyou start a
a a
-1 .-ta
-A -a,
o dsoog o atimetable
. a quiz . o o .
a a a a
Findthepagenumbers for pictures 1-4.
Findthe unit and pagenumber(s) for
Lookat Module2
-{ ---
Whereareyoufrom? Who'syourfavourite singer? Haveyougot anybrothers or sisters? What'syourbestfriendlike?
classified ads a magazine article notices a fax message
do a projectabout ... a a o
a songcompetition yourdailyroutine yourdreamhouse wr ite...
ffE I I E E
Present Simple adverbs of frequency thereislare prepositions of place plurals
a a a
a job ad a homeexchange listing a fax message
In thisModuleyouwill ...
-il 4
listen,readandtalk about... --lI
a O
a a
a a a
-r-l a a a
a a a
range! GultureGlip:Homeon the
learnhow to ...
-r-J r-'J
a songcompetition school timetables Sophia, botha motheranda student jobs the qualities needed to becomea police officer WindsorCastle& QueenMary'sDoll'sHouse a HomeExchange Programme typesof houses shopsandplaces noticesin publicplaces
preferences express talkaboutdailyroutines talkaboutschoolsubjects tellthetime talkaboutjobsandjob preferences identify roomsandthingsin a house describe houses talkaboutlocation givedirections
d ManorBoeid
lrr. -l
it-I. !I
i+g LEsâ&#x201A;Ź**$Ntg & #.=:mr$
tu Everydaylife 1
a. The picturesshow someof the thingswe do every day.Completethe phraseswith the followingverbs: . 9o (to) . have . do . read . walk
a. Readthe song competition What is announcement. -* the competitionabout? What images,sounds,etc u cometo mind?Tellthe class.
b. What do you do in the ... . m o r ning? . afternoon? . eve ning? A: Whatdoyoudo in themorning? thenI go to school.Whataboutyou? B: I havebreakfast, 2
What do you like (*) doing?What do you love(**) doing?Usethe key and say. 1
videos watching
watchingTV tr goingto the cinema I
goingto the theatre playingvideogames
swim mingin the sea ! goingto the gym tr
swimmin gin a p o o l goingjogging
butI love 1 I likereadingcomics, readingbooks.
tr r tr Ti tr T
f'r BestEntries Day! r PerJect You about song A ALLaboutit' know to want We Your,uong,Td 't: tttd in
Luck! til Yout
Listento the song.Tick(/) the wordsin the listeach timeyou hearthem.Don't lookat the songlyrics. . day ,/,/,/,/./ . sun ,/,/ . birds//
o eVery /./,/ . fly ,/,/ . olanet/
, ,'homework
r =
I = I
Dayby day
-l_ -:l =t
1 --r
Objectives/Targets: talking abouteveryday preferences activities androutines; expressing Vocabulary: everyday activities Language focus Language inuse:What do youdo in the morning? I havebreakfast, thenI go to school. What aboutyou?;I likereadingcomics, but I love readingbooks.;Every day,I get up andgo to perfect school.On my day,I wouldliketo stayin bedandwatchTV. Reading: a songfor a competition Skills involved: readingfor specificinformation (categorising information; scanning) Listening: a song involved: Skills listeningfor specificinformation; (scanning) givingpersonal Speaking: information about (monologue) pastimes favourite activities and (project) Writing:a songfor a competition 1 lFocust introducing/practising vocabulary relatedto everydaylife a. . Askthe Ssto lookat the pictures illustrating '1. Ex. Pointto eachoictureand elicitthe go to school,havea activity(havebreakfast, lessonetc.).Do somequickrepetition,if necessa ry,to practise correctpronunciation. . Readthe instructions and explainthe task. Allow the Ss sometime to completethe phrases. andprovide anynecessary Circulate help.Checkthe Ss'answers. b. Readthe example the task.TheSs, andexplain pairs, in askandanswer. Circulate andprovide pairs any necessary help.Ask some of Ssto reoortbackto the class.
:E: ...q I
Suggested AnswerKey A: Whatdoyoudoin themorning? B: lwalkthedog,thenI havea lesson. A: Whatdoyoudoin theafternoon? B: I domyhomeworlg up. thenI dothewashing
A: Whatdoyoudoin theevening? B: I dotheshopping, etc thenI reoda newspaper.
2 lTocus t talkingaboutpreferences .
Readthe exampleand explainthe task.Read the activitiesand do some choral and/or individualrepetition,if necessary to practise correctoronunciation. . Referthe Ssto the exercise. The5s,in pairs,do the exerciseorally,in class.Circulateand provideanynecessary help.Asksomepairsof Ssto reportbackto the class. Suggested AnswerKey 2 | likewatchingTVbutI lovewatchingvideos. 3 I likegoingto the theatre,but I lovegoingto the cinema. 4 | likeplayingboardgames,butI loveplayingvideo games. etc Extension Do a survey. Ask individual 5s to cometo the board andwritea sentence aboutthe activities theylike/love doingeveryday,in orderto seewhichactivitythe Ss enjoythe most. g a. lFocustl predicting,warm-up Readthe instructions andexplain the task.The Ssreadthe announcement and saywhat the perfectday). competitionis about (someone's Havea classdiscussion as to what images, sounds,feelings,etc. come to mind about their own perfectday.Providesomehelp if necessary by feedingthemwith ideas. e.g. T Closeyour'syour perfectday youlike.You today.You candowhatever you like. 5o,(John), con go whenever whatcomesto mindwhenyou thinkof yourperfectday? John: ployingfootballwithmyfriends, listening music to etc. b. lFocust listeningto a songaboutone's perfectday . Go throughthe rubricwith your Ss and thetask. explain . Playthe cassette/CD, twiceif necessary. The Sslistenandcomplete the task.Checkthe Ss'answers.
I t_
l-r-l r1 4
lLr-l f
l-r-{ I
h# I
Focdt readingfor specificpurposes, categorising information 4 a. Readthe instructions and explainthe task. Allowthe Sssometimeto comolete the task. Askindividual 5sto reoortbackto the class. AnswerKey Every day:2, 5,6 Perfect day:1,3,4 b. Refer theSsto thesong.Askthe Ssto readthe songsilentlyand choosethe appropriate title for it. Circulateand provideany necessary help.Ask individual Ssto reportbackto the ctass Extension Askthe Ssto assume the roleof the personwho wrote the song.Askthemto useEx.4a.andtalkaboutwhat theydo everydayandwhattheydo on theirpeferctday. I getup,thengetdressed. dayI e.g. Everydoy Onmyperfect wouldliketoliein bedondwatchthesunrise. etc. 5 Focust personalisation .
Say,then write on the board: I get up,thenget dressed.Ask Whendoesthe singerdo that? And sayand write elicitthe answer:Everydoy!Then, on the board: I don't needto worry! Ask: When doesthat happen?and elicit the answer:Onhis perfectdoy!Repeatthe procedurewith as many activitiesasyou think necessary. Read the instructionsand explainthe task. Allow the 5s some time to make the list. help.Ask Circulateand provideany necessary individualSsto reportbackto the class.
you the classintotwo teamsandexplain i t Divide are going to play a game.Eachteam member hasto think of an activitythey would liketo do on their perfect day and mime it for hiVher team to guess. Each correct guess gets one point.Theteam with the most pointswins. Bringto classseveralpicturesof peopledoing thingsduringthe day (e.9.walkingthe dog, having a meal, playing board games, going joggingetc).Drawthreecolumnson the board under the respectivetitles: rn themorning,in the afternoon, in the evening.Invite individualSs to come to the board, pick a pictureat random and decidewhat time of the day peopleusually do such a thing. The student then pins the picture up on the board, in the respective corumn.
-J -J
L-r L-t
_l _l
LL--r I
:l L_
_i r-J
6 Focust
writing a songfor a competition
Referthe Ssto the songand explainthey haveto write a similar song for the competition.Go through the incompletesong and elicit any unknownvocabulary. Allow the Sssometime to complete the task. Circulateand provide any necessary help.Ask individualSsto reportbackto the class. Suggested AnswerKey go to work,comebockhome,go to the zoo, ride my bike,seemy friends,wotcha film, etc.
l-i -t
a. Readthe songand sayeverydayor onaperfectday.
I lie in bed andwatch the sunrise. I get up, then get dressed.
3 4 5 6
lwatch the birdsfly. I don't needto worry. I rushto the office. I havebreakfast.
b. Choosea title for the song. . My DailyRoutine . o Goinqto the Office .-..1'iili ,, 1
5 -t
Writea song for the competition.
My routinefromdayto day lsverydullandflat | ................, | .. ...... . . . . . . . What do you thinkof that? But on my perfectday,oh boy! I do the thingsI want to 1.......... . . . . . . | ................, It'sdifferentand it's fun too!
No worries,no hurries On my perfectday ll It'sgreatin everyway!
I dreamof a daY Wn"" there'snb needto hurrY: On my PerfectdaY I don't needto worrYlwatch from mYbed As the sun riseshigh I sit and I look ni tne birdsas theYflY'
EverydayI get up earlyandgo to schooLOnmyperfectdayI wouldliketo go on a picnicin thecountry.
4 -)
Make a list of all the thingsyou do everyday and what you would like to do on your perfectday.Then,tell the class.
: 1**Fx?ffiffi
ls it becauseof Mv dailvroutine? iu'"tv daYthe samething iou Lno* what l mean! I get uP,then get dressed, H"ave6ieakfasland then I rush to the officeAgainand again!
., , ,,, al\,,:,..,*
iâ&#x201A;Źad the newspaper ae
ensh Vocabulary * 1
rT .u-A.-attts
a. Whichof thesesubjects do you do at school? Whichone isyourfavourite?
aPhY F
b. Complete the schooltimetableby addingthe (x2),History (x2),French (x1),Art (x1), following:Geography (x3),ICT(x2),Maths(x1),English (x2),PE(x'l). Music(x1),Science
:, rEi
c. Now ask and answer;as in the example.
A: WhendoyouhaveMaths? B: I haveMathson MondaysandFridays. Whataboutyou?
Lookat the times.Doyoutellthe time in the sameway in yourlanguage?
EverydayHnglish *
fivepastfive/fiveoh five (a)quarterpastfive/fivefifteen twentyto six/fiveforty
Listenand circle.Then, read out the dialogues.
Listenand write the times. b. NoW askand anSwer.
1 A: Whattimeisit? B: lt'shalfpast six/sixthirty.
A: What'sthe time,lerry? B: lt'stwo twent A: lsthatall? B: I know!Timeisgoingsoslowlytoday!
Listening 3
Tellingthe time
A: Lookat the timel lt's /twenty-five pastone! B: Takeit easy!We'vegot plentyof time. A: We don't want to leaveit till the last min u t e !
b. Portfolio:Nowactout similardialogues and recordthem.
--l -r{
Writetimeon the board.Individual Sstell the ttme.
Schooldays \J
--.] t
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Objectives/Iargets: talkingaboutschoolsubjects andtimetables; tellingthe time Vocabulary:schoolsubjects; time wordsand prepositions Languagefocus Grammar: PresentSimple (Affirmative) Languagein userWhen do you haveMaths? What time is it? lt's half pastsix/sixthirty. Listening:two peopletalkingaboutthe time IIsinvolved Ski : Iistening for specificinformation; Reading:an articleabout an unusualcollege student SkiIIs involved : identifiing correcVincorrect information EverydayEnglish:askingforltellingthe time (pair work) Speaking:talkingaboutdailyroutines(monologue) the /s/, lzl, lrzl sounds Pronunciation: Writing: abouttheir dailyroutinesand timetables
4 I
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a. lFocus>l warmtngup . Go throughthe schoolsubjectsand elicitany Do somequick choral unknownvocabulary. for and/or individualrepetition,if necessary, their correctoronunciation. . Whichof thesesubjectsdo theydo at school? Whichdo they prefer?Havea classdiscussbn.
--U, ---.
b. Read the instructionsand explainthe task. Pointout that the Ssshoulduseeachsubject e.g. as manytimesas indicatedin the brackets, Geography nrulce.Allow the 5s some time to comoletethe task.Checkthe 5s'answers.
c. Readthe exampleand explainthe task.The5s, in pairs,askand answer.Circulateand provide any necessaryhelp. Ask pairs of Ss to report backto the class.
IFocdt tellingthe time -l
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c Presentthe time. Draw a clockon the board and point to a number,e.g.5.Say,then write on the board: Whattime rs if? The Ss repeat after you. Then, say and write: lt'sfiveo'clock The Ss repeat after you. Follow the same procedureand present half past,quarterpast and quarterto. r Write4:05on the board.Say,then write: /t3fve pastfour. TheSsrepeatafteryou.Then,sayand write: /f3 fouroh five.The Ss repeat after you. Askthe Ssto tell you if theytell the time in the sameway in theirown language.
3 a. . .
Read thetask. theinstructions andexolain Playthe cassette/CD, twiceif necessary. The the task.Checkthe Sslistenandcomplete Ss'answers.
Tapescript I A: Whattimeisit? B: It'ssixthirty alreadlt A: lsit?Let'sgo - wedon'twqntto belate. 2 A: Doyouknowwhottimeitis? B: Yes,it'squorterpasteleven. A: Quarterposteleven? lsthot all? 3 A: B: A: B: A:
Excuse me,couldyou tellmethetime,please? - irc twentyto three. Certainly pastthree? Twenty No,twentytothree. Thankyou.
b. Readthe instructions and the exampleand explainthe task. The Ss act out similar exchanges usingthe prompts andthe dialogue theylistened to asa model. AnswerKey 2 A: Whattimeisit? pasteleven. B: lt'squarter 3 A: Whattimeisit? B: It'stwentyto three.etc a. . .
and explainthe task. Readthe instructions Go throughthe exchanges and makesure them. everyoneunderstands The Playthe cassette/CD, twice if necessary. Ss listen and comoletethe task in their book. Checkthe Ss'answers.
using b. TheSs,in pairs,act out similardialogues the times from Ex.3a and the dialoguesthey listenedto as a model, and record them. help.Ask Circulateand provideany necessary somepairsof Ssto reportbackto the class. AnswerKey Suggested A: What'sthetime, John? B: lt's tvvelveo' clock A: ls thatall? A: Oh,deor,it''stwentyto six! got plentyoftime. etc B: Takeit easy!We've Note:TheSscan bringtheirown tapeswith them and havetheir dialoguesrecorded.Lateron, they canlistento theirdialooues and checkthemselves.
a. lTocus;l predictingthe contentof a text o Referthe Ssto the pictureandthe title of the article. Whatdo theythinkthe articleis about?Havea classdiscussion. . Playthe cassette/CD, twiceif necessary. The Ss listen.followin their booksand check their answers. Ask individual Ssto reoort backto the class. 5s'ownonswers b. Focust readingabouta motherwho is alsoa collegestudent Readthe instructions and explainthe task. Allowthe 5ssometimeto complete the task Checkthe 5s'answers. r=------------:---r
of the lFocus) I monologueoralreproduction text Referyour Ssto the text. Readthe instructions and explainthe task.Allowthe Sssometime to readthroughthe articleandkeepnotes.Circulate help.Askindividual Ss and provideanynecessary to reoortbackto the class.
Readthe instructions the task.TheSs andexolain readsilently andcomplete thesentences. Circulate 1r-r and provideany necessary help.Checkthe Ss' - l answers.
ll-ocus>l identifuinganddistinguishing betweenthe /s/, lzl andltzl sounds tro Readthe rubricand explainthe task.Playthe flcassette/CD. The Ss listen and tick the phonetic symbol.Checkthe Ss' corresponding answers. . Playthe cassette/CD againand pausefor the Ssto repeat,chorally and/orindividually. I-. Individual say Ss the words.Checkthe Ss' {a pronunciation.
1 0 Focust writingabouttheirdailyroutine o TheSswritea shorttext aboutthemselves as I writtenhomeworkDisplay theirwork. .t-pieces Note:TheSsfiletheircorrected of writingin their Longuoge Portfolio.(See introduction forfurther explanation.)
' l.
the Present Simple lFocusFl presenting (Affirmative) 4 ..
Read the sentences.Ask a student to translatethem. Readthe rule and explain any unknownwords.Ask the Ssto look at the sentences againand decideif the ruleis (True) or incorrect(False). correct Say,then write on the board:Iwalktoschool the word in bold TheSs every day.Underline repeat after you. Elicit the rest of the Dersons from the 5s and write them on the board. Point out that the third person singulartakesan -s. Elicitthe spellingrules by writingthe third personsingularof xudy, go and play. DrillyourSs e.g. T Tom/like/pizza S1: Tomlikespizza. T Janeand Lucy/go/school/every day. 52: Joneand Lucygo to schooleveryday. Referthe Ss to the GrammarReference at the backof their booksfor furtherdetails.
b. Readthe instructions and explainthe task.The Ssreadthe text againand completethe task. Circulate and provide any necessaryhelp. Checkthe Ss'answers. AnswerKey PresentSimple:getsup,gets,goes,are,study,thinks,is, helps,do,cooks,do,loves,think,is,soys 3rd person singular:gets,goes,thinks,helps,cooks, is loves, says,'s,
subiectat school i i t TheSschoosetheirfavourite and preparea shortdescription of what they do and why they like this subject.e.g.My favouritesubjectis Art.Wepaintpicturesand use it's different materials.l likethissubiect a lot because veryinteresting. 2 The Ss interviewmembersof their family and find out if they would like to go (back)to college/university and what they would like to study.Theyreportbackto the class.
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ffixp$or$nS ffirerrx#Ear 7 Present Simple(Affirmative)
.a; Lookat the title and the picture.What do you think the text is about?Listen and readand checkyour answers.
Reference Grammar
l I studyhardeveryday. Hemeetshisfriendson Saturdavs. ,
l, lj
a. Readthe sentences aboveand choose. We usethe Presenf to talk Simple aboutdailyroutines.
ri I
b. Readthe text againandunderline allthe PresentSimple verb forms.Whichverb formsarein the thirdpersonsingular?
tlII i Edwards i'"'' gets uP, gets
tI 1
1 1I :
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goes to college Nothing unusualabout that, excePtthat Linaarein the same andherdaughter Sophia ! class Theyboth studyFrenchand Historyat Chester Linathinksit'sgreatthat her mum is College. "My mumhelpsmewith oneof herclassmates. my homework,but I haveto helpherwith the do we usually too! In the evening, housework, thenshecooksdinner together; our homework andI dothewashing-uP." Sophialovesbeinga studentagainafter so manyyears."l think homeworkis betterthan anYdaY!"shesaYs. housework
Completethe sentences. 1 TomandMeggo (go)joggingon Saturdays. 2 My grandfather lives(live)in a village. (brush)histeethevery 3 Jonathan brushes m or nr ng. (listen)to musicevery Marklistens evening. Lucydoes(do)herhomework every afternoon. 6
Annateaches(teach)Mathsat 5t. James School.
ffn*nu*ei*timrn M"/s, /z/ and/z/ 9
Listenand tick (/). Then,listenagain and repeat.
b . Readagainandwrite Truef or FalseF. 1 Sophia isa college student. 2 Sophia studies English. 3 Sophia helpsLinawith her homework.
i -i,,/; ffitche;r i **i*-* -i -lii i r r r oLLr r s J
6 =
YouareSophiaEdwards. Readthe text againand keepnotesaboutyourdaily routine.Youcanaddyour own ideas. Then,tell the classaboutit.
lQ Portfolio:Writeaboutyour dailyroutine (whatyou do in the morning/afternoon/ evening).
fri {
Heworksat a hospital. Heusually wearsa whitecoat.Helikeshelpingsickpeople. He'sa doctor. Heusually worksoutdoors. Hewearsa people.He'sa police uniform.Heprotects officer. Shereportsthe news.Sheworksfor a W stationor a newspaper. Shelikeswriting. She'sa reporter. Hetravels alloverthe world.Heflies aeroplanes. He'sa pilot. Sheworksin a restaurant. Shelikes cooking. She'sa chef. Hetakescareof sickanimals. He'sa vet.
Explor!ng Gramffiail b PresentSimple (lnterrogative/Negotive)
* Jobs 1
a. Readthe sentences and write the jobs.
Gram marReference
b. What do you want to be?Ask and answer. A: B: A: B:
Whatdoyouwantto be? Apilot. Apilot?Why? Becouse lwantto travel. OrBecause I like travelling.
Doeshe play tennis?
*"9:_:tjg_9_Y15":::[ri:Y:y_ 2
Studythe tableand completethe sentences. We form the interrogative andnegative sentences with do anddon't.
Thinkof a job and write it down on a pieceof paper.Therestof the classtry to guesswhichjob it is. Leader: Team A Sl: Leader: Teom B Sl: Leader:
(thinksof a policeofficer) Doyouworkinonoffice7 No,ldon't. Doyouweara uniform? Yes, I do. etc
Readand choose. A Do Stanliketravelling? @ DoesStanliketravelling? Mandydoesn'tlikeworkinglonghours. B Mandydon'tlikeworkinglonghours. Do mechanics work9 to 5? B Doesmechanics work9 to 5? Doyoulikewor kingwithanim al s ? A Yes,I like. Yes,I do.
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day Careers Objectives/Targets: talkingaboutjobs and careers; Vocabuiary:jobs Languagefocus Grammar:PresentSimple (lnterrogative/Negative); Adverbsof Frequency Languogein use:Whatdo you want to be?A pilot.A chefnevertakeswork home. Listening:a dialoguebetweena studentand a teacher careers Skills involved: listeningfor specificpurposes Reading:a conversation betweena studentand a careers teacher,a quiz open-endedquestions Skills involved:answering Speaking:actingout a dialoguebetweena teacherand a student(pairwork) careers
jobs 1 lTocus t presenting/practising andelicitwhattheyall a. . Pointto the pictures havein common(theyare all picturesof Go through the differentprofessions). pictures and presentthe jobs(whatthese peopleare, wherethey work).Do some quickchoraland/orindividual repetition, if for theircorrectpronunciation. necessary . Readthroughthe instructions and explain the task. Allow the Ss some time to andprovide any complete thetask.Circulate necessary help.ChecktheSs'answers. with b. Gothroughthe rubricandthe exchanges yourSs,andexplain the task.TheSs,in pairs, Allow the Sssometime to ask and answer. and provideany complete the task.Circulate pairs of Ssto report necessary help.Asksome backto the class.
e.g. Sl: (taxidriver) S2: Doyou workin an office? 51; No ldon't. 53: Doyoudrivea car? S1:Yes,ldo. 54: Areyou a taxi driver? S1: Yes, I am. etc
FocLdt PresentSimple(lnterrogative/Negative) ) o Havethe 5s go throughthe sentences in the tableandcomplete thesentences. o Presentthe presentsimple(negativeand interrogativeform). Say,then write on the board:I do not(don't)wolkto schoolon Fridays. that this is the negativeform of the Explain presentsimple.Underline the wordsin bold and explainthat we form the negative structure by usingthe auxiliary verbdo.TheSs repeat,chorally Followthe and/orindividually. sameprocedure to presentall the persons of the verbto walk in the negativeform.Aska Elicit student:DoyouwalktoschoolonFridays? the wordsin bold the shortanswer. Underline and explainthat we form the interrogative structure,by invertingthe subjectand the verbof the negativesentence. . Drillyour Ss.Write promptson the board. lndividual Ssaskandanswer. .
e.g. T heplay/footballT etc S1:Doesheplayfootball? at the Referthe Ss to the GrammorReference backof their booksfor furtherdetails.
Readthe instructionsand explainthe task. Go throughthe examplewith your Ssand makesure it. Allow the Sssometime everyoneunderstands to completethe task.Checkthe Ss'answers.
Suggested AnswerKey A: Whatdoyouwanttobe? B: Avet. A: Avet?Why? lloveaqimals. B: Because A: WhatdoyouwanttobeT B: Achef. A: Achef?Why? etc B: Because I likecooking.
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Game Choose a leader. Thestudentcomesto the frontof the Therestof the class andwritesa job on a pieceof paper. in teams,try to guessthe job. Eachcorrectguess class, winsa point.Theteamwith the mostpointswins.Keep theleaders. changing
ffi 4 FocusE findingout the qualitiesneededto becomea policeofficer
>l readingfor specific b. lFocus information Referthe Ss to the dialoguebetweenSimon Talbot and the careersteacher. Read the instructions and explainthe task.Allow the Ss sometime to completethe task.Checkthe Ss' answers.
Read the instructions and go through the expressions inthequiz,eliciting anynewvocabulary (e.g.yuk ismymiddlenameetc).Askthe cool,danger Ssto readthe quizagainsilently andcomplete the task.Allowthe Sssometimeto comolete the task. Circulateand provideany necessary help. Ask individual 5sto reportbackto theclass.
AnswerKey 1 Hewantsto bea policeofficer. 2 He'sgoodat English, lCTandPE.
Ss'own answers
5 Focust presenting adverbs of frequency Focusthe Ss'attentionon the StudySkitls box. 1 Readthroughit andexplain that whenacting : out a dialogue we shouldtry to makeit look realistic. Thiscan be achieved throughusing bodylanguage andvoiceintonation that can animatethe way the speaker feelsaboutthe givensituation.
a. .
Haveindividual in the Ssreadthe sentences table.Focusthe Ss'attentionon the words in boldand elicittheirplacein the sentences (beforethe moin verb and after the auxiliary verb). o Referthe Ss to the GrommorReference at the backof their booksfor furtherdetails. . Go throughthe rubricand explainthe task. Allow the Sssometime to go throughthe table. Circulateand provideany necessary help.Checkthe Ss'answers.
b. The Ss readthe quiz againand underlinethe adverbs. Checkthe Ss'anslvers. 6 Readthe instructions and the exampleand explain the task.Allow the 5s sometime to completethe task. Circulateand provideany necessary help. Checkthe Ss'answers. AnswerKey 1 Peterolwayshasbrealdastat 8 o'clockinthemorning. 2 Doesyour motherusuollygo shoppingon Soturdays? 3 Wenevergo to schoolat theweekend. playsbasketballwithme. 4 Hesometimes 5 I dont oftengo to thecinema. Variation Alternatively,you can ask your Ss to check their answerswith their partnersfirst.Then,asksomepairs of studentsto reportpackto the class. Z a. lFocusE predictingcontent of a dialogue . Readthe instructionsand explainthe task. Ask your Ssto tell the classwhat they think the dialogueisabout.Havea classdiscussion. . Playthe cassette/CD, twice if necessary. The 5s listen and check their answers.Ask individualSsto reoortbackto the class. Ss'ownonswers
lFocust talkingaboutjobsand related subjects in a role-play situation Readthe instructions andexplain thetask.TheSs, in pairs,ask and answerquestionsusingthe dialoguein Ex.7a as a model.Ask your Ss to recordtheirdialogues. Circulate and provideany necessary help.Ask somepairsof Ss to report backto theclass.
* l-
Note:TheSscanbringtheirowntapeswith them and havetheirdialogues recorded. Lateron, they canlistento theirdialogues andcheckthemselves. rf F F 11
1 Preparestripsof paperwith sentences with activitiesand pastimeson them. Write the following on the board: * * * * * *, usually** * *, often* * *, always * *, never. sometimes Askindividual Ssto cometo the boardandpick a stripof paperat random.Then,pointto an adverbof yourchoiceandaskthemto rewrite thesenteces by usingthe adverbin question. 2 TheSs,in smallgroups,preparequizzes similar to theonein Ex.4. Then,theyswapanddo the qurzzes.
the 1 Peter/breakfasVhas/8 o'clock/aVin morning/always. mother/ 2 golDoes/usually/shopping/your SaturdayVon? 3 never/toschool/golat the weekendAffe. 4 pIayVsometimes/basketba Il/me/with/He. 5 l/often/golthe cinema/to/don't.
Do the quiz.
A policeofficer A I can do that.
everworksfrom 9 to 5. B That'simpossiblefor me.
A policeofficer works at night. A Good,I don't likemornings. B Sorry,I haveto sleepat night.
A policeofficerworks outside. A Great! B Oh no!
A policeofficer (e.9.dogs or horses). A That'swonderful!
B Yuk!
Nowadays,a policeofficer usesa computer. A Great!| love computers. B Sonyr,I hatecomputersand computershateme!
A policeofficer works with people. people, B What,always? A Good. I like a
MostlyA: Great!Thepoliceforceneedspeoplelikeyou. Mostly B: Are you sureyou want to be a policeofficer? Thinkagain!
ExploringGrammar GrammarReference
i A pilotalwayswearsa uniformat work. : police works long hours. A usually officer I oftentravelsabroad. i A reporter i l^.;.., job pilot's is dangerous. A sometimes ; ;" A chefnevertakesworkhome. i **'-'"-,,,1
1 2
of Frequency '? ? Adverbs
b . Readthe dialogueagain and answer.
MrRuthers: Simon, isit? Goodmorning. 10C. Simon: Yes,sir.SimonTalbot. Class MrRuthers: Fine.Rightthen,Simon. Which jobsareyouinterested in? Simon: l'd liketo bea policeofficelsir. A policeofficer? Well,I'vegot your MrRuthers: marksandtheyareverygood, especially in English andlCT. Simon: Yes,sir.Andl'm reallygoodat sports,too. I lovePE. MrRuthers: needto befit. Well,policeofficers Simon: l'd likesomemoreinformation. foryouto MrRuthers: something OK.Here's read.I cananswer anyquestions you'vegot whenI seeyounext. Simon: Thankyouforyourhelp,sir.
workswith animals
of the Readthe first four sentences dialogue. Whatdo youthinkthe dialogueis about?Listenandcheck.
A policeofiicer'sjob is dangerous. A Dangeris my middlename. B Mmm.I'm not sureI likethat.
4 A policeofficerusuallywearsa uniform. A Cool! B Noway!
_J --f
Putthe wordsin the correctorder.
ffirydnk Acting out
Wtren we act out a dialogue,we should think of the pliacewe are in and how the speaker feels. etc. We shotrldalsouse gestues, e:<grressions,
aboveand a. Readthe sentences underlinethe corrrectwords. frequency after the We useadverbsof verbs. mainverbandbefor auxiliary the adverbsof frequencyin b. Underline the quiz.
Whichjob is Simoninterested in? Whichsubjectsis he good at?
Speaking 8
Portfolio:Workin pairs.lmagineyou area careers teacherand a student.Act out a your similardialogueto Ex.7a.Record dialogue.
Writing (jobads)
Thesepeoplearelookingfor a job. The followingsentences aretakenfrom their 'jobwanted'ads. Canyou matchthe sentences to the jobs?Somesentences can go with morethan onejob. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11
I likecooking. C l'm a goodswimmer anddiver. D I knowthe areaverywell. A,B I lovechildren. C I likehelping people. D l'm fit andstrong. D lcanridea motorbike. A I likeworkingoutdoors. B,D I loveanimals. B I likewalking. B (l'm goodat reading stories.
and fill in the job. 2 Readthe followingadvertisements tr"t;.{i.:l:l-:;..''.;.q.grv.-.5r:iE{iffiF{arut@ or,rt*0,1.:*-l-l-l-rtalr,rffilig:W
joba holidaY Wanted:
Doyouneeda South studentand I livein Peckham' I'm a 19-year-old stories' reading good at and I'm London.I lovechildren andSaturday workeveryevening I can sport' cookingand contactSusanDavieson2083722846' nights.Please
Diseuss & Write 3
I'm21andI livein theBrightot wellandI'mgoodat divereallY weekends. mindworking 08 PleasePhoneJohnLomas:
Readthe rubricandtick (/) the relevant informationyou needto includein a'job wanted'ad. Youneedsomeextromoney,Youwantto work ds a pizza delivery boy/girl or a dog* walkenWriteyour ad.
Portfolio:Usethe informationfrom Ex.3 to write yourad.Youcanusethe adsin Ex.2asm odels. =
a a
a a a a a a a a a a
kindof job a9e date I was born areaI livein thingsl'm goodat what kind of food I like my favouritecolour daysand hoursI canwork name my parents'names ph o n enumber
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Objectives/Targets: writing job ads Writing:a job ad for a parttimejob SkiIIsinvolved: identifying information relevant to information a particular topic;categorising 1 F&ust presenting vocabulary relatedto certainjobs . Readthe instructions and exolainthe task. Pointto eachpictureand askindividual Ssto describe whattheysee. . Readtheexample andgothroughthesentences, Allowthe Ss elicitingany unknownvocabulary. silentlyand sometime to readthe sentences completethe task. Circulateand provideany necessary help.Checkthe 5s'answers. Extension TellyourSstheyaregoingto writejob riddles. Explain theyhaveto thinkof a job andwritethreesentences that couldbe usedin an ad for it. e.g. T I amgoodwithchildren. llikestudying. I lovecorrecting homework. Whataml? S1:Ateocher! Allowthe Sssometime to writetheirsentences. Ask individual Ssto readout theirriddles. Therestof the classtry to guess thejob.
Variation you can ask your Ss to checktheir Alternatively, answers with theirpartners first.Then,asksomepairs of Ssto reportbackto the class. >l writinga Jobwanted'ad 4 lFocus . Readthe instructions andexplain the task. r Invitethe 5sto usethetext in Ex.2 asa model andthe information theyhaveselected in Ex.3 to produce a similar textorallyin class. . The Sswrite a job ad as written homework. Display theirwork. pieces Note:TheSsfiletheircorrected of writingin thei Longuage Portfolio.(See lntroduction forfurther explanation.)
: fthey h a rr jobs Askthe Ssto thinkof anysummer would liketo do and work in pairsor small groupsand produce'job wanted'ads.As an pin up the adson the walls.TheSs extension, cango aroundand put a tick nextto the ads they think are well-writtenand would have beenanswered hadtheybeenprintedHavea classdiscussion as to which ad has had the mostticksandwhy.
--r I
2 lFocus>l readingfor specificpurposes Referthe Ssto the two textsin the exercise. Go throughthe instructions and explainthe task. Allow the Ss some time to read silentlyand complete the task.Checkthe Ss'answers.
3 FAit .J
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generating ideas
Read the rubric and elicit any unknown vocabulary. Ask your Ss to readthe sentences silentlyand decidewhichad theywant to write. Allow the 5s sometime to selectthe relevant information. Circulate and provideany necessary helo.Checkthe Ss'answers.
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Homeon the range! the Sswith a Objectives/Targets: familiarising cowboy's wayof life Vocabulary: cowboyclothes andequipmen! consolidation Reading:a shorttext aboutcowboys Skills involved: identifiingandcategorising information Speaking: describing a cowboy's dailyroutine (monologue)
1 lFocust settingthe scene,introducing target vocabulary Focus the Ss'attentionon the pictureon page35. Readthe instructions andexplainthe task.Allow the Sssometimeto complete the task.Circulate and provideany necessary help.Checkthe Ss' answers.
Readthe StudySkillsbox and explainany unknownwords.Do an examolefrom Ex.2 with themso that they understand the steps thevshouldfollow. fFocust readingaboutcowboys Readthe instructions andexolainthe task.Askthe Ssto initially readheadings A-Dandpointout that thereis onetheydon't needto use.Askthe Ssto readthe text carefully andfindwordsthat indicate whattheparagraphs areabout.Finally, allowtheSs some time to match the paragraphsto the headings. Checkthe Ss'answers.
E a. lfocusE note-taking Readthe instructions and exolainthe task. Allowthe Sssometimeto comolete the task. Circulate and provideanynecessary help.Ask individual Ssto reportto the class. AnswerKey Cowboys liveoutdoors, trouelling fromcamptocamp. Theyspendtheirdaylookingofterthecattle. ln theeveningtheysitoroundthefire. Theylovegoingto rodeos.
E E 'E
b. Focust personalisation TheSs,in pairs,talkabouta typicaljobin their countryby usingthetitlesin Ex.3aasa model.
Ask your Ss comprehensionquestionsabout the text. e.g. Wheredo cowboysspendmostof theirtime? Do theircompshaveelectricity or hot woter?etc
* -'Addi{i.;;i-M.dili; *-* WordPerfect3, p. 117
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Reading What do you knowabout cowboys? Lookat the picture and labelit. Use:cattle,lasso, spurs,Stetson.
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Identifying the main points in a paragrraph
n"rJ" articleandchoosea heading(A-D)for each (1-3).Thereis oneextraheading. paragraph Timeout Lifein thecamps Cowboys andtheirmusic routine A cowboy's
Listening& Speaking 3
Read the headings and thirk of what each paragrrAph is about. Read the paragraphs and find words, sentences, etc. that show what the paragrraphs are about. Match the paragraphs to the headings.
a. Listenand readthe articleagain and make notes underthe followingheadings.Then,talk about cowboys. . . . o
wherethey live how they spendthe day what theydo in the evening what theydo in theirfreetime
b. Thinkof a typicaljobin your country.Usethe headingsfrom 3a to talk about it.
t-I IJ
a IJ I
with their Stetsons \'Letru's und ano ,our* spurs' are are familiar ro* tigurestn iv'nur-' what,sa cowboy,s _ lif"..uny1it"t'*, ,
Cowb_oys __..vvJo DlJErru spend rfiost most or of their their time outdoors, usually fro.m uamp to to, gamp camp.The canlp-. The camps camDsare ll1l:ttiigthey'.,.ru ur" uary basic^'Fft, don't have electricitv or hot hnt *rora* tL-ty or water, ^^ the so li{e,of
acowboy isnoi;;o-'ir;;-/url'#
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= J
In their free time, there,s no,frimg qa v\rwuuy cowboyrlKes likes more more
than a rOdeO! At twith a f qcon o-r --'_n: ,r:d"9,
they can show ,fr"i.,tifl and win . b,;;;d ;fiffi,[ ffiJ';fi: #:ir11i:'"? and horses!
2 Stetson
,"_f life isn,t easybur no one can saythar it rsn't :o*.oy's exciting. Most cowboys that they would neverwant to do anyhing " eise!"g;;. " -*.
Ffltfpr a mffi##neil
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@ Vocabulary ) 1
RoomslThingsina house
3 ,i'
a. Lookat the pictures.Whichpictureshows:a bedroom?a bathroom?a kitchen?a livingroom? '
3 kitchen
4 livingroom
S iz e : 11) 3 a c re s
(f,asrtllre ds,or
Listento the soundsand write the rooms. 1 bedroom 2 bathroom
you cansee: Lookat the pictures againand matchthemto the words 1 In the StateApartments j 2) paintingsby Rembrandt andRubens. the rooms. below.Then,describe
From3) Octoberto March,visitorscan also look aroundCeorgelV's private apartments. Do visitQueenMary'sDoll's4) house, the most famousdoll's housein the world. TheCastleis openuntil5) 17:'15.
-r I -d
Fit for a Queen!
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lfocus>l introducingtargetvocabulary a. Focus the Ss'attentionon the oictures illustrating the exercise. Elicitthe namesof the rooms.
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Objectives/Targets: talkingaboutroomsand thingsin a house Vocabulary: rooms,thingsin a house Language focus Languageinuse:ln the kitchen, thereisa fridge... Listening: someone talkingaboutWindsorCastle involved: Skills listeningfor specificinformation (gapfilling) Reading: aboutQueenMary'sDoll'shouse Skills involved:inferring meaning throughcontext (pairwork) ! givingpersonal Speaking: information Writing:a paragraph house abouttheir(dream) ,j
AnswerKey Picture A:bedroom Picture C:bathroom Picture Picture B:kitchen D:livingroom [. o Readthe instructions and explainthe task. Brainstorm with each for actionsconnected room. . Playthe cassette/CD, twiceif necessary. The Sslistenand complete the task.Checkthe Ss'answers. r=---------l
vocabulary for IFocus)l presenting/practising thingsin a house . Readthe instructions andexolainthe task.Go throughthe vocabulary and eliciVpresent the words.Allowthe Sssometimeto complete the task.Circulate and provideanynecessary help. Checkthe Ss'answers. . Readthe exampleand explainthat we use thereis to referto onethingandthereareto referto two or morethings.Complete thetask by askingindividualSs to describethe four rooms,usingthe pictures andthe example asa model.
Extension Dividethe classintotwo teams,A and B, andaskthe Ssto closetheir books.Theteamstake turnsasking and answeringquestionsabout what there is and what thereisn't in the pictures. Eachcorrectanswer getsonepoint.Theteamwith the mostpointswins. e.g. Team A S1:lstherea coffeetoblein thelivingroomT TeomA52:Yes,thereis. Team B S1:Istherea tablein thekitchen? Team B52: No,there isn't.etc listeningto informationabout 3 FAtt WindsorCastle o Readthe instructions andexplain the task. . Playthe cassette/CD, twice if necessary. TheSs listenand comoletethe sentences. Checkthe Ss'answers. Tapescript Goodafternooneveryoneand welcometo Windsorcostle.The castleisoneof HerMajestytheQueen's homes.Windsorcqstleis the lorgestand oldestoccupiedcastlein the world.Thecastlecoversan area of l3 acresand containso royolpalaceand the homesond workplaces of o largenumberof people. you conseeworksof art from theRoyal ln theStateApartments, paintings Collection, including by Rembrandtand Rubens. FromOctoberto March,visitors canolsolookaroundGeorgeIVs privote apartments,whereyou can seesome of the most richly decoratedroomsin thecastle, And of course,one of the highlightsof a visit to the castleis QueenMary'sDoll'sHouse,the most famousdoll'shousein the world. We are open until five fifteen today, so have o wonderful afternoonand enjoyyourvisit. . .
Extension questions. Askthe Sscomprehension (13acres), e.g.Howbigis Windsor Castle? Whencanvisitors (fromOctober private lookaroundGeorge lV's apartments? to March),etc.
Suggested AnswerKey ln thelivingroom,thereisa sofaandanarmchair.There arealsosomecushions. etc _-J
4 Focust predictingcontentof a text o Focus the Ss'attentionon the pictureillustrating the exercise. Readthe title andthe givenwords whatthe textisabout. andaskthe Ssto guess . Playthe cassette/CD. The Ss listen,follow in theirbooksandchecktheiranswers.
Extension Bringblanksheets of 44 paperintoclass. Dividethe 5s into pairsand handthemonesheeteach.Askthe Ss to drawa planof theirhouses/flats. Oncetheyfinish theydescribe the drawingto theirpartnerfor him/her to draw a plan.Finally, they comparetheir drawings andcheckif theydrewthe plancorrectly.
8 lFocus t writingabouttheirhouses . Read the StudySkillsbox and explainany to the Ssthat we do unknownwords.Exolain not alwayshave to look up words in a We can usuallyunderstand their dictionary. meaningby readingthe restof the wordsin the sentence.
Referthe 5s to the doll'shousetext. Explain abouttheirhousein theirnotebooks. . TheSswritea paragraph abouttheirhouseas writtenhomework. Display theirwork.
Readthe rubricand explainto the Ssthat they have to read the text again and find any informationthat they find amazingabout the doll'shouse.The Ss readthe text silentlyand underlinefactsthat supporttheir opinion.Ask individual Ssto reportbackto the class.
pieces Note:TheSsfiletheircorrected of writingin thei LanguagePortfolio.(Seeintroduction forfurther explanotion.)
fFocust readingabout QueenMary'sDoll's House the task.Allowthe Ss Readthe rubricandexplain text againand find the sometime to readthe provide help. words.Circulate and anynecessary Checkthe Ss'answers.
L-r 3
lf yourSshaveInternetaccess, askthemto find moreinformation andpictures of QueenMary's Doll'sHouseandpresent themto the class. TheSsbringin pictures of their rooms/houses andpresent themto class.
5s'ownanswers rt--
personalisation lTodt and explainthe task. Go throughthe instructions pairs, The Ss,in about askand answerquestions their homes.Circulate and provideany necessary help.Asksomepairsof Ssto reportbackto theclass.
Ss'own answers l-
-r{ )
. , Lookat the title andthe picture.ln pairs,readthe wordsbelowandguess what the text is about. Then,listenand readand checkyouranswers.
. house. doll . castle o queen
--r) -l
Understanding new rrrords through context
You can r:nderstandwhataword meansby reading the rest of the sentence/phrase.The words you already lorow can often give you clues as to what the unlsrown wordmeans.
-l .--_ = -t
1 {_
-J rt _
= J-
two things in paragraph that we can useto oet from
I ByJohnDylan his magnificenthousehas got everything! Thereare morethan forty rooms,including five bathroomsand garagesfor five cars. lt
onefloorto another. 2 the oppositeof the word 'hot'inparagraph 2. 3 anotherwordin paragraph 2 thatmeans'small'. 4 a word in paragraph 3 that meansmoreor lessthe same as'lovely'.
-J .J_ =
Readthe text againandfind ...
-t J-
house?Yes, but there's one small problem. This is Queen Mary's Doll's House,so there aren't any people in it! Everythingin the houseis , but the amazingthing is that it all works. For example,there is hot and water in the bathrooms and the books have got real storiesin them. The househas even got electricityand the lifts can go up and down! Queen Mary's Doll's House is eighty yearsold. You can see it in Windsor Castle, near London. Many peoplevisit the Castlejust to seethe Doll's House!lt is one of the most beautifulhousesin Britain- what a pity nobody livesin it!
Whatdo youthinkof Queen Mary'sDoll'sHouse?Readthe text againandunderline the thingsthat youfindamazing. Then,tellthe class. It'sgot fortyrooms.That'samazing!
7 J
In pairs,talkaboutyourhome. a a
Doyoulivein a houseor a flat? Howmanyroomsarethere? Haveyou got a gardenor a garage? Haveyougot yourown room? What'sin it?
Portfolio:Writea paragraph aboutyour house.Include: location, numberof rooms& somefurniture, something special aboutit.
. ) Houses/lnteriors I
a. What'sa HomeExchange? Wouldyou liketo stayin someone else'shousewhenyou areon holiday?
a. Lookat the pictures of differenthomes.Whichisa flat,a cottageor a villa?
International FomeConnection
b . Readthe sentences and underline the correctwords.
Organisation ThebestHomeExchange intheWorld!
Flats areusually quiet in areas. Cottages areusually modern/traditional. Villas areusually cheap Cottages usually have /spacious rooms. Villas areusually attractive/u nattractive.
Members:Rosa& PedroAguilera Country: Spain Town/City: Malaga We've got an attractive villa near Malaga,Spain.Welive in a quiet area,but we're only twenq/ minutes away from the busy tourist centre and the beach.Thereis a spaciouslivingroom,a largefullyfitted kitchen,four bedroomsand two bathrooms.Thereis also a largegardenwith a swimmingpool.We'd like to exchangefor a
c. Describethe homesabove. Usethe adjectivesfrom Ex.1b.
three-bedroomflat in Barcelonafor the winter months.
A: Thisisa'sin a ...areaandit's looksexpensive and;lt'savery attractivehouse.
, 1 2 3
t" ,t Listento Philand Pattalking about differenthouses. Wheredoeseachpersonlive?
A Stuart B Emma
Ray& Liz Ben
V illa
Over t0,000 membersexchongehomeseveryyeor throughHome Con nection I nternotionol.
Listenand readthe text and completethe sentences. T h ev illais in a q u ie ta re a . lt'sonly20 minutesawayfrom the beach. Thereis a gardenand eight rooms.
Speak ing 4
Student A: You work for HomeConnection lnternational. Readthe text againand write down the questionsyou want to askRosaand PedroAguilera(,country town, etc.).StudentsB and C: You are Rosaand pedro Aguilera.Readthe text again and be readyto answer StudentA'squestions.
- z
= L =
Homeexchange =
= --<]
--a .-r-
4 -1
4 --1
Objectives/Iargets: talkingabout interiorsand ; differentkindsof accommodation Vocabulary:houses;interiors : Languagefocus (Regular Grammor: Prepositions of Place,Plurals lrregular and form) Longuagein use:This is a's in a quietarea and it' therea wardrobein ' your room?Yes,there is. Where exactly?Nextto the mirror. Listening:a conversationbetweentwo people ' talkingabout differenttypesof accommodation. Skills involved: listeningfor specificpurposes (multiplematching) : Reading:a homeexchangelisting Skills involved: note-taking ' Speaking:actingout an interviewbetweena , coupleand a HomeExchange International employee(roleplay) Pronunciation: the /aoi and /oo/ sounds Writing: a homeexchangelistingfor Home Excho nge InternationaI
4 -a-
1 ta
+l 1
I .J
1 -' 1 -4 J
c Readthe instructions andexplain thetask. . Playthe cassette/CD, twiceif necessary. TheSs listenand completethe task.Checkthe Ss' answers.
Tapescript Pat:Hi Phil,how wasScotland? Phil:Greot,thanksPqt.I wentto lotsof differentploces. Pot: Oh,really? Phil:Yes- mostof my friendshavegot new houses now.Remember Stuart?Well,he livesin a fantasticvilla right nextto oneof thelakes. Pat:Avillo?LuckyStuart! Phil: Yeah.And Emmo'sgot a lovelynew flat right in the centreof Edinburgh. Pat:Oh,nice!Edinburgh's a greatploceto live.Andhow areRayand Liz? Phil:Oh,fine,They're got a cottagenow,out in veryhappy.They've thecountry.lB beautiful. Pat:A cottagein thecountry?Thatsoundsnice. Phil:lt is.lft onlysmallbutit'sreallypretty. Pot:AndwhataboutBen? Phil:BenTOh,he'sstillstudying- he hasn'tgot a newplaceyet.He stilllivesin hisstudioapartmentin Glasgow-
3 a. fFocus Fl warmingup
introducing/practising vocabulary Fcuit relatedwith homes/interiors 1 a. Go throughthe pictures andpresenVelicit the typesof accommodation. Askthe Ssif .there aresuchtypesin theirown town/city. AnswerKey A villa B cottage
C flat
b. Readthe instructions thetask.Allow andexolain the Ss sometime to completethe task. Go throughthewordsin boldandexplain/elicit their meaning.Circulateand provideany necessary help.Checkthe Ss'answers. c. Readthe instructions the task.Ask andexolain individual fromEx.1b Ssto usethe adjectives andthe example as a modelanddescribe the pictures above.Askindividual 5sto reportback to theclass.
lnviteguessesasto what HomeExchonge is. Have a classdiscussion asto whetherthey liketo stay in someoneelse'shousewhileon holidav.
b. Fcust
readinga HomeExchange listing
Readthe instructions andexplain the task.Play the cassette/CD, twice if necessary. The Ss listen,followin theirbooksandcomplete the task.Checkthe Ss'answers. 4 lFocus>l role-playing basedon a text Readthe instructions and exolainthe task.Allow the Sssometimeto prepare themselves for the role play.The Ss completethe task. Circulateand provide anynecessary help.Asksomepairsof Ssto reportbackto the class. Ss'own answers
Suggested AnswerKey Thisisa'sin a quietareaanditTverymodern'. lt looksexpensive andprobably hasspacious rooms.ltb a veryattractive house.etc
={ {
E_ E.
Prepositions of Place |Focust introducing 5 a. o Present the prepositions of place,one by yourpenon your one,on the board.Place book and then say: on. The Ss repeat, chorally and/orindividually. Repeat the same procedurein order to introduceall the prepositions. . Referthe Ss to the GrammarReference at the backof theirbooksfor furtherdetails. . Ask the 5s to look at the pictureand answerthe questions.Then, ask them somequestions to familiarise them with the picture. e.g. ls therea fridgein the studioapartment? (Yes, thereis.),how manybedsore thereT (one), etc. AnswerKey l Thefloorisblue, 2 There arethreepaintings onda mirroronthewoll. 3 There aretvvowindows. b. Readthe instructions the task.The andexplain Ssdraw linesand placethe objectswherever theylike.Then,in pairs,theydiscuss the picture, asin theexamole.
e.g. T cot Sl: cats T wife 52: wives T fax 53: faxesetc . Referthe 5s to the GrammarReference at the backof theirbooksfor furtherdetails.
lr Lt
Go throughthe instructions andthe examples and explain thetask.Askindividual Ssto formsentences rusingthe promptsand the examples lLl as a model. tt Checkthe Ss'answers. Answer Key 3 There aretwoknives. Sheneeds fourmoreknives. 4 There aren'tanyforks. Sheneedssixforks. isonecup.Sheneeds 5 There fivemorecups. 6 There isonespoon.She needsfive morespoons.
lbetween LlFocus> | identiffinganddistinguishing the /anl and/ou/ sounds . Readthe instructions andexplain thetask. . Playthe cassette/CD. TheSslistenandtickthe phoneticsymbol.Checkthe Ss' appropriate answers. L.. Playthe cassette/CD again..TheSs repeat chorally and/orindividually. L
Suggested AnswerKey A: lstherea carpetinyourstudioopartment? B: Yes,thereis. A: Whereexactly? B: ln frontofthefridoe.etc Game Explain the game.Choose a leaderto thinkof a place in the studioapartment wherehe hashiddenthe CD. lf youwish,havehim/herwhisperthe location to you. Dividethe classinto two teams,A and B. Theteams taketurnsaskingthe leaderaboutthe location of the CD. Eachcorrectguesswinsa point.Theteamwith the mostpointswins.Keepchanging the leaders.
FoA;t $o
HaveindividualSs readthe sentences in the box.Askthe classto tellyouwhichnounsarein the singular (cup,cupboord, sink toble)andwhich in plural(cups, knives). Ask them what helped them decide(theformof theverbto be,the'article a).Then,the Sswritethe missing words. Pointto the word cup and cupsand elicitthe form of the plural(byadding-s to the noun). Write:knrfe-knfues. Elicithownounsendingin -fe form their plural.Followthe sameprocedure withthe restof thespelling rules. Drill your Ss. Providethem with prompts. Individual Sssaythe appropriate words.
>-lwritinga HomeExchange 9 lFocus listing o ReferyourSsto the listingin Ex.3a.Explain they haveto writea similarlistingfor HomeConnectionl-lnternotionol in their notebook. Ask them to includeinformation suchasthe countryandthe city/towntheylivein,a shortdescription of their t-houseaswellasthetypeof placetheywouldlike to exchange it for. . TheSswritethe listingaswrittenhomework. h.L
Note:TheSsfiletheircorrected pieces of writingin their LanguogePortfolio.(Seeintroductionfor further explanation)
tChoose a studentanddescribe hiVherlocation to L,-the restof theclass. e.g.Thisstudentissittingbehind Benandbetvveen Chrissy andJoel. Thestudentwho Itis beingdescribed muststandup and takethe L-nextturn. Ss preparea posterwith differenttypes of lhouses foundin theircountryaswellasa short \_ descriotion of them.Askthe Ssto useEx.1cas a model. L_
ExploringGrammar I
Prepositions of place '%-
Thereis a cupin thecupboard. Therearesomecupsin thesink. Arethereanykniveson the table? Yes,thereare./No, therearen't.
t-t 1l
Plurals ?
Lookat the pictureof the studioapartment.What colouris the floor?What is thereon the wall?How manywindowsarethere?
cup glass knife
1 p la t e = 1 2 6 la o a = O 3 knife=2
:-l --
Therearefourplates.Sheneeds two moreplotes. Therearen'tanyglasses. She needssixglasses.
Pronunciation ) /as/and/oo/
shelf -t
8 CDplayer
A: lstherea wardrobe in
yourstudiooportment? B: Yes, thereis.
Ustenandtick (/). Then, listenand repeat.
b. What'sthe best placefor the objects?Draw lines and talk with your partner. A: Whereexactly? B: Nexttb themirror
Hide a CD somewherein the studio apartment.The rest of the classtry to guesswhere it is. -.
f or k = O cu p = 1 apoon=1
What elsedoes Katy need? Readand say.
4 5 6
bookcase L_
washing machine -l
cups glasses knives
Katyis havinga house-warming partyfor sixpeopletonight. Here'swhat'salreadyon her table.
Readthe examples aboveand write the wordsin plural.
TeamA Sl: lsit on thefridgeTTeamBSl: lsit underthetable? Leader: No,it isn't. Leader: Yes, it is.
lanl loal towel
sofa house go town
Portfolio:Youwant to your housefor a exchange monthin the summer. Senda description of your houseto HomeConn ection InternotionaI.
A nsw ne* hh*urhm*d Vocabulary
) Shops/Places
l G
i= In pairs,lookat the shopsand the placeson the map.Do you know what they are?Youcanuse your dictionaries to helpyou.Are thereanywordssimilarin your language?
R eading b-
Lookat the placeson the map.Wherecanyou seethesenotices?Readand choose. L-
A in a butcher's B in a newsagent's rn a restaurant
A at a chemist's B at a post office at a mus eum
A in a chemist's in a greengrocer's C in a garage
at a trainstation B in a baker's C in a restaurant
A in a butcher's B in a par k in a bank
in a librar y B in a par k
dL d^ -)'uuc t
( =. ll
A new neighbourhood -
-:a -{
Objectives/Targets: taIking aboutshopVp Iaces; askingfor andgivingdirections Vocabulary: for shopsandplaces; helpfulphrases givingdirections Language focus Language inuse; lstherea ... nearhere?Howdo I getto the ... fromhere? Listening: a dialogue between a coupletalking abouttheirnewhome Skil lsinvolved: Iistening for specifi c information Reading: notices Skills involved: readingfor gist givingdirections Everyday English:
Focus>l readingnoticesconnectedwith places/shops Readthe instructions andexplain the task.Allow the 5ssometimeto complete the task.Circulate and provideany necessary help. Checkthe 5s' answers.
,-{ :
+_ --
--I -l
1 lFocus>l introducingvocabularyrelatedto shopsandplaces Readthe instructions and explainthe task.Tell yourSsthattheycanusetheirdictionaries, if they need help with the meaningof someof the words. The 5s, in pairs, work together and completethe task. Circulateand provideany necessary asto the help.Then,havea discussion similarities and differences betweenthe English wordsin the Ss' wordsand the corresponding mothertongue. Ss'ownonswers
-l -l -.-I
--J -, -I -I -l
lFocusLl practisingwords relatedto giving directions Go through the instructionsand the questions eliciting/presenting the wordsin bold at the same time. Allow the Sssometime to look at the map and answerthe ouestions. Checkthe Ss'answers. Suggested AnswerKey 1 Youturnright. 2 Youtakethefirstturningon theright. 3 Yougo alongMonorRoad. 4 Theschool.
IFocusL I askingforlgivingdirections 4 a. .
Ask,then write on the board:lsthereahotel nearhere? Then,askand write on the board: How do I get to the ... from herei Elicit the answer. Follow the same orocedureto presentthe rest of the expressions. The 5s readthe dialogues and fill in the gaps,using the expressionsfrom the Givingdirectionsbox a00ve. Playthe cassette/CD, twice if necessary. The Ssllstenand checktheir answers.
b. Referyour Ss to the map on page 40. Read throughthe rubricandexplain the task.The5s,in pairs,usethe promptsand the usefullanguage from the Givingdireaionsbox, act out exchanges similarto those in Ex. 4a. and recordthem. help. Ask Circulateand provideany necessary somepairsof Ssto reportbackto the class. Note: TheSscan bringtheir own tapeswith them and havetheir dialoguesrecorded.Lateron, they can listento theirdialooues and checkthemselves. Suggested AnswerKey Sl: Excuse me,howdo I getto thebakefs? 52: WalkalongGeorgeStreetand tokethefirstturning onyourleftintoManorRoad. S1:Thanksalot. 52: Thebaker'sis on the left oppositethe Hotel.You can'tmissit! etc
a. lTocusE settingthe scene o Focusthe Ss' attentionon the oicture illustrating the exercise. Readthroughthe Ssto tell you sentences andaskindividual whattheythinkthedialogue isabout. . Playthe cassette/CD, twiceif necessary. The Sslistenandchecktheiranswers.
b. lFocus)l a dialogueabout movinginto a new house Readthe instructions and exolainthe task.The Y, Ssreadthroughthe dialogueand underline the reasonswhy Andy and Donna like their new house. Circulateand provide any necessary helo.Checkthe Ss'answers. br=------------:---
lFocus>l oral reproduction Referyour 5s to the sentences in Ex.5a. Read throughthe instructions and explainthe task. Circulateand provide any necessaryhelp. Checkthe Ss'answers
__ L-
AnswerKey Don'tworry it'sthelastbox. Oh,Andy!I lovethishouse. Hmm,I know but it'sworth it. Extension Readsentences from the dialogue.Ask individualSsto tell the classwhich personsaidthem, Andyor Donna?
6 Focus roleplay Readthe instructions andexplain thetask.The5s, in pairs,complete the task.Circulate andprovide anynecessary help.Asksomepairsof Ssto report backto theclass.
Ss'own answers L-
Dividethe classintotwo teams,A andB.51team i A begins in i bymiming anactionthatcouldhappen presented. one of the buildings Awardpointsfor i guess. eachcorrect e.g. Sl TeamA: Wheream l? (mimesputtingpetrolin car) SI TeamB: You're ot thegarage! point T One for teamB!
L_ ) >)
,-a 1
Lookat the mapand answer the questions.
1 You are at the theatre.Do youturn left or right to get to the suoermarket? 2 Youareat the bank.Doyou take the first turning on your left or right to get to the baker's? 3 Youareat the chemist's. Do you go alongManorRoador ParkRoadto get to the restaurant? 4 Youareoutsidethe hospital. What'soppositeyou?
--{J --l
b. Portfolio:Youareat the busstop.In pairs,usethe promptsandthe useful.language to actout similar yourdialogues. exchanges. Record o baker,so postoffice
Lookat the pictureand readthe sentences below. Whatdo you think the dialogueis about?Listen and checkyouranswers. . Oh,m ybackiskilling m e! . Homesweethome. o Theonlythingis,it'sa bit expensive aroundhere. the reasons b. Readthe dialogueandunderline that Andyand Donnaliketheirnew house.
EverydayEnglish -1-
lstherea ... nearhere? Howdo I getto the ... fromhere? Ca ny o ut e l l , m tehew a yto th e ...?
-J a
--l --
-t _-.1 -=
Wa l ka l o n g. . . Af fa lpka st... Takethe firsVsecond turningon the lefVright TurnlefVright into... I t 'so n t h ec o r n er of ... a n d... It'son yourlefVright. Readand completethe dialogue. Then,listenand your check answers.
= =
A: Excuse me,istherea bank
A: B:
--r -,-_ -{
---N -
Andy: Oh,mybackiskillingme! Donna:Don'tworry it'sthe lastbox.We'refinallyin our newhome! Andy: Thankgoodness! Homesweethome. Donna:Oh,Andy!| lovethishouse!lt'smuchbetterthan ouroldone. too. Andy: Yes,it'sgreat. Donno: And
A: B:
nearhere? Yes,there'soneon George Street. Howdo I getto George Streetfrom here? GoalongParkRoadand takethe firstturningon yourright. Thanks a lot. Thebank'son the lcft, opposite the school. You can'tmissit!
Andy: Theonlythingis,it'sa bit expensive aroundhere. Donna:Hmm,I know,but it'sworthit. We'reverylucky. Andy: Let'scelebrate... put the kettleon Donna,it's timefor tea! c. Lookat Ex.5a.Saywhat the otherspeakersays.
Speaking 5
Yourfriendwantsto moveinto your neighbourhood. Answerhis/herquestions: What kindof shopsare or ls it an expensive there?Are thereanyparks/schools? a cheaparea?
Setttn thrre* Writing (afaxmessage) 1
L t-
Discuss & Write
Readthe fax message. Whichis Monica's new house:a, b, c or d?
Lookat the map.ln pairs,find two waysto get to your housefromthe station.Then, tell the class.
1o: glmon lvllleE Adams FromzlxAonlca rz 567 b92 Wb Fax Numbe )imon, corne on gunday'Here l'rnso pleaoed you can mY new houee' are Nhe dlreclronsNo and +;urnbfr' V"lalk Come ou.-ol lhe sNMlon on lake lhe flrol Nurnlnq alonq?ark KoaA and
S q)
lurn letr aqatn SNreeN' tr J. ,trn" |rfio Queen walk alonq Oeorqe gNreel' Then' fivo Georqe rlqW llrel I'urnlnqon your SlreeN andlake rhe houea ls on Nhe letl' trt'o Jamee SNreel' My opgoeilelhe clnema' a phoneme if Nhere's Don'Nqel loof) Juel problem. )ee You eoon' l,Aonlca
Linden Rd
-s ()
When gling directions, it is a good idea to draw a plan, a diagnam,a map, etc before we start writing. In this way we can write about what we can see.
q) \S,
o q)
M \./
Plans, Diagnams
r-o" *-9 U} (l)
A friendis comingto seeyou on Saturday. Sendhim/hera fax message tellinghim/her get your how to to housefrom the station. Youcanusethe map aboveor your own. Include: directions, mapof the area.
N $_
Readthe fax message againand put the headings in the rightorder. a closing remarks b directions c reasonfor sendinothe fax d mapof the area
Ho u r' sg o u r E n g lis h ?B e a d a l o n g : u o o f , ro o f , lo o f , s h o o f , u loo f , roof, loof, poof, uJoof, uoof, hoof, uroof, roof, shoof. T e s t re s u lt s : u r a g o o d d o g , C O M . No ru s t o p b a rk in g ! 1
TT =
Gettingthere! =
ges;giving Objectives/Ta rgets:writing faxmessa directions in writing;followingdirections givingdirections Writing:a faxmessage (pairwork;problem givingdirections Speaking: solvingactivity)
=l =
e a
e =l
=r E=
1 lFocus >l identifyinglocations on a map Go throughthe fax message and the map and Explain to yourSs elicitanyunknownvocabulary. thattheyhaveto followthe instructions in thefax message in orderto find Monica'snew house. Allow the Ss sometime to completethe task. help.Check Circulate and provideany necessary theSs'answers. 2 Focust identifyinggenrestructure Referyour Ssto the fax message and explainthat just like letters,havea specificorder fax messages, in their writing. Go though the instructions and phrasesa-d, and elicit any unknownvocabulary. Allow the Ss sometime to readthrough the fax message againand completethe task.Checkthe 5s'answers.
3 Focutt
generating ideas
Ask the 5s to look at the map in Ex. 3. Read throughthe rubricand explainthe task.The5s,in pairs,discuss and completethe task.Circulateand provideany necessary help.Ask some pairsof Ss to reoortbackto the class. Suggested AnswerKey Comeout of theStationond turnright.WalkalongKing Streetond toke the secondturning on your Ieft into WaltonStreet.My houseison therightat theendof the street. etc
Focusthe Ss'attention on the StudySkillsbox. Readthrough the box and explainthat it is easierto write about somethingwe can seein front of us, ratherthan about somethingthat existsonly in our heads.Advisethem to usea plan or a diagramwheneverthey haveto give directions, orallyor in writing.
4 lFocustlwriting a fax message . Readthroughthe instructions and explainthe task.lnvitesomeSsto usesomeof their own (Ex.1) asa model,in ideasandthe fax message orderto producea similartext, orallyin class. . The Ss write the fax messageas written homework.Displaytheirwork. Note:The5sfiletheircorrectedpiecesof writingin thei LanguagePortfolio.(Seeintroductionfor further explanation.)
Askthe 5sto drawa maoof theirhomearea. TheSs,in pairs,usetheirmaps,in orderto give instructions on how to get to eachother's houses.Circulateand provideany necessary help. Prepare a mapof the areaaroundyourschool. Drawa routeof how to get to schoolfrom a pointon the map.Pinit up on a wall. specific The Ss use this map to preparea fax for someone to getto school.
I --
I --
I --
-.=_ -rl -.
Curricular Cuts ffi
Art & Design
Objectives/Iargets: talkingaboutshapes of buildings and how it affectscustomers Reading:a shorttext describing the waysonecan designa buildingin orderto attractthe customers' attentionto a product. Skills involved: readingfor specificpurposes, identifuing information. a buildingto attractcustomers ; i Writing:designing
i **i
1 FoA;t introducingvocabutaryretatedto buildingsand their purposes Referyour5sto the pictures on page43, and ask Whatdo theythink themto describe the buildings. thesebuildings are?Readthroughthe instructions the task. and allowthe Sssometime to complete help.Check Circulateand provideany necessary the Ss'answers. 2 lFocus>l readingfor specificinformation and explainthe task. Go throughthe instructions TellyourSsthat thesebuildings arecleverwaysof attractingcustomers' attention.Ask them to go threethingsonecan throughthe text andidentifiT Allow the Ss do in order to attract customers. sometime to completethe task.Ask somepairs of Ssto reportbackto the class. Suggested AnswerKey Paintthebuildingin brightcolours. Buildit in a funnyshape. Puta funnysignon thebuilding.etc
lFocuit designinga buildingto attract customers .
Gothroughthe rubricwith yourSsandexplain the task.Tellyour Ssthey haveto brainstorm anddecideupononethingtheywouldliketo sell.Then,askthemto designa buildingthat could attract customers. Tellthem to be as inventive astheywish. Assignthe designof the buildingas written theirwork. homework. Display
?r f,I
Note: The 5s file their designsin their Language Portfolio.(See introduction forfurtherexplanation.) IrFi (
Askthe Ssto go aroundtheir neighbourhood or city centreand find a shopthat hascaughttheir attention.lf theyhavea camera,it wouldbe nice to takea pictureof it. Then,theybringthe picture to classandsaywhat it isaboutthisshopthat has etc.). caught their attention. (e.9.colour;shape,
'= I
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AdditionalMaterials WordPerfect 4,5, p. 118 Grammar Check,Exs1-4,p.125
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chemist's, abasketcompany? Look at the pictures.Which building isa: cafd,petrolstation,
Readand namethree thingsyou can do to a buildingto attractcustomers.
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Portfolio:Thinkof somethingyou would liketo se ll.Designa buildingto attrac t customers.
tut# P#*pm,**rca"6E,r*rg
There are two bed-sidetables and a in the bedroom. dressing table B sofa C microwave
Usethe words belowto completethe sentences. . reporter. walk . library. pilot . newsagent's o do . museum. bank . shelf . busy I walkthe dog everyafternoon. 2 I neverhaveanytimeduringthe weekto d o t h e sh o p p i n g . Every morning,.Jack stops at the to buythe paper. newsagent's 3 I need I wouldliketo buya shelf,please. onefor allmy books. Stevewantsto be a pilotso he canfly all overthe world. I love I go to the museumeverySaturday. lookingat Picasso's work. My street is very busy.I can't sleepat night. Can you tell me wherethe libraryis? | want to get a bookto read. My aunt is a reporter. She works for the BBCandshe'son TVeverynight. 1 0 I haveno moneylefttWhattimedoesthe bankclose? (2lmarks) 4 1
the correctitem. Choose 1 Janetis a nurseandworksat St. Mary's hospital C postoffice 2
B hotel
in the kitchen. Thereisa double A coffeetable B bed sink My d a di sa te a ch eH r.ew o rksi n a .......... A theatre B garage school
Canyou get me a kiloof meatandsome ? s a u s ag e a st th e .......... B chemist's butcher's C baker's
#r*smreeear Putthe words in the correctorder. 1
History/10'.30/atJllonlhave/always/ Mondays I alwayshaveHistory at 10:30. on Mondays 2 usuallyAff haVweekend sldollhe/aUdolyou Whatdo youusually do at the weekends? f3 homework/nighVnever/does/Diane/aVhe Dianeneverdoesherhomework at niqht. 4 long/She/hours/doesn'Voften/work L L Shedoesn'toftenwork longhours. efinfiogginglgoes 5 park/rarely/Mary/th L Maryrarelygoesjoggingin the park. \ (10marks) L L
Circlethe correctword. Gary don't want to work long hour s. Thereis a swimmingpool nex the house. Do you like travel/ to different countries? Thereare five plate on the table. We needone more. Are there/ls there a bedroom and a bathroomupstairs? Doeshe work in a restaurant? Yes.he works/does. 7 Therearefour knives/knifes on the table. 8 The train station is /between the baker's. in the sinkaredirty. 9 Theseglass 10 Marydoesn'teat fishes. (20 marks)
in Maole We eat at the Chinese Streeteverymonth. A supermarket B greengrocer's restaurant
I t
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.-, -l --<1.
What subjectdoesKellyhavenow?
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Usethe words/phrases to completethe dia lo g u e s. . Ca nyo u tell me . Takethe firstturninq o between A : Excu se m e ! 1) Canyoutell me the wayt o the tr a instation? B: Of course. 2) Takethe firstturningon the left lt's 3) betweenthe hotel and the restaurant on KentRoad. A Th a n ksa lot!
What doesPeterwant to be?
. o 'clo ck. Whattime o Halfpast . noon A, 4) What time do you get up Philip? B : 5) Halfpastseven. A: And do you have a lunch break at 6) noon? B: Actually, aroundone 7) o'clock. A : Let'shavelunchthen| (14 marksJ
. .:t:i.
You are going to hearfour conversations. Forquestions1-4,put a tick (/) under the correctanswer.
= -I
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What time canSusieqo to the cinema?
(Fortapescriptseep 152T) rrrl ,
Readand completethe job ad. Write ONE word for eachspace. ond | 2) live in the l'm 1) d 19 yeorold-student centrqlLondonoreo.I knowthedown townoreo ond l'm reolly3) well. | 4) can ride o motorbike gooi S1 at working with people' I con work Iu"ning,ond I don'l6) mindworkingweekends' PleosephoneSlevenEdwords:207495 3101
Whichhousedoesthe womanwant?
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I c&fi,". . . . . . . .
talk aboutdailyroutine talk aboutschoolsubjectsand timetables t e llt h e t ime talk aboutjobs describe houses, roomsandthingsin them talk aboutlocation write job ads/faxmessages
A*rffissth* ffinmrrilffiw[urc
What do firefighters do? Readand say. Whichof the qualities is most importantto you? Rankthemin order of importance by writinga number (1-6)beforethem.
Fightingfiresis justonepartof a firefighter's daily routine.Firefighters alsoeducatepeopleon firesafety. Theygivetalksanddemonstrations to groupsin the Firefighters alsorespondto emergency community. peopleandanimals rescuing calls.Thisinvolves fromdangerous situations. Firefightersneedto: ... followinstructions. ... be veryfit. reactquickly. workin a team. keepcalmin dangerous situations. be brave.
-J -J t---,
-J -J _J -^L-,_-J
Canyouthinkof anyotherpeople who helpour Choose community? two andwrite their qualities.
:_i :.]
1 '. ,t Listenandnamesixthingsthe singer cando in herroom.
*uqqffih#$qm,LWN ^
Your room is your castle Your palace, your space Therds nowhere quite like it Therds no other place!
There'snothingquite like A room of your own Youcan Or sit there alonet You can And Or And
all day long
When it's time to relax Your room is the best place To do all of that!
Whatkindsof thingsdo you do in yourroom? Talkwith yourfriend. Explain thesesayings. Aretheresimilarsayings in yourlanguage? . An Englishman's homeis hiscastle. . There's no olacelikehome. . Homeiswherethe heartis.
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Acrossthe Curriculum 2 (Citizenship) Firefighters: Peoplewho helpus Aims:familiarising the Sswith the multi-faceted taskof beinga firefighter; makingthe Ssawareof peoplewho workfor the benefitof their communitv to the firefighting locabulary:wordsrelated orofession FocusFl findingout informationabout firefighters o Focus the 5s'attentionon the pictureillustrating the exercise. Readthe title andaskindividual Ss to describethe picture.Do they know any firefighters? Wouldthey.liketo be one?Why? Whatcharacteristics do theythinka or qualities firefighter shouldhave?Havea classdiscussion. o Readthe instructions and explainthe task. Allowthe Sssometime to readthroughthe text. Ask individual Ssto reoortbackto the class. . The5s readagainand prioritise the qualities according to their judgement.Circulateand provide anynecessary help.Askindividual 5sto reportbackto the class. Ss'ownanswers |Tocutt talkingand writing about people who helptheir community . Readthe instructions andexplainthe task.Do the Ssknowanyotherpeoplewho helptheir community? What do they do?Why do they important? consider theseprofessions Havea classdiscussion. . The Ss choose two of the professions mentionedaboveand write a list of the qualities they think thoseprofessions require you to have. Circulateand provideany necessary help.Askindividual Ssto reportback to the class.
Songsheet2 - A roomof yourown Aims:talkingaboutpeople's roomsandwhatthey meanto them. 1 lFoAs t intensivelisteningfor specific information
a a
Focus the Ss'attentionon the pictureillustrating the exercise. Ask individual Ssto describe the picture.Havetheygot theirown room?Howdo theyspendtheirtimethere?Whatis so special abouttheirroom?Havea classdiscussion. Readthe instructions andexplain thetask. Playthe cassette/CD, twiceif necessary. The5s listen,followin theirbooksand complete the task.Checkthe Ss'answers.
2 lTocust personalising Readthe instructions andexplain the task.TheSs, in pairs,discuss and complete the task.Circulate andprovide anynecessary help.Asksomepairsof Ssto reportbackto the class. Ss'ownanswers. 3 lTocust learningEnglishproverbs, contrastive teaching Readthe instructions andthe sayings andexplain the task.Arethe Ssfamiliarwith theseproverbs? Whatdo theymean?Aretheresimilarproverbs in theirlanguage? Havea classdiscussion. Suggested AnswerKey . Eachperson isa kingin his/herownhouse. Nobody contellyouwhatto doinyourownhome. . Howeverhumbleor smallyour homemay be, nothingconcompare to it. c Youfeelat homewhenyouarewiththepeople you loveina placethatyoulove.
Irl-_ -t
Fr \|.
tulsd#le3 t[,8*its5 & 6]: Hat,Drcnkand Enjoy! b
Eeforeyou star?{Frerequisites} Use the questionsin order to reviseand consolidate the vocabulary and structures taught in the previous module.TheSs,in pairs,askand answerthe questions. Ask somepairsof 5s to reportbackto the class.
Lc*k at Madulc3 Focusthe Ss' attention on the modular page. Readthe moduletitle and askyour Ssto look at the page for a minute. What do they think module is about? What kind of informationdo they expectto find in such a module?Focusthe Ss' attention on pictures1-4. Use the pictures illustratingthe pagein orderto raisetheir interest in the module. ln pairs,the 5s locatethe page numbersof the above visualaids. Have a class discussion,using the visual aids, in order to familiarise the Sswith the contextof the nexttwo unitsand establishrapport. AnswerKey Pic.| (p.48) T Whatpogeispicturel fromT . S1: lt'sfrompage48. T Whatdoyou thinktheunit isabout? 52: Food T. Whatelsecanyou seeon page48? 52: Amenu.etc Pic.2(p.57) T Whatpoge is picture2 fromTWhatcan you seein picture 2? Whereis this man from? Hov"vdo you know?Whatelsecanyou seeonpage57?etc Pic.3(p.58) T Whatpage is picture3 from?What is this woman doirg? What elsecon you seeon the samepage? Whichof thesesportsdoyou enjoy?etc Pic.a@.63) T Whatpageis picture4 from?Whereis thisbuilding? Haveyou evervisitedNewYork?Canyou describethe picture?etc
F Findthe unit and pagenumber(s)for
Readthe phrases and explainto the Sswhat they mean.Then,go throughthe moduleand find the pagenumbers. corresponding Havea class discussion. l--l
Amenu(Unit5a,p.48) T Onwhichpagecanyou finda menu? 5 l; Onpage48. T What'sthenameof therestaurant? S2: TheModHotter. T Doyou knowfrom whichchildren'sbookthenome comesfrom? 53: Alicein Wonderland. T Whatelsecanyou seeon page48?etc A mogazinearticle(Unit5c,p. 53 - Unit 6b,p.59) Wherecanyou find magazineorticles?Whatare they obout?In what kind of magazinescon you find each oneof them?Whywouldyou everbuysuchmagazines? Whatkindof magazines doyou usuallybuyTetc A recipe(Unit5c,p.52 - Unit5d,p.54) Wherecan you find recipes?Do you think they are helpful?Do you like cooking?What is your favourite dish?Whatelsecanyou seeon thesepoges?etc A song(Unit6a,p. 56) Whatdoyou thinkthissongisobout?Doyou thinkthot the weotherchangesthe way we feel?What elsecan you seeon page56?etc Acartoonstrip(Unit6o,p.57) Wherecan you find q cartoon strip? Wheredo you usuallyfind cartoon strips?Whot is this one about? Whatcanyou seein thepictures?etc
\L_ .IL
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A lefter (Unit6d,p.62) Do you likewriting lettersTDo you preferthem to emails?Whototherwoysarethereto communicatewith people?Whatelsecanyou seeon page62?etc
Go through the learnhowtosectionwith your Ss and point out that by the end of the next two units, they will know how to performall of the listedtasks.(Foran analyticalbreakdownof the aimsand objectivesof the module,seeProgramme p.Vltl)
b---_ b-
Ea&Dmmk amdEmfoyil
M o d u l e 3 ( U n i ts5&6)
Beforeyou start
= a
a a a
What do you usuallydo at the weekend? What do you want to be?Why? What'sin vour room?
Whatkindof shopsarein yourneighbourhood? L o o ka t M o du l e3
Findthe pagenumbers 1-4. for pictures
F i n dt h e u n i t a n d p a g en u mb e r(s) fo r
a a a a
a a
, , . j ) , , , , : : , l it, t : -
f f E fI f I
f f f
a a
f E
a a
l isten ,r e a d and talk about ... a
a a a a a
= a a
e = .-.
a a
starsignsand food food containers and utensils Simonand Paulapreparing theirshoppinglist preparing food weatherand seasons how the weatheraffectsour feelings t he w ea the ri n E ngland seasona Lactivities TheBancroftArnesenExoedition clothes
learnhow to ... a
a a a
= r--
_J a a a
countable/u ncountable nounS some/any much/many/a lot of presentcontinuous comparatives
I n th is M o d u le you will ...
me n u s a magazine article a recipe asong a cartoon strip a letter
practise ...
express food preferences orderfood giveadviceon cooking givecookinginstructions talk aboutthe weatherand how it makes us feel describe actionshappening at the time of sp e a kin g talk aboutactivities talk aboutclothes comparethings
do a project about ... a
a a
a a a
your favouritethree-course meal(a starmenu) shopping(a shoppinglist) familyactivities(a poster)
a postcard a recrpe a friendlyletter:
t#*emhufimny V Food/Drink items
. bananas . biscuits . burgers. cakes. chilli. soup . chocolate. coffee. cola . croissants . hot-dogs . lemonade . milkshake. oizza. salad. sandwiches b . What'syour taste?Tellyour friend. A: I loveburgers, butI hotesoup.Whataboutyou? B: Well,llove ...
WhatareDanieland Jessica having?Listenand write a D for Danieland a ./ for Jessica on the menu.
a. Herearesomefood/drinkitemsthat aresimilarin manylanguages. Howdo yousaythemin your language?
b. In pairs,askandanswer. A: Whatstarter oreyouhaving? B: I likevegetables, sol'mhaving
thechicken salad.What about you? A: lfancytheMadHattelsMix.
-E --L-
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Whichof the food itemsbelowcanyou find on the
F \-
Re staura-llj
-9!-g-t-er-l Chicken salad(chicken,lettuce, tomatoes,cucumber,olive oil) beef,lamb) Mad Hatter'sMix (sausage, *All sewedwithf reshbreod rollsandbutter'
U rl n C o u rrcr fl
V"g"tutianpizza (greenpepper,onions,
= tf
cheese) Stir-fry rice (rice, mushrooms, egg,peas, peanuts) Steak(servedwith potatoesand carrots)
vua Hatter'spasta(pasta,cream sauce'
D ca rcrtr
Cheesecake Chocolatemousse
tr lce cream
Fruit salad(apple, strawberries,orange, cherries)
1 -t
ffi Objectives/Iargets: talkingaboutfoodandstar srgns Vocabulary: starsigns;food relatedwords Language focus Languagein use:lloveburgers, but I hatesoup. Whatstarterareyouhaving? | likevegetables, so I'm having the chicken salad;l'm Cancer. I do like'comfort food'suchasbreadandcheese. I thinkl'm a typicalWatersign. Listening: two friendsdecidingon whatto order in a restaurant Skills involved: intensive listening for specific information Reading: aboutpeople's starsignsandtheir typicalfoodpreferences Skills involved: readingfor specificinformation (reading for gist;sentence completion) Speaking: talkingabouttheirstarsigns'typical (monologue) foodpreferences ! Writing:a starsignmenuaccording to theirown ; o:"'91 )
vocabulary lTocdt introducing/practising relatedto food and drink a. Readthe instructions thetask.Go andexplain throughthefood/drink itemsandelicittheir meaning andtheirsimilaritieVdifferences with theequivalent wordsin theirnativetongue.As youcanaskthe 5sfor other anextension, food/drink itemsthatsoundsimilar in their mothertongue. b. Readthe instructions thetask.The andexolain Ss,in pairs,askandanswelusingthe prompts from Ex. 1a and the exampleas a model. Circulate help.Ask and provideanynecessary somepairsof Ssto reportbackto the class. Suggested AnswerKey k I lovelemonade, Whatabout butI hotechocolate. you? B: Well,llovehot-dogs, butI hatesalad.
Variation youcanaskyourSsto checktheiranswers Alternatively, with therpartners first. 3 a. lFocus>'l listeningto two peopledeciding on what to order . Read the instructions andexplain thetask. . Playthe cassette/CD, twiceif necessary. The Sslistenand completethe task.Checkthe Ss'answers. Tapescript Jessica:Whatareyou havingfor StartefDoniel? Daniel:I like meat,so l'm having theMad HottefsMix. Whatobout you? Jessica:Hmm,I foncythechickensolad. Daniel:Andwhotareyou havingforMainCourse? Jessica:Erm,Thevegetarianpizzosoundsgood . . . Oh,no . . . i6 got onions... I dont likethem.I thinkld likethestir-fryrice.AndyouT Daniel:I'm havingthe steok Jessico:Steok?Ha! Youdo like meot,don't youT.. . And for dessert I'm hovingthe fruit solad. Daniel:Well,lm havingthechocolotemousse- theyhaven'tgot a dessertwith meatin it! Ha,ha! Jessica:Waiter we'dliketo ordernow .. .
b. Focutt decidingon what to order Asktwo Ssto actout the exchange andexplain the task.TheSs,in pairs,askandanswerusing the menu and the exampleexchange as a model.Circulateand provideany necessary help.Asksomepairsof Ssto reportbackto the class. Suggested AnswerKey A: Whatmoincourse areyouhaving? B: I likemeot,soI'mhavingthesteok.Whataboutyou? A: I fancythestir-fryrice. A: Whatdessert oreyouhaving? B: I likefruitsoI'mhavingthefruitsalad.Whatabout you? A: lfancythechocolate mousse.etc
Pointto andpresenVelicit the items1-14oneat a time.Dosomeouickchoraland/orindividual repetition, if necessary for theircorrect pronunciation. . Readthe instructions and explainthe task. Allowthe Sssometimeto readthe menuand labelthe pictures. Checkthe Ss'answers.
II L--J .} |-l
I I I l-J .5-
the Sswith starsigns familiarising Focusthe Ss'attentionon the text on page49. Readthe instructions andexplain the task.TheSs readthe first sentenceof eachparagraph and comDlete the task.Havea classdiscussion. Ss'ownanswers Note:Herearethe starsignsin caseyourSsdo not knowtheirs. Ta u r u(sApril20 - May21) Gemini(May22 - June21) Cancer(June22- July22) Leo(July23 - August23) Virgo(August24 - September 23) Libra(September 24 - October23) 24 - November 22) Scorpio(October (November 23 - December 21) Sagittarius (December 22 lanuary 20) Capricorn (January 18) Aquarius 21 - February (February Pisces 19- March20) Aries(March 21 - April19) Variation You can usethe text for jigsawreading.Dividethe to each classinto four groupsand assignan,element group.Eachgroupkeepsnotesunderthe following headings: StarSign,Eatinghabits.Then,the Ssfind a partnerfrom the other three groupsand usetheir notesto tellthemabouttheirelement. lFocLls t readingfor specificinformation . Readthe instructions the task. andexplain . Playthe cassette/CD. TheSslistenand follow in their booksto find out what kindbf food siqnsIike. the Water/Ea rth/Fire/Air Suggested AnswerKey pasto,cheese, peonut Watersignslikebread,biscuits, butterandicecream. Earthsignslikesteokpastawithcreamsouce, cheesecake, cheeses. chocolate mousse andFrench Firesignslikehotandspiq food,suchaspeppers, chilliand garlic. Ai signslikefruit,vegetables, nuts,sandwiches ondenergy bars. $o
Readthe instructions the task. andexplain Pointto the'wordsin boldandeliciVoresent their meaning. Allowthe Sssometimeto complete the sentences, usingthe wordsin boldfromthe text.Checkthe Ss'answers. . Ask individual 5s to usethe wordsin boldto maketheirown sentences. Then,individual Ss readout fromthe text. a
7 lFocus>l personalisation, talkingabouttheir preferences starsignandtheir food Focusthe Ss'attentionon the text on page49. Readthe instructions and exolainthe task.Allow the Sssometimeto readthe textsilently andfind out if theyaretypicalof theirstarsign.Then,the Ssreportbackto the class. Suggested AnswerKey l'm Gemini. I don'tlike'lightfood'suchas fruitand vegetobles. I don'tthinkI oma typicalAirsign. l'mCapricorn.ldo like'expensive things'such oschocolate mousse ondFrench cheeses.lthink l'ma typical Earthsign.
I l-/
l--J ,L
b-l .L
8 lFocust writinga starsignmenu o Go throughthe instructions and explainthe tL,task. L r Invitesome5sto usesomeof theirown ideas andthemenuon p.48asa modelandproduce a similar textorallyin class. . The5swritethe menuas writtenhomework. "LDisplay theirwork. ir^.pieces Note:TheSsfiletheircorrected of writingin their Languoge Portfolio.(See lntroduction forfurther lexplanation.) r-.\_,LJ
Tellthe Ssthat theirfriendis comingoverfor dinnerandtheyhaveto prepare a three-course mealfor him/heraccording to hiVherstarsign. Whentheyprepare the menu,theyshowit to partner their and checkif the choiceof meals was appropriate. Provideany necessary help with the vocabulary. Ask the Ss to bring in menusfrom their favouriterestaurants. The Ss,in pairs,havea shortconversation to the onein Ex.3b. similar Ask the Ss to interviewfamily members, friends,etc. abouttheirfood preferences and checkif theyaretypicalof theirstarsignsand reporttheirfindings to the class.
L.L .L-
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The Watersigns (Cancer,Scorpio,Pisces)are romantic and sensitive.They like 'comfort food', such as bread,biscuits,pasta,cheese, peanutbutterand ice cream.Watersigns like to share their favouritefood with others,and when they'refeelingsad, they turn to these foodsfor comfort.
The Fire signs (Aries,Leo, Sagittarius)are livelyand full of's no surprisethat they are very daring when it comes to food. They love anythinghot and spicy, such as peppers,chilli,garlic- the hotter,the better! No rice or pastafor fire signs.Theyliketo try food with a fiery flavour, such as Indian, Mexican or Thaifood.
Earth love Virgo,Capricorn) The Earthsigns(Taurus, their food - in fact,they adore it! Earthsigns things are practical,but they likethe expensive in life.Theylikesteak,pastawith creamsauce, cheesecake,chocolatemousse and French cheeses.No fast food for Earthsigns!
Air The Air signs (Gemini,Libra, Aquarius)are These signs like sociableand hard-working. food that is light, quick and easy. Fruit, vegetables,nuts,sandwichesand energybars arefavouritesbecausethey'rehealthyand easy to carry around.No long,relaxingdinnersfor thesepeople!
'.+z**iTefi _J 4
---{ ---{
What kindof food do the Water/Earth/ Fire/Air signslike?Listenandreadand say.
usingthe words Complete the sentences, in boldfrom the text.Then,usethe word(s)to makeyourown sentences.
Sp*akEm6 7
Areyoutypicalof yourstarsign?Readthe paragraph aboutyourelementagainandsay. food'suchasbread l'mConcer. I dolike'comfort andcheese.lthink I'ma typicalWater sign.
turnto 1 Whenl'm in a badmoodI always to cheermeup! chocolate
What What'syourstarsignin English? element(Water,Earth,Fire,Air)areyou? from each Readthe firstsentence paragraph find out. and -
Mysonlikesfastfoodsuchas andchips. burgers pizza 6 This istoo muchfor me.Doyou wantto shareit? 7 There's a lot of garlicandchilliin the'sveryhot andspicy. 5
to school I alwaystake sandwiches becausethey'reeasyto carryaround. Do you want to try Thiscakeis delicious. some? I likeltalianfood suchas oizzaand oasta.
t 8
b menu)
Makeyourstarmenu.Include: o yout'star main sign . yourfavourite starter, course anddessert
ftMh&t*$ *mâ&#x201A;Źfue$Hsâ&#x201A;Ź? !*
( f
atoaf ofbread
2 5
aiarofiam a Pieceof aake
aauPoftea 6 a aarton of milk 7 a Packetof aeroal O a bot't"leof cola
aqlaoooforanqeiuloa 10 atin ofPaao
2 Food Containers/Utensils 1
Saya food/drinkitem.Thestudentnextto you continues with anotherword beginningwith the lastletterof yourword.
a. Lookat the picturesandcompletethe phraseswith: cup,glass,bottle,piece,loaf, bor,carton,tin,packet,jar.
b . ln pairs,askyour partnerfor two things:to makebreakfastwith, to take to school,to haveasa snack. please? B: Yes, certainly. Hereyouore. Look,readand completethe sentences.
52: garlic etc.
Frsnureciatien * /e/
A: CanI havea loaf of breadand a jar ofjom,
L_ iE
Listenand rePeat.
") : a sliceof bread I a jar of mayonnaise
a oacketof flour a bottleof water
lrJ+/ _L
Expl*ringGrarea$ar *'' J '.a tQa rq l l ftrrl qaaa rrta Q a tta .ta ta .
grater cheese
l'vegot the cheese, but where'sthe grater? cheese Canyoupassmethe tin opener,please? | wantto openthistin of tuna. Let'shavesomefried eggs. Where'sthe fryingpan? Putsomewaterin the saucepan to pasta. makethe
V CountablelUncountable Nouns
GrammarReference l--
Thereisa tomatoin the fridge. Therearetwo/sometomatoesin the bag. Thereissomebreadon the table. Therearetwo loavesof breadin the trolley. lsthereanycoffeein the cupboard? There aren'tany bananas left. ]
Readthe examples aboveand fill in. 1 We usea withsingular countable nouns. 2 We use som ny with countableand uncountable nouns.
What'son the list? =
e e e e E =
e e e e e e e a a
Objectives/Targets: talkingaboutfoodand utensils; ordering food Vocabulary: foodcontainers; utensils Language focus nouns,(a/an, Grommar: CountablelUncountable someandany) Language inuse: CanI havea loafof breadanda jarof jam,please?; burgerand l'd likea chicken somechips,please? Howmuchisit?That's f2.20. Listening: two peopletalking a dialogue between aboutwhatthereisfor breakfast Skills involved: inferring Reading: two peopleabout a dialogue between whatthereisfor breakfast g Ski !Isinvolved : note-takin (pairwork,information gap Speaking: shopping activity) Everyday English: orderingfood Pronunciation: the/e/sound Writing:a shopping listfor a barbecue vocabulary lTorust introducing/practising relatedto food itemsand containers 1 a. o Focusthe Ss' attentionon the pictures illustratingthe exercise.Point to and presentthe food containers by sayingthe words.Do somequickchoral appropriate to repetition, if necessary and/orindividual practise pronunciation. . Readthe instructions and explainthe task. Allow the Ss sometime to completethe phrases. Checkthe5s'answers. Extension Askthe 5sto nameotherfood/drinkitemsthat canbe usedwiththesamecontaineryquantifiers. cup: teo; cotton: e.g.jar: biscuits;piece:bread,cheese; juice; packet: orange bottle:water,lemonode, spoghetti; milfrglass:watetrmilk;tin:tuna.
vocabulary 2 |FoA;t introducingand practising relatedto kitchenutensils o Pointto and presentthe itemsillustrating the Do somequickchoraland/orindividual exercise. pronunciation. repetition, if necessary to practise . Readthroughthe instructions the andexplain the task.Allowthe Sssometimeto complete Checkthe Ss'answers. sentences. Game Readthe instructions andexplain the rules.Dividethe pairVteams. a classinto 51 says food/drinkrelated word. 52 continues by sayinga word that startswith the last letterof hiVherpartner'sword. Eachcorrect with the mostpoints itemwinsa point.Thepair/team wrns. 3 Focust identifyingthe /e/ sound . Readthroughthe instructions the andexplain task. . Playthe cassettdCD" pausingfor the Ss to Checkthe repeat,chorally and/orindividually. Ss'pronunciation. t=-=-----l
lFocus)l presentingand practisingcountable/ uncountablenouns .
in the table and focusthe Readthe sentences Ss' attentionon the words in bold. Elicitthe useof a in the followingway.Pointto and say: a tomato. Howmanytomatoes?(One)Canwesay two tomatoes?(Yes)So,o is usedbeforecountable nouns.Followthe sameprocedurewith some/ any. Havethe Sscompletethe rules. DrillyourSs. e.g. T mushroom Sl: amushroom T cola 52: somecola T lemonade 53: somelemonadeetc Referthe 5s to the GrammarReferenceat the backof their booksfor further details.
andexplain b. Asktwo Ssto actout the example the task.The Ss,in pairs,ask and answer. help.Ask Circulate and provideanynecessary somepairsof 5sto reportbackto the class.' Suggested AnswerKey A: CanI havea barof chocolate ondo bottleof cola, please? B: Yes, certainly. Hereyou are. etc
II f---I
5 Foeust practising some/any thetask.TheSs a. Readthe instructions andexplain readsilently andfillin someor any.Checkthe5s' answers. Then,the Ss act out the completed shortexchanges. b. Go throughthe instructions and explainthe task.Dividethe Ssinto pairsand askthemto use the promptsand the exchanges from Ex.5a, in orderto act out similarexchanges. Circulate and provideanynecessary help.Ask somepairsof 5sto reportbackto the class. Suggested AnswerKey A: lam thereanylemonade left? B: No,sorrythereisn'tany.Butthereissomeapplejuice ifyouwontit. getsomepizza. A: l'msohungry.Let's B: Oh,I don'twantanypizzabut I wouldn'tminda clubsandwich. |Focust orderingfood 6 a. o Pointto andpresent the currency in the box. . Readthe rubricandexplain thetask. . Playthe casette/CD,twice if necessary. The Sslistenandcomplete thetask.Checkthe 5s' answers. AnswerKey 1 fostfood restauront 2 restourant b. TheSs,in pairs,act out similardialogues, using the promptsandthe exchanges fromEx.6a asa model.Circulate help. andprovideanynecessary Asksomepairsof 5sto reportbackto the class. Suggested AnswerKey A: l'd likea veggieburgeranda glassof orongejuice, please? B: Ok"anythingelse? A: No,thanks. Howmuchisit? B: Thaftt 1.80. A: Areyoureadyto order, sir? B: Yes, I'd liketheprowncurryandrice,please. A: Very well,sir.Whotwouldyou liketo drink? please. B: A bottleofmineralwate4 7a .
lTocust settingthe scenebeforelistening Havea classdiscussion aboutwhattheyusually havefor breakfast andwho doesthe shopping.
Ss'own answers b. lFocust listeningto a dialoguebetweena couple . Readthe instructions the task. andexolain
Playthe cassette/CD, twiceif necessary. The Sslistenand answerthe questions. Check Ss'answers.
Suggested AnswerKey Theyarein theirkitchen.
It ismorning.
c. lTdus t makinga shoppinglist b-J LTheSsreadthedialogue andwritetheshopping list.Checkthe Ss'answers. AnswerKey jam,sugar eggs, 8 lTocus>l preparinga shoppinglist,information gap activity
Readthe instructions and the examole and exolain Llthe task.TheSs,in pairs,usethe promptsandthe example asa modelto actout similar exchanges and recordthem. Circulateand provideany necessary l-Lhelp.Asksomepairsof 5sto reportbackto theclass. Ss'own answers
Note:The5scanbringtheirown tapeswith them and havetheirdialogues recorded. Lateron they ;a canlistento theirdialoques andcheckthemselves. :
9 lFoaus list t makinga shopping .
Askthe Ssto usetheirown ideasandproduce a shopping listorallyin class. . The Ss write the shoppinglist as written homework. Display theirwork. pieces Note:TheSsfiletheircorrected of writingin (See thei Language Portfolio. introduction forfurther explanation.)
1 Dividethe classinto two groups,A and B. Promptthe studentsto finishyour sentences. Awardpointsfor eachcorrectanswer. e.g. T l'd likea loafof... Sl Teom A: Bread! T Correct. OnepointforteamA. etc go 2 Ask the Ss to to two or three different supermarkets and preparea list of some food/drinkitemsthey useon a dailybasis(e.9. milKcola,biscuits, etc,,) and how muchtheycost. Tellthemthat the itemshaveto beof the same brand.Then,the Ssreportbackto the classas to which supermarket sellswhich item more cheaply.
E * L-'
: r- -l --. r-1 .-, r-1 .-,
't -.
sentences. 3 We usesomein affirmative andnegative 4 We useanyin interrogative sentences.
Listening& Reading 7
Readand fill in someor any.Then,act out the shortdialogues.
Listento Simonand Paula.Whereare they?Whattime of the dayis it?
1 A: l'm there1) anyorangejuice left? B: No,sorrythereisn't2) any.Butthere's 3) someCokeif youwant it.
l'm starving. Simon:What'sfor breakfast? somecereal. Paula: Well,there's Havewe got anyeggs? Simon:Cereal? Paula: No, sorry.Do you want a sliceof
2 A: l'm so hungry.Let'sget 4) somefish a n dch i p s. B: Oh,I don'twant5) anyfishandchips, but I wouldn'tminda pizza.
bread? thejam? Simon:OK.Where's but Paula:Erm,we haven'tgot any we'vegot somebutter. Simon:Great!Bread andbutterfor breakfast. lsthe coffeeready? Paula: Yes,hereyouare. please? Simon: Canyoupassmethe sugar, Simon. Paula: We haven'tgot any.Sorry, l'm goingto the supermarket. Simon: Paula, we need! Makea listof everything
b. Now,talk with youi friend. . lemonade/apple juice o pizzalclub sandwich =
4 4
a. Whatdo you usuallyhavefor Who doesthe shoppingin breakfast? your house?
shoppinglist c. Readand makePaula's for Simon.
f 1.50= onepoundfifty(pence) â&#x201A;Ź1.05= ofleeurofive(cents)
Which Listento two shortdialogues. in dialoguetakesplacein a restaurant?, a fastfood restaurant?
6 '
-"t I
- i {. -j 4
ten (cents) $2.10 = two dollars
-{ {
1 A: l'd like a chickenburgerand some chips,please. B: OK,anything else? A. No,thanks. Howmuchis it? B: That'sf2.20.
juice/f1.80 veggieburger/orange prawncurry/rice/mineral water
cereal jam cheese apples
B: Havewegot anyeggs? or A: Yes,wehave. No,wehoven't.Canyougetsome,please?
with your b . Act out similardialogues partner. o
Portfolio:StudentA: Tick(/) the itemsyou have got and cross(X)the onesyou want StudentB to get from the supermarket. StudentB:AskStudentA what you needto yourdialogue. buy.Record eg9s bread m ilk sugar butter
2 A. Areyoureadyto order,sir? omelette anda B: Yes,l'd likethecheese please. salad, A: Verywell sir.What wouldyou liketo d r i nk? B: A glassof cola,please.
Wri+t 9
for Portfolio:Youarehavinga barbecue your friends.Makeyourshoppinglist.
Preporingfood 1 a. 1 2 3 4 5 6
to the pictures. Matchthe sentences thenmashthem. Boilthe potatoes, Washthe steak,thengrill it. thengrateit. Cut the cheese, thenfry them. Chopthe peppers, Add the egg,thenmix it with the flour. Peelthe onion,thensliceit.
tr l'
. 3 ,,,/
b . Now,talk with your friend. WhatdoI dowiththepotatoes? B: Youshouldboilthemfirstandthenmash them.
MuchlMany/Alot of
'* 4F
4 rhere;; di ;i meatin the pie. lstheremuchricein the packet? How muchcheese do we need?A lot./Notmuch., . Therearea lot of tomatoesin the salad. . Therearen'tmanyonionson the pizza. How manybiscuits areleft?A lot./Notmany. , 2
Readthe examplesaboveand complete the sentences. sentences. 1 We usea lot of in affirmative 2 We use much in negative/interrogative nouns. sentences beforeuncountable 3 We use many in negative/interrogative sentences beforecountablenouns.
Readand correct. much ft? 1 lsthere 2 We nee for the sauce. ts do you need? ,3 How 4 esin the fridge need? 5 tablesleft 6 Therearen't
Usethe keybelowto talk with your friend. ** A lot *** Notm uch/m anv A bi t*
Fccf& VegctsblsSTilW l-
2 kilos 5 large I tin 5 medium 2large 3 medium 2 tablespoons 4 tablespoons 2 teaspoons 1 teaspoon
beef tomatoes mushrooms potatoes onlons carrot.s butter flour salt pepper
I. .'I
How A: Let's makeBeefandVegetable Stewtodoy. muchbeefdoweneed? B: Quitea lot.Weneedtwo kilos. Howmuchbutterdoweneed? Justo bit.Weonlyneedtwotoblespoons.
t L J--
I -l-
:il {
.!, {
-{ .-
=l =
Objectives/Targets: talkingaboutfood preparation; givingadvice aboutcooking Vocabulary: fooc, wordsrelatedto preparing following cooking instructions Language focus Grommar: much/many/a lot of Languoge inuse:What do I do with the potatoes? Youshouldboilthemfirstandthenmashthem.; Stewtoday.How Let'smakeBeefandVegetable muchbeefdo we need?Quitea lot.We need two kilos.; Youshouldn't boileggsstraightfrom the fridge. to preparing or Listening: related shortexchanges ordering food lsinvolved : Iistening for specifi c information Skil (choosing the rightpicture) Reading:an articlewith adviceabout cooking Skills involved: readingfor specificinformation Speaking:givingadviceabout the correctway of cooking(monologue)
Readthe instructions andexplain the task.TheSs read and correctthe mistakes.Checkthe Ss' answerS. I j
=l =
vocabulary Focdt introducing/practising instructions relatedto followingcooking 1 a. . Focusthe Ss' attention'on the pictures the illustratingthe exercise.PresenVElicit actionsshown in the pictures.Do some quickchoraland/orindividual repetition, if necessary for itscorrectpronunciation. . Readthe rubricandexplain the task.Allow the Ss sometime to completethe task. Checkthe Ss'answers.
a e e e E
e e
in the affirmative, of the sentence (affrrmative), interrogative form? etc.So, negotiveor a lot of is usedin affirmativesentences beforeboth nouns.Follow the countableand uncountable sameprocedure with much/many.Havethe Ss complete the rules. . DrillyourSs.Saythe itemsof food/drink. The 5s add how much/howmany. Suggested prompts: beef,tomatoes,mushrooms, onions, carrots, butterflouti salt,pepper e.g. T Flour Sl: Howmuchflour? T Potatoes 52: Howmanypotatoes? etc . Referthe Ssto the Grammar at the Reference backof theirbooksfor furtherdetails.
andthe examples b. Gothroughthe instructions andexplain thetask.TheSsaskandansweras in the example.Circulateand provideany necessary help.Asksomepairsof Ssto report backto theclass.
Readthe examples and the keyand explainthe task.The5swork in pairs,usingthe keyandthe examples as a model,and completethe task. help.Ask Circulateand provideany necessary somepairsof 5sto reportbackto the class. Suggested AnswerKey A: Howmuchflourdoweneed? B: Justa bit.Weonlyneedfourtablespoons. doweneed? A: Howmanymushrooms B: Quitea lot.Weneeda wholetin.etc A: Howmonytomatoes doweneed? B: A lot.Weneedfivelargetomatoes. A: Howmonypotatoes doweneed? etc B: Alot.Weneedfivemediumpotatoes.
Suggested Key Answer A: WhatdoI dowiththeegg? B: Youshouldadditfirstandthenmixit withtheflour A: WhatdoI dowiththecheese? B: Youshouldcutit firstondthengrateit. k WhatdoI dowiththepeppers? B: Youshouldchopthemfirstandthenfrythem.etc much/many and practising lFocus>l presenting anda lot of . Read in thetableandfocustheSs' thesentences attentiononthewordsin bold.Elicitthe useof a lot of in the followingway.Pointto it andsay:a negative in theaffirmative, lotofmeat.lsthesentence ls it beforean or intenogotiveform?(affirmotive) Alot noun?(uncountable) uncountable orcountable
a. lFocust predictingtext content . Focusthe Ss' attentionon the articleon page53.Askthemto readthetitleandthe the question. andanswer introduction . Playthe cassette/CD, The twiceif necessary. Sslisten,followin their booksand check theiranswers. Answer Key tipsfromthreeleadingchefs. Thearticlegivescooking ]=------------b. ll-ocus>l readingan articlecontaining adviceaboutcooking . Readthe instructions the task. andexplain the Allowthe 5s sometime to complete ohrases. ChecktheSs'answers. . Ask individual Ssto useany threeof the phrases Then,individual to makesentences. Ssreadout fromthetext. introducingand practicingObject
a. .
in thetableandfocus Readthesentences the5s'attentionon thewordsin bold-Elicit the useof objectpronounsafterverbs. the Allowthe Sssometimeto complete Then,checktheiranswers objectpronouns. the andinviting bygivingsomeexamples yoursentences. to complete class Hey, everyone! e.g. T(pointing to him/herself): Lookat.... Class:me! DrillyourSs. e.g. T I Sl: me
8 Focust givingadviceaboutcooking Readthe rubricand explainthe task. Explainthe useof shouldand shouldn'tto giveadvice.Allow the Ss some time to read the text again and underlinethe chefs' advice.Ask individualSs to reportbackto the class.
AnswerKey Suggested Youshouldn'tput salton themeatbeforeyougrill it. Youshouldalwoysturn themeatoverhalf waythrough to grilltheotherside. etc
g lTocust food . .
listeningto short exchangesrelatedto
Readthe instructions and explainthe task. The Ss twice if necessary. Playthe cassette/CD, listenand comoletethe task. Checkthe Ss' answer5.
Tapescript 1 A: So.. . whatelsedoweneedforthefishpie?Potatoes? gotquitea lotofpotatoes.lthinkwe needsome B: No,we've though. eggs, A: No,wedont.There aresomeeggsin thefridge,butthere aren'tanyonions. B: OK,getsomeonions,then. 2 A: B: A: B:
BurgerandchipsandaCoke,pleose. That's fifty,please. twopounds Areyousure? Twofifty? Yes, madam.The burger's onepoundtwentyfive,thechips qrcseventy fiftypence.ThotS fivepenceandtheCoke's twopoundsfifty.
andexplainthe task.Allow b. Readthe instructions the Ss sometime to readthe text againand comoletethe task.Checkthe Ss'answers. and exolainthe task.Allow Readthe instructions the Sssometime to completethe task.Checkthe Ss'answers. AnswerKey 2 Lookot him!Hecancookreallywell! 3 Wearehavinglunch.Joinus. 4 Sheneedsa tinopener.Giveit to her. 5 Gowith them.Theyarejustleaving.
yourSsto the recipe 1 Refer texton page52.Divide to writea similar into them the Ss oairsandask Ask imaginary delicary. recipefor a realor an to the somepairsof Ssto presenttheirrecipes ctass.
I _l ll
r.,l lL-J
l, ll-'l L
l-_ L
]-_ L.n L-
L^. L,L,_
T Mary 52: her etc at the Referthe 5sto the GrammarReference backof their booksfor furtherdetails.
KenLees,headchefatTornado turnthe meatoverhalfwaythrough rt t0in Cambridge, says:"l'm amazed to grillthe otherside." '-LC ,-Y at howmanypeoplehavedifficulty boilingan egg!Thesecretis never NigelThomas worksasa chefat to boil eggs straightfrom the zsL'Etoilein Cardiff. Hereare Nigel's fridge,they're sureto crack." tips:"Whenyou peelonions,hold Doyoueverwonderwhyyour themunderrunning water.Thatway ls you Sandy runs yourself Carter her own eggscrackwhenyoutryto boil cansave a lot of tears! inthewestendof London. Forperfectmashed potatoes, them?Doyoureyeswater restaurant always go "We got mashthemwhenthey're hot!" whenyoupeelonions? Well, Here'swhatshe's to say: We hope our experts'advice thisweekin ourWhat's servea lotof meatat the restaurant, is useful! Let us know! Next Cooking? section,three so I can giveyou this advice:You put zo shouldn't salt on meat before week: How to saye time in the leading chefssharetheir secretswithyou. yougrillit - addthesaltlater.Always kitchen.
-,-= ,t
F, Readthe title of the articleandthe introduction. Whatdo youthinkthe text is about?Listenand readto check.
1 Chrisand Alex are makingdinner.Go andhelpChrisandAlex. Theyaremakingdinner. Goandhelpthem. 2 Lookat BenlBencancookreally well! 3 Sueand I ar ehaving lunch. JoinSueand me. 4 Mary needsa tin opener.Givethe tin openerto Mary. 5 GowithJoeand Bill.Joeand Billareiust leaving.
b. Readthe text againandmatch.Then,use anythreephrases to makesentences.
1 2 3 4 5 6
4 =
e9gs my eyes snare
a b c d e f
run 9rve SAVE
Rewritethe sentences by replacing the wordsin boldwith subjecVobject pronouns.
my secre$ advice time cracK water my own restaurant
Explorin gGramma r
2 ObjectPronouns?
Readthe articleagainand underline the chefs'advice.Then,tell the classaboutthe correcVincorrect way of cooking. Youshouldn't boileggsstraightfromthefridge.
i Gary i He
is lookingfor is lookingfor
+ OBJECT Paul. h i m.
the list. 5 a. Readthe tableandcomplete l-me you- you h e - h i m i t-i t you- you she- her we - us they- them
b. Readthe text and underline all the objectpronouns. Then,circle.
-ra -
1 2 3 4
the m ( lin e3) it ( l i ne21 ) them (line27) them (line30)
Listening 9 f, / Listenand choosethe correctpicture.
A 2
cf l
Howmuchisthe burger?
fioP 1at15 s.250 Bfl Afl c 53
9 1
First,boilthewaterand... Next,put the cookedpastain a ... Then,mixtheeggsand... Finally,put somegratedcheeseover the pastaand...
Wryr{nk Abbreviations
When we write the ingrredients of a dish, we usually use short forms (abbreviations). You can furd the abbreviations in you dictionary.
a. Lookat the pictureand readthe nameof the recipe. Whatdo you think you needto makethis recipe?
- " * d . - *- **o m
1.C 2Kg 3 tbsp 4 tsp 5g 6 m in
finally, next, frrst.
Centigrade degree kilogram tablespoon teaspoon gram/gramme minute
potatoeswith 1) Next,mixthe insideof the pepper' the cheese,yogurt, butter,salt and potato the ifr.n, put th; ti*tut" backinside skin. Ingredients 4 potatoes 1 cupgratedcheese 4 tbspYogurt 2 tbsPbutter saltandPePPer
with fresh can servethe stuffed potatoes
L_ L_
/{ ' T
q * Prep.Time: lsminutes t hour15minutes " lo[rcngTime:
in Lookup the abbreviations yourdictionaryandwrite their full forms.
in the right orderto complete b. Putthe instructions the recipe. Readthe recipeagain and
lr-l al
FEscusE & Write
Whataboutyou?Askand answer. dish? 1 What'syourfavourite 2 Whatarethe ingredients? 3 Howdo youmakeit? Portfolio:Writethe recipefor yourfavouritedish.Include: . ingredients o instructions
.+ - ^l- . ^arlr -. each cut ready' hour. When the potatoes are and put it in a one in half, take out the inside
r' 5-
- _4
i: _,J
What'sin it? _.4'|
-l _./ --t -J
-J -t
writinga recipe Objectives/Targets: dish Writing:a recipefor theirfavourite g, organising ideasinto Skills involved: sequencin paragraphs
lFocLr-t predicting content 1 a. Askthe Ssto lookat the pictureandthe title formthe ingredients of the recipe.Brainstorm needed to makeit.
IFocus>lwritingthe recipefor their favourite dish . Referyour Ssto the recipeon page54. Ask your Ss to usesomeof their ideasand the recipeas a modeland producea similartext abouttheirfavourite dish,in theirnotebooks. . TheSswritethe recipeof theirfavouritedish aswrittenhomework. pieces of writingin Note:TheSsfiletheircorrected thei LonguagePortfolio.(Seeintroductionfor further explanation)
tFdus>l sequencing b. Readthe instructions and explainthe task. the task. Allowthe Sssometimeto complete Checkthe Ss'answers. of 2 ReadtheStudyTipboxandelicitthe meaning thewordsin bold.Exolain to theSsthatwe use to showthe stepswe themwhenwe writerecipes follow.Then,the Ssreadthe recipeandcomplete the missing words.ChecktheSs'answers.
recipeand 1 Encourage the Ssto createan unusual giveit a name.Then,askeachstudentto tellthe classabouttheirrecioe. Youneed d la Charlie. e.g. Thisiso recipeforchicken peanuts andapples!Firstyou ... etc. a chicken,
box.Point Focus theSs'attentionon the StudySkills of a outthatwhenwe arewritingtheingredients recipe, we usually do notwritethewholewords,but theshortforms(abbreviations).
dictionary IFocuit identifyingabbreviations, work -.t
-i J
-] .J
Go throughthe rubricand explainthe task.Are the Ssfamiliarwith anyof thoseabbreviations? and completethe The Ss use their dictionaries task.Checkthe Ss'answers. Focdt generatingideas,personalisation Go throughthe rubricand explainthe task.The Ss,in pairs,askand answerabouttheirfavourite dish. Ss'ownonswers
=i r.l
J 4
Curricular Cuts
Maths Objectives/Iargets: learning aboutcalories Vocabulary: consolidation Reading: a textaboutcalories Skills involved: readingfor specificpurposes; identifying information 1 lFocusDl readingfor specificinformation Readthrough the instructions and elicit any unknownvocabulary. Allowthe 5s sometime to completethe task. Circulateand provideany necessary help.Checkthe Ss'answers. AnswerKey A colorieis theunitby whichwecounttheamountof in ourfood. energy get We fot whenweeatmorethanourbodyactuolly needs.(Whenwegetmoreenergythanweneed,our bodystarts tostoreawayenergy in theformof fat.) Extension questions AskyourSscomprehension aboutthetext. e.g. T Whydoesourbodyneedfood? S1:Forenergy! T Whatiso wellbalonced diet? youexactly 52: A dietthatgives theamountofcalories youneed!
Suggested AnswerKey Breokfast Breakfastcereal 200C Milk | 50c Lunch Fish Greensalad lcecreom Dinner Chicken Rice Cola Totol:
100c 270C 200c 210c 135 C 1,445C
Photocopythe blank caloriechart and meal planneron page55 for eachstudent.Askthem to fill it in with the food itemsthey conSume daily,andaddupthe calories.
Additional Materials Word Perfect6, p. 118 GrammarCheck,Exs1-7,p.126
2 lFocust problem solving activity Go throughthe instructions and the chartwith yourSsand explainthe task.Pointout to the 5s that they shouldnot exceedthe 1.500 calories threshold. TheSsreadagainsilently andfill in the provide chart.Circulate necessary help. and any Askindividual 5sto reportbackto the class.
i L-
.-,_ L-,tL-
t-. *--'
Readand answer:What is a calorie?Why do we get fat?
I canonlyeat 1, 500 caloriesa day.
t t t t lt lt t t lt t r t ! rl 4
We measure the energy in food in terms of calories. The body needs food for energy, so that
we are able to moye, grow and think
properly. A well-balanced diet is one that gives the right amount of calories as well as the right amount
of nutrients. The
body stores the
energy it does not use in the form of fat. In -/
simple terms: if you eat more than your body needs, you get fat!
Lookat the caloriechartbelow.Write down breakfast,lunchand dinnerfor Louise.
fries French Bre;[Eit cereal
milkshake Ch"coiate
I z)v
Changing h.
Listento the songand check your answers.
Weather/Seosons/Mo nths 1a. 1 2
3 4
Readand match.
Theweatheris alwayschanging It remindsme of my feelings.
It'swet andit'sraininq Itissnowino andit's freezing cold. lt'swindyandit'squite chilly. lt'ssunnyandit's boiling h o t.
Whenthe sun is shining,way up high I feel so huppy,I couldfly! When the wind is blowingall about l'm angryand I screamand shout! When it's rainingand the sky is grey l'm sadand blue; I cry all day! Whenthunderstorms arecrashingoutside l'm scaredand there'snowhereto hide!
b. Whichseasonis it? Look and say.Use;outumn, summer,spring,winter. 1 2
But when it's snowingand everything's white Thenmy life is magicand bright!
lt'swetandit''s like thatinoutumn.
Whichmonthsgo with which in Britain?Are the seasons seasons the samein your country?
June,December, July,January, April, September, March,October, November, May,February, August
Thisspeaker feelssadandupseton rainydays. Thisspeaker feelsangryon windydays. feelsstressed Thisspeaker on snowydays. Thisspeaker feelshappyandrelaxed on sunnydays.
Speaker 1 Speaker 2
1 June, JulyandAugust ore summer months.
Listenand match.
Talkwith yourfriend.
a. Youaregoingto heara songabouthow someone feelsin all typesof weather.In pairs,discuss:
1 2 3 4
1 Whattypeof musicdo you think the song is? (Rock, pop,etc.) classical, 2 Do you expectthe singerto b ea ma no r a w o ma n ? 3 What are somewords you expectto hear?
Speaker 3 4 Speaker
What'syourfavourite Why? season? What'sthe weatherliketoday? Howdoesthiskindof weathermakeyoufeel? lsthe weathertypicalfor thistimeof year?
Lookat the pictures and answerthe questions. Then,listenand readandcheckyouranswers. 1 Wheredo youthinkthe manis? 2 Wheredo youthinkhe isfrom?
^ t-
= I -1
1 -1
,l -{
-{ =
1 =
1 4 --{ -J
vocabulary IFoalrsE introducing/practising relatedto the seasons, monthsandthe weatherconditions 1 a. . Pointto and oresentthe differentweather conditions. Do somechoraland/orindividual repetition,if necessary, to practisecorrect pronunciation. o Readthroughthe rubricand explainthe task.Allowthe Sssometimeto readand comolete thetask.Checkthe 5s'answers. Do some !. o Readthe namesof the seasons. quickchoraland/orindividual repetition, if pronunciation. necessary, to practise . Aska studentto readout the examole and explainthe task.The 5s usethe prompts andthe example as a modeland produce similar PresenVElicit the seasons. sentences. Readthe instructions andexolain the task. Allowthe Sssometime to complete the task.ChecktheSs'answers.
AnswerKey 2 lt'ssnowing andit'sfreezing cold.ltilikethatin winter 3 lt'swindyandit'squitechilly.'slikethatinspring. 4 lt'ssunny'slikethatinsummer andit'sboiling
= -J
-l-J .--l .-a -l
namethe summelautumn,winterand spring monthsin Britain.Are the seasons the samein their country?lf not, askthem to tell you.
Objectives/Ia rgets:taIking aboutthe weather; expressing feelings Vocabulary: weatherconditions; months seasons; Language focus Language inuse;ltb wet anditt raining. lt'slikethat in autumn.;June,Julyand Augustare summer monthsin Britain.; Theweatherisalways changing. It reminds meof myfeelings. Listening: feelsin all a songaboutthewaysomeone typesof weather;peopleand their feelingsabout differenttypesof weather Skil lsinvolved : Iistening for speci fic information (multiple matching) Reading: London a cartoon stripabouta manvisiting gapfilling Skills involved: Speaking:talking abouttheweatherandthe'way (pairwork) it affectsour feelings Writing:a postcard to a friendwhileon holiday
--l .J
c Presentthe months.Say: Whatmonthis it7 Answer:(February). Write the month on the board.The Ss repeatafter you. Then,say: Whichmonthisafter(Februa9? Elicitthe answer and write the monthon the board.The Ss repeatafter you. Followthe sameprocedure andpresent the restof the months. . Readthe instructions and explainthe task. Explain to the Ssthat seasons varyaccording to the locationof a countrv.Ask the Ss to
AnswerKey Septembef OctoberandNovember areautumnmonths. Decembetr JanuaryandFebruary arewintermonths. March,AprilandMayorespringmonths.
I a. lfocuiFl predictingbeforelistening Go throughthe instructions and the questions and makesurethat everyone understands the task.TheSs,in pairs, talkabouttheirexpectations of the song.AsksomeSsto reportbackto the class.lf youwish,you canturn the taskinto a class discussion. r--l
b. ll-ocus> | listeningfor specificinformation, veriffing information Playthe cassette/CD, twice if necessary. The Ss listenand checktheir answers. T--1
>l listening 4 lFocus to peopletalkingabout how certaintypesof weathermakethem feel . Readthe instructions andstatements A-D.Ask 5s to guesswhichwordsthey are goingto hearfor eachstatement. . Playthe cassette/CD, twiceif necessary. TheSs listen and match the statementsto the speakers. Checkthe Ss'answers. Tapescript Speaker1:Well,actuollylhote snow!ldonT likecoldweatherat all . .. ln fact,snowydaysjustmakemefeelreallystressed. Speaker2: Summelsmy fovouritetimeof year- Ijust lovethesun! OnsunnydaysI feelsohappyand relaxed. Speakerj: I knowsomepeoplefeelreollyrelaxedwhen it'sroining, but to be honest,I don't like the rain at all! I alwaysfeelsad and upseton rainydays. Speaker4: Whenthe windsblowing,it seemsto put everyone in a bad mood,includingme!I usuallyfeelreollyangryon windydays.
5 Focust talkingaboutweatherandseasons TheSs,in pairs, talkabouttheirfavourite season and weather.Circulate and provideanynecessary help. Asksomepairsof Ssto reportbackto theclass. Ss'own answers 6 Focus>l predicting, scanning TheSslookat the picturesand guesswherethe man is andwherehe is from. Playthe cassette/CD. The Ss listen,follow in their booksand checktheir answers.(Heis in London.HeisfromtheUSA.)
L-.-J L.
tFdGtl Readthe instructions and explainthe task.Allow the Sssometimeto readthroughthe cartoonand fill in the gaps.Checkthe Ss'answers. tFdust writing a postcardto a friendwhile on holiday . RefertheSsto the postcard in Ex.7. Brainstorm for ideasas to where touristsgo in the Ss' town/city,what the weatheris like, etc. Ask individual 5sto usesomeof theirideasandthe postcard a similar text, asa modelandproduce abouttheirhometown/city,orallyin class. o TheSswritethe postcard to a friendaswritten homework. Display theirwork. pieces Note:TheSsfiletheircorrected of writingin (See thei LanguogePortfolio. lntroduaionfor further explanation.)
Writethe namesof the monthsandseasons on the board, omitting certain letters. Ask individual Ssto cometo the front of the class andcomplete the words. Bringa recording of theFourSeosons byA. Vivaldi to class.Playshortextracts andaskindividual 5s to tell you whichseasontheythink the extract represents. Which is their favourite?Playthe wholetrack.TheSslistenanddrawa oictureof the season in question.
t__ L_l | =.r I
Oh,nol What's happening? Thatwind is reallystrong!
t__ |
I It sureisa greatdayfor ! sightseeing
sir.Butbe Of course, careful- it'sgetting quitewindy.
Goodmorning, sir. Lovely weather we'rehaving!
Thisis reallynice!They're playing song! myfavourite
It'sOK.Thewindis blowingreallyhardl
Nowwhat?lt'spouring d o wn !l' m g o in gh o me ! E n o u gis h enoughl
Later thatevening...
It'sdifficultto fromone changes minuteto the next!
Readthe cartoon,look at the Hereis one of Tommy'spostcards. picturesand completeit. H i ,B o b ! London's great!l,m enjoying allthe sights.Now, l'm in 1) Hydepark.The2) sun i ss h i n i n a g n dth e b a n di s 3) playingoneof my favorite songs.I loveLondon! Wishyouwerehere Love, Tommy
t 8
Portfolio:lmagineyou are a tourist in your town/city. Senda postcardto a friend,tellinghim/her what you aredoingand what the weatheris like.
ln affiipn
Ii L_
td lr--
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Remembering NewWords You can remember new words more easily by putting them in categories (e.9. winter activities,surTrmer activities,etc.).
2 3 4 5 6
Vocabulary )
Seasonal activities
There'sa lot of actionin JaneBlonde's new film.Saywhat she'sdoingin eachscene. Use:snowboard, ice-skate, sled,water-ski, scubadive,windsurf climb, camp,soil,bungee , jump.
Putthe wordsin the correctorderto make sentences.
Paul/at the momenVfootball/playing/is playing Paulis b football at themoment. diving lesson/noVa relaltheylnow/having arelinlltaly/ skiing/we t sailing/on/Linda/the/is/lake? in/they/camping/are/mountains/the? noVhotel/aUstaying/am/l/a t
Readand completethe jokes.Use:look, hove,put,eat. 7
Boy: My mum ishavinga new baby. Girl: What'swrong with the old one?
1 She's ice-skating. Boy: Oh,it'sallright.I knowwhatbinside.
Boy: Oh,really? What'shisothereye called?
PresentContinuous '?
i Whatareyou doingat the moment? l'm climbingin the mountains. Heisn'tskiing.He'ssnowboarding. Are youcamping? Yes,I am./No,l'm not.
t L
Whichof thesecanwe do in winter/ summer?
@ Uan; What are you doing up my apple tree,boy? Boy: Oneof yourapplesfell downand I am puttingit backl
tr E k
Readthe examples the following sentence true fi) or false(F)?
In groups,finishyourteacher's sentences. Thegroupwith the mostsentences wins.
We usethe Present Continuous for things (True) happening at the momentof speaking
Teacher: Bequiet!I'mtryingto... Group1: l'mtryingto listento thenews.etc
l-..t 4 .-l -
ln action!
r--l 1
-. 1 \I
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L--r 1
Objectives/Ta rgets:talking abouttravel Iing and outdooractivities Vocabulary: seasonal activities Language focus Gram mar:Present Continuous Language rnuse:Sheis ice-skating.; Thisis a scene from the Aviator.Leonardo di Capriois flyingan aeroplane. Listening& Reading: a text aboutan expedition across the Antarctic lsinvolved: Skil ing, prediction Iistening brainstorm for specific information preferences Speaking: talkingabouttheirtravelling (pairwork) Writing: makinga posterof their favouritefilm ; accompanied by pictures anda shortdescription j =
Focusthe Ss'attentionon the StudySkillsbox. Readthroughit andpointout to yourSsthat it is easierto remember newwordswhenwe connectthemto images that provideus with the contextwithinwhichthey are used.Tell themthattheycouldmakea picturedictionary withthewordstheylearn.
>l introducing Present Continuous IFocus lc
Readthe sentences in the table.Ask Ss to translatethem. Referthe Ss to the wordsin bold.Whendo we usethepresentcontinuous? Elicitthe answerby havingthe Sssayif the rule givenisTrueof False. Usethe sentences in the tableand elicitthe form of the presentcontinuous(tobe+ main verb-ing)aswell asthe shortanswers. Present thespelling rulesbywritingtheverbsswimand hove,andtheir-ingformson the board. Drillyour5s. e.g. T James/play Sl: James isplaying. play T LucyandDanny/not 52: LucyandDannyaren'tplaying.etc Referthe Ssto the Grammor Reference at the backof theirbooksfor furtherdetails. Readthe instructions andexplain the task.TheSs readsilently andputthewordsin thecorrect order to makesentences. Checkthe Ss'answers. AnswerKey 2 Theyarenothovinga divinglesson now. 3 Weareskiingin ltaly. 4 lsLindasailingonthelakeT 5 Aretheycamping inthemountains? 6 I amnotstoying atahotel.
-t 4
-44 r-
-.I{t --I{
-I_{ _-I -.I-4
f a. lTocus>l introducing/practising vocabulary relatedto seasonal activities r Pointto andoresent theactivities. Dosome quickchoraland/orindividual repetition, if necessary, for theircorrectpronunciation. . Readthroughthe rubricand explainthe task.Inviteindividual Ssto usethe prompts andthe example as a modeland produce similar sentences. AnswerKey 2 She's sailing. 7 Shes climbing. 3 She's snowboarding.I She's scubadiving. 4 She'swoter-skiing.9 She'sbungeejumping. 5 She'swindsurfing,10 SheS sledding. 6 She's comping. .
Individual whichof theabove Sstelltheclass activities canbedoneduringwhichseason.
4 Readthe instructions andexplain the task.Allow the Sssometime to readthroughthe jokesand complete the gapsusingthe givenverbs.Check the Ss'answers. Extension Dividethe classinto pairs.Askthemto usetheirown ideasand the jokesas a modeland write theirown joke.Oncetheyfinish,asksomepairsof Ssto readout theirjokesto the class. Game Readthe instructions and explainthe game.Sayan unfinished sentence andpointto eachgroupfor them gets to completethe sentences. Eachcorrectsentence onepoint.Theteamwith the mostpointswins. Suggested sentences Listen! She's ...,Look!He's...,etc.
AnswerKey summer: sailing,water-skii ng,windsurfing, scubadiving winter:ice-skating, snowbording, camping,climbing, jumping,sleddi bungee ng
L t=---r
IFocus)l warm-up,brainstorming o Focus the 5s'attentionon the pictures illustrating the text on page59. Do they knowwherethe Antarcticis?lsit in the Northor the SouthPole? Havea classdiscussion. AnswerKey TheAntarctic isin theSouthPole. .
Readthe instructions and the givenwordsand elicitany unknownvocabulary. Do somequick choraland/orindividual repetition,if necessary for correct pronunciation. The Ss, in pairs, brainstorm and makea fistof wordsrelatedto the Antarctic.Tell them they can' use a dictionary, if theywish.Allowthe Sssometime to completethe task.Circulate and provideany necessary help.Ask somepairsof Ssto report backto the clas.
AnswerKey glacier:a hugechunkof icesubmerged in thesea. ice:frozenwater sled:anobjectusedfortravelling oversnow tempercture: a measure of howcoldor hotsomething ,5
lTo-cLrst readingfor gist r Readthe title aloudandaskthe Ssif theycan guesswho these peopleare. Havea class discussion. The Ss read the first paragraph silently andchecktheiranswers. Suggested AnswerKey qretvvoteachers Bancroft andArnesen whoarepreporing tocrossthe Antarctic. Z a. lFocus Fl readingan articleaboutan expedition Readthe instructions andexolain the task.Allow the Sssometime to readthroughthe text and completethe task. Circulateand provideany necessary help.Checkthe 5s'answers. Then,Ss readout fromthe text. Variation youcanplaythe cassette/CD Alternatively, whilethe Ss listenin orderto comolete the task. b. Askthe Ssto readthe text againsilentlyand decideuponan activitythat soundsexciting to them.The5s drawa pictureof the activityin question, accompanied by a smalldescription. Display theirwork. e.g.This is'sAnnandLivpullingtheir | 13-kilo sledsbehindthem.'s AnnandLivmakingtheir glacieretc waydowntheShackleton
8 lFocust talkingabouttravelling Go throughthe instructions and the questions and explainthe task.The Ss,in pairs,ask and answer. Circulate and provideanynecessary help. Asksomepairsof 5sto reportbackto the class.
= L
Ss'ownonswers Extension Explainto the Ss that you are going to conducta survey.Ask individualSs to report their partners' answers backto the class.Writethem on the board. Onceall the Sshavereported,helpthemto readthe noteson the boardand generalise about the most popularanswers. e.g. Mostof uswouldliketogoona safari.etc
9 lFocus t makinga poster .
Readthe exampleand explainthe task.Ask the Ssto makea oosterof scenesfrom their favourite film. o TheSsmaketheposteraswrittenhomework. Display theirwork. piecesof writingin Note:TheSsfiletheircorrected (See thei Longuage Portfolio. Introduction for fufther explanation.)
1 Write the activitiespresentedin Ex. 1 on the board, with some letters missing.Invite individual Ssto cometo the front of the class the words. andcomplete questionsabout Ask your Ss comprehension the text on page59. e.g.Whatisthenameof the glacier the two teachersare going to climb? Whataretheypullingbehindthem?etc lf your 5s haveInternetaccess, they can visit the BancroftArnesenExpedition websiteand find out more about them. The site is \ /w l/
L-\ l-
L\_ Ia,_ l\ lt-
Listening& Reading ls it in the Northor the South Whereis the Antarctic? with the Pole?Herearesomewordsconnected Canyou think of Antarctic:glocier, ice,sled,temperature. you your if like. dictionaries, anymore?Use
1 Wouldyou liketo go on a journey? Where? special 2 Do you like travellingin Why? winteror summer? 3 Whatactivities do youlike theyear? doingthroughout
Who are Readthe title andthe firstparagraph. BancroftandArnesen? Listenand readthe text and matchthe numbersto what they referto. 1 45 a 2 2,40 3 113 4 5,000
a b c d
kilos age mile s calories
b. Readthe articleagain and choosean activity.Draw a pictureof it and presentit to the class. at'sAnnandLivholdingtheircountries'flags theSouthPole.
F-l Frr
H t I
ln turns,interviewoneanother.
t 9
Portfolio:Makea posterwith scenes fromyourfavourite films.Includepicturesand shortdescriptions. fromthe'Aviator'. Thisisa scene isflyingan Leonardo diCaprio aeroplane.
both of them'TheYare holding October 2000 their countries'flags(Ann' USA Ann Bancroft, 45, and Liv andLiv,NorwaY). February2001 AnnandLivaremakingtheirwaY down the ShackletonGlacier historyand are an examPleto womenandmeneverYwhere' November 2000 the SYgYn AnnandLivareclimbing soon! TheYareskiing,andat the Station Glacier. sametime Pullingtheir 113-kilo sledsbehindtheml lt is summel but the with 24 hoursof daYlight, is-28"C' temperature average are getting readY to leave December2000 The Sir thetr Vcfrlu-rdobY helicoPter' Ann andLivarecontinuing WilkinsshiPis waitingto journeYto the SouthPole'TheY Hubert takethemhomeat last,to familY are keePingfit and strong oY and friends.After monthson the a daY! eating5,000calories iceandsnowthe two womenare 2001 JanuarY looking forward to a homeSouth the at are Ann and Liv mealanda hot bath! cooked for daY very a lt's Proud Pole.
Vocabulary ) 1
a. Lookat the picturesabove.Which i t e m s ... 1 2 3 4
areperfectfor the beach? canyouwearto the office? canyouwearon yourfeet? canyouwearin coldweather?
b. Talkwith your friend.
. I thinkthey'regreat!| . t'r notsosure. o They're justnot me. justmystyle.l. They're . They'rereallytrendy.| . l'm not that keen. A: Whatdoyouthinkoftheseshorts? justnotme. B: Mmm,welll'mnotsosure.They're
Pronunciation ) /g/ and/rl/ 2
,, Listenand repeat. Gary'sbuyingshoesandGail'slookingat the gloves.
EverydayEnglish Buyingclothes
Read,chooseandcompletethe dialogue. Then,listenandcheckyouranswe6.
Assistont:1)cz Yes,l'm lookingfor something Customer: to go with thesetrousers. Assistant:2)a. Theyarehalfprice,too. Customer:They'rereallytrendy.Do you have onein darkblue? Assistant:3)o. customer:OK.Haveyougot it in medium? Assistant:4)r. Customer:OK.Wherearethechanging rooms? Assistant:s)e. Customer: Thanks. i B C D E
Well,we havesomeniceshirtsin' overthere' TheY're CanI helPYou,sir? l'm afraidnot.Butthereisa lightblueone' Yes,here'sone.Wouldyouliketo try it on?
b. Portfolio:In pairs,act out similar dialogues and recordthem.
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talkingaboutclothes;buying 1 Objectives/Targets: clothes i andcomparing Vocabulary: itemsoi clothing focus : Language . GrammarComparatives inuse:What do youthinkof these , Language , shorts? just Mmm,welll'm not sosure.They're not me.;CanI helpyou,sir?Yes,l'm lookingfor : something to go with thesetrousers.; Comeand lookat theseboots.Whichonesdo youlike? . Well,theseonesarecheape;butthoseare : nicer. Listening & Reading: a womanhelpingherfriend whatclothes trip : decide to packfor a camping Skill sinvolved : Iistening/reading for specific information Everyday English: buyingclothes Speaking: expressing opinionaboutclothing items; (pairwork;situational buyingclothes dialogue) i
a. lTocus>'l buyingclothes o Readthe instructions the task. andexolain Go through phrasesA-E and elicit any unknownvocabulary. Allow the 5s some timeto readandcomplete the dialogue. . Playthe cassette/CD, twiceif necessary. The Sslisten,followin their booksand check their answers. Individual Ss readout the dialogue. b. The Ss,in pairs,act out similardialogues and recordthem.Circulate andprovide anynecessary help.Asksomepairsof Ssto reportbackto the ctass. Note:TheSscanbringtheirown tapeswith them and havetheirdialogues recorded. Lateron, they canlistento theirdialogues andcheckthemselves.
ftl' T"1g1 ::1ll l':1T.:::i-"_ ": the
vocabulary Focus>l introducing/practising relatedto clothesand accessories 1 a. . Focusthe 5s' attentionon the pictures illustratingthe exercise.Point to and presentthe itemsof clothing. Do some quickchoraland/orindividual reoetitionif necessary to practise correctpronunciation. . Readthe instructions and explainthe task. AllowtheSssometimeto complete thetask. ChecktheSs'answers. Suggested AnswerKey I a,b,o,r 2 g,kp,q,s,u 3 f,km ,n 4 c,d,e,f, h,j, k I,m,n,p,s,t, tt b. Go throughthe usefullanguageand eliciV present any unknown words. Read the example with the helpof a student.TheSs,in pairs, talkabouttheclothes in Ex.1a.Circulate andprovide help.Checkthe Ss' anynecessary answers. Ss'ownanswers
-4 -4
-l -ra
- .l
2 FAus t identifiinganddistinguishing between and lgl lil sounds 'the . Readthe instructions thetask. andexplain . Playthe cassette/CD, pausin! for the Ss to Individual repeat,chorallyand/orindividually. Ssreadthe sentence.
4 a. lTilus t predicting,settingthe scene . Readthe instructions and invite5sto guess the clothesthat Ashleyis packing. . Playthe cassette/CD. TheSslisten,followin theirbooksandchecktheiranswers. Ss'ownanswers b. [FocuiF| identiffing cohesivedevises . Readthe rubricand explainto the Ssthat theseare conversation markersand we use them to expressagreement,uncertaintyor disagreement. Allow the Ss sometime to the task.Checkthe 5s'answers. complete AnswerKey Agree:Definitely Notsure:lsuppose;Hmm,l'm notsure Disagree:You mustbekidding;Ugh!Nochance. o Then,the Ss usethe phraseVsentences to respondto the givenstatements. Suggested AnswerKey 2 You're right./Absolutely. 3 Nowoy!/Absolutely not! 4 Hmm,l'mnotsure"/ldon't reallyknow. 5 DefinitelylYou'reright. s lrocuiFl talking about what clothesto take on a trip Readthe instructions andexplain the task.TheSs, in pairs,usethe dialogues from Ex.4 as a model, act out similar dialoguesand record them. Circulateand provideany necessary help. Ask somepairsof Ssto reportbackto the class. Note:TheSscanbringtheirown tapeswith them and recordtheirdialogues. Lateron theycanlisten to the dialogues andcheckthemselves. lToaus>l introducingand practising Comparatives $ o Say,thenwriteon the board:Thisdressissmaller thanthatone. TheSsrepeatafteryou.Now,say and write: Thetieismoreexpensive thontheshirt! Underline thewordsin bold.Elicitthe formand useof comparatives. Present the spellingrules (big,heavy)and the irregularadjectives (good bod). . Dr illyour S s. ' e.g. T beautiful Sl: morebeautiful T dark 52: darker etc
Referthe Ssto the GrammarReference at the backof theirbooksfor furtherdetails. Readthroughthe instructions and explainthe task. Allow the Ss some time to read the dialogue and underlinethe comparisons. Checkthe Ss'answers. Readtheexample andexplain thetask.TheSsread silently andcomplete the sentences. Checkthe Ss' answers.
TheSs,in pairs,usethe promptsandthe example asa modelto actout similarexchanges. Allowthe Sssometime to complete the task.Circulate and provideany necessary help.Ask somepairsof Ss to reportbackto the class. AnswerKey 2 A: Comeandlookatthejackets.Which onedoyou Iike? B: Well,thisoneismorefashionable, butthatoneis wormer, 3 A: Comeandlookat the swimsuits. Whichonedo youlike? B: Well,thisoneis morecolourful, but that oneis better.
4 A: Comeondlookat thecoats.Whichonedoyou Iike? B: Well,thisoneis moremodern,but that oneis longer L
Writesomeof the namesof the clothingitems presentedin Ex. 1 on the board,omitting certainletters.Dividethe classinto two teams, A and B. Ask individual Ssfrom eachteamto cometo the frontof the classandcomplete the missingletters.Eachcorrectattemptgets one point.Theteamwith the mostpointswins. Ss prepare a list with different occasions (camping trip,wedding,business meeting,etc.) and the appropriateclothes.They compare their listsand producea Whatto wearon what occasion'guide.
= .I
=4 .T
Listening& Reading
a. Ashleyis packingfor hercampingtrip. 5 Whatkindof clothesdo youthinksheis packing?Listenand checkyour answers.
Portfolio:Youwant to go on a trip (business, cruise,etc).Askyour friendto helpyou pack the rightclothes. UseEx.4ato helpyou. yourdialogues. Record
a jacket? Kate: Definitely. Ashley: ShallI take my denimjacket? Kate: Oh, Ashley! You need something than a denimjacket! Ashley: But I want to look nice.ShallI take
-a -.1-a -l _a _J
-4,--t -1
Kate: Hi,Ashley. Whatareyoudoing? Ashley:Oh, hi Kate. l'm packingfor my campingtrip. I can'tdecidewhat to take. Kate: Youneedto takeyourwalkingboots. Ashley:Yeah,I know.They're horrible, though - they'rejustnot me. Kate: Well,as longas they'recomfortable. That'swhat matters. Ashley:I suppose.DoyouthinkI shouldtake
my newdress? Kate: Youmustbe kidding!A tracksuitisa i d e ath , o u g hA . n d mu ch comfortable. Ashley:Ugh! No chance!| hatetracksuits! Kate: Are you reallysureyou want to go Ashley? camping, Ashley: Hmm,l'm not sure.l'm beginning to havesecond thoughts. partythisweekend. Kate: And it'sPete's Ashley:A party?Oh,I canwearmynewdress! with the b. Completethe categories wordsin boldfromthe dialogue. Then, chooseand respondto the sentences.
You'reright. I don'treallyknow. Noway! Absolutely.' Letmethinkaboutit.,Absolutely not!
-,-a -.t
'i"n: !i7-
--1 ---
---a I J
Grammar ) Comparisons'W GrammarReference
Studythe examples.Then, readthe dialogueand underline the comparisons.
' Thisdressissmallerthanthatone. , Thetie ismoreexpensive thantheshirt! . These sunglasses arebetterthan myoldones. Jeans areworsethan shortsin hot weather.
Readand completethe sentences. 1 Carol's skirtismoreexDensivethan (expensive) herblouse. 2 Areyourshoesbiggerthan(big)Dan's? 3 Suitsarebetterthan(good)jeansfor the office. 4 Shorts than aremorecomfortable (comfortable) tracksuits in hot weather. 5 Yourtrainers areworsethan(bad)mine.
In pairs,askandanswer.
I thinkit'sOKto spenda lot of moneyon designer clothes. You're way! right./ldon'treallyknow./No As longasclothesarecomfortable, I don'tcare! 3 Sports clothes arereallyhorrible! 4 It'simoortant to wearfashionable clothes. 5 People who looknicegetbetterjobs.
A: Comeandlookattheboots.Which onesdo you like? B: Well,theseonesarecheapeLbut thoseare nicer.
Writing @ letterwhileon hotiday)
+ryr{mh Topic Sentences
We usually begnn a paragraph with a topic sentence. This sentence tells us what the paragraph is about. The rest of the sentencesin the paragrraphgive more information, examples, etc. of the thingsmentionedin the topic sentence. Thenightlifehereis wonderful!Thereoreo lot of great restaurontsand showsto choosefrom. Youcan even takea boattripdowntheriver. 1
Put the topic sentencein the right place.
Readthe letteragainandwrite the paragraph number.
Dear Ralph, llc
a weathelclothes b sightsandactivities c whereyouarestaying for writing andreason remarks d closing (saying goodbye)
f abulous
here and we're havinqa really fanlaslic lime. The ?yramids are maqnificentcloee upl Juet oo you can enjoy eome of bhe oiqhto, l'm oendinqyou oome photoe.
Para:3 Para:2
Para:1 Para:3
Discuss& Write -__L-
Ae you can there are evenpeoVleeellinq eee in NhephoNo, eouvenirecloee to Lhe TyramidslCan you oee Darren? He'e the one drinkingCokel Walkinq around in the sun ie thiroty workl The camels are waiEin7to take Eourisf,son a l,our of the Tyramide- muchbetter EhanEaxisl
lmagineyou are on holiday.Ask and answerthe questionsbelow. 1 2 3 4
Whereareyou?Who areyou with? What areyou doing? What'sthe weatherlike? What areyou wearing?
Portfolio: Write a letter to a friend while on holiday,tellinghim/herall about it. L
wonderful day - hot and 6unny and it ien't even eummeryeL! Oelieveit, or noE,Darrenand I are walkingaroundin our T-shirts and jeane! I ouppooeiNs sEillrainin4back in Englandl Anyway,bye for now. )ee you ooon.
It onlyrainstwice a yearin Brltain. L
Laura -r-.
a b c
you go, there are shopsand Everywhere markets. We're havinggreatweatherhere,too. I'm writingto you fromsunnyCairo!
FromAugustto Aprilandfrom Mayto July!
<l -t
4 lTocdt writing a letterto a friendwhile on holiday Objectives/Iargets: writing friendly letters . Referthe Ssto the letterin Ex.1. Askthemto Writing:a letterto a friendwhileon holiday write a similarone to a friendtellinghim/her Skillsinvolved:identifyingparagraphstructure; i allabouttheirholiday, in theirnotebooks. organising ideaswithinparagraphs i . The5swritea letterto a friendwhileon holiday aswrittenhomework. Display theirwork.
-{a .-
Focusthe Ss'attentionon the StudySkillsbox. Readthrough it and explainwhat a topic sentence is.
pieces Note:TheSsfiletheircorrected of writingin thei Longuage Portfolio. (SeeIntroductionforfurther explonation.)
-.--{---t 4
trcus >] introducingTopicSentences, identifyingparagraphstructure and Readthe instructions andthe topicsentences andmatchthe explain thetask.TheSsreadsilently paragraphs. topicsentences to the corresponding Checkthe Ss'answers.
lTocus>l readingfor specificpurposes, categorising information
thetask.Allowthe Readthe instructions andexplain the letter again andmatchthe Sssometimeto read paragraph. contentto the ChecktheSs'ansvt/ers.
1t --J|
--{ I
Bringin postcards or picturesof exoticplaces. Ask the Ss to imaginethey are on an exotic holidayandto writea few linesaboutwho they arewith andwhattheyaredoing.
t generatingideas lTocrrs to discuss holidays. TheSs,in pairs,usethequestions Circulate help.Asksome andprovideanynecessary pairsof Ssto reportbackto theclass. Ss'ownanswers
-l 1
-I -t -I -{t -{ r-
CultureClip l-
I love New York Objectives/Targets: talkingaboutNewYork Listening: machines shortmessages on answering involved: listening information Skills for specific (multiple matching) Reading: an articleaboutthe cityof NewYork Ski lIsinvolved ng paragraph structure : identifyi Writing:an articleaboutwhatvisitors cando/see in theirown town/city r a. lrocusF| warmingup Havea discussion about New York.Are they familiarwith any of the landmarks on p.63? (Empire StateBuilding, Guggenheim museum, TimesSquare). What elsedo peoplecallNew York?(the city that neversleeps,the Big Apple).Whicharethe famousplacesone can visitthere? b. lFocu;t listeningto short messageson answeringmachines . Readthe instructions andexplain the task. . Playthe cassette/CD, twiceif necessary. The Ss listenand match the peopleto the places. Checkthe Ss'answers. Tapescript I Hi,it'sBarry. Well,NewYork isgreatbutit'srainingtoday. l'm standing in line getting ready to go up the Empire State Building.Callyou later.Bye! 2 David?Thisis Ruth.Whereare you? l'm at the Museumof ModernArtond I'm waitingforyou,I hopeyou'reonyourwoy. Seeyou soon.Bye! 3 Pat,Simonhere.l'm on Broadwaygettingthe tickets.They've only got ticketsfor the 9 o'clockperformance.Whatdo you want me to do? Ringmeassoonasyou con. 4 Hi, Linda, this is James.I'm sitting in Centrol Park. lt's o fabulousday,reollyhotond sunny,so I'm havinglunchin the pork. Talkto you later,Bye!
2 lFocGt predictins .
Readthe instructions andexplain the task.The Ss,in pairs,work togetherandwriteas many endings to the sentence astheycan.Asksome pairsof 5sto reportbackto the class. Playthe cassette/CD. The Ss listen to the articleandchecktheiranswers.
3 Fcust identifyingparagraphstructure Readthe instructions andexplainthe task.Allow the Sssometimeto complete the task.Checkthe Ss'answers. Explain anyunknownwords.Ssread out fromthe text.
4 lTocust oralreproduction Read the instructionsand explainthe task. Individual Sssaythreethingstheywould liketo seeor do in NewYork.
Ss'ownonswers 5 lFocus>l personalisation Askthe Ssto usethe pointsto talk aboutwhat visitorscan do in their town/city.Provideany necessary helpwith the vocabulary.
6 lTocus>l writingan articleabouttheirtown/city . Ask Ssto useideasfrom Ex.5 and the text in -Lproduce Ex.5 as a modeland a similartext aboutwhatvisitors cando/seein theirtown/city. o TheSswritethe articleas writtenhomework. .-t-Display theirwork. lh-
pieces Note:The5sfiletheircorrected of writingin thei LonguagePortfolio.(Seelntroduction for further explanation)
Bringphotographs or pictures of famouslandmarks to class. Pinthemup on the board.Dividethe class into two teams,A and B. Individual Ssfrom each team come to the front of the class,pick a landmarkand write the countryin which the landmarkis. Eachcorrectattemptgetsone point. Theteamwith the mostpointswins. I
-rAdditionalMaterials WordPerfect7, p. 119 G ra mmaCh r e c kE, x s1 -5 ,p . 1 2 7
Suggested AnswerKey Whenyou arein NewYorlqyou canvisitTimesSquare. Whenyou are in NewYork,you can takea wolk in youcanvisitthe CentrolParkWhenyouarein NewYorlg Museum museum. etc ofModernArtor theGuggenheim
rtb L--L
Listening 'l
a. What do you know about New York? What elsedo peoplecallNew York? What are someof the famousplaces you can visit there?Talkwith your friend. b. Where are they? Listenand match the peopleto the places.
1 2 3 4
Ba r r y R uth "'- '-.' Sim o n ' James
.A B C D
CentralP ark Museumof ModernA rt E mpire S tateB uildi n g Broadway
Reading In pairs,finishthe sentencein as many ways as possible.Then, listento the articleand checkyour answers.
Whenyouarein NewYork, youcan... Readthe articleand matchthe titlesto the paragraphs. Then,explainthe words/phrases in bold.
A Places to shop B Thingsto see C What you cando at night
Saythree thingsyou would liketo see/do in New York.
sr l{il"fi:irmF;:i."irn{m
ro,l"i,;; !: ,,dJ";;r";j',! ll.:y:, u | il -vL, rrs only onrv ^;-l:,0Btoo
Speaking J'
Ne wy o r k H shoppers t shopsir,-*^l'.)erlous someof the '
A\/d h ;r :,,
Whatcana visitorsee/doin your town/city?Tellthe class.Talkabout:
r vl
*i nol,i,',' Windo w shoppingl ;:::{: ":i,
. thingsto see . placesto shop . nightlife"' likeno otf,u,. _ itj t,t cal/edrheciry for nothing, t: thaii o"r'
Portfolio:Write an articleabout what d visitorscan do/seein your town/city. f Useideasfrom Ex.5 and the articlein E x.3a sa m o del.
n insdote,s,
:, ::: :,' :Ti51 W ::,,:y: :;;; :;, ::J :l ;y, J;..:ffi.: ff aJ:1 J:;T' ;,;,rr'f,Tlli j1:y"nd il;; ;;ffi,fi;::;,',"r;,,!:W:!; ;;J::,Y"'o HTffi,ff T1 l: , , n o o n - t a k e a l. il:t^"
' "vrIrrrr' tr(€P'
won't of theBtgApp/e n'tbeo,sappoinieor oouppoiniul,o't" you
Look,readand choosethe correctitem. /;\ \4)
Readand choosethe correctitem. 1
@ strawberry B apple
biscuits B yogurt (18marks)
Look,readand match. 1 2 3 4
tie : h scarf. e jacket: t raincoat: d
5 6 7 8
gloves: b swimsuit:a T-shirt: c tracksuit:g
Cw i t n
What A you doing C areyou do
We h a v e n 'gt o t . . . . . . . . . . . . . .c.h. .e e se forthe omelette. A some any C a
Ho w . . . . . . .ic . ec re a mis le f t ? mu c h B ma n y C alot
A flce
@ pasra
l' m c ra z y. . . . . . .s. p ic yf o o d . about Bof
rightnow? areyou doing
Do y o u e v e rg o . . . . . . . . ? c a mp in g B c a mp
C to camp
Lookat Sue.She A snowboarding B snowboards issnowboarding J e a n sa re . . . . . . .t.h a nt ro u s e rs . A comfortabler B comfortable morecomfortable Y o u rs h o e sa re. . . . . . .min . e. biggerthan B bigger C b ig We a re. . . . . . .a. t a lo v e lyh o t e l. A stay staying C stays
10 A re t h e re . . . . . . t. o. ma t o e sle f t ? A a lot
C much
1 1 There's........jarof jam in the fridge. a B s o me Ca n y
12 He . . . . . . .f.o o t b a lla t t h e mo me n t . A plays C areplaying
is playing (12 marks)
r-a \
Usethe words/phrasesto completethe dialogues.
Look at the picturesand completethe recipe.
**ffiFl' @
. readyto order. bottleof water . wouldyou like . the chickencurryand rice 1
-r_ _--,
A: Are you 1) readyto order, sir? B: Yes,I think l'll have2) the chickencurry and rice, please. A: Verywell,sir.What 3) wouldyou liketo dr in k? B: A 4) bottleof water, pr e a se.
. H ow m u ch . in medium . acceptvisa 2
1#el- \ - ) - .&
A'.Excuseme. Haveyou got thisskirt 5) in m edium? B: C er tainly, madam. A: 6) Ho w muchis it? B'. f25 A: Do youT) acceptVisa? B: Yes,of course.
ooli v eoi l :o%kgbeans o sal t, l.1onion PePPer o 3 canots
inthe Putthem J Then,
and thecarrots { Cnop theonions. ' I 'i}!' . ,{,jllli;,..#"itrm ,3
L11r:. *%r'
totaste' saltandPePPer (20 morks)
Listenand matchthe people to the activities.Thereis one extrasentence. (Fortapescript seep 152T) goesbungee Thisspeaker ju m p in gquiteoften. Thisspeakeris crazyabout scub adiving. Thisspeaker wantsto go sailin g . Thisspeakerlovessledding. Thissoeaker thinks windsurfingisverydifficult.
(Total= 100morks)
$*an."" talk about food and my food preferences orderfood giveadviceaboutcooking talk aboutthe weatherand how it makesme feel talk aboutactivities talk aboutclothes comparethings write recipes/letters while on holidays
.. in [ng$Fmh!
AcrosstheSurricarlum Uat-enhlrUTfftCIf 1
Readandcomplete. Wool keepsyou warm. lt is good for coats, jumpers,socks,etc. blankets,
Cotton keepsyou cooland is good for T-shirts,underwear, towels,socks,etc. Nylonstretches to ls goodfor swimsuits, tights,tracksuits, 0resses, etc. 2
Look in your wardrobe.Make a list of your woollen,cotton and nylonclothes.
1.., rr c' .t
Poetsand songwritersoften give human qualitiesto non-humanthingswhen they write. Listen to the song. Then, read and match the picturesto the actions.
Birdsarerehearsing a song, Flowers areopeningtheireyes, S p rin gis h e re ! Thesun is smilingwith joy, Butterflies are kissingthe flowers, S u mme r'hse re ! Leaves arechangingclothes, Thewind is breathingout, A u t u mn ' sh e re !
Cloudsare lookingdown, Snowflakes aredancingaroundme, Winter'shere!
Readthe songagainandillustrate the restof the actions.
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3 (sci"nce)*j
-a -f1 ,..:
Aims:identifiTing materials the reasons whyspecific purposes areusedfor particular Vocabulary: fabrics clothes; andtheirproperties
Aims:consolidating seasons andrelatedactivities; the themeof personification exploring in poetry. Vocabulary: consolidation
1 lFoius>l personification devices
-{ -, -= -a-1 -_T
MaterialWorld 1 Focust introducingvocabularyrelated to materials andtheirdifferentuses o Pointto clothesthe Sswearand presentthe wordswool,cottonandnylon.Tellthe Ssthat clothesare made from differentmaterials basedon what we needthe clothesfor. . Readthe sentences, one at a time, and eliciVexplain any unknownwords.Askthe Ss to completethe sentences with items of clothingusually madefromthismaterial.
2 Focust personalisation
= -a_ =
= -a_ = -t
-.t --
Readthe instructions the task.TheSs andexplain look in their wardrobeand makea list of the woolen,cottonand nylonclothes.Havea class discussionin the next lesson as to how appropriate the material usedfor thoseclothesis. Extension lf youwish,youor the Sscanbringin clothesmadeof differentmaterials and havethe Sstouchthem and feeltheirtexture.Havea classdiscussion asto which material ischeap,whichisfashionable, etc.
Focus the Ss'attentionon the songillustration and explainthat poetsusea varietyof devices when they write, in order to enliventheir writing. One of those devicesis giving inanimate objects, suchasthe sun,the flowers or the birds,humanqualities. . Playthe cassette/CD, twiceif necessary. The5s to listen the song.The Ss readthroughthe songand matchthe picturesto the actions. Circulateand provideany necessary help. Checkthe 5s'answers. AnswerKey Pic.I Birdsarerehearsing a song. Pic.2The leaves arechanging clothes. Pic.3Thesunissmilingwithjoy.etc .
Playthe cassette/CD again.The5s listenand singalong.
2 lTocust personalisation TheSsreadthe songagainand illustrate the rest of the actions (e.9.flowersareopeningtheireyes, butterflies orekissing theflowers, thewindisbreathing out,etc.). Circulate andprovide anynecessary help. Display theirwork. Extension lf you wish,the Ss can choosea seasonand make sentences usingthingswith humanqualities. e.g.summer Thestarfish Theboatsareswimming., aresunbathing., Themoonissmiling.etc
I .r_ { -l-
I -.l ..f_
-! t
lVloduls4 {Units 7 & S):A*l in the Past ts Seforeyau start {Frerequ*sites} Use the questionsin order to reviseand consolidate the vocabulary taught and structures in the previous module.TheSs,in pairs,askand answerthe questions. Ask somepairsof 5s to reportbackto the class.
*-oekat [U-tedute 4 Focusthe Ss' attentionon the modularpage. Readthe moduletitle and askyourSsto lookat the pagefor a minute.What do they think the moduleis about?What kind of informationdo theyexpectto find in sucha module?Focusthe Ss' attentionon pictures1-4. Usethe pictures illustrating the pagein orderto raisetheirinterest in the module.In pairs,the Ss locatethe page numbers of thevisualaids.Havea classdiscussion, usingthe visualaids,in orderto familiarise the Ss with the context of the next two units and rapport. establish AnswerKey Pic.l(p.68) T WhqtpageispictureI from? S1: lt'sfrompage68. T Whoisthiswoman? Pfeiffer. 52: lt'sMichelle T Hoveyou seenanyof herfilms?etc Pic.2(p.74) T Whatpogeis picture2 from?Whois thisperson? Whatdoeshe do?Wouldyou liketo be likehim? Why?etc Pic.3(p.69) T Whatpageispicture3 from?Whotelsecanyousee on thispage?Dothesecreatures stillexisttoday?etc Pic.4(p.81) T Whatpageispicture,4 fromTWhotcanyouseein this picture? Doyou thinkthiswomanis happy?Why? Where isshe?Whodoyouthinktheotherpeoplein theliftare?etc
AnswerKey Aquiz(Unit7o,p.68) T Where canyoufinda quiz? Sl: Onpoge68. T Whatisthequizabout? people. 52: Factsaboutfamous T Whatelsecanyouseeonpages68-69? people. 53: Pictures of famous people? T Whoorethese etc Magazineanicles(Unit7a,p. 69- Unit7b,p. 71Unit8b,p.78) Whatarethesearticles obout?Where wouldyouexpect to find eochoneTWhichone do you find the most interesting? etc Apoem(Unit7b,p.70) Where canyoufinda poemTWhowrotethisone?Do you likepoetry?Haveyougot a favourite poetTWhat elsecanyouseeonpoge70?etc p.73) Awebpage(Unit7c, Whotis a webpage?Whatis thiswebpageabout? Wherecan you find one?Haveyou got o favourite website? Whotisit obout?etc A biography(Unit7d,p.74) Wherecanyou findo biography? Whois thisperson? Whyis he fomous? Haveyou everreada biography? Whowasit obout?etc A storyUnit Sc,pp. 80,82) Wherecan you find stories?Whatare thesestories pages? obout?Whatelsecanyouseeonthese etc p.83) Anextractfroma novel(Literature Corner, Whatis a novel?Whatis thisnoveloboutTDoyoulike readingbooks? Whichisyourfavouritebook?Canyou describe thebookcover? etc
;b -
i,-.L L-
-L b--L
-\ L--5.
,r. b_--L
Go throughthe learnhowto sectionwith your Ss and point out that by the end of the nexttwo units,they will know how to performall of the listedtasks.(Foran analyticalbreakdownof the aims and the objectivesof the module,see Programmep.lX.)
FisrdtfueErftrtend Fa$â&#x201A;Ź nu;vlfuer{s} fas
Readthe phrasesand explainto the 5s what they mean.Then,go throughthe moduleand find the pagenumbers. corresponding Havea classdiscussion.
-\, L.L
Beforeyou start a a a a
What starsignareyou? What'syourfavouritedish?What'sin it? What areyou wearingtoday? What'sthe weatherliketodav? Look at Module 4
Fi ndth e p a g enumbers 1-4. for pictures
f> Findthe unitandpagenumber(s) for o
a qu r z
magazine articles
E t]
a poem a weDpage . a bio g r a p h y . a story
o 'a
o an extractfrom a novel
practise ... o
do a projectabout... a
l n t h i s M o d u l eyo u w i l l ...
a a
l i s t e n ,r e a dan d ta l k a b o u t ... . whenfamouspeople wereborn o theearlyyears of famouspeople . S e a nC o n n e ry a
-.a -4
a a a a
a a 4
a a a a a
givedatesof birth talk aboutlifein the past talk aboutthe weekend talk aboutpasthabits describe extinctanrmals narrateevents showsurprise
fromyourcountry a famousperson a n e x t in c a t n ima l a n a n imasl t a r
wr it e . . . o
the Cheyenne and Inuitwaysof life two friendstalkingabouttheirfavourite soapopera thingspeopleusedto do when -theywerechildren a museumof NaturalHistorv extinctanimals famousanimalstars a womannarratingherexperience le a r n ho w to ...
PastSimple o rd in anl u mb e rs prepositions of time time words
a a
an entryfor a websiteaboutyourpast habits a biography a story
ra) \_-/
TheBirthof YouthCulture! CurricularCuts(History):
BtackBeautY Cotner: Literature
,t i,
1"",,:Tom Hanks' second(2"d)Oscarwas for his role in @ ForrestCump
B Philadelphia
What'sthe title of the third (3d)HarryPotterbook? A TheOrderof thePhoenix ofAzkaban @ rne Prisoner The sixth (6th)StarWars film is of the Sith A ThePhantomMenace @ Revenge
.,i?: Which was the twentieth (20s)JamesBondfilm? A TomorrowNeverDies @ OieAnotherDay Who was the thirty-fifth (35t') Presidentof the United States? B BillClinton @ ;onn F. Kennedy
Look at the box and talk with your partner. 17 0 0 ) s e v e n t e ehnu n d re d , 1994 > nineteenninety-four 2 0 0 3 ) t wo t h o u s a n da n d t h ree A: Whenwereyouborn? H B: lwasbornonthetenth(10'h)ofDecembe" 11990. Howaboutvou?
'', : ,,,1,,,,', :,. ,:::t: ,,r,.:,,t: i ,/tt
,,t:' Ordinolnumbers I n p a i r s,do th e q u i za b o ve .
,'ritt:::':. *
Rowan I A tkinson was born in
, "wntgl_ : ;.-..-^ \^,:r:^ bruce vvilils , was 00rn .
n sP rr-|rg' -
wereyou? r *rt at homefrtt nigfri.Where her. wasn't at home when I called ' She
l,,li lia Ju
Rnhor t <
I 'w a sb or nin
" t9lytl -..
tn"n, rra.n them to Formthe questions. the answers. How/your/at work/firstday? Howwasyourfirstdayat work? the party/last nighVgood? newsunglasses? Howmuch/your you/late/why? year? GaryandSue/where/last
Camgron DIAZWAS I bornin ;
.'u ttt'
o 19'hMarch . 28'nOctober . 6'nJanuary. 30'hAugust 1A: WhenwasRowanAtkinsonborn? B: I thinkhe wasbornon thesixthof January.
PastSimple (to be)
Whenwerethesefamouspeopleborn? to the dates. Readand matchthe seasons T h e n t, a l kw i th yo u rfri e n d .
A Yes,it was great! B We wereat schooluntil fiveo'clock.
T h e ywe rein S p a in . D Theywere f 50. E I t wa s n ' tb a d .
\ t-
j}e]_ iF
Objectives/Targets: askingfor and giving biographical information Vocabulary:dates;ordinals Languagefocus Grammar: PastSimple(tobe) Languogein use;Whenwas RowanAtkinson born?| think he was born on the sixthof January.; Whenwereyou born?| was born on the tenth (10'h) of December 1990. Listening:informationabout SeanConnery SkiIIs involved : Iistening fo r specific information (identifyingcorrecVi ncorrectinformation) Reading:aboutthe livesof threefamouspeople Skills involved: intensivereading Speaking: askingfor and givingbiographical information(monologue) Writing: aboutsomeonefamousfrom their
A: WhenwasBruceWillis born? B: I thinkhe wasbornon thenineteenthof March. A: WhenwasComeronDiazborn? B: lthinkshewasbornon thethirtiethofAugust. Go through the languagebox and presenthow we saythe yearsin English.The 5s, in pairs,use the languagein the box and the exampleas a model and comoletethe task. Circulateand provideany necessary help.Ask somepairsof Ss to reoortbackto the class. Ss'ownanswers
country(project) l-rf
l--Jt l*
'-J ,J
â&#x201A;Ź .-J
AnswerKey A: WhenwasJulia Roberts born? B: I thinkshewasbornon thetwenty-eighth of October.
j J --j
)l introducing and practising ordinal lFocus numbers o Present the ordinalnumbers.Say.then write: isthefirst(1")monthof theyearUnderline January thewordsin bold.TheSsrepeatafteryou.Aska the word frsf.Write:onestudentto translate frrst.Explain Follow thatfrstisanordinalnumber. the sameprocedure to presentup lo tvvelfth. Then,writesomerandomordinalnumbers and elicittheuseof -th at theendof thenumber to formordinal numbers. . DrillyourSs. e.g. T five S1:fifth T fifry-eight 52: ftfty-eighth etc . Go throughthe instructions and explainthe task.TheSs,in pairs,do the quiz.Checkthe Ss'answers. Note:TheRevenge of theSithis the 6'hfilm in the series, according to the orderin whichtheywere filmed. Z Read the instructions andtheexample andexplain
the task.The Ss, in pairs,work togetherand completethe task. Circulateand provideany necessary help.Ask somepairsof Ssto report backto the class.
the PastSimple Foctdt introducing/practising of the verb to be .
. .
Say,then write on the board:Iom at homenow.l wasat homelastnight. underlinethe words in bold. Ask the Ss to tell the classwhat the differencebetweenthe two sentencesis. Once you haveestablished that the firstone refersto the present,whilethe secondone refersto the past, explainthat was is the past form of the verb fo be. NoW point to a studentand ask a questionyou will probablyreceivea negative answer for: e.g.Wereyou ot the (footballmatch) lastnightTElicitthe answer:No,lwasn't.Repeat the same procedureto introduce all the personsof the negative, interrogativeand short answer forms of the past tense of the verb to be. Referthe Ss to the GrammorReference at the backof their booksfor furtherdetails. Read the instructionsand explainthe task. Allow the Sssometime to write the ouestions in their notebooks,then match them to the answers.Circulateand provideany necessary help.Checkthe Ss'answers.
AnswerKey 2 Wasthepartylastnightgood? 3 Howmuchwereyournewsunglasses? 4 Whywereyou lateT 5 WherewereGary andSuelostyear?
4 E-.-
a. [FAus>l predicting o The5s lookat the titleandtry to guess what the articleis about.
Playthe cassette/CD. TheSslisten,followin theirbooksandchecktheiranswers.
b. lFoA;t readinginformationaboutthree famouspeople TheSsreadthe textssilently andcomplete the task.Checkthe Ss'answers. 6 |Focustl notetaking,oralreproduction Readthe instructions andexplainthe task.Allow the Sssometime to readthroughthe textsand keepnotes.Askindividual Ssto reportbackto the clas5.
AnswerKey 1 MichellePfeifferwas born on 2f of April, 1958in SantaAno,California.Beforeshebecamean octress sheusedto workot thecheckoutat a supermarket. 2
NelsonMandelowasborn on 186of July,1918in a smallvillagein Africa.Whenhe wasa youngboyhe wasa shepherd.
3 J.K.Rowlingwasbornon 31"of July,1965in Bristol, England.Beforeshebecameo famouswrifter she usedto workason Englishteacherin Portugal.
Focusthe Ss'attentionon the StudySkillsbox. Explainthat underliningkey words is very importantwhenwe arelistening to a text, in orderto understand whichinformation we are lookingfor.
7 a. lTocus >l predictingbeforelistening Askthe Ssif theyknowwho the actoris (Sean Connery) and if theyknowanyfilmshe starred in (DrNo,Finding Forrester,The Rocketc.). b. Fcus t listeningfor specificpurposes, identifyingcorrecVincorrect information Readthe instructions andexplainthe task. the Gothrough sentences andexplain/elicit anyunknownwords. Allowthe Sssometimeto readthroughthe sentences anykeywords. andunderline Playthe cassette/CD, twiceif necessary. The 5slistenandtickthe correctbox.Checkthe 5s'answers.
Tapescript SeanConneryis oneof the mostfomousoctorsof our time - he's not just o star;he'sa superstar.Seonwas born in Scotlandon 25'h August,| 930.Heleftschoolot an earlyogeond whenhe wos sixteen, hejoined theNavy.Heleft theNovythreeyearsloterand workedqt a numberofjobs,includingworkingasa bricklayerqndo milkman! Asa youngman,Seanwasinterested in bodybuilding, a pastime thqt eventuallystartedhisactingcareer.But it wasn'tuntil 1958, when Seanwas 28 years old, that he had his big break in a film calledAnother Time, AnotherPlace. It wasanotherfouryearsbeforeSeanshotto fameas the now worldfamousJomesBond,Secret Agent007in the firstBondfilm, Dr No.Therest,as theysay,ishistory! Todoy,after over 40 yearsin show business, SeanConnery's octingcareetis os strongos evet;and thoughhe hos modesome excellentfilms sincehis 007 days,most people would agreethat SeanConnerywasthebestBondever!
8 |FoA;t writinga paragraph abouta famous person .
ReferyourSsto the factfiles on page69. Ask them to write a similartext aboutsomeone famousfromtheircountry. o TheSswrite a factfileabouta famousperson fromtheircountryaswrittenhomework. Display theirwork. Note:TheSsfiletheircorrected pieces of writingin thei Longuage Portfolio.(See Introduction forfurther explonation)
1 Askthe Ss,in pairsor smallgroups, to prepare quizzes similarto the one in Ex.1. The5sthen swapquizzes anddo them. 2 lf your Ss haveInternetaccess, they can visit the followingsiteswherethey canfind more informationand picturesabout the famous people.Youcanassignthis as homework and during the next lesson,they presentthe information to the restof the class. pfeiffer. MichellePfeiffer:www michelle. net NelsonMandela: le/mandela. htmI SeanConnery:w\^/
> t-
tl ---Ja
I i i i "ln i i i4 ichellePfeifferwas born on 29'April, 1958 i in SantaAna, California.OI1eolher,iebqas
were no schoolsin his village- the wonderfulfields of Africa were his school. When he was about five years old lge was a shepherd. Sometimes there wasn'tlpeughlggd and he was often hungry. But Mandelawas a good student and very clever. He moved to the city when he was a young man and studied law at universitv.From 1994 to 1999,he was the presidentof SouthAfrica.
a younggirlwason thecheckoutat a supermarket.Y In 1978she@nd it wasthen : that hera$fq-caregfstafted.Herfirstbig partwas i oppositeMaxruellCaulfield in Grease//.Amongher i many films since then are DangerousMinds, : BatmanRetumsand WhatLiesBeneath.She is i now one of America'ssweethearts and one of the : mostbeautifulwomen in Hollywood!
Rowling wasbornin Bristol, Englandon I V \J . | \. 31oJuly,1965.Shewasverypopularat schoolandwasglassleaderin herfin Later on, sheworkedas an Englishteacherin Portugal. One day, she was in a cat6in Scotlandwith her )rulg-qqggEgLShe hadan ideafor a storyabout a youngboycalledHarryPotter.SoonHarryPotter was one of the Tostfamous wizardsin the world! 3
ffie**E*g -J
5 F, Lookat the title. What informationdo you expectto find in this article?Listen and readand checkyouranswers.
b. Readthe text againandwrite A, B or C. -l
1 Thispersonwasbornin an A English-speaking country. jobs person's 2 Oneof this first A wasat a supermarket. person 3 This wasa shepherd. B B 4 Thispersonstudiedat university. person 5 This wasa teacher C in anothercountry.
-J 4
b. Listenandtick (/) the correctbox.Then,correct the incorrectsentences.
wasbornin SeanConnery lreland on 25'hAugust. Hejoinedthe Navywhenhe wassixteen. Heworkedasa bricklaver and a postman. pastime Hisfavourite was bodybuilding. SeanConnery was21 years oldwhenhe hadhisfirst bigsuccess. HisfirstBondfilmwasDrNo.
Spmmkem6 -J
5 4
a. Do you knowwho this actoris?Doyou know anyof hisfilms?
Keepnoteson eachpersonunderthe followingheadings:nome,doteof birth,place job(s).Then,talk aboutthem. of birth,first
tr T
Listening for detailed understanding Read the sentences(I-6) and r:nderlinekey words. Iristen for the informationthat will help you decide if the sentencesare conect (Yes) or incorrect (No).
Yes No
Portfolio:Writea paragraph aboutsomeone famousfrom your country.Include:name, date of birth, placeof birth, first job(s),first big success.
& wesW
Animalstheyhunted: deel 1) buffalo Wheretheylived: 2) tepees Whatthey usedfor hunting: 3) bowsandarrows usedfor travelling:
Iha EheyBnng a a a
Animalstheyhunted:polarbears, caribou, 4) seals, whales Wherethey lived:tents,5) igloos Whatthey usedfor hunting:6) spears Whatthey usedfor travelling:sleds, kayaks
a. Readandcomplete the poem.
-L-_ 5-
4l a. Which of the following words are: a) animals?b) weapons?c) homes?Use your dictionaries,if necessary. buffolo,spears,tepees,igloos,bowsand orrows,seals b. Readand completethe information about the Cheyenneand the Inuit with the words from Ex.1a.Then,talk about their way of life. TheCheyenne hunteddeerandbuffalo.They lived in ....They used...forhunting.
*epE*n$*g *nmm*nmrmr r PastSimple (Affirmotive)t? GrammarReference
Theywalkedin the parkyesterday. : Hestudiedfor a testlastnight. Westoppedforthe nightin a smallhotet.
Readthe the following sentencetrue (I) or false(F)? We usePastSimpleto talk aboutthingsthat happenedin the past.(True)
Cftegenne Dream
(dream)of you lastnight Grandfather, | 1) dreamed We 2) walked(walk)togetherin the earlymorning And 3) watched(watch)the deerand Thebuffalogreetthe day, Yourbow and arrowseverready, We 4) cried(cry)our hunter'scall Downbythe river; thewomen5) laughed(laugh) As they6) gathered(gather)wood Whilenearby, the children 7) played(play)theirfavouritegames. Day8) turned(turn)into night- youngmen 9) danced(dance)by the light Of the campfire to the steadyrhythmof the drums. Therewas a smileon my face When| 10)closed(close)my eyes Butthismorningall isgone:justyourmemory To keepthe momentsalive.
Now, closeyour eyesand listento the poem. Then,draw a scenefrom it and presentit to the class. These aretheCheyenne women.They are gatheringwood.
PastSimple lToctrs}l introducing/practising (Affirmative)
...1 I
-.{ I
-1 -J
the Inuittraditional wayof life Language focus Grammar: PastSimple;Prepositions of Time Languagein use;The Indians Cheyenne hunted deerandbuffalo.;We didn'talwayslivein an igloo. 1 Listening & Reading: an Inuittalkingaboutlifein j the old days Skills involved; listening/reading for specific i j (multiple information matching) talkingaboutthe Inuitwayof life ! Speaking: j (monologue) the ldl, /t/ andhdlsounds in Past i Pronunciation: Simple verbs I \-***_*_
introducing/practising vocabulary the life of the Cheyenne andthe Inuit a. .
Readthe title of the unit and focusthe Ss' attentionon the pictures.Brainstorm for wordsconnected with the Cheyenne and the lnuit. Duringthis stage,presentthe wordsin Ex.1a (dearbuffalo,tepee,etc.). . Readthe instructions and exolainthe task. Allow the 5s sometime to completethe task.Checkthe Ss'answers.
AnswerKey a buffalo,seals b spears, bowsandorrows
c tepees, igloos
-l J
!. o Referthe 5s to the shorttextsaboutthe Cheyenneand the Inuit. Read the instructions and explainthe task.The Ss read silentlyand completethe missing information. Checkthe Ss'answers. . The Ss use the informationand the example asa modelto talkaboutthe Inuit andthe Cheyenne Indians. AnswerKey TheCheyenne hunteddearand buffalo.Theylivedin tepees. Theyusedbowsand orrowsfor huntingand horses fortravelling. Thelnuithuntedpolarbearsandcaribou.Theylivedin tentsandigloos.They usedspears forhuntingandsleds ond kayalcsfor traveIling.
Readthe sentences in the table.Ask Ss to translate them.Focusthe Ss'attentionon the words in bold. Ask: Whendid theywolkin the park?Elicitthe answer:Yesterdoy. Tellthe Ss that thistenseis calledthe pastsimple.Read the ruleand invitethe 5sto tell you if it'strue or false. . Referthe Ssto the sentences againand elicit the useof -ed at the end of the verbto form the past simple.Elicitthe spellingrulesby writing the verbswalk,studyand stop in the presentandpastformson the board. . Referthe Ssto the Grammar Reference at the backof theirbooksfor furtherdetails. a. Readthe instructions and explainthe task. Allow the Sssometime to readthroughthe poemandfill in the gapswith the appropriate verbform.Checkthe 5s'answers. S. o Readthe instructions andthe example and explainthe task. . Playthe cassette/CD. The5sclosetheireyes andlistento the poem. . The 5s draw a scene from the poem accompanied by a brief descriptionand presentit to the class. Suggested AnswerKey Theseare Cheyenne children.Theyore playingtheir games. favourite These areyoungCheyenne men.Theyaredancingby thelightof thefire.etc
D g
Fr-. qr|. |FocLts t identifyingand distinguishing betweenthe ldl,lU andldl soundsin Past Simple-ed endings . Readthroughthe instructions and explainthe task.Pointout that the pronunciation of verbs in the past simple variesaccordingto the lettersthat preceedthe -ed ending. Present the rules. . Playthe cassette/CD, twice if necessary. TheSs listenand completethe table.Checkthe Ss' answers. -cu;t introducing and practising Prepositions Fo of Time .
6 a.
in say, then write on the board: On Sunday, March,at theweekend. Underlinethe words in bold.Ask the Ssto tell the classhow we use on, in, at (on: days,dates,in: months,seasons, years,at: timesof the day,weekend,etc.). Drillyour5s. e.g. T Soturday S1:OnSoturday T summer 52: lnthesummer etc Referthe Ssto the GrammarReference at the backof theirbooksfor furtherdetails. Readthe instructions and explainthe task. Allowthe Sssometime to readthe sentences and underlinethe correctpreposition. Check the Ss'answers. fFocust predicting Gothroughthe rubricwith yourSsandexplain the task.TheSsbrainstorm and makea listof anywordsthat cometo mind.Tellthem they canusetheirdictionaries, if theywish.
Ss'ownanswers b. lFocus>-l listeningto an lnuit about his life in the past . .
and explain Go through the instructions the task. Play the cassette/CD. The Ss listen and complete the task.Checkthe Ss'answers.
Extension questions. AskyourSscomprehension e.g. Where didthelnuitusuallylive? Whotmaterialdidtheyuseto moketheirtents? Whatisa kayok?etc
a.I-a ,L-
8 lTorus>l note taking, reportingto the class Readthe instructions and exolainthe task.Allow .lthe Sssometime to readthroughthe articleand keep notes.Circulateand provideany necessary l>J help.Askindividual Ssto reportbackto the class. ,lSuggested AnswerKey name is My Matulikandl wasbornin 1901in an igloo, Duringthesummerwelivedin a tentmadefromsealor corribouskin,but during the winter we also lived in snowhouses calledigloos.My fatherwasa verygood hunterandtaughtmehowto huntwhenI wasa child. l'll alwaysremember thecelebrations weusedto hove, in whichwe dancedto the rhythmof the drumsand everybodyplayedgames My grandparents told us stories aboutthepostondwe wouldlistento themfor hoursandhours.
Askthe Ssto find moreinformation aboutthe life in pairs of the Inuitandthe Cheyenne andprepare, or smallgroups,posterswith picturesand a short description.lf they haveInternetaccess, they can visitthe followingsites: (ForInuitpictures andcarvings.) (For pictu pictures ne. res Theycanalsoclick connected with the Cheyenne. on the pictures word.) and listento the Cheyenne
L-lr b-b L--L
7 lFocust readingfor specificpurposes Go throughthe instructions and explainthe task. Allow the 5s sometime to readthroughthe teK andchoosethe correctitem.Checkthe 5s'answers.
Variation Alternatively,you can ask your 5s to check their answerswith their partnersfirst.Then,asksomepairs of Ssto reportbackto the class.
Eaâ&#x201A;Źimcr ffrmmaxme W /ed/ -1
Listenand tick (/).
listened ,/ plaved { decided stopped
Matulik is an Inuit. These are his memories of the old way of life. He wrote them in 1975,when he was 74: lwasborn l)........... 1901, in o snowhouse- or igloo.We didn'talwayslivein anigloo,asmostpeoplethink! Sometimes, in winteLmaybe- butonlyfor a short while.ln summerwelivedin o tentmadefromseal orcaribouskin. Myfatherwasa verygoodhunterandshowed me 2) ........... to hunt.Wehuntedseals,whales, polarbears andcoribou.We 3) ........... ourkayak(o typeof canoe) orourdogsandsleds. Weonlykilled animalswhenweneededto, and we usedevery part of the animal4) ........... food,clothes,tents, andspears! My bestmemoriesare the celebrations we usedto have therewasalwaysdrummingand dancingandgamesfor childrenondgrown-ups! Ourgrandporents told us wonderful stories, and we5) ........... to themforhours.ltwasmyfavourite time! whitemanarrived, lifechanged 6) ...........the foreverfor thelnuit.f m tellingyou thewayit was, so that peoplecan seehow strongond caringthelnuitpeopleare.
FxpE*nEn6 Graruureffir f
PrepositionsofTime? Reference Grammar
Day,etc. On Monday,T'h )uly,Valentine's In May,the winter;1998,etc. At the weekend, 4 o'clockyesterday, etc.
r-J_ "j
Readand underlinethe correctpreposition. 1 2 3 4
'1, J _J
I wasbornavon 16'nFebruary. Wevisitedour unclelVon the weekend. Theymovedto theirnewhousein/on 1983. Heopenedhisrestaurant /at NewYear's Day Shephonedher mother in 11 o'clock yesterday.
t&stms=Emg & R**d*n6
* The lnuit do not like to be called 'Eskimos'.
a. Youaregoingto hearMatulik,an Inuit, talkingabout life in the past.What wordscometo mindwhen you think of the Inuit?Tellthe class.
Listenand choosethe sentencethat bestdescribes the Inuitway of life. A TheInuitwerecruelto animals. B TheInuitneverhadcelebrations.
TheInuitwerehappywith theirwayof life.
V 7
Readthe articleaboutthe lnuit and choose the bestword (A, B or C). 1 2 3 4 5 6
Aat A who A uses A with A listen When
in Con B which how B use used for C by listened C arelistening C B e fo r e BAnd
Portfolio:Youare Matulik.Readthe article againand keepnotesunderthe following headings. Then,tell the classaboutthe old way of life. . . . .
whenyouwereborn whereyou livedin summer/winter yourfather . yourbestmemories yourgrandparents
F--Ll It-ir
Putthe verbsin bracketsinto the PastSimple.
b Past habits and octivities 1
a. Doyou watchsoapoperason TV?Whatarethey usuallyabout?Whichis yourfavouriteone?Why? Listento two friendstalking about their favourite soap operaand answerthe questions. Joson: Didyou watch lhe Northerners lastnight? Debbie:No,I didn't.I missedit. What happened? Jason: Oh, it was reallygoodl The Mackeyswere away for the weekendand Phildecidedto havea party. Debbie: Oh, no! Letme guess.Hedestroyed the house, right? Jason: Well,not quite.He invitedall hisfriendsfrom school,so it wasa reallynoisyparty. Debbie: I bet Mabelnextdoorwas happy,then! Jason: Shecalledthe police,as usual. Debbie: Oh,typical! whenthe police Joson: Yes,but guesswhat happened arrived !
1 2 3 4
What'sthe nameof thesoapopera? party? WherewasPhilMackey's Whodidhe invite? Wholivesnextdoorto Phil? What do you think happenedwhen the police arrived?Guess.Then,Iistenand checkyour answers.
1 A: Didyouvisit(visit)your grandmother last Sunday? B: No,I studied(study)for anexam. 2A: Didyourm umbak e (bake)a chocolate cake yesterday? B: No,shedidn' t.She (change) changed her mindandbaked(bake) anapplepieins tead. 3 A : Wheredidtheystay (stay)lastsummer? B : Theyrented(rent) a lovely cottagein the country.
L-r ,L-
L--: -r1L15.
L4 r5-
-u L
l,_ .L
Your teacherwhispersto you what you did yesterday. Draw a pictureon the board. The rest of the classtries to guesswhat you did. Teacher:(whisperswash hair) (drawsa bottleof 5l: shampoo)Whatdid I doyesterdayT 52: Didyouwashyourhoir? 5l: Yes,ldid.
Explmning Gran'rmar
t --
-J lr-i i-,
f--f l-
--J fr--L
b PastSimple(Negative/ lnterrogative) Grammar Reference
Readthe dialoguein Ex.1 againandcomplete the Sentences. I did not (didn't)walk to schoolyesterday.
Did you watchthe Yes,I did./No,I didn't. f i l ml a s tni g h t?
Why did the farmertake his cow to the vet?
}r.-l -la
l--l -L.
lt'sall in the past!
-a 4
-l d
4 -l .-JI
-l -J
-J J
Objectives/Targets: talkingabout pasthabitsand activities Vocabulary:pasthabitsand activities Languagefocus Grammar: PastSimple(Negative and Interrogative form) Language in use:Did you watch W lastweek? Yes,I did.;I usedto believetherewas a man on the moon. Listening:a dialoguebetweentwo friendstalking abouttheir favouritesoapoper'a involved: Skills listeningfor specificinformation; answeringopen-endedquestions Reading:websiteentries Skills involved: ranking Speaking:talkingabout actionsin the past(pair work)
English: talkingabouttheweekend i Everyday
ry'g'_::lr:r':ij -':''l: _
>l warmingup a. lTocus Read through theinstructions the andexplain task. Ask individualSs to report to the class about their favouritesoapoperas.Havea class discussion. b. lFocust listening to two friends talking about their favouritesoapopera .
. -l
Read the instructionsand the questions and explainthe task. Playthe cassette/CD, twice if necessary. The Ss listenand answerthe questions.Check the Ss'answers
AnswerKey 1 TheNortherners 2 ln his house(while hisporentswereaway for the weekend) 3 Allhisfriendsfrom school 4 Mabel
c. FoA;t predictins . Whatdo the Ssthinkhappened afterthe police arrived? Have a class discussion.
. -I
Tapescript Debbie:Idon't know.Tell me. lason: Well,Mabelopenedthedoora bit to lookout,but Pugsyran out intothestreet. Debbie:Sillydog!And thenwhat? Jason:Thepolicecar tried to stopond crashedinto Mobel'sfront door!Shefaintedwith shock.Sothepolicemancorriedhernextdoor! Debbie:ToPhil's? Totheparty? Joson:Yes, it wassofunny!Shestoyedthereall nightond endedup doncingandsingingwith all theothers! joking!lmissedo reallygoodepisode! Debbie:You're T--1
PastSimple Il-ocus>l introducing/practising (Negative/l nterrogative) o Readthe sentences in the table.Focus the Ss' attentionon the missingwords.Ask them to quickly readthroughthedialogue andcomplete the missing words.ChecktheSs'answers o Elicittheuseof did in negative andinterrogative sentences. thenwriteon the board:lptayed S'ay, yesterdqt. tennis yesterdoy? Ad youplaytennis I didnt playtennisyesterday. Pointto the verbp/ayin the threesentences andelicititsformin affirmative, negativeand interrogativesentences. Present the shortanswers o Drill your Ss.Write promptson the board. Individual Ssmakesentences. e.g. T watch/TV/last night? SI: DidyouwatchTVlastnight? T notwatchTV/yesterday 52: I didn'twotchTVyesterday. etc . Referthe Ssto the Grommar Reference at the backof theirbooksfor furtherdetails.
3 Readthe instructions andexolain the task.TheSs readandcomplete the task.Circulate andprovide anynecessary help.Checkthe Ss'answers. Game Ask a studentto cometo the front of the class. Whisperto him/herwhat he/shesupposedly did yesterday. Thestudentdrawsa pictureon the board illustrating what he/shedid.Therestof the classasks questions in orderto find out what the actionwas. Whoeverguesses first comesto the boardand the gamecontinues.
Playthe cassette/CD, twice if necessary. The Sslistenand checktheir answers.
AnswerKey Mobelfaintedond thepolicemancarriedhernextdoor to theporty.Mabelendedup stayingthereall nightand enjoyingtheparty.
-l --a
informationgap a. lFocust personalisation, activity . Readthroughthe instructions the andexplain task.Allowthe Sssometimeto readthrough thetableandwriteaboutthemselves. o The5s,in pairs,askand answerusingthe promptsandthe example as a model,and the table. complete Suggested AnswerKey 2 A: Didyouorderotake-away meallastweek? onefivetimes. B: Yes,ldid.lordered 3 A: Didyoustudyalleveningyesterday? B: No,ldidnt. 4 A: Didyouvisityourfriendslastweek? B: Yes,ldid.Ivisited themthreetimes. 5 A: Didyouusethelnternetlastweek? B: Yes, I did.I usedit sixtimes.etc
b. lFocust reportingto class Explainwhat a busybee and a laal lizardare. lndividual Sstell the classabouttheirpartners. Therestof the classdecidesif he/sheis a busy beeor a lazylizard. S a. lTocusE EverydayEnglish,talkingabout the weekend and the language in Readthe instructions the boxandexplainthe task.Allowthe Ss sometimeto fill in the gaps. Playthe cassette/CD, twiceif necessary. The 5s listen and checktheir answers.Ask individual Ssto reportbackto the class. b. lFocust personalisation, oral reproduction andexplain the task. Readout the instructions The Ss, in pairs,act out similarexchanges, usingtheir own ideasand the exampleas a model.Circulateand provideany necessary help.Ask somepairsof Ssto reportbackto the class. Ss'ownonswers a. lFocusI scanninga web page on Referthe Ssto the web pageillustration page 73. Read the instructionsand the questions. Whatdo theythinkthe web pageis about?Havea classdiscussion.
b. lTocust rankins Readthe instructions the task.The andexplain Ssreadsilentlyand ratethe entries.Circulate help.Askindividual andprovideanynecessary Ssto reportbackto the class.
Ss'own onswers c. lToctdt personalisation
Readthe instructions and exolainthe task. Individual Ssusethe promptsandthe example \_ and reportbackto the class. Ss'ownanswers l-
Fl writinganentryfor a webpage z lTocus o Referthe Ssto the web pageon page73. Ask \-_ individual Ssto usesomeof their own ideas andthe entriesasa modelandproduce similar entriesorallyin class. f. The5swritesimilar entriesaswrittenhomework. Display theirwork.TheSsgo throughthe entries anddecideon thefunniest entry. pieces Note:TheSsfileiheircorrected of writingin their LanguagePortfolio.(Seelntroduction for further explonotion)
Askthe Ssto watchtheirfavouritesoapoperaand, during the next lesson,to tell the classwhat in the episode theywatched. ! *happened
AnswerKey b lr a
aboutyou.Then,askyourfriend. a. Writeab<
$€**#$w'mg 6
a. Lookat the web it about: a) thingspeopledidregularlyin thepastand continue to donow?or b) thingspeopledid in thepastbuttheydonTdonow? regularly b. Readthe entries.How muchdid you like in the them?Ratethemby colouring stars.
--a._T -, -! -. -J a
I usedto believemy PEteacher'snamewas Jim Classl /" " -
@5ruifiS $ $ *
A: DidyouwatchTV lastweek? B: Yes, I did.lwatched it fivetimes.
-{, =,L
b. Now tell the classaboutyour friend. whetheryour friendis Theclassdecides a busybeeor a lazylizard.
usedto think kangaroos kept their moneyin theirpouches!
... Harrydidn'twatchTVat all.Heordered
usedto eat my dog'sbiscuits- | thoughtthe brownoneswerechocolate!
-. =
*vww"gS*y ffiuru6€€s$t ,-1
F lalking about the weekend 5
I usedto thinklittle peoplelivedinsideourTV!
.' took at the tableand completethe sentences. Then,listenandcheckyour answerS.
-J -J = --J4
44 --{ {-
I I usedto like tomatoketchupon everything. usedto eattomatoketchup run!::f.t
. Reallyhectic! Howwasyour o Not bad. weekend? Didyoudo anything r No, it was a at the complete special disaster! weekend? Didyouhavea goodweekend?
ffi c. Lookingback! What did you useto believe/wear/eaVwatch/li ke/play? I usedto believetherewasa man on themoon.
A: Howwasyourweekend? cinema- tennis B: Really hecticlShopping,
on Sunday. Howwasyours? A: Notbad,ljustrelaxed at home. b . Now,in pairs,act out similardialogues
-{ <a
t 7
Portfolio:Writeyourentryfor the web page aboutthe thingsyou usedto do. Havea class aboutthe funniestentries. discussion
L--', .E
Who'sthe manin the picture?Whatdo you know abouthim?Tellthe class.
Readthe biographyand matchthe numbers(1-3)to what they referto (a-c). 119a 214 354
the agehewaswhenJairzinho discovered him for a Brazilian b the goalshescored team year c the hewasborn
RonaldoLuizNazarioda Lima,the famousfootballer,was born f on 22o September1976 in a poor areaof Riode Janeiro,Brazil. f, Ronaldodidn't havethe thingsmostchildrenhave,but his great joy in life was football.He often missedschool and was usually outsidewith his friends,with no shoeson, playingfootballwith a rag ball! Ronaldo'smother didn't want him to play football.She believedthat therewas no future in this for him. But Ronaldoloved the sportso muchthat nothingcould stop him from playingit. p Wnen Ronaldowas 14 years old, a former football player, Jairzinho,discoveredhim. He realisedthat he was a talentedplayer, and two yearslater Ronaldoplayedfor aBrazilianteam, scoring54 goalsin 54 games!Ronaldowas on his way to the top and everyone wanted him on their team. ln fact, they thought he was the greatest football playersincePele. @ today, Ronaldois one of the best players in the world and everyoneknowshis name.He is livingproofof a personwho turned his dreaminto a reality! L-L-
#Essruss S*fuâ&#x201A;Ź$c"Fâ&#x201A;Źe
Readthe biography againand answer.
Inwhichparagraph doesthe w r i t e rm e n t i o n... A Ronaldo'spresent life and para:4 feelings? B the beginning of his success? para:3 Ronaldo's name,job, dateand placeof birth?para:1 paft:2 Ronaldo's earlyyears?
ffiryr{ntr Organising your ideas
Before you begin writing, organise your ideas in a spidergram.This will help you write your composition.
Who is your favouritesinger/athlete/actor? Thinkand completethe spidergram andtell the class.
i rartyyears:
MY 2 fnrewlh ftrTron$ Fmn
Beginning of
Portfolio:Usethe informationin Ex.4 andthe modelin Ex. 2 andwrite a biographyof a famouspersonfor a magazine.
'1 .-1 -{ _--
--a )
-l -)
-l -_/ _J
Fromragsto riches
Objectives/Ia rgets:writing biographies Vocabulary: wordsrelatedto biographical writing Reading: a biographical textabouta footballstar Skills involved: inferring, identifuing language cohesion devices andqenrestructure Writing:a biography abouttheirfavourite singer, athleteor actor 1 Fcuit settingthe scene Focusthe Ss'attentionon the pictures illustrating the text.Ask5sto identifythe personandtell the classasmuchinformation asthevcanabouthim. 2 lFocus) | readingfor specificinformation Readthroughthe instructions and the text with yourSsandelicitanyunknownvocabulary. Explain the taskandallowthe Sssometimeto complete it. Checkthe Ss'answers. Extension questions AskyourSscomprehension aboutthe textin Ex .2. e.g. Where wasRonaldo born? Whatkindof materialdidheuseto makehisfootbolls? etc
the procedureuntil the spidergram is complete. Allowthe Sssometime to complete the equivalent spidergram in their boola,with information about theirfavouritefamousperson.Ask individual Ssto reportbackto the class. Ss'own onswers fFocrrst writing the biographyof a famous person ReferyourSsto the text in Ex.2. Askthemto usetheirideasfromEx.4 andthe textfromEx.2 as a modeland write a similartext abouttheir favouritefamouspersonin theirnotebooks. TheSswritea biography abouttheirfavourite famouspersonas writtenhomework.Display theirwork. Note:TheSsfilethelrcorrected piecesof writingin their LanguagePortfolio.(See lntroduction forfurther explanation.)
Giveyour Ssshortbiographies of famouspeople. Ask them to read through them and write a spidergram including the information fromthetext.
3 lFocus)l identifyinggenrestructure Readthe rubricandexplain the task.Allowthe Ss sometime to completeit. Circulate and provide anynecessary help.Checkthe Ss'answers.
Focusthe Ss'attentionon the StudySkillsbox. Readthroughit andexplain that it iseasier for us to write a composition when we havenoted downallof ourthoughts ina plan.Justlikewhen give we someone directions, it is easierto write about somethingwe see ratherthan about something we don't. lTocust generatingideas Readthe instructions and explainthe task.Before you begin,decidewith your Ssthe nameof the famouspersonyou are goingto be usingas an example. Write this nameon the centreof the board.Elicitinformation aboutthisperson andwrite it in the corresponding boxeson the board.Repeat
-r -tI
CurricularCuts History
I I ; i : i i,
Objectives/Targets: talkingaboutthe birth of youthculture Vocabulary: fashion; movies andmusicrelated words Speaking: talkingaboutthe differenttrendsin the fifties(pairwork) Reading: a shorttextaboutthe birthof the youth culture Skills involved: readingfor specificinformation r a. lFocuiil settingthe scene . Readthe instructions and the ouestions. Have a classdiscussion. Brainstormfor differenttypesof music. . Playthe cassette/CD, twiceif necessary. The 5s listenand matchthe extractsto the decades. Checkthe Ss'answers. AnswerKey Extract| Extract2Extract3Extroct4-
1980s 1950s 1920s 1970s
2 lFocust pairwork,discourse management skills Ask the Ssto think of teenagers today.Do they wearthe sameclothesasgrown-ups? Howabout theirhairstyle? Do theylistento the samesongs? Do theywatchthe samefilms?Explain that in the past teenagerswere not like that. When did teenagers first start to havetheir own way of thinking?Readthe instructions and tell the Ss they'regoingto talk aboutthe 50s.The 5s, in pairs,discuss and completethe task.Ask some pairsof Ssto reportbackto the class. AnswerKey I thinkthemostinterestingtrendwasthat bluejeans became populor. Whot qboutyou? I think the most interestingtrend was that men startedtc wearboxershorts.etc
Extension questions AskyourSscomprehension aboutthe text in Ex.3. e.g. WhendidtheSecond WorldWarend? Whendidyoungpeoplestartmokingdecisions of their own?etc 4 lFocust writing a paragraphaboutthe life of a 50sidol . Readthe instructions andexplain the task.The Ss find informationabout 50s stars and presentit to class. Display theirwork. . The Ss write the star factfile as written homework. Display theirwork. AnswerKey MarilynMonroe Dateof birth:l" June1926in LosAngeles (1953), Famousfilms:Gentlemen PreferBlondes Some Likelt Hot(1959) MarlonBrando Dateof birth:3'dApril| 924in Omoho, Nebrasko (1972) Fomous films:The WildOne(l 953), TheGodfather tamesDean Dateof birth:8kFebruary | 931in Marion,lndiona Famousfilms:Eastof Eden(l955),RebelWithouta (1955) Cause plecesof writingin Note:The5sfiletheircorrected thei LanguagePortfolio.(See lntroduction forfurther explanation)
Readthe instr;uctions and explainthe task.Allow the Ss soffrâ&#x201A;Źrtimeto completethe task. Ask individual Ssto reportbackto the class.Explain anyunknownwords.Ssreadout fromthe text.
Suggested AnswerKey peoplehadavoiceof theirown. Young Theydidn'tdressliketheirporents. Theylistened musicthontheirparents. to different Theyhadtheirownmoney. Theymodetheirowndecisions. Theychanged thewaytheylookedat themselves. etc
ts F-
h-_ tsrb h.--
>-_ > F-hr-'
Ask yourSsto makenotesaboutthe differences therearetodaybetweentheirgeneration andtheir parents'generation. Havea classdiscussion.
AdditionalMaterials WordPerfect 8, p. 119
lTocrrstl readingabout the birth of youth culture
I GrammarCheckExs1-6,p. 128'-
What'syour/yourparents'favouritetype of music? Listenand matchthe musicextractswith the decades.
19 5Os
1980s i " F;
"€ :.'4 i "Y rl .: i :i :.'.:
) 1
movies first ' Drive-in
of manynewtrends.what do Z The50smarkedthe beginning you thinkwasthe mostinteresting trend?Discuss with your
^r -^rr .wasthe mostpopular Rockn' roll muslc ' o Famous singers suchas BillHaley, ElvisPresley, JerryLeeLewrs
. Womenstartedto weartheirhairin
= 3
radios became ffi | popurar
"t ' i i ; ' L/' \-l
favourite such actors/actresses a s Ma rily nMo n ro e , JamesDeanand & MarlonBrando.
#ffffi::e:; ' *iW rt
In what ways were young peoplein the 1950sdifferent
,, ?iijijl?. t p p n A f l p r q c.nnin,, ontpo Ine
i- r
- *&' 6t
WorldWarendedin 1945and by the 1950s,for the firsttime in TheSecond
history,young peoplestartedto havea voiceof their own. Beforethe 50s,young peopledressed to the samemusicastheirparentsandtook lifeseriously. listened liketheirparents,
: 2
Theteenag ewa r sb o rn ! to m aketh eirown decisions themselves and filmswere couldexpress Fashion and musicweretwo areaswhereteenagers and alsoa big influenceon the stylesof the times- JamesDean,MarlonBrando,ElvisPresley MarilynMonroe were all teenageidols,and helped changethe way teenagerslooked at themselves.
-.._-., E= -'
rt Jr _1,/-
Portfolio: Findinformationand write paragraphsabout the livesof MarilynMonroe,Marlon etc. Brandoand JamesDean.Include:pictures,datesof birth,famousfilms,clothes,hairstyles,
Sncesm ilmngtffiartil?,,, L
What is an extinctanimal?Readandchoose. 2
An animalthat no longerexists. An animalthat livesonlyin certainplaces in the world.
2 ,:i
Whatthingscanyou seein a museumof Natural History?Readthe informationbelowquicklyand find out. Then,listenandcomplete.
Musrut'tOF NnrunnrHrsroRY Entrance Hall:paintings of flowersand 1
Upstairs Left:modelsof dinosaurs andotherextinct 2 lanimals Right,in the theatre:a filmaboutplanetEarth.Thefilm lasts 3 1 4 5 mi n u tes. Museumshop:sellsmodelsof extinctanimals, postcards, etc.Gurdebookscost 5 l fl
>-L= ur plonetis hometo thousonds of omozinq l>Lonimols, butwhotis more omozingis oll thedifferent >\thotonce Vpesof onimols existedon Eorih.Someof >i thecreotures thotusedto Lroomtheworldlookos if theybelongin o horrorfilm! bL. E
Museumcloses at 6 1 1 7 :5 0 LL.-
Reading 3
a. Lookat the picturesand the title. What is the text about?Whichpictureshows:a) a fish?b) a bird? c) a reptile? Matchthe partsof the bodywith the creature. Then,listenand readand checkyour answers. 1 smallhead,longneckandtail,flippers 2 fin,bonyblades 3 smallhead,longneck,bigwings,thicklegs
Dunkleosteuswasa frightening creature! It wasup to ten metreslong and a fin on its backlike a shark.Dunkleosteushad two long bonybladesthat crushjustaboutanything!It swimvery fast and it ate other fislu includingsharksand
Exploring Grammar )
PosfSimpte(Hod/Could) ? Grammar Reference
TheElephant Birddidn'thavea hada couldwalk,but it couldn'tflv.
Readthe sentencesabove.What is the presentsimple form of the verbs had and could?Then, read the text againand underlineall the pastsimpleformsof the verbs ' h a v eg ot'a n d 'ca n '. .L
-rl,TI {
Onceon planetEarth... h lf
Objectives/targets: talking aboutextinct animals Vocabulary:partsof the body Languagefocus Grammar: PastSimple(Had/Cou ld) Language in use:Plesiosaurus didn't have a big hada smallhead.Plesiosaurus couldswim. Listening:informationaboutthe Museumof Natural History Skills involved: listeningfor specificinformation (gapfilling) Reading:threetextsaboutcreatures that no longerexist Skills involved: readingfor specificinformation (pairwork) Speaking: talkingaboutextinctanimals Writing: aboutan extinctanimal(project)
Lf ^L-
\r ja, -{ I
-I a, -I a
'l lFocus >l settingthe scene
-ta -
Readthe instructions and the optionaldefinitions. TheSschoosewhat an extinctanimalis.Brainstorm for extinctanimalsthe Ssknow (e.9.dinosaurs, the Dodo,etc.).
-ta .t} =
2 lTocust listeningto informationabout the Museumof NaturalHistory
--t -l
-,tl -t
Suggested AnswerKey paintingsof flowers,modelsof dinosaursand other extinctanimals,buy modelsof extinct animalsand othersouvenirs, etc
=l -t
_ {j fr-
. -tl ^-; .-{l -t .-rf {
-J t .-Jl -J t ^-
Read the title and the introductionto the exercise. Allowthe Sssometime to scanthrough the text and find out what kind of thingsthey can see in this museum.Ask individual5s to reportbackto the class.
Go through the text and elicit any unknown vocabulary. Play the cassette/CD,twice if necessary. The Ss listenand fill in the gaps. Checkthe Ss'answers.
And don't forgetto visitour shopbeforeyou leove.Thereare somewonderfulmodelsof extinctonimalsandyoucanbuyT-shirts, postcards and lotsmore!Youcanolsobuya guidebookin theshop just onepound! and that costs Weclosetoday at 17.50,so you'vegot lots of time to enjoy yourself.lf you...
3 a. lTocGE predicting .
Referthe Ssto the pictureson pages76-77 Askthe Ssto readthe title and tell the class what they think the text is about (extinct animals). TheSslookat the picturesagainand answer the questions.
AnswerKey o Dunkleosteus b ElephantBird
c Plesiosaurus
b. lFocutt presentingpartsof the body Readthe instructions and explainthe task. Go through the parts of the body and presenVelicit them.Allow the Sssometime to match the parts of the body to the animal. Playthe cassette/CD, twice if necessary. The Sslistenand checktheir answers.
lToctdt introducingand practisingthe Past Simpleof the verbshaveandcan . Read thesentences inthetable,focusing theSs' attentionon the words in bold. tuk Ss to translate the sentences. Ask Ssto tell you the formof the verbshad and could(have Dresent gotandcanrespectiveM. . AsktheSsto gothroughthetextsandunderline allthe pastsimpleformsof theverbs'havegot' and'can'. . Elicitthepastsimplenegative andinterrogative formsof theverbs. . Referyour5sto the Grommar Reference at the backof theirbooksfor furtherdetails.
Tapescript Goodmorning to theMuseum everyone andwelcome ofNatuial History. Beforeyoutakea lookaround,letmetellyouoboutsomeof thethingswehavehereforyou. paintings Herein theEntrance Hall,you canseesomewonderful of flowersandplantsfromqll overtheworld.Upstairs on theleft,is ourfamousextinctanimals Youcanseethemodels exhibition. of ourfovourite dinosaurs suchastheDodoand andextinctanimals Mammoth. thewoolly youcanwatcha film Ontheright,thereisa smalltheatre where abouthowourplanetlooked millions ofyearsago.Thefilmlasts45 minutes andit playsevery houronthehour.
J -fr
4 .l
Readthe instructions and explainthe task.Allow the 5ssometimeto readthe textagainandcorrect thesentences. Checkthe Ss'answers. AnswerKey 2 Plesiosaurus couldswim. The Elephont Birddidnt havea shortneck.lthadq 3 longneck. Birdcouldn'tfly. 4 TheElephant 5 Dunkleosteus didn'thavetwofinson had one. could.swim. 6 Dunkleosteus tFo-cCE engagingin pairwork, oral reproduction andexplainthe task. Go throughthe instructions The Ss work in pairsto talk about the extinct help. animals. Circulate andprovideanynecessary Asksomepairsof Ssto reportbackto the class. Suggested AnswerKey A 1 ItwascalledDunkleosteus. 2 ltwasafish. long. 3 lt wastenmetres 4 It hoda finon itsback,likea didn'thave teeth,butit hodtwolongbonyblades. 5 lt couldswim. BI
Itwas calledElephantBird.
2 Itwas a bird. 3 It wasthreemetrestoll. 4 It had a long neckand a small head. lts body waslargeand it had wingsand wvoshort,thick legs. 5 It couldn'tfly.
Suggested AnswerKey
TheDodowoso large,fat had greyfeathersand a whitetail.TheDodobirdhod wings,but it couldn'tfly. It alsohad shortyellowlegs.ltsheadwaslight greywith small,yelloweyes. Thewoollyrhinowasa hugemammalthatlivedduring the had a verylargebodyand a olso had a huge pair of horns thot grew to about a metrelong!
!.-I Ll
I --:
Note: The Ssfile their correctedpiecesof writing in their Longuage Portfolio. (SeeIntroduction for further explanation.) L.
are in Tellthe Ssthat a lot of animalsnowadays dangerof becomingextinct.lf we do not help thoseanimals, then peoplein the futurewill read about them only in books.Ask them to find animal and informationabout an endangered Askthemto keep reporttheirfindings to the class. name,where notesunderthe followingheadings: theylive,description, reoson forbeingin danger.Have a classdiscussion asto how we canhelpto protect thoseanimals.
r.-.|,_ L-.
Note:A goodsitefor the Ssto visitis: glish/enexpg. htm www.nature.calnotebooks/en
It wascalledPlesiosaurus. 2 Itwas a reptile. 3 It wasfrom threeto eighteenmetreslong. 4 It had a long neckand tail, o small head,and fourflippers. It couldswimand wqlkon land.
>l writingaboutanextinctanimal 7 lFocus .
ReferyourSsto the extinctanimaldescriptions on pages76-77.Ask them to draw a picture textaboutanextinctanimal andwritea similar of theirown choice,in theirnotebooks. . TheSswritethe extinctanimaldescription as theirwork. Display writtenhomework.
Note:lf theywish,the Sscan"makeup" an extinct animalcombiningpartsof the bodyfrom different animals.
1 2 3
4 5
lI t-I I--
r-{ I
L-{ l- I I
Readthe text againand correctthe sentences.
The last Elephant Bird died in 1.649. This huge creature was the heaviest of all known birds. It a long neck and a small head. Its body was large and it wings and two short, thick legs. Its eggswere the largest in the animal kingdom. The Elephant Bird was three metres tall and weighed four hundred and fifty kilos. Not surprisingly, it flv!
P le s io s a u ru h asd a b ig h e a d . Plesiosaurus couldn'tswim. The ElephantBirdhad a shortneck. The ElephantBirdcouldfly. Dunkleosteus hadtwo fins on its back. Du n k le o s t e u s c o ul d n ' t swtm. Plesiosaurus didn'thavea big head.lthada smallhead.
Spum9<$c=g 6
Lookat the extinctanimals. Work with a friend.Discuss thesequestions. 1 2 3 4 5
What was it called? What type of creaturewas it? How big was it? What did it look like? What couldit do/notdo?
t-I z
7 t-{
Portfolio: You are a famous palaeontologist! Write about an extinctanimal.lnclude: pictures/drawings, name,typeof animal, whatit lookedlike,whot it coulddo/notdo.
Eddy.what do you calla gorillawith bananasin its ears?
I don't know,Com.
Plesiosauruswas a reptile that lived during the Jurassicperiod. It was not a dinosaur,but a sea creature that was from three to eighteenmetres long. It h-a_d a small head, a long neck and tail probably and four flippers. PlesiosaurusE-ou_l=d waik on land. Some people believethat the Loch NessMonster is a Plesiosaurus! You can callit what you can'thearyou!
Sayfour thingsyou remember about HAM and histravelto space.
) Animals 1
a. Why arethesenamesimportantin the historyof spacetravel?
. YuriGagarin. NeilArmstrong. Laika
what HAMstandsfor. two colours. w h e reH A Mw e n ti n 1 9 6 3 . howold HAMwaswhenhedied. threenounswith the word'soace' in them.
Ls Lr
Grammar Reference
Theywent to the zooyesterday. \ Did shego to schoolyesterday? Hedidn'tgo to the gymlast anight.
Readthe text quicklyand find ... 1 2 3 4 5
b. Readthe headline and lookat the picture.Whatdo you thinkthe text is about?
Listenand read.Answerthe questions. HAM fly to space?
whenhe wentto the National Zoo
Studythe examplesabove. Then,readthe articleagain and underlinethe PastSimple of the followingverbs. . fly . flg o 691-nso go o take . hang . make
v"'T.iI}*J 'nerea '-***nil.T:ffi flfrJ*ijffi LL-
thesePl remember wa "if'. ''' tirstchimpin space asa smart,lover
ra $oodnature the )61'.During t yh'l:]'.ghtcar when. lever rnd t iPruthtodownin l) > Y o '" ' '' 'Pttt?'uit
iio*. simple tever i-franO water' in
.J -
--.{ -1
Animalhallof fame -{ --
.J --
-J, -4
Objectives/l-argets: taIking aboutfamousanimals of the past Vocabulary: vocabulary relatedto spacetravel Language focus Grammar: PastSimple(lrregular verbs) Language rnuseFlipperwas a femaledolphinand herrealnamewas... Listening: two factfiles abouttwo famousanimals Skills involved: listeningfor specificinformation (formcompletion) Reading: a textaboutthe firstchimpin space Skillsinvolved; readingfor specificinformation; scannrn9 Speaking:givinginformationabout the livesof (monologue) famousanimals Pronunciation: the /e/, lcJ andlel sounds Writing:a paragraph abouta famousanimal (project)
3 lFocusLl readingand listeningfor specific information . .
AnswerKey 1 on31"January1961 2 sixyears old 3 in frontof theNewMexico Museum of Spoce
4 Focus;l comprehension check Readthe instructions andexplain thetask.Individual 5s tell the classfour thingsthey remember about HAM. Ss'own onswers
-J _J --'1
_-1 -J
,__4 -L
r a. lFocusF| introducingthe themeof the unit, settingthe scene Readthe instructions and the three space travellers' names.Havea classdiscussion asto the importanceof the people/animal in the historyof spacetravel.
b. Fdus;l predicting beforereading Ask your 5s to readthroughthe title of the articleanddecidewhat the text isabout.
Readthe instructions andexplain thetask. Playthe cassettdCD, twice if necesary.The Ss listen,follow in their booksand completethe task.ChecktheSs'answers. Explain anyunknown words.Individual Ssreadout fromthetext.
introducingand practising the Past lrregularVerbs $o
Readthe sentences in the table.Explain to the Ssthat someverbsin the pastsimplechange altogether. We callthem irregularverbs.Elicit the formof the irregularverbsin interrogative andnegativesentences. The 5s readthe articlequicklyand underline the pastsimpleof the givenverbs. Referthe Ssto the Grammar Reference at the backof theirbooksfor furtherdetails.
Ss'own answers -l'J
t-) t-A
trg 1-t4
2 lTocust scanninga text aboutthe first chimp in space Read through the instructionsand the five sentences and explainthe task.Remindyour Ss what scanningthrough a text implies(reading quicklythrougha text in orderto trackspecific wordsor information). Allowthe Sssometime to complete the task.Checkthe Ss'answers. AnswerKey 1 Holloman AeroMedicol 2 white,blue 3 theNationalZooin Washington D.C. 4 27 5 spaceflight,spacecraft, spocesuits
l-. f __4
.r-r lf{ u-
reproducingthe contentof a listeningtext
11 lTocdt
I L, \
LLReadthe instructions andthe example. TheSs,in pairs,usethe information from Ex. 10 and the exampleas a modelto talk aboutthe animals. tst_ Circulateand provideany necessary help. Ask somepairsof Ssto reportbackto the class.
Drawthe Ss'attentionto the StudySkillsbox. Readthroughit and point out that the past formsof irregular verbscanbe foundin their dictionaries. this yourselffirst Demonstrate with the helpof a student,if necessary. -:::r-
Suggested AnswerKey Flipperwasa femaledolphinqnd herrealnamewas Mitzi.Shewasbornin 1958andstarredin theTVshow 'Flippe/.Shediedin 1972ondwasburiedbeneaththe statueof a dolphin.
6 Readthroughthe instructions and explainthe task.Allowthe Sssometimeto lookthe verbsup in theirdictionaries. Checkthe Ss'answers. AnswerKey brought,cut,drankate,felt,got,gave,lied,put, ran, saw,shook,took,thought,wrote
Lassie wosa maledogand hisrealnamewasPal.He wasbornin 1940andstarredin thefilm Lassie Come Home.Hehashisownstoron theHollywood Walkof Fame. Hediedin 1957.
7 Readthe instructions the task.TheSs, andexplain in pairs,askandanswer. Circulate andprovide any necessary help.Asksomepairsof Ssto reportback to the class.
12 lFocust writing a paragraph aboutan animal star
Ss'own onswers
Ask Ss to write a paragraph about one of the animalsin Ex. 10 in their notebooks as written homework. Display theirwork.
8 lFocuit identifyingand distinguishing between the lal, h,/ and/e/ sounds o Readthe instructions and explainthe task. Allowthe Sssometimeto complete the table. . Playthe cassette/CD, twice if necessary. The5s listenand checktheir answers. Ask individual Ssto saythe verbs.
Flipper, the most famous dolphin in the world, was a femole dolphin in real life. Flippelsreol nome wos Mitzi and shewos born in | 958.Flipperstonedin o film ond o TV-series - both calledFlipper - in the 1960sand becomea big animalstor.Flipperdiedin 1972 and is buniedbeneaththe statueof a dolphinin SantinisPorpoise Schoolin Florida. Lassieis probablythe mostpopulardog of all time. Lossiewas bornin | 940- thereal Lassie wosnot a femoledog,but a maledog calledPal.Hemade hisfirst film, LassieComeHomein 194j. Lassy wassopopulorthat theygavehim a staron theHollywoodWalkof
7 g(T)'"'e!Lassie
diedin 1e57'
F F L--
L* F-
1O lTocuit listeningto informationabout two famousanimals
pieces Note:TheSsfiletheircorrected of writingin -their Languoge Portfolio.(See lntroduction forfurther explanotion.)
9 lFocust practising lrregularPastSimple Readthe instructions and exolainthe task. Go throughthe sentences and explainany unknown words.The Ss readthroughthe sentences and choose the correctitem.Checkthe 5s'answers.
Readthe instructions andexplainthe task.Go through the tables and explain/elicit any unknownwords. Playthe cassette/CD, twiceif necessary. TheSs listenand completethe tables.Checkthe Ss' anSwers.
I It
i i t :
1 Dividethe classinto two teams,A and B. The teamstaketurnsto givethe pastsimpleform ofthe verbsgivento themby you.Eachcorrect answerwinsa point.Theteamwith the most pointswins. e.g. T eat Team ASl: ate T onepointforTeamA T. shake TeamBSl: shooketc 2 Ss,on their own or in pairs,find information aboutspaceshipVshuttles and designa model spaceship/shuttle. Makea displayof the Ss' work.
i i [_:
F rF--
F hB
L-. 'F-
Readthe sentencesabout Rob'sjourney to Africa and choosethe correctitem. Ro b. . . . . . .t.o A f ric ala s tmo n t h . A saw went C sent
Verbs You can find the PastSimpleof inegrularverbs inyour dictionary. e.g. go - went
Look up the following verbsand write the pastsimpleof each one.
T h e re. . . . . . .wild . a n ima ls a lla ro u n dth e m . we re B f le w Ca t e
Ro b. . . . . . .s. o mea ma z in gp h o t o s . A knew took C drew
ln pairs,askand answerthe questions.
Wh e nh e g o t b a c k ,h e . . . . . . .t.h e mt o a famousmagazine. sold B bought C brought
What time did you get up this morning? What did you havefor breakfast? What did you do after breakfast? How did you cometo schooltoday? Who did you firstseein class?
Listeming & $peakâ&#x201A;Źr-g andcomplete. rc ( ) Listen Stagename:Flipper Realname:Mitzi Sex:female B o rn :1 ) 1 9 5 8 Films/TVshows: Flipper Died:2) 1972 Specialfacts:gravebeneaththe statueof d 3 ) d o lp h in
W /a/, /c/, /q/ -d
T h e y . . . . . . in . . t ot h e mo u n t a in s . A spent drove C got
. bring o cut o drink. eat . L9l o get o give . lie . put o run . see . shake o take o think . Write
1 2 3 4 5
He . . . . . . .lo . t so f p e o p let h e re . met A made B said
of the following 8 i ul wit" thepastsimple verbsin the correctcolumn.Thenlisten andcheck. . begin r bring . drink . eat . fight . swim . think
/el began drank SWAM
lcl brought fought thought
/al Stagename:Lasste Realname:Pal Sex:4) male
Bor n:1940 H?!' Come iif ttffv shows:Lassie
theHollvwood !'#ii"'''rttt t-iiuar on WalkofFame Die d :1 9 5 7
11Usethe informationaboveto talk about Flipperand Lassie.
Flipper wasa femaledolphinandherrealnamewas...
w l]
Portfolio:Chooseone of the animalsand write a paragraphabout it.
St* **ns Reading
Readandcompletethe sentences. Then, readthe endingof the storyand answer the questions. Megan 1) held (hold) his hand as he 2) took (take) his first step.Thereweretears in Nurse Hammond'seyesas sheheld up her camera to capture the moment. He 3) felt (feel) so thankful for this miracle in his life, and especiallythankful to the young grrl by his side.It was then that he realisedhow the greatest happiness can often follow the greatestsadness!
Beginnings and endings of stories
When we begin a story, we say where and when the story takes place and who the people in the story are. In the last paragraph, we usually give the end of the story and people's feelings.
Readandcompletethe sentences. Then, readthe beginningof the storyand answerthe questions.
1 Whathappened in the end? 2 Howdidthe manfeel?
Readthe beginningandthe endingof the storyagain.ln pairs,usethe questions belowto decideon the eventsin the missingpartsof the story.
1 Whydo youthinkthe manisin hospltal? L-_ 2 Whoistheyounggirlin thestory? L3 Howdidthe girlhelpthe man?Why? L.
ExplaringGrammar * TimeWords? GrammarReference
AIan Barnes 1) was (be) in his hospital bed, staring out of the window at the bright August sunshineand thinking about the past. He felt as if he was a young boy again, and he 2) could (can) walk and run and play football- all of the things that he couldn't do now. A young girl's voice3) shook(shake) him out of his daydream.
1 Wheredoesthe storytakeplace? 2 Whendoesthe storytakeplace? 3 Whoisthe storyabout?
Helookedaround, then openedthe doorand wentin. As soonas he got into bed,therewasa knock on the door. Thedogstartedto barkas Paulgot intohiscar Suddenly, we heardsomeone screaming.
Dr' --
Readthe examplesabove,then complete the sentences. 1 | wasout in the garden. Suddenly, a huge dogjumpedoverthe fence. 2 Everyone clapped ashewalkedin.
-- { t
Storyline --{4
--J ---.I -4
Objectives/Iargets:narrating events Vocabulary:wordsrelatedto tellinga story Languagefocus Grommor:Iimewords Languageinuse:Yuri Gagarindied in a plane crashsevenyearsafter hisspaceflight. Really? | didn't know that. Listening:dialoguebetween a woman and her friendtalkingabout an embarrassing experience involved: Skills listeningfor specificinformation Reading:guessing the beginningand endingof a
-t -{l
involved: Skills readingfor specific information; identifying genrestructu re Speaking: narrating a story(pairwork;opiniongap Everyday English: showingsurprise
-l -=
Drawthe Ss'attentionto the StudySkillsbr:,x. Readthroughit and pointout that it's bestto begina storyby settingthe scene. saying whereandwhenthestorytakesplaceandwho the maincharacters are Inthe lastparagraph, we conclude thestoryand describe the characters' reactions and feelinqs abouttheoutcome. 1 FAus;l
readingthe beginningof a story
Refer the Ss to the picture illustratingthe exercise.What can they see? Where is the man? What time of day is it? What season? Havea classdiscussion. Read the instructionsand explainthe task. Allow the Sssometime to readthe paragraph and fill in the blanks.Checkthe Ss'answers. The 5s read the beginningof the story and answer the questions.Ask individualSs to reportbackto the class.
3 Focust engagingin pairwork,fillingin the missingeventsin a story Readthe instructions andexolain the task.TheSs work in pairsand decideon the eventsin the missingpartsof the story.Circulate and provide anynecessary help.Asksomepairsof Ssto report backto the class. Suggested AnswerKey 1 Because hehada terrible caraccident. 2 Hisdoctorondhiswifetobe. 3 Shewospatient,caringandsupportive. Shehelped himbecouse it washerjob ondbecause shefellin lovewithhim.etc 4 Fcustl
introducing andpractising TimeWords
Say,then write on the board:Heput on hissocks, then hisshoes.Underlinethe word in bold. Explainthat we use then to connect two sentences that happenedin the past,one after the other. Now, say then write: As soonas he openedthe window the alarmwentoff.Heopened the window.Suddenly,the olarm went off. The alarmwentoffasheopenedthewindow.Underline the words in bold. Exolainthat we use the wordVphrases, as soon as and suddenlyin a way. Ask similar individualSs to tell the class how we use each one of them. Gs soonos. introducingtheactionthathoppenedfirst,Suddenly aftera full stop at the beginningof the actionthat hoppenedoftervvardsond as for actions that happenat thesametimein thepast.). Referyour Ssto the GrammorReference at the backof their booksfor furtherdetails. Read the instructionsand explainthe task. Allow the Sssometime to readthe sentences and fill in the gaps.Checkthe 5s' answers.
Suggested AnswerKey I ln a hospital 2 ln August 3 AlanBarnes
--J -dl
-.ra -1
lFocGt readingthe end of a story . Readthe instructions and explainthe task. Allow the Ss some time to read through the ending of the story and completethe task. Checkthe Ss'answers. . The Ss read the endino and answer the que$rons. AnswerKey I Hewalkedagain. 2 Hefeltthankfuland happy.
Game Dividethe classinto pairs.TheSstaketurnsand ask andanswerthe questions tryingto avoidusingYesor No. 5 lTocust introducingand practisingphrases/ sentencesused to show surprisein spoken English . Say,then write the expressions on the board andelicitanyunknownwords.Do somequick choraland/orindividual repetition, if necessary for correctpronunciation. Pointout that we to showsurprise. usetheseexpressions . Readthe instructions andexplainthe task.The Ss,in pairs,usethe expressions andtheexample to act out similarexchanges and completethe task.Circulate and provideanynecessary help. pairs Asksome of 5sto reportbackto the class. AnswerKey A: VincentVonGoghpainteda pictureeverydoy for thelast70daysof hislife! B: NowayUNeverUIdon'tbelieveitlWow!/Didhe? A: Alexander GrahomBellinvented thetelephone but nevercolledhiswifebecouse hewasdeaf! B: NowayUNeverUl itJVllow!/Did don'tbelieve he?
b. lFoaus >l guessing the end of a dialogue, reasoninggap activity
o Readthe instructions andexplain the task. . TheSs,in pairs,continue the dialogue. . Playthe cassette/CD. TheSslistenandcheck theiranswers. Ss'ownanswers Tapescript Rachel:Oneof themsuddenlysaid'Hit the floor!'lwas reollyscored, so I hit the floor as quicklyas I could, then my hat fell off ond the moneyflew all overthe lift! Pam:Oh,no! Rochel:But then oneof the men bent down to helpme up and said 'l'm so sorry... I told my friendto hit the floor,I meontfor him to pressthe button for our floor!' Pam:Howembanassing! Whotdidyou do? Rachel:I felt reolly stupid . .. but I just smiled.Theyhelpedme to collectthemoneyond askedif I wasOK Pam:I don'tbelieveit, andyou thoughttheywerethieves! Rachel:Butthe worstpaft is,whent got backto theoffice,theywere with MrGibbs. Pom:No way! WhoweretheyT Rachel:Hisnephews!
A: Leonardo da Vincicouldwritewith onehandand drawwiththeotherat thesametime! B: Noway!/Never!/l dont believe itJUlow!/Did he? e a. lFocusFl listeningto a womannarrating the mostembarrassing momentof her life Focus the Ss' attention on the picture illustrating the exercise. Wherearethey?How does the woman feel? Why? Havea class Then,the Sslistenandchecktheir discussion. anSwers.
a-- ,
Lt-- -
lt startedto rainassoonasI steppedout of the door. 4 | sawsmokecomingout of the oven as soon aslasI walkedintothe kitchen. 5 He pickedup his suitcase, thengot ontothe train. 3
Answer your classmates' questionswithout using Yes or No.
5l: Did you watch o film last night? You:ldid./lwatcheda greatfilm. etc
1 -J
Hvem'yday ffingfEsh * Showingsurprise
. . o o o .
5 -l
Did i t? Really? | didn't know thatl . Wow! Neverl . No wayl I don't believeit! You 'r ej oking! Are you sure?
ln pairs,act out short dialogues asin the example. plane YuriGagarin/die/in yearsafter/first crash/seven spaceflight! VincentVan Gogh/painV pictureeveryday/thelast70 days/hislife! Alexander GrahamBell/ invenVphonebuVnever ! call/hiswife because/deaf Leonardoda Vinci/write/one handand d raw/other/the sa m etim e!
A: Yuri Gagarin died in a plane crashsevenyearsafter hisfirst spaceflight! Really? I didn'tknowthat!
tfistenEmg 6
a. Look at the picture.Whereare the people?How doesthe woman feel?Why? Listenand read and checkyour answers. Rachel:Somethingreallyembarrassing happenedto m ej t h e o t h e rd a y ! Pam: Did it? What? Rachel: Well,Mr Gibbsgaveme fivethousandpoundsto take to the bank. Pam: Wow! That'sa lot of moneyl Rachel:I know! | was really nervousabout having so mu c hmo n e yo n me , s o I p u t it u n d e rmy h a t . . . you know,to be safe. Pam: Y e a h G . oon. Rachel: Well, I was on my own in the lift, and then it stoppedand two reallybig men got in. They lookeda bit, well, scary. Pam: Really. Sowhat happened? Rachel: Well the doors closedand the two men just stood there, looking at each other ... and I t h o u g h t ' O h , n o ! T h e yk n o w a b o u tt h e m o n e y ! ' Pam: Never!Sothen what? i
next?In pairs,continuethe b. What happened dialogue. Then,listenandcheckyouranswers.
mm$rermb#eH Writing (astory)
Plan Paragraph 1: time,placeandpeopleinvolved Paragraphs 2-3:the eventsof the story oneafterthe other Paragraph 4: what happened at the end & people's feelings
astSaturday wasthefirstdayof my holiday.I
patient. I'lltry to gethelp.' I waitedandwaitedand eventually someone came,but it took them a longtime to rescueme.
WhenI got out of the lift, I lookedat my wastoo lateto getto theairportin time! I wentbackupstairs to myflat- notin the liftthistime- and satonthesof4feelingreallymiserable. WhenlturnedontheTV, therewas a travelprogrammeon. 'Hello holidaymakers,' the presenter saidhappily.Thisweekwe're in Spain andwe'rehaving afankstictime!'lthinkthatwastheworstmomentof mv life! -,t ;4 :i:rrt3;+:F:i&@xaie6?tr+â&#x201A;Ź4dartri#*!+
-. -
j:-,ir F-
a. Readthe rubric.What shouldthe story be about?
Discuss & Wnite
# Writea storyfor a mogozinecompetitionwith the title: E Theworstmomentof mylife.
Thinkof the worst momentof your life ...
b. Lookat the picturesabove.What do you think happened?Then,readthe storyand checkyour anSwers.
1 WhenAffhere did it happen? Who wereyouwith? 2 How did it start? 3 Whathappened then? 4 What happened in the end? How did you feel?
Readthe storyagainand put the eventsin the order they happened.
a I got readyto leavefor the airport. tr b I got out of the lift, but it wastoo late. c I turnedon the W andtherewasa travelprogramme a b o u tS p ai no n . d I got intothe lift and pressed the button. e I went backto my flat. t Thelift madea strangesoundandstopped. I A womantriedto get help.
Portfolio:Useyour ideasfrom Ex.3 and the modelin Ex.2 to write a story for a magazine competitionabout theworst momentof yourlife.
-{ I
# <-l
Objectives/Targets: writing stories Vocabulary:consolidation Reading:a storyaboutthe worst momentof a girl'slife Skills involved: readingfor specificpurposes; identifyingand categorising information talking the Speaking: about worst momentof their lives(monologue)
--l -r{
3 lTocus ideas t generating
l_::llg:i19r3!ret __'
Readthe instructions andexplain the task.Allow the 5s sometime to readthroughthe questions and answerthem in writing,in theirnotebooks. Circulateand provideany necessary help.Ask individual Ssto reportbackto theclass. Ss'ownonswers ! :
-.{ -:.aa
1 -1
1 -1
-1 -J
z --.|
Presentthe Studylip. Focusthe Ss' attention on the StudyTip box. Readthrough it and explain that eachparagraph in a narration shouldinclude specificinformation.In thisway,our compositions are alwaysconciseand the readerdoesnlt get confused. Focust predicting before reading,setting the scene a. Readthe rubric.What shouldtheir storv be about?Havea classdiscussion. [. o Focus the Ss' attention on the pictures Ask individual Ssto illustrating the exercise. what they see.What do theythink describe happenedneK? . Allow the Sssometime to readthe text and checktheir answers.Ask individualSs to reportbackto the class.
2 Focust reading a story -{ =-
-{ _.-
-4 -
4 Focust writing a shortstoryfor a magazine competition o Referthe Ssto the text in Ex.1b. Askthemto usesomeof theirideasfromEx.3 and Ex.1b asa modelandproduce a storyfor a magazine competition aboutthe worstmomentof their lives. . TheSswritethe storyas writtenhomework. Display theirwork. pieces Note:TheSsfiletheircorrected of writingin thei LanguagePortfolio. (See lntroduction forfurther explanation.)
Ask your Ssto do a chainnarration.Set the scene by providingthem with the initialsituationof the story.The 5s take turns narratingwhat happened next. e.g. T lwasat homelostnight. S1:Thephonerang. 52: ltwas my grandmother.etc
the task.Allow Readthe instructions andexplain the Sssometimeto readthe storyagainandput the eventsin the orderin whichthey happened. Checkthe Ss'answers. Extension questions Askthe 5scomprehension aboutthetexton page82. e.g. Wherewasthegirl? Whatwas shedoing? Where wasshegoingonholiday?
-..1 <
4, <
-****l **,*-_**J
introducing the Ssto Black ! OUleaives/Iargets: popular Aeauty, novel a English I i Reading:an extractfromBlackBeauty ng comprehension Skillsinvolved : readi skills;reading for specificinformation;inferringmeaningfrom context Vocabulary: wordsrelatedto horsesandtheir treatment Speaking: aboutthe kindof treatmenthorses like (monologue) (pro;ect) Writing: a 'ForSale'posterfor BlackBeouty
1 Focust settingthescene Focusthe 5s' attention on the biographical information aboutAnnaSewell. TheSsreadand answer the ouestions. Pointout that authorsoften useelements of theirown livesin theirwriting. AnswerKey Shehad to usehorse-drawn carriages a lot dueto an accident toloveanimals. shehadasa child.Shelearned 2 lTocust readingan extractfrom a novel . Readthe instructions and explainthe task. Allowthe Sssometime to readthroughthe text and find the answersto the questions. CheckSs'answers. AnswerKey 1 Becouse itwosbeautiful andblack. gentle 2 Because hewasso andkindto it. . TheSsreadthe text againsilentlyand decide words.Ask on the meaningof the highlighted individual Ssto reportbackto the class. AnswerKey good-tempered: havingan eventemper,not getting ongry. stable:a buildingfor the shelterand feedingof horses andcattle. domestic animals, especially sensible : rationol,reason oble mane:thelonghoiralongthetopandsidesof theneck gentle:kind ticklish: sensitiveto tickling. stirred-up:to bystrongfeelings. beroused oraffected
AnswerKey Horses likepeopleto talkto thema greatdeal. Horses likepeopleto begentleandkind.etc 4 lTocrrstl makinga'For Sale'posterfor Black Beauty . Referyour Ssto the text about BlackBeauty Askthemto writea 'ForSale'posteraboutthe horse,in theirnotebooks. . The Ss makethe 'For Sale'posteras written homework. theirwork. Display piecesof writingin Note:TheSsfiletheircorrected their LanguagePortfolio.(Seelntroductionforfurther explonation.)
r l-F l-
1 lf yourSshaveaccess to a libraryor the Inte-rnet, dividethemintogroupsandaskthemto lookfor oneof the followingtitles.The5sworkin groups in orderto present the booksto the class. I BramblyHedgeby JillBarklem 2 Thewonderfuladventures of NilsHolgersonby
:, b
SelmaLagerldf 3 Winnie the Pooh byA.A. Milne 4 The chronicals of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobeby C.S.Lewis
T h
lfyour 5shaveaccess to a copyof BlackBeouty, dividethem into groupsand explainthat they aregoingto makea presentation. Assigntasks to eachgroupmembere.g51,findinformation aboutthe maincharacters, 52 aboutthe basic plot,53 aboutthe mostimportanteventsetc. Assistyour Ssto organisethe informationinto a posteraccompanied by drawingsor pictures. groups, Invitethe one by one, to the front of the class.Pintheir postersup on the board. Eachgroupmemberpresents the information he/shehasgathered.The restof the classcan presented. askquestions on the information lfyou haveaccess to a copyof BlackBeoury, spend sometime readingit to them.Alternatively, ask the Ssto borrowthe bookfroma lendinglibrary and readit at home.Duringthe nextlesson, ask the Sswhethertheylikedit, what theylikedmost aboutit, etc.
>l talkingabouthorses 3 lTocus Readthe instructions and exolainthe task.Ask your Ssto readthroughthe text oncemore,and highlightthe phraseVsentences describingthe kindof treatmenthorseslike.Askindividual Ssto they highlighted in orderto usethe information makesentences and reportbackto the class.
AdditionalMaterial Grammar Check, Exs1-5,p.129 -:
:ii= - = inr = = r = i
-r l
Readthe informationabout the writer. Why do you think she decidedto write about horses?
Black BeautY
tn 78) was born rad an accident on movearound to . Shelearned She Yhorses BlackBeautY mistreatedhorse'
"Yes," she said,"he is really quite a beauty,and he has sucha sweet,good-temperedface, and such a fine, intelligent eye - what do you say to calling him Black BeautY?" "Black Beauty- why, yes,I think that is a very good name. If you like it shallbe his name;" and so it was. When John went into the stable he told Jamesthat masterand mistresshad chosena good, sensibleEnglish name for me' that meant something;not like Marengo, or Pegasus,or Abdallah. tt:'
Readthe extract from the novel and answerthe questions.Then,explainthe words in bold. 1 2
Why did they decideto callthe horse BlackBeaug? Why did BlackBeautylikeJohn?
fr, a*,.+fr+Ea=a;.
John seemedvery proud of me; he usedto make my mane and tail almost as smooth as a lady'shair, and he would talk to me a great deal; of courseI did not understandall he said' but I learnedmore and more to know what he meant' of and what he wanted me to do' I grew very fond him, he was so gentle and kind; he seemedto know just how a horse feels,and when he cleaned me he knew the tender placesand the ticklish places;whenhe brushedmy head he went as and carefully over my eyesas if they were his own' never stirred uP any ill-temPer'
What kind of treatment do horseslike? Readagainand tell the class. Horseslikepeopleto brushtheirmaneand tail.
Ntur 4
Portfolio: Unfortunately,BlackBeauty changedownersmanytimes.Makea 'For Sale'posterfor BlackBeauty.Include: o picture. shortdescription of appearance and character
w +r#
Theystopped(stop)at the supermarket for somemilk. : 6 Hegave(give)me hisnewT-shirt. 7 What time did sheget up (she/getup) thismor ning? 8 Theyflew(fly)to ParislastMonday. 9 Didyouwrite(you/write)a letterto Mark -r lastnight? 10 Theydidn'trun(noVrun)in the marathon Er,afterall. 5
I 1 Lookandwritethe ordinalnumbers. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1": first 12'h:twelfth 35'h:thirty-fifth 3'o: third 5'h: fifth 22"d:twenty-second 40'h: fourtieth 88'n' eighty-eighth
(10marks) (8morks)
. 2 t
Readandmatchthe wordsto the definitions.,i, 4 a checkout f kayak b tepee g spacesurr c shepherd h astronaut d igloo i wizard j bricklayer e soapopera A person who buildswallsor buildings. n person 2 A trainedto travelin space. 3 A person who looksaftersheep. 4 d A typeof housemadefromhardsnow. 5 e A W series aboutthe livesof a group of characters. A pieceof clothingpeoplewearwhen theytravelin space. A typeof tent madefromanimalskin. A man that peoplebelievehas got powers. magical
Readand underline the correctpreposition. I.
Theplacein a shopwhereyou payfor whatyoubuy.
Readand numberthe sentences.
Completethe sentences usingPastSimple.
I i
Grammar 1
A type of boat with a coveringover the top.
(20 marks)
We don't usually do verymuch1) in the -: weekends,but last Saturdayeveningwe droveout to our friend'scottage.2) )n/ Sunday, we got up 3) in sixo'clock4) aVrn themorning! Wewantedto go fishing on the lake.We caughta lot of fish!We cameback r. _ sometime 5) on the afternoon.6) At/On :l_nightwe cookedthe fishovera fireoutside. i We sataroundfor hours,eatingandtalking. fi = It was a lovelyevening.We went to bed E*-g 7) i aroundmidnight.Earlythe following ; _ mo i , we drovebackto the city.We can't :ri_j waittor ournextvisit! _1.:
| could(can)readand writewhenI was fiveyearsold. TheElephant Birdhad(have)wings,but it couldn't(can/not)fly. We didn'tplay(noVplay)footballin the parkyesterday. Whenwereyou(you/be)born?
i -
Well, my weekendwas a complete disaster! | burntthedinner, argued with Steve andlostmyhandbag! Oh, dear!SorryI asked!
Hi,Charles, howwasyourweekend? Notbad,Emma.I wentout with some friendson Saturday andspentSunday by the swimmingpool.What about you? (8 morks)
I |
'l --)
Lister-ing -{
(Fortapescript seep. 152T)
Listento Val talkingto Elaineabout a children'splayand tick (/) A, B or C.
A a t s c h o o l. B at the theatre. C at the shops
Th en a meof the playis
A RockandRoller. B CostsaDoltar. C Rollercoaster.
.+ 4 4.
How old isThomas?
A seven B e ig h t C ten
At the end of the play
A thereis a talentcomoetition. B the childrenwatcha film. C JimCarreycomeson stage.
tr tr (20 marks)
Reading& Writing
, 7
. ,-,,
Readthe informationabout HalleBerry and answerthe questions. 1 2 3 4 5
Whenandwherewas HalleBerryborn? Wh a td id Ha lled o a t s c h o o l? What contestdid shewin asa teenager? What was herfirstbig role? What famousawarddid shewin? (10marks)
to writeabout NoWuseyouranswers HalleBerry.
Born: 14,hAugust, 1g6g Pface ofbirth:Ohio, USA years: Early cheerleader, class president, editor atschool; wonMissTeen All_ American beauty contest Beginning 0fsuccess: didsome workfor TV;firstbigroleinTheLast BoyScout Presenl fife:0scarwinner; one0fthetop tenfemale starsintheworld
(10marks) (Total= 100marks)
I can... . . . . .
and lifein the past talk aboutpastactivities talk aboutfamouspeopleand animals talk aboutthe weekend narrateeven$ write biographies/stories'rEnglish!
Acrc$sthmffimmms**allurc andpractise. 1 Look ffiW##
f= left foot
R=righffoot l-
Get ready
CrossL overR
Stepbackon R
StepL to side
Now, repeatto the other side(right crossesleft, etc).
etaythe music.Standin a line and do the stepstogether.
', ,,i Listenand say what Grandma did when shewas young.
Grandmasitsin her rockingchair And softlystrokesher silverhair Shegoeson a trip down MemoryLane And all at once,she'syoungagain... Backto the daysbeforeshegrew old Backto the dayswhen sherockedand rolled Backto the dayswhen shewore nylonstockings Shedoesn'tstop- shejust keepson rocking! Backto the daysbeforeshegot older Backto the dayswhenshedrankCherryCola Backto the dayswhen Elviswas shocking Shedoesn'tstop- shejust keepson rocking!
-ra -a.f l-i -< J.a
-d -{
=! -:-{
:+ -r{
4 .-4
a dancefromthefifties;following ! Aims:learning i instructions instructions : Vocabulary: Extra versionof the song materials:instrumental r ChairRock i _Rocking 1 lTocust learninga dancefromthe 50s their desksin a 'U' Ask the Ssto rearrange shapein orderto makesomeroom in the centreof the class.Say,then write on the board:getready,cross LoverR,stepbockonR,step Ltoside.Aska studentto cometo the front of the meaning of the the classanddemonstrate instructions with hiVherhelp. Askthe Ssto cometo the centreof the class andpractise the steps.Oncetheyhavefinished practisingthese steps,ask them to repeat, reversing the steps.
,{ -4
--J a
2 lFocust followinginstructions ChairRock, versionof Rocking Playthe instrumental TheSsstandin linesin asmanytimesasnecessary. the centreof the classand practisethe steps. anynecessary help. Circulate andprovide
1 fFocus>l listeningfor specificinformation Focusthe 5s' attentionon the songtitle and the exercise. the pictures illustrating What do they think the songis about?What kind of thingsdid Grandma do whenshewasyoung? Havea classdiscussion. Playthe cassette/CD, twiceif necessary. The5s Ask listento thesongandchecktheiranswers. individual 5sto reportbackto the class. Playthesongagain. TheSslisten andsingalong.
1 CherryCola:A populardrinkin the 50s. 2 Elvis:When ElvisPresleyfirst startedgetting popular, a lot of peoplefoundhissongsquite shocking.
4 :J -lz
-a 1-
J r<
-l il
J < J <
.{ J
ModuleS{Units9& {0h Adventure! b
&efcreyou start (Prerequisites)
Firudthe unit and page number{s}for
Use the questionsin order to revise and consolidate and structures taught the vocabulary pairs, in the previous module.The5s,in askand answerthe questions. Ask somepairsof Ss to reportbackto the class.
Readthe phrases andexplain whattheymean.Then, the Ss go throughthe moduleand find the pagenumber. corresponding Havea classdiscussion.
* rL,l LI-
l-oekat ft{cdule5 Focusthe Ss' attentionon the modularpage. Readthe moduletitle and askyourSsto lookat the pagefor a minute.What do theythinkthe moduleis about?What kind of informationdo theyexpectto find in sucha module?Focusthe Ss' attentionon pictures1-4. Usethe pictures illustrating the pagein orderto raisetheirinterest in the module.In pairs,the 5s locatethe page numbers of the visualaids.Havea classdiscussion, usingthe visualaids,in orderto familiarise the Ss with the contextof the next two units and rapport. establish AnswerKey Pic.1(p.88) T WhatpageispictureI fromT S1:lt'sfrompoge88. T Whatcanyouseeonpage88? 52: Whato flotmightlooklikein thefuture. T Whatdoyouthinktheunitisobout?etc Pic.2(p.96) T Whatpogeis picture2 from?Whois thisperson? Whatdoeshedo?Whatdoyouknowabouthislife? etc Pic.3(p.99) T Whatpageispicture3 from?Whatcanyouseein the pictureT Whatelsecanyou seeon thispage?What doyouthinktheunitisobout?Doyouliketravelling? etc Pic.4(p.98) T Whatpogeis picture4 from?Canyou describe the picture? Whichcountrydoyouthinkthispictureisof? Whatelsecanyouseeonpage98?Hoveyoubeento places? anyof these Wouldyouliketogo?etc
AnswerKey Ads(Unit9a,p. 89- Unit9b,p. 9l - Unit9c,p. 93) T Where conyoufindads? 5 t : Onpages89,9l ond93. T Whatarethese adsabout? 52: Aboutproducts fromthefuture,snowboarding ond LearningEnglishholidoys. T Where likethat? doyouexpect to findadverts 53: Magazines,newspopers, etc. T Whatelsecanyouseeonthesepages? etc (Unit9b,p.9l - CultureClip,p.95Articles Curriculor Cuts,p. 103) Wherecan you find articles?Whatare theyobout? Whichonedoyouthinkisthemostinteresting? etc e-mails(Unit9d,p.94) Doyou knowwhatan e-mailis?Wherecanyou find oneTWhatarethesee-mails aboutTetc Travel magozine article(Unit10a,p. 97- Unit| 0b,p. 99) Whatis thisarticleabout?Where canyoufindanarticle likethis?Wouldyou everbuysucha magazine? What kindof magazines doyoubuy?Whatelsecanyouseein thepictures? etc A letter(Unit10d,p. 102) Whomis thisletterto?Whatis it about?Doyou ever write letters?Why?What elsecan you see in the pictures? etc
L._ lL
fE -.L-
L L.
L. --L-
Go throughthe learnhowto sectionwith your Ss andpointout that bytheendof the nexttwo units, they will know how to performall of the listed tasks.(Foran analytical breakdown of the aimsand objectives of the module,seeProgrammep.X.)
L -L-
L .1,
--r. L
--\ L --b
t t
Beforeyou start
) -J
. Where/Whenwereyou born? r What did you do at the weekend? o What did you useto do as a child?
practise ... _J
Lookat Module 5
a a
. Findthe pagenumbers for pictures 1-4. -1-4_
Findthe unit and pagenumber(s) for . ad s . articles . e- m a ils
a a a
) In this M o d u le you will ... )
-J I
' . o . . r .
lifein the future sports organisations that offergapyearactivities plans future travelling etiouettein differentcountries travelexperiences personal changes learn how to ...
. . . .
makepredictions aboutthe future givepersonal plansand intentions invitepeopleout in English giveinformation to peopletravelling to your country . talk aboutpersonal experiences . talk aboutpersonal changes r paylaccept in English compliments
do a projectabout... . an organisation that offerscourses in yourcountry . a stadium in yourcountry . people yourcountry visiting andthe information theyneed
listen, read and talk about ... .
will be goingto Present Continuous (futuremeaning) musVmustn't should/shou ldn't can/can't PresentPerfect superlatives
write ... . adsin magazines of the future . ane- m ail o a travelmagazine article aboutyour . travelexperiences a friendlylettergivingnews
Fut GultureGliP:n Brilliant
A (Science): Guts Curricular abouttravelling e Gurticulufit5: Novels e Groove! Songsheet5: Get in
;__-L_. i
t"?ltj fi :'i!:.1,r
;=' Lifein the future a. Readand match.
pills vacations station tlTc-] Space FT-fl Nutrition tSTel Solar-powered houses
a b c d e f
lETal Emotional
Writersof ScienceFiction have got their own ideas about life in the future.Wetalkedto the author of the bestseller'Future Horizons',AlfredFranks,about some of hisideas. and
a. . '
Therewill bespacestationvocationsin thefuture. Whatdoyou mean? Therewill beholidaysat spacestations. lt soundstoo goodto be true!/l'mnot sosure. i:
: ]r,.{': ' 'i i
Readthe introductionto the interview. What is it about?
! Our live-in
our clothes- and they colourto suitour mood. lnterviewer: 2la Alfred: Thinkaboutit.
thi ngsa lot easier- people whenyou'rein a badmood!
- _1,-
lnterviewer: Alfred:
b. What will life be like in the future?Talk with your friend. A: B: A: B:
lnterviewer: Alfred: We'llwakeup andreachout for our
clothesthat changeto suityour mood a type of carthat fliesin the air holidaysat a spacestation kitchenswith a fridge,cooker,etc that you can programmeto do thingsfor you housesthat useenergyfrom the sun for heat,light,etc food in the form of a oill
-- will qiveus a virtualtour of whereverwe want to go - cinema, museum, eventhe funfairl
E -t
. Readthe interviewandfill in the missing questions. Then,Iistenandcheck.
So,everyone will knowhowwe're feeling? b Whatwill we do afterwork? c W hatwillourmor ninos be lik e?
-l -)
Tomorrow's world -l )
-l _!
-l_ J_ _J -J
Objectives/targets: talkingaboutlife in the future Vocabulary:vocabulary relatedto life in the future Languagefocus Grammar:will Longuagein use:There will be space station vacationsin the future. What do you mean? Therewill be holidaysat spacestations;In the future,peoplewon't work at all. Robotswill do everything. Listening:a Sci-Fiauthortalkingabout life in the future Skills involved: listeningfor specificinformation Reading:an interviewwith a Sci-Fiauthor Skills involved:inferring; readingfor specific information Speaking:about life in the future(monologue) Writing: adsfor a magazine article
Fcus >l predicting before reading,raising expectationsand hypotheses Focusthe Ss'attentionon the articleon page88. Readthe title and the introductionto the text. What do they think the text is goingto be about? Havea classdiscussion. Ss'ownonswers lTocust readingan interviewwith a Sci-Fi author .
Readthe instructionsand the ouestionsand explainthe task. Allow the Ss some time to readthroughthe articlesilentlyand fill in the missingquestions.Circulateand provideany necessary help. Playthe cassette/CD, twice if necessary. The Ss listen,follow in their books and checktheir answers.Individual Ssreadout from the text.
-J !
.J -l
lFocr.dt introducing/practising vocabulary relatedto the future, settingthe scene 1 a. Readthe instructions andexolainthe task.Allow the 5s sometime to readthroughthe sentences and matchthem to the corresponding definition. Checkthe Ss'answers. b. Readthe examples and explainthe task.TheSs, in pairs,usethe promptsfrom Ex. 1a and the examolesas a model and act out similar exchanges. Circulate and provideany necessary help.Asksomepairsof Ssto reportbackto the class. Suggested AnswerKey A: Therewill beintelligentkitchensin thefuture. B: Whatdoyoumeon? A: Therewill be kitchenswith a fridge,cooke4etc.thot you conprogrommeto do thingsforyou. B: Maybe.etc
= -1
-J --t
sI tJ
4 Focust listeningfor specific information Read the instructions and explain the task. Play the cassette/CD, twice if necessary.The Ss listen to the full interviewand write down the two extra points Alfred Franksmentions. Answer Key Food: Supermarkets will disoppear. Fridges will make surewe neverrun out of anything. Getting to work Wewill useair cars. Tapescript Lenny Bing: Alfred,your latest book Future Horizons,is really interesting. Alfred: Thankyou,Lenny. LennyBing:I likeyour ideason whatyou imagineour liveswill be likein thefuture.Tellusa littlebit about it. Whotwill our mornings belike? Alfred:Well,Lenny- we'llwakeup and reachout for our will be readyand waitingand justhow we like it! Ourlive-inrobot willseeto that!Then,we'llput on ourclothes- and theywill change colourto suitourmood. LennyBing:5o,everyonewill know how we'refeeling?Hmm,I'm notsureaboutthot! Alfred:Thinkaboutit. lt will makethingsa lot easier- peoplewill stayawaywhenyou'rein a badmood! LennyBing:True!ThenwhatTWhataboutfood? Alfred:Ah yes,food! Well,supermarkets will disappear.We'lljustgo into our kitchenond openour fridge,whichwill alwaysbe full of all our favouritefoodbecausethefridgeitselfwill makesurewenever runout of anything! LennyBing:Soundsgreatsofar!Howwill wegetto work? Alfred:By AirCorof course.We'lljuststepintoit and it will fly us to exactlywhereweneedto go . . . easy! LennyBing: 5o,whot will wedo after work Alfred? Alfred: We'llprobablyrelaxin front of our will giveuso virtual tourof wherever wewontto go - cinema,museum,eventhefunfoir! LennyBing:Amazing!Alfred,thankyou for sharingyourideaswith metoclay. Alfred:Mypleosure,Lenny.
Focuit 5 a..
introducing andpractising will
Readthe sentencesin the table, focusing the Ss'attentionon the wordsin bold.Ask the Sswhat the sentencesrefer to (future). Ask Ss to translatethe sentences. Do the sentences talk about predictionor do they giveadvice?Havethe Sscompletethe rule. Referthe Ss to the sentencesin the table and elicit the form of simple future in affirmative, negative and interrogative forms. Refer the Ss to the GrommarReferenceat the backof theirbooksfor furtherdetails.
b. TheSsreadthe articleaqainand underline all the formsof will.
Focusthe Ss' attention on the ads. Read the instructions and the exampleand explainthe task IndividualSs use the ads and the exampleas a modeland makepredictions aboutthe future. AnswerKey 2 ln thefuture,peoplewillhavefriendsfromother planets. 3 ln thefuture,peoplewillhaverobotsto do their housework. 4 ln thefuture,peoplewilltraveltootherplanets. 5 ln the future,peoplewill driveAir Cors. 6 ln thefuture,peoplewillliveunderwater. ln thefuture,peoplewill wearclothesthat change accordingto theirmood. 7a.
t= lt-
)l reproducing the contentofa text lFocus sFocus theSs'attention illustrating on thepicture thetexton page88. Readthe instructions and explain thetask.Individual Sslookat thepicture LJ andtelltheclass aboutAlfredFrank's ideaof life inthefuture.
>l predicting, b. lFocus expressing opinion Readthe rubric.Individual Ssstatetheiropinion. Writethe outcomeof the vote on the board.
>l writingads 8 lFocus .
Referyour Ssto the ads in Ex.6. Ask them to usesomeof their own ideasand the ads as a model and producesimilar ones, in their notebooks. The Ss write the ads as written homework. Display theirwork.
Ss'ownonswers Note:TheSsfiletheircorrectedpiecesof writingin their LanguagePortfolio.(Seelntroductionforfurther explonation.)
L.-IL--t L-l-
Prepareblankstripsof paper,one per student. Handthem out to the Ssand askthem to write a predictionabout the future on it (e.9.In the future,bookswill looklikesmallcomputers.).Once they finish,collectthe stripsand pin them up on the wall.The5scirculate and out a tick next to the onestheythinkwill probablycometrue. Makea listof the too ten oredictions. lf your Ss haveaccessto a library,askthem to read lsaacAsimov'snovel, /, Robot, and keep notes.Havea classdiscussion
.-aL. -L
--\, L.
Listening f)
SBeak ing
Ustento the full interview. Whichtwo otherthings doesAlfredFranksmention?
-4 Explori oringGrammar > will itt ?
b. Will lifein the futurebe betteror worse?Takea vote.
Wewill onlyusesolarenergyin the future. Wewon't usepetrol.
a. Readthe sentences above.Whendo we usewill? Complete the rule.
We usewillto ... makeoredictions aboutthefuture. b giveadvice for the future.
b. Readthe interviewagainand underline all the formsof will.
a. Lookat the pictureon page88 andsaywhat AlfredFranks'ideasare about life in the future.
Portfolio:Youlivein the future!Writeadsfor a magazine. Thinkaboutfood, clothes,transport,houses,etc. Presentthem to the class. Thisisanadaboutrobots.ln the future,peoplewon'tworkat all. Robots willdoeverything.
Readthe adsand makepredictions aboutthe future. I
1 ln thefuture,peoplewilllivelonger. _t _l
-t -l
-_l -t
tu ffi Gfiotr[
AIR}I,AY AI|TOS infudoy lot lleilumtycrr?Dro[ lhocily. nlesl drive otter t0olt selecliun! ulourl0lBsl
s n o rk e lli n g
go sno wm o biling
rafting Readthe sentences. ls the following explanationtrue (T)or false(F)?
We usebegoingto to talk aboutplansand (T) intentions.
Ask your friendabout his/herplansfor this year and put a tick (/) or a cross(X).
Certain nouns go with certain verbs. When you learn new words for sports, check in your dictionary to see which verb we use with them (e.9. play - tennis).Write them down together.
1 travelto anothercountry? 2 le a rna n o t h e rla n g u a g e ? 3 get married? 4 find a part-timejob? 5 moveto a new city/town? 6 jo in a c lu b ?
Do,go or play?Look up the sportsin your dictionaryand completethe phrasesabove.
A: Areyougoingto travelto onothercountry? B: Yes, I am./No,I'mnot.
You'regoing on a SportVentureWeekend. Choosethree of the aboveactivitiesyou are going to do.
Now, tell the class.
:," Begoingto
Nickisgoingto travelto anothercountrythisyear. Heisn'tgoingto ...
A: l'mgoingto go trekking andjet boating.l'm goingto playicehockey, too.Whatabout you? B: lh goingto ,..
r;i ,i r
;:::i /e/, /3/
Listenand tick (/). Then,listenand repeat.
GrammarReference j.
What are you going to do nextweekend? L
l.-_ I
and Readthroughthe instructions andthe examples explainthe task.The Ss,in pairs,usethe prompts and the exampleas a modeland act out similar help. exchanges. Circulateand provideanynecessary Asksomeoairsof Ssto reoortbackto the class-
!.. I
!-I lI
l--' !J I
; -J rd
ta Iking about future plans Objectives/Targets: Vocabulary:sportsand activities Languagefocus Begoingto Grommor: Language in use:l'mgoingto go trekkingand jet boating.;Are you going to travel to another country?Yes,I am./No,l'm not. Nickis goingto travelto anothercountrythisyear. in skiand Listening: abouta companyspecialising snowboarding courses Skills involved: Iistening for specificinformation (gapfilling) Reading:an articleaboutgapyearactivities readingfor gist; readingfor specific Skillsinvolved: (answering questions) information open-ended (pair gap years work) Speaking:about Writing: a paragraphabout an organisation that offersGapYearcourses
AnswerKey Suggested A: I am goingto go snorkelling andrafting.lamgoing to do karate,too.Whataboutyou? B: I am goingto playicehockeyandgo surfing,too.etc
Foci t
Readthe sentences in the table,focusingthe Ss'attentionon the wordsin bold.Ask the Ss what the sentencesrefer to (future).Ask Ssto translatethe sentences.Read the rule and elicitfrom the Sswhetherit istrue or false. Referthe Ssto the sentences in the table and elicitthe form of begoingto in the affirmative, negativeand interrogativeforms Referthe Ss to the GrammarReference at the backof their booksfor furtherdetails.
-J, {,
Focusthe Ss'attention on the StudySkillsbox nouns Readthroughit and explainthat usually are found with specificverbs. Thus, when learningnew nouns,it is helpfulto havea look at the verbswith which they are most likelyto be found.
vocabulary Foctdt introducing/practising related to sports
-l---l ,1,
-)-1L _J _,--
'l o Pointto and namethe sports,one at a time.Do repetition, if somequickchoraland/orindividual necessary to ensurecorrectpronunciation. . Readthe instructions and exolainthe task.The Ss use their dictionaries,in order to check whetherthesewords collocatewith the verb play, do or go. Allow the Ss some time to comoletethe task.Checkthe Ss'answers.
g'begoingto' introducing andpractisin
Readthe instructions and explainthe task.The Ss, in pairs,askand answelas in the examplein order to completethe task. Circulateand provideany help.Ask somepairsof Ssto reportback necessary to the class. Ss'ownanswers identifuingand distinguishingbetween Focdt and the lel ls! sounds o a
Readthe instructions and explainthe task. The Ss Playthe cassette/CD, twice if necessary. phoneticsymbol. listenand tick the appropriate Checkthe Ss'answers. Playthe cassette/CD again,pausingfor the Ssto repeat,chorallyand/orindividually. Individual 5s saythe words.
AnswerKey jet boating,snorkelling, Go:trekking, surfing,rafting Play:icehockey Do:karate
-r, _-r-t
_I --J-
a. lFocus>l predictingbefore reading,setting the scene Readthe instructions and exolainthe task.The Ssguesswhat the phrasegapyearmeansand then readthe first paragraphand checktheir answers. AnswerKey Theyearonecantakeoffbetweenschoolanduniversity. or Whenyou takea yeoroff betweenschooland university. b. lFocutt readinga websitewith gap year activities Readthroughthe instructions andthe questions, and explainthe task.TheSsreadthe restof the text and answerthe ouestions. Checkthe Ss' answers. Explain any unknownwords.Individual Ssreadout from the text. AnswerKey 1 Englishandsport 2 rhinosandelephants
3 Sinaidesert
Rob:Theyall soundgood . .. In Argentinothereare tripsto Buenos Airesondhorseridingin theAndes. Mum:Horseridingin theAndes?Wow! Rob:Andin NewZealandthereisjet boating. Mum:Jetboating?That'sdangerous, isn'tit? Rob:Well,how oboutCanada,then?ln Canadathereis icehockey andsnowmobiling. Mum:Mmm.. . it allsoundsvery exciting, we'lltolkitoverwithdad.. .
9 Focust writing about an organisationthat offers gap year courses o Referthe Ss to the paragraphin Ex. 8. Ask them to usesomeof their own ideasand the paragraph as a modeland producea similar paragraph abouta companythat offerscourses in theircountry. o The Ss write the short paragraphas written homework.Display theirwork. Note:TheSsfiletheircorrectedpiecesof writingin thei LanguagePortfolio.(Seelntroductionfor further explanotion.)
Ss'ownanswers Note: TheSscan bringtheirown tapeswith them and recordtheirdialogues. Lateron. they can listen to theirdialogues andcheckthemselves. 8 lFocust listeningto informationabout an organisation . .
Readthe instructions and explainthe task. Playthe cassette/CD, twice if necessary. The Ss listenand completethe missingwords.Check the Ss'answers.
Tapescript Mum:What areyou reading, Rob? Rob:Oh,hi mum... I'mjustlooking at someof myoptions formy gapyeat.. . thislooksreallyinteresting Leaders. . .. look,Peok Mum:Letmesee.It specialises in skiandsnowboard instructor good. courses ... thatsounds qualification. Rob:Yes, andI'llcomeowaywithaninstructor Mum:Where isit? Rob:Well,it saysthattheydocourses in Canada, NewZealondond Argentina. Mum:Which doyoulikethesoundoft
e 1 (r )
!l iI-
7 |Focus}l pairwork,talkingabouttheirgapyear Readthe instructions and explainthe task.TheSs, in pairs,use the informationand report to each other about their gap years and record their dialoguesAsk somepairsof Ssto reportbackto the class
$ â&#x201A;Ź\r -
Focusthe Ss'attentionon Ex.8. Dividethe Ssinto pairs,and tell them they aregoingto act out a role play.S1isa representative of the companyand 52 is a person interestedin attending one of the company's courses. TheSsaskand answerquestions aboutthe companyandthe courses.
L^}-_ ll-_
t-\_ ]\ LI
L -
\ngela Raymond isgoing togoonlheAtrica& AsiaVenture. l'mgoingtoteachEnglish andSports inNepaL lt'sagreat pportunity going forme I'm tolearnNepali andfindout
y_'l:it 11 _'l::: l:::9'_ _Yu:i't: :'i::
j#l[,,';,tH rrvAffi ffiw($ ;#llTlH
Tokingo yeorout beWeen
schoolond university or o iob is on excitingwoy to develop
personol skills ond goin
L-rl l-.f
l_:l L.l )-J
somewildliferesearch in South Africa. I can'twait!l'mgoingto workmainlywithrhinosandelephantsit'sthechance ofa lifetime.'
,-, / t/oung peopleplontheirgop yeorvery
AA^ ^ r ,
corefully, mokingthemostof this opportunily to do something
Thomas is goingto bepartoftheWind,Sand& Slarsteam. Caroline 'l'mgoingonanexpedition totheSinai desert. l'mgoingtogotrekking in themountains andI'mgoingto workwithBedouin'sgoing tobetough, butveryrewarding.'
useful withtheirtime: WINDSAND& STARS Tel:02073597551Websile:
L-G r-J
a. Do you know what gapyearmeans? Readthe first paragraphof the web pageand find out.
b. Readthe restof the web pageand answerthe questions.
1 2
L' l-J
lj f--l
t_ r-l
l* I
'.) Listenand complete.
Tel:01337 860079 Website :wwwpeakleaders com
What is Angelagoingto teachin Nepal? Wha t kind of animalsis P aulgo in g t o work with? Where'sCarolinegoingto go?
SpeakinE Portfolio:Youareoneof the peoplein the 7 web page.Usethe appropriate information to tell yourpartneraboutyourgapyear.
a a
youare saythe nameof the organisation g o i n gto j o i n whereyouaregoingto go whatyouaregoingto do there
Portfolio:Findinformation aboutanother organisation andwritea shortparagraph aboutit. UseEx.8 asa model.
&#f;ak*n|}am# Listening& Reading
* Futureplans 1
A: Oh,no! Thecookerisn'tworking! B: Don'tworry.I am goingto fix it. A: Whatareyourplansfor Sunday? AA/illyou havedinner withyourparents? B: I thinkso. A: Whatarethose? B: Theatretickets.We /will seea showthisevening. Phil,that musicistoo loud! B: OK,I am goingto turnit down.
What is the F; Readthe firstsentence. dialogueabout?Listenandcheck. Judy:Phil,didyouputthe surfboardon the car rack? Phil: No, not yet. l'll do it when I get back willonlytakea minute. Judy:Whattimewill yoube back? Phil: fll probably be backby halfpastfour. Judy:Oh, good. l'll get everything readyso we canleavestraightaway. Phil: ls myblueshirtclean? Judy:No it isn't,but l'm goingto put some w a s h i nogn i n a mi n u te . Phl: Thanks.Do you need me to pick anythingup on the way home?What arewe goingto eat? Judy:l'm goingto makesomesandwiches for the journeyand we can havea nice mealwhenwe get to the hotel.We're meeting GailandPatrick at eight. Phil:OK.l'llseeyoulater,then.Bye. Judy:AndPhil... I thinkyou'llneedthese! Phil: Ah yes,my carkeys.I won't get veryfar withoutthose.will l?
Present Continuous (futuremeaning) p*Grammar Reference
Areyou comingto Jim'spartytonight? l'm flyingto Paris tomorrowmorning. 4
Readthe sentences above.Are they about the presentor the future?Whichtensedo we useto talk aboutfuturearranqements? What is Lynnedoingnextweek?Lookand say.
-L-.i t
ts !--
E ^ b-_--..
1 Whattimewill Philbebackfromwork? 2 Whenaretheymeeting GailandPatrick?
ploringGrammar Exploring BegoingtoVsWittp-
A: lt'sPam'sbirthdaypartyon Sunday. B: I know.I'mgoingto buya present for herthisafternoon. C: Really? l'll helpyouchoose one,then.
5 b. Readagainandanswerthe questions.
Readand underline.
a'm' e - 1O:OO =
) p,m, Fri Ieavercr
Readthe examples aboveandcompletethe rules.Then,readthe dialogue againand find examplesof begoingtoandwill.
We use'will'for on-the-spot-decisions. We use'begoingto' for plansandintentions.
A: WhatisLynnedoingon MondayT B: She's havingo drivinglesson otsixinthe evening.
_ -|
-r i -j
Makingplans -t
-J 1_
-J 4
-l .-at-
Objectives/Targets: talkingaboutfutureplans; invitingpeopleout Vocabulary: sporting equipment Language focus Grommor: Begoingto vsWill;Present Continuous (futuremeaning) Languagein use:What's Lynnedoingon Monday? She'shavinga drivinglesson at sixin the evening.; Wouldyouliketo.../Doyoufancy? Thatsounds nice.;Sorry, I can't. Listening & Reading: a dialogue between a couple makingarrangements for a journey Ski Ilsinvolved: Iistening/read ing for specific information Speaking: talkingabouta summer course; (information gapactivity) Everyday English: invitingpeopleout
-{.{--{ -a = -a
-a t
-. = .{ ,{ -t
J,--_ -J, -_ -J,
.1 L
f a. lfocusF| prediciting, settingthe scene o Focus the Ss'attentionon the dialogue on page92. Readthe instructions andexplain the task.TheSsreadthe firstsentence of the dialogueand tell the classwhat they thinkthedialogue isabout. . Playthe cassette/CD, twiceif necessary. The Ss listen,followin their booksand check theiranswers. Ss'own answers b. lTocus t readinga dialoguebetweena couple
Readthe instructions andexplain the task Allow the Sssometime to readthroughthe sentences and underline the correctitem. Checkthe Ss' answers. the Present |Foctrs>lintroducing/practising with futuremeanings Continuous . Readthe sentences in the table,focusing the Ss'attentionon the wordsin bold.Askthe Ss what the sentences referto (future). Ask5sto translate thesentences. Whichtensedo we use for future arrangements?(present continuous) o Referthe Ssto the Grammar Reference at the backof theirbooksfor furtherdetails. Focusthe 5s'attentionon Lynne's diaryon page 92. Readthe instructions and the exampleand explain the task.The5s,in pairs,askandansweL asin theexample. Suggested AnswerKey A: WhatisLynne doingonTuesday? goingshopping B: She's withhermumat fiveo'clock in theevening. A: WhatisLynne doingon Wednesday? B: SheisplayingtenniswithGeorge at teno'clockin themorning. A: WhatisLynne doingonThursday? B: Sheistakingthedogto thevetat fouro'clock in the afternoon. A: WhatisLynne doingonFriday? B: SheisleavingforManchester ot seven o'clock in the evening.
Readthe instructions and the questions and explainthe task. The 5s read silentlyand answerthe questions. Checkthe Ss'answers. Explain anyunknownwords.TheSs'takeroles andreadout the dialogue. Answer Key I at halfpastfour
2 at eighto'clock.
Extension questions AskyourSscomprehension aboutthedialogue. e.g. Whatwill Phildowhenhecomes backfrom work? WhatdoesPhilwantJudyto washforhim?etc and practisingBegoingto lFdust introducing andWill ) o Readthe sentences in the table,focusing the Ss'attentionon the wordsin bold.AskSsto translate the sentences. Helpthe Sscomplete the rules. . Referthe Ssto the Grammar Reference at the backof theirbooksfor furtherdetails.
J 4
Game o Focusthe Ss'attentionon the picturesillustrating the equipment.Point to and presentthe new words,one by one. Do somequickchoraland/or individual repetition, if necessaryfor correct pronunciation.Brainstormfor sports that this equipmentis usedfor. o Readthe instructions and explainthe rules.Team A Ss choose a word for Team B Ss to make a sentence with, and vice versa. Each correct sentencegetsone point.Theteam with the most pointswins. AnswerKey TeamASl:surfboard TeamBSI: I'llgosurfing. TeamB52:lceskates TeamA 52: I'll go iceskating. TeamA53:flippers TeomB 53: l'llgo swimming.etc O a. lFocGE
o Readthe instructionsand exolainthe task. Have a classdiscussionas to what kind of activities the Ssexpectto do on sucha holiday. o Allocaterolesto the Ss.The Ss,in pairs,use the ad and the usefulohrasesto discussand completethe task. Ask some pairs of Ss to reportbackto the class. Suggested AnswerKey A: Whereareyougoingto go onyourholidoy? B: lm goingto go to Devon,Englond. A: Whyareyou goingthereT B: Toimprovemy English,and havea holidayat the sametime. A: Howlongareyougoingto stay? B: I'mgoingto stayfor two weeks. A: Howmuchareyou goingto pay? B: Onlyf450. A: Whatelseareyougoingto do there? B: lm going to go surfingand horseriding,ond I'm goingto playtabletennisandgo sailing,too!
inviting people out
Readthe title andthe introduction to the exercise. Focusthe Ss' attentionon the language box.Readthroughit andexplain that theseare expressionVphrases usedin spokenEnglish when we invitesomeone out or accepUrefuse an invitation. Readthe instructions the task. andexplain Allowthe Sssometime to readthrough thedialogue andfillinthegaps. Playthe cassette/CD, twiceif necessary. The Ss,listen,followin theirbooksand check theiranswers. b. lFocus Dl personalisation TheSs,in pairs,usetheirown ideasand the language intheboxto actoutsimilar dialogues andrecordthem.Asksomepairsof Ssto report backto the class.
\Hand your 5s blank diary pages.Ask them to discuss with their partnersand fill in the timetables with their partner'sinformation.Relocatethe Ss into new pairs.The Ss'askand answeras in Ex.5 abouttheir oartners'timetable.
L.^L L-lr-
l_ .L
In teams,decidewhat you will do with the items above.
TeamASl: Helmet. etc TeomB S1: l'llgocycling.
EverydayEnglish -4
2 Invitingpeopleout
-J -a
Wo u ldyo u liketo ...? Thatsoundsnic e . Yes,l'd loveto. Areyou doing Sure,why not? an ythin g...?
W h a V H o ab w o u t...?
Student A: You are going to go on the coursebelow.Readthe ad and answer StudentB'squestions.
'l-{itiliilrUlti,lr'ft Ll'ilt.[i lf 1,
S o rryl ca n 't. Mm,l 'm n o tsur e. l'vegot otherplans.
Readand completethe dialogue.Then, listenand checkyour answers. A: Are you doing anythingtonight, Paul? 1 ) Sha llwe go for a meal? The price includes: B: Oh,sorryI can'ttonight.l'm goingto stay e Fullboard * Activities:surfing, in. I haveto studyfor my exam. m Alllessons horse tennis riding, table 2) How about tomorrownight?Are You andsailing do in ga nythingthen? B: No, l'm not. What haveyou got in mind? A: l'm going to go bowling.3) Would you liketo come? StudentB:Yourfriendis goingto go B: That4) soundsnice. Askhim/her on a coursein England. A: l'll giveyou a ringat aboutfivetomorrow. the followingquestions. B: OK,seeyou. b. Portfolio:In pairs,act out similar dialoguesand recordthem.
How much/pay?
What else/do?
How long/stay?
ReadSharon'se-mailand answerthe questions.
1 2 3 'Ln:"2
Wherewill Sharonbe from 17thto 20'hMay? Wh a t i sshedoingon the 18'h? Who doesshewant to meetuo with?
Edward, l'll be in Cardifftrom 17n-20'n May. I hopel'll be ableto seeyou whileI'm there! I'm goingto a weddingon 18'n, but otherthan thatl'm free. Letme knowyourplans. Seeyousoon,I hope! Sharon
2 1
I&h - ilaYtriq to France
Igth - free
J 3
-'rq7i t._*--._.t
l'll be in your town from 4'h-6'h June.I'd love to seeyouwhileI'mthere. Canwe meetup? Chris 1 2
What'sthe nameof yourfriend? When doesyourfriendwant to meetyou?
b. You are going to be busyon the 4'nand 5'h.Decidewhat you are doing on those daysand completeyour diary.
Sharon, Creatto hearfrom you! lt'll be greatto seeyou again.Unfortunately, l'm goingto go to a 1) concerton the 17'handon 1B'nl'm goingto go on a2) daytrip to France. How aboutmeetingon the 3) 19"?| hopethat's all rightwith you. I'm lookingforwardto showingyou around Cardiff.Letme know what you want to do and I'll arrangesomething. Love, Edward
ReadEdward'sdiaryand completehis em ailto Sh aron.
Readthis e-mailfrom a friendand answerthe questions.
IVh - concertin the evening
4th 3 - '-
6th-free c. Portfolio:Useyourcompleteddiary andreplyto yourfriend'se-mail.
.\\ -
Knock!Knock! Who'sthere? wiil! Willwho? Willyou openthe door?lt's freezing out here!
-{ -1
Let me know - ,1
Objectives/Ta rgets:writing f riendly e-mails; making arrrangements throughe-mails Vocabulary: vocabulary related to making arrangements Writing:an e-mailarranging to meeta friend
-< -
1 |Focust readingfor specificinformation --i. r.<
Read the instructionsand the ouestionsand explainthe task.Allow the Sssometime to read through the e-mail and answer the questions. Checkthe Ss'answers. AnswerKey I ln Cardiff. 2 Sheisgoingto awedding. 3 Edward.
c. lFocus>lwriting an e-mail o Referyour 5s to the e-mailmessagein Ex. 2. Ask them to use the diary entry from Ex.3b and the e-mailas a modeland reply to their friend'se-mail,in their noteboors. . The Sswrite the e-mailmessage as written homework.Displaytheirwork. Note:TheSsfiletheircorrectedpiecesof writingin their Language Portfol io . (See Introduction for further explanation.)
lf yourSshaveaccess to the Internet, askthemto usethe e-mailsas modelsand sendeachother similar ones,in orderto arrange a meeting.
4 -Jt4
2 Focust identifying genrestructure andregister Gothroughthe rubricwithyour5sandexplain the task.TheSsreadEdward's diarysilently and use the information the e-mail.Circulate to complete and provideany necessary help.Checkthe 5s' answers.
--_I -
ideas |Focustl generating a. Read theinstructions thetask.Allow andexplain theSssometimeto readthrough thee-mail and answer thequestions. Circulate andprovide any necessary help.Checkthe5s'answers.
-l --
AnswerKey 1 Chris 2 from4th-6th ofJune
-.rr 5
b. Readthe instructions and exolainthe task. Allowthe Sssometimeto complete the diary. Askindividual Ssto reportbackto the class.
Ss'own onswers
-J -J,L
--,| 1
-rl -J 1
A BrilliantFuture
Objectives/Iargets: talkingaboutthe new Wembley in London Stadium Vocabulary: wordsrelated to the stadium facilities Reading: the new stadium an articleabout Skills involved: readingfor specificinformation Writing:a shortarticleabouta stadiumin their country 1 fFocus t settingthe scene o Focusthe Ss' attention on the oictures illustrating the exercise. Readthe instructions andthe textsaccompanying the pictures and explainthe task. Do they know who these peopleare?(Wayne Rooney andDavidBeckham) What are they talkingabout?Havea class discussion. o Referthe Ssto the text on page95.Askthem to readthroughit andfindout whatthetextis about.Ask individual Ssto reoortbackto the class. FoaLrs t readingfor specificpurposes, buildingup vocabulary relatedto Wembley Stadium . Readthe instructions and explainthe task. Allowthe Sssometime to readthroughthe wordsand the definitions and comoletethe tasK. . Playthe cassette/CD, twiceif necessary. TheSs listen,follow in their booksand checktheir answers. Ask individual Ssto reoortbackto the class. FoctrsE readingfor specificinformation, scanning Referthe Ssto the text on page95. Readthe instructions and explainthe task.Allow the Ss sometime to readthe text and find what the figures refer to. Circulateand provide any necessary help.Checkthe Ss'answers. AnswerKey 2006:theyearin whichthestadiumwillbeready. 90,000:the number ofseatsin thestadium. pointsin thestadium. 478:thenumberof foodservice 600:W sets,thesizeof eachof thetwogiantscreens in thestqdiumwillbeequaltothat. 25,000:doubledeckerbuses,the room insidethe stadiumwillbeequaltothat. 2,618:the in thestadium. numberof toilets
4 trctis t
personalisation, pairwork
Readthe instructions andexplain the task.TheSs, in pairs,talk aboutthe eventstheywouldliketo attendat Wembley Stadium. Circulate andprovide anynecessary help.Asksomepairsof Ssto report backto the class. Ss'own onswers
L---_ LL-_
5 lFocuit personalisation, oral reproduction LReadthe instructions andexplain thetask.TheSs, L._ in pairs,usethe questions and their own ideas and discussCirculate and provideany necessary ghelp.Asksomepairsof Ssto reportbackto the L. ctas5. 6 lFodt writinga shortarticleabouta stadiumin theircountry . Askthe Ssto usesomeof theirown ideasfrom Ex.5 andwritea shorttextabouta stadiumin their country.Point out that they should include information suchaspictures or plansof the building aswellasa shortdescription of it. . The Sswrite the text as written homework. Display theirwork.
tsL. >-L. Fi-
-F ^3-
pieces Note:TheSsfiletheircorrected of writingin their Language Portfolio.(See lntroduction forfurther explanation.)
questions Askyour5s comprehension aboutthe texton page95. e.g. Whereis Wembley Whatkindof games Stadium? willbeheldthere? Whenwillthestodiumbeopen? etc
L-.\ I-
Additional Materials
i WordPerfect9, p. 120 CheckExs1-5,p. 1 3 0 I Grammar
I L. t"E. Il! I-
L. _l-
Reading& Listening --.t
1 I
sportwill hoveo newhomeIn 2006, English o brilliontnew stodiumbuiltfor the twentyfirst cenlurylHereore somefoctsond figureooboutthe theworld{omous in London, newWembleyStodium enuefor rugby,footbollond concerts: With 90,000 seotsit will be the lorgestfootboll stodiumin theworld!
-t =-
o Therewill be twogLlodscreens eoch in thestodium, thesizeof 600 W sets. . Therewill be roominsidefor the equivolent of 25,000 doubledeckerbuses. - morethonony ,, oThere willbe 2,618 toilets in theworld. otherstodium
l ^I
t_ It
l" t--
'Here are somewords from the text. Matchthem to their definitions.Then, listenand readthe text.
r r r r
1 2 3
figures pitch gia n t
L" L. r.-t r4
theysoy?The Will it reollybe everything . stndium will openon l3n Moy 2006 fortheFACupFinol.Checkit outl
verybig Sameas an areafor playing sports,especially football numoers a placewherea publicevent happens
Readthe text againand write what the following figuresrefer to:
1 2 3 4 5 6
2006: 9 0 , 0 0 0: 478'. 600: 2 5 , 0 0 0: 2,618'
: r.
r, : . 1 i
Whicheventswould you liKertoattend at the new stadium?Talkwith your friend.
Speaking& Writing Thinkof a stadiumin your country.ln pairs, discussthe followingquestions. ,l
What'sthe nameof the stadium?
2 Whereis it? 3 What aresomefactsand figuresabout pitch,roof,etc.) the stadium?(seats, Portfolio: Useyour answersin Ex.5 and write a shortarticleabout a stadiumin your country.UseEx.2 as a model.
*n *ur trmv*lx ListeninE 1
Con/Should/Must "W-
Talkwith yourfriend.
a. Listento the song.How doesthe singerfeel?
# ,*
I'm going away, I'm travellinglight, I'm leavingtoday! I'^
t ^^, , : ^^
l'm catchingthefirsttrain, It willall be alright, I don't needto worry, I'mtravelling ligh
-L _t
CanI swimin the hotelpool? Youshouldkeepyourmoneyin the hotelsafe Youmustcheckout before12o'clock. Youmustn'tbringpetsintothe hotel. 3
&;#t&"d;#**I'mleaving thecity, Y Andthebrightneonlights,{x. â&#x201A;Ź | won'ttakea suitcase, # 'Cause l'mtravelling light! $., # I'm travellinglight, ft.
-L _-t
ploringGrammar Exploring
Howdo youusually travel?Byplane, train,coachor boat? Doyouliketo travellight?Whatdo you usually takewith you? 2
-r, _^t '- L ,- l
Readthe examples above.Whichsentence: prohibition?b) asksfor a) expresses permission? c) givesadvice?d) shows obligation?
-L -l
Readandcircle. 1
A: Can I get a visaat the airport?
B: No. u canqet onebefore = youleavethe country. 2 A. What time can we/ be at \_theairport? B: No laterthanfive. 3 A: ShouldI take my dog on the \ trainwith me? B: Yes,aslongasit'sin a petcarrier. 4 A. CanI leavemy mobilephoneswitched L. on duringtheflight? B: No, /you shouldn'tleave it on. Switchit off beforeyou get on L-_ theplane. L
Speaking a. Answerthe questions aboutyour countryby circlingYesor No.
b . Readthe songandwrite the questions for the answersbelow. 1 2 3 4
I don'tlikethe city. No,l'm travelling light. Today! Byt r a i n .
1 Whyareyouleaving?
1 DRIVING: MustI havean inter nationaldr ivinglicencYes e? /N o 2 BRINGING A PET:Mustmy pet havea microchip? Yes/No 3 THEDRINKING WATER: lsit Yes/No OKto drinkthetap water? 4 TIPPING: ltip taxi Should drivers, waiters,etc? Yes/No Yes/No 5 VISA:Do I needa visa? b. Now,askand answer. A: Whotdoldo aboutdrivingT B: Youmusthaveaninternationaldrivino licence.
t*** i
-1 --r{
5 --.=l
-l. ,--=l
On your travels
Objectives/Ta rgets: ta Iking about trave||ing Vocabulary:vocabulary relatedto popular destinations and travelling LanguageFocus Grommar:The modaI verbsCan/Should/Must Languagein What do I Use:Why areyou leaving?; do about driving?Youmust havean international drivinglicence. Listening:a songabouttravelling Skills involved: listeningfor gist Reading:an articletalkingaboutetiquette Skill ng correcVincorrect s involved: identifiTi information Speaking:givinginformationto someonevisiting their country(pairwork) Writing: a paragraphgivinginformationto someonevisitingtheir country
-1ED I introducing the themeof the unit, lFocus settingthe scene
-1 --, al
Readthe instructions and the questions and elicit anyunknown vocabulary. The5s,in pairs, talkabout travelling. Ss'own answers
-{g =
--{ I
a. lrocuiFl listeningfor gist . Readthe instructions andexolain thetask. . Playthe cassette/CD, twiceif necessary. The Sslistento thesongandsayhowthesinger Playthe songagain.TheSs feels(happy). listen andsingalong.
Can/Should/ IFocusDl introducing/practising Must . Readthe sentences in the table,focusing the Ss'attentionon the wordsin bold.AskSsto translate thesentences. HavetheSsmatchthe sentences to the uses. Checkthe 5s'answers. . Referthe Ssto the Grammar Reference at the backof theirbooksfor furtherdetails. AnswerKey o b c d
Youmustn'tbring petsinto thehotel. CanI swimin thehotelpool? Youshouldkeepyourmoneyin thehotelsafe. Youmustcheckout before12 o'clock
Readthe instructions and explainthe task.Go through the sentences any and explain/elicit unknownwords.Allowthe 5ssometimeto read and completethe sentences. Checkthe 5s' answers. a. lfoctrsE givinginformation abouttheir country Readthe instructions andexplain the task.Go throughthe sentences and explain/elicit any unknownwords.Allowthe Sssometime to read throughthe questionsand circlethe correctanswer. Checkthe Ss'answers. Ss'ownanswers b. TheSsusethe promptsandthe example asa modelto askandanswer.
Ss'own onswers
Suggested Answer Key A: WhatdoI dowithmypet? B: lt musthovea microchio.
b. Foius t readingfor specificpurposes, identifying relevantinformation
A: Canldrinktap woter? B: Yes, it isoKto drinkthetop water.
Read therubricandthepartsofthe conversation andexplain thetask.The5sreadthesongagain andcomplete thetask.ChecktheSs'answers-
A: ShouldI tip taxi drivers,waiters,etc.? youshouldtip them.etc B: Yes,
Suggested Answer Key 2 Willyoutakea suitcase? 3 When oreyouleaving? 4 Howwillyoutravel?
F O a. lTocuil predicting,setting the scene . Read the instructionsand the dictionary asto what the text entryand inviteguesses is about. . Playthe cassette/CD. TheSslisten,follow in their booksand checktheir answers. Ss'ownanswers
Refer your 5s to the Study Skills box. Read throughit and explainthat readingfor detailis the oppositeof scannlnga text. The Ssshould then go backto the text and readthe sentences, look for the informationthey need.Pointout that sometimessomeof the informationwon't be includedin the text. In this case,the sentence is not false;the answeris 'lt doesn'tsay'.
b. Focus
readingan articleaboutetiquette
Focusthe Ss'attentionon the text on page97. Read the instructionsand explainthe tasr. Allow the Sssometime to readthe sentences, then read the text and completethe task. Checkthe Ss'answers.
)l personalisation, oralreproduction 7 lFocus o Read the instructionsand explainthe task. Allow the Ss some time to read through the article and explain the words in bold. Ask individualSsto reportbackto the class. AnswerKey punctual:someonethat ispunctualisalwayson time host:thepersonthat offersyou hospitality surfaceof it soles:the soleof yourfootistheunderneath withyour teeth chew:bitesomethingrepeatedly rude:notpolite cashier:the personto'whom you pay money when buyingthingsin a shop evennumber:on evennumbercan be dividedexactly by thenumberwvo .
Which rules of etiquette did they find interesting? Havethe Ssgot anysimilarrulesin their country?Havea classdiscussion.
lfocus >lwriting an informativetext for people visitingtheir country .
Ask the Ss to write a paragraphgiving informationto someonevisitingtheir country, for ideasfirst. in their notebooks.Brainstorm TheSswritethe paragraph aswritten homework. Display theirwork.
Note:TheSsfiletheircorrectedpiecesof writingin their Language Portfolio.(SeeIntroductionfor further explonation.)
Ask the 5s to makea list of someof the rules that applyat home,e.g. Youmustn'tputyourfeet up on the furniture.Youcan eot in the livingroom. etc. Ssreportbackto the class. Ask the Ss to imagine they are going somewhere,but they are travellinglight. They cantake onlyten itemswith them.Askthem to makea list.5s reoortbackto class.
F F = \_
F l--
F F F hi--
E-E F--
F ]\-_
ts ts ll\
-t 4
--.4 --t
F, Readthe dictionaryentrybelowand the title of the article.Whatdo you thinkthe articleis about?Listenand readandcheckyouranswers.
-.ra ..&
Reading for detailed understanding
-ll -5r
Read the sentences, one at a time. Go back to the text to fuid the information you need. If the information you need is not in the text, then the answer is Doesn't Say.
b. Readthe text and write R for Right,t4l for Wrong or DSfor Doesn'tSay.
_J -*
,{. -La
3 Jt
4 5
_J J.
ln NewZealand. it is OK to be late for appointments. you shouldalways ln Thailand, take off your shoesbeforegoing into a house. In India,if yourfeettouchanother person,you mustsay'sorry'. In SouthKorea,number4 brings b a d l uck. In Egypt,you shouldn'tadd salt to your food when you'reeating in someone's home. In Mexico,you shouldn'tleave your moneyon the counter.
O In South Korea, the number 4 is unlucky.You should never give anyone a present that has got four items in it.
O InThailand, check to see if the host is wearing shoes. If not, you should take yours off before entering the house. O In India,you mustn't show the soles of your feet or touch a person's head.
Readthe articleagainand explainthe words in bold. Which rulesof etiquette did you find interesting?Are there any similar rulesin your country?
O In New Zealand,you should always be on time or early for all appointments. Being puncnral is part of the culture.
Travel, so they say,broadens the mind.It's always a good thing to orperience dififerent ways of life,but it's also a good idea to check the Dos and Don'ts of each country. So, just in case you're thinking of taking a wodd tour, here are a few tips from around the globe!
Portfolio: Write a paragraphgiving informationto someonevisitingyour country.Think of: gifts,shopping,visiting people,greetingand talkingto people,gestures, eatingetc. Use ideasfrom Ex.6b.
O In Germany, you shouldn't clrew gum when you are talking to someone.This is very rude. O In Egypt,you should leave some food on your plate or your host will think you're hungry and he'll keep filling it up. O In Modco,when you buy something from a shop,you should put the money in the cashief,'s hand, not on the counter. O In Russia, you shouldn't give an even number of flowers to anvone.
Prenuneiation Y /i/, /r/
W Naturalfeatures I
a. Doyou knowanyoftheseplaces? Lookat the pictures aboveandcomplete the names.
Listenandtick (/). Then,listen againand repeat.
. Beach. Fallso Foresto River. Junqle. Lake o Mount . Caves swim : -- - - - :,.,. bill ;i-i-t, fr.t sleep ,/
b . In pairs,ask and answer. Haveyou everbeento Australia? B: No.What'sit like? A: It'sfabulous!You lt'sincredible! shouldseeBondiBeach.
|eat- - - ,/, isee ,/ ,/ pick ',
a. What'sthe besttravelexperience \ you'veeverhad?Tellthe class.
Listenand matchthe peopleto the countries.
#ffiPLE cill Jack Anne Thomas Beth Pa u l
/ /
- - ,-
â&#x201A;ŹCUF{TAY A B C D E F G H
Australia Ge rma ny Peru Brazil Egypt Venezuela lndia Nepal
b. Readthe articleandfind the name( s) of ... 1 fourcountries. 3 two dishes. 2 threesports. 4 a dance. c. Whichexperiences areshownin the pictures? Readthe article againandunder line t he sentences that bestdescribe them .
=-.| r--
i I
Objectives/Ta rgets:taIking abouttravelIing expenences Vocabulary: naturalfeatures Language focus Grommar: PresentPerfect Languogein use;Haveyoueverbeento Australia? No.What'sit like?lt'sfabulous! Youshouldsee BondiBeach. .; Garyhasalready lt'sincredible pickedupthetickets.Hehasn'tboughtnew yet. sunglasses Listening: two friends talking a dialogue between abouttravelling Skillsinvolved c information : Iistening for specifi Reading: experiences an articleabouttravelling Skills involved: scann ing (pairwork) givingan interview Speaking: Pronunciation: the A/ andhl sounds i
y1'1' _:' ::*':':1T1t ***__
vocabulary lFocust introducing/practising
L-, 1i LL: l-l
t_ t_ L-/
t_ t_ L_ l--
L_ t-
relatedto naturalfeatures 1 a. . Go through the words (beach,falls,forest, and eliciV river,jungle,lake,mountandcoves) present theirmeaning. . Referthe Ssto the picturesand readthe incompletephrases.Ask the Ss if they knowor havebeento anyof thoseplaces. Allow the Ss sometime to comoletethe ohrases. Checkthe Ss'answers. andthe example b. Readthroughthe instructions the The and explain task. Ss,in pairs,askand prompts as andthe example answerusingthe a model. Suggested AnswerKey A: Haveyou everbeentoNepal? B: No,what'sit like? lt's A: lft fabulous.YoushouldseeMount Everest. incredible. A: Haveyou everbeentoVenezuela? No,whot's B: itlike? A: lt'sfobulous.'sincredible. etc about 2 lTocust listeningto a conversation peopleandcountries . Readthe instructions the task. andexplain . Playthe cassette/CD, twiceif necessary. The5s listenand matchthe peopleto the countries. Checkthe 5s'answers. Tapescript Beth:Hi Paul...whatorethey,holidoybrochures? but I Paul:Oh,helloBeth...l'm thinkingof goingawaysomewhere,
don'tknowwhereto go ...theyoll looksonice! Beth:Letme see...mmm lndia - fobulous.Gill'sbeento lndio,you shouldaskherabout it. Paul: lndia? Giil? That's interesting. What do you reckon to Venezuela? or Brazileven? Beth:WellI knowsomeonewho'sbeento Brazil...a friendof mine Jack...andhelovedit, Paul:Doyou meonJackShaw? Hashebeento Brazil?Cool! Beth:Whaft thisone,! Paul:Don'ttellmeyou knowsomeonewho'sbeento Nepal! Beth:No,I don't,but my sisterAnnehasbeento Peru. Paul:Peru's not nearNepal! Beth:No...but ..,you know- they'vebothgot big mountains! Paul:Hey,whataboutAustralia?lt'ss bit far,but it soundsgreat. Beth:Yeah,welldon't laugh,but Thomashasbeento Australia.ln facthe'sgettingmorriedto on Australiangirlin June. Poul:Idon't believeit! Beth:Thereis a brochurehereabout Egypt.lve beento Egypt...I wentlastyear...solcon tellyouall about it, Paul:lt seemsthot everyone's exceptfot me ...I've beensomewhere onlyeverbeento Germanyon a schooltrip! Beth:Oh,pooryou!Nevermind,we'll sortyou out,let'shave...
anddistinguishing between lFocust identifuing the ttl andfil sounds . Readthe instructions andexplain the task. . Playthe cassette/CD. TheSslistenandtick the phoneticsymbol.Playthe cassette/ appropriate pausing for the Ssto repeatchorally CDagain, Checkthe Ss' answers. and/or individually. Individual Ssreadout thewords. a. lFocusFlwarming up Readthe instructions andexolain the task.Ask individual Ssto tell the classabouttheirbest travelexperience. Havea classdiscussion. Ss'ownonswers b. lTodt scanninga travelmagazinearticle Focusthe attentionof the Sson the text on page99. Readthe instructions the andexplain through task.Allowthe 5ssometimeto read the text andcomplete the task.Checkthe Ss' answers. AnswerKey 1 Switzerlond, ltaly,France,Spain 2 skiing,swimming, surfing 3 froglegs,Huli-Hulichicken 4 flamenco Note:Hawaiiisa state,not a country. c. lTocus>l identifyingrelevantinformation Readthe articleand underline the sentences that describethe pictures.Explainany unknownwords.Ssreadout fromthe text.
F )L.
and practising the Focus>l introducing PresentPerfect a. . Readthe sentences in the table,focusing the Ss'attentionon the wordsin bold.Ask Ss to translatethe sentences. Elicitthe formof the presentperfectfromthe Ss. o Referthe 5s to the GrammarReference at the backof theirbooksfor furtherdetails. b. Readthe instructions thetask.The andexplain 5s readthe text againand underline all the presentperfectforms.Checkthe Ss'answers. As an extension, askSsto talk aboutAndy's travelexperiences. Readthe instructions the task.Allow andexplain the Ss sometime to read and completethe sentences, usingthe appropriate form of the verbsin the brackets. Checkthe Ss'answers. .
Say,then write on the board:I haveboughto phone.Underline newmobile the wordsin bold. TheSsrepeatafteryou.AskSsto translate the sentences. Then,ask:'Bough( isthepastparticiple of whichverb?Elicit:buy.Explainthat irregular verbshavetheirown pastparticiple. . Ask the Ss to look up the verbsin their dictionaries and write the past participle of eachonein theirnotebooks. AllowtheSssome timeto do thetask.ChecktheSs'answers. AnswerKey I bought 2 come
3 eaten 4 flown
5 seen 6 swum
Readthe instructions andthe example andexplain thetask.Usethe examples to elicitthe position of alreadyandyet in the sentences. TheSsthen use the prompts the task.Checkthe 5s' andcomplete anSwers. Suggested AnswerKey Garyhosalready Hehasn'ttokenhis washed hisclothes. yet. suitto thedrycleaner's Garyhosalreadycancelled hisnewspoper delivery. He hasn'tpaidhisbillsyet.
g lT6tGE personatisation, tatkingabouta journey
Readthe instructions andexplain thetask.TheSs, in pairs,usetheirown ideasand the rubricas a guideand tell eachotherabouttheir travelling >\..t experiences and recordthemselves. Circulate and provideanynecessary help.Asksomepairsof Ss >.to reportbackto the class. L.J Note:TheSscanbringtheirowntapeswith them and recordtheir dialogues. Lateron, they can listento theirdialogues andcheckthemselves.
>.L 1O Foctlst writinga travelmagazine article \.J . ReferyourSsto Ex.4bon page98.Askthem to write a text abouttheirtravelexoeriences >rfor TravelLightmagazine in their notebooks. \.J TellthemtheycanusetheirideasfromEx.9. . The 5s write the text as written homework. >-t \J Display theirwork. Note:TheSsfiletheircorrected pieces of writingin their LonguagePortfolio.(Seelntroduction forfurther explanotion.)
-h L.
Encourage Ssto find moreinformation aboutthe natural features in Ex.1. Herearesomeusefullinks: gobondi. unvw. com/bond i/bondi.asp geograph www.national www.crysta/i ketiticaca. htmI unrvur. britannica. com/eb/article mazon. htmI www.clippertou ntaellora.htmI www.enrycloped l/B/B IackFlor. asp
F ts\-
from This EcreekoAndy Brown, a re*der trave[s' hlewcastle, â&#x201A;Źells us about hi
ts a T'ravelling greatwayto see anddn $ome reallYinteresting things. to most I'vetravelled partsof EuroPe. and skiedin Switzerland Como wuminLake frogs' and legsinFrance in theflamenco danced Spain!
onn experiences I'vehadsomegreat o-tneroaOt waiting! We're experiences' to sendusyourtravel Don'tforget Lookup the followingverbsand write the past participleof eachone.
7 - i|'. t - -
1buy3 2 come
= {
Present Pertect ?
= -ra-
a. Readthe sentencesabove.How do we form Present Perfect?Complete.
= {4
E lJ
x x
b. Readthe articleagainand underlineall the Present Perfectforms.
Readand completethe sentences. 1 2
Garyhas alreadypickedup the tickets.He hasn't yet. boughtnewsunglasses
Subject+ have/has + PastParticiple -J .-_
PickuPthetickets buvnewsunglosses wrishclothes takesuitto thedrY cleaner's news2a2er cancel pay bills
-: _J
Y# tro: W'w***g
5 see 6 swim
Garyhashada busyweekpreparing for his holidays. Lookand say.
-ta .:
He has travelled(travel)around Britain fivetimes. Haveyou everstayed(you/ever/stay) in a five-starhotel? He hasn'tdecided(noVdecide) whereto go on holiday. She has sailed(sail) acrossthe Atlantic Ocean. We haven'tvisited(not/visit)the National Museumyet. Thetrain hasn'tarrived(noVarrive)yet.
Portfolio:Youhavejust returnedfroma tour aroundthe world.Tellyourfriendabout:
. whichplacesyou havevisited . whichactivities you havedone . whichfoodsyou havetried yourselves. Record
magazine lQ Portfofio: Writeto TravelLight aboutyourtravelexperiences. UseEx.4b asa model.
Timsffmra chmrre f Vocabulary ) 1
Doyou likechanges in yourlife?Readthe phrases andsaywhichof thesethings... a youhaveneverdone; b youhavealready done; c youhavealways wantedto do.
. redecorate myroom . movehouse . change jobs . startmyown business . loseweight. change myhairstyle lhaveneverredecorated myroom.
Listening& Reading 2
Listento a dialoguebetween two people.They are .i friendswho haven'tseenone anotherfor sometime. B friendswho meetup regularly. b. Readand completethe dialoguewith the sentences from the box. Laura: Frank!| don't believeitl I haven'tseenvou for ages.How areyou? Frank: 1)A Laura: Thanks.l've losta bit of weight recently. So, what haveyou beenup to? Frank: 2) D I startedtherea yearago. Laura: That'sgood.I left work a coupleof years ago. l'vegot a one-year-old son now. Frank: 3) C Laura:'sthe bestthing that ever happened to me! Frank 4)E Lauro: No. We'vemovedto Parklands. Why don't you comeoverfor dinnersometime? Frank: 5) B Laura: Well,here'smy phonenumber.Giveme a ringand we'll arrangea day. Frank: lt's a deal!You'rethe bestcook l'veever known- but don't tell my wife I saidthatl Lauro: l'll be waitingfor yourcall. Frank: You can count on it! BveLaura.
seelng You Hello,Laura.FancY great! here!Youlook Yeah,I'd likethat.We cancatchuP on the lastfiveYears'
:IH :L
Soyou'rea mother' Congratulations! L
jobs'lwork at a Well,l'vechanged travelagent'snow'
Areyoustilllivingin OakStreet?
10 0
Portfolio:In pairs,actout similardialogues to Ex.2 and recordthem.
Time for a change! -- 4* ,
Objectives/Iargets: taIking aboutpersonal payingandaccepting changes; compliments personal Vocabulary: changes Language focus Grammor: Present VsPastSimple; Perfect Suoerlatives Languageinuse;l my haveneverredecorated room.;I reallylikeyournewdresslThankyou. It'sniceof youto sayso.;My uncleBillyisthe person funniest I know. two Listening & Reading: a dialogue between friends that haven'tseeneachotherfor a lonq time Ski IIsinvolved : reading/listening for specific purposes; inferring (roleplay; Speaking: actingout a dialogue recording) paying/accepting Everyday English: compliments
-.!r' -I-
1 Focust settingthe scene
.J I :
b. lTocust readingfor specificpurposes Readthe instructions and exolainthe task. the task. Allowthe Sssometimeto complete Explain Checkthe Ss'answers. anyunknown words.Sstakerolesandreadoutthedialogue. 3 Focust oralreproduction Readthe instructions andexplainthe task.TheSs, asa in pairs,usetheirown ideasandthe dialogue them. modeltoactoutsimilar dialogues andrecord Ss'gwn onswers Note:Ihe 5scanbringtheirown tapeswith them recorded. Lateron, they andhavetheirdialogues canlistento theirdialogues andcheckthemselves.
Readthe instructions and the phrasesand explain the task. Individual5s use the phrasesand the exampleas a modeland makesentences. Suggested AnswerKey lhavealreadymovedhouse. I hovealwayswantedto changejobs.etc
i- '
_tl: --)2
4* --*
z a. lFocusF| listeningto a dialoguebetween two friends. . .
Readthe instructions and the two options and explainthe task. The Ss listen and Play the cassette/CD. completethe task.Checkthe Ss'answers.
--t4, .J -)
H t-i
4 Foctdt paying/accepting compliments o Readthe instructions andthe language in the speech bubbles andexplain thetask.Allowthe Sssometimeto readandfill in the gaps. . Playthe cassette/CD, twiceif necessary. The5s listenandchecktheiranswers. Game Readthe instructions and explainthe task.Allowthe Ssa minuteto writethe compliments, theytaketurns to comoliment eachother. t PresentPerfectVs PastSimple lTocrrs 5 a. . Readthe sentences in the table,focusing the Ss'attentionon the wordsin bold.Use them to elicit the differencebetween presentperfectand the pastsimple.Ask the Ssto complete the rules. . DrillyourSs.Writepromptson the board. lndividual Ssmakesentences. goto bed/earlylastnight I wentto bedeailylastnight. worstbooUread/ever Thisis the worstbookI hoveeverread. erc Referthe Ss to the GrommarReference at the backof their booksfor furtherdetails. e.g. T Sl : T 52:
b. Referthe Ss to the dialogueon page 100. Readthe instructions and explainthe task. Allowthe Sssometimeto complete the task. Checkthe Ss'answers. Readthe instructions andtheexample andexplain the pairs,askandanswerasin the example. Checkthe Ss'answers. AnswerKey 2 A: Hoveyou everseenafamousperson? B: Yes,lsaw Jennifer Aniston in Greece lastsummer. 3 A: Haveyoueverbrokenabone? B: Yes, I brokemyarmwhenI wasten. 4 A: Haveyoueverseen a musicol? B: Yes, I sawBillyElliotlastweek.
and practising the lFocus>] introducing Superlative form . Readthe sentences in the table,focusing the Ss'attentionon the wordsin bold.Askthe Ss which sentencecomparestwo peopleand whichmorethantwo. AskSsto complete the rures. o Referthe Ssto the Grammar Reference at the backof theirbooksfor furtherdetails. o Readthe instructions and exolainthe task. Allowthe Sssometimeto readthe sentences andcomplete thetask.Checkthe Ss'answers. o Readthe rubricand explainthe task.The Ss usethe promptsandthe example asa model andtellthe classabouttheirfamilies. Ss'ownonswers
Askthe Ssto bringintoclasspictures of celebrities from magazines, etc. In groups,ask them to prepare a collage, usingpictures anda sentence to describeeachcelebrity,e.g. TomCruise is the best actorin theworld.
tr E
t t t t t
tr F E E E E 'fi iL il
\ L
1 01 ( r )
-.4 L-r
3A: (breal</bone) B: (arm/whenI was ten) 4A: (see/musical) B: (BiIly ElIiotllast week)
) Paying/Accepting compliments -.ra*
Look,readand complete. Then,listenand check youranswers.
1A: Haveyou everwona competition?
. mademy day . niceof you
B: Yes,lwon a song
-rl -{
JakeistallerthanJosh. Harryisthe tallestin the class/of all.
-tl's1) n ofyouto sayso.
Thanks. You've 2 ) madem yday!
Readthe examples aboveand matchthe sentences. 1 We usethe comparative formto compare b 2 We usethe superlative formto compare a a morethanthreepeople, animals/etc. b two people/animals/etc.
-rl *-
In groupsof fouf takea minuteto write down a you want to payto eachpersonin your compliment group.Then,in turns,compliment oneanother.Don't forgetto acceptthe compliment!
S1:I reallylikeyour newdress! 52: Thankyou. lt'sniceofyoutosayso!
--u * -l
ExploringGrammar rl-
Present PertectvsPastSimple '{}GrammarReference
-1 J-
I have moved house. I moved housesixmonthsago.
aboveand completethe rules. E a. Readthe sentences
--J '
We usePastSimple for thingsthat happened in the pastat a definite time. We usePresentPerfectfor thingsthat happenedin the pastbut we don'tknowexactly when.
-J 4
4 J
Superlatives ?
b. Readthe dialoguein Ex.2b againandfind examples of PresentPertect andPastSimple.
Askand answer. 1 A: (win/competition) year) B: (songcompetition/last (see/famous person) 2 A: B: (Jennifer Anistonin Greece/last summer)
Readandcomplete. Doyouremember Roy?He wasthe mosthandsome (handsome) boyin the class. Nigelisthe fittest(fit) person lknow. I thinkDiana'slim s m er than (slim)Rosie. 4 Thisis the worst(bad)cold l'veeverhad. 5 RowanAtkinsonis much funnier than(funny)Jim Carrey. 6 TheBlackForestis the most beautiful(beautiful)place l'veeverbeento. Tellthe classaboutyour famify.Use:tall,short,slim,old, young,beoutiful, handsome, funny,friendly,i nteresti ng, etc. MyUncleBillyisthefunniestperson lknow.
â&#x201A;Źmteh*n riting (afriendlyletter)
Readthe letter again and completethe plan.
o yout friend'snews . your news . apologise
o SorryI haven'tbeenin touchfor a while. . l'm sorryit hastakenmeso longto write. . Apologies for not writingsooner.
apologise & givereasonsfor not writingsooner Paras2 & 3: giveyour news Para4; askaboutyour friend'snews
Brendan isstudyingat DramaSchool. Whatkindof things do studentsdo at DramaSchool? Readandput a tick(/). 1 Theatre studies 2 Lighting design 3 Maths
,/4 ,/5 6
,/ Stagefencing Stagemanagement/ Foreignlanguages
Discuss & Write 4
#ryFPJrb Writing your final draft Beforeyou hand in your compositionto be conected by the teacher, make sure you read it and check that you haven't made any mistakesin spelling,punctuation,grarnrnar,etc.
Thinkof allthe thingsthat havehappened to you in the lastsixmonthsand keepnotes underthe followingheadings. . changes . new in appearance o experiencesjourneys Now,tellthe class.
ReadBrendan's letterand identify:a)threespelling mistakes, mistakes, b) two punctuation c)threegrammar mistakes. Then,correctthem. Dearllealher,
nl e?
n'l beenin louch for a while,but,l've oy terml l'm reallyenjoyinqDrama 3 choolanilhae. made eomegood friendohere. a'? -W":u;;rrudv -thinqe
Portfolio:Youhaven'twritten you to a goodfriendbecause havebeenreallybusy.Writea lettertellinghim/herallyour fatestnews.UseEx.2 asa model.
puron Nwoshows:g+t6b
Gi) arl . "J')lerm, oo ao you can imagine,lhin(s have been
prelty heclic. And,gueoowhat? l'veqot ehorL hair now!| had to, for the par| of Hamletl l've ... cool,huh? aloo,learninq oomeot age-fencinq 'We'vejuoNqot,back from a triV to 7trabford- c on- A v on We nent a e e k L h e re a nA A i A qnme? Q' ) qr)uVon-Avon. weakWre did oome1\?u Weaepent aw and workohoVo wiuhthe RoyalShake@ar{ompa.ny!/ _ llwas oneof lhe beettimes l'veeverhad-weeKle?) I hopethingeare qoinqwellfor you inyour new. (ou\ job,llaveyou madeany planofor a holidayyeta" HowabouNcome lo Londonfor a few daye? I'd
Writesoonand let,me know, Love, Drendan
F F F F t F F F F F b
F trr L
I haven't sleptfor iL
iF Ll-
a t n ig h t s !
hrl +:
Objectives/Targets: writing friendly letters Writing:a letterto a friend Skillsinvolved: notetaking;organising ideasinto paragraphs (monologue; Speaking: aboutpersonal changes : reporting)
--a h-al
- rl
Focusthe Ss'attentionon the StudyTip box.Read throughit andaskthe Ssto tellyouin what kind of texttheyexpectto findsuchremarks. Elicitthe (ln the Introductory paragraph answer. of letters to friends.)
--tl J
1 lTocust settingthe scene Readthe instructions andexplain the task.Allow the Ss some time to read the subjectsand comolete the task.Checkthe Ss'answers.
--ll .-t
1 4J
--rl ra-
pieces Note:TheSsfiletheircorrected of writingin thei LonguagePortfolio.(Seelntroduction forfurther explonation.)
AskSsto writethreesentences aboutexperiences in theirlives.Oneof thesentences mustbe false. (T)l'veeatensushi. e.g.l've beentoModameTussaud's. (T)fve seenJohnnyDepp.(0. Ss' read out the sentences to the class. Theclassdecides whichis thefalsestatement. Encourage the Ssto comeupwith funnyexcuses for not writingto someone, e.g.lhaventwriften because l'vebeenona desert islondformonths.
scanning lFocustl readingfor specificpurposes, a text for mistakes Readthe instructions the task.Allow andexplain the Sssometimeto readthroughthe letterand correct the mistakes. Checkthe 5s'answers.
3 trcus t readingfor specificpurposes, genrestructure identifying
Readthe instructions the task.TheSs andexplain read the letter againand completethe plan. Checkthe Ss'answers.
Focusthe Ss'attentionon the Studyskillsbox. Readthroughit andexplain that it isimportant to proof readtheir work beforethey handit overfor correction. In thisway,theycanavoid punctuation mistakes in spelling, andgrammar.
5 lFocust writing a letterto a friend ReferyourSsto the letteron page102.Ask themto usetheirown ideasandthe letterin Ex.2 asa modelandproduce a similar letterto a friendtheyhaven'twrittento in a while,in theirnotebooks. TheSswrite the letteras written homework. Display theirwork.
4 lFocus)l generating ideas Readthe rubricandexolain the task.Allowthe Ss sometime to brainstorm and keepnotesof the most importantthingsthat havehappened to themin the pastsixmonths.Askindividual Ssto reportbackto the class.
Ss'ownonswers -.ta L
Curricular Cuts Science
Objectives/Targets: learningaboutsunrays Reading: anarticleaboutthedifferent kindsof rays Skillsinvolved: readingfor specificinformation; i problemsolving skills j
4 Focust problemsolvingactivity,findingthe right SPF Readthroughthe rubricand explainthe task. Allow the 5s sometime to comoletethe task. Checkthe Ss'answers. Ss'own answers
1 lFocust brainstorming for words relatedto the sun Readthe instructions the task.Tellthe andexplain Ssthey can usetheir dictionaries, if they wish. Allow the Ss sometime to completethe task. Checkthe Ss'answers.
Askthe Ss,in groups, to prepare a 'Safein the Sun poster',usingpictures frommagazines etc
Suggested AnswerKey sunblock sunburn, sunkissed, sunbathe, sunton, sunton lotion,etc.
2 Focust identifyingtypesof sun rays Focus the Ss'attentionon the diagramillustrating theexercise Askthemto studyit andtelltheclass how manykindsof raysthereareandwhichones don't go throughthe ozonelayer.Checkthe 5s' answers.
WordPerfect 10,p. 120 Exs1-5,p. 131 Grammar Check,
AnswerKey Therearethreekindsof roys. TheUVCraysdon'tgothroughtheozonelayer. 3 lFoctJst answeringquestionsaboutthe differenttypesof sun rays Readthe instructions andexplainthe task.Allow the Sssometime to readthroughthe text and answerthe questions. Askthemto underline the sentences in the text that verifi7their answers. Checkthe Ss'answers. AnswerKey 1 UVA 2 summer 3 sunscreen, suntqnlotionwithhighSPF
-ts fb
Hereare somewords connectedwith the sun. Canyou think of any more? Useyour dictionaries, if you wish.
=1 -.4
. sun sh in e o roy . tan . sunscreen
Lookat the diagram. How many kindsof raysare there?Which raysdo not go through the ozonelayer?
=2 -.rJ t -Jr
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1 2 3
Readand answer.
_J J
Whichraysdid scientists believe to be safe? What time of yearare UVB raysstronger? How canwe protect from theserays? ourselves
Findinq the riqhl SPF forUoul Th in ka b outhow longyou canstayin the sun before you startgoingred ( e .9.2 0 minutes). how longyou Calculate usu a lly stayin the sun ( eg 3h o urs=180 m i nu tes). D i vi deth e numberin b by the n u m berin a ( eg 1 8 0 +20=6). Theansweris the correct SPFfor you.
.rr a'
)r.t shirto
A bright sunny day makesus all Thesearepresentall feel good,and getting a nice tan yearroundandcause in the sufirmefmakesus feel the skinto ageand healthy and fit. But, in fact, wrinkle.Scientists usedto the rays from the sun believethatthesewere can.causea lot of the'safe'rays,but in fact damage. theydo themostdamage. UVArayscangetthrough clothes, hatsandeven windows,
Thesearethe 'burning' raysandarestrongerin thesummer,especially from 10amto 3 pm. U\ts faysarethecauseof sunburnandcanalso youreyes. damage
| '. I
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F Thesearethemost powerfulandharmful rays.Fortunately, the ozonelayerstopsthem tt)=:< from reachingEarth.That is whyit is importantto protecttheozonelayer! Themost How canwe protectourselves from the sun'srays? Alwaysput on a suntanlotion obviousansweris a sunscreen. with a highSPF(SunProtection Factor).It's alsoa goodidea to wearsunglasses andthat.
tr Vocabulary
G r am m ar
Look,readand numberthe sports.
Readand matchthe sentences.
trekking jet boating sn o rke l l i n g rafting sn o w mo b i l i n g
a b c d (12marks)
F A: Areyoucomingto my F partyon Saturday? A: l'm meetinqJamesin town at eighto'clock. F A: Why are you wearing yourtrainers? F A: l' m takingthe k i dsto see the new Disney filmtonight. t B: Because I'm goingto go joggingin th e par k . t B: l' m not sur e.l 'l l r i ngy ou
on Friday. B: Are you? Oh, l'm sure they'llloveit! B: Are you going to drive thereor takea taxi? (4mark)
Lookand write the words. 2
cieketsas iceskates
; 2 J*.. I
lemthe h e l me t
prlefisp flippers
goggles (12marks)
Readand underlinethe correctword. 1 2 3 4
Inthe future,carswillrunon nutritionpills. Canyouhelpme?| can'tget/ the top shelf? you got plans your Have year? any for venture | can'twaitto go to Tibet;it'sa great skill for me. 5 Hawaiiis a popularholiday /adventurefor peoplealloverthe world. 6 We layon the relaxing beachfor hours. (12 morks)
Readand completethe sentencesusing Present Perfect or PastSimple. I lost(lose)my camera.Have you seen (you/see) it anywhere? Jane worked (work) in Ar gentina in 19 99. George started (start) his newjob two daysago. Theyhaven'tfinished(noV finish)theirhomework yet. Frankhasjust bought(jusV buy)a new house. Didyoudo (you/do)anything special lastnight? (travel)to Shehastravelled a lot of countries. Has he called(he/call)the doctoryet? Youhavealready eaten (already/eat) four sandwiches! 10 We went (go) to a concert lastSunday. 10norks
tr F F F
tr tr = \ =
E L I-
-& -{ -f.
-ta lr--l{ u_
U s et h i sbo w l .l t's........ th a n theotherone A big bigger C biggest
.Ii -i
LaLuna isthe........ restaurant in town. A good B better best
6 Y o u. . . . . ... ch e cko u t o f th e h o t e bl y 12 . A should B mustn't
(6 marks)
B: A:
S p a in -week holidavs on the Costa
del Sol. o A luxury
Needtogetawqt? Call in today!
with full board.
o Cost of package,including flight, only ! We're open 9 am -
Reading& Writing 9
Michelleis a studentat a balletschool.Completeher letterto herfriend,Daniel,usingthe notesbelow. ,/ aLreadg put on threeshows- thingsverg hectic ,/ grow mg holrJor part oJSleepingBecutg / just gotbackJromtrlp to London- do workshopswith RogatBattet
)orry | haven'tbeen in Louchfora wh,e,bur,vehada reary buoy *ally enioyinqbalet schootand I havemade oomJ qood ::r^:,:'T Trrcndqnere. Wehavealready ?ut on three ehowsand thinqoare veryheclic.I let my hair growfor the part of OleeViny geauty. I have jusLqot bacx from a Lriv to London,whereI did'woikshopo wi,hthe KoyarDaret. WriLesoon with all your newe. LOV?,
Readand complete.
B: A:
-! _
paybefore You........ youget on thebus. must B mustn't C shouldn't
o Fantastic deals on package holidays in
T h e s ea r e th e o e s l'veeverhad. A comfortable B morecomfortable mostcomfortable
(Fortapescriptseepp. 152T-153T) , , Listenand completethe missinginformation.
p a rkh e reU Yo u. . . . . ... . seth e carparkin QueenStreet. A must mustn't C can
Readand choosethe correct item.
Are you 1) doinganything special on Saturday, Julie? Notthat I knowof. Why? Do you fancy2\ comingto see the new George Clooney film? That3) isnice. l'll 4) give you a ring tomorrowmorning. OK,thanks. (4morks)
(20 marks) (Totol= 100 nark)
I can... a a a a a
talkaboutsportsandsportsequipment talkaboutthe future givepersonal plansandintentions talkaboutpersonal experiences writee-mails/etters
...inEnglish! 1os(r)
Acrcssth* Gurrilculum or b) monsters?
Look at the novels.Are they about: a)
to the novels. Readand matchthe characters to win a bet Phileas Fogg,a richmanwho travelled Ca ptainNemo,the captainof an u n d e rwa t esrh ip the leaderof an expedition Professor Lidenbrock.
Listento an extractand match it to the correctnovel.
f,,ftP *0rqq,ue! ,ff*nilo {Gefi Holdon tight dancewith you all night And I ain' ttakin'no for an answer ! Holdme close sweepyou off your toes CozI ain' tno statue.l' m a dancer ! makeyoudance makeyoumove makeyouget lntothegroove!
F F F F h-
F 'L_ a
1 2
Listenand read.Underlinethe words that mean:I'mgoingto, I'mnot (a),because. Readthe followinglinesfrom songsand try to rewritethem in 'correct'English!Checkwith your teacher.
no sunshine whenshe'sgone. There's l'm not goingto cryoveryou. lsn'tit thetruth? l'm nevergoingto giveyouup. got anyhair. got anymoneyandI haven't got I haven't no hair I ain'tgot no moneyandI ain't
whenshe'sgone Ain 't n o sunshine Ain't gonnacryoveryou Ain 't it the truth? Nevergonnagiveyou up
IL I.-
Acrossthe Curriculum5 (Literature) -{l *-i
Aims:introducing the Ssto the adventurous worldof Jules Verne's novels Vocabulary: literature related words,(plot;summary; maincharacters; setting; etc.)
Focus>l introducingthe Ss to the theme of the unit, setting the scene
-1 --1 --
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Focusthe Ss' attention on the book covers. What do all these books have in common? (Theyare all written by JulesVerne.)Are the Ss familiarwith the author?Havethey read any of his other books?What is so soecialabout this author? (He is considered the prophetof Literoture. Heforetoldtheexistence of manyobjects suchasthesubmarine, thephonograph,etc.)What kinds of books do they like reading?Havea classdiscussion. Readthe instructions and exolainthe task.The Ss look at the book coversand completethe task Checkthe Ss'answers.
Extension lf youwish,askthe Ssto findthe information missing fromthe followino JuleVernefactfile. Firstname(s): Lastname: Placeof birth: Dateof birth: MajorWorks: lFocusDl readingfor specificinformation, inferring,matching Readthe instructionsand the characters'names and explainthe task.Explainany unknownwords. Allow the Ss some time to read and match the characters to the novels.Checkthe Ss'answers.
Possepartout then noticeda man riding an elephantand pointedhim out to Fogg.Foggimmediately walkedup to him. 'MoyI buyyourelephant?" 'lt'snot forsale!" "l'llgiveyou wvothousandpounds!" Posseportout andCromartywereshocked. 'Youcon'tbuyan elephant!"saidCromarty."lt'smadness!" But Froggtookno noticeand gavethemoneyto theman,who happily tookit.
Songsheet 5 - Get Into TheGroove!
' Aims:listeningto a song;workingon the language
i o.t_T-oo:,*::"=ls:
1 Focus>l listeningfor specificpurposes, matchingsoundsto words . Focusthe Ss'attentionon the title and the pictureillustrating the song.Ask the Ss to guesswhat kindof musicit is. Readthrough the song lyricsand elicit any unknown vocabulary. Say,then write on the board: l' m goingto, lh not,because. Pointout that in everydayspeech, peopletend to pronouncewordsin a different mannerthan that in which they are written. Ask them to read through the lyrics and underlinethe wordsthat meanl'm goingto,l'm not, because, but are written the way they are pronounced. Checkthe Ss'answers. Playthe song.TheSslistenand singalong.
purposes 2 lTocust readingfor specific Readthe instructions and explainthe task.Allow the 5s sometime to readthrough the lyricsand rewritethem in 'correct'written Enolish.Check the 5s' answers.
Fcus >] listening for specificpurposes, matching . .
Readthe instructions and exolainthe task. Playthe cassette/CD, twice if necessary. The Ss listento the extractand matchit to the correct novel.Checkthe Ss'answers.
Tapescript Thethreemengot off thetrainand walkedtowardsthevillage. "Whatore we going to do now?"saidCromarty. Foggwasa man who wouldnot let anythingget in hiswoy.Helookedat Cromarty andsmiled. "MydearSi Francis, I havebeenchallengedto get aroundthe worldin eightydaysand thaft exoctlywhatl'm goingto do!"
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Lead-in 1
a. Lookat the title andthe pictures. What'sthe nameof the celebration? Whereis it?Whenis it? b. Whatcomesto mindwhenyou think of NewYear(sounds,images,tastes, smells)?
Reading 2
Matchthe wordsto the definitions. Coal (shortie) Shortbread First-footer Bells B l a ck bun A B C D
a blacksubstance that you put on the fire (a symbolof good luckat NewYear) metalobjectsthat makea ringingsound a fruit cakethat peopleeat at Hogmanay the first personto step into your house afte r midnighton December31" (a t a ll, da r khandsome man bringsgood lu c k ) a type of biscuit,popularin Scotland
'o Lookat the cartoon.What'sthe name "' of the family?Readthe cartoonand completethe speechbubbleswith someof the words from Ex.2. Then, listenand checkyour answers.
Mother, can I have s o me s h o rt ie ?
Not, yet,we're waitingfor the b e lls .
tl It
$f*'=sllf,*Jf;Jrr"s. '."utl,** tft," f,il'I
How couldwe all forgetour friends And put themout of mind? How couldwe all forgetour friends And forgetaboutold times?
Listening 4
,t Listento 'AuldLangSyne',a traditional ScottishNew Yearsong.
'r,.' GrandpaMacBeancannotremember the words to 'AuldLangSyne'.The rest of the familymadeup their own simpler version.Listenand readand singalong!
theold times,mYdears Remember theold times Remember \ile'll makea toastto all our friends theold times' Andremember
.>- .
il:gry""fit!: s_."tti'h Ndi_::li -*
Objectives/Iargets: talkingabout how the Scots , celebrateNewYear'sEve Vocabulary:words relatedto New Year's celebration l Reading:a cartoonstripabouta Scottishfamily celebrating Hogmanay SkiIIsinvolved : reading for specifi c purposes(gap filling) Listening:'Auld LangSyne'a traditionalScottish NewYearsong;'Remember the Old Times',a song madeup to the tune of 'AuldLangSyne' Speaking:talkingabout New Year'scelebrations
L -.-l
-Lt I+ i.,
a. lTocus}l introducingthe theme of the unit, setting the scene
-r{ 14 -tL1l
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EL4 _T
Note:Thisunit is ootionaland is bestto be tauoht just beforethe corresponding holiday.
Focus the 5s' attention on the pictures illustrating the unit. Readthe title and askyour 5s to look at the picturesfor a minute. In which countryis the celebrationheld?Which celebration is it? Havea classdiscussion.
listening for gist
o Focusthe Ss'attentionon the title of the song. What languageis it in? History HerearesomefactsaboutthesongyourSsmightbe interested in: . It was written by Robert Burns, the Scottish nationqlpoet . lt is sometimesreferredto as the "Song that nobody knows",becauseeveryoneremembers themelodybut not thelyrics. . ln English,the title meons:old long since(times goneby). . Readthe instructions and explainthe task. . Playthe cassette/CD. TheSslistento the song. lFo-cu;tl listeningto a song about New Year's Eve Playthe cassette/CD. The Ss listenand follow in their books. Playthe cassette/CD again.The Ss listen,follow in their booksand singalong.
b. Readthe instructions and explainthe task.Ask the Ssto brainstorm for a listof sounds,images, tastes or smellsthat come to mind when thinkingof NewYear. Ss'ownanswers lFocustl introducingvocabularyrelatedto Hogmanay,the scottishNew Year'sEvecelebration Focusthe Ss'attentionon the cartoonstrio.Read the instructions and explainthe task.Allow the Ss some time to read through the definitionsand matchthem to the nouns.Checkthe 5s' answers.
purposes, gap-filling 3 lFocus>.l readingfor specific -t
;r L
Referyour Ss to the cartoonstrip on pages 108-109.Ask the Ssto scanthroughthe text and find out what the nameof the familyis (MacBean). Oncethey finish,ask them to read through the cartoon carefullyand fill in the speechbubblesusingthe words from Ex. 2. Allow the 5ssometime to completethe task. Playthe cassette/CD. The 5s listenand check their answers
g, IJ
-I =
b I
talkingabout New Foc-uit personalising, Yearcelebrations the task.TheSs, Readthe instructions andexplain in pairs,talk aboutNewYear'sEvecelebrations. help. Ask Circulateand provideany necessary somepairsof Ssto reportbackto the class. Ss'own answers fFocust writing about the way their family celebrates NewYear'sEve . Refer the Ssto the questions in Ex.6. Askthem to usetheiranswers from Ex.6 to writea text NewYear. aboutthe waytheycelebrate . TheSswritethe text aswrittenhomework.
pieces Note:TheSsfiletheircorrected of writingin thei Language Portfolio.(SeeIntroductionforfurther explanation.)
,-> t,
lf yourSshave;*;;.*r *il,;-; find more about Hogmanayif they visit the following site:
Lr tlr.
L-r ll-
rt L.-ii
E !5
? ,t .rJ
O ch! Frank McTavish ! Our firstfooterl
HappyNewYear!Here's somecoaland a bla c kb u n
How doesyour familycelebrateNew Year?In pairs, discussthe followingquestions. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Do you stayat homeor go out? Do you invitefriendsand relatives? Do you eat anyspecialfood?What kind? Do you havefireworkdisplays? What do you do when the clockstrikesmidnight? Do you singanysongs? Do you haveanysymbolsof good luck?
t 7
Portfolio: Write about how you celebrateNew Year. myfavouritetimesof the Start likethis: NewYearisoneof year.Myfamily...
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V a le n t in e sDa y is a p o p u la r c e le b ra t iona l l o v e r t h e wo rld . No wa d a y sit ' s u s u a l t o s e n dV a l e n t i n e ' s cards, flowers or chocolatesto the people you love. In the past, however,people did some very unusual things!
Lead-in 1
belowall meanthe same Thephrases thing.Canyou guesswhichlanguages theyare?Whatdo theymean?
ln the Middle Ages,young men and women took names from a jar to see who thejr valentineswere. They wore the names on their sleevesfor a week. Today,when we say that someonel)'wears their heart on their sleevewe mean that it is easy to understand how they arefeeling!
! b
w # f*J,],t{J,j'
Now,sayit in yourlanguage!
'youunlockmy heart' 'wearstheirhearton theirsleeve' 'GoodMorning,'tisValentine's Doy!'
s' $$d.p rd'$r$*,f dnpfu*,
, Readthe text and completeit with the " following phrases.Then,listenand checkyour answers.
ffi' 6r, d'g'dtpd,fj,j.
Then,explainthe Answerthe questions. wordsin bold. Day 1 Whatdo peopledo on Valentine's nowadays? 2 Whatdidtheydo in the MiddleAges? 3 Whatgiftswerepopularin Wales? andltalyget 4 Whydidwomenin Britain uo beforesunrise?
# -t t
-r l
1 I
Objectives/Iargets: taIking aboutValentine'sDay and relatedcustoms/traditions Vocabulary: relatedto wordsand phrases Valentine's Day Reading: an articleaboutcustomVtraditions with Valentine's Day connected Skills involved: readingfor specificpurposes Listening: a poemby RobertBurns
Note:Thisunitisootionalandisbestto betauqht just beforethe corresponding holiday.
---{ <
lTocust introducingthe 5sto the themeof the unit . Readthe phrases. CanyourSsguesswhat they mean?Whichlanguages aretheyin?Havea class discussion.
AnswerKey Theyall mean'l loveyou'in French, Spanish, German andltalian.
-J ---
o Individual Sstellthe classwhat 'l loveyou' is in theirlanguage.
--'l __-
--.t ---.1 -
3 lFocdt reading for detailed understanding .
Readthe instructions and explainthe task. Allowthe Sssometimeto readthe text again to the ouestions. and find the answers Check the Ss'answers.
AnswerKey 1 TheysendValentine's to cards,flowers or chocolates thepeoplethey love. 2 Youngpeopletooknamesfroma jar to seewho theirVolentine was.Theyworethenameson their sleeves fora week. 3 Wooden spoonl 4 Because theybelieved that thefirstmzn theysaw would eventu allybecom e their husband. . The5sreadthe wordsin boldandexolain their meanrng. AnswerKey unusual: notordinary sleeves: thepartof ajumperthatcovers ourarms you you carved:if carueonobject, makeit bycuttingit outof a substance suchaswoodorstoneusinga sharp instrument sunrise: whenthesuncomes upin themorning custom:a communal or traditional habitof celebrating commemoroting something in a particularway
lEclrs t readingan articleabout customs/ traditionsrelatedto Valentine'sDay o Readthe instructions and the phrasesand explainthe task.Allow the 5s sometime to thetask.Checkthe readthetextandcomplete Explain anyunknownwords. 5s'answers. . Playthe cassette/CD. The Ss listenand check theiranswers. Ssreadout fromthe text.
-l -r-<
-l --.1 =5 { -.t { -5 .-.-
4 a. FAus t personalising, brainstorming . Readthe instructions thetask.Do andexplain yourSsknowanylovesongs?Whichis their favouriteone?Why?Havea classdiscussion. . The Ss,in pairsor groups,work together for a listof songsthe titles and brainstorm of which containthe word /ove.Circulate andprovideanynecessary help.
Readthe instructions and explainthe task. Allow the Ss sometime to readthrough the poemand spot the words.Checkthe Ss'answers.
AnswerKey 1 fairbonny 2 melody
3 lass
. lT&ustl personalising, oralreproduction
Suggested AnswerKey Lovesong, HaveI evertoldyouthatI loveyou?Loveisin theair ln thenameof love,Lovemetendet;Fridaylm in Iove,Lovemetvvotimes, LoveStreet, etc.
Referthe Ssto the RobertBurnspoemoncemore. Readthe instructions and explainthe task.Allow the Sssometime to writethe sentences. Circulate and provideanynecessary help.Asksomepairsof Ssto reportbackto the class.
b. lFocu.t readingfor specificinformation, inferring,vocabulary building . Referthe Ss to the RobertBurnspoem. Readthroughit and explainthat this is a poem adapted from a very old poem written by Robert Burns, the Scottish nationalpoet.Pointout that because ofthe poet'sScottishorigins,the poemcontains words that are not standardEnglishbut belongto the Scottishdialect.
Suggested AnswerKey Myloveislikea goodnighftsleep. Myloveis likea stickofcondyfloss.etc
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ln Wales,men caTvedwooden spoons and gavethem as gifts on 14'hFebruary. Heartsand keys were popular decorations o n the sp o o n s,meaning2) 'yctuunlock m y lreart'! ln Britain and ltaly, women got up before sunriseand stood at their windows. The first man they saw or someonewho looked like t h a t m an , w ou ld be their husband within a yeart
Listenand readthis famouslovepoem and find:
1 two words that meanbeautiful. 2 anotherword for tune. 3 a word that meansgirl/woman.
An old Englishcustomwas for peopleto call o u t to e a ch other 3) 'Good morning, ' t is Va l en ti ne 's D ayli Whoever saidit first got a presentfrom the other!
My love is like a red, red rose Thatb newly sprung in June My love is like the melody Thatb sweetlyplayed in tune As fair are you, my bonny lass So deep in love am I And I will love you still, my dear Till all the seasrun dry.
-J I
(Robert Burns, adapted)
Over to you! Closeyour eyesand think of your favourite person.Make sentences beginningwith My loveis like... . Think of sights,sounds,smellsand tastes.Be as humorousas you wish!
-l L
Myloveis likea summer's doy.Hiseyesarebright myday! and hissmilewarms is Mylove likea chocolatechipcookie.She'sthe girl I know! sweetest
-L5 t-
-L, -
a. Doyou know anypoemsor songs aboutlove?In pairsor groups,write titlesyou down asmanysong/poem canthink of with the word 'love'in them!You'vegot threeminutes!
The colour of a rose represents a particular feeling: Red: Iove,passion Yellow: fiendship White: true love Pink happiness Black goodbye
set 1
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28 o o o r
(.School Benefit o o o .
Phonenumber? Where? E-mailaddress? WhaVdo?
Name/school? When? Where? How much/tickets?
_i -
o . o o
When/open? WhaVnearest station? WhaVsell? Where?
48 o o . o .
Openweekends? Caf6? Placefor children? tickets?f? Children's price/groups? Special
L rl _b
&..: ActivityWeekend$; o r . o
Teleohone number? Howmuch? WhaVprice/include? Mountain biking?
b--l --f.
___-b-r L
L-d L.
L-C _Ll
-rri -
1A -.{----.t ---t
. . . o .
HostFamily â&#x201A;Ź , Name? Who/family members? WhaVfavourite activity? Where/from? WhaVfavourite food?
2A . o o . .
Houseto let â&#x201A;Ź , Where? Howmuch? Rooms? Garden? Telephone number?
. . o . .
{ , WritingWorkshopi , When? Where? Howmuch? Telephone number? Childr en?
-l ---a
-t 'a- ,-l -l
Restaurant o . o o r
Name? Address? Whatkind/food? Nearest station? Price?
-^ -a
--r -Holiday
-l _.-
-l -fl _\
o . o . o
Name/hotel? Where? Howmanydays? Facilities Price?
----L -^,{t
2 Findfifteencountries. Whoeverfinishes firstis the winner! G
l,l F
Y t!!K MN
Whichof thesecountries do you want to visit?Makea listof yourtop fivechoices. (Ss'own answers)
Labelthe partsof the body.
t 3
nand b
m o u th L
Pointto partsof your body.Askyourpartnerto namethem.Speedit up to makeit fun!
II [- -
lWhat'sthe job? Readthe descriptions and write. You'vegot only two minutes! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
lfl yae r o planes. lwo r kforaTV station. lp r o tectpeople. Peoplecometo me when they'reill. Peoplebringtheirpetsto me. lwo r ka tarestaurant. lca n lo o kafteryourbabyatnights. llo o ka fterpeoplewhentheyswim
p rlq t re g Q . ! _ ! g L p q L . t -e . e o L -lt -g q . f doc t o r vet chef bab.y_:_L!!qL lf lCg , u a t d
Whichof thesejobs do you likethe most?Findsomeonein the classwho likesthe samejob.
:, Taketurns to throw the diceand In pairsor teams,playthe game.Placea counteron START. The one who getsto the FlNlSHfirst is namethe item. lf you can't nameit, go backto START. the winner.
a rmc h a ir
C D player )utcl -^f-
= t_
il l.
Complete the words.
p o st o l fi e e su p e rma rke t b u tch e r'j tra i n sta ti o n
1 2 3 4
5 llbr sly 6 school 7 r estaur ant 8 petr ol station
9 10 11 12
gar age gree n g ro c er's gjnem a cafe
L t-
lmagineyou areat one of the buildings above.Mimean action.Therestof the classtriesto guesswhereyou are.
Completethe crossword.
5 4
U 10 T
M Add to your friend'ssentence. Sl: l'vegot a cartonof milk. 52: l'vegot a cartonof milkandsomecheese. and ... 53: I'vegot a cartonof milk,somecheese
13 S A
o 11
â&#x201A;Ź -t
F*: r.{
-< z
Then, Completethe spidergram belowwith at leastthreeitemsof clothingfor eachcategory. the clothesyou haven'tincluded. work with a friendandadd from hisspidergram
--H r<l
-5 r-l
Clotheswe we a r . . . u s u a lly
,1 -4
at a friend'sparty.
-I -
dress ns Jea T-shrrt
-.I -. -l -
jeansanda redblouse.Who isit? 5l; 5he3weoring
----a =
what a classmate is wearing.The andcloseyoureyes.Describe | spy!Lookat yourclassmates restof the class(with their eyesclosed)try to guesswho that personis.
Q oruinalnumbers 1
Write the sentences. 1
2 --r -
4 r-
5 -
Hannah's birthday:'1"March Honnah'sbirthdoyison thefirstof March. Sam'sbirthday:15'hApril Sam'sbirthdayis on the fifteenthof April. Diana'sbirthday:22^oMay of May. Diana'sbirthdayis on the twenty-second Fiona's birthday:12'hJune Fiona's birthdayis on the twelfthof June. Alan'sbirthday:3'dJuly Alan'sbirthdayis on the thirdof July. Harry's birthday:31nAugust Harry'sbirthdayis on the thirty-firstof August.
When are your classmates'birthdays?Ask them and make a list.
& --
=_l .," i=,r: l]";=
- i
Lookand write the sports. 1 t r e X k_ L -n g 2 s - u i J _ L rg
3 s n _ a_rIe_| 1_t _ng 4 iEe h qs _K c y 5 6
foo tball t en n i s
Mimeone of the sports.Askyourfriendto namethe sport.
1 Writethe word.Then,usethe numberedlettersto find a famouswaterfall. 1 a n u mto n i
g l u j en
5 evac
[^ V
# e
g l-a
Arethereanyfamousnaturalfeaturesin yourcountry?Whataretheycalled?Workwith your friendand makea list.
w A/An
A or An?Say,then write.
2 a na p p l e
3 a n e le p h a n t
4 a taxi
6 an exercise book
7 a board
8 an eraser
1 -t,
w ThislThese - ThotlThose
-.-( ,
Look, read and complete.Use lhrs is,Thotis,These are or Thoseare.
Ihisrsa TV.
2 Thosearecameras
3 T h i si sa p h o n e .
5 T h i si sa n ora n g e .
T h a ti sa n umb re l l a .
*&k %hr
h. -.2
U nit 1 * TheVerb'tobe' 1
Write:you,he, she,it, weor they. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Bill SaraandFrank sandwich Wendy George andI two boys cat Danny youandJohn piano
they it sne WC
they it he you it
4 Aretheyapples? No,theyaren't. Thev' r ebananas.
5 ls he a doctor? No,he isn't. He'sa chef.
L_ LLJLl.\
f._ -
as in the example. Completethe sentences,
1 We arefrom Germany. WeTefrom Germany. 2 | am twelveyearsold. | 'm twelveyearsold. 3 Theyareat home. T h e y'rea t h o me . 4 Heis not a teacher. Heisn'ta teacher. 5 lt is a dictionary. It's a dictionary. 6 We arenot from ltaly. We aren'tfrom ltaly. 7 Sheismyfriend. Sh e 'smyfri e n d . 8 | am not a student. I 'm not a student 3
Then, Ask and answeLas in the examples. write.
guitars? Arethey No,theyaren't.They're violins.
2 lsshea student? Yes, sheis.
ls it a cinema? Yes,it is.
6 Aretheyglasses? Yes,theyare.
2 QuestionWords
Fifl in the questionswith: How,What,Where answerthem aboutyourself. or Who.Then, Where areyou from? I am fromLondon. 2 Howold areyou? I am twentyyearsold. What isyouraddress? 3 85 ChurchRoad 4 Who isyourfavouriteactor? George Clooney
Write questionsfor the wordsin bold. is my favourite singer. 1 JustinTimberlake singer? Whoisyourfovourite TheColiseum isin Rome. Whereisthe Coliseum? Frankis fromthe USA. Who isfromthe USA? Sheisforty yearsold. Howold isshe? My lastnameisJones. Whatisyourlastname? It'sa pencil. Whatisthis?
_\ I_l
L l.
EL l.
.lr i
#r=Et 3
* Havegot
-a __--
Look,askandanswer. Then,write. --
Whatcanyou do/notdo? Puta tick (/) or a cross(.x).Then,askyourfriendwhat he/shecan/can'tdo. Then,write. (Ss'ownanswers)
Me SWtm
-I __,-
Mi ke
B i l& l Sam
cook ski ridea bike dive playchess
I can can't
Janet& Tim -l
' Peter--
A: HasMikegot a bike? B: tVo,hehasn't. He'sgot a car.
A: HaveBillandSamgot a pet? B: Yes,theyhave.
F Possess ivecase/adjectives/pronouns 4
--l ;
A: HaveJanetandTimgot a smallhouse? B: No,they haven't. They'vegot a big house.
A: HasPetergot a mobilephone? B: Yes.he has.
got a horse? A: HasBarbara B: No,shehasn't. She'sgot a dog.
* -
Maketrue sentences usingcanor can't. t
-.1 ,__-
5 -t ,-
The verb 'Can'
horse/run fast A horse canrunfast. dog/ski A dogcan'tski. chef/cook A chefcancook. parroVtalk A parrotcantalk. fish/walk A fishcan'twalk,
Readthe examples.Then,completethe table. o Jenny. Joseph. Alice o the cat r the man o Rose
HasSuegot a computer? B: Yes,shehas.
My friend
Pat's Joseph's the cat's
George's Jenny's Rose's
thedog's Alice's the man's
Readand make sentences,as in the example.
(he/books) These arehisbooks. These books arehis. (she/bike) Thisisherbike. Thisbikeishers. (they/horse) Thisistheirhorse. Thishorseistheirs. (l/home) Thisismyhome. Thishomeismine. (we/football) Thisisourfootball. Thisfootballisours.
Unit 3
) PresentSimple 1
Putthe verbsin bracketsinto the present simple. 1 | p (play)tennisat the weekends. 2 Shegoes(go)to bedquiteearly everynight. 3 Garylikes(like)swimming. (wash)the dishes 4 My mumwashes aftereverymeal.
5 5
I watch(watch)W in the evenings. (study)musicwith a Harrystudies greatpianist. Grandma Rosereads(read)stories to hergrandchildren. Theyhave(have)eggsinthe morning.
-l\ -lr \ F-
Writequestionsand negations, as in the example. 1 Helenlikespizza. Does Helenlikepizza? n doesn'tlikepizza.
Thecat likesmilk. Doesthe cat likemilk? Thecatdoesn'tlikemilk.
2 We playbaseball on Sundays. Dowe playbaseball on Sundays? We don't playbaseball on Sundays.
Theylivein London. Dotheylivein London? Theydon't livein London.
Darrenworksin an office. DoesDarrenwork in an office? Darrendoesn'twork in an office.
Suewalksto work everyday. DoesSuewalkto work everyday? Suedoesn'twalkto workeveryday.
Putthe adverbof frequencyin the correctplace,as in the example. (always) 1 | drinkmilkin the morning. I alwaysdrinkmilkin themorning. 2 Adamgoesto bedlateat night.(never) Adamnevergoesto bedlateat night. 3 lwatchW. (sometimes) I sometimes watchW. 4 Youcanseebirdsin the garden.(rarely). Youcanrarelyseebirdsin the garden.
(hardlyever) Loueatsin a restaurant. Louhardlyevereatsin a restaurant. 6 Doyouget up early?(usually) get up early? Doyouusually 7 ls he latefor school?(often) ls heoftenlatefor school? 8 Judydoesn'tgo to the gym.(usually) go to the gym. Judydoesn'tusually 5
aboutyourselfusingthe adverbsof frequencybelow. Maketrue sentences . always. often o sometimes. never. usuallyo rarely 1 do my homework 2 playvideogames 3 cookdinner
4 go to the cinema 5 meetmy friends 6 get up early
b-tF7 eat out k 8 watchTV 9 readcomics l(Ss'ownanswers) |L
*u Prepositions of place Look,read and complete.Use:infrontof, on, nextto,in, opposite.
-1 :
Thio ie Diana'elivinqroom, Thereie a eofa and 1) next to it, there ie a lamp. 2) ln fronL of lhe eofa are Oiana'elwo caf,o,Fluffy and 1am, Can you eee the table 5) oppoeitethe sota? There ie eomefruil 4) in a bowl5) on the fable.
'w Plurals
Write the plurals.
t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
house bookcase sh e lf carpet ch a ir tab le l am p bed glass kn ife
houses bookcases sherves carpets chairs tables lamps beds glasses knives
Correctthe mistakes. 1
2 --
3 4 5
How manychildaretherein the class? children Who arethoseman overthere? men Therearetwo woman waitingfor you. w om e n Our babyhasgot onlyfour tooth. teeth M y fo o t arekillingme! feet | do n 't likemouse.I hatethem!
mtce -
Saythe words in the plural.Then,write them in the correctbox. . desk . apple o hat . baby . bus . radio . clock . ferry . dish . key . book . rose . oranoe . shirt lsl desks
ltzl -
hatsibubi., ferries clocks b o o k s iro s e s = k e y s oranges
i ii
lr adios drshes ::
6 7 8
== Countable/Uncountoblenouns Countableor Uncountable? Readand write Co r U. 1 meat 2 cherry 3 cucumber 4 milk 5 potato 6 ja m 7 bread 8 coffee
someflour somejam sometea somewatersomecake -
4 5
of flour lwo packets fivejarsof jam threecupsof tea of water nineglasses pieces of cake six
Readand completethe dialogue.Use:some or any. Adam: Kelly,I'm going to the supermarket. Do we needanything? Kelly: Yes, we do. Can you buy 1) some oranges?We haven'tgot 2) any. Adam: OK. Anything else? Have we got 3) anycereal? Kelly: Yes,we'vegot 4) some,but we haven't got 5) anybread. Adam: Bread,OK. Kelly: And Adam? Can you buy 6) some applejuice?Thekidsloveit! Adam: 7) Someapplejuice,OK.
\'*"Much/Mdny/Alot of Fill in: mttch,manyor o lotof. 1 2 3 4 5
tu Some/Any
Answer the questions. Use: a lot, much or many. 1
Makethe followingnounscountable. 1 2 3 4 5
Thereisn't muchcoffeeleft. Are theremanypeopleat the park today? He hasgot a lot of friends. lstheremuchlemonadeleft in the carton? Thereisn'tmuchsuoarin the cake.
Haveyou got muchmoneyon you? Therearen'tmanypotatoesin the bag. Thereis a lot of breadleft.
Haveyou got anyeggs? Yes,a lot. ls thereany milkin the fridge? No, not much. How manyapplesdo we need? Not manY. Haveyou got any cheese? Yes,a lot. How muchbutterdo we need? No t mu c h . Are thereany cherriesleft? No, not many.
= J-
tu ObjectPronouns 6
Readand completethe table.
Subject Object PossessivePossessive Pronouns Pronouns Adjectives Pronouns : I You He She It We You They
me you him her it us you them
my your his her its our your their
m r ne yours hi s hers our s yours theirs
Completethe sentenceswith the correct object pronoun. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Do you know that man? Yes,I live next doorto him Comehere,Frank.I needto talk to you. We arein the garden.Canyouseeus? Shecandiveso well.Lookat her! Theseare lovelyphotographs.Can I see t h e m? lt'sa lovelydog.Whatshallwe callit?
:r i
+ j* â&#x201A;ŹE# F PresentContinuous
1 -l
usingthe verbsin Completethe sentences, continuous. bracketsin the present (sit)at hisdesk. Mike.Heissitting 1 There's (travel) to NewYork 2 Garyistravelling rightnow. 3 Aretheywatching(they/watch)TVin theirrooms? 4 | am having(have)a bath. 5 Theboysarenot wearing(not/wear) today. theirnewclothes (stand) bythe door. is standing She 6
.-.LJ AJ
_Lr rJ
-Lt .-
Then,write. Look,askand answer.
(she/plant flowers) 6 (it/snow) A: lsit snowing? A: lssheplanting B: No,it isn't. flowers? lt'sraining. B: No,sheisn't. painting. She's
F Comparisons
-Lt b
1 2 3 4 5 6
-L/ L/
-Ll LJ
2 (they/play 1 (she/sing) basketball) ls she singing? A'. playing B: No sheisn't.She's A. Arethey basketball? dancing. are. B. Yes,they
-vu _L y
--L. A-i
-ry -Lr-J
younger young morebeautiful beautiful fatter fat happter happy larger large handsome morehandsome
as in the example. Writesentences, 1 Roy's carisverybrg. i(sbiggerthanmine. Yes, cameratsveryexpenstve. 2 Margaret's than mine. Yes,it'smoreexpensive houseisverysmall. 3 Gary's thanmine. Yes,it'ssmaller hairisverylong. 4 Jenny's Yes,it'slongerthanmine. areverygood. 5 Thesetrainers Yes,theyarebetterthan mine. 6 Tom'stestmarksareverybad. Yes,theyareworsethan mtne. form,asin the Fillin the comparative example.
form of the Writethe comparative followingadjectives.
3 (she/reada newspaper) A: lssher ea dinga newspaper? B: No ,sheisn't. She 'sr ea dinga book.
4 (she/havea lesson) A : lsshehavinga lesson? B: Yes,sheis.
(hard)Mike. Brianworksharderthan than(interesting) Engllsh ismoreinteresting Geography. islargerthan(large)France. 3 Russia prettier than(pretty)Rose. is 4 Sue than(careful) Janet. 5 Carlismorecareful (big) than this. house bigger need a 6 We
1 2
t_ -.1
U nit 7 ) PastSimple(Was/Were) 1
) 4
Fillin the gapswith om, is,ore,wosor were.
Write the pastsimple of the verbsin the correctbox.Then,readthem out.
lived stayed travelled loved
Filfin r,vas, wasn't,wercot weren't. 1 A: WasPeterhere? B: Yes,he was.
2 A: WereJohnandDerekteachers? B: No,theyweren't.Theyweredoctors.
stopped talked washed laughed watched danced
wanted visited studied hated decided
Put the verbsin bracketsinto the correct form of the pastsimple.
A: WasAlexander GrahamBella director? B : No,hewasn't.Hewasan inventor.
) PrepositionsofTime
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I
There weretwentypeopleoutsidethe bank. Therewasa womanin our garden. lt wasa greatparty. friends. TheywereSara's lt wasa coldmorning. Therewerea lot of cloudsin the sky. Therewasa callfor youlastnight. lt wasan old house.
F .1
A: WereMarlonBrandon andJames Dean singers? B: No, they weren't.Theywere famous actors.
Readand completethe sentences. Use: therewos, itwas,therewere or theywere.
A: Wherewereyouyesterday afternoon? B : I wasat the cinema.
1 Didyouvrsit(visit)your grandparents last Sunday? 2 We stopped(stop)for a cupof tea on our bwayhome. 3 | looked(look)for my cameraeveryvrhere, Fbut it wasn'tanywhere. b 4 She didn't cook (noVcook)dinner.She meal. ordered(order)a take-away l(you/stay) 5 Didyoustay in a hotel? lg 6 Debraposted(post) the letterson her Fwayto work. b 7 We danced(dance)all night. 8 Didshestudy(she/study) for hertest? F-
3 A: WasCharlie an actor? Chaplin B: Yes,hewas. 4
t'd L i
o Want o live . Stop o Stgyo talk o visit . wash o study . travel. laugh o watch o hate . dance. love . decide
1 We orestudents. We go to ThomasTallis school. 2 | am hot. Openthe window please. 3 Wewerehomealldayyesterday. 4 Shewasin ltalya monthago. 5 Theywereat a partylastSaturday. 6 Frankis myfriend.Heis 15yearsold. 7 Samwasherean hourago. 8 Areyourparents at homenow? 2
Compfetethe sentences with at, on or in where necessary. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Hemovedinto hisnewhousein 2004. yesterday. We played tennis..........=....,.. | wasat the park.....-....thisafternoon. Wewatcheda filmat 9 o'clock. | returnedfromSpainin 2000. Charles visitedhisgrandmother ..-.. last Monday. 7 HarrycalledSophieon Valentine's Day. 8 lanlivedin the USAin the winter.
b F-
b b l-
b t-
F lhi L
hr L'
g? (popcorn) eaVanythin 3 A: Didyoueatanything? B: I atepopcorn.
U nit 8 ) 1
Readand completethe sentenceswith hod or did... have. 1 2 3
4 5
Did you havebreakfastthis morning? Royhad long hairwhen he was a baby. Theydid not havea good time when they were on holiday. We had a pet cat when we were children. Did you have your own W when you were little?
Readand put the verbsin bracketsinto the pastsimple. Then,join the sentences. He bought(buy) a big chocolatecake,
because We didn'tgo (noVgo)to the concert because Heate(eat)the wholecakebecause Sheleft(leave)the citybecause the beds Shedidn'tmake(noVmake) because Hewent(go)to the dentist,because
asa kid. 6 Shedidnot havemanyfriends 7 Youhada callfromwork. I Didshehavea partylastnight?
with con, Readand completethe sentences con't,could,couldn't. 1 Kellyisonlythreeyearsold.Shecan'tread yet. 2 When I was younger,I couldonly ride a bike,but nowI canridea horse,too! 3 The little bird was very young and it couldn'tfly. well.Lookat him! 4 Hecandivereally Wherearemyglasses? 5 | can'tseeanything. I get into my housebecause 6 | couldn't didn'thavemykeyswith me. 7 lt was very cold, so we couldn'tPlaY outside. I Tomcouldswimevenwhen he wasfour yearsold.
3 l-fra
Askand What did you do yesterday? Then,write. answer,as in the example. (cinema) go/anywhere? 1 A: Didyougo anywhere? B: lwenttothecinema, (ourEnglishteacher) meeVanyone? 2 A: Didyoumeetanyone? teacher. B: I metourEnglish
(cola) drink/anything? you anYthing? Did drink A: B: I dr ankcola.
a he had(have)a toothache. b we couldnot (cannot)findanytickets. c her husbandoffered(offer)to do it for ner. d it was(be)hisbirthday. e shewanted(want)to livein the country. f hewas(be)veryhungry.
b TimeWords Fill in with then,as soonas, as, suddenly. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Please write to me ds soonas possible. Suddenly, he startedlaughingandeveryone lookedat him. They decidedto go home as it was very late. As soonas he came,we sat down to eat. Shehad a shower,then shewent to bed. Suddenly, it startedto rain. Saragot up earlyas shewanted to revise for the exams. First,I went to the bank, then I went to the supermarket.
--+r_ -la
F*reeK Chrisis goingto travelaroundSpainnext month.(How/travel?) Howishegoingto travel? 4 Julie's comingfor dinnertonight.(WhaV you/cook?) Whatareyougoingto cook? 5 l'm going to the club.(Who/you/meet there?) Whoareyougoingto meetthere? 3
Unit 9 > wiil 1
Answerthe questionsaboutyourselfusing perhaps, asin the example. lthinkor probably 1 Whatdo youthinkyouwilldo in the summer? or I thinkI willgoonholidoys. Perhaps lwillgoonholidays.or goonholidays. lwill probably 2 Wheredo youthinkyouwill be next weekend?
(FutureMeaning) ) PresentContinuous
Whatareyoudoingon Saturday evening? Whenareyouleaving? l'm havingdinnerwith Terrytonight. Doyouwant to come? Whyareyouin sucha hurry?
Whendo you thinkyou will buya (new) car? What do you think you will do on your birthday? (Ss'ownanswers)
l'm reallylate.l'm meetingMr Williams in lessthan10minutes! b l'm flyingat 12o'clockon Monday. l'm free. c Nothing, d Sure,l'd loveto,
b Begoingto
Fillin the gapswith the correctform of be goingto and the verbsin brackets. Carolrsgoingto vislt(visit) her friend in in thesummer. Germany I am not goingto cook(noVcook)dinner tonight.ieff istakingusout. a newCD Heisnotgoingto buy(noVbuy) player. Heisgoingto fix(fix)hisoldone. Boband Fionaaregoingto wash(wash) thedishes afterlunch. going when Sarais to be (be)an actress shegrowsup. We are not going to play (noVplay) tennisthis afternoon.Theweatherisn't verygood.
Readandwrite the questions, asin the example. Mikeand Helengot engagedlastweek. (When/getmarried?) Whenaretheygoingtogetmarried? (WhaV Ruthisgoingto collegein October. study?) Whatisshegoingto study?
Readand match.
L L-l l-J
r--.1 l-J
l---r L-
2 Begoing to vs Will
Fiflin the gapswith willor begoingto and the verbsin brackets.
1 | can'tgo out tonight.I amgoingtostudy (study)for mytest. 2 lt's hot in here.I will open(open)the window. 3 | don't likemy job. I am goingto look (look)for anotherone. 4 'Thephone'sringing.''OK.I will answer (answer)it.' 5 'Myshirtisdirly.''l know.I willwash(wash) it rightnow.' 6 'What are your plansfor the summer?' 'We are going to stay (stay)with our parents in the country.' 'l willhelp(help) 7 'l can'tdo thisexercise.' you,then.' lt'stoo heavy.' 8 'l can'tcarrythissuitcase. 'l will carry(carry)it for you.'
L-t t-
Unit 1ff
W Can/Sho uld (n't)/ M ust (n't) -4
go inside. 1 lt'scold.We should 2 CanI go out,sir? housetonight, 3 CanI sleepat my friend's Mum? 4 That dressis very short.You shouldn't wearit. or kniveswith 5 You mustn'ttake scissors youon the plane. 5 Youmustn'ttalkduringtheexams. 7 Youmustbe quietin a library. Mr Walter? 8 CanI leaveonehourearlier; person. Youshouldmeether. 9 Jillisa nice eatsomuch.You'llgetfat. 10 Youshouldn't 11 You mustn'tparkyour car says "N oPa r ki n g " . You 12 Foreignlanguagesare necessary. shouldlearnat leastone.
1 We didn'tgo(go)to Jim'spartyyesterday. 2 Haveyou everflown (you/ever/fly)in a helicopter? 3 Frank went(go)to the parkan hourago. 4 Didyou watch(you/watch) the film last night? the billsyet? 5 Hasshepaid(she/pay) 6 Emmalived(live)in London in 2000. 7 Don hasalreadypainted(already/paint) thewalls. 8 | bought(buy)a carlastyear. 9 Theyhaven'tsent(noVsend)the letters yet. 10 Sheworked(work)in a zoolastsummer.
with con, Readandcompletethe sentences should,shouldn't, mustor mustn't.
-/ 1
Putthe verbsin bracketsinto the present perfector postsimple.
* Superlatives
Fill in the superlativeform as in the example. 1
Pertect W Present I
Put the verbsin bracketsinto the correct from of the presentperfect.
2 3 4
We hoveinvited(invite)Frankfor dinner. He hastaught (teach)Englishin a lot of schools. 3 She hasn'tgiven(noVgive)me backmy pen. 4 Havethey moved(they/move)into their new houseyet? 5 | have lost (lose) my expensivecamera. Haveyou seen(you/see)it anywhere? 6 Haveyou evereaten(you/ever/eat)snails? 7 My mum has made (make) a delicious cake.Do you want some? 8 Maryhasgone(go)to the shops. 9 lt's the best story | have ever read (ever/ read). 10 Hasthe babydrunk(the baby/drink)his m i l k? 1 2
5 6 7 8
(interesting)book lt's themostinteresting l've everread. She'sthe happiest(happy)personI know. lt's the best(good) placein the world. He's the most handsome(handsome) man in the world. That'sthe worst (bad)meall've everhad. He'sthe funniest(funny)personI know. lt isthe largest(large)animalin the world. lt'sthe biggest(big)buildingin town.
Readand underline. 1 2 3 4 5 6
He istallerthan/of me. | am the young/youngestin my family. joke l've everheard. lt's bette My houseis small than theirs. quite Hisdad is taller. Trains are more comfortable/the most comfortablethan buses.
AmericanEngf;isfu-*ritish EnglishGuide -
American English
A account airpla ne anyplaceianywhere aparrmenr
bill/account aeroplane anyvvhere flat
B bathrobe bathtub bitl billion =th ou sa nd million busy(phone)
gown dressrng bath bank not e billion= m illion m illio n engaged(phone)
c cab call/phone can can dy cnecK closet connect(telephone) cookie corn ctazy
ring up/phone Itn 5Weets brll(restaurant) wardrobe put through biscuit matze Sweercorn, mao
P pants/trousers pantyhose/nylons p a r k i n gl o t pavement pedestrian crossing (potato)chips publicschool purse
trouserS tights car park roadsurface zebracrossing cnsps state school handbag
R railroad rest room
railway toileVcloakroom
girl salesclerk/sales schedule shorts(underwear) sidewalk s t a n di n l i n e store,shop suoway
shopassistant timetable pants pavement queue shop underground
T truck two weeks
rorry,van fortnighVtwoweeks holiday(s) noover hoover waistcoat
D deskclerk dessert downtown drapes drugstore/ph armacy duplex
receptionist pudding/desserVsweet (city)centre curtains (shop) chemist's semi-detached
V vacatron v a c u u m( v ) vacuumcleaner vest
E eggplant elevator
auber gine Iift
W with or without (milk/cream in coffee)
blackor white
F falI faucet first floor,secondfloor,etc f lashlig ht Frenchfries front desk(hotel)
aur um n rap groundfloor,first floor,etc torch c hips recepuon
(pronounced, "zed") nought postcode
G garbage/trash garDage can 9as gasstatron g raoe
rubbish dustbin/bin petrol petrolstation/garage clasVyear
G ra mma r
z (pronounced, "zee") zeto zrpcooe
He hasju_s!_g_onc out
Hello,is this Steve?
Hello,is that Steve? Haveyou oot a car?
interval crossroao
Do you havea car?/ Haveyou oot a car?
I janitor
K Kerosene
L lawyer/attorney line lost and found
solicitor queue lost property
M ma il makea reservation motorcycle mo vte moviehouse/theater
post oooK motorbike/motorcycle f ilm c r nem a
N newsstand
office (doctor's/dentist's) one-way(ticket) overalls
He jusltrucn!out./ He hasiust ooneout.
I intermission intersection
American English
aluminum analyze center check color honor jewelry practice(n,v) program realize Irre trave(l)ler
aluminium analyse centre cheque colour n o n o ur jewellery practice(n) practise(v) programme realise tyre traveller
Expressions with prepositions and particles
surgery single(ticket) oun9arees
differentfrom/than liveq X street on a leam on the weekend MondaythroughFriday
differentfrom/to live in X street In a team a! the weekend Mondayto Friday
*L ig"regul*r Ver'ffiS
1: I
t: t: t: l-Ii
l_ Lfr
t: I 1-}
' ' J be
wasf w€re
00re 0eat oecame 0egan bit 0tew
beat '/ become / begin bite I / blow ' break / bring . v build burn . burst v buy wcan catch ' r/ CnOOSe
" y come / cost : \,r' CUt deal dig : './ dO dream ,tzdrink rz drive eat fall : feed
I t:
. .
t: t:
L: Lr-
find flee fly forbid forget forgive freeze get gNe go grow hang have hear hide hit hold fturt Keep
got 9ave WCNI
grew hung(hanged) had heard hid hit held hurt kept KNCW
laid led learnt(learned) left lent
leave lend let
bitten blown . broken i : brought I built burnt(burned) burst
lay lead
lie light lose maKe mean meet PAY
put broke read brought ride built ring burnt(burned) rise burst ' boughtt run bought (beenableto) say couro caught see cau9nr cnosen.-r seeK chose came come sell cost ; send cost 5EL cut cut dealt dealt sew dug snaKe dug done v shine did (dreamed) (dreamed)dreamt dreamt i shoot drunkI drank : show , shut driven 0rove sing eaten fallen fell ' sit fed fed sleep felt smell felt fought speak fought found spell found fled fled . spend flown i split flew forbidden forbade ' spread forgot forgotten spring , stand forgiven forgave frozen froze steal
been born(e) beaten become begun :
l^+ tE I
n^f r :rv
. grven gone grown hung(hanged) , had , heard hidden . hit held : I hurt kept ' known laid led learnt(learned) left i lent '
stick strng stink strike swear sweep swim take teach tear tel think throw understand wake wear win write
Ey lit lost made meant met paid PUI read rode rang rose ran said SAW
sought sold sent set seweo shook shone shot showed shut sang )dt
slept (smelled) smelt spoke spelt(spelled) spenr split spread sprang slooo stote stuck stung stank $rucK swore swept
lain lit t05I
made meant met paid put rea0 ridden run9 nsen run said seen sought sold sent )eL
sewn shaken snone shot shown shut sung sat slept
(smelled) smelt spoken speltGpelled) spenr split spread sprun9 stood stolen stuck stung stunk struck sworn swepr
took taught rore told thought threw understood
taKen taught IOrn told thought thrown understood woken worn WOn wnnen
wore won wrote
i =
l : i
/ 1 a
Reference Grammar L
Words Question
We use question words to ask for different kinds of information. Theycomeat the beginning of the sentence. o What'syourname? . How old areyou? . Whereareyou from? . Who isyourfavourite singer?
o We usethisto talkabouVpoint or to people,animals thingswhicharenearus. o We usethat to talk abouVpoint to people,animals or thingswhicharefar awayfromus. we answer: Note: Whenwe askWhat'sthis?Mhat'sthat? Itis(tg. isa bag.) Whot'sthis?lt'sa bag.(NOTThis,'Thet
Unit2 got' Theverb'have
A/An The indefinitearticle a/an is used before singular nouns. countable o We use a before nouns which begin with a consonant sound. aboard apen o We usean beforenounswhichbeginwith a vowel souno. an umbrella an apple
J4 _-L
HaveI got?
Havp rrnrrnnt?
LL I il- nds 9or
| il, s 9(,)1
:We havegot i Youhaveqot
lWe'vegot I You'ueqo-
Unit 1
Theverb'tobe' L\ t am Youare Heis Sheis It is Weare
Youare Theyare
I'm You're He's She's It's We're You're They're
; Y O Ud t e l t o t
; Youdren r
i He :H erissnot nor I Sheisnot It isnot
Hers isn't :iHe nr i Sheisn't I lt isn't
;Aml? i Areyou? ' lshe? lsshe? ! tr itz lArewe?
ilre youz i lArethey? r
! Wearenot I Wearen't Youarenot i Youaren't
i Trvi_'i'*i ll!_21:"::l Short answersare answersto questionswhich begln with the verb form is/are.ln short answerswe do not repeatthe wholequestion.We only use Ies or No, the subjectpronoun(1,you, he, etc) and the verb form is (isn't)/are(arent). Yes,lam/we are. i Are you Engilsn / *r No, l,m nouwe aren,t. i-- Yes,he/she/itis. Frencn / -1 rs ne/sne/rr No, he/she/itisn,t.
Arethey chinese? {" Il]',ti#j,i";,..
Youhavenot got I Youhaven'tgot ! Hehasn'tgot Hehasnotgot
got ; Shehasnotgot 'Shehasn't got got has lt hasn't i tt not I ! Wehave got notgot lWehaven't
Use We usethe verbhavegot: o to showthat something belongs to somebody. Shehasgot a pet. . to describe people,animals or things. Hehasgot fairhair. In short answerswe only use Yesor No. the subject pronoun(1,you, he, etc) and the verbhave(haven't)/ has (hasn't). We don't usegof. Yes,l/we have. Haveyougot a brother? *i-L- No, l/we haven't.
Hashe/she/it eves? sotbtue {
Havetheygot curlyhair?
Yes,they have. No, they haven't.
got = Tonyhasgot Note: lt's got = lt hasgoVTony's It',s= it is
Theverb'can' We usethe verbcan: o to showability. I can ski.
Reference Grammar Form Affirmative We formthe presentsimplewith the subject(noun or personalpronoun)andthe verb.We usually add an -s to the thirdoersonsinqular in the affirmative.
Negative We form the third personsingularin the negative with doesnoVdoesn't+ mainverb. We form all otherpersonsin the negativewith do noUdon't+ mainverb.
--a 4 -a ..-a 1
Can l/you/he,etc ride a horse? I
Interrogative We usedo + subject+ verb in all personsexceptfor the thirdpersonsingular. We usedoes+ subject+ verb in the third person singular. DoyoulikeScienceT Doeshe likeGeographyT
In short answerswe only use Yesor No, the subject pronoun(1,you,he,etc)andthe verbcan/can't. f* t
Yes,l/you/he,etc can. No, l/you/he,etc can't.
Possessives -.J --J
-J - -J -4
-.J r-
Possessive Case . We usethe possessive caseto showthat something belongsto somebody. Frank'sbike. . Thepossessive caseis formedwith 's for peopleand animals. Jim'scamera. Thehorse'stail. . When the same thing belongsto two or more peoplewe add's onlyto the lastnoun. JackandKathy'shouse. . When we want to know to whom somethinq belongswe usethe questionword whose Whosemobilephoneis this? Possessive Adjectives/Pronouns
Spelling:3rd personsingularaffirmative o Mostverbstake-s in the thirdpersonsingular. I eat- heeots o Verbsendingin -ss,-sh,-ch,-x or -o take-es. I miss- he misses,lfinish - hefinishes . Verbsendingin a consonant+ y drop the -y and take-ies. I study- hestudies . Verbsendingin a vowel+ y take-s. lplay- heplays Use We usethe presentsimplefor: . dailyroutines,repeatedactionsor habits. I getupat 7 ameverydoy, . permanentstates. Shework in a bonk Pronunciation(third personsingular)
Possessive adjectiveVpronou nsshow: e that something belongs to somebody. o the relationship betweentwo or morepeople. We put possessive adjectivesbefore nouns Possessive pronouns arenot followedby nouns. ThisismybookThis bookismine. Thatisourcor.Thot caris ours.
Unit3 -l -.J
Present Simple Longform
-l d
j I live iYoulive i i Helives 1shelives i. . .
i lt lrves
!w. tiu. i Youlive iTheylive
-s or -esendingis pronounced: . /s/ with verbsendingin /t/, /k/, /p/, or N sounds heeats . Azl with verbsendingin /s/, 4/, /U/,lW or /z/ sounds. hecatches c /z/ withverbsendinoin allothersounds. heswims Time expressionsused with the presentsimple: everyhour/day/weeUmonth/summer/year etc, usually, always,everymorning/evening/ofternoon/night, in the morning/afternoonetc. In short answerswe only use Yesor No, the subject pronoun(1,you, he,etc)and the auxiliary verbdo/don't or does/doesn't.We do not repeatthe mainverb.
i Shortform
I do notlive I don'tlive DoI live? Youdo not live Youdon'tlive I Doyoulive? Hedoesnot live Shedoesnot live It doesnot live Wedo not live Youdo not live Theydo not live
p'" Yes,I do/wedo. Do you liketennis? *i* No, I don'Vwe don't. Doeshe/she/itlike tennis?
Yes,he/she/itdoes. No, he/she/itdoesn't.
Yes,they do. No,they don't.
Do theyliketennis?-"{ I
GrammarReference Adverbs of Frequency We useadverbsof frequencywith the presentsimple. Theyshowus how oftensomethinghappensand include the following never, sometimes, usually,rarely,often, always. . Adverbsof frequencygo beforethe main verb in simpletenses. I usuallyeatbreakfast at 7:30. Heneverplaystennis. o Buttheygo afterthe verb'to be' in simpletenses. Heis alwaystired. It is rarelycoldherein thewinter.
Unit4 We usethere is in the singular. Thereisa washbasin in thebathroom. We usethereare in the plural. Therearefourchairsin thekitchen.
Prepositions of place We useprepositionsof placeto saywheresomebodyor something is.
betweenE *
in front of nextto
Uncountablenounsarenounswhichcannotbe counted haveno plural.Thesenounsinclude: andtheyusually food: cheese, butter, meat, salt, pepper, bread, jam,etc chocolate, liquids:coffee,milk,water,tea, lemonade, orangejuice, wine,etc o We can usecountable and uncountable nounsafter phrasesof quantity,suchas: a jarlbottle/cup/glass/ + of, slice/piece/loaf/tin/kilo/carton/can/bowl/packet etc.
Thereis/There are
onetomato,twotomatoes,efc) or andcanbe in the singular when the plural. We put a beforethe nounin the singular it beginswith a consonant soundand an when it beqins with a vowelsound.
. We use some with uncountablenouns in the affirmative. Thereissomecheese in thefridge. o We alsousesomewith countablenounsbut onlvin the olural. There aresomebananasin thefruitbowl! . We useany with countableand uncountable nouns in the negative. Thereisn'tanysugarin thetea. Therearen'tanyappleson thetree. o We also use any with countableand uncountable nounsin questions. lsthereanymilk in thecarton? Arethereanykniveson thetableT
Much/Many/A lotof
Plurals Mostnounstake-s to formtheirplural. hat -, hats,cup+ cups Nounsendingin -s,-ssor -x take-esto formtheirplural. glass+glasses,dress+dresses Nounsendingin a vowel + y take-s in the plural. boy day+46rt -6srt, Nouns endingin a consonant+ y drop the -y and take-ies. baby+ $66irs,strawberry strawberries Nounsendingin -f or -fe,- dropthe -f or -fe andtake -vesin the plural. wolf+wolves knife+knives Plural
o We use much with uncountable nounsin neoative and interrogative sentences. Thereisn'tmuchbutterleft. lstheremuchcoffeein thepot? . We use many with plural countablenouns in interrogative and negative sentences. Aretheremanyboysin theclass? Therearen'tmanychairsin thekitchen. . In questions we use how much to ask about the amountof somethingand how manyto askabout the numberof things. How much+ uncountablenoun How many+ countablenoun Howmuchsugardoweneed?Notmuch./Alot./Akilo.,etc (Wewant to knowthe amount.) How many applesare therein the fridgeTNot many./A lot./Akilo.,efc(Wewant to know the number.) o We use a lot of with oluralcountablenounsand uncountable nounsin affirmative sentences. Shehasgota lot of friends. There's a lot ofjuiceleftin thecarton. Note: We omit of whena lot isnot followedbya noun Yes,therearea lot. Aretheremanyapplesin thebasket?
Unit5 Nouns Countable/Uncountable Countablenounsare nounswhich can be counted(e.9.
Object Pronouns me,you,him,her,it, us,you,them
Grammar Reference -I-; Y
'l-, --Ir r-
Object pronounsare personalpronounswhich go after a verbor a preposition as objects,but Subject pronounsgo beforeverbsassubjects. Lookathim!Heison actor.
Use r We use the comparativeform + than to compare two people,things,placesetc. Jill'ssunglasses arenicerthan Carol's. lrregular Comparatives
Unit6 Present Continuous
-,.*r -.L -a
.-* -a
.* -l
.* z
.L ry
l'm notsailing
sailing ] You're I Hessailing Heisn'tsailing sailing , 5he's lt sailing s i sailing ; We're sailing i You're
A ml s a i l i n g ? lshesailing?
J[.Iglrtlg We form the presentcontinuouswith the verbto be and the mainverb+ -ing. lam tolkingnow. We usethe presentcontinuousfor: . actionshappening now at the momentof speaking. Time expressionsusedwith the presentcontinuous: now,at themoment,etc. In short answerswe use Yesor No,the subjectpronoun andthe verbto be in the correctform.We do not repeat the mainverb + -ing
Are you eating? -.L -l
ls he/she/it eating?
-* -
Are theyeating?
-* t
Yes,I am./Yes,we are No, l'm not./No,we aren't.
Yes,he/she/itis. No, he/she/itisn't.
Yes,they are. No, they aren't.
One-syllableadjectivesform the comparativeoy adding-(e)r. old- older(than) More than two-syllable adjectives form the comparative with more+ adjective. - morecomfortoble comfortable
Spelling .
-.. -.J -
Longform twas Youwere Hewas Shewas It was Wewere Youwere Theywere
5| wasnot j Youwerenot I Hewasnot Shewasnot It wasnot Wewerenot Youwerenot Theywerenot
lwasn't Youweren't Hewasn't Shewasn't It wasn't Weweren't Youweren't Theyweren't
Form Affirmative The pastsimpleof the verb 'to be' is was for l, he, she,it andwere for we, you, they. Shewasat homeyesterday. Negative r We form negativesentencesby putting not after was/were. Shewasnot at schoolyesterday. .
Interrogative We form questionsby putting was/were beforethe subjectpronoun(1,you,he,etc). Wassheat school?
Time expressions used with the past simple: yesterdq4last week lastmonth, lastyea[ two days/weeks/ months/years ago,in 2005,etc
.* .-ra
PastSimole To be'
o We usethe pastsimplefor actionswhichfinishedat a definitestatedtime in the oast.That is we know when the actionhappened.
-* -
One-syllableadjectivesending in a vowel + consonantdoublethe consonantand add -er. thin- thinner(than) Two-syllable adjectives ending in a consonant+ y replace-y with -i and add-er. trendy- trendier(than)
In short answerswe only use Yesor No. the personal pronoun and the verb form was/wasn't or were/ weren't.We do not repeatthe whole question. Wereyou in Spain?
was he/she/it in spain?J*L-
Yes,lwas./Yes,we were. No, I wasn't./No,we weren't.
Yes'.he/she/it was' No,he/she/itwasn't.
Yes,they were. Werethey in Spain? ;* L* No, they weren't.
Grammar Reference (Regular) PastSimple Longform itlistened itdidnotlisten ]tdion'tlirt.n loiottistenl i Youlistened ! YoudidnotlisteniYoudidntlisteni Didyoulisteni
i*.rt,,r..n ]*.oion;itii,.. i
Pronunciation Thesuffix-edispronounced: . /td/whentheverbendsin a lU or /d/ sound. wanted . ll,/ when the verbendsin a R/, /s/, /X/,/y, /t/ or /p/ souno. liked,missed, watched, washed, laughed, stopped . /d/ whentheverbendsin anyothersound. studied,loved closed,
Prepositions of I rme
i Youlistened i YoudidnotlisteniYoudidn'tlisteni
iil.trstetrg.Iis-grolqlJ:lsirrpy-9rt'tli:tc Form Affirmative We form the past simpleof regularverbsby adding -ed to the mainverb. Heplayedfootballyestedoy.
Negative We form negativesentences with did noVdidn'tand the mainverbwithout -ed. Hedid not/didn'tplay footballyesterday. lnterrogative verb did, the We form questionswith the auxilliary subjectpronounand the mainverbwithout-ed. Did heplay footballyesterday?
itime:at4o'clock ot i holidays: I christnas
on months:inApril, in days:onSunday, May,etc NewYeals Day seasons: rnthe dates:on20' winter/spring etc September, etc years:in2003, in l97l,etc expressions: lnthe evening/afternoon, etc
Unit8 Had/Could Had
Spelling o Verbsendingin -e take only-d. like- liked . Verbsending in a consonant+ y, drop the y and take -ied. study- studied BUT,verbsendingin a vowel + y, take-ed. play - played . Verbs ending in one stressedvowel between two consonants doublethe lastconsonantand take -ed. stop- stopped BUTvisit-visited . Verbsendingin one l, doublethe I and take -ed. travel- travelled
form !l had I
i Youhad Hehad Shehad It had We had Youhad Theyhad
Time expressions used with the past simple: yesterdoy, lastnight/month,threeweeksago,in 1995,etc. In short answers we only use Yesor No, the subject pronounand the auxiliaryverb did/didn't. We do not repeatthe whole question.
Didyou rinish? -t* Ii]',1#jjlf;-. t*
Did he/she/itfinish?i Did theyfinish?
Yes,he/she/itdid. No,he/she/itdidn't. Yes,theydid.
I did not have Youdid not have Hedid not have Shedid not have It did not have We did not have Youdid not have Theydid not have
! DidI have? Didyouhave? Didhehave? Didshehave? Didit have? Didwehave? Didyouhave? Theydidn'thavei Didtheyhave? I didn'thave
Youdidn'thave Hedidn'thave Shedidn'thave It didn'thave We didn'thave Youdidn'thave
Form .
We usethe past simplefor: . actionswhich happenedat a definitestatedtime in the past. Tedinvited hisfriendsto hishouselastSunday. r pasthabits. Heplayedthepionowhenhe wasyoung.
Affirmative The past simpleof the verb have (got) is had. lt is the samein all oersons. lhad a bicycle. Negative We form negativesentences with didn'f and have. I didn'thavemanytoyswhenlwasyoung. Interrogative We form questionswith the helpingverb did, the subjectpronounand the verbhave. Didyouhavea mobilephonelostyeor?
In short answers we only use Yesor No, the subject pronoun and the helpingverb did/didn't. We do not repeat the whole question. *Lf-- Yes,l/we did. Didyouhavea toy? No, l/we didn't.
Didhe/she/it have atoyz{ Did they havea toy?
_J* Yes,they did. L* No,theydidn't.
Grammar Reference
-u -r.-) g -if
..L. - r' -.L. 4 -.f-a u
Could | rLvuru -^,,1,.1 ^1.,, Prqy
Youcouldplay Hecouldplay Shecouldplay It couldplay Wecouldplay Youcouldplay Theycouldplay
play I couldn't Youcouldn'tplay play Hecouldn't play Shecouldn't play It couldn't Wecouldn'tplay Youcouldn'tplay Theycouldn'tplay
Affirmative Inthe simplepastcanbecomes could. Hecouldswim. Interrogative We form questionsby putting could before the subject. Couldyouplaythepiano?
Negative We form negativesentencesby putting the word not aftercould. TheycouldnoUcouldn't runfast.
->, -
-L1 L-l
CouldI play? Couldyouplay? Couldheplay? Couldsheplay? Couldit play? Couldwe play? Couldyouplay? Couldtheyplay?
Use r We usecouldto express abilityin the past Hecouldridea bikewhenhewasfour. In short answerswe only use Yesor lVo,the subject pronoun(1,you,he,etc)andthe verbcould/couldn't.
No, l/we didn't.
Did he/she/it swim? -'it*
y."t.h*he/it did'. No, he/she/itdidn't.
Yes,they did. No,they didn't.
Time expressions used with the past simple: yesterdoy, lastMonday/lost night/lastweekthreedays/a millionlrears/ages ago,then,when.
.-.L{ -
-La H
r-- Yes,l/we did. "*.i
Couldl/you/he,etc 5 playfootball? f-
Yes,l/you/he,etc could. trto,llyou/he,etc couldn't.
llmeWords We usuallyusetime words suchas then,ossoonas,asl to join two sentences togetherand to express suddenly, trmeor reason. Assoonoshewentto bed,thedoorbellrang.
Unit9 will form
lwilltravel Youwilltravel i Hewilltravel I 5hewilltravel ' i lt willtravel :
Willltravel? You'lltravel i Willyoutravel? He'lltravel ! Willhetravel? She'll travel i Willshetravel? lt'lltravel i Willit travel? Wewilltravel I We'lltravel i Willwe travel? Youwilltravel ! You'lltravel { Wilivoutravel'
-Ll H
(lrregular Past Simple Verbs) -LJ LJ
-L u
-!r u
DidI make? tma 0 e I didn'tmake Youmade Youdidn'tmake Didyoumake? I Hedidn'tmake Didhemake? Hemade Shemade ishedidn'tmake Didshemake? It made It didn'tmake Didit make? Wemade we 0r0not maKe Wedidn'tmake Didwe make?i Youmade Youdid not make Youdidn'tmake Didyoumake?. Theymade Theydid not make Theydidn'tmake Didtheymake?i
Form -Iu
lrregular verbs do not form the past simpleby adding-ed. give- gave,etc bring- brought, . We form questionsand negativesentenceswith did/didnot (didn't)andthe baseform of the verb. It had a smallheadanda longneck- Did it havea small - lt didnt haveo smallheadanda headanda longneck? Iongneck
In short answerswe useYesor No,the subjectpronoun (1,you, he,etc.)andthe auxiliary verbdid/didn't.We do not repeatthe whole question.
Didyoumakeo cakeyesterdoy? Yes,I did./No,I didn't.
lwill nottravel Youwill nottravel Hewill nottravel Shewill nottravel It will nottravel Wewill not travel Youwill not travel Theywill not travel
I won'ttravel Youwon'ttravel Hewon'ttravel Shewon'ttravel It won'ttravel Wewon'ttravel Youwon'ttravel Theywon'ttravel
Form Affirmative . We form the simplefuture with will and the base formofthe verb. Hewillvisit hiscousin. Interrogative r We form questions by puttingwill beforethe subject oronoun. Willhebebacksoon? Negative o We formthe negative by puttingnot afterwill. Hewillnot/won'tgodiving. Use We usethe simplefuture:
Grammar Reference . .
for oredictions aboutthe future Youwill bea greattennisplayeroneday. for promises decisions. or on-the-spot l'll buyyoua newcar.
Time expressionsused with the simple future: tomorrow,nextweeUmonth/yearsoon,etc. In short answerswe only usethe subjectpronounand will/won't.We do not repeatthe whole question. Yes,lwill./Yes,we will. No, lwon't./No,we won't.
Unit10 Can/Should/Must Modal verbsare verbsthat go beforeother verbs.They includecan,can't,must,mustn't,should,shouldn't,etc. . Theydo not takean -s,-ing or -ed suffix . Modalverbsarealwaysfollowedbythe baseformof anotherverb. Heshoulddo hishomework(NOTHeshoulddes his homework.)
. We usecanto askfor permission. CanI go out? . We usecan'tto denypermission. Youcan'tgo'scold.
Yes,they will. L- No, they won't.
Begoingto l'mnotgoingto take I l'mqoinqto take t You'regoingto take Youaren'tgoingto take ! ! He'sgoingto take Heisn'tgoingto take ! she'sgoingto take Sheisn'tgoingto take i lt'sgoingto take It isn'tgoingto take jWe'regoingto take goingto take i You're i They're goingto take
Should/Shouldn't . We useshouldto giveadvice. Youshouldgo to thedoctor. o We use shouldn't to advisesomeonenot to do something. Youshouldn'tswimin thedeependof thepool.
Negative e We form the negativeby putting not after the verb to be. thisweekend. Heisnot/isn'tgoingto havea drivinglesson lnterrogative o We formquestions by puttingthe verbto be before the subjectpronoun. ls shegoingshoppingthisafternoon? Use We usebe goingto: . for plansand intentions for the (near)future. I amgoingto playicehockeythisafternoon.
. We usewill for on-the-spot o We usebe goingto for decisions. olansandintentions. l'mgoingto buyo carthissummer. l'llbuyyouthisdress.
We usemustto express obligation. lmusttidymyroom. prohibition. We usemustn'tto express Youmustn'tparkhere.
lh _L-
Present Perfect RegularVerbs
I havetravelled l'vetravelled HaveI travelled? Youhavetravelled Hehastravelled He'stravelled Hashetravelled? Shehastravelled It hastravelled It'stravelled Hasit travelled? I u^.,^".^ +.^"^rr^!l We havetravelled we,ve vvts vE travelled Udvcilcu Youhavetravelled You'vetravelled Theyhavetravelled
lTv'-:i'1Y19_ Shortform
(future meaning) Present Continuous o We can usethe presentcontinuousfor actionswe have alreadyarrangedto do in the near future, with verbsof movement,suchas'.come,go, usually, fly, uavel,leave,etc I ammeetingPaulat fiveo'clock
Form Affirmative We form be going to with the verbto be (is,am. are),goingto andthe baseformof the verb. Heisgoingto fly to ltalytonight.
5* Yes,he/she/itwill. Will he/she/iteat? *1-" trlo,he/she/itwon't. Will theyeat?
{ Shehasnot travelled i Shehasn'ttravelled
Reference Grammar .-'{ -t' i-
lrregular Verbs
L -
l'vebought You'vebought He'sbought She'sbought It'sbought We'vebought You'vebought They've bought
.lr rI
-t a fl
-* _-.*.
Affirmative We form the affirmativewith the auxiliaryverb have/hasandthe pastparticiple. Hehosstudiedfor thetext. We form the past participleof regularverbs by adding-ed to the verb. anive- arrived pack- packed . We form the past participleof irregularverbs (Seelist of irregularverbsat the end of differently. the book.)
L a
Interrogative We form questionsby putting have/hasbeforethe subjectpronoun. Haveyou wtittentheletter?
L z .1. &
L -t'
.L z .I. J
-L d
*.-a -l
& .i-
.& Ir -l
HaveI bought? I haven't bought Haveyoubought? Youhaven'tbought Hashebought? Hehasn'tbought Hasshebought? Shehasn'tbought Hasit bought? It hasn'tbought Havewe bought? We haven'tbought Haveyoubought? Youhaven'tbought HavetheyboughtZ Theyhaven'tbought
Negative . We form the negativeby putting not after have/has and beforethe pastparticiple. Youhaven'twrittentheletter. Use We usethe presentperfect: o for actionswhichhappened at an unstatedindefinite time in the past.Theexacttime is not important. (Whendid they paint it? Theyhavepaintedthehouse. We don't knowwhen;the time is not mentioned.) Time expressionsused with the present perfect: ever,nevetryet,already. .
already is used in statements and goes betweenthe verb have and the past participle. Theyhavealready ordered.
o let is usedin questionsand negativestatements and goesat the end of the sentence. Hashemovedhouseyet? Hehasn'tpostedtheletteryet.
Present Perfect/Past Simple We usethe pastsimplefor . an actionwhich happened at a stated timein the past. Theyboughta caroneyeor 490.
We usethe presentperfectfor: . anactionwhichhappened indefinite at an unstated timein thepast. They haveboughta house. (When?We don'tknow, Thetimeisnot mentioned.)
Superlatives tall Ezy fat handsome
taller lazier fatter morehandsome
tallest laziest fattest mosthandsome
Form .
One-syllableadjectivesform the superlativeby adding-est. fast-faster-fastest Adjectiveswith more than two-syllablesform the superlative with most + adjective. beautiful- morebeautiful- mostbeautiful
Spelling .
One-syllable adjectivesending in a vowel + consonantdoublethe consonantandadd-est. big -t 6ign",- biggest . Two-syllable adjectives ending in a consonant+ y replace-y with -i andadd-est. happy- happier- happiest
Use r We usethe + superlativeform + oflin to compare threeor morepeopleor things. Heisthe tallestof all. Heisthe tallestin thecloss. lrregular Superlatives goo0 0ao
better worse
best worsl
ever is used in questionsand goes between the verbhave and the pastparticiple Haveyou everplayedRockmusic? never is used to make a negativestatement and goesbetweenthe verb have and the past participle. I havenevermeta famousperson.
-a L
pencil(n)/pens"l/ phone(n)/foon/ (n)/e handred/ a hundred pink(n)/pmk/ alphabetical order(n) pizza(n)ipitse/ /elfebeilk1c'de7 popcorn(n)/pppkcln/ apple(n)/pqp"li purple(n)/pg'p1/ bag(n)lbagl put (v)/put/ black(n) lblakl radio(n)/rerdiou/ blue(n)/blui/ read(v)/ri:d/ board(n)bddl red(n)/red/ (n)/keset/ cassette repeat(v)/npit/ circle(n)/s3:'k1/ (n)/senwtd5/ sandwich (n)/klo:smert/ classmate seven(n)/sev"n/ coffee(n)/kBfi/ (n)/sev"ntin/ seventeen colour(n)/knle7 (n)/sev"nti/ seventy (n)/kempjqte'/ computer (n)/sqv"nti seventy-seven (n)/dtklenril dictionary sev"n/ eight(n)/et/ (n)ilo:'pna'/ sharpener eighteen(n)/erttn/ six(n)/slks/ (n)/qti et/ eighty-eight sixteen(n)/stksti:nO/ (n)Ilev"n/ eleven (n)/stkstistks/ sixty-six (n)/enveloup/ envelope (adv)/slooli/ slowly eraser(n)lretza'l speak(v)/spik/ book(n) exercise spell(v)/spel/ iekse'sazbuk/ talk (v)/tck/ favourite(adj)ffevent/ taxi(n)/teksi/ fifteen(n)/ftftin/ (n)/telfoun/ telephone fifty (n)/ftfti/ ten (n)/ten/ fifty-five(n)/frfti farv/ thirteen(n)/03:'ttn/ five(n)/fav/ (n)/Os:'ti/ thirty-three forty(n)/fc:ti/ (n) three /Ori/ forty-four(n)ffc:rtifc:'/ twelve(n)/twelv/ four (n)ifcT twenty(n)/twenti/ fourteen(n)ffc:'tin/ twenty-one(n)/twenti friend(n) lfrendl wAn/ green(n)/grin/ twenty-two(n)/twenti tU/ grey(n)/gr9/ two (n)/tu/ know(v)/nqo/ (n)/nmbreler umbrella (n)/lgqngwr6/ language (v) understand lastname(n)/lqst nelm/ /nnde'stend/ list(n)/ltst/ useful(adj)/ju:sfol/ listen(v)/l!s"n/ (n)/vtdioo videocamera make(v)/merk/ kemra/ match(v)/mcqtj/ What'syourname?(phr) nine(n)/narn/ white(n) fwaltl (n)/nantin/ nineteen write (v)/rat/ ninety(n)/narnti/ yellow(n)/jeloo/ (n)/natntinaln/ ninety-nine zero(n) lnaroal (n)/nnmbeT number one(n)/wln/ orange(n)/Brtnd5/ pen(n)/pen/
form(n) registration fq'm/ /redsrstreil"n UNIT1a (n)/rnlei Russia (n)/edres/ singer(n)istneT address text (n)/tekst/ age(n)ietdSl title(n)/tat"l/ allovertheworld(phr) almost(adv)/qlmoost/ Tokyo(n)/tookioo/ town (n) llaanl Ankara(n)/eqnkere/ (v)/q:nser/ Turkey(n)/ts:ki/ answer USA(n)/ju:es e/ article(n)/qttk'l/ (v)/qsk/ userlD (n)/ju:zera di/ ask want (v)/wont/ Athens(n)le$nzl (n)/wc'sc/ (n) bestfriend /bestfrend/ Warsaw DC(n) Washington Britain(n)/br("n/ /wqlnten di: si/ Cairo(n) lkqiroal st/ website(n)/websalti capitalcity(n)/keqprtel where(adv)/weer/ city(n)/stt/ complete(v)ikemplit/ contact(v)/kpntekt/ UNI T1 b country(n)/k^ntri/ African(adj)/eCfnken/ drop(v)ldropl (adj)/amenken/ (adj) American each /ttl/ another(pron)/enldeT Egypt(n)/idStpt/ (n)/i Austria(n)/Bstrie/ merl/ e-mail (adj)/Bstrien/ (adv)Igzektli/ Austrian exactly (n) (v) both /booO/ expect fkspekt/ Brazil(n) lbrezr_ll extract(n)/ekstrakt/ (adj)/breztlien/ Brazilian fill in (phrv)/ftl tn/ China(n) ltlansl find (v)ltarndl Chinese(adj)ltlarni:zl form(n) ltgiml choose(v) lI!u'.zl fullname(n)/fol netm/ (n)/grts/ comefrom(phrv) /klm Greece frem/ hope(v)/hoop/ Czech(adj)/tlek/ Howold?(phr) (n) information /tnfe'me{"n/factfile(n)ffeqktfail/ famous(adj)/fermes/ Japan(n)/d5epen/ (n)/fro:ns/ (n) France London /lnnden/ French(adj)ffrentl/ lookup (phrv)/lok p/ (n) magazine /meqgezln/ German(adj)/d5g:'men/ (n)/dS3:'meni/ Germany makefriends(phr) (v) (n) guess /ges/ map lmepl in turns(phr) Mexico(n)/mekslkoo/ MexicoCity(n)/meksrkoo interview(v)/!nte'vju:i Italian(adj)hlalienl srti/ Italy(n)/teli/ Moscow(n)/mBskool ketchup(n)/ketJnp/ music(n) lmju.zrxl (n)/lendmo:'k/ landmark Net(n)/net/ million(n)/milien/ partner(n)/po:'tne7 (n)/moskitoo/ (n)/pq.swg:'d/ mosquito password (n)/ne[enalti/ nationality person(n)/pg:'s"n/ people(n)/pip"l/ picture(n)/ptktleT piano(n) lpienoa/ (n)/poolend/ Poland
M odule1
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--Lr -a -f-l -l
-r-{ .-f-e --rl
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-.L r-{
-.L Ll
+r -I-' -a .lr
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point (n)ipcnt/ U N IT1 d population(n)/popjolet["n/ (n)/tngland/ England question(n) /kwestf"n/ (pron)/evnOn/ evefihing record(n) /rekc:'dl football(n)ffutbcl/ robot (n) /fqobpt/ help(v)/help/ Rome(n) lroaml idea(n) la:d,iel same(adj)/serm/ letter(n)/lete7 say(v) ise/ love(n)/llv/ see(v) /si/ new(adj)/nju/ Spain(n)/spern/ north(n) lnd9/ Spanish(adj)/spenrl/ (n)/pen pel/ pen-pal speaker(n) /sptkeT school(n)/sku:l/ study(v)/st4di/ soon(adv)/su:n/ thing (n)/0rn/ team(n)/tlmi underline(v)/nnde1an/ tell(v)/teli word (n) lwgld/ year(n)/je7 zebra(n) lzebral
describe(v)/drskrab/ dog (n)/dBg/ ear (n)/tq7 episode(n)/eprsood/ eye (n) /4/ fair (adj)ffec'l family(n) lfemilil familyties(n)/femrli tarzl familytree (n) /famtli tri;/ father (n)/fo:6e'/ first (adj)ff3:'st/ flower (n) /flaoeT Friday(n) lfra:d,erl (n)/glq:stz/ glasses grandfather(n)
/grendfo:de'/ (n) grandmother /granmnde'/ great fun (phr) CURRICULA CU R T S1 : UNI T1 c (phr) hit the W screens Geography husband(n)/hazbend/ actor(n)le,kte'l (n) Belfast /belfo:st/ include(v)lnklu:d/ boy(n)/bq/ (n)/kq'df/ Cardiff live (v) /lrv/ /ba/ bye(convention) (n) /klo:s/ class (n)/kenede/ long (adj)/lBn/ Canada (n)/klmpes/ compass look like(phr) check(v)/Uek/ (v)/drq/ draw meet (v)/mit/ correct(adj)/karekt/ (n) Edinburgh /edrnb"rel (n)/daelog/ member(n)/membeT dialogue (n) /nc:'O!ist/ north-east (n)/rgzo:mp"l/ mother(n)/mlde7 example (n) lreland Northern moustache(n)/mesto:/ findout (phrv)lf alnda<ttl ateland/ /nc'de'n mum (n)/m^m/ girl(n)/g3:'ll (n)/nc'O west/ north-west news (n) lnju:zl greet(v)/grit/ (n) present /prez"nt/ older (adj)/qtldeT greeting(n)/gritm/ (n) /skBtlend/ Scotland only child(n)/qonli tlald/ havea niceday(phr) (n)/saoOist/ south-east patch (n) lpetll hear(v)/hp'/ (n)/sauOwest/ problem(n) south-west /prpblemi hello(convention) /helqu/ (n) Wales lwqflzl (v) remember /nmembeT hi (convention) lhql (phr) riddle(n)/rtd'l/ things? Howare screen(n) /skrin/ Howareyou?(phr) UNIT2a (v)/tntredjUs/ short(adj)4c:t/ introduce (n) aunt /qnt/ (n) sister(n) /slste'/ introduction (n) lble'dl beard smile(n)/smatl/ /tntrodlkl"n/ (adj) /bjuttfulr beautiful son (n) /snn/ Niceto meetyou.(phr) (prep)/btlqo/ below (n) /tl vi/ (phr) W Notbad. (adj) /btg/ big (pron)/wnnself/ uncle(n) lnukll oneself (n)/brl6e7 brother (n)/wik/ (phr) wbek you. to meet Pleased (v)/kql/ call wife (n)/waf/ prettygood(phr) (n) /tJBkltt/ chocolate younger(adj)/jlnge7 (phr) Seeyoulater. (adj)/kleveT clever (n)/sentens/ sentence cooking(n)/kokn/ (n) teacher /tttJeT UNIT2b dad (n)ldadl tour (n)/tuq'/ (n)/do:'kheq'/ abroad(adv)/abrc:d/ tourguide(n)/too'gald/ dark hair (n)/dqte7 daughter activity(n)/aktryrti/ tourist(n)/toenst/
(n)/epprens/ appearance character(n)/kenkte'/ computergame(n) /kempjqte'getm/ cookbook (n)/kok bok/ curly(adj)/k3:'lil detail(n) /diterl/ doll (n)/dBl/ friendly(adj)ffrendli/ funny (adj)/fnni/ gardeninggloves(n) /go:'d"ntngl4vz/ goodlooking(adj)/god lokrq/ handsome(adj)/hensem/ happy(adj)/hapi/ home(n)/hoom/ (adj)/hoom home-made merd/ hostfamily(n)/hqqst femrli/ house(n) /haus/ kind (adj) lkandl learn(v)/lg:'nl life (n)/laf/ lucky(adj)/lki/ nose(n)lnoazl once(adv)/wnns/ overweight(adj) /ouve'weft/ pair (n) /pee'/ phrase(n)ltrerzl quite (adv)lkwql.l reporter(n)/npq'te7 right by the sea(phr) serious(adj)/spries/ share(v)Iqq'l slim(adj)/sltm/ someone(pron)/snmwnn/ story book (n) /stc:ribuk/ straight(adj)/stret/ student(n) /stjUd'nt/ swimming(n)/swtmn, taco (n)/takoo/ tall (adj)/tc:l/ video(n) /vtdioo/ wait (v) /wert/ wavy(adj)/wevi/ welcome(v)/welkem/ world (n) lw ldl would love(phr)
U N IT2c
a little(phr) actout (phrv)lq,kI aatl a d ( n ) /ad l (n)/bersbc:l/ baseball belong(v)/brlp1/ (n)/kemre/ camera camp(n)lkempl card(n) lko'ldl chess(n)/tJes/ cook(v)/kok/ dance(v)/do:ns/ definitely(adv)/defIndli/ (n)/dfrens/ difference dive(v)/dav/ excuse me(phr) film(n)/frlm/ fish(n)/ft!l (n)/f$nes/ fitness (phr) for instance give(v)/g1v/ giveback(phrv)/gtv bek/ goodmorning(phr) handout(phrv)/hend aaI/ (adj)ihelOr/ healthy (adj)/hooplesi hopeless keepfit (phr) kid(n)/krd/ mobilephone(n)/moobal foun/ (phr) no problem (phr) notat all object(n)/BbdStkt/ offer(n)/Bfe'/ play(v)/ple/ post(v)/poost/ really well(phr) ridea bike(phr) ridea horse(phr) (adj)/stmrle'/ similar ski(v)/ski/ (pron)/slm0t0/ something sound(v)/saond/ sure(adj)fioe'l (phr) surfthe Internet swim(v)/swtm/ takephotos(phr) tennis(n)/tenrs/ today(adv)/tede/ (n)/volibcl/ volleyball
allday(phr) begin(v)/brgtn/ (n)/bestwtfrz/ bestwishes remark(n)/kloozrrl closing nmo:'k/ end(v)/end/ even(adv)Av"n/ fantastic(adj)/fenteqstrk/ (n) lgrtrtnzl greetings (v)/rme$rn/ imagine (n) remark opening /qupennlnmo:'kl (n)/poustko:'dl postcard seeyousoon(phr) send(v)/send/ takecare(phr) teeth(n)/ti0/ wish(v)/wil/
hour(n)/aue'/ lyrics(n)/ltrrks/
Module2 UNIT3a
routine(n)/ru:tin/ rush(v)/ral seem(v)/sim/ sendin (phrv)/sendtn/ (n)4Bprn/ shopping sit (v)/stt/ stay(v)/ste/ sun(n)/sln/ theatre(n)/0iete7 try (v)itrAl videogame(n)/vrdiou germ/ walk(v) lwc'.kl (n)/wBjrnlp/ washing-up (v)/wBtl/ watch wonderfu | (adj)/wlnde'fol/ (v)/w^ri/ worry
(n)/qfte'nu:n/ afternoon (n) announcement /enaonsment/ bed(n)/bsd/ bestentry(n)/bestentri/ bird(n) lbs::dl boardgame(n)/bc:'d germ/ (n)/brekfesti breakfast (n) cinema /slnrmo:/ cometo mind(phr) (n)/komprt{"n/ competition daily(adv)/derli/ UNIT3b (n)/de/ day add(v)ieedl different(adj)/dfrent/ Art (n)/o:'tl CLI P2 CULTURE dream(v)/drim/ (n)/kBltdS/ college (n)/cereplern/ dull(adj)/dll/ aeroplane (n)/dtne'/ dinner (n)/tvnn/ evening (n)/kend5/ carriage (n)/ngltj/ English flat(adj)/flet/ castle(n)/ko:s"l/ (prep)/rksept/ except fly (v) tttal (n)/tltldren/ children (n)/d5iogrefi/ Geography fun (adj)/frn/ corgi(n)/kc:'gi/ History(n)/htsteri/ (phr) getdressed fan(n)/fan/ (n)/haosws:'kl housework get up (phrv) lgetNl (n)/pahs/ palace (abbreviation for ICT go (v)/gqo/ pet (n)/pet/ lnformation and gym(n)/d51m/ (n)/pqns/ Prince Communications hish(adj)/ha/ private(adj)/prarvft/ (n)/froumws:'U Technology) homework (n)/kwin/ Queen lsthatall?(phr) hurry(v)/hnri/ room(n)/ru:m/ keepnotes(phr) image(n)/1mtd5/ (n)/roel Family Royal leave(v)/liv/ jog (v) ldSBgl femrli/ Maths(n)/maOs/ (n)/les"n/ lesson think(v)/Ornk/ (n)/mnnde/ Monday lie(v)/lal (n) UnitedKingdom nothing(pron)/nlOtn/ look(v)/lok/ /ju:natrdktndem/ for PE(abbreviation luck(n)/llki visit(v)/vtzrt/ Physical Education) mean(v)/mtn/ plentyof time(phr) morning(n)/mc:'ntrl/ (n)/sete'der/ Saturday ACROSSTHE need(v)/nid/ (n)/sarens/ CURRICUL UM1 (n)/nju:sperpeTScience newspaper subject(n)/sabdStkt/ notice(v)/nqutrs/ (n)/ss:'ve/ survey (n)/slnde/ Sunday office(n)/pfrs/ takeafter(phrv)/tetk takeit easy(phr) perfect(adj)/ps:'frkt/ o:fte7 (n)/O3:'zdel Thursday planet(n)/planft/ (adj)/tatdi/ tidy pool(n)/pu:l/ time(n)/tam/ S ONGS HE E1T prize(n)lpralzl (n)/tamterb"l/ timetable rise(v)lrarzl guy(n)lgarl together(adv)/tegedeT
E E ---rd
+ +a
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-+, -+J -a
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-=.r --i
{j --r
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+ -l-J
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{ t + (n)/tju:zderl Tuesday (adj)/nnj6uel/ unusual (n) village /vilrdS/ (n)/wenzder/ Wednesday (n)/wikde/ weekday weekend(n)/wikendi
vet (n)/veti wear(v)/wea'/ work (v) lwe:kl
Stetson(n)istqts"n/ time out (n)/tarmq.ut/ typical(adj)/trprk"l/ wild (adj)lwatldl
busy(adj)/brzil carpet(n)/ko:rpt/ CDplayer(n)/sidi:plereT centre(n)/senteT chair(n)/tfeq7 UNIT3d cheap(adj)/tllp/ UNIT4a (n)/berbisrteT babysitter cottage(n)/kBtrdS/ contact(v)/kpntakt/ acre(n) lq,ke'l cup(n)/kruc/ UNIT3c (adj)/amerzrl/ (v)/rks{enq5/ delivery boy(n)/drlryeribOt/ amazing exchange animal(n)/qqnrm"l/ diver(n)ldale'l (adj)/rkspensrv/ apartment(n)/epg.'tment/ expensive (n)/dog career(n)/kene7 (n) (n)/fq'k/ dog-walker armchair /o:'mtJeeT fork chef(n)ilefl wckeT bath(n)/bo:0/ glass(n)/glo:s/ (n) (n) coat lkWtl extramoney /ekstre (n)/ho<rm bathroom(n)/bo:Oru:m/ homeexchange cool(adj)/ku:l/ mnni/ bedroom(n)/bedru:m/ rkstJern{5/ danger(n)/derndse7 hunt(v)/hnnt/ coffeetable(n)/kBfiterb"l/ house-warming party(n) (adj) (n)/l4fgo:'d/ dangerous (n) lifeguard cooker /kuke7 /hat2swc'mn1po:'ti/ (n)/klbe'd/ /dern$eres/ lookfor (phrv) lluk fgll cupboard interior(n)IntrerieT doctor(n)/dBkteT mind(v) lmandl curtain(n)/kg:'t"n/ knife(n)/naf/ (adj)/qkselentl motorbike (n)/meqte'bark/cushion excellent (n)/kol"n/ (n) microwave hardlyever(adv)/ho:'dli strong(adj)/strBn/ doll'shouse(n)/dplzhaos/ /markrouwev/ (n) eve,/ swimmer(n)/swtmeT replace fi /fare'plers/ minute(n)/mtnft/ (v)/het/ hate floor(n)/flq'/ modern(adj)/moda'n/ (nVhospt"tl hospital (n) fridge l'fr 31 plate(n)/plerti CULTURE CLIP3 impossible(adj)fmposrb"l/ furniture(n)/fe'nrtleT quiet(adj)/kwaet/ (adj)/tntrestld/ agree(v)/agr!./ interested (n)igero5l garage shelf(n)Ielfl longhours(n)/lBn aae'zl ahead(adv)/ehed/ garden(n)/gq'd"n/ small(adj)/smc:l/ rnuirtn) tmolkt (adj)/spe{esl basic(adj)/bersrk/ kitchen(n)/krtjrn/ spacious (n)/mrkenrk/ bull(n)/bol/ mechanic (n) lift /lrft/ spoon(n)/spu:n/ (n)/kampfareT livingroom(n)/llvrnru:m/ studioapartment middlename(n)/mtd"l campfire (n) nelm/ cattle(n) lke_t1/ location(n)/louker["n/ /stju:diooepo:'tment/ (adj) mostly(adv)/mqustli/ (adj) comfortable magnificent pool(n)/sw1mrr1 swimming no way(phr) /knmfteb"l/ /megnfrsent/ Pu:l/ (adv)/nauederz/ cowboy(n)/kaobc/ nowadays March(n)/mo:'tl table(n)/terb"l/ outdoors(adv)/autdc:'zl early(adv)/s'li/ (adj)/tred{en"l/ opposite(prep)/Bpezft/ traditional (adv) outside (adj) /Autsard/ easy(adj)lizil own (pron)/egn/ unattractive paper(n)/pqpe7 (n)Ilektnsfti/ pillow(n)/ptloo/ electricity /nnetrektrv/ piece(n)/pis/ exciting(adj)nksatn/ sidetable(n)/sardterb"l/ villa(n)/vtle/ pilot(n) lparletl familiar(adj)/femilie'/ sink(n)/smk/ wall(n)/wcl/ policeforce(n)/peli;sfc:'s/ figure(n)/ftge7 size(n)lsazl wardrobe(n)/wq'droobi policeofficer(n)/pelis (n) freetime /frt tam/ (n) sofa(n)/sqgfe/ washing machine (n)/stee'kers/ ofrseT get ready(phr) staircase /wqfrn meltn/ protect(v)/pretekt/ horse(n)/hc:'s/ tiny(adj)/tani/ window(n)/wtndoo/ rest(v)/rqst/ hot water(n)ihpt wqteT towel(n)ltaaell winter(n)/wtnte'/ score(n)/skq7 label(v)lletf:."ll visitor(n) lvr_nte'l (adj) (n) sick /srk/ lasso /lesu:/ whata pity(phr) UNIT4c sleep(v)/sl[p/ range(n) lrenQsl takecareof (phr) relax(v)/rrlaksi a bit (phr) UNIT4b travel(v)lIrev"ll rodeo(n)/roodioo/ avenue(n)/evrnju/ (n)/ti vi: TVchannel show(v)/lqu/ area(n)/61iel baker's(n)lbake'zl (n) tJ4qn"l/ skill /skrl/ attractive(adj)/etrakhv/ bank(n) lbenkl uniform(n)/ju:nfc:'m/ spend(v)/spend/ beach(n)/bitl/ box(n)/bpks/ (v) (n)/bokkers/ use /ju:z/ spurs(n)lspgizl bookcase busstop(n)/bls stop/
b _.L
(n) lbgtle'zl butcher's chemist's(n)/kemrsts/ corner(n)/kc'ne7 downthe road(phr) finally(adv)lfarnelil get (v)/get/ go along(phrv)/goo elqt/ (n) greengrocer's /gri;ngroose'z/ homesweethome(phr) hotel(n)/hqotel/ kettle(n)/ket"l/ last(adj)/o:st/ library(n)/labrari/ (n)/lafstal/ lifestyle miss(v)/mts/ museum(n)/mju:zitem/ mybackis killingme(phr) (n) neighbourhood /nerbe'hod/ (n) newsagent's /nju:zetd5"nts/ pie(n)/pa/ place(n)/plers/ postoffice(n)/pqust Bfrs/ pretty(adv)/prfi/ (n)/resteront/ restaurant road(n)lroadl shop(n)4ppl street(n)/strit/ (n) supermarket /su:pe'mo:krt/ takethe firstturning(phr) tea (n)/tU (phr) thankgoodness (n) ticket /trkrt/ trainstation(n)/trern stq["n/ turn left(phr) turn right(phr) walkpasta place(phr) worth(n)/ws:'Ol
CURRICULAR CUTS4: Module 3 Design Art & UNIT5a
lively(adj)/lavli/ (n)/metn maincourse adore(v) ladci:l (n) kc's/ Aquarius /ekweeries/ Aries(n) lgori:zl matter(n)imeqteT (n)/beno:ne/ banana menu(n)/menju:i (adj)/meksrken/ beef(n)/blfi Mexican (n)/milkJerk/ biscuit(n)/brskrt/ milkshake (n)/mu:s/ mousse bread(n) lbredl (n)imn[ru:m/ butter(n)/blte7 mushroom cake(n)/kerki nut (n)/nlt/ (n)/kanseT Cancer oliveoil (n)/Bltvcrl/ (n) Capricorn /kepnkc'n/ onion(n)/lnjen/ pasta(n)/peqste/ carrot(n) lkarall (phr carryaround v)/keri pea(n)/pi;/ peanut(n)/pinnt/ eraond/ (n) (n) lp+si.zl cheese lI[vl Pisces (n)/tJlzketk/ potato(n)/petertoo/ cheesecake quick(adj)/kwtk/ cherry$) ltleril ACROSSTHE (n) rice(n)/rars/ chicken /Urkn/ 2 CURRICULUM (adj)/roomentrk/ romantic chili(n)/Uili/ brave(adj)lbrell (n)/kookekoole/ Sagittarius (n) Coca-cola calm(adj)lko:ml comfort(n)/knmfe't/ /seQ5rteeries/ (n)/kamju:nft i/ community creamsauce(n)/krim scs/ salad(n)/seled/ (n) demonstration (n)/sBstd5/ (n)/kwesen/ croissant sausage /demenstrerl["n/ (n) (n) cucumber /kju:knmbe'/ Scorpio /skc'pioo/ educate(v)/ed:oket/ (adj)/sensrtrv/ daring(adj)/deerrn/ sensitive (n)Imq'd5"nsi/ emergency (n) (v) serve iss:'vi dessert /drz3:'tl fight(n)/fat/ (adj)/sqtrleb"l/ earth(n)/3:'0l sociable fire(n)/fare7 (n)/eg/ (n) egg soup /su:p/ firesafety(n)/fare'sefti/ (n)/ehment/ element starsign(n)/stq' san/ firefighter(n)ffatq'fate7 energy(n) starter(n)/sto:'te7 /Cna'd5i/ follow(v)/foloui energybar(n)/ene'd5i steak(n)isterk/ givea talk(phr) (n)/strcbri/ bo:r/ strawberry group(n) lgru',fl fiery(adj)/tarcril suchas(phr) (n) instructions (n)/se'praz/ food (n)flrid/ surprise /rnstrnkJ"nzl taste(n)/tqst/ fruit (n)/frUt/ (v)/tnvplv/ involve (n)/tc:res/ garlic(n)lg ltkl Taurus quickly(adv)/kwtkli/ Gemini(n)/d5emrna/ Thai(adj)/ta/ react(v) lria'ktl greenpepper(n)/gr[n tomato(n)/temo:too/ (v)/reskju:/ rescue pepe'/ turn to (phrv)/ts:'ntu/ respond(v)/nspond/ (adj)/hdd (adj) hard-working vegetarian situation(n)/sttJueLl"ni wg:'krn/ /vedyteerien/ UNIT 4d Virgo(n) lvlgoal hot andspicy(phr) (n)/darrekf"nzl SONGSHEET water(n)/wqte7 hot-dog(n)/hBt dpg/ directions 2 icecream(n)/as krim/ fax(n)/feks/ alone(adj) laloanl Indian(adj)/lndien/ get lost(phr) UNIT5b chat (v)/tJeqt/ (n)/mesrdS/ lamb(n)/lam/ message (n) space /spets/ (n)/lemenerd/ bar(n)/bo:'/ (adj)lpltzdl pleased lemonade Leo(n)/liou/ barbecue(n)/bq'brkju/ lettuce(n)/letrs/ bottle(n) lbBIll attract(n)/etrekt/ basket(n)/bo:skrt/ bright(adj)/brat/ build(v)/bild/ caf6(n) lketeul (n)/knmpeni/ company (n)/knstema'/ customer (n) design ldvarnl face(n)/fets/ petrolstation(n)/pqtrel ster["n/ sell(v)/sel/ shape(n)Iepl sign(n)/sarn/ strange(adj)/strernds/
Libra(n) lli:brel
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can(n)/ken/ cut (v)/klti diet(n) ldaell sad(adj)lsadl (v)/skrim/ carton(n)/kqt"n/ fry (v)fital fat (n)ffeetl scream grate(v)lgrg,Il (n)/stz"n/ cent(n)/sent/ French fries(n)/frentJ season (n)/sprielz/ grill(v)/gql/ cereals (n)/septembeT trazl September (n)/rngrtdient/ grow(v)lgrgpl grater(n)/tl!:z cheese ingredient shine(v){arn/ grgtoT kilo(n)/kilou/ in termsof (phr) shout(v)4a,ut/ (n)/kllb (adj)/lidm/ clubsandwich leading lab(n)/leb/ g (n)/satsi:n/ sightseein (v)/me5e7 (n) s@nwtd5/ mash(v)lme! measure sky /ska/ cola(n)/koole/ meat(n)/m[t/ move(v)lmqvl snow(v)/snqu/ (adj)/midiem/ nutrient(n)/njUtrient/ container(n)/kenterne'/ medium snowy(adj)/snooi/ (adv)/prope'l (n)/sprn/ properly curry(n)/k^ri/ mix(v)/mtks/ i spring peel(v)/pll/ (n) (adj)/strest/ dollar(n)ldola'l spaghetti /spegeti/ stressed (v)/pnpgq'/ prepare euro(n) ljaeroal (n)/slme7 store(v)/stc7 summer (n) (n) (n) fastfoodrestaurant (adj) runningwater /rnnq term lt{ml sunny isnni/ (adj)/wel (n) /fq:stfu:d restaront/ wcteT well-balanced thunderstorm (v) fishandchips(phr) save /sqv/ belenst/ /0nnda'stc:'ml flour(n) ltlaae'l secret(n)/sfknt/ upset(adj)ilpset/ fryingpan(n)/frampen/ stew(n)/stjU/ weather(n)/wede'/ UNI T 6 a jam(n)ld3eml (n)/terb"lspu:n/ tablespoon wet (adj)/wqt/ jar (n)/dSq:7 (n) (adj) tear /tp7 angry lelgril wind(n)/wqnd/ (n)/tispu:n/ loaf(n)/lqofl teaspoon April(n)lelq,rill windy(adj)/wtndi/ (n) (n) (n)/cgest/ mayonnaise /merenerz/vegetable /vedjteb1/ August milk(n)/mrlk/ wonder(v)/w4nde7 autumn(n)/ctem/ UNIT6b (n) mineral water /mlnerel band(n) lbendl (phr) wc:to'/ becareful action(n)/qqkJ"n/ UNIT 5d juice (n) (v) orange ge (adj)/eevendS/ /Brrnd5 blow lblqai avera (n) jump(v)/b4nd5i d5u:s/ abbreviation blues(n) lblu:zl bungee (v) (phr) order lgide'l /ebrivieL["n/ boiling hot d5nmp/ packet(n)/pekrt/ bowl(n)lboall chilly(adj)/tlilil climb(v)lklaml (adj)/klqqsrk"l/ peas(n)/pizl in half(phr) classical continue(v)/kenttnju:/ pence(n)/pens/ next(adv)/nekst/ cold(adj)/koold/ cross(v)/kros/ (n) pound(n)/paund/ (v) oven /4v"n/ crash lkra! dare(v)/deq'i prawn(n)/prcn/ potatoskin(n)/pete(oo cry(v)lkral daylight(n)/derlart/ (n) (n) (n)/eksprd{"n/ saucepan /sqspen/ skrn/ December /drsembe'/ expedition (phr) preparation (n)/glasieT slice(n)/slas/ time(n) glacier enoughisenough snack(n)/snak/ tarm/ Februa ry(n)/febjueri/ /prepererJ"n historic(adj)/hrstonk/ starve(v)/sto:V/ recipe(n)irestpi/ freezing cold(phr) hold(v)/hoold/ (adj)/Oelsti/ (n) thirsty stuffedpotatoes /st4ft hide(v)/had/ ice(n)/api (n)/dsenjeri/ petetooz/ tin (n)/trn/ (n)/as skertr;/ January ice-skating (n) (adv) journey(n)/dss:'ni/ tin opener /ttn oupone'/then /deni July(n) ldSalal trolley(n)/trBli/ wintersport(n)/w1nte' June(n)/{5u:n/ lake(n)/lerk/ (n) (adj)/me6rk"l/ tuna /tju:ne/ spJ't/ magical lookfonrrardto (phrv)/ok (n)/jutens"l/ yoghurt(n)/joge't/ utensil May(n)/me/ fcWe'd tu/ (phr) month(n)/mln0/ makehistory (n)/noovembeTmountain (n)/mauniln/ November UNIT5c CURRICULAR CUTS5: (n)/pktoubeT proud(adj)lprasdl October Maths pour(v)/pc'/ advice(n)/advars/ pull(v)/pul/ amazed(adj)/amerzd/ amount(n)/emaont/ rain(v)/rern/ reach(v)/ritj/ (n)/kaleri/ boil (v)/bcrl/ rainy(adj)/rqni/ calorie rough(adj)/rafl (adj)/nlekst/ chop (v)/tJop/ chart(n)/tJo:'tl relaxed sail(v)/serl/ (n) clean(v)/klin/ remind(v)/rrmand/ cheeseburger scene(n)/slini crack(v) lkrakl Itlizbs!ge'l rock(n)/rpk/ scubadive(v)/sku:bedav/
t l
sharp(adj){o:'pl (v)/rrhs:'sn/ (n)/groon4p/ trousers(n) ltraazdzl rehearsing grown-up (n)isled/ (n)/ttJs:'tl (n) sled T-shirt snowflake /snqf Ierk/ igloo(n)/rglu/ (v)/snoubc:'dl warm(adj)/wc'm/ snowboard Inuit(n)/tnjurt/ (n) temperature kayak(n) lkarckl Module4 /tempretJe'/ maybe(adv)/merbi/ UNIT 6d (prep)/Oru:aot/ UNIT7a throughout (n)/mqmeri/ memory water-ski(v)/wqte' ski:/ camel(n)lkem"ll moment(n)/moomant/ acting(adj)/aqktn/ windsurf(v)/wtndss:'fl closeup (n)/kloosnp/ nearby(adv)/np'ba/ beautycontest(n)/bjUti (adj) fabulous /fabjoles/ polarbear(n)/poole'bee'/ kontest/ (n)/ptremrd/ pyramid river(n)/r!ve'/ big hit (n)/brg ht/ UNIT6c sight(n)/sart/ seal(n)islll birth(n) lbg:01 (adv)/eebselUtl (n)/su:venp'/ absolutely i/ souvenir skin(n)/sktn/ (n) bodybuilding blouse(n)lblaazl taxi(n)/taksi/ spear(n)/spp'i /bodibtldrp/ (n) boot /bu:t/ (n) (n)/brernti:ze'l tent /tent/ brainteaser changing room(n) (n)/tipi:/ tepee (n)/brlklere'/ bricklayer CULTURE CLIP6 /tJernd5r4 ru:m/ way(n)/we/ (adj)itlo:'md/ charmed clothes(n)/kloodz/ bite(n)/bat/ weapon(n)/wepen/ checkout(n)/tJekaot/ (adj)/k4le'fol/ (n)/brldrn/ colourful building whale(n)/werl/ date(n)/dei/ (n)/sarkhst/ cruise(n) lkru:.zl wood (n) lwadl ryclist field(n)/frld/ (adj) darkblue(adj)/dq'kblU/ disappointed hungry(adj)/hlngri/ jacket (n)/dqnrm denim /dlsepEntrd/ join (v)/d5on/ UNIT7c (n)/rksppriens/ d5ekrt/ experience law(n)/lc:/ (v)/dtsegr!:/ disagree ferry(n)/feri/ applepie(n)/ep"lpal navy(n)lnelil dress(v)/dres/ headfor (phrv) lhedte'l asusual(phr) (n)/po:starm/ pastime (adj) jogger(n)/d5oge'/ fashionable /bV postman(n)/poostman/ bee'(n) /fqq[eneb"l/ nightlife(n)/natlarf/ (v)/brlw/ (n)/prezrdant/ believe president (v) lrekegnazl glove(n)/gllv/ recognise cow (n)/kau/ role(n)/rool/ go with(phrv)/gouwr6i rich(adj)/r(l/ destroy(n)/drstrcr/ (n)4epe'd/ shepherd halfprice(adj)/ho:fprars/ rubshoulders (n)/drzo:ste7 withsb(phr) disaster start(v)/sto:'tl havesecond thoughts(phr) skater(n)/skqte'/ entry(n) lenlril (n)/sekses/ success (adj)/horrb"l/ (n)/skatlarn/ horrible skyline (n)iswltho:'tl exam(n)ltgzeml sweetheart jacket(n)/dSakt/ (n) (n) windowshopping (n)/ju:nrvg:'srti/ habit lhabftl university keen(adj)/kin/ /wlndouJoprq/ hectic(adj)/hektrk/ lwasborn(phr) kid (v)/ktd/ invite(v) lnvuIl wizard(n)/wlze'd/ (phr) no chance (n)/kengeru:/ kangaroo ACROSSTHE pack(v) lpekl lazy(adj)Aevil CURRICULUM3 UNIT7b raincoat(n)/rernkoot/ lizard(n)llLze'dl scarf(n)/sko:'fl cotton(n)/kBt"n/ moon(n) lmu'nl a shortwhile(phr) (n)/metpriell shirt(n)/lg:t/ material noisy(adj)lnazil alive(adj)lelall (n) shoe(n)4u:/ nylon /narlon/ pouch(n)/pautl/ arrow(n)laroal shorts(n)4c:ts/ wool(n)/wol/ rag(n)lregl bow(n)/bq/ (n) skirt /skg:'tl (adv)/rqgjula'li/ regularly buffalo(n)/bdeloo/ sock(n)/sok/ (n)4empu:/ shampoo canoe(n)/kenu:/ SONGSHEET 3 style(n)/starl/ soapopera(n)/soup (n)/kerrbu:/ caribou suit(n)/sqt/ breatheout (phrv)/brid opere/ (n)/sehbrq["n/ celebration (n)/s4nglo:srz/ sunglasses aall take-away meal(n)/terk (n)/laren/ Cheyenne (n) (n) swimsuit /swtmsu:ti butterfly /b4te'fla/ ewermi:l/ cruel(adj)lkru:.all tie (n)/ta/ human(adj)/hju:men/ deer(n)/dp'/ (n)/treksut/ tracksuit kiss(v)/kts/ drum(n) ldrtml UNIT7d (adj)/nqn trainers(n) ltretne' non-human zl forever(adv)/fereva'/ trendy(adj)/trendi/ hju:men/ a livingproof (phr) gather(v)/gade7 (n)/kwolfti/ quality trip(n)/trp/ biography(n)/barogrefi/
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(v)/kenslde'/ consider (v) discover /drsk4ve'/ (n)/futbc:le7 footballer game(n)/germ/ joy(n)/dsq/ riches(n)/rttlrzl talented(adj)italentrd/
leg(n)/leg/ metre(n)lmlte'l model(n)/mod"li neck(n)/nqk/ no longer(phr) painting(n)/perntry/ (n) palaeontologist /peliontoled5rst/ period(n)/ppried/ CURRICULAR CUTS7: (adv)/probablii probably History reptile(n)/reptarl/ boxershorts(n)/bpkse' roam(v)/roum/ [n',ic/ sea(n)/st/ r=rv' copy(v)/kopi/ shark(n)4o:'kl (n)/drsg"n/ (adv) decision surprisingly (n)/drarvrn drive-in movies /se'praztpli/ mu:vizl tail(n)/terl/ (v)/tkspres/ express thick(adj)/0rk/ (n)/atd"t/ (n)/npstee'z/ idot upstairs influence(n)/tnfloensl weigh(v)/wer/ ponytail (n)/pooni teil/ wing(n)/wq/
popular(adj)/popjule'/ portable(adj)/pc:teb"l/ teenager(n)/tinerd5e'/ voice(n)/vcrs/ youth (n)/1u:0/
afterwards(adv) lo'.fte'wa'dzl astronaut(n) /eqstrenct/ beneath(prep)/brniO/ UNI T8 a bury (v)/bsri/ animalkingdom(n) chimp(n)/thmp/ /4enrm"lkndem/ choice(n)/Uqs/ (n) blade lbletd.l die (v)/dal body(n)/bpdi/ explore(v)Iksplc:'/ (adj) bony fact (n) lfa;kll /bouni/ close(v) lkloazl feel (v)/frl/ (n) creature ikritlaT flight (n)/flav grave(n) lgravl crush(v)/krd/ (n) dinosaur /darnescT hallof fame(phr) entrancehall(n)/entrens hang (v) lhanll (n)/hedlan/ hcl/ headline exist(v)/rgzlst/ left-hand(adj)/eft hand/ (n) extinctanimal /rksttnkt lever(n)/live'/ enrm"l/ lovable(adj)/llveb"l/ flipper(n)/fltpe'/ nature(n)/netjeT frightening (adj)/f ratenrn/ ocean(n) lgpJ"nl gorilla(n)lgarilal path (n)/po:O/ (n)/gadbuk/ guidebook retire(v) lrftaeil (adj)/rat head(n)/hed/ right-hand heavy(adj)/hevi/ hend/ horrorfilm (n)/hora' film/ shake(v)4ekl huge(adj)/hju:d5/ spacetravel(n) /spers land(n) llendl trav"l/
(n)/sperssu:t/ Tff RATURE spacesuit CORNER splash down(phrv)/spleql daun/ stage(n)/sterd5/ standfor (phrv)/stend fe'l star(n)/sto:7 statue(n)/stAqtfu:/ takeon (phrv)/terkon/ task(n)/to:sk/ zoo(n)lzUJ
UNIT8c capture(v)/keptla'/ (v)/derdri:m/ daydream (adj) embarrassing irmberesrq/ fence(n)/fens/ hand(n) lhend/ hat (n)/heet/ jump(v)id54mp/ knock(v)/nok/ marry(v)lmaril (n)/mtrak"l/ miracle (adj)in3:'ves/ nervous pickup (phrv)/p1knpl (n)/sednes/ sadness safe(adj)/sef/ scary(adj)/skeari/ smoke(n)/smook/ stare(v)/stee7 step(v)/step/ story(n)/stc:ril (n)/slnlarn/ sunshine (phr) place take thankful(adj)/Oeqnkfol/ you'rejoking(phd UNI T8 d
accident(n)/4qksrdent/ beauty(n)/bjUti/ brush(v)/brd/ fine(adj)/fan/ gentle(adj)/dSgnt"l/ (adj)/gud good-tempered tempe'd/ (adj)/hc's horse-drawn drcn/ intelligent(adj)[ntqlrd5"ntl mane(n)/mern/ (n)/mo:ste7 master (adj)/mtstrit'dl mistreated (n)/mtstres/ mistress (adj)/mu:vtn/ moving owner(n)/eune'/ reason(n)lriz"nl remain(v)/nmern/ (adj)/sensrb"li sensible smooth(adj)/smu:d/ stable(n)/sterb"l/ stirup (phrv)/sts:r4p/ sweet(adj)/swlt/ tender(adj)/tende'/ ticklish(adj)/trkehli treat(n)/tri:U (n)/trttment/ treatment S O NG S HE E4T CherryCola(n)/tleri koule/ keepon (phrv)/klp pn/ (n)/narlon nylonstocking stokrn/ rocking chair(n)irpkrn tJee'/ (adj)/lBkn/ shocking silver(adj)/sllva'/ softly(adv)/sBftli/ stroke(n)/strook/
airport(n)/ee'pc:'tl button(n)/bd"n/ involve(v)/rnvplv/ (adj)/mtzareb"l/ Module5 miserable patient(adj)/pe["nt/ (n)/pnzqnteT UNIT9a presenter (v)/pres/ press author(n)/qOe'/ (n) travelprogramme (n)/best seleT best-seller /trev"l prougrem/ dropin (phrv)/drop tn/
emotional(adj)/rmqq[en"l/ estate(n)Istet/
funfair(n)/flnfeeT future(n)/fjutleT heat(v)/hit/ mention(v)imenJ"n/ mood(n)/mu:d/ nutrition(n)/nju:tnj"n/ PC(abbreviation for personol computer) pill(n)/prl/ plan(n)lplanl (n)/prrdtkJ"n/ prediction put on (phrv)/pqt oni science fiction(n)/sarens f1kJ"n/ seeto (phrv)/sLtu/ (n)/srlekl"ni selection (adj)/soole' solar-powered paue'd/ spacestation(n)/spers ste1|"n/ tomorrow(adv)/temBrooi transport(n)/trenspct/ (adj) underwater /nnde'wc:te7 vacation(n)/veker["n/ virtualreality(n)/vq"tJuel rielfti/ wakeup (phrv)/werk4p/ UNIT9 b
(n)/sndk"ln/ snorkelling (n) snowmobiling /snoomoclbahq/ surfing(n)/sg:,frn/ tough(adj)/taf/ trekking(n)/trekrU tribe(n) ltrarb/ venture(n)/ventfaT wildlife(n)/warldlaf/
UNIT9c (n) arrangement /erern{5menti bowling(n)/bouh1/ fix (v)/ftks/ fullboard(n)ifol bc:'dl goggles(n)lgBg"lzl helmet(n)/helmt/ iceskate(n)/as skert/ (v)/rmpru;v/ improve key(n)/ki/ (n)/lafdSakrt/ lifejacket loud(adj)/laud/ rack(n)/rekl racket(n)/reqkrt/ (n)/r4ksak/ rucksack ski(n)/skl/ straightaway(phr) surfboard(n)/s3:.fbc:'dl turndown(phrv)its:'n daun/
chance(n)/Uo:nsl club(n)/kllb/ (n) conservation UNIT9d /konse'ver["n/ course(n)/kc's/ concert(n)/konse't/ dessert(n) ldtzdl/ daytrip (n)/dertnp/ (v)/drvelep/ develop diary(n) ldaeril (v)Isteblrl/ establish fancy(v)/fensi/ gain(v)/gern/ free(adj)/fr[/ gapyear(n)/gepjp7 (adv) unfortunately (phr) get married /nnfq'tfonetli/ icehockey(n)/as hoki/ instructor(n)/rnstrnkte'/ jet boating(n)/dSetbootq/ CULTURECLIP9 karate(n)/kero:ti/ arch(n)/o:'tll (adv)/mernli/ mainly area(n) lgerial (adj)/brrlient/ opportunity(n)/Bpe'tju:nrti/brilliant (adj)/p3:'sen"l/ century(n)/sentleri/ personal rafting(n)/ro:ftrn/ definition(n)/defrnd"n/ region(n)/ri;d5"n/ doubledeckerbus(n) (n)/n$:'tl/ research /dnb"ldeke'bns/
(adj)/rkw1elent/ touch(v)/tatl/ equivalent event(n)/rvent/ train(n)/trern/ giant(adj)/Q5arent/ travellight(phr) (adv)/houpfolii understanding (n) hopefully pitch(n)/prtl/ /4ndebtendnl/ public(adj)/plbhk/ (adj)/nnlaki/ unlucky (n) rugby(n) lrngbil visa lvizel slidingroof(n)/sl4dq rqf/ waiter(n)/wete'/ (n)/stetdiem/ stadium wise(adj)lwarzl venue(n)/venju:/
bill(n)/brl/ (n) appointment can'twait(phr) -L/epontmant/ cave(n)/kqv/ (n)/brhevjeT drycleaner (n)/drarkl!;ne7 behaviour _-\(v)/brqd"n/ broaden falls(n)/fc:lzl (n) lkalOll cashier forest(n)/fpnst/ catchthetrain(phr) frog(n)/frBgi L chew(v)/tfltil get back(phrv)/get beki (adj)/rnkredrb"l/ coach(n)/kqotl/ incredible h..5 jungle(n)/dS4ng"l/ counter(n)/kaonte'/ detailed(adj)/diterld/ mount(n)/maont/ (n)/dravrn volcano lb (n)/volkernoo/ drivinglicense lats"ns/ during(prep)/djoenn/ UNI T 1 0 c lrenter(v)lgnle'l ---r etiquette(n)/ehket/ accept(v)/aksept/ (n)tv'n (v)/erern{5/ evennumber arrange t---bnnmbeT beup to (phrv)/bi 4p tu/ (n)/btznrs/ fill up (phrv)/frllpi business lb gesture(n)/d5qstJe'/ catchup (phrv) lkeI! pl gift (n)/grft/ jobs(phr) change gum(n)/g4m/ (n) compliment la--t host(n)/hqqst/ /komphment/ (adj) international for ages(phr) h/1nte'ngq[en"l/ hairstyle(n)/heq'starl/ microch ip (n)/markrootJrp/meetup (phrv)/m1t4p/ (v)/ri:dekeret/ neonlight(n)/nion lat/ redecorate l(n)/Bbhged"n/ travelagent(n)/trav"l obligation -h(n)/petkerieT percarrier et{5ent/ lplane(n)/plern/ weight(n)/weti -t polite(adj)lpala,Il (n)/proorb{"n/ prohibition b(adj)/pmktJuel/ UNI Tlo d punctual (n)/epBledSi/ rude(adj)/rUd/ apology sole(n)/sool/ dramaschool(n)/dro:me l-(n)isqtkers/ suitcase sku:l/ takeoff (phrv)/terkBfl foreign(adj)/fonn/ l-tapwater(n)/tep wcteT in touch(phr) taxidriver(n)/tgeksidratve'l lightingdesign(n)/latn tip (v)/trp/ dvarn/ L--I
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(n) management /menrd5ment/ (n) punctuation /pnnktlued"n/ sooner(adv)/su:ne7 (n)/spelrn/ spelling stagefencing(n)/sted: fensrq/ workshop(n)/wg:'kJop/
cuTs10 Science
allyearround(phr) burn(v) lbg'lnl cause(n)/kqzl damage(n)/demr{5/ (n)/daregram/ diagram divide(v)ldladl factor(n) ltakta'l lotion(n)/lqq["n/ ozonelayer(n)/qgzoon lereT
powerful(adj)/paue'ful/ ray(n)lrgl redden(v)/red"n/ (n)/snnskri:n/ sunscreen (n)/snnten/ suntan tan(n)/ten/
THE ACROSS 5 CURRICULUM captain(n)/keptrn/ leader(n)/|ide7 literature(n)/ltretleT (n)/monsteT monster novel(n)/npv"l/ win a bet(phr) S ONGS HE E 5 T
custom(n)/knstem/ (n)/dekerell"n/ decoration bell(n)/bel/ (n) friendship ffrendlrp/ bun(n)/bnn/ rundry(phr) coal(n)/koul/ heart(n)/hq't/ (n) fireworkdisplay lass(n)/les/ /fA!eWe:'k drsple/ melody(n)/meledi/ first-footer(n)ffg:'stfoteT particular (adj)/pe'ttkjuleT forget(v)ffe'get/ (n)/pel"n/ passion metal(n)/met"l/ poem(n)/pegrmi midnight(n)/mtdnaft/ (v)/repnzent/ represent out of mind(phr) (n) sleeve /sliv/ relative(n)/reletrv/ sunrise(n)/s^nrarz/ ringing sound(n)/rnrn tune(n)/tju:n/ saund/ unlock(v)/lnlpk/ (n)4c:'tbred/ shortbread wooden(adj)Artrud"n/ strike(v)/strark/ (n)/snbstens/ substance toast(n)/toost/
holdon (phrv)/hooldon/ sweepoff (phrv) /swip Bf/ VALENTINE'S DAY toe (n)/tqq/ bonny(adj)lboni/ carve(v) lko:'vl
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Exercise 7 (p.25) B: ... anywayDave,let me show you all my shoppinglI loveshoppingin othercountries!
D: B: D: B: D: B: D: B:
B: D: B: D: B: D: B:
Alright... goonthen. Well... thiscamera isfromFrance. A newcamera ... wow!Thatlooksexpensive. Doesit?lt isn'tyouknow... France isgreatfor shopping. Andlookat thisbag... guess whereit'sfrom! Enr...ltaly? No! lt' s fromGreece! Bagsaresocheapin Greece! That'sgreat... whatelsehaveyougot?lsthata cassette? Oh.yes!lt'sa cassette of Spanish music... fromSpain of course. lt'sgreatto danceto. Yeah... I loveSpanish music- | always listento it on the radio.Canwe playit later? Of course... andthesearefor you.I knowhow much youlikechocolates. Ooooh!Thanks Belinda. Theylookdelicious! They're fromGermany ... German chocolate's reallynice. Bytheway . . how'syourcoffee? My coffee?lt'sreallygood,actually.! Don'ttell me!This isfromyourholiday too! Butof course!. . it'sfromTurkey! genius!Why Turkey, eh? Belinda... you'rea shopping don'tyouwritea bookaboutit? (laughs) Hmm.... that'snot a badidea,actually!
ffibssment2 6 (p.a5) O Exercise 1 What time can Susiego to the cinema? Susie.'What time doesthe film start, Brad? Brad: Let me see... There'sone at 6:30 and at 9:00. Susre:l've got to be home at 10:30so 9:00 is no good for me. Brod: OK,6:30 it is. 2 Whichhousedoesthe womanwant? Woman: I live in a flat and l'd like to find a houseneK to a lakefor the summer. Man.' There'san attractivevilla and a beautifullittle cottage.They'reboth next to a lake. Woman:I want somethingsmall and traditional.The cottagesoundsperfect. Man: OK. Let'slook at some pictures .. 3 What subjectdoes Kellyhavenow? Steve; Hi, Kelly!Do you haveMusicwith Mr Greennow? Kelly: What day is it today? Sfeve.'lt's Friday. Kelly: Well, I have Art on Wednesday,Scienceon Thursday, So,I guessI do! and Musicon Friday. Steye:Come on then. 4 What doesPeterwant to be? MrTober:And you are ... PeterJenkins.What would you like to do when you finishschool,Peter? Pefer.'Well, I love animals a lot, but I don't like takingcareof sickones,so I don't want to be a vet. MrTaber:What about a doctor?| seeyou areverygood at Science.
Peter:ll's something to think about, but I like travellingand visitingnew places.I think a pilot would be a betteriob for me.
5 (p. 65) $ Exercise Speakerl.'I don't reallydo a lot of sport,but one thing I want to try is sailing.Somefriendsof minego sailingall the time, and l'm thinkingaboutjoiningthem nexttime theygo.
Speaker 2: One of my favouritethings is bungeejumping ... I loveit! I usuallygo everyweekend,on Saturdays and Sundaysl It'sgreat... I can'tget enoughof it
Speoker 3;Well, for me, scubadiving is the best! l'm crazy about it. l'd liveunderwaterif I couldI
Speaker 4:l'm quite an activeperson,and I do a lot of things... but l'm not verygood at windsurfing.| find it reallydifficultit's one of the hardestthingsfor me. I don't know why!
M*ssment4 6 (p. 85) I' Exercise Vol:HelloElaine,how areyou?Are you goingto the shops? Elaine:Oh hi, Val! l'm fine ... I'm on my way to pick up play Thomasfrom school.l'm takinghim to seethe children's at the LyricTheatre. Val:Oh, you mean Rollercoaster. I saw it lastweek. Elaine:That'sright- Rollercoaster .. Did you enjoy it? Vol:Yes,it was reallygood ... Harryhad a greattime. Elaine:Did he? I was worried Thomasmight get bored. He's onlyeightafterall! Harry'sten - he'sa bit older. Val:Don't worry! lt's for childrenof sevenand's very funny ... we laughedall the way through.Then,at the end, they had a talentcompetition. Eloine:A talent competition? Val:Yes ... They invited some kids on stage to join in the si ngi ngand danci ng. Eloine:Really? Val:Yes,it was lots of fun. Harrywon a prize ... he was so oleasedwith himselfl E/ornqWhat did he win? Vol:A DVD ... you know ... that new film with JimCarrey? Eloine:Oh yes .. Thomaswants to seethat one. Val:Well you neverknow . . . he might win one too I E/aine (laughs)Well anyway,it soundslike a lot of fun. I'd bettergo ... bye,Val ... seeyou. Val:Havea good time! Let me know what you thought of it.
ffisessment 5 8 (p. 105) e Exercise (sfxphonerings) A: GreatEscapes Travel... howcanI helpyou? B: Hello... l'm calling to findout if youhaveanypackage holidays available. A: Yes,madam,we do. We havesomeverygooddealson package holidays in Spain B: Spain, didyousay?
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Yes- Spain's verypopularwith tourists. lsthat for oneweekor wvo? Twoweeks... fourteendays... on the CostaDelSol. Twoweeks,I see... and what aboutthe hotel?What kindof hotelis it? k It'sa luxuryhotelwithfull board. B: Hmmm,it sounds verynice... andthe flightisincluded in the price,is it? A: B: A: B:
A: Yes,that'sright,madam... andthe package costs269 pounds. B: Sorryhow much? A: 269 pounds- it'sa realbargain. B: 269 pounds... that'sreallygood.CanI callin later? A: Of course- we'reopentill 6. B: Sixo'clock...OK...Thankyou,bye.
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Suggested Answerssection
PairworkActivities o1 A 8: A.' & A: 8.' A: 8.. A: B; A:
What is the nameof the camp? Camp Relax. What'sthe phonenumber? The ohonenumberis 555 345788. Whereis the camp? Thecampis in Montanain the USA. What is the e-mailaddress? I don't know,but the web What activitiescan you do there? You can play chessor table tennis.You can also draw or take cookerylessons.
o 18 A & A: 8: A 8: A.' 8: A: B:
What is the host family'sname? The host family'snameis Yamada. Who arethe familymembers? There'sa mother,a father,two boysand a girl What is their favouriteactivity? Theirfavouriteactivityis swimming. Wherearethey from? Theyare from Japan. What is their favouritefood? Theirfavouritefood is sushi.
o 2A 8: A; 8.. A: 8.' A: 8.' A:
What is the nameof the school? BarnesSchool. When isthe benefitconcerton? lt's on Saturday29thand Sunday30thof September. Whereisthe concertat? lt'sat MainlineStadium. How much are the tickets? lickets cost f2.50.
a 28 A: Whereisthe house? & lt'sin Bathgate in Scotland. A: Howmuchdoesit cost? 8: lt costsf 150perweek. A Howmanyroomsarethere? 8: Therearetwo bedrooms, a livingroomanda kitchen. A.' lstherea garden? 8: Yes,thereisa smallgarden. A.' Whatisthe teleohone number? 8: Thetelephone numberis01506496556.
f3A B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A:
What is the nameof the market? BrixtonMarket. When is it open? It's open from Mondayto Saturdayfrom nineto six,but it closesat three on Wednesday. What is the neareststationto the market? The neareststationis Brixton. What do they sellat the market? Theysellclothes,food and other things. Whereis the market? It's on Electricavenuein Brixton
o38 A: 8: A.' 8: A; B: A: B.' A: B;
What is the nameof the restaurant? Jasmine's Restaurant, Where is the restaurant? lt's 82, SloaneAvenue. What kind of food can you eat there? Indianfood. What'sthe neareststation? The neareststationis SloaneSouare. How much doesa mealcost? lt costsf17 per person.
r4A & A: 8: A B: A B: 4: 8: A.'
lsthe museumopenat weekends? Yes,it's open everyday. lstherea cafâ&#x201A;Źin the museum? Yes,there is. ls there a placefor childrento play? Yes,there is a playgroundfor children. How much do children'sticketscost? Theycostfl 95. ls there a specialpricefor groups? Yes.there is.
e48 A.' When is the writing workshop? B.' lt'son the 1Othand 11th of July. A: Whereis it takingplace? 8.' In TannerHouse,Ashburton. A: How much doesit cost? B.' lt costsf250. A What isthe teleohonenumber? 8: lt's01364652 772. A: Canchildrendo the course? & No, you must be over 18 to do the course
*5A 8; What activitiescan you do duringthe course? A: You can do rock climbing,and go trekking, rafting, or diving.(Duringthe winter you can do mountainbiking insteadof diving.) B; What'sthe teleohonenumber? A : Thetel ephone numberi s 0197886918. B: How much doesthe coursecost? A: lt costsf230. 8: What doesthe oriceinclude? A.' The oriceincludesthe courseand Bed& Breakfast. 8: Do they do mountainbiking? A.' Yes,in the winter,mountainbikingreplaces diving.
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What'sthe nameof the hotel? The nameof the hotel is RositaSuites. Whereisthe hotel? The hotel is in Mexico. How manydaysis the holiday? lt's a seven-day holiday. What kind of facilities arethereat the hotel? There'sa spa,a pool, a restaurantand a car park. How muchdoesthe holidaycost? The holidaycostsf 1,500includingflights.
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Instruments for Evaluation
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partof the learning process. is an essential Evaluation in the target It helpsthe learners realise theirprogress language, and what how muchthey haveachieved areasneed further oractice.The learners'attitude is positively towardstheir own learningexperience participate influenced in the whole process. as they to reflecton the validiEvaluation alsoallowsteachers ty of theirteachingpractices andthe typesof material beingused.
Theprocessis basically dividedinto three parts:initial at the beginningof the course,formative evaluation evaluation, whichis doneon a dailybasis,andcumulaa module. tiveevaluation uponfinishing . ln Upstreom Beginner, the evaluationactivitiesare includedin the Teacher's Bookandthe Student's Book.
Thisevaluation centresmainlyon the Ss'reportsfrom the 5s' the previous schoolyear.Theteachercanassess level,work alreadycovered,work neededto be covered,strengths, weaknesses, etc.
Formative evaluation =
Anyexercise a studentdoescanbe usedfor thistype on the stuof evaluation. Theresults arethenrecorded dent'sFormative Evoluation Chart(page158T)
Makeasmanyphotocopies asyouneedandcomplete Writethe namesof the activithe chartsas indicated. (for example, tiesyou are goingto evaluate the dialogues,the texts and so on) and write the marks with the helpof the followingcode: obtained 'c'(competence); the studentrecognises and produces the language. 'w'(workingon);the studentrecognises but doesnot produce the language correctly. 'n' (non-competence): the studentdoesnot recognise the language.
Cumulative evaluation In orderto obtainreliable information, the cumulative takesinto accountthe work the Ss have evaluation the moduleaswellastheirparticipadonethroughout tion andattitude.Thecourseisfollowedby two forms of cumulative evaluation: o Student'sSelf-Assessment Forms(pp. 159T-163T) The5s go throughthe moduleand recordexamplesof the competences described. Then,they give a personalevaluation of themselves upon completionof each Self-Assessment section.They filetheseformsin lhei LanguagePortfolios. o Progress ReportCards(pp. 164T-166T) The teachercompletes them, one per student, aftereachmodulartestandgivesthemto the Ss to file them in theirLanguagePortfolios.
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c (green)
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n (red)
Cumulative Evaluation Student'sSelfAssessment Forms &,, -r-l
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Student'sSelfAssessment Form
Go through Module 1 and find examplesof the following.Usethe code to evaluateyourself.
r givegeographical information(countries, capitalcities,nationalities) lI
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o introducemyselfand greetothers ilentifV and describefamilymembers: ,. . ,,1,i ,,,,.ir,,. ,,,': :'
talk aboutpersonalpossessions
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talk aboutabilities askforlofferhelp
Go through the correctedwriting tasks.Usethe codeto evaluateyourself.
do a projectaboutanothercountry
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do a projectaboutmy family r write an Internetreqistration form r
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wrrte a letterto a pen-pal ui,llll
,r write a postcard
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Form Student'sSelfAssessment Go throughModule2 and find examples of the following.Usethe codeto evaluateyourself. o expresspreferences .
talk about dailyroutine
talk about schoolsubiects
t ell t he t im e
Module 2
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talk about jobs and job preferences
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houses describe
talk about location
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IGo throughthe correctedwriting tasks.Usethe codeto evaluateyourself. r
write a song for a song competition
write about my dailyroutine
o write a job ad o write a paragraph about my (dream)house ' .
write a homeexchangelisting write a fax message
r I
@ ExpressPublishingPHOTOCOPIABLE
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*** VeryGood
Student'sSelfAssessment Form
Go throughModule3 and find examplesof the following.Usethe codeto evaluateyourself. -_)a
expressfood preferences
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giveadviceabout cooking
o givecookinginstructions -l
talk aboutthe weatherand how it makesme feel
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talk aboutactivities
talk about clothes
: compare things :]
Go throughthe correctedwriting tasks.Usethe codeto evaluateyourself.
makea shoppinglist
write a rectpe
o write a postcard
makea poster
write a letterwhile on holidav
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@ ExpressPublishingPHOTOCOPIABLE
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ProgressReportCards ProgressReportCard Module 1
ProgressReportCard (name)can:
@ ExpressPublishingPHOTOCOPIABLE
Module 2
Module 3
express food preferences order food giveadviceaboutcoDking givecookinginstr,uctions talk aboutthe weatherind how it makeshim/l'reifeel --
describe actionshappening at the time of speaking talk aboutactivities talk aboutclothes compareirthings
wrrtea starmenu
a shopping list 'make
write a recipe write a postcard
makea poster writea letterwhileon holiday
ProgressReportCard J.-
.not vef well
giVedatesof 'birth ,,talkaboutlife in the oast talkaboutthe weekend --r
talkaboutpasthabits extinctanimal; describe narrateevents showsurprise write a paragraph famousfrorn aboutsomeone hiVhercountry writea web pageentry write a biography writeaboutan efiinct animral write abouta famousanirnal
writea story
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My LanguagePortfolio You can find useful information regarding the Languoge Portfolioin the Introduction(p. ll). The aim of the Languoge Portfoliois to developthe learners' autonomy.However,they shouldbe guidedat first on how to organise their work, keep records, access their own and the information,etc. Oncea routinehasbeenestablished learnersare beginningto developtheir autonomy,you can start giving them more responsibilityand freedom. The learnerswill still appreciateyour feedback and appraisal though, so it is importantthat you monitorand facilitatetheir efforts.
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FirstSteps Aftera couoleof monthsandoncethe Sshavemadesome that youstart progress in the English language. we suggest of your Portfolio. At the beginning workingon the Language first session,ask the Ss to turn to page three of their Language Portfolio.Go throughthe lettertogether,making of the sure that the Ss havea thoroughunderstanding them to ask PortfolioEncourage conceptof the Language questions Then,give aboutanythingtheydon't understand. the Ss sometime to arrangetheir portfolios.Go around. providing help. anynecessary go througheach theirPortfolios, Oncethe Sshavearranged pagetogether,commenting and on the layoutand pictures, givinga briefexplanation of what'son eachpage.Duringthe next few sessions, spendsome time going through the help. Languoge Biogrophy section,providingany necessary the Ssto do the encourage Oncethis hasbeencompleted, activities in the Dossrer section.
How to approacheachsection
Read the introductory paragraphas the Ss read silently. Answer any questionsthey may have. Eachtime you give them somethingfor this section, remind them to make a recordand file it in the appropriatesectionof their Portfolios.
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I LanguagePassport
ll LanguageBiography makingsurethe Ssknow Spendsometimeon eachsection, whatisrequired of them. of eachsection: Hereisa briefexplanation of the rationale information and TheSsfill in theirpersonal - Alloboutms language. to the English record theirexposure - HowI learn:Go throughthe sectionalongwith your Ss, providing of thissectionis help.Thepurpose anynecessary for both you and yourSsto be ableto determineeach auditory individual learning style(i.e.visual/spatial, student's tactilekinaesthetic) andneeds. Ss record their intercultural - My languogeexperience: here. experiences to assess their - Nowlcan...:The5shavethe opportunity lf the Ssmoveto a newschoolor another own learning. will alsobe ableto gaugetheir countrytheirteachers level. plans: andambitions TheSsrecordtheirintentions - Future in thetargetlanguage. theirimprovement concerning
lll Dossier The activitieshave been designedto reinforcethe language coveredin each module.You can chooseto do them upon completionof each moduleor at a time convenientto you, providedthat the Sshavecoveredthe correspondingmodule. It is suggestedthat you participate in the activities by bringing in a completedversionof an activityyou wish to present.The Ssneedto be motivatedand inspired.Beloware some suggestionson how to approacheach activity.Every time a student presentsyou with an activity,give them due praiseand attention. In general,make him/herfeel that they havedone somethingspecial;in this way,all of your Sswill be encouragedto do likewise.
Starsin my eyes! TheSsfindpictures Readthe example andexplain the activity. abouttheirfavouritestarsandwritea short and information paragraph aboutthem.
Where are they from? Readthe exampleand explainthe activity.The Ssstickon pictures of them. of products andwritea shortdescription
I love TV! Readthe exampleand explainthe activity.The Ssstick on a pictureof their favouriteTV characterand write a paragraph about him/her.
Happycampers! Readthe exampleand explainthe activity.The Ss designan ad for their own camp.
A good job! Readthe exampleand explainthe activity.TheSsinterview andrecordthe threepeoplewhosejobstheyfind interesting findings.
It's sucha perfectday! Readthe exampleand explainthe activity.Ssthink of what theywouldliketo do on theirperfectdayandwritea short paragraph. theirperfectday. Theyattacha pictureillustrating
My neighbourhood Readthe exampleand explainthe activity.The Ssdraw a plan of their neighbourhoodand write a short descriptionof it.
Out and about Readthe exampleand explainthe activity The Ssdo a survey and what kind of about favouriteshopsin their neighbourhood shopsthe peoplewould liketo havein their neighbourhood.
My kind of food! the activity.TheSswriteabout Readthe example andexplain a typicaldishfromtheirown country.
break! Commercial Readthe exampleand explainthe activity.The Ssfind English slogansabout food/drinkitemsin their country.
My Language Portfolio L-
The price is rightl
Readthe exampleand explainthe activity.TheSsdo a survey about the oricesof variousitems of clothinoin different shops.
Readthe exampleand explainthe activity.The Ss interview two peopleand write informationaboutthe lastbook they reao.
Readthe exampleand explainthe activity. The Ss collect picturesof fashion dos and don'ts and write a short descriotion of them.
Readthe example and explainthe activity.The Ss make predictions aboutnextyear.
Familyhistory Readthe exampleand explainthe activity.The Ss write a shortbiography of theirgrandparents' earlylife.
Lookingback Readthe exampleand explainthe activity.The Ss write a shortparagraph abouta decadeof the 20'hcenturyincluding informationaboutmusic,fashion,films,etc.
Animal assortment Readthe exampleand explainthe activity.The Sssort the given animalsinto categories(which are extinct animals, whicharefamousanimalson TV,etc) Key Extinctanimals:Brontosaurus, Dodo,Mammoth (o St.Bernarddog),Andrd Famousanimalson TV/film:Beethoven (a seal),Mr Bigglesworth (a cat belongingto Dr Evilin the Austin Powers films) (Alexander Famoushorsesin History:Bucephalus theGreat's horse), (the Comonche onlylivingthing thot the UScavolrygot bockfrom (Napoleon's horse) theBattleof LittleBighorn), Marengo Endangered animals:panda,whale,tiger
Readthe exampleand explainthe activity.The Ss designa gadgetfor the futureandwritewhat it will be ableto do.
What have you decided? Readthe exampleand explainthe activity.TheSsdo a survey aboutten people'sholidayintentionsfor the summer.
Summershopping the activity.The Ss decide Readthe exampleand.explain what to spend300 euroson.
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Upstream Beginner is a modularsecondary-level coursefor learners of language the English at CEF41+ level.Theseriescombines activeEnglish learningwith a varietyof livelytopicspresented in themedunits. KeyFeatures
theme-basedunitsfrom a wide varietyof authenticsourcesin five mo d u l e s
a varietyof cross-cultural topics
systematicdevelopmentof all four languageskillsthrough realistic challengingtaskswhich encouragethe learner'spersonalengagement
practisingand activatingall essentialvocabularyas lexicalexercises well as a WordPerfecfsection O
a varietyof authenticstimulatingreadingand listeningtasks
a wide rangeof speakingactivities
realistic,stimulatingdialoguesfeaturingpeoplein everydaysituations
grammarsectionscoveringall major grammaticalareasplus Grammor Referenceand a GrammarChecksection
compositionanalysisand practicein varioustypesof writing with full models a
StudySkillstips promotingstudent'sautonomyand independence
Culturol.Curricularand LiteratureSections
songs,gamesand prompt cards(PairworkActivities)
Components Student'sBook
-{ --. =
WorkbookStudent's My LanguagePortfolio Teacher's Book(interleaved) Workbook Teacher's(overprinted) ClassAudio Cassettes/Audio CDs Student'sAudio Cassette/Audio CD
Test Booklet
t- .
(ISBN- 13: 978- 1- 84558- 800- 7 ISBN- 1O: 1- 84558- 800- 2
ilililililil ilil]ilililil1
9r7818 4 5 il5 8 8 0 0 7 il I _ , X p r
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